o? I sij L , ; i I- 0 E. E. HILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. WE MUST WORK FOR THE PEOPLE'S WELFARE. t V BS C n ". F T 1 0 N" : S 1 50 FIR MAR. VOLUME V. SCOTLAND NECK. X. (. THUiDAV. NOVEMBER 1 s v . x. I .MPl.ii ! ! PROFESSIONAL. w. a. duhn, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HJOl'LANJ) NECK, N. C. IVir'ice-i win n-ec-r his fcrv'cs are r ;; r d. ftbBMy. Yl. i). KlTCHIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, fs ' 'O i L A ." U N KC K, N. C. , v"i )'", (. ('.):;. r Main and Tenth ; j i . ti i i l f 1 i 1 1 j Attorney and Counselor at Law, s tla::; xf.ik, n. c, rnicti' es wherever his services arc (,t,r W. II. Kite '.in will appear wMi lev in :.; 1 ("I " - DAVID BELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, i N. c. Y.vt;rf- i :: ! t!.'- Courts f.f lf;t:ifa i, ,i j: i' lt i-.-K.nt ii-; and in the tbi- '. .1 ( is. Claims ((,- State, '.) S-lvr ATTORNEY AT LAW, It A!.: TAX, X. c. ('.m i; ;: ! I di'ax rnd :ulj'h;inir ooun tirs (..;';.(;; n ad-e in ;dl 1 rt.s of the N.,fo. :;-S 1-v- . I!, i ) A V, A. '. '! I I' ' i'!" .It, Jl. l.'ANSOM y. ', ; ; a. K-!! a r i.i. AYeldon. Pay, ZoIIicoffer & Ransoi AT7R-YS AT LAY, w i:i.!k.x. x. c. S 8. ALSOP, A7TORK2Y AT LAY, lAi'IilH, N. C, I'r-.-t;.- s in !: Courts of Halifax and A". ! rece ive prompt atten bl 1-v. H. HILL, ATTOKJSSY AT LAW, IIAbibAX. X. C, l't -'!( - in !I . ii' ; -ml adjoining k '...;:-. ;. ': ' ! v.il ; d Supreme c ;;s'iv to V!h! T. GUM!, A; toincy o.n u icTtn.ior at Law, I1A! ii'AN. X. C, rr::cii'-( ; h:T.-er i-; vrvia" arc re- f t l rm-. m 1 A ! y. 8 j ,i c t I K i 1 1 5 J , ' 1 S ' .i T;-3 jj ;; . ? m 4 g ) t? I ij ) 3 t ' t s S v- 5 u j i i,r.Ai.r.n ix - IJIPHOViD I'AEII IfiTFLErJENTS A Si.CiALl Y. fall nii-1 f-:.:'!!. I'm- Iisc IIa:'r v and Si idti". M i ' r.,-i- M.'.v-r, aiii.idt:! 'f i ( : fi-: t !' '!!. i:! n d' xn, va., I ri n, 1 11 f n r: r i c c i n n M 3 r bin? LduliJvi L v hi ill ; J Ji 'j u !: -.-I uliaiili tt'id J'.T !V.l' : 1 ft'!!' !' f ) a!. -"-'-V !..!- i':.'. Iv. tiks" V. iA(;lkv, "wudixfrrox. xr. c. Co 3, io3 asses, Salt, GiDiicc German Kaiait and Kova Sco tia Land Plaster. '-"QuotaU oil Ap..ir..i"ion. lVhll-lv. '4 f I 7 1 r fi! 1 '-1 r.-vi-fi.'n-.l lb.- j fc. f 1 ? ?H j-.'-.v-vM ..rn.-.-l!.- 1 .st !: ,!: i 'J : I ; j c:.t) - N'-t i-t ,i-i:oii.' ta v ' -f ,'.v.-n p-.i ,r Is a ra''hi tt ! : v. -: ,.f vf:: k la i 1 (t:omi.iM a!i tv- : ' ' ;:.t rv vit'..:i: s. ;. u.i'ii' Mir . i ;vt is tr ;;: i a, i'l.-.''Mt: aiiv km ran io th- w - : ! a s.-. r-r !!: 10 spi-ci ii .: - t- aa. i'i. cniM.'i not n--.n-.l; yu ar' fc':;' '!'! :t a ' s vi' ;"' !' " !! : a Hi Us aa'l c M j.l -" 1 V. I f i vir'M, cf (.Teat V-llil-'J aa-t 1-i-fnr "(at' y .-!. t!i t '1 si a it y. u ii 'v w i.t .t will l-rl cr -' U ia lii'iff li'.ori- V, IVi.l Ilaill !!)! f St ?H thO . 1. (.r (i o'i'at free. A'.;..is3 i iuo & Co., Au0u.-U, Ma-. 3-20-1 y. f" i il ? ! ! ! f -ftMl at tiio-n v. ln pvl s j i ,H 3 !l;!s.u, 1 til- a ar-r: t;,,.v v:V. la I : ! m 1 1 1. S l.orT.r.ii.'.- ca,--:'wrv i.r th ,t wi.i IH--1 t i- th. -in trial t'i ir Ii !.ivs aa.) faai '.