4 1 i p H; y ill1 ox r a 1 E E HILLIARD. Editor and Proprietor. WE MbT WnKK F"!t IHK PF"P! F's VC r 1. -' A K LL ' it 1 r i t l i r h I rr r t r , r 't- t r a t-a ' t T , ii f i : M v 1 - l it i) F K S S I O N A L . ( , K ,v Haniki.s, C. C. Danieijs. ',s).-ro, N. C. Wilson, N. C ,MH.-k & Daniels it Daniels, ATI ORNEYS AT LAW, Wilson, N. C. -.v i .;-i:ess Entrusted to us will be t'.v Attended to. 4 4 ly. w A. ur.NN, ... i v vr v AT TAW. 1 1 I H i' " s, DTLAND NlX'K, N, C, e-tires wherever his services are PreiVrence and TreiiMirf. ; I worked and encourajed ethers to i I work until I became exhauated and ll r-il,r.p ,l..;.-.l.- ,1.1 i r .1 ! ...... U41, cuiu .rum e at last fell upon the deck ucd I'roiii ItinR ood. :.r vi r II. K1TCI11N, Att or. :ney and Counselor at Law. Scotland Neck, N. C. trfr Office: Corner Min and Tenth .a?. 1 5 ly. rjV K. WTI1TAKKR, A TTCI! N E Y an 1 Col'NSKLOn AT LAW. Scotland Neck, N. C. Pis.-tiet-s wherever his services art ... "re i. i ' t i W . H. Kdtehin will appear with 1) '1 cases. AVID b'ELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Enfield, N. C. Practices in all the Courts of Halifax and in trie ou- ? 8 ly. ... i a . i..'in;njr counties nan, hand Federal Couits. Claims col r, re i ni all parts of the State. TV. N. PAY, A.C.ZOI.I "lCOFFEK, K RANSOM wh Ion. Henderson. wtddon. DY. ZOLMl'OFFER & RANSOM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Welpon, N. C. r I ' i 1 "MAS N. HILL. '1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Halifax , N . C, l'ractiees in Halifax and adjoining i."'it'-. and the Federal and Suprem Fuurts. 3 Sly. E ;1)WAIU) T, CLARK, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Halifax. N. C, Practices wherever his services are re-a-i:red. Snecial attention to collection D o.anns. : ir lv. 11. M. JOHNSON, U, KICK- Cor. Main and Tenth Streets, vU ly. Scotland Neck, N. C. bruok Tlian fjuall' excitement from a gulden chalice: I'd rather sleep on Ftraw m a shepherd's hut, Than lie awake and restless in a palace. I'd rather earn dry bread in lusty health. And eat it with a sense of wholesome pleasure, Than feed without the est of appetite Off gorgeoua plate and unavading treasure. I'd rather have one true, unfailing friend, Than fifty parasites to crave my bounty; And one poor lass who loved me for myself, Than one without a heart who owned . a county. Nature is kind if our desires are pure. And strews rich blessings everywhere around us; While Fortune, if we pant in her pursuit. Too often grants her favors to con lound us. Fresh air and sunshine, flowers and health and love These are endowments if we learn to prize them; The wise man's treasures better worth than gold, And none but fools and wicked men def-ise them. Charles Mackav in (Jm tuber' a unoil HORRORS AT SAMOA. slop;, Ei. IT'.:: Ikmo i:a-i : I d; wlut abating, and the sea was irr'' ' yoa knnw rLi. is izoi -i 'i ( ; v 1 t;:'- wi. down. I knew then Hint we wen i i jn safe, but the Trenton was gone, as E:;';i! 1 J. L. KITCIIIN, AGKNT FOR 1'IANOES. ORGAXS, SEWING MACHINES and TALHOTT SONS' BOILERS, ENGINES, and SAW :nd GRIST MACHINERY. O-rrf'pondence Solicited. Personal at-(-.u I.'v tnvsell or canvassers given prr.i;.!iy. Scotland Neck, N. C. PANACEA WATER ;tls Dyspepsia, Chronic Piak ki i 'K. .Scrokfla Eczema. It possesses rnre aiid extraordinary iwerit in Kidney a: I Liver trol'BEES. A splendid ap-p-t:zer and blood purifer. Cenerally re 1: -ws iisiKi-iiUKS instantly. Keeps for years