nn H 9 T E. HILLIAPcD, Editor and Proprietor. WE MUST WORK FOR THE PEOPLE'S WELFARE. frFSCRIPTIOX: SI 50 Fin YEAR. VOiAMK IV SCOTLAND NECK, C, THl'liSDAV. OCTOBER 15, ISSs. PROFESSIONAL. V A. ATTORNEY AT LAW, m o i land ; i :c-:, x. c. I'; . ;. , -,. I,. i lt iii.s (".'('S are r : :.'! l. f bLM v. W. h KITCIIi N, ittomey and Coanselor at Law, ;:- ni la:-; i) nlvi;, n. c, i Mli'-c: Co i:' r M and Tonth :" -. 1-1-1 V. T. F. WtflTAKEB, Attorney and Counselor at Law SCOTLAND NIK K, N. C, l!r;:cli' es w! (-it viT Lis services arc r. ., wired. ;i:.t V. H. Kitehin will ai;xir with 1. .1- i ii ;i 1 1 e.i -cs. DAVID DELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LN Fi i'.l.l . X. C. Pr; tir.- i-i u'l the Courts of Halifax .,-d ub:jc .!. ntifs and in tin: Su- (;; , 1 .!, -r.i! 'on: t ( 'lainis 1 ! ' Mil p:i:ts of the State, o N-lyr GaVIN L. HY&1AN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. ..I i:r-: H:!i':ix 1 . I nd jo; :i in lT conn- ' i i 1 1 ns n.ade in ,dl -.its of the - :'.-S ly. V. . !f. lew, A. '. Zo.m.i. l II. 1. ns-' W I ! Ii'-:; ' r- -it. Woldoil. Day, Zolliceffer & Ransom, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WF.I.DOX, X. C. - ly. S. S. ALSOP, ATTORNEY AT LAV, ENFIELD, X. C, i'o. s in tin- Co.nls of Halifax and i . 1 : j 1 1 . t-oinr. i" ;. AM iiiii:-s.s will i'ic( ive prr-mpt nttfn : ::. 1-V. TIIOEUS K. SiiLL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, X. C, l'r ..-ti.-cs in Halifax and ;idj'iti'.r,g; ( -.' 'i' . an-1 tlif.' l-lral ai. d Supri'iiiu ' v. EUWfiRQ T. CLABK, Attorney and Counselor at Law, HALIFAX. X. C, I'ri' ii' i!k itvit hi si'ivi.-cs are re ,.:c !. S i i:( 1 a;ieiiiion to collection ': . ! : :a -. ' :M.- lv. 5 DEALER IX Grain, Mill-Feed, Hay, Clovei And Grass Seeds, IMPROVED FAUM IIvIPLEHEKTS A SPECIALTY. C.ol and c:niHnc Iic Harrow and St ! r, ai;'l Crass Mower, a model of I'd feet ion. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. i. j. ximiiojiiR, Elv iI.F)XD, VA., Lumber Coinmission Merchant, .ii's i crsov,;,! ;,!'..l ja'ojnpr attention t a'. -.!i-itrni:u (its of Luinber, 'ninL; !e"., J. Etc." j.vil-ly. Tiiusrrr,,v(;LKYr I LM i NGTOX, X. C. Co: !, frloalasses, Salt, Geniiac German Kaiait and Kova Sco tia Land Plaster. j-vr-r-tjuotatioi.s on Al)p:KMt1o.a. felU-lv. ! i'i B lmi I tVli el. t cry. .Nf t i-a-t .liia'ii ' til.- w : i as -f .!.u.evr p.-nrH Is ;i I:m I lioj b!.-t -! ::i e.f V. (: k 1 ! t e.iit !. ( .0, IiiCil sill e . r I e a at i wil '..: s'--p.oa? !: the woi ke: 3 i'"iu !i. :r vises. i'.i iitn'i-..!: ;,ny one can uo I'.i !eT s,. . j .::i-jj or o; !; i.o speeHl t-.l , ". 1 iKi-. it. 'a;iti .1 j,ot li"i''!..,i; y.iu ur) fe. :! ! : ('at t!i,s fiat ant p"i;ni iocs airi W. V :'i -1 yi.ll fre:. S.:ji'.!i1'i.' .f -rre:it v.i'.ue to. a ! r. r- i. f.a. til t;:i s'a:t Ve il la la-;i,i -; u ia a v, ! 1 i r ( n la tn'-re iaO!i--v, !t.'!s t .i'a -v, it.au ,,u: tie,' l'Si la tiie we: i'j. -r 0 :r tit tixe. Aiivi'-jsa i iuc i Co., Au-.uta, L!-2"2-l v. ilJOIS! l?;" 'i"'',! a:-' '!io who r-'il li 'HI "!is:Ul! '" 'i art; they will tint 1 V ! i &. 8 liener,,!:1.. -in:.:.,ym..,r til It, Will ii af t : K't 1 1 ii mi finia la ii' 1 1 ; 1 ; 's an.l r.inillies. 