-s 'I'm- .r -hi-. ar 1-HLT- aa i sur f.a- cwry i.i'l".. tn-'n-. i . . r ! ; i.i.iiiv !i i . aiaiia aa i htv -,.-v i:i..:-.it..' s-v.-t.ii hua iil 't 1 1 1 is a month. I: U .i lii'.'i.v rn' i) ia tk" f") an 1 a:w.ir',5 pT d i.v, u !: ts v;:!-n to Kit ;;v sx, ya-;' c or ; !: ; : f . i i i. 4 r.r-.'.t" !; ' start v.. a. Kv.a i thia I..-W. . sr. I : alalit,.- l(ia!lfi; )fil, r.-.i V. i .m .1 i r v, ,'! f. . any m.:. V.'rlio ta at t'!)"!' !'.r ! p i't: u! :'s, wa!. h we ui.iii tree. A.i.:io.v r-.n.b;-;i Co., Port: tn-1. Ma-u-. 3-22-1?. : n WaHilor fv! in thonsands cl 1 a. ns. t,.n :tv v.:-,. ,s-t l.v the ni.-r-''"f V' I- i.r ir.vi.t J'i'i Tna.0 tin ara M ' ,;r!!t !'" vv.i'k ti; ;t -; i ri !( i! ;ne vht:e - ' ' a !!: -in at .. -ti'l th-Jr afJ.Jr-.s-i 1 ' 1. ' " ' f I'll J. M .ilie an-t rr.a ivo, 1 ' ' ' ' i 1 !.;"'! a i it ii .;1 j w (ai !i!-r Si'T, of all H'". ' '' 'r:i ''"ai i to ir, p- tilay Hti upwards w!..-r. '.-! they liv'. Y.-'ii jro started f.w. fpt- 'r'' r T'T-t. Sn;.,M have !:vHc ovr f)0 lua i :''..'Je uy at this work. All euacx'fcd. a-aa-iy. Back to the Old Home Once More. In the golden glow of the setting sun The. e it lay, n-st!"l d'jwri t.y a hill ; The soft, gray shadows feil here and there On green meadow and runain rill. I saw the fields of golden grain; : I heird the caws and bong of bird; Bat at the door whi-rr; thu hollyhocks TCT7 I ha.-rd no welcoming word. 1 strayed out in the orchard fair; Old trees btretche 1 their arms to mo, As if they would say, we remembdr you well, And they whispered the-e word.s to DS: Have you hack the h' p-s of youth) Are your castles pe-l)le 1 with iifet Is your heart as hravo and lu 1 of glee? Wire no dit-ams crushed out ia the strife? Do you t rin to yorr homo the Look of life, Witu its pajis ju-t; as i ! i is in the days, wii -n a chill, you playo la e the yeurs dri.te 1 ia Lcwct-n? Is li'e ns fair as in the d ys Y u gathered the fl w..as sweett Are noivf of th p ig s M.ittd or stainol In the L'.'ok that will soon he com plot .-? The old h..tiij lays fair in the moonlight, As it fails on the waving grain; ijtit the. o! 1 lolks arj gone, and the re:n 1 recs o.iy, never to return a;rain. ecTDTT7TTfl A T.T A THTT "Well, Mi;i lli'. let un, I nm-t say I'm real sorry you and Mr. Songster un.ve fi len cut ii!ce that." 'Oh, Mr-i. Coilias, indeed you arc mistaken. There has in ca no filling out between. Mr. Sinister and mysidt Ir.dee 1, I am not on suflicdently sociab c Ltrras -witli any of your jjentleinen Doartltrs to havj a qt a 'ixl." S y in wldch, Mis llil leburn, a slight, delicate-featured irl of eih teen, walked out of the room v.dth even noro than her wonted dignity of man ner and carria-j. "Nevorthelc3-, notwithstaniia?," ro suazd 3Irs. Col. ins, taking up her ironiajr, ''I do beiicvo there's been a luisuT.lerstandia' between those two, and a rtal ity it is. for ho dil admire her am .in' ly. He cau.dn't conceal it. O !y they se'.dom know what is good for 'em, a ul sIu'l a-lettia' her prido stand in tlu way of her happiness now.'' ' Pri le, in leed? ' sneered Miss Jane HumphrL-3, Mrs. Co. lias' niece and as- i,ta:it, o. u.u, r u-naircu, siyn u- Ircssad damsel of live and