arid wrll cure either at or away fr the Springs. Ke:orl ot cures unprecedented. If your druggist does not keep it send ?L "t for a oise of G gallons F. O. 15. at I.i:r!eton, N. C. to JOHN A. WILLIAMS, Head Agency for U. S., Oafokd, N. C, :i j tf. IORSES MULES O f 1 A LETTER FROM Mr. JEHU NlClIOLLS. How the Trenton was Lost and the Men Saved. By the courtesy of Mrs. NTcholls , of this place, we publish below some extracts from a letter from her son, who was on the "Trenton5' in the greatest, disaster : Apia, Samoa, March 25, IS SO. My dearest Ma: I have in the ast week faced death perhaps an hundred times, f.nd am yet well rai l enjoying most excellent he<h. But, aiaa ! the good ship Trenton'7 is no more. What is left of her now lies one hundred jards from slioie in about 3 fathoms of water. We were victims of ore of the most terrific hurricanes that it has ever been the misfortuue for civilized man to en counter. Last Saturday we made prcpara tions for u storm, by getting down yards and masts, preparing anchors and securing everything for sea, but we had anticipated nothing eo se vere. About 4 o'clock on Sunday morning we had to get up steam end steam against the heavy seas , which were sweeping our decks. I was on deck and saw that we were driving pretty well; but when a tremendous sea which looked like a great mountain coming down upon us, sttuek us it was more than the Trenton could stand. The sens went down our smoke stack and ex tinguished the fires. We had already lost our rudder, and then along came a huge German nian-of war and t iok away our propeller. Then it was that 1 bejan to lose all hope for we were practically at the mercy of the wind and waves. All hopes of again getting up steam were gor.c, and the wind was even yet increasing in fury. I tell you , dear ma, it was a sight to harrow the most hardened soul. Wheu the morning sun broke upon us , oa every side were monster ships battling with the furioU3 tempest All the smaller craft had already gone down, or been washed ashore ; and .heu the Yandalia went ashore and we could see before our very eyes and within easy hail, during calm weather, men battling aud struggling far dear life in the terrible waters. The ri. i 1 r'a l from i m seems to have V.cl as I he Iti n lsil 'Ian - I'od,. ! .:!., is A. I :;c w;t , ::. v. I:;,.- : 1 :VC 1 t:;. ; by : 1 1 . v, . . !. 1 , r. r-:ri c: . I .: i.l.l :. T. ;,-.. ! . I '. IV ii il i n i!n- iiili. II, K I I 1 I 1 I ' U!1H II' 1 !irn 1 .'. live iu the Stut her stern was even then u-on the nothing o reef. Gradually the ea became j resurrect calmer and we were near enough to the Yandalia to take on bofrd the poor half drowned meu, who were dinging to her rigging. Our loss in life was one man with about a dozen wounaed ; but the whole loss cf life in the harbor amounted to about 150. We are all quartered on shore and doing very wtll I am much pleased with this place . It la a paradise md the natives are so kind to us. If I had more time I would give you a description of the Islands and the natives, of the strolls which I have taKen through the orange groves, bnana and cocoanut groves. I am now about 8,000 miles from home and traveled 20.000 miles to get here. When we were about 45 days out from 1'anaina, we pai; into Tahiti, one of the Marquese group for coal ; and I can say without exaggeration that it is the most beautiful spot on the globe. Nothing could be more bet utiful, and nature could not smile upon it