3 - L . a E. E- HILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. W E MUST WORK FOR THE PEoH.E"5 WELFARE. nt rlptloaa. 1. "0 per 1 riar. VOL V, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY n 1 i . -aiL IS I I STATE DIRECTORY. Daniel G Fowle. of Wake county, (ioernor ; salary 3,000. Thomas M. Holt, of Alamance county. Lieutenant-Governor and President of the Senate. William L, Saunders, of Wake county, Secretary of S'.ate ; salary $2,000. George W. Sanderlin, of Wayne county, Auditor; salary $1,500. Donald W- Bain, of Wake county, Treasurer ; nalary $3,000. Sidney M. Finger, of Catawba couoty, Superintendent of Public Instruction; s-lary $1,500. 'Iheo. F. Davidson, of Buncombe county, Attorney-General; salan $1,000, and Reporter to Suprem. Court ; salary $1,000. Johnstone Jones, of Buncombe county, Adjutant General ; salary $600. J. C. Birdsong ,of Wake county. State Librarian ; salary $1,000, J. I). Boushall, of Camden county, Chief clerk to Auditor; salary $1,000. GoYKitson's Council. Secretary of State , Auditor, Treas urer and Supt. Pub. Instruction, State Board of Education-. Governor, Lieutenant-Governor. Secretary of State, Treasurer. Aud iior, Supt. Pub. Instruction, and Attorney-General. Supreme Court. William N. 11 Smith, of Wake, Chief Justice. A. S. Merrimon, o! Wake, J. J. Davis, of Franklin, James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort, A. C. Avery, of Burke, Associate Jus tices. Salaries of Chief Ju-tice and Associate Justices each $2,000. Supreme Court meets iu Raleigh on the first, Monday in February and last Monday in September. Representation in Congress. Semite . Zebulon B. Vance , or Buncombe; term expires March 4t.i, lSyl ; Matt. W. Ransom, of .North ampton ; term expires March 4th, 1889. House 0 Representatives First District, T. G. Skinner, Dew.; Se cond District, H. P Cheatham, (col.) Rep ; Third Disdnct, Chas. W. McClaminy, Djiq. ; Fourth District. P. II. liunn, Dem. ; Fifth District . J. M. Brower, Rep.; Sixth District, Alfred Rowland, Deru. ; Seventh District, John S. Henderson, Rep.; Eiirhth District, W. II. H. C w!es, Dem. ; Ninth District, II. G. Ewart, 1 1 alifax County Directory. General Assembly. Striate T. L. Emry. JlnuseW. 11. Anthony, T. II Taylor. Will A. Daniel, County Supt. Public Schools. W. F. Parker, County Treasurer. B. I. Allsbrook , Siieriff. L. Vinson, Register of Dieds. J. T. Gregory, Clerk Superior Court. W. B. Whitehead, Coroner. Board of Commissioners. Dr. W. R. Wood, Chairman; W. E. Bowers, Sterlios Johnson, II. J. Pope, J. II. Wbitaker. W. A. Dunn, County Attorney. Inferior Coltt Thos. N. Hill, Judge; E. P. llyman and S. S. Nor man , Aasocia'e Justices. S. M. Gary. Clerk of Inferior Court. J. M. Grizzrd, County Solicitor. Time for Holding Superior Court March 4th, May 13. h, Nov. 11th. March an November Courts are for civil cases only except jail cases. Scotland Ned' Town Directory. A. White, Mayor, C. W. Dunn, T vii Co-, st iti'e. Town Commissioners J. Y. Shv flire R H. Smith, Jr., Dr. R. M. Juhusou , WT. A. Dunn. CRCRCIIES. Episcop al, Rev. Walter Smith lieetor. B-iptist, Re7. J. D. Hufham, D. D Pastor. Met ho list Paator l;i rh-icge. Primitive Bsptist, folder A. J. Moore, Pastor. MS Soil OolH Watrk. Sold for m 1 OO. naUl laly. But ai watra ia tlx world. ruled tuntka.Dsr. War ranted, unrt Bona IHantlng Cum. Both ladlea' land ranta' Km, with work! 1 and ot aqaal valaa. I One Pcrsoa la each lo- caltir caa Mcanmi fro. ter.tbrr with oar larr and al- nable Una or House Mola Kampl.l. Thaaa aanplaa, well aa tno wikb, w awa Aaa In yovr anma for S raoathe and ihm than to rhaaa nrhmulM, iher baeoaaa roar o a smartr- Tnoaa wha iwrrta at asca can ba avra of raceiTtnff tha Wtk navanplea Wapay all aspraaa, ftalatit.eta Aaa -f raft FIB K5W