TiiK DEMOCRAT I ! I HSl A V MAY 10, 188'.. POLISHER'S KQT.CE- ' . i : ; ;s ' '-l r.t s of a. 1 k iii is must bo in . -;C(. bv 'I r.esday afternoon to in- publication for the current week. ! ,,c;w. Advk.kti-kmkxts- 10 cents a Vr each insertion. - ,!,:.! f:r ("d ndrcrtisinj due weekly HOME ITEMS. , ,r tow:i e'ection is over and nil O K. K. V . Han is vet sells the best v f.ir the least money, ami the . drink. Also Export Beer, rorter .., (Vr., and the fintst cigar?. Live fat I'll Mint .Juleps and line .una ie at Ii. V'. Harris's, Scotland t received at N. 15. dospy ,t Co..? a assortment of Ilamburgs, Km ries. Kmhri ifered skirts, Yalen s, Lace, Flouncing, Ac some bargains at N. 15. .'osey &. Co.'s I.-, :i-s Flack Si'.k I'mbrellas for $1.50. hvJies P.olbriggan Tests COc. per pair :,; N. P. Josey & Co.'s. Oents Bleached .Jeans Drawers for 31c. s: N. I". -Joey A: Co.'s. Suits for young men from $Lo0 to 22.00 V N. B. J osey fr Co.'s. Pigured Sateens at 10c. Striped, and Fitrurcd and So id Sateens at 15c. and'iOc. at N. B- duscy t Co.'s. Peautifu! line of Ivory handled Fans f--r rho. at N. 1'. J osey A Co.'s. KKMLMPFIl that X. B. Josey Jc Co.'s is ,eaduarters for School Books. They ;ivr below a price list of a few: H?ln os' First Reader, new - - 1 cents. !1 lines' Second Reader, new - 2o ' !h dmcs' Third Reader, new - s 40 11 H.i'.i! o-s'Fourth Reader, new(in press) 50c. II '.rues' Fifth Reader - - - SOcents. H lino' New History Cnitrd States $1.00 Ma ny's L'ementary O'eography - - UOc. Miiiiv's .Manual of Oeographv, N. C. Kdition - - $1.30 ' Kel!og".s (IraJed Lessons in Fnglish s - - - - 40c. 1 ,v Kellogg's Higher Lessons in Fugli'sh ------ 70c. r.'s Hi.tory of North Carolina - S5e. v S; -phfiis History of United States $1.()S tiii "'.rich's Child Hi tor v U. S, - - COc. :n. ford's Primary Arithmetic '20c. Sai-foid's 1 nlermcdiate Arithmetic - ;?!ic. S.i ifird's CoinuionSchool Arithmetic Glc. S:, A rd's IFgher Arithmetic - - 1.00 W -reester's Primary Dictionary - 4ic. VV rces'cr's N?iV Schoi 1 Dictionary t0e. fj recstor's Academic Dictionary - $1.50 ft .r. 'ester's OctaTO Dictionary - - ".40 ;nton"s Language Piiir.cr - - 2Sc. Harrington's Spelling Book - - 20c. '."d-"s Abridged Physiology - 50c. .Ismes' Southern Selections - - 1.10 Harvey's Revised Elementary i.iraamiar - . - s 50c. K iihhcr Belting at Edmonds on & Josey's. TOWN AX ir)UNTY. l'vj your oid'scnj-i'ion. A gentleman said on the streets that M. Opoenheimer has the best garden in tr.v::. We have received invitation to attend tail at Chapel Hill commencement complimentary to the class of Mr. T. II. Taylor, of Aurelian Springs, l.-H Muii lav morning for Bristol, Tenn., where In w:ll trot ""Link" in the spring- r c '-' s . The farmers of this community seem to he i;i good spirits md think that pros- e". foi a good crop this year are llatter- 1. very thing which belongs to pure, healthy blood is imparted by Hood's Sar--m inlla. A trial will convince you of :u mei it. Mr. Noah Biggs is having his house r. -painted, lie has within the past year 1. 1 1 his house remodeled and the change is a pretty one. Dr. W. O. McDowell's yard is the ; rettiest in town, at least considering the '.-::".ii of time it has been laid off and set w.ih ilowcrs. Cape. Southerland has made improve t: r.u mi the passenger cars. He has ' etrpeted the aisle which is quite an im : : . - nier.t. Bank Failuke. We learn thatthere is i rumor that the bank of Ward & Co., e! Murfree-boro, has failet'. We have i.'-t heard the particulars farther than a .-titeiu-nt of the failure. I'-KtiKK iiisiiiiuii. We learn from a rrepondent at Ringwoou that Mr. iDr.ter Norman's little son of that sec li:-:i had the misfortune to break his t'.ig'i recently, but is doir.g well. Thk Democuat acknowUdges an in Ti'atii)n to attend the closing exercises of Salem 1 1 iirh School at Huneley's on 23rd and -iV.h of May. Hon. Kemp 1 Battle deliver the address. V')f Bkatttv. Homes can have ro :;: re beautiful hanging than a handsome i i. itjgraph of loved ones. Mr. R. Hy : i in gives satisfaction in all his work of v.- :,i-:d- Call on him before he leaves-. Mr. M. I). Allsbrook, one of our best i .ens, exhibited on the streets Tuesday ' i.e mule colt. He is moving in the i '.'-it '"irection. Retail of our farmers rise tluir .