thirty. ' I .i'.ic to Know -a hat ! ir;ht a gi:i who earns her livia' by givia' mu ic lessons at fidy cents mi hour h: s to be proud; and as for Mr. Sa tighter, I don't believe he ever had a seii u thought about her." "Li, Jane, I don't see where yr-ur oyes kin be, if you di lu't see how fr.ir y wrapped up in her he was about two weeks ngo. lie is a splendid young raa, arylinw, and I'll try and see ii I can't mend matters between' em." "Yi u' d l etter be mindin' your own budne'-s, I fii-.k. Aunt Martha," said Mis- J iic with a spite :ul laugh. ' X Vt-r yo : min i, Jaae," persisted the warm-h -arte l Mrs. Collins; 4 I'll manage ia some way. You say she's afrai.l of ghosts, poor Iamb 1" The following evening the kind hearted lamlla l v taprt -d at thc deer of thescan'i y furnidi al fourth-story room occupied by Lucy Ili'doburn, and from which now proceeded a mdanchoiy j -tr an. "Studying your piano at nights agiin?' queried Mr. Collins reproach fully, when the young girl opened the door. "I am very buy ju-t now, and muvt put n'.l t'ae time lcia into study." "Well, but you mustn't forget what the doctor to'.d you about overworkia' r.var brain." sdl Mrs. Collins. "II w- ever,' sue aeiieJ, x wont uctam you ion per' n I kin help. I'm come to ask a fa v-.r. eveai. I'm going to the concert this Mr. San -ster nor M) Ilil te: urn vid So i .Tine. So's every btdy , 0. Bat the following u'av Lucy con- in the house, I b'tiev; and the reirl has gone to bed with a toothache. So I'm goin' to ask you to t;ivo an eye to the fur nice. I've ju-t ut on fresh coal and opened the lowvr doori; lut will you please g i down at eight o'clock and close the doors? ' "Certainly," assented Lucy, upon which Mrs. Collins produced a lantern, s.tyin g: "Ju-t take this down with you; the cellar's all dark, you know." Lucy took the lantern, closed the room door and returned to her piano, while Mrs. Collies walked away, chuck ling to herself. "That lantcrn'll go out just five min utes after she sets it down, and she'll find herself all in the hark. And she's frai l of ghosts, poor lamb! But what if somebody who ain't a ghost shcu d happen to be goin' down thereabout the same time, and bo obliged to strike a match to calm her fears?" And even whilo indulging in thi -t p'oasiag red ction, Mr?. Collins tapped at a door on the second floor. Her summons was responded to by a pleasant-looking young man, who just now, however, wore a very dejected countenance. "La! Mr. Snngstcr, I didn't expect to find you homo tlm evening." "I didn't feel like going out to night," replied the young man ia a weary tone. "Well, since you aro going to bo at homo," said 2-Irs. Coilias, "would you bo eo kind as to look alter ths farnaetl I vo left thi lower d orsopen but I 11 ; Le v.ry much ob.ied if you go dowa : at about ciht o clock and clcsi 'eta. i And you needn't take a light. There'll bo ono dotYa thore." Mr. Singstcr reaJi'y promised to' comply with thi rcquait, and Mrs. Col- lias wact away, hoj iag for what &h3 ; co.asilored "tha ri ht rj-ults." ; Man v,T.:i'e, poor Licy ITi'delurn, . sitting at her piano, coatinuel to draw j fonh such