jt. -wjn vs M. SlStaTortlMdla THE LEGISLATURE. SOME THINGS THAT ARE DONE AND SAID DAILY IN THE LEG ISLATUREIK) W THE LAW MAKERS DEMEAN THEM SELVES BRIEF COM MENTS ON PASS ING EVENTS. Monday 11th. Senate. BilU oq second reading: lo amend section 2.5CG of the Code so as to require the rudiments of agriculture taught in the public schools of the State ; to make four and a half feet a lawful fence in cer tain counties; to incorporate the cjwn of James City in Craven coun ty ; to Incorporate the Bank of Rocky Mount. A b'll to promote the efficiency o' the State Guard coming up on its third reading acted as a declaration of war. General Stubbs had charge of this bill ai chairman of tha com mittee on military afftirs . The first ekiramh was mada by General Lusk, on the side of those opposed to the bill , but be wis met by flank move ments under Colonels Pane and Means and repulsed. Col. Barber threw out his forces in fupport of General Stubbs and was met by an opposing BkirmUb under command of Colonel Blair. The two line be ing drawn up for final action the commandant ordered a roll call and the battle was won by General Stubbs by 23 yeas, 14 nays. House. Some bills of general natnre were introduced. A bill compelling clerks of Su perior Courts to take bonds before the issue of summons. Tuesday 12tu. Senate. Bills passed their rend ing: To establish public schools for the town of LiUleton. SPECIAL order. The bill of Senator Williams, of Pitt, to prevent the buying and sell ing of futures, was taken up. Mr. Williams, in support of his bill , said he championed the bill as a farmer and in behalf of the farm ing classes as well as for its purpose to elevate the morals of the State. He thought the system of gambling in the necessities of life and pro ducts of the soil was a curse to our land. Mr. Williams was not well and could not make a lengthy speech on the merits of his bill. The meas ure does not apply to manufacturers who may contract for the actual fu ture delivery of cotton. It is intend ed to uITect the margin business, where there is no intention of any deliver)-. Hie bill was equally as strongly opposed as it was supported. Sundry amendments were submitted, among which was one that " this act shall not apply to future contracts of Kjarriage.'' The bill passed its se cond reading on a call of the roll ayes 37. noes 3. The bill also passed its third reading. House. Committee on railroad commission reported with discussion. Wednesday 13th. Senate. Nothing of special importance transpired in the Senate. The bill for changing the Constitution to establish corporeal punishment failed to pas its readinjis. House. The bill compelling hucksters to keep a record of the ear marks and brands of stock purchased passed its third reading. Thursday 14th. Senate. Nothing of special interest tranv spired in the Senate. House, A resolution was introduced io structir.g the jadiciary committee to prepare and roport a bill directing the establishment of a whipping post. Placed upon the calendar. The proceedings of Saturday, Monday and Tuesday will be found on 2nd pag;e. DODDLE HE A ED WOMAN. Last Saturday a donble-Leaded negro woman came through Char lotte on the C, C. & A. train. Her name is Maruaret and .she carries on ! two e ):n.'r-alL)tn or drinks two i!: o: fjitfVv at the b-imtj time. ua two heud-, o ie body aud j mr IciJ. the two head h.-r.e J ,:nd- o- their own, tor what on.' i ;outu i t. t ot.-.er claims, also. Si. vim . x,i-i,t :iri off r with onH oiisue ui.'l r.j.