more beautifully. It is call ed the L'aradise of the South Pacific. And if it were within reasonable dis :ance of the civilized world, it would become a noted place. I lost nearly everything I had by the wreck but will perhaps be paid by the government soilc day. I must close. May God be with you . Your all", son, Jr.nr. lere it an 1 L'u the ra t in zo way i jur ation? A railro-.id to R.ngwoo't is .a . s c i : . lie K Hi : : . c in: iruc'a needed ; it woul 1 make this ! rcuyr .f New York ..; one of the most desirable places to . to 1 e very u : i. II; railroad from strand u Jisas:, hi Tl. OSC : 1 C 1 in : 1 . :ip'. ! lei.ing r : , v Y or. .;v;ic. ci.1: Weldon here would be tuach better- '"' 1 b:a U-ad body f--und a - and would pay much better, but we , '-f printe 1 p..por in Lis pot k-t 1 would be pleased to get one from ! it was so w.r:: w . t h ft rcadi'.g : any point. Mr. J. 1'. Tyree left j they could .curctdy make - ;l Monday for Avoea, where Le v.iil j words, but th was what was a spend sever! dayserj'oung f.sh, vv. , the pap.r : Mr. raul Garrett is visitL'g friends K' ep- go'i c iinpany or and relatives here, his hotue is at i Never be id'e. Memphis, Tenn. Miss .1. C. Gordo:, j I f y.ur hands can n( t be returned from a visit to relatives in ' erurdoW-d atten led to the Rocky Mount on Monday. Mrs. C. tion of your mind. A. Williams and family aie vi.-itirm ! Always speak the truth. Mak- Mrs. W. P. Si.up.-ou at Wilson. Mr., few promises. Y. T. Pullei; 'who is noted, as being ! Live up to y ur ergag.?mci.t s. the greatst le.iu in this section., vx- Kc ep your own seciets, .f mj.i pects to leave soon for Connecticut , j have any. so I hear. V ii! Tom is a clever boy j When you speak to a ptma look and it is to be regretted that he is so them in tie face. soon to leave uj. Mr, J. .. GairettJ Good company and good couvera who has been employed in Register's ; ti:i are the very tinevvM d' virtue. ollice, has returned to JTuigwood. He G .. says he is terribly atrJieted with a j else. be :r.o- ; orgiit at he mass .t the '.d S.,uth '. L e i ' : b.:i .u .. l , . 1 No." I'irr i n ' h A U -t.Il l'c.i 1 i iiae I ;de 1 s..uthern d i 's. t' ulker, ( 1 d i i i e i . -' ' j ut! U':.r dud.- man : u r v aii f ; 1 1 S I k U s ' 1 t ;o La ke eli, tut Mr. a "liit berii l r.i I :.e ad van. .."! ; ;t : . .t;v.a v i i : H I'M v , : ''S .Ml V ' r a . Mr I :.- is a and is tl.e tvp:c;d i'er.l :.aee. He is v Nor ' ! ( ' k-id ; i, . '. uutfceraer l !l :p V wiiri a in pal j I'. ar.d : ri a: and u arte e es. lue iHir ru-hed t-fail.t In.ck in a ere at p K i v. Hi' r 4- d . : T " : ; , , i . i : . 1 a :,- 1 : ,m- : !.u :h n. dd :i well .t;i nviv i ;,::- v i n L . os 1 wave Ui.ro t.i I.i ' , !, Hei- beau 1 sai l to be ordv 2' cars of ago, an 1 'is a rattling t mperar.ee o iker. Mr. I)iio:i niadi. 1 spt. cell at tie (ill k- . 1 character is above all tiling- oeua half d' t!u Sout hern victims nl and when he had H: ii q u e :i '. h -S , M'dtT!!i .' he Cm: W ar. . 1 - ll'Ui ih re Win case of "can'c help it" love, lie; Your character cannot be i-scn savs it came on him ir:st.r:nir.eouIv ! tially itdured except by your own .i.;t i. c -.,;.i : ti .ee. i ' tile coarse o I ins s p. .vii l.e e.'iar ae uiie ue i i o len.iyg in ii.i.iu-. ai.o : "v.