rtluiBoiiUii lOH r.UOl AND VAttPES. AH -& fcaa INTER-STATES T,;f nnp. teasnc conful 01 saltpeter m a . . i ' A riii rouro a l-!;Ci is nr-.i: o: water, j cr.rh hill of cucumbers ,r ver7 good for the placts a s C fr.r 'Vn 1. I 'S- !t!l peter. LIFE ASSGCIITIOB in n nrmir B urriuis HOW STAUNTON, mm office: RALEIGH, VA. II. G. . - m . n . a "Si kit insr n OTU D I , JAM Lii u o iiuunuii i nil! Protection for Oar Families, PAYPIF.fT f TJ FULL AT DEATH. ,1 v.-ry oa i v. l.i'h lu? row fxt i.i :l.t in tns tari" tl.Mit tho r;r,. C.it-vr.n l-o are- tar th tre.ie i v. i .1 - This isa r ia'-ly uLich cuta...y would be v ry u-eful t ti.o i an., a- if. as c'.airr.c 1, it 'i-tiov or keeps uw-.y jnrct marau lers, it wi.l prov valuable. m!$3 wU be t'a5cl ?s $50 1 : ofis-i r !:,c;l to sa ia'cr1.;? cnis by th-i rr. saner in which it ii trcutc-1 at th-J t.mo o: sa.u-.r. g-.i o. is Lur-.,-d t de-th; that i :; churning n on!::r:? 1 to th ; 1-g ."- r th: i s-l" rated fr-m thj milk t'.. it it is p-'."'. -'- I in'o a cro my, pfy cr! lit: ' xi-t.v tho opr.o,i:.j of v.-:nt it !i -1. i b?. A J i.e-j of re -illy 1 1 --i'.ter, pro; er- v -.alte i, whm f np .rt with a crLd.t, -Uirj. k:-if.-, sL'-u 1 ---h .w Uv . cL-aa-cut, -111 .-,th, au 1 slightly i:r;-t surlac::, -AitL' ut any .Uu of ;i m ;-i-i -g lv of t!;j 1 uttr :.rtic'.'.-s I :.o..e of t !:::! 0VV1M ASil ctniot'5. Ilej-lyin to a corres !.-nt. Farm and IIkcc ?nys: For y r.r 1 .y.T.ou-i Kotk ho in which ar ; t xce-.ivoly 'a' and do not -ivj you nri::y o-5, the foci ii a iiiixturo ot oat-, avl ' ora m tl.o 1 bran, 2') of 1- -ho;:'. 1 t 0 ilr-i'A a U...1 t. Ihrr 11 host morniar; vh"af, Lr.in, burloy following I'''np rtio r.n'a 2i) liOUii U Ot wli' a. 1 1 harh':7 ar.l ! liOUU'H 20 e:-!ii"S cut in ; 1 a c j r.e 1 c '1 to -Kt' n.:i".'j it T!i.- t-A o m tlio 1 ? n s I'.tia butter uro t ;r::i ;i li I I I' V i-U.ti'l S, Cac.i 1 a'lv .cttj.. Tu-i lor.s.c i tiu j; i.i a -t;c :y Wi.o-i a k:.i:o i i 1 oT butter p.". 1 1.1)3 I . : - " a 1 c;i rt ii 1 : 1 ; cr.it; ar-p'-&r j r.s i -ri'O a- 'I'., r 2 're rr--"A a i 1 1 V. F ur iaoa a' 1 ' .Ihvs r :::t.y k: th'ir hi a : ! 1 A rr.etr cp: .! n". e t ri c v -1 - iu i -CT.t !i i :V.- ti ;. I)-. Wiiiia-n sr.yi it i' 0 - Ycllo Icier Tri-tincut. i r A:, N P, ! .: 1.) 1 at jn '.: I' ll ::l .! f Th 1 t':. I II 1 of N. V i 13 i fA.) I :i . 1 Touaus of barley aal 1 corn. -Uix a poriioa 01 L-i- ...... Bcaldin' water every rnornincr, a ii a a iittlc silt ar.-l j.tjijcr, ar.d throw in all tha tablo refuse, etc., witting or tcahlia" tho inefs. ju-t coou;h so it will ba crumbly. Give ihem only a little of thh so they will leaver IT hun-ry. and then scatter your dry wlriat and out together out of door ia thi sun, or on bad days inside ia some btraw, leavc3 or elm IT, so they must scratch for it. Givo cru-hed oyster shell?, goo 1 water, Bomo reca food until grass .starts, and in ten days or sooner your egg supply will ia crease. w ii vii.li; ! or i I ri:u s.iltir.ir h h has its c 1 1 shti ia ir.ik- i.-c- r ; it n solutijn is male by adding dry s .It to tai water that rem an? ia tho i ti ter after mit of the buttiraiiik h w r.,e 1 out. S far r .e 1 111; o ; j co oi A cat '. 1 a-.d ia ii-h Tip a ?v ch 1 1 a i il Ch:.rles a w -M at Ak: ' i -;t t :i nwa 2 1 i 'i c a-h. V," v s rc(o".1 " 1. . w a ri .1. O' y killel !u:l to f hi !!.; w .iv 1 r a is .p : i 'I . i it. I h i .:-t tv t .!'i;,-'i r. d .'