-.ci :i wuh iue oiuer. She is a wonder, and kept on through ,io her home in Whiteville N. C. Charlotte Democrat. A SKINNING FOR LOAFERS. IMirenoIoy and Tilings erally I'ilfhetl Into. Lien- (Shelby Seic .ra.) Here I am on time and at the bat. ready to make home hit or an other kind of hi's that actually hit the nail square cn the head so far aa the plain, unvarnished gopel truth ie concerned. Don't Shelby beat the world fur taking to its bosom and hugging j ith a kind of insane delight all ot the old, unmitigated "frauds thai come along? There ain't but one way to explain it. There are so many outrageous frauds and per ipatetic humbugs in this community that when another of the same cloth comes into their circle, there is a grand feeling of kinship between them. Now just take that old head-ex aminer f.r instance. Who wuulJ have thought that this town had so many foolof Why every man that could raise twentyflve cents had his noggin felt and those who were flattered in an extra Way by the ex aminat.on squandered as mu'ih as a dollar for a chart. Poor fools I A chart of idiocy! A signboard of conceit and overweaning vanity. Yes, qnack doctors, bob-tailed law yers, sanctimonious sky-pilotSj debt dodgers and nobodies in general just flocked around the professor and said swindle us, humbug ue, cheat us, tell sweet complimentary lies to us and pile it on thick, for we can stand a heap of it. And didn't he size them up for what they were worth and bleed them too? Told them of propensities that would have made Brigham Young turn green with envy, made them think they were walking miracles of sense and, as a final straw to break the camel's back, he pronounced nine out Of ten of his vacant minded subjects suited to the profession of law because he knew the narrow little souls had no better sense than to consider law yers whales. I saw him examine the head of the meanest man in town of a man who knew he was eo all-8red mean that he shook in his very boots for for fear of exposure. Tuis fellaw is notoriously crabbed and cross-grained. And stingy , just don't talk! His mental horizon is no bigger than is that of a worm in a chesnul. His very scrawny old face marks him to be the meanest mail in town and nobody here is one hit deceived aDout him. Well , he was made a pa.-agon of virtue. The old "'prof.'' laid it on thick because he knew it would take a heap to satisfy his picayuiiish subject that he had his twentyfive ceats' worth. T' ei tLere was a cymblin headed old fellow, with no sensi now, none in the past an t entirely devoid of hope for any in the future. II ts head i3 as slick as a gourd not a bamp, not anything upon it to iodi cate talent of any kind. Well, I con fess it tickled me when he struck this subject. If there wa3 anything ia the science of phrenology, this fellow's head would have been a stunner. But the old war horse was equal to the emergency. He ma le him out about as good as anybody else. This fellow is so lifted up that I know he will at once try to buy a patent warranted to make brains out of mush. Now there was one man whom I thought he did an injustice to. Tui man tries to preach sometimes. I don't thick he is much pumpkins on a preach and he has got a hd case oe bighead, but still I know he is not very vicious. The ild quack mis took his man when he came to him Just because his subject didn't hap pen to have on hit Sund iy clothe and because the bridge of hi no.-e was broken by reason of :i railroa.i accident and he had lhe appearance ; abecr.-d to have been intinsfcl to ; woman wlio had lost her character of a dissolute man . why he said all ; ?r by P'resident Jell'eiso-i Dav is. but told me th.it theatre, the ball kind of mean thinn about him, put i It is in? known exactly upon what 'room and the wine cup was the initi- his spirituality down forty degrees below zero and made him out are- gular reprobate. This example is positive proof of the worthless, " ..r thn 0.inr r,hrpnf!ocrv ?i,1 thp cursed imposition of the science's rej resentative that was lately in our midst. Did you ever think about how mnn r.. ol. h.re n.n-pr do anvthino? Get up any morning and you will nen a fortv-foot row of nh'sier back ed up against some wall u-sunnin W. Hardline, iu London. Her ' They won't work for you for pav. j hu-ba;i d !: ved only a few months,' And thov hve lots of white cousins, j a:,d the young widow made her ; The number of able-bodied men and I do but on the stag.' 1:1 Ksjucd. The . 