--. , despite his strongest e.lbits to ward 1 f any one speak evil of yon. let 'iz. d as i.l.otic the s'atunent of the monster off. Cuoid saeeeedine- in i your lite b.; so that none will believe ( that the young i i . (. r ' i.e. w :. : l ' or; oi ' 1 1 i i v v i . i 1 ' i n; . ';' e'i'. S rv - II L ! ; w " - Yidee t;s !. -.1 ir.e. i, d 1' . transfixing his heart with a dart a certain young lad" from Tarboro him. ! hanLy a 'ry tye in t'ie lnu.e. In down it. a n. n I the coure ol Ins sp"-oh l.e ch ii, ila Ih . I w i 1 r - ' ' i men d'i,e So;.;: wire tieing rean-d nanre ei.ravi'i l the !1 ee nl !i Ml.' W (d.ae::.!'i Mi ice q.plau-li i led. I'he O ilium 3I;t!it in nUisi-ton. Drink no kind of intoxicatiriu" ! L" gentleman's cabo of heart trouble.! Ever live (misfortune ex.-ept. (i, ; '- Iu:'! ' tLc ' :i' Cannot some one of Your man v i wit hir. yt ur income. ('a!u' 1 1 r "U'1U !: 'l readers prescribe him.' The recent! When you retire to bed, tdduk slaa',aenl ro:u'1'' " rainy and cold speb has hindered i oyer wirar you nave neon uoing uur farmers ia their operations considers ing the day. . .nng Ma- - . I . hit civ v 1 1 ; r Ion'(s Cor (.iiuil M t,ko no haste lo bo voa :ibly , very few in this bcctom have One of the leadinn Dhvsiclaos c,f planted any cotton. A g-n 1 leal of wou.u prosper. the national capital remarked to me ! tl!'ano irt b'" lHc l U1 lU' 3tcli h I"Nin:-'- ' 'ady gains give eiu today that if a bra ad was on the 'his ason, whether it wii. ;)ay the Ptenc with tranquility of n.-.. L forehead of every woman who used frir or M icmaii.s to oc teen.! Never play at. any game of cance. j opium in some form, society here j T " Exodus" fever ecm, t ot to i Avoid temptation, Ihiouh Icar; would go to pieces. He attributes have sti uck the " coon ' in this see-: yon may not withstand it. lm fpmhtf.il nnn,litJ.-,n f ntf-Ar t , J t ion as we h n ar no tal k o f an V lea v i n". ' Earn money before you spend it . . er the dissipated life led here by tl.e j A Jt'"1 i"ny 'Litc people think an women of the upper iendom. The xol!!! 1' 'ii'nur I'reMicrds of the endless round of balls and receptions ! negroes from this county would be I hedt, allow yo;iraelf t uhdiiiatio'i-i to any man. L:)n't iliMire. p ;ir fai ; i geuer.a! eon . e, .-..! .on. Hoidc give t i . r pie ' ngrapii to men and don't ...k ti.eta for their.-. Don't make yourself eon-picuoii at anv time bv load laii'ddre' or talk Nevv.r run into debt, uahoS yju see olainiv a wav t-oiret out aeam. Never borrow, if you can possibly I I '" r-!l to a hv ay. try to he fi a:d is such a strain upon them that they ! yrcat advantage to the whites. If i avoiu it must seek relief in some way. They login by taking a soothing S'rup, as any farmer doubts this We a Ivhe ! marry until you are abh to him to sit down an I wi;h pencil and niqiort a Wife. . . t .ii ami jiHt an. i geiier-.-m, an '. aoove aii womanly. Don't wear an evening dren to a H !!!::'. ; h the e;i;: , N", si.e v i ' i i i e i . : . i e ' 1 . Will, 1 1 I vs t re v 1 n h .ve "( .c.rv.e ! - hi :i graved on th : . -i Iiaek o; y u tl v'l e a h a ' a : u . ha'. Willi! i o l 1 Wotii I hlJ"'.'.' ! h ' h ee rrp- t o h ; s i . .v a 'i u s'.'" with t ! ' i can u '. the I i e g h d. t i Lav had t '-. ; e : iv. :. e 1 rs in y - i i:i:tii t i:ic a rule, to put thern to 'sleep. This j b'ai,tr ,,r l,y heart ealeul iie i.;vv after a while fails to act, then parch much dcar i-oaey he has made in coric is resorted to. From this it is ! the past twenty years employing Never speak evil of any one. Be quiet afternoon reception ; don't ; jut before you aie generous. i Real over ItiC above maxims at io-t ai le. i,i u are a'i : 1 ! we a " e nver . bit a r ! u!,r al ter ' he o".