'I !e' ; -i'- are 1 .!', an ! Hire ir ( Very ladas tnas iiers.:i; n-atiy liave laa.le anil are now la ;l.i,,r s. ei.a hairiie 1 (1 11, lis a month. It Is tiy rir anv '!; to 1,1 il:e f airl iijnv.inj.s per 0 iy, who ts witl'r.-r t wkcc. hiUier s,.x, voun,' or .1.1; e,i;iila! lea Cfc h-.; hi' st.ii t ymi. ' Kvery tlilu,' i.ew. No s-in'ri.il a'elia ivipiir'vl: yon, I- .el' r. can io ii as well as aay one. Write to 1:- ..t on.-eror full p.n t: ul irs, w'ni.-h w, mail tee. A lJlCad Mtlisoa Co.. l'ort iarel. Ma.ne. nr"f"n,,'' Voik!t exist In thoasantts of I .1 . j" forms, bur are sin ea-s.-il bv the mar SJ S v. I v is of invention Tlio-e wno are tn t '-r I'roiit.aiic work tint can be j.ne while a 1 hoi.je shaulil at one' S"iil fa-lr address T II . : ; 1 r ,v Co., I'orila'.il, Maine, and reeetve, fi'e.-, icj lufoi in ni. ai how eitliers'. ofalt ages, i t;, earn fioin f 5 to f-r, perday and upwards wi,i lever t ii. y liv. You are started tree. Gapt ' : not r. reine t. somo have made over $30 In a I '-I'm U-iy at this worli. AU succeed. 3-22-ly. Giving There is no life, however low Or LumLls in its birth, That may not, fr urn its store tioiiio brightness o'er the o k uch little blooming waysido flowa Tho' lacking beauty rare, Freely offers all its dower To make the summer fair. The tinted, star, tho' faraway, Ioth sn l an off ring down, Ami helps by its tremulous, golden ray Th j brow of night to crown. A The river hastening to the sea, With all its gathered treasure?. Yields up its offerings, full and frk Their worth it never measures. Thus Nature proves in many a v.ay Tho noblest rules of living, V.'ouM ye receive? Then day by day Iucrvaso thy store by giving. llekn G. Roberts in Boston Journal. A SOLITARY PASSENGER Tho 10.50 train from White Peak wds late that snowy February night. It never was what one would call a pain fully prompt train, but tonight it wai fully fi.ty mii.utts behind its usual titno aud tho telegraph operator had nearly ftillen asleep behind the pane of ground glass ever which tho word "Ticket" was inscribed in a half circlo and tow ard which a most inartistically forc ihortencd hand was depicted as extend ing i. gilt finger for tho enlightenment of the general juMic. Not that tho IU Pino telegraph was ordinarily open j.t so late an hour as this. Seven o'clock was tho usual period of closing. Nor had Eunice 11 low any cllicial right to tho tall wooden stool behind the semicircular gilt legoad re ferring to "Tickets." In a manner she had had greatness thrust upon her. Old Mr. Pcttyclove, who represented tho majesty of tho railway company in this particular spot, had gone homo i:i tho early dusk with a raging facial neural gia, and in common humanity Eunice could not havo refu?cd temporarily to asuirao his position with its dutiei. "It will bo onlv another hour of work," sin told herself, cheerfully, as !ho put an additional log of lrost- fringed wood into tho little air-tight stove. "When tho 10.50 has passed I can shut up tho place and go homo. Thero aro only two night freights, and tho conductors on both of them havo keys to tho freight hou." Suldeniytho silence was broken by tho tiniest sound, like tho throbbing of somo small silver heart. Eunice jumped up, instinctively, obedient to tho call of her autocrat, tho telegraph. "Amessagel" she thought. "And at thh time of tho night. "Well, won