1 ..; . .,,M,i,v. nriMr ovt-r she retired to private ! OOy 8IU IUH "uu uu uuiuuj, ui next to nothing for a living day after day is legion, How can a town prosper when half of its popul ation are dead beat3 and loafers? The workers are kept scratching t keep u; the non-wo: kers. And if this crowd of lazy male husies don't get to work, I'll single them out. Lasl week's piece , I hear, waa as cribed to "Tammany Jim." No, sirs. The man who writes this don't have to walk w.th a stick. BiTore 1 get through, this town will find out that "Tammany Jim"' is not the onlv mean man m it. That old sinner has enough sins of his own to u swer tor without you sidlling anv j of mine on to him. Flaw Picker. Old Jloraitlily om point lu thr- lliator)- ofu ."Xoifti IVoiriun Who M.tilrl From Wilmington in 15t for l'rein I. sin tin. but wan Cupturttl and Court Mitrtiuled. There has been a great deal of rorhatiCih regarding tlit: life and history of Belle Boyd, the famous female Confederate qy, who was during the war, a eonspicious figure, and has since ieel a life remarkable for its ups and downs, its dash and peper, and, if the record be correct, its tragic end. A dispacth from Foit Smith, Ark, under date of the 5th ipt.,anRonnce that this re' markabie woman was lired upon from ambush anil killed on the 3d inst., near Eufaula, in the Indian Nation. She was at the time of her death the wife of the fariioils Jim Starr, her former husband Sam Starr, having been killed by her side whilst returning to their home in the Choctasv Nation, f;o::i atten dance at the United States Court , at Fort Smith , some three years ago. Belb Boyd was born p.t Mart in s bnrg, now in West Virgia, in 1840, and l.ved there until LSG1. Her father was a merchant, her mother a handsome woman, ol good family, and the girl's associations and edu-. cation eicelleut. During ft visit to the neighboring town of Win-. Chester, after war had been declar ed, this dashing young horsewoman heard of Federal movements which threatened her "beloved South" as she called it. She galloped by night to Stonewall Jackson and told him what she knew. From that time she was ' attached" to the Stonewall Brigade with more or less regularity. She rode across the battle field of Front lioyal and carrUtl to Jackson dispatches wiheh sent him m pursuit of Banks. She soon became known as "Belle Boyd, the famous icbel spy." At that time she was a girl of strong aquiline features, coal-black eyes and hair, a magnificient figure and the physical strength and elasticity of an Amazon. Martinsburg was most of the time within the Union lines, and Belle Boyd's secret serv ice was of much value to the South ern commanders. On a paiticularly daring expedition she was captured and sent to Washington. Here she became quite as much of a favorite with some of the young Federal odleier and with some Congressmen as she had aheadv been with the soldiers and public men of the (South. She hesitated at nothm to make a stroKe for the Confedera cy. L,s reaiarkatiit? woman was s.x times married, first to Col. Corcoran; then to lire othrs; amongst the m a a number one of the Young Broth ers, of Missouri, and since to Sam j a!i J'Tt Starr, of Texas, and the' Indian Territory. Previous to her i w. Id career since the war. Belle Boyd was iu Wilmington for three or four das. and ma le herself eonspicious by