-;i - ' 1 . i - i I i i iln" ' ill. M ' !,e rea i I lie s , i ,( i I. l only a stop to pure opium and j iiegroc-3 and v e think ho wc last once a week'. Tyj surprised to see liow for he has re the other direction. Absolute ruin. Some people buy the crude gum and eat it regularly every day, while others buy laudanum and j Lauds worn out, buildings decayed, j ttcgi'adeu in in ikes drink it iu quarter ounce , half ounce and even ounce lotions. And then ttierc are Dover's powders and meirp Linc pills, both of which act rapidly, and especially the latter. The habit stock half fed, and worst of all the: We take the following from i ne it fleet IV. liel. Mar-h whole mortgaged for about it j last issue ed t he Kicker: value. Ii not this the history of the j NOT sc ess farmer who employs r.egro labor lo j Lst Saturday night, soon aHer 11 make cotton? Of course there may I o'clock, some gentleman whose iden- . .. - I.-. ! , . . seems more of a disease than a vice, ! !'e some- exceptions Put tiiey are iew. , tuy is unnon to us, ureo a cna.gs for the whole nature of the victim There srems to l.e quite a squabble ' of buckshot fnrough the side windo.v undergoes a complete revolution, 1 lre over the Post ollice vvhicU pays of our editorial room directly at the moral, mental and physical. After a 3 ear, more or less. ! spot where our cot is usually placed, a short time the victim will sacrifice j Mr. II. C. Matthews has put in a j Had the cot been there we should honor, friends and family for the strong pi. cation for it and A. have been inquested on an d buried fatal dm- Taerc is 1.0 cure, for i doubtless get it. To counter balance ; ere this. But tl.e cot wasn't there, even the asylums fail to Ilect a this Mr. W. II. Jones the present in-1 We are not party, but we are no hay. permanent cure except in rare in cumbent, who has held it for neatly 1 seed. We havn't slept twice in tl .Pitts ! forty years, has sent up a petition ! same spot in the last twelve weeks. ooa :iittio. s; v (;kim .i) stances. Washington Cor t t i with manv 'otjd nam -.s attached Wc hive learnvd the ways of this i sett in ' forth that he is a esnabio ' community a man aud although lie is a good Deui- 1 'rouble and we don't propose to ocrat still he is not particularly nn"of- plant e-urs;lves as a midnight target. A farmer drove out of our citv 'iVC lartisan;"such being the facts : We feel sorry for the gent who with a load of supplies a bale ol j therefore he prays that the " rascal" . wasted ais energies and ammunition. Indiana prairie hay, a bur of Rich- j in this ease Le not "turned out ;" il , He doubtless went away from mond meal and a sack of Milwaukee 1 rm;nw to i, n w.nt Mr. H.-.r window ft elictr that he was c:C without a 1. .t or boii.uet. Don't Teel it ncces '-ry to bow to a man )ou have met at a ball or party afterward unless yo,i want to con -tinac; the acquaritar.ee. , D,n't write, except when it can't be avoided, to men. Make all your notes acknowledging courtesies, etc., bol ( and to t lie point. .Don't offer to shako- hands when a man is introduced to you , and donh j think it i.cir.s :ry when he say-, good bye unless he first tfends Lit Don't allow any man to treat yoo ' with anything Lut the greatest res ! pect. Resent as an in pertinence j any approach to familiarty of speech ; l or action. : Don't laOast that ya do not read; jL,-v f:.r ; :! '. 'he A. ! 1 ...... t iae i-ai.c rs, as in .ay ns 00 now a : .pA(, m.