ders will never coase." A messago it wa3: to Peter Petty clove, station agent at Bi Pino sta tion. Defalcation in Homo Ear;k. Detain pas senger on train Xo. 21. Small, dark, wear ing fur-trimmed coat. Iveep in custody un til further notice. II. V. Carter, Chief of I'olico at White Teak. Almost before she had deciphered these words, Eunice livrlow telegraphed back "All right;' and onco more tho small silver heart left cH its tumultuous throbbings. And not until then did tho telegraph operator realizs what a very peculiar position she was in. All alone at Big Piae Station, and officially au thorized, in right of her substitution, to arrest a bank defalcator op tho spot ! Even whilo sho ponderotl on this un expected state of things tharo was a cu rious thrill an,d tremble of tho floor Yearns under her feet; a shrill steam whistle ridng above tho sustained roar of tho tempest. Tho 10. 50, tihcially known es No. 21, was swinging arouad the curve. In an instant Eunice Birlow was out rn tho dcop snow of the rudo board plat form with tho lighted Jantern in her hand. Tho conductor of tho train was not at all surprised to sco hor there. Ho knew that Peter Pottyclovfl was old and feeble, and a spirited young femalo tel egraph operator is rather at her full value in the Big Pine section. Sho tried to signal to him that she wanted to speak to him, but tho Winding snow drovo its shroud like sheets between thorn. Ho smiled und nodded to her in tho aggravating -way that men have when they aro particularly obtuse, shouted scmo it icomprehensiblo com ment on tho woa ther, helped to loosen tho brakes, and was an eighth of a mila up t'fi ftik beforo Eunico'a lantern light vfc3gl0 black liguro, its hat pulled ove its eyes, its form closely buttoned up in a lur-triramcd over coat. "Is this thf; station?"' said a low, woll modulated voico, which gavo Miss Bar low tho idea that tha unhappy gontle man of jas;ico "wa3 a gentleman born and bred. "Where aro tho porters? Upoa my word'' (looking around after a bewildered fashion) "I'm afraid they'vo forgotton to put oil my luggage. Isn't there a firo somowhero here abouts?'' Eunico Barlow looked solemnly at him as sho opened the door into ths bright, cheerfully lighted little station. Ycs tho telegraphed description had boon correct. Ho was sm.ill acd dark, and, poor fellow, ho locked1 as if ho was tali frozen to death. But now arose tho perplexing question, tow was sho i r 'Y;u ero mistaken, tir," she eaid, ii asswevr to his questions. '"There are m poito." hero. Thero Iz no hotel nearer than .ho Pino Darren?, four miles away. Tho agent ia dotained at home by sick ness, and I am tho telegraph operator, on duty in his absence." "Can you tell me,'' pleaded tho soli tary passongcr, "where I can get a night's lodging and something toeitf It i3 sis hours since wo left tho supper station, and I cm just recovering fro:n a siege of malarial fevsr. Sarely there must be somo one around hero who could act as my guide." "There is no ono hero but me," sai 1 Miss Barlow, locking tha cash draw and preparing to extinguish the ono reflector lamp that glowed above tho new ar rival's heal. But if you choose to go home with mo I daro say my mother will give you somo supper and a bed. Our house is tho nearest to this place. And tomorrow" with a somewhat sig nificant pauso "you can begia a now career." "I'm awfully obliged to you," sai l tho gentleman, jumping up with alacrity. But how many cireer3 per week do these Westerners count upon? I've no objection, for my part, to the old one continued." 