her splendid eques - trienisra. She came here t sail for Kngland wjih important disjiutches alleevd to have been irninst"d to j f,ne of the many blockade runners lea L13 this port in those tirring days she took passage upon, but she sailed from heie 0:1 May 8, 1SC4, either noon the ' ret.1 Advance.7 j I ristam Shandy," Banshee," or! "Co.ou-vl I.anib." S e was captured, however: taken to Boston , court - j mat tialed, ar.d finally went to; ! Eiuland and ccatf d r. g eat sea- tion, w Leu (Aiuut, lSCt.) sh ! mauled her eaiitor , Lieutenant S. j --"1 -life. Subsequent to her second husband's death, about seven years ! ao. the started out a a U-crurer as a moans of maintaining her t hrce j children, two of whom are m a convent. S u alUrvvaid she mar- i rifd her third husband. Mr. llih ami made Dftioit h r li .mi'.- H't! Mt JS "JK . I SOI I II r.CfJ.l l I MtM i:u 0 u cahich. Fort Motte, S. C. Mare. i 13" h. l!v. For 'he benefit of my brother fs.rui'-r, I will ive publi iy my ex pern nee of many years practice, in regird as how Lo tell when it is go ing to ruin, and when the rain will stop. I put this in pUia words. Something I know the average faraJ efr will readily understand. 1 will say that my rule to jude requires some practice, and by a close ob server, it is a great relief and of very great benefit to know these fac's, it is rd-o money in the far tri ers pocket, to be ahh- to say boys the hay mut be stacked this morn ing as it will rain before three o'clock, and the hsy lost, or to sy wife don't so visiting to-dav, or to town as it is sure to rain to-day. The rule holds god winter and vsuramer, but we care but little abojt the winter rains. Many will say this is an old s'ory, and they knaw it be fore. There is nothing new under tie sun, but there are a few left that don't know It all. and I am telling It for their benefit. During winter months we generally have three cold, fair frosty morniags after a rain. T'oe four!,!: is chengit'e : the wind Is apt t") get to the South; if you find it blows brisk from the South, or a little west-of-south , without varying, you may look for rain at, or about twelve o'clock ; if iL rains on until tkree it will rain on or be showery until the next twelve ; if the rain stops after three that is the end of tuis wet spell, as the wind then leaves the southern point. Turn your back to vhe South-wind with your hat off, or so that your temples and cheeks may feel the wind this will show you exactly how to place your back to the wind. Throw the left arm straight out and you will have the poiut the cloud will rise from, and by a little pract ical and close observation oj can soon learn to tell whether you or your neighbor will get the cloud. You can tell whether it will gaNorth or South of you, as the cloud will rise at your left hand, or in that direction. We often see a cloud rise a?d think, and hope it is directly for us when it is growing and rapilly mov ing in the opposite direction. A rain at sunrise is apt to be over in a short while, and fair weather be fore twelve to remain ro for some days, t'ie slightest wluf of north wind is a sure sin the rain is over, at least until it returns to the south, a rain from the cast is apt to cotinue for several days. These are the principal and reliable signs for the weather, and seldom fail, though it is said that all signs fail in dry weather. I noticed these signs in 18S1 , we all remember th U year, the wind did not H )W from the right quarter duriug that continued and distruj tive drought. As for the moon and almaracs I know nothing about them and don't beleive they have anv Irtinjr to do with the weather 1 J Notice ana practice my sim with j care an.j patience my before vou con-1 ,ieran mo as a fraud. i Yours truly. Jas. A, Pkteukin. am- - .