.::..t 1 f 1 . , , u-e . a-:d ii tlu 1 att.r thj as th it n to: Protsctian k 1 4 ?5 1 V f VT wiAty Per Cant. of Face Value of Policy Paid in Casli at End oi' "Life Expectancy." T r-. lliuuf Ii,tn'. The soil n.ust be rich for tho perfect growth of housj plants and should be of n. snmowhnt norous nature, or ir.al 1 I - r eo by the addition of fibrous soil and manure. Ihpial p irts of well-decom -posed stable manure and half rotted turf make a good soil for most pi tuts. If tho temperature and moi-,turo are right and the plants do not row satis factorily the application of lbp.ul fer tilizers, made by dissolving so:nc fer tilizer in water, will be us;lul. It may also Lc made by soaking a small quanti ty of stable manure and waieii ig the plants with tlu liquid or.ca a week. Fuichias should be allowed to rest, with holding water during Augu-t and Sep tember if early blossoms are desired. They require a good deal of heat, from 50 to 70 decrees, the form r at right and the latter in the day -time; and sun light is also essential to success. American Agriculturist. each plan is to surround tho r,r,.ius of Gutter with brine, until cnou-li of tlu solution is absorb :d to make thm po rtable. As th'i buttr its.-if ot.t.ii.is about 12 per cent, of v.a'er, that must bo taken into c nsi ler..ti rx ia bri.10 saitintr, otherwise tlu salting will hi too light. O; the other hind, if mora dry talt is u.cd thin the water ia the butt.-r will turn into a solution, tho dry Silting will l3 ia excess ai l bo shown in particles of silt uadissolv.'-l. To get tho best re.-u'.t-; irot-.i any kind of salting tho churning sdieiil 1 f-t n h tvo hi hjart on l,o lv. Thero was a t'.r rille I s r arrow- -r to thr, day ia tonte parts of C. reat o'' t -hj dt h;".-' J I p!.)cl v:c. e--!lt!. Ikitain. ,,r prt;,.. jt,p . 1 1 , f A T.'" to Vt m'';cr lm coa-tru:el 1 there . a cunn.ce i.n f 1 ij i rr . net a:vl sent t! 1 me t ' 1 .t the v hen a- ara-us v;.A and it is so tctm .-l ! :c parts of Great 1 : ... Y, -t In.':. t!.e 1 a de-pi r.re ( a-t 0:1. t tne. iv, if 1 !:ti:ed. it won'd itCi.aiti.-t ii.v tie iry. 1 : tii. d v.-( re bi chb'ii b- 1,0 1 .1 in d : ' V e v i- the pr- .-a a up with a ..u! i b !, a:;- .il nvt r in. th .d n rnilt ...i 1 1 1 X, it.. 1... : V that a. tit I t r v 11. v :i::.e time, be m argum.-: . aiitiii'ties -f ni' rcury and l b-. The tn atmcr.t Of course !;' 1 an s ;!,. ve, th-u-h, that c a Va-i ' .1 1 W. Li. DOUG LAS 83 SHOE :i n ( nil n Miin nllii n t :;, -v. .it ' - ta r,;.- rn-.a ... i e . ! n. .,n ,1 ' .1 t! '1 1 o: 1 1 ! when the butter h:u i:lv graaulutod I LOSS TO DIP. After five yeDrs' fu'S payment, paid up Folic for not ess than the Sum cf all P rem urns paid. and b.b.ri it has beoa beaten to a sa vy conditio 1 by the process of gath jriug. At thii stage the buttenni k bh mild be driwu tit and the 1 utter be washel with cold water cr cod, we .k biiuo until it m is oil clear, wli ;:i cither strong, e'ear brine may ne -ourvel on to remain until tho mass his aborbsd enough of the solution, or fiie dry salt, about one ounce to tho pound, be siftod on and be worked in --o that it will dis solve. Alter this a light seco id work ing should be given t char it of any buttera.il c that may ho draw 1 cut by the salt. New York World. e,i,e, having hvo tiaiei as NO Tax Dn "015 Age." if the