3Iiss Barlows face remained inexora bly grave. She consi lered it no part of her duty to countennr.ee flippancy liko thi. Sho locked tho station, aid hung tho key on its hooked nail c'.03c within tho latticed casement outside, where winds could not hurl it awpy nor storms disturb it, before she sail, quietly: "This way, please. Tho lan tern will light you suflieicntly if you aro a little careful; otherwise you will find tho way rather stoop ami narrow down tho hill. You are pcrhapj una ware that a telegram describing y out personal nppcaranco has just como in from tho Whito Peak oilicc?-' "A telegram I By jovo tho whol? t 'aing i3 out, then !" Ho spoke quickly; there was genu ine disgint and Ui-satisfaction ex pressed in every feature of his face. "Yes," responded tho telegraph op erator, "tho whole thing ii out. Your conjecture is quite correct. ' "Does I beg your pardon, but this is a matter of some importance to mc does any one know it besides yourself " "No." "I may depend on you?" with im- ploring emphasis. "Yes, youmiy dopend on me." "Thanks, awfully 1" declared the stranger, with fervor. "You sco, it makes it very unpleasant to have those things talked about." "So I should imagine." A brief silence ensued. Eunice was wondering how her strange companion could speak so coolly of "those things." "Was ho utterly dead to all shame?" sho thought. Ths strange companion, in tho meantime, was secretly marvel ling at tho case and lightness with which this extraordinary girl stepped out through th? snowdrifts. "A j erfect Amazon," he sail to him self, "and a retty one, too. Why doesn't she keep talking? I like tho timbre of her voico; it' s a regular con tralto." "It seems to mc," observed tho young man, after another intoival of silence, during which the crunching of their feet in tho snow and tho persistent howling of the win 1 wa3 all that broke the spell, "that they put a great deal of responsi bility on young womc.i in thi3 part of the world." "A good deal of it ii forced upon them, and a good deal they assume themselves," said Eunico Bxrlow, com posedly. "I am willing to admit that I havo taken a heavy responsibility on myself tonight. Understand," aided Miss Barlow, "that if I take you home tonight and shelter you, I must have your promises " "The new career question again! I'm blessed if I know what all this means," gasped tho solitary passenger. "Enuivocation ii entirely useless," said Eunice, severely. "You know perfectly well what I m:aa. I havo given you a chance for freedom; for what is sti'.l better, famo and character. See to it that this chanco does not pass unimproved." "Mad!" muttered tho stranger to himself; 'verymnd! Entirely a hope less case, I should say. I wonder if thero really was a telegram, or if that is merely part of her brain disorder? 