-. n so: l-i the 1, ( u!t one-tions. Iron 1 ore-u, and be-,.,-.v ing ! v. ho showed p r e -1 :. c swerinr tlieie. Ci one o '."1- eei a g neat him a si ijp-aiit v ;i' I iie na me 1 1 n.e re eo bearer to Su-. .ro:;' marshal. 'is u -nab pro him b .a fcerie 1 oi ' yonr la -, Don't tairi it ne ee cry to tv at considerable cost and rt'u1 -1 the daily or- weekly journal, contain but keep yourself po-ted; on art, literary, social , and political topics of the day. --iLcdden na 1 J..,.;-, - lis 1 If v our :c. n a ha"'. I'd f-!l On i ( n 1 y iicjr 'o - : ! I o La' : ! h tne Willy i:. !y. ,f good thing ' 1 1 o w in a a y Hour and a side of Chicago bacon rison will do in this terrible dilemma, to credit for demg a smart thing on wnicu ne uaci I.rom,se i not less j gentleman close here who . Come again odd chap. man nity percent, prom ana mil Civen a lien on his crop to seenre its Mr Peitirew, d on 1 t r. J! 'I . a-o: na has a pig (Berk-hire I believe', tL.it sucks a milk C av ; the little fellow sits on his haunches and p ills away much to the gratification ol the cow which shows eve ry sign el enjoyment. I l.e'hve I hare about told you the news of the '-Burgh" and this sec lion so vdi bring my cor.-'-spo:; iei.ce to a close. "J L'vr.Mn" .llniivti'S- yi i si i ;ii Iiri!5.' We 'i ' 1 : te t 1, r., I A FINE STOCK AL WAYS ON HAND. ALL MAY BE SUITED. bh; ;s 6c joiinson. Gotland neck, n. c. payment, and that , too, before his crop is planted. He passed a vacant All this time t bo. Trer.toe. was lot. trom which uU the virgin sop slowly but surely drifting upon the j had been taken, but he saw as line fearful reefs. We could see the j clover ou it as ever greeted the eye partilly clad and naked men clinging I in any land. He met drays comina to the masts and rigging of the j from the depot loaded with corn. Yandalia. A little nearer the shore meal, flour, potatoes, cabbage, apples we could see the Nipsie, another ' and broom corn for the Deaf and American man-of-war upon the beach, Dumb Asylum Broom Factory, and all straggling to get ashore ' which was shipped from Biltimore. ... . - . 4 . . 1. -..,., (i ., .? . r. ,1 - , . And then that terrible aud awtui cry ar,u yet euat, mau eun .oj.i .1 in.wn.Li , .O:js0oro . from the boatwain's n?te, 4Al! hands : fur nothing but Cuhon. if Le live- ;l.,ra 'Le al'.if- aro 1 1 f i t ' !-'epr. iinn fisspmlile t em 1 thre - score years , and wotk three imitate.- Dr. L :T deck, a prayer was offered to heaven hundred and sixty live days iu each by the Chaplain, and then ail were; year, and works sixteen hours each advised to keep cool. Some took to day, ar.d livces on dry bread, he will the rigging, some to the lops, and j make nothing. He and his family some remained on deck, all awaiting ' will drag out a miserable cxrster.ee. that fearful and awful moment when ! and he will die a p- or, dependent ot we should strike the reef, and then ; aim siavisu i.e. mn . v nu M,r., Carollua v recommending parched death by drowning was as sure as! and complain aud blame others for . ,)f,annr. for in -omnia. The Bhp that we were living. But as by a ' our troubles, and we may j. in all the of Nortb Care.b.na'; tLhk- alrttii miracle we missed the reef, and then farmers' organizations that can be sweet milk a! vvith than, ledps. . 1 - . 1 1 - i,i:..--tor!i no 1 ri;iii 1 ; r 1 t ' 1 1 1 11 1 r - Ut-tiLi LU Ul UU i. J tUV. IVCIV ' ' Work on the greit blidge whie to spsn the Mis-d-sdpi river Memphis . Teni... has been commenc ed. The bridge prop.r is on the cantilever plan , ae 1 will consist of 1 char. !.e 1 span 77" feet it: b ligtL. 