-tock and we will have better t -r:i , in this country. "ar readers, and especially some of the i ;ug men of the town, v 11 ba much in t re'.ed in M i Byrd'scommunication which p-iMisit o: the first page of this issue Mr. BVrd was located here for a year - ' ndeared himself to the people of t ' i - entire section. I 'n: Demockat feels much encouraged ii tin- many kind exf.ressions of com f ii i m that its fiier.ds throuihout ip.ty are leased to offer. Wo just v '' ev.-:i cash for our work and we'll do ' - ' "-t all the time. '!':.: Smitiiiiel I Iend'l which shared the ! 1 t '.' i. i- fortune with other enterprises of that i i i the great tire a few weeks ago j'.:k: up out of the ashes in its usual an 1 with its usual promptness. Xcoko AM Mfto KTU.ei). -On Tues-j day afternoon a negro and a mule were killed by lightning near Palmyra. Negro's name was Nathan Smith. Horace Cre-dy is cre i -d r ith ;ai-g that '-the darkest h '-ir in the ?.i-;.,ry any young man is when L s:U d .vri to study how to get money without honestly earning it." Maoistkates take xotke. All magistrates appointed by the last ien eral Asstmbfv of North Carolina will take notice that they must qualify by 11th of June or tliey can not qualify at all. Let them all remember tins. SjKKIINC IN TOWN'. town lias become common. nootms in It is a viol ioia- ting of the town ordinances a;w those guilty of it ought to he brought to justice, j The Demociiat has all the tim .- .'aid ! '"bring them to account for it," We heard a gentleman who vi-irs .Scot land Neck, quite often, say that the town is improving all the time. And so it is. Several good buildings have gone up dur ing the past two yars, and ttie prospects are good for greater improvements m the near future. Seriously HuRT.-Mr. T. II. Christie, of South daston, informs us that some days ago his son, J. II. Christie who is living in Portsmouth, fell from the plats foim of pile driver and was seriously if not fatally injured. Mr. Christie was building a dock for the government. The ritoi'EK thing. Mr. Jas. II. Lawrence showed us recently a consider able piece of what lie calltd salt rock which he will put in his cow lot. From this the cows wid get enough salt and not too much. It is a capital idea. Few persons salt stock exactly right. The wokk has hkgun. Mr. J. C. Pittman has received his brick machine to manufacture the brick for the new cotton factor'. Clay has been dug and the work will commence at once. He will employ about a dozen hands. So much for a diversity of labor already, Mr. Brown, one of the students in Vine Hill Academy, roceived a severe hurt on his eye last week while playing base ball. He was catching behind the bat and the ball struck him almost in the e'e, caus ing it to swell very much. No serious injury was dene .however. A t'KEl.r an Springs. Our correspon dent writes that Mrs. YY.E. Morris who has been quite sick is getting well. Mr. (. W. Morris and Miss Elizabeth (Jlas gow were married at the home of the brideonind inst. Members of the Farm er's Alliance claim that supplies will be cheap in the near future. If you owe us as much as a dollar for Tue I) e mock at (you know whether you do or not) plexse send it to us at once. Almost any one can get up a dollar. But j wai a resident of this town for some time now if every one puts this matter of till and our people all remember him pleas the fall it will make it mighty hard on us. j antly. Mr. Gregory is seilmg in connec But if every one will pay us his dollar j tion with a general merchandise in (x we can slip along pretty well. j ford the smoking tobacco manufactured "Unt DiMR Animate.'' We have received the May Number of this excel lent little paper, published in Boston. It takes for;ts matto in the number bes fore us Cowper's merciful sentiment: M would not enter on my list of fr iends. Though graced with polished manners and line sense. Yet wanting stnibdity, the man Who needlessly sets foot upon a worm." Bkat tifcl. We were shown at the residence of Dr. Wood this week the handsomest imitation of stained glass vs e have ever seen. It is the work of Mr. M. Oppenheimer and is beautiful beyond disenption . Dr. Waod has the most handsomely painted front and side lights in town, and its cost is mere nominal. Give us the news when you come to town. We very much appreciate every single item that is sent or given us. Al- most every patron of this paper "could give us an occasional item of news. Sups pose all try to