1 wonder if I'd better keep on with her, nobody know, whither, or cut and run for it, snowstorm and all?" "You have basely absconded' with your employers' money," said Eunice, with tho freezing sternness of idealized justice; "in othor words, you arc a bank defalcator." "Oh, came, now; won't you givo a fellow a chance?" utterod her compan ion. "As the school books say 'Strine, but hear.' I've nobody's money but my own, and none too much of that. I don't know anything about your banks nor their defalcators. Pvo been enly two weeks in your country and I think its tho snowiost climate going. My name is Ernest Tin3allon, and I wa3 to havo been met at the station by Col. Copley of tho 400th Civalry." Eunice Barlow gave a little shriek of amazement. "Sir Ernest Tinsallonl' di: cri-3. "The E ; , t here t 1. an win war 1 faT.il 0 and Pir.o rivnl tho wrong stcprcl at rominj cu o.iow u; tno u in o ef th? But yu havo alirh'.ei - tati n ; y u shcuM i.av: 1 IZC Ij .r.i- " Lrrac te-VLi r:.: Lcvo-I "I heard tho something about anc ther," said th ccr.'i uct nae of r bawl c-:t o-.o scrt or Briton. "1 lit ft op to 1 o. Sj 1? Bit all was a can asice d d: cr;.:.i have 1 11 senium ate, I've made a r. anl I tho srni'', it's awfully gocd of y jxi to .Her to conduct me to a place of Chrkt an shelter." "And I havo madj a mistake too," ail E lnice with a gap. "Jut beforo your tiain cam? in thero was a message wired to Big Pino station- -a messago to detain a bank robber who wassail to be on the trair:. I w" is all alone, 1 ut I cou'.i have 1-jcked him into the tieket cilice perfectly well. We Western girls aro prepared for ar.y emergency" (with somo pride). "But I was sorry for you, you looked so young and innccent; and I determined to give you oao moro chance." "lai a new career," interruptel tho stranger, with a gmt of laughter. "Tho key to tho pu..'c! I sec it ali now. Don' t y; u kao w, I was 1 cginning to think you mint be a lunatic. And how di -agreeably near I csmj to being locked up, after all! And tho bank fellow, whoever lie i, seems to have got cil scot free. Bcally, r.ow, if ever a man ha 1 a genuiao guir.iim angel, you aro one," ho a Lie 1, ns E mice led tho way into a pretty little si. ting room, all aOiV with re 1 carpet and curtai ls, where a firo of logs Lurned on the open hearth and a cosy meal v.'W spread on tho table. Sir Ernest Tinsalloi s'.opt in tho sparo chamber that night, was called by star light, and breakfasted at G o'clock tho next morning with the telegraph oper ator and her mother, and afterward r.c companijd her to the Bie; Pi 10 station, plunging through white masses of snow drilt and sliding, school-boy fashion, across tho mirror-like surface of frozen brooks. Mr. IVttyclovo wa? there with his face tied up in a spotted silk pocket handkerchief. There were also several telegram; awaiting tho hand of tli3 op erator. O 13 wi; fro.n 1 li e chief of police at U ute- Peak, stating rathor late, perhaps that tin bank defalcator had at tho elevoith hour anl on tho very fctep, so to speak, of tho train, sur rendered himself to the local authorities. There win another from Col. Cjpk'y of the 400th Cav .lry, inquiring if anything had been hear I at I i L ' 1'i'u station of tho missing Ei'lish baronet who was overdue at the birraok?. Oily think," sail Miss Barlow, with a littlo shiver, "..' I hid locked you up in tho ticket otlieo nil niht, what would Col. Copley have