Policy Holder be in Good Health at the end cf "Life Expectan cy," a paid up Policy tor faco value of Policy. LIFE P' .AN. The Strongest Actual Protection for the Least Money. TiThese Plans are the outgrowth of the demands of the People. "Whrtt is called gapes in young fowls is not a disease, but tho gaping or ga-p- i ing for breath is duo to tin presence of a parasitic worm ia tho wind pip?. How these worms secure a lolgmcnt in the windpipe is still a mooted ipae-iton. 13 it it is supposed that the young thicks cither ; ick up the worms or that they collect the eggs in snails, worm-:, and insects eaten whilo feeding about the yard. One thing is quite- certain, and that is fowls running on new grounds are rarely infected with these paia-itcs. "Wo mean by "new grounds'1 those where no fowls have been raised or pas- lured before, or at least for several years previous, r or the reasons given, the best preventive is change of loca tion every year, giving tho fowls clean and new ground upon which to exercise and SC Ctv their food. "When tho worms have once found a lodgment ia the wind pipe the only cure is .to dislodge the parasites. 1 his may be done with a horsehair formed or twisted into a loop and thiust down tho windpipe and drawn out quickly. It rcquiros some skill and considerable experience tore move the worms with a horsehair loop. Still, some poultry raisers do it very rapidly. P acing the young chicks in a box, then dusting with dry liaie to make them sneeze, is another way of expelling the wormsf but it is not always success ful. New York Sun. A Dislifldly Home Faalni NT U . I'.jrtu ailiJ .v!i,i .V-tP. Lot turkiys alone while hitching. Skimmed milk alone ii poor fool f-r colts. It is not desirable to pasluro cows in wood land The sour currants aro su-c to bo plagued with tho currant wor.n. Sprout? o" suckers in ttpplo orchards ihould bo p-oir.ptly rcmovj 1. "Whoa cow; arc tested tho breeds should, as fir as pos.il', bo allowed natural condition. It is growing harder and harder to cct goad milkers on tho fariE3 whero but lew cows are kept. When with care and feci we have brought any cow of any "ore ;d to her full 11. ilk capacity wo can do no more with h:r. Tving tho leaves of early cabbage an operation similar to that in voguo with lettuce is practisod by London market growers. Do not purchase more than two colo nies of bees to start with. II tho owner can manno tho.so successfully I10 will have h:s hands lull. To kiep sheep from worms an l para a it as an ad vorti-.oment to tho Cincinnati exposition. Files as instruments of haudictafti ness are f v.-rv 0 r v origin, being mou- tior.c 1 in the O. i Testament (1 Samuel, I xiii, 21,) lli.J Ik C. j Tlu queerest kleptomaniic yet is Fi-her Tkomp on of Unton, wh stole j 21'tt c'tioa ha .'Ikereiiufi an 1 2V) ii-k, ones before ju-tice interfered. j London has fewer inhabitant to the j ho'ic than any othjr of tho greit ci'.ias j of Fur ne. Yienn 1 has tho mo: per sons to th 3 1 manv a, L m-lon In the Jamaica papers tho following 1 obituary r.otico appears: ''Died at j Palm Ton. St. Thom-. -yc-Va'c, on thj 1 r,Ai i i t., Cith rine Cro-.veU a native of j SpanLU Town, agol 122 years." j Sham battle ii 1 tattered and torn to represent ti e real article, are tho late-t product of French ingenuity, and are sai I to have (kcoive I largo numbers oi curiosity