- ; ii .M ,io.H?i l A.x;i:i.i:. I j 1 "Blessed is the girl," said he, i "that never b arn the attractioi s f l the theatre or dance I am 41 3 ears ; olJ, and 1 have been m thirty-live 1 Stetes. and I never talked with a - woman who had lost her ! ative step. A Udy once said to me: fn: proposed yet?" ! "Mr, Jones. I play cards with my Daughter "Not exactly : but last j husband evei.ins ; it:s the only way ; evening , when I was holding little 1 I have to atr.ue him.' In every : Dick oa ray lap, Mr. B-ishful went .1. . . ... ....... . ....... ! lunatic asy lum you Ii:itl a dccK ot cards in each room. Why? To ! amuse the 1 Hots and insane. lut ; 'they are not all in the usylum. 'T'd rather see my finds m their graves than married to one of the . nineteenth century dudes. Some mothers arc always ;ushicg their; daughter forward. -Why, they'd' uevr et married if they don't so out to lis an I set societ. ai-d then we" 11 have I hem old mauls on j oar hand. Blebs you mother. I'd i ; " j rather have a dozen old maids ia my I house than half a dozen no account Minvm-law. The speaker ti.en drew two pic lure? of home Iifi, a::d closed tiin-m-trks by faying ; ' Ti:e m-uiory of a fet, piorts mother ha fu!!ow?d me 1! tt.r 'Uh my wayward life thar.K God f.r a mother who startfd tte ri 'Li : Its thirty yern a :o m nee I rfpeaUd pnjer she af;er brr thit -eet taugV. me, 'Now I lay me dawn s'erp." but I t! ink I'd kne w to net vo tv eU-ar aero the '.r-e's f tl. V i New Jerushl.'iD, ar.d I a:i ru'-r t atisfh-d until I hive hul mv moth-; er'.i arics about me iu heaven. May the words I have spoken this after- j noon make you a better mother, a i better wife, a tietter uaughter ." Till: AtilZOVl lilt KK.lt A Fkw Eaknesi' Kicks utov. KXTEBriMSlNti Jot K.VAL. Tilt: We take the following extracts from a iatc lsue of lhe Arizona Weekly Kicker : A I'OLO;kticai.. We are com pelled to apologize to our ubscrib- er for thf1 typographical appear.tnce of the present issue. Owini? to the snow blockade , a ke4 of ink which we ordered weefcs ago faihd to reach us, and rather than miss an issue nm compounded a substitute. We don't seem to have hit the right propor tions, or el-e molasses and lamp black are not the proper substitute. 'As it will be Impossible for sub scribers to make out any of the read ing matter, we will solace thom with thr staterr nt that llcre U 1 i tie or nothirtr worth reading. We hudtft much time to give to the paper last week , and it is just as well that we hadn't. It would thrown away." have been time "The Uhi aI. Kewakp. We un derstand that Arizona Joe, Co!. Hilton, Dick FeiishaW and other in grates are goin about with the state ment that wC trere horsewhipped by the Widow Burnham one day last week. When we refer to these hy enas as living liars, we do so in all gentleness. We can't afford to get mad and kick sue)1 freaks of nature. Arizoua Joe Is wearing a collar we lent him from our slim stock, and if any one will rip the colonel's coat down the back he will find one of our underMbirl3 surrounding the lu grate's body. When Dick Fenshaw struck this town he hadn't eaten au thing but pig weed for three days, and he tas trying to make a pack of cards cover his nakedness. We filled his stomach, gave him a coat and lifted him out of the sdough. This is our reward. Sick transit! Sick gratitude I Sick hyena!" 'Wklcomi: Back. Professor Whit, water entered '1 he Kicker of fice day before yesterday with beam ing smile and extended hami, after an abence of about ten month spent in the penitentiary. He was unfortunate enough, it will be re membered, to hurt some one in a little dispute, and the court thought it beat fur him to ti.ke a little vaca tion. ' The profes?or returns home look ing in good health ar.d fille I with enthubiasm over the progress the town has made during his abucrjc-. We welcome him. A little state prison experience hasn't hurt him, or won't hurt any of our townmen '" Detroit Free Pr?s , "A Littls Nonsense Now and Then. P'.vn. Associations. J Mrs. Nibbs I am shocked, Willie IWhoa, to near you use such awfnl j language, pctivelr shocked. I think ! 