said?" "That, under tho circumstances, you had dono no more than your country expected of you," returned Sir Ernest. "But, I say, all this tiling was awfully lucky of you, Mi- Barlow. I don't know of an Eagli-h girl that would havo had tho courago to go through with it." Eunico smiled a little. ' Hero is your train. Sir Ernest," she said. "But I haven't thanked you half enough." II , stood holding both her hands, his Iresh English face all eager ness. "It is quito unnecessary to say any more," observed Mis; Birlow, quietly. "Thero is the te'csrraiih. I am wanted at my post of duty now. Ernest. I wi.di you a Cr .icd by, Sir very pleasant journey. Sir Ernest Tin alien went on his way into the blm, giitterin col 1 of that p?erless winter morninr, with tho pine trees loe-ki lg like D.-ui is clad in ermine robe-, and the plains ail shcet.d in level pearl-, and Eu :ico Barlow never saw him more. X , lie di 1 not como back to woo nnd wed her, as the hero of an orthodox love tale sh ull havo el one. He ccull not, b ine; u'.roady engaged to another ye-ung woman in Ealand. But ho sent a superb h imp jr of game to Mrs. Barlow, in crre of the telegraph operator at Bie; Pi ic station; and at minv an En'-i-h dinner table afterward he told tho story ol his midnight adven ture in the wil 1 west. "Tho prettiest girl you ever saw, by Jove!' ho reiterat d, in that earnest wiy of hi", "and the pluckiest 1 Joan ol Arc was Lothing to her. I dreamed ol her for a week ofterw.ird, with her swinin lantern and tho;o great gray eyes o: hcrj ml pretty littlo speeches about 'tu-ning over a new leaf that she mido to me. Ye, I did; and I'm not ashamed to own it, even be fore Laly Tinsallon here. E;i, Kate?" And the Eaglish bride laughed good humorcd'.y, and observed that "to hea Sir Ernest talk, tho American girls mu-t be full fledgcl heroines." "She was; I can vcuch for that," said Sir Ernest. IIarp:r'a B.;Z ir. For Her Sake. Wife---John, your hair ii coming out at a terrible rate. Husband--I know it P, rr.y dear. I must do something for it at once. "Wife I wish you wcu'd, J dm, my sake. You know how people w'' talk. Epoch. it ( 1 r inn - ! I b S GOOD HOMES At Low Pric9s! Farms For Sals HALIFAX COUNTY! The Best Place In EASTERN CAROLINA. All Situated In the Divide B it we 211 The SOUaOKE AND TAR RIVER. NEAR THE TOWN OF SCOTLAND NECK, -IX The Most ?oral Com munity in the State. AND IN Till M Hsallll HociiQn Eaat of the Mountains. FA KM NO. 1. Pour hum1, red aeias, two anl onedialf miles from the beautiful town of Sent laud Neck. About two hundred :ras in cultivation. One good Dwelling llie.tc, one good Oin Hou-c, ami other out houses. Good orchard aud good water. Location desirable. PRICE $4,500. FARM NO. . Two hundred and sevent y-tlve a n s, two and otic half miles fnun Scfand Neck. One hundred and twen.ty-liw aeies in cultivation. Good Dwihiag House and good water. PRICE $2,750. FA EM NO. ::. Two lni' abed acres, two j..iles fr.an Scotland Neck. Eighty tier, s Fnah Land. G.eal Dwelling, some outdiou-e 8 and orchard, and good water. PRICE $2 500. ALSO, Two Storediou-. s an House in the tow 1. of So ' 11" lUvia'l. .lid Neck. The farms h s.-ril .- 1 ab-jve are a'l -ll i;.te I to tie- ir. bicti :i of -o: n, cot-t..-, whe;;.. o it. j -,i!i i it -, ii- ! 