htmers and patriot'. Do Is w.TO la -nti vted ly Homer V)7 II. C, and In qtiontly uy it -miu li-toriais. An iriitr ument cf torture, t- rmeel "tho boot," was used i.i S ot land upon tho Covenanters about lGlii. One of tho waiters employed at ono of the larger clubs in Chicago ii the son of a wealthy and prominent man in Holland, a former general in th ; army and tho h ;ad of an ancient baronial family. Tho ordinary C ai ieso girl's demeanor when among thov; not of her own raco is proper to a prociseno ;s. She holds a handkerchief to her fac never sn:i!c, and under 110 en cumscaucs expresses surprise. A tabic or.ee belonging to tho preat Napoleon is at p-escnt the property of Jlrs. Xoivil, of Nashville, Term., to whoso grandfather it was givj: by a French emigrant nobleman who came to New Cleans when the II uirbons camj Lack to the thro .0 of France. An eccentric v .-man r.amcu i:i igcc Shelly, who died ii Sin Frai.ci-co re cently, w is known as "The north at ir,'' on account of a "huge red star of cloth which she wore sown on h.T breast. She imi'ined that she was really tlu j.- lumiaar ia other respects was rational. HIP. ! - 1 t at I .1 ! W i.v .:. !:. I':. ' 1- An Indian l ighter. 'I see (lm. Crook, of the V. S. Army, on tin: tl -or of th Hoard . f Trade nearly every dav," sial one of the rounders to mc yesterday, "but no ot.e who d e-n't kno'w him would take him br an In liati tiehtt-r. lie i- of m.-diuui height, bat is built, bnei 1 -hi'Uldi ie,l ..ml ueep e 1. lb- wears a fu.l b.-ard below a . , II' ... f W. Ii bronei he 'A-. Ills 1 ve il p'-netr aiin'. an I he has 1 haw k. It is the mse of a like Wei. ington's or Napa r s. 1 beht sa'-k cat "I grayisa 1. i f. l; i.aian w.i. . I. ' I ! Tl O 0 lii.ii. . ; r.- 1 r. a;.u '1 I.. Ili;i!r It i.r o.la - -eiT.e o Hi' I! O O t' 11 W.I 1 1 1 I I . .- :mi 1 1 . 1 t 1 l T I.I. k weii clc- 1 I 1 1 1" o I are quick ' the' Iio-C 0 v ni rior- li' wears j silk, dark trow-ers and a traw hat. no j is schb'lil wi'hont glovi-s. I :nivise Cell. ! ( r- ok to watell out. The Hoard of '1 la ic I is not the Indian 1 onn i v bv any immtn r ! of ii:iei!i. and :r scalpers are a YOU arc hustling .im unit 1 f r vot'.r glClt deal worse tnati the ones has been 111 the habit oi meeting. They will show him less im rey than the Apaches."' C'i kit jo Currctj on-lcu t. X -A vO-i - - . -Jl- IiiMiud to l ight. The tdd tragedy of the bull and loco motive was enacted near Si. John, N. H., the oth.-r day. A huge bud strayed on the (iiand Southern Railway just a- a locoiii tivc drawing a p Cnic train ap peared in sight. He lowered his head, pawed the ties, swi (lied his ta'.l, bel lowed and paid no attention to the fran tic toots from the engine. When the- lo comotive drew mar, the bull charged furioii-ly. There was a bellow, a cloud of dust and s'eaiu and then silence. When the smoke, dust - ml steam rolled away, the locomotive and the bull hiy in the ditch, the horns of the hitter l .eked m the bars of the cowcatcher. The noble animal's neck was broken. No one 011 the train was Inn. Tr was in a Metropolitan private school of fa-h:o!iable repute, and the class of voting ia.ii s who h .d been studying the h:s'oiv and the Constitution of the U il -d States, were under cxaminat 'on. "How is a lav made!' said tho instruc tor "Oh " said a tailor-made damsel, (beerf.illv' "the Senate has