't'a high time your mother took ou I in fiar-d. j Willie Ye, m'rn, she has. She t,,l rue this morning I rnu-it slop so-jiatin w.tn onr liith- boy. 'cause he was mukir.' me bad s hi ,Hf. Nkahino thi. IV l - T. Anxious roothf : "Has Mr sh- to ilc piano and sang : ou:a 1 ' were a boy again.'" ! "Did any one in this car drop any money.' catieu.tce conductor, as he ' opened the door. Tucre was a half a minute ; painful -d then si lei. co for a lu in lc up his bund. "How much was u?' asked the conductor. 'I droppci tf at faro last night, but I cau't expect to get it all back. j " i Give me $25 and l.-t tae re,t -o to I experience:1 DUNN A T T K N K Y A S!Tlan: N i 'rc lit r her(Kr rr l i rcj. T LAW, N. C. fM 1 . m. KtraisN." Attokmt sod Covnskloh at Law, Scotland Nrck. N. C. t-Vrnr-r ! a ;i -nth Sirrr t.. 1 r. V iiitakh: L . Attohnrt m l (Vrsiiuir. at Law. Siotlan 1 Nick, N. C. 'hfffTfr h: erfi-t ir PriCtirr re)'itrl. t l.l. . II v . . . i; j'r with 3 :uj. nif in Ail ca. D AVID HLI.U ATTOUNKY AT LAW, KnkicM', N. C I'rictier m all thf Court of Ilalifii and adjoining count ir an i m th Sn -t'rtmr and KoJi-ra! I'oiirt. l";aim col IfCtfd n all part of iho Statr . 3 H ly. W.ll.liAY, A.C Z'll l tif K K R. It KAV-iM Wfldon. iff ndf ro. wrl l.in'. DA V. ZOLLiroFFEK & KANS0M, ATTOKNKYS A I' LAW, Welion, 11. C. as l j. s.s- ALSO P. A ri)HNKY AT LAW. INnri i, N. C. Practirr in thr Court, of Haiifai an 1 aljoiniTiK comities. All husiufsH will rreiv'f prompt atteo tioii. 1 1 T. 1 MIOMAS N. llll.f. ATfOKNLY AT LAW, Uahlax , l'ractif-fs in llalfix countits. Kiu! thr r-lriitl I'uUI t". N . ( '., an 1 a'lj i-.tunj ."Hil filft S 1 v . .MlW A J 1 1 1. ( LAItK. Atioknky and Coi nhli.oii at Law. Halifax. N. C., I'rneticfs whfr-vtr his ".- i-r. are rf (jnirrd. Sixcil attt-iilioii to collection of claims. K. It. PltOTKCTION FOR ALL. Home Oflice : Sta r nt), Va. I Branch )flice : llM.r.itui, N, C. NFW DISTItl BI TIO.V PLAN. 1'itOTfcrrioN roitOra Famiuim, Payment in full at death. PJtOTKOnn.N poll "Otd Aif'." Sixty Pf r Tent. f F'ac- Vabif of Pnliry Paid in Cah at Knd ' I-tfr Kpe"t- NO LOSS TO DKOP. After five yf-arn' f iP pymont. paid m Policy for not lt-n than ifi Su n of all I'rr'jiiuiri pai 1. NO TLX l PON 'OLI A'.L." If the Pobcj ! I r.l be in io d Iltalth at tht n I of '.)( Ktp tancT." a paid up Policy fur f-i.e value of Pobcj. LIFE PLAN. The Stror.fren Actual Protection fr ttif Lcat Moriy. tXXf Thee I'lans arc th: on'irrowth the demand.-! of the P-.',-lt- A DISTINCTLY UoML i'K ATI UK: All fuuds collected from North Caro lina Policy Holder, Ics North Caro lina's nhare ot th Ieth Ifi an 1 Kx pense are inete'l in North L'arohna by a Board of Trustee composed of ix North Crobuins of un iernahla ahi'il and integrity. Cll and talk the matter orr with me. A Poh'cy with rne woul I he a i:reat prorcr-ion i both your family and yK- j stir LASV TLRMS. A'. MILLIARD, Aok n t. DlV'X RAT llHIf t, Scotland Neck, N. C. - j if n n i p n I Tnc'trnm DTlfO llllluluul liiulllllilulllu. . PIANOS AND ORGANS A 11 oder k iii K of Mum al 1 n 'Lr irnvr.ta, with .'ttMr.. Ma.:hiri-. 'r-i'-rs by intil iorn-tly tllh.-d. JOHN L. K ITCH IN, 7 2: lr. Scotlsnd Neck. N. C. jjU. K. L J ) H N S O N Okfick- Cor. Mail and Tenth Street, lo 11 1 r. Scotland N;k, N. C. J ') H N K ) B K It T S i) S ' S 3oc 3op & Restaurant. IKN'aT ALL HULKS. Sati.facd : iararr.to l to patrorjis. Corner Nirdh and Min Street.-., j ! SCOTLAND NFCK i jaa 6 ly. n. g v.A