1 "-;'-, -U'X-t- S, ftfid veget .biei ef all kit.d-. Three g 1 churchc-; i:i tl.e fi-vj of S' "t':;!i'i Xeek, Meth' it, i;;-tl.t mi l (.-.:. .1, a?:d a Prinvtive IU; th-t chun-h mar the town, toge'lu-r with two f the bfj-t and m--t llMtit-i.-h'tig :.- :id--:u;(.-i -via'-,- nnd feui.t'.o in th.- -tat--, muk- th: ; l.i- i,l tl.C Jil :l d- - fable (.'i'jf.S ill ' ;..ith (.'aroiifi.i. The j.r-j.o : 1 i-st.ib-: ihu.-nt of an oil mil! and a canning et rv v.T.l SjdU add inn h t tl.e ad ; intake of owning i.r-.pc ity i-i th'- c.:n : iiinity. Any and ;ui the r:y d--.Tll ......l i ", ,ve inae b;j b ;';rht f. ir or.e-f-jurth enli. yltlt a-, much ;inie a.-j desired en the rc ! i in - cr. Arrt.v To NOAH BIGGS, REAL ESTATE BROKER, SCOTLAND HECK, li. C. BOY YOUR SASH, BLINDS BOORS AND w Building Materia! -VEOM Mllllil'RST I llliT., MANUFACTURERS, BlCiitflOND, UinOSilA. r, 17-1 v. LUTHER S11E1I01 N0RF01K, VA,, lah r h. WIHDOWS, BOORS, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets, Stair Rails Newels, Wood Mantles. Slate Mm tle3, Building Hard ware, Tin Shingles, PAINTS, OILS, Window Glass, Cut Gla3 3, Ceylond Glass .Varnishes, Plas ter Paper, Sheeting Paper, R 0 0 fi n g P a p e r , W i n d 0 w s , D 0 0 r 9 and Screens. Hit MAXALL CRENSHAW CO, H1XALL KILLS, Richmond, Virginia. IMMM 55 Patent Roller Family Flour, And all other nr.vh - of FLOUR. ALS CORN-HEAL k MILL FEED. IT ly 1 367. 1883. TELEPHONE 385. !WMa M ii.nf fefa and Mjim. :'-.. 1 12K 1 U'L 1 l -I.'n -:-'. an i i '.; i i.i.r r- e. i',,- r .- :. i I '; -v ;.,. I;....-... v. - i.; : i . ; '.::. l.th t. ! r, 17-''.::i ! JOHN RCESBTSON'S SHOE SHOP k RESTAURANT. Open at All Mourn. S.ti-faci n f'. . -1 If Ci.ru: r Ninth and .M;.ln ' SCOTLAND NECK, - - N. C. 'l-ly MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PUN0S AfiD ORGANS. ! A U o'.b.-r h'n.d '-f M I In-t:nin.-r.t--, vviti. S-Aint: Meth",::.' ir 1 i - by n.a'i i.r. iiii.'.y thi d. JOHN L. KITGHirJ, 70-ly bc.tl.md Neck, N C. ti DAFFRON, ! ! I I 1 . I I sJ ' - ? ti ll 'r .U .1 I' ' 1 I..-. :.i,t:-.t! ..a! lii.: ; - i.i I '.aid. , a I I 1 it !-. e.f J.. ' 'ii;!. I t (. I 111 l. IT'a i 1 : . 1 ; . 1 t it : ' . .1 v 1 : , . . I - re ,.a - ,' ' 1 r . . : ! , V . I . . t 1 e . ! ,, ii- d to- , .. . i .; ! ..-iv 1 f - 1. ' 1 I , l M l S : ' ; i 1 . !. 1 I 1. !l I ' I I.-.-. .1 1! . -S ; , j r : I 1 I IWilEL, LfiOa k CI , Vi!!)l.i.SllliTO, )!,!.i.;:- 1 '-J Paints, Oil.;, Djs, Yarnislics. I';,,:,,; 1. - h No. (om, i u,.r !., llll IMiOM), V a. L0CCffl3liTS & M"CWflS WOiKS. LOCO MOTIVE ENGINES Bulfjrs & Hea Richmond, Va. 11 T: . t - T - t I i -.'.' . ( ; f ' I , , , . V . v, i r . ! 1 1 i i c r ' i yaijafkRho ' & co ii corrtHi;i.s: ; 1 anl l'i-o'iare ilc-rthan's, . i ; l -. 1 -.. .ft!. -' l: ! I- V. ; ' r ., , , ; a 1 ! 'i i ' i - . . . l .- . . r. 'I 1 ' , ' ' i'. ; I j ,l , r . 'i "f f , . - ;e i . ( Poauiar-Reliable I, AI.EJX IM A9l tdM-ft.. ; I Ufci - PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, 32 W. MITCHELL. ST.. AthtiHti, - iiisoriz'uxm Dfal vctth the Manufacturer find Oct lie iAiryrnl Itiwount ! Guarantee WilF Every Sale I Jewel Job Vree T. Y. KITZI.VGKK, Acm, Dealer in Prl:.tf-r' Suppliei, 1 S3 llircuii'- sr.. ATLANTA.. QA. ij Machinery,

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