to ratify it am 1 thcuYne Pieudcnt has to veto it!" Si Ni l-: the opening of his Homes in London, no fewer than 11,:M1 boys and girls h ive been rescued from the streets of that great metropolis by Dr. Ilarnar-do. sites of various kiads widen annoy and All funds collected from Nortli Carolina Policy Hold ers, less North Carolina's shire of tho Death Losses and Expenses are invested in North Carolina by a Board of Trustees composed of sis North Carolinians of undeniable abil ity and integrity. Call and talk the matter over -with me. A Policy with me "wou-d b? a great protection to bothycur family and yourself. kill, do not put thorn in a pasturo top dressed with mmure. Milking seem? to be getting more and more tho work of a specialist. Good milkers on dairy farms are ally sure of tho bo3t v A Iniinci to keep up with tho times must beep his eyes open. In no other hel l are there more improvements being made than ia farming operations. In Dston r.u i'l'tl's held to be too good for a ger.te'. '"r;se. Two colli s, . . :.. oruei just nun iu 1 1 -'- Ilon to I1 Ip Your Di c't i on . Almost every ilay we fee tin- unpleasant cpn sations of indigestion. Try Ai.U'ock's Pouors I'l.ASTi'.H.s and be relieved. J. F. Davenport, o( Canarsie, New York, writes: I have been very mueh troubled with .a vio lent pain below my chc-t hone. I was told by Feveral physicians that it was rheumatism of the diaphragm. It resulted from cold and ex posure. I had very little appetite and digested my food with j:reat difficulty. 1 pla'cd one A i.n oi 'K's I '1 mors I'l. V-TKK below the bri a-t bone and two on each side. In the course of .share ot "the v o UTs ; u ! ;;i;b, ami it' haul w ork : think t soinctliint; else. This constant woik w ill tell sotiicfinie peril. i;s it has already ami netviniMio-s, sleeplessness, neuiab.Me athl ihetiinatic aches ami a:ns are part of the "t;ooil obbs " your hustlinp; has won. If you arc that way, let us give you a prescription no charge for the prescription, though it will cost a dollar to have it filled by your drug- PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND oj. Sig. I've accordii.g ' !ircui--r.s. All druggists keep it. It will strengthen y-ur nerves, tone up your w hole system, and make you bless us tor prescribing this great nerve-tonic. lie sure to cet the genuine, j.rej.are-i only 1 V WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO.. Burlington. Vt. elvs catarrh (1 loans os t 1. . CnCO M,a, -MHZ i .. i o ... . i 1- r HAYFEYERfl J Heals the Son- , X7 Senses of Tasti and Sinell. AKll ' A le: .... I . 1 l ;- i ; , , 1 1 c! r 1 ", U- aej ;iU IciHlllc.iSLiiV, 1 ! H f- fx A c I .t" I y I JOHN T. LEWIo c Ii i: l a i ! I I' I I : ' Wh te Lead, Re I L".rl, I -u ir ; Mineral, f'an.ter C I ) " i : i o i: it i i v i IM 1 -' : i h Xv fr -x 1. :!. frail.' ' i t : ' ' ' I. o ' ' ' t. ..: . . II. , ! ii " ' ' " - " ' rut k i ' ' ' e.;i .1. SiTiif.llll tl . cum i . i : ' ' 1 1 C 'J U f I I I'. I' ' -. . ' : ... . Ccinir.on S-nc Cere Co., K'.uU- St., Chi- '. 111. ' "' TRY the f FT 2 s .r- - ije.-j! I . . o . ; . rrrwi mm - -Jl 7'1 I V , mM p 2.'1! H t H'JH DISCOVERY. core HAY-FEVER All) ll.X.li loil'IHil Ol for I . t t 11 i l ' I o. io " I II I. I t I I 1 1 . 