'id 1 is is 1 'o I e the iontrc-sr .-d.-i-.: was aj. funned for acu wis n. )n one ajrt is beviiie Distriet, el.i :it mer suit repartee as leg a. e-e-sioa i,e cntei s A h - 1 laiiii- iie on 1 'o Ui'.i'j a i .'v s-.it cang W.t e l ? ' ( our' e ( o an on .( .a ilia ! o ) ; i a r span ol tne :v; its const'OLti. e rreri'i'-ericg. 1 n 1 worl 1, at o:,o fiom a feib'W Souti. Carol :hr;:i "Mr. iht!:.--' w. y i oat. You car, re. d fuss, ..: w: a blah; ' went 't .Tu :-.' ' iVf or, n 1 A 'id so the x a in 1 a ill .s-ivolotf. Lad :.g I. 1 anee eree- 1 at ;' ,a- k I Li ti a- 'i i. '. -e t in- d':!er ; ce i e '' my -1 V' 1 ne d ii. tL t 1 Lei, C ei 1.0' ti. a k f a . o .... - . ' M .1 , e .. ' . 1 .1 Sn : O' . 1", s' f -e - - " : 1 e ,-' ! ; r. i -00.. r.e t' : t1 of inond ' . ri-- t i .-4 -1 many wurm frien is and !Le e. Ri .. Lo Las uirc-rs in spa: 'i'.e'' Wide, ' '"' i trsck ' . 1 be u -strcnii t :i of ti e . '.: b i i -j e "'. cacli J ! je i ! i t e ejd:y oa.e r : at ireic ride w;l; ii O V'Ol this city, setP off on the peanut ite-m that t Le J?-'.es oublii-hed a few week's ago frouo He savs : me Chariot r.c C; y a UlUl 1,-.'. a TL We sec letier :u s-air.- La! ZCS si en' d if our secular ex liicouure a. .u-.i, ij.so, 01 ,o.l.. . ; o 1 , . i 1 ; e i . i l e west over no -.. 1 - - - ' e ro. 2l feet :r hon ' 1 ;V, . . rv s v '. '. i. J.'- . - . '.'. ' . ..... i -j " Yes,' "Wei1, s'ner.ii -h ;vn ord. f-: - " ' : r. I id' t r. . i ' . nan di.at i..'' i -e:d: i t ti.e ah .'1 .-. : eon to ol II to auo your . t biaCk C 1 il u d;e. 1 a va ti nt t - V 11,1, i a i.i 1 . acre i i; i -1 v t i o .i j . x . . e e a -. t c r ii a p over an ir-Ti fre-Tb? 1000 f-. The Lhdga will be 7o fi et J1 X !j. s'.o' I n i-- t-c vi e a r 1 e e rv j Do' j voir J 1 01.0: 'I ' ; ! I . .l.g i..d 1 ' - .O ' tie I 1 i' '1 :IL SILLn K .' o . 1 is -2 0 Arei ua; b ; l Wo immortaiiz'.d eithel' him-eil I . ,. 1 1 .UJL.1',, Vandalia. A .ay of hope gleamed , aroumt our nresiues so 101 as w e . no ul(r l)(,tii. rr ..,.i,i :i. 1 hnv nnr most nr.i Dre.nl. haV. terf.i- ...... rr.,i e,-,.n U DOll US. 11 ivi; i,uuiu siimc uiaai i ,,le ' NY the his A :.:hd production . w saved by clinging to the wreck. All hands were called to man the pumps. It was a night I shall long remember. 1 Aii..i,e-r et u l Loh: 1 r.y e- ...- 0 Us ivi:n in tlii f.-rrn of t h : -. r W hv melLeis 21 vc tnc.r ehil :ren 1 1 us !. 1- .-i.r;,ii-i:ig w ir.cv 1. -e ic lave d.e chrld cf its nvri.li: troi.hhj ),y u- proceeds of one crop. Prooresttv: lifie production ot pieast. paiata-1 , .;,1U ,,r i.,;.;.':.:rii.. ., 1 :,v p. -p. ! :'re F:r:r. b!o and properly parchc.l peatiuti, whr.v'ae.t i eh S tl u. : the Vaudalia, some of us could be izrrs and ther tarm supplies, and ' by the Protest ant pruate. attempt to pay for them from the: mote, in proper poices , a more pio : . 1;-Sei! il v live- a :'-'-' , 'i nr .;. tr- at; t" W el ' 1 a ; e ;v r.n 1 1. : " i e 1 '1 I - i . C - s a Wi.l .ere 1. for '.''. ti.e M : n-o'iy L ;-. ' .1.1 ( v -I fibf t V V e l V . i h:.N r ! i: ! a 1 V l o a a. I Mtl aret I i , i. l t ! !, 1 ; A!- H' v t.s p ; hive.'' ; i " i II f ".l-K . n h i,i .'. ' 1 ) h 'it t Ii !: 1 w . : I ' j V o.'ol . , !.iS ,ie n let . !l I S f ! . or on ei 11..;, : e-al d. : 1. '! : -1 1 , me : i i no' , '-e . . e i- 1 I I on s e ;d 1 e V ! a : 1 ' -.v e r . ' o a' 0 0 My 6'. I