mdancholy strains that tlx-i j tears roll-d down her ch-eko. "I must go aw-iy from here," ahc Bat i h!f a'oui. 1 can't bosr it much j loagcr; inJecJ, I can't, seeing him d-.y ; aft. r day, lovi:ig hi n m I d, and i knowing that mt t?rt can tu vr bi a 1- ' j Htcd uct7;en xi . II- is as j.roul as I but, oh, dear ! what am I thinking ot? It wants j ist two minute i of ei ;ht. I must go down and closo tho furnace door?." Thereupon sho liglitcd tho lantern, a: d pr -ce-ded d wa stair.-. j U;li! Whit a chid draught was' i h.wiag ia through w.io of tlu grat- j in-1 ' ! And th-.'re were -itraa.-e nois-js all j i art u v'. she as tcmnted to turn and run tin sl.drs again. Bat, go-aJnes! Tho furnaco was dreadfully, dan ger")usiy hot. Lucy suiam..iied up all her resolution, and, f-toopi 1 g do vn, closed tho doars. Thev swiri" to with a btnu, and . . . . i when she es-ay-; 1 to open them again i she ff.-uad I ha efl" 'tt beyond herstrengtb. What was to be done in case of tho fire needing more diau ht? Sho might alter a while find it ncc essary to put on more coal, and that it would be wo'l to put oa more d rati. -lit. But while shj was debating with her self a much more svri ms mishap oc curred, for thy ir.sido of. the lat.tcrn su Idenly uchi.-ved the most inex:iicablj somer au.t, and the was lei t ia utter d irkne -s. M treover, to complicate ths miicricj of h.r situation, she now heard stealthy footsteps descending the cellar stars. Poor L icy stood quite still, with her hands clasped together over her heart. This was a burglar, uadou'-tedly. Ho ; h.ul g,,cll al, thc mil i a mates of tho hou e g iag out and the lights lowered, and had thus chosen his opnortunity to . .A , ,;..! in tbm ro. ; p. The first idea that suggested itself to her was to creep tin ier the steps and ren.ain there un il M:s. Collins' return. Era she ha 1 time to do this, however, a man's form became visible ia the dim s 'n.i-twiii.dit that w.u shed from the ki chen door above. I. 'try, v.i.h a desp rata instinct of se f-pre-et v.tion, put up both hand?, exclaiming: 'dl.tvj pity on me 1 ,0b, hava pity nv.d -pare my lhc 1 ' Uton thi. the i urglar drew back, very much su- p: ised. ' Miss Hi; debut n I" he exclaimad, as he struck u match. "What are yru doing here, and how can 1 serve ycuf ' Now, poor Lucy, coic pk-tuly unnerved and dreadfu'iy ashamtd of her?e f, sat down or. a reversed coal scuttle and burst into a fit of wee; ing. Than Mr. 5ing-ter knelt dow.i baide her, and a confused interchange of ex planations of various kinds ensued. The result was that at tin expiration of half an hour, Mr. Sangster took Lucy in his nrm- and kissing tha tear stained face murmurs 1: "God bless you for this premise, my own darlinr." When Mr. Collins came homo two ; hours later tho hou so wa; very nuiet. i ', tli- furnace in rood or lor. f.nd neither fided to her a secret, and M . Sangster j ab-entecl himseli mysterious v for p. bout : three weeks. After thi.t JL-s llildc. bum also disappear" d. "Gone to viit h.r Punt at Swath- more, Airs. Cjnins cxpiaiaccl to the other boarders. But a fortnight later tho carrier . trougnt EOaio tve-UJUg