1 1 1 I Il i. II . I. I I 1. it I O I o. i PI i-i, . -. , mill i I in i i ' . .a. ni i i...... - n. i ; o . p. ii. I . Ii . i c . A i art !' . is 1 '"" r ' lr : ... -J' I-I1T . "'I 'il lll' i-e t I !M ( I ffl lriori tli ll.irno4. A little time use 1 in the care of the harness will make it last much longer. It will also be much more c mfortablo for the horse if kept solt and pliable. If breaks are properly mended at night of tho day ia which they occur, and a rainy day taken two or three times a year ia which to wash up and oil the harness, one set will do as much work as three or four sets not properly looked after. The Lreaks can be cash 7 rnended by riveting the 1 rokea strap together with copper rivets, supplied with proper washers-, or. better still ly stitching them together with a proper wax -end. To oil, take the harness npart, and, after ha viug peaked it for ten or fifteen minutes in warm water. clean each strap separate'- with a brush and warm water, in which a little sal soda has been dissolved if the harness i3 very dirty. Placing the straps oa a board, greatly facilitates their cleaaini'. "When almost dry grease them with noat'f-foot oil mixed with a little lamp- b'.aclc (other cils will answer tho same ; ur-po-o, but there are rone better.) Leave If vou tiro thinking of buil.ii a silo remember ycu can use it a an ico leu-e after taking cut tho cn-i!a-e; make it as all tho rest of the farm produce two crops. Do not wait till cold weather boforo you provide protection forymr dairy c ews aid young stock. (live th-m r ood, warm quarters a:.d vu will reap the benefit. Swe le turnip', if fed wh ile and sepa rated, will ll ivur milk. and mixed with an c.p.iil quantity of mangolds, or ulp:d ami mixol will hay will not impart a bad t .st . A lazy, ctrclcss, slovenly pciso-. will fall ia boo culture as ia evervtiiio:' else. twentv-four hours all nairi erased, and I was . oast; U :tl .n by q1.ih to nt ami dirt a trood soaare meal, some- . . I - mmnfafl 1 , ...1 c- n m n lliinir I I,-wl not df.TlC liefort- ill i WO VVCeK". I i - ' f T.,, : pot better constantly, and at the end of tevrn l1 . . of ,hc L'lr0!l j n;iys fouI1(1 my,rlf entirely well. Since, hen I Von "W'uitemburg and her husband j luiv0 M.(l ai.i.co. k's ponors ri.Asrr.its for will not cost less than " 000 apiece. colds, coiihs and pain in my ide, and I have They are male of maiogany. seven j alwaiS fuUd tL.t;,n 'i"i,k ftnfl '- inches thick carved in lol l relief with i H.-rr Kmp;. sal-eribed $b.,."" to the fund , . x . . ... f I for the Kmir lley relief expedition, tho most elaborate- desigas. A l ot ; QCiki these arc ir soir.o manner c mblema.tic of There ca t be no harmony or :ee'.ii: s-vntpathy betweoi such a pjrson ; of and t ".is mrrvolous insect, whose name, for ages ptst, ha; been cmi.lematic of ia d u t r v. death. On tho panel a symbolic or the gtim d .?troyer---has caught the fiy at last i t a web so deli cately ex ruti'd that yeu fear to breathe upon it let it blow away. In another place a giiliia's claw mij ,orts a Lux an skull from a fracture i 11 which a lizard is crawling. an owl in tho act of capturing a mouse, 1 and so on, tho intention being to ex- ; prcsa the idea that death conies soon or .... i t if slic d ' late to evciy living tiling. , Oa tho top of each cetlli ii c irvod a , coat of f.rni-, and every available inch i of the interior is beautified by the cut- I ting tools. Ia:-i !e the-e .superb caskets ire swung two silken hammock? for