caras to the house. "It was ali brought about through the i urn ace," said Mrs. Collins, with a gleeful chuckle. But Mis? Jane was infinitely disgusted. Chicago Journal. A Monster Trout. A mon'ter trout has been captured ia the riverl tchen at Winchester, weigh-; left toasi', by one end. The other parts iag sixteen pounds two ounces, and; 0 the throat were r.oirrn'. The little measuring 32 inches ia length and 21 j maS8 could not bo detached bra c tt:n inches ia circumference. The bait was I COve-red probe, but ly the use o. forceps a live minnow, and he was not landed J it was easily removed, and on examina till two hours alter he was hooked, j tion 7 rove i to be a piece of finger nail, He had haunted tho stream for years, j which had become covered by a cheesy was almost as well knowa ia tho city 83 j deposit. A broken riece cf tho nail Q teen Anne's statue ia the High street, j wa3 a;s0 rem ved Irom under the mu and had acquired quite a reputation for : C0U3 rnemb'aao a: the same spot by a the number of rods he had broken ana the quantity of fishing-tackle ho hai cairied away. His captor was a laborer; named Turpin, who disposed of him f cr ; !rj to a fldimonger, oa whose slab it at- j ir cted almost as many visitors as a monarch lying in state. II j was in ; splendid condition and has now gone; into the hands of a taxidermist for prcs-j ervatioa. London Times. j bULMIl'K :-v UA1'. Tlie chief miTrals of m ca grrnp hive b.en art ;!'..: " iy r , : 'j Vc.-i by ii. , Dodter. .tor :i a : imrvroTC rr.ent :.: r h vi i m in r'.i i boat whiitluj ta.li 1 sot'.a J r. Ilemcdy for !ee '.' j .:: I st to.e: e a iv. ;rsp: n-rp one drjp of j h.-.ol 'i:ut place stung; nivi-tca for a few s- c T.d-, disapp.-tT p:ickly. A -r oa ti.e i a a il ru e vain wi.. Ii.-cent French r 1 y -trfi-tiCJ r a re d u r . hr ai-'h i:n- indicate that, wh.bj i . . tion of ii! c i ; r"'1 . prove : ji .h . :..... . -number of eJUrvm-dy .. diminishi.ig. Two G rmau ex: i n iven'. the illuminating , ,-.o. . i ;.: reduced oe-half by t v. . v air. The lui.tturo i-.tj' .-v.h-n it contai v u uu eighteen v .u n '. air t . . ; orio-uj H rs :-vi tl.-it a: :.th . ga is per n '. ' -. cs-'luiiv.-. :t t i U l : cm an e-'in. ii ; b , v it apneuri that if tho er.'.-r Ling Wt-re stored u; an i i electric lie,hti :v; lrw i -e live ilishe'i won! i be r q! one incande-cent 1 nup Hero is a nut for vegcta jv r. . y ; If l.ti' ii-ca, '.i "ti". a 1 f-r tirty- i to k c c i uoiir. i r r;pk An ludiii i ruaner lives on dried meat and he ai'. ire tfi.i it .ad more fatigue than any ct'n r maa in th world. Tho black ioot run .ers do 10 mi'ci over the rcughert c u::t:y ia lour days and in the race a Lone ttu-ds no chance ngaiast them. Prof. Wagner puba.h-es a,:alysis in support of his toacioi a that steamed potatoes are far mare i:u riti tn thai boiled ones, la thc process of boiling, the vegetables t iva u- cot siderable portions of nutritious salt-", while they also tuko up more at.-r thin when steamed, and bocome proiof lionately woakcr. Tho greatest elevat in a which has been attain d by man i- U7. ('00 ftet about seven miles this height hrvirig been reached during a baboon ascent made by Glaisher. At this tremet.dous dis tance above the earth's s::: f: : physical exertion is found to be al no-t i ; possi ble, owing to the great tar. faction of the atmosphere. A ccrraspor.xlcnt of :oi ilagbsii maga zine alleged that a pc-rl' et cure for elecplessness i to tl.i i; of some dr jsm ono has hil, the- more ia-ccntly the b t tcr. and to be"i i to go - vr a ain i i tho mind as nearly ns pa s;b e the details of the dream, 3 c p cot: " :, he asserts, al most invariti ly a id often :.s n bieiiV as the fall of a eu:tai a. It is said nu fO'H : u tint v till' ast teforo tho- outbre.k oi cholera in ToU lon, the swallows su 1 lc-:ly iiviiipeared from the locabty. A a cii' -. r i i the Bengal cavairy said, i i ei renco to this, that dutmrr a ch--:c ra e pid'-Miic in India he had no'ic d ugn many cf thc dead remained iv. bv.: ied, the carrion-ea'.irj. g birds bad pcarc J. ail disap- Mr. Pr.stctir tlrnks bjs. Ion will t.?co:iio the mo-t io of car- :ie:l: 'OU5 01 all antiseptics, ns it i hi costing but a fracti a pt und m lar',-e quu-bi.y. the best infect ici Ij i." the 1 lieUiiOSt, : a j'enny rer it : s . i e w no i ' un 1 for t h i s I purpose may, it i- ibe.', bo useful for preserving weed wo: countries. Seme ii.aioi the u-e it ii already put to n;.y be --alh-red from tho fa-.t, a strdtal. lb .t r.iote th in ei ,d,t million pounds of t! ai-tr: ate u-.eel nnnuidy to check th r.-iv.!,a.-. of 'hy!- loxera. C'aib.u 1 ,v. ' t I", r.. j-ro- duced, th aigh an ;.:! i-.v dt -r. ive j compound in ro pec- i - caijab.c ot comn.etc vur Biting the lb: Dr. Joiomo 'I'lttbiii, ' in tho Medical lie j accident, r s.i.tii, ' common prev-i o:.r : A novel bit of very i v jus p-o pie, was breu-V to 111 . es ut ' A young la iy ;:es ut 1 her -e'.f at ir.y : cHiee cornpbiinia. cf n co n-ta t urita-' ! . . . i tioa ia her throat. i v.-o '.ve.-us prc- viously she had been takco with a severe "sore throat," wnich w.is treated by s i ' neighboring physician. Und r his care, i she say--, the inr!a:n:nation cuickiy sub- si Jed. but there tti rcrvo.i .C'J a sen sation ol lrnta'icn. J. 1 1 iniiiation re vealed a small j-i-hv-.ooi-ii.ig o i ct, about the size of a kerr.-l cf wheat, ; adherent to the. tiues posterior to the ; sh irp -pointed probe. T ie r"-ticat r ' -n her ; confessed to tho habit o: bit finder nails, and, moreover. coulJ re- j member th't a d iy cr two revicus to ; the cr.s.t of her thro it t; ulbo a piece j Gf nriii -which hal become lost in her 3-.. out! had caused a fit oi en forgotten about it until xaj discovery. l. but after it -biag she had reminded by rj ti p -JL' i i 4 if. ii 5 j. i Low Pricas! Farms F3? i uiuuuij DdlJ L2n The Best Place In I Ail Situated la the Divide 1 Bstween The HOariOKE ftHD TAR f;!iCR. NEAR THE TOWN OF SCOTLAND NECK, IX- The fVlost tforaS Com munity in the State. AND IX 1UJ MIUL Uuaivllldl iJuuiiUil East of the Mountains. FARM NO. 1. F. ii'.in :lre'i aetos, t . ii and -!ia,I lets from the beaMind tow id Neck. About two hii' cul iv.itbai. One y,- d ' !