tho eventual rccep'.i m of tho D.ron'.i gr md- ; daughter and h-.r sj c toe. They are net deal vet Don't You Know j . . . .. .T. -1 l.. . HV.nOalfll-1-l.'l - . , -j nnr vou can noi ;ooioi io I.. -i. i on. . ... ... Spider ltseu : j,,,n-t"y..i know ttiat it may lend to eoi,sumt- J tiou.lo liisannv. to tifiun; ii i joum.hw i tl.. it' it can he i-ioilv cuied'.' Iion't you know I that while the thousand and one nostrums you have tried L;tve utterly failed that i r. S;ik''"s , Catarrh ltemedv is a certain care? It has stood the test of year-, and there are hundreds of tliou-ands of iri it. f u! men and women ip ail part of tli country who tan testify to Its efti eacy. Ail druisU. , l-.l.Y lilt" I Hl.KS, ;., Woro-:i .si , . . ROANOKE m P n 4 t r. 11 fl 11 A f TT fit UUUUII vv . ' v mm i , i I Hi -s i i-.l i l l 1 i i l . 1U ii ' ' ' u 1 t:i, . ; i- ' '- ., - I.. . m i. I- I I ' i . V A I -V vl-tr! i&fU woo'p wu:K.s"n.t - '.t .!- H ,:A 'KfiA n uki ,: i i - t REPEATING RIFLE Nfufr-inHei.rr. w T. ei.f r'-t.ii'ali'-M t 4. v;.r i n It. e l . ciiarantci- P loKC-t riHir -i-r nlf. so,,i i;r. in ulnuipo i- 1 " 1 OO-paRf i " '-r i ' f ' a? ' ' Eri!vfri, t i'!i i t T- if. H. -'-.-.. ,r'e JOHN I'. I.UVKI.I. AKMS CO., U ..V A. s J t-.V or Bi'iot: L i vcr&in ; AP.l A I i v. i it r. , St. is. Ti- l ...1 C-.I.U r nn i-vtw rt li'is been Ilt ill atlOthci Jiatiel shows; fru:; I'aril, to K.orida, to -tudy yellow fuvcr. j Ha ml. u is I'lz fur Hie I.iver. HabituiLl constipation and torpidity of thj liver are t'u m t lonal rierum." meuts whi.-Ii should not be so l.rnfc nCKlcrted ? to pr.erate a.tual dis, as.-. Hamburg I ur should lie taken,, nndtliederaiiu-ed organs ri -tore.i tohrHith. - cents, llo.-e ( ne I-i'. -Mack Drug Co., N. 1 . OI Iiilrrmt to I lie I.ndirn. Tverv w.,man aRlicted witli Womb Diras-f. cr i'airif ul Monthly Irr.-Lcu aritios. j- re'i'ie--ed tOT.-ii. her name and address to Mr-. Mary A. Rrannoe, At ui.ia, Oa., and pet inform al io:i, iiow to In- i ured. SB n tcli I In-in nine xPli ! Styner's Sticky Fly a PA P H SO I ny "'..' 'A T, r.nl-. T. It. llUVl.Kl. Aluniilae liirer, .17 llft-k mn n ft l, St-vr oi U. :tecties Waat.1 lo rwnif. ?h?1 m". V - u-.i--r ,r .-.- Id our Sc'l u;. K Ij--i i' w- r-, : d'.-.-t 1' 'f'-- Grmnan UfctectiTe liurt-au :iiiitt.3. fflF UM HAiJl I P a. .:i i 1 ; ! i:,;-'",. ri"--., Dr. J. II i . w. k . . . . "ST--- r - -- 1 r a'.rn. tit. I rial r r-i r ' IIuiii.iiip Ki nie.lr o., I I'a or H'.r.n lay Tim i-1 1 . I n !. ,.r : f, r f r" " -,1 in otherwise. money, they HILLIARD3 E. E. AGENT, DEMOCRAT OFFICE, SCOTLAND NECK, - - lb 15. Tho liottlo -ViOlho l or Handling .Milk. O 10 farmer turaishe; Kiiisn C'itv. .!-., with COO bottles cf milk daily. I The metliol of handling it is ns fol- j lows; Tho cows are milked ti3 near ' 4 : HO incining ar.d e ver.in as pci.?ible. ! milk is brought to tho milk the strap hanging in a warm place over i The nig! tight, a nil rub IT with a woolen ra; i house, cooled to C" degrees, bottled, all tho oil r.ot absorbe 1 in tho morning, i scale 1 and set i.i ice w it r ever i.ight. ir.J not sent out in thj corning uitil 8. The m-rtiine-'s milk is Lottled about Then, after being prut togeth r, ther arc rcadv for Uic. LLht liarnesses aro generally washed clT with ci-tile soap and -water. All stitching shoul 1 be done before being grea-ed. Farm, Field and Stockmn. lc it u:.derst"0 i. Quite Ibit, hr:itg r.o end of vi h t die regardless of cxnen-e. A slg 00 mausoleum ia a local ccmcteiy wi 1 seive as a leccpt: clo for the costly boxe-.