-e, on" g"odi:i Ilo.i-e, ' I'ue-s. tloi'd (rel.ard I ' 1 . fill- red a I) - blag eel . ! ; r :..i r.oiod Water. Luc atiim dei . rable. PRICE S4;500. FAllM NO. h urn ! rc d Mil .-: : t v- urn s. ' a and r vol io.: W' a:' I I'll' -li'bi lubes : .-.ia Nc-k. C'Mie hundred acres ia cultivation. Ibi'ise and g ..;(! water. and t- (ba.d Io. I PRICE $2,750. FARM NO. i j : 1 ' i et re icia r. : fr- m J 'i i ab i I b .a ie 1 1. ( . . I) .rd. a:. 1 -o-.d v. at nr. PRICE $2 500. saii-i'-Iiini-l :-. in the toe. l o't r:e D i : r. g lb. .l tid : K. Ti.e frin- tr s-: ib .i a. c a 1 -.v-1 1 .01 of c n, ( of - :S field l ea-, p -f ' ' 1-; . , t : . fr-.t ' ' 1 I- ton, w h'-'A. tt. penn tat 0. s. and veg t bies 'i hrf-e leeo l ohurcho- l'l ti.e ,t, 1;- t- -.VU of -t .I.d church f tho S. -'aioi Nc-k. M-th d . tb, i-.-op .1. and a Prim tie e t.., the town, t'll'i h--r e. ith t v. . 1 T be:-t aa.l m-t tlourVi i.g a m :'.- a.i 1 f-ma'-e in tb. - .;..- .f the ;::a-t :- rab'o ;both Carolina. Tb- prop, -lit of an oil r..:II :.r.-l ct rv will S'.oii ad t m i ii ju'a;f of owning pr op-vrty i : ouibty. A:;v tiitd nil th1 prop. r';. 1 1 . . o. . c - , . a .vp 1;: a'. !'e o o.i.L j'.r -o- a' a a -. l:. O.s ;ri - ib- o'i :. ' ; nr: i: fi-. n the r-: e;ti: a- V . r -.:! l-:.- a - l' -.r 1 ! -f I Ai-P.'.T To- TO AH BIG n REAL ESTATE BROKER- SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. BJY YOUR 3LIBDS, A Si h t a r-i n DOORS. A ! . ! is i rt ; i !" - i Li ftliMt. 2 9 -IT.OV- IVIIITEHLiiST i OWEN, F.UHUFACTURERS, HiOHMOMO, VIRGINIA. i ; -1 . flilR SHELDOli KSP.FaiK, VA., ill 1). In t ii'Ji-'U V l-JCU! Blinds, Mouldinjj3, Brackets, Stair Riils Newels, Wood Mantles. Slato M.tn tlcs, Building Hard war e , Tin Shingles, PAINTS, OILS, Window Glass, Cut Glass, Ceylond Glass Varnishes, Plas ter Paper, Shteting' Ppsr, Poonn Paper, 7 indows, Doors and Screens. iii'.M' I OO r M " ' 1 1 ' l'f) ilic HaXalL CuLiiMiftVi I'j, HXALL KILLS, 4 'atcnt Hcilcr imily Hour, :rad. - . f A rod FLOUR. ;i . T 0 i mi ; i i : i i i l - b ; (1 M uuiiiri-iLiiiJ ol mi !883. i LLLi nViiu UOJ. WW V- A VVTI i tt a . I I) n s 11 V ri ';': H a Ui nivai J tyj.-A itUi w s'3 u 5 5 a I N 1. i ; ;-b 1 Men c ... - - J " ar; b; . ;; on- :: . 1 b : - . n. JOHN ROOERT SON'3 SHOE SHOP &HLSTAURANT. Cpen at All Hours. I . f ; n cru a-v- i '1, o.tr- ... Cor:.- r N.n'b and Main i-;ree t. SCOTLAND NECK, - - N. C. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; PIANOS AMD ORGANS. A ;';'..--.. : - M.-,';d Tr.'ru:r.en'. a . KSTCHIN, d Neck, n, a . i l.M IV ! A i i t !. jor Vi s i;; mi in . t t vul:i lit. ( l ': v. ( ' UdLli-ilib. h I'd t) , m ua; i e V iyil 'VKW miia.bM!.!. UUl o.Hd Ml i id:- i a t aiiii.i, v, ii. 'j - lb :a; -. I ' d n ,1 ' i " - ' j l;Ujj;ijii?b bi bi hu.ij Ji;.u. MlwuWm -Icchlbcry, Richmond, !7 ly ti l '. T .T.t n ' t1, r,J t . . : :;m ;::ii id :, .. 1 1 1 d ' 'i v . -.-' ,n' J : . f- "" J i 0 r ft i... .; J m . ta 22 v. r-TiTcnb.bb- tb. .. X I !2,ti x it, - .: 'tr ri 1. Urzlxcith Ih tr ryf i "irrr an't the I. irjrl n, -a 'ila Guarantee" Willi Cverj Sale! inn- v. -'.;y .:- ''5'-4 '' :--.' Jewel Job Prec.-i T. F. rbl'i ZlbM.it, AattsfT, I)r:..f it. i'ri .t'Ti' .,.p'b . 13 MiTCiiEJLL :-x.. ATiLNTA, OA- 3