-rLN.-w York Graph ic. Ono Way of liaising r.owl.lers. Aa iageticu- "Mia.-itsota w.rkmun did a very clever thing the other d;.y. It ha 1 become r.e:c-sary to rai?e a Lugo block of store about half an inch from its 1 ed. cn-1 in the absence of djiricks Have vou a few hour-" or a few- day".' par- time ;;,-:.iiii.::y that ou wou d I ke to turn iii'o moiie ': If -o, t hen write j : kly to P.. )r . .I,,i..,-.,n A- Co.. of Richmond. Va.. and th'-y ;vi, ;ivi' you information tliat wii be m oil. -v pi your pocket. TI II Y. :'' "I 1 '1" i mi.&ri.-ti . Aritlii:.' . thi.r UKbly lai.-lit 'Y ' ": . llryuiif- ( ollftliij.i7'j --'; 1 1 i - 41 i 1 "".v.S6S ijxL TiP ! or c ther mech anion IB it tier l .ii.iiiu' Hueli of th ; excoUouce of 5j0, and placed ia the wagons for de livery from 8 o'clock till noon. Tho bottle method is gaining in favor. 1 ho lu ti-. wi:e has a tiille more tr. u do, but she is sure of pure, fresh mills, with two cr three inches of cream plair.lv like a hopeless t featol by such t number of rorci powers it looked c. Not to be de- fi.-s, he attache J a O tiio rins with Loci Cabin" are fast go- j ing out of style as fashion- ' able residences. Log Cabins ! wi! , however, always have a place in American history, ' !"tir$ as thev were the most T.roini; pnt feature of OUT ! country's earlv social life, i Tie T:onee-- were strong, rugged, he: Ithv. Wirner's Log Cabin ough a- d Consumption Kemedy is a reproduc er of one of the ! ( st of the old time ro. ts aa l h. rbs remedies, which kept them ve.l. i.verybody pra ses "Tippe canoe"' as a stomach tonic. Great English fjoJt ail Rhejmitic Kcmaly. Oval Box, Ull round. 1 I Pill.. ZZ Blair'sPills.' r ii n v """i A . V. . i. I M P I nrrl r. l II OTTO. i -.' V- i ! I'l' I. i-l HERBRAND FIFTH WHEEL. r; L II Y.U H If u t o. TE i-. i ii i. K.-.n. 1 lujlirOT s i oo to S300 AillreslilHII.KV tV IMI It T I: It . Oh 1 1 a . T r . 4 I an 1 Hs-iip,!- f r-i 4 nt war.t 1 :i :.'ur. i.. r --.i- ao i K. Mrlil;, I" N V lOI.IIIt I H I lor ( in.il in pi i vr a. 1 fiREYSlUmRRiED? J.-r.i1 ii--. f'.r i: tlemg i. butter do- ; visibl on unm.x : with tho iltiit pec ds o;i tlu salting, aad. while butter tht.t for any re.xsoa is real y inferior caanot be riiiacd to a era Jo of excel lence by tho salting, that which other - and dirt of tho streets, tho bottles are filled up and there is no chance for the milk to shake aad churn. Farm, Field and Stockman. which the stone was furnished, tho other end to t:io ton oi the wn.ci- miil un !cr wlr.i h it lay. lie then meunro i tho wia Jniill and poured pai. after jail of witer oa tho ropo, which in tho morning i:nd shrunk sufii .butiy to lift the stone tho required height. IMcw York Graoluc V " T . tJej ir r-Tt r' r. i-rf. rfsr , ri t. u w U M I u a VUJ - r . - r I IIikii : i r, I'. FISTULA ani a ! K'.-ea. ' tra'.--1 t I' '' t'f C-M. ' j .-. ' ' ' '' :n InutiKH .N n'ii''i, ..irojr or i aiti-i Atil'l- 'O' ' Kuaran'.eo 1 : u " ri-at-'!. P.''ir--." .-'m. Or. K. i .IACKsoN, 4j , Wi.tt;.. .11 , AliiDta, tta. lit hmrri. .1 - Pi. S5i" H a il.-ir. A. i C VAKX. t?a adi aa hi h ii.-; La JVMirnrofilflo; III I '!:. lid i c 'mti, . - 3 , . . I I y : . ' ri-t , - j ii 1 TON '. i lryVj ;