giro the editor just one little item once a month. You have no idea how much news youi.au give us. It will cost you nothing, and we'll be very much obliged. Try it. Sti;an;k fkeaic Mr. W. P. Butters worth showed us a strange freak of Na ture last Saturday. It was the top of a tall reed grown near the river blooming like a corn tassel. He says that he has seen only a few blooming. Some old men of the town say they have seen the same thing before, and that invariably when a reed blooms it dies immediately. If everything and every person and every business in this land to-day were as prompt as newspapers, truly this would be a land llowing with milk and honey Sa miiiiv men who never nay for i ..,, i ii, n nrnT II n f 1 1 it" h ron n VPflf (and r II 'II ' ' 1 v ' , the editor lias to send a collector to see them) arc ready to curse the editor if his paper is 21 hours late. Meet us with promptness and we wid be satisfied. Town Officers QrAi.TFY.-The newly elected town ofliccrs qualified last Satur day as follows: Mayor, E. E. Ililliard ; Commissioners, W. A, Dunn, R. II. Smitu, R. M. John son and M. Oppenheimer. C. W. Dunn was re-elected Town Constable and Mr. Chas. Speed was elect ed Treasurer for the Board of Commis sioners. Mr. W. A. Dunn was elected Secretary of the Board. The otticers of Halifav court arc prompt and attentive to their duty. Sheriff Aldsbrook keeps good order, and we are glad to see it. We have been in court rooms when it was almost impossible to hear anything distr-ctly. The court room is the place where justice- meted out to every man and it ought always to be done decently and in order and intelligently. RcTCKXei) Htie SlCK.--On Tuesday morning a telegram was received here from Augusta, Ga., saying that Mr. John T. Brinkley was sick and would return to hi homo near Scotland Neck at once. Mr. Brinkley has been sick for several months, but about two weeks ago he resumed his woric on the road, thinking himself sufficiently recovered. W are sorry, indeed, to hear of his sic'.. ncss again. The Stkawhviuiy Pkize. 'r. B-n- A! v-'o .rl V.r :fr !- pr , . i I-:-: ::. :.iW- 1 .; - ; :te I i e i ! i 1 , A I'-. : , .. r ! we award the prcni i:u to h:m al.-o. I'aul's strawberri .-s were lars.'.r than Mr. A 1Kb risk's but a day l iter. I...--, A V a t " A 1 : I.E II-"I-:SK. n ia-t Mr. .1. L. Scott, on-i of t!. c : v - cr sa'ic-suiea in the store of N. B. .I-. ev a C).. drove his father's hore from hi-,! home, about two miles in the c . n.trv. i and hitched him in the lot of his uncb- Mr. Bennett Allsbrook. The horse 1 . l is foot over th? tie rein in om" rav, art i lnri.ti .f iipn.,,! ... f. 1 ' . . V- zroMid. He breathed one time, the hi gushed from his nostrils and he was dead in a second. It was a valuable; animal arid had n jt been driven out of a moder ate Dot, and only a very short dta!.c We prefer the cash- On-? of the best men of Halifax county said to u recently that he hkes Tue DeM ;kat and means to take ic when he can spare the money. We, of course, felt li-ve say ing, ' Wei 1 that will be all right, 111 send you the papar and you can snd me the money.1' But we did i.ot say it. We hope to see the day when the news paper business wid be conducted on business principles. When that time comes editors will command greater re spect. They sent HIM seven. There is a good joke told on a Greenville lawyer, and it runs somewhat thusly: " He ordered a baby-carnagj and writing with a fancifully fine pen and wri ing we suppose, in a corresponding fancifully fine hand, he made the figure one some what li's.e. a fi-ure seven, and when the baby carriage came there were seven; and the young attorney found himudl unconsciously turned from a handsome young lawyer in court practice into a furniture dealer whose sole stock was t-ix babv carriages. A s-vtue hail siokm. Mr. Win. Ruilin informs us that on last Tue.sday about ;5 o'ebock a severe hail storm pass ed over the Baker farm, belonging to Mr. R. E. Hancock, doing great damage. Mr. Rutlin has the farm in charge and says that he will have to plant his crop over. The hail wTas six inches deep, and many of the stones were as large ;.s hen eggs. The wind was very severe also, tearing down the cotton gin on the place and destroying carts and wagons. Mr. Rutlin thought Tuesday night the storm wa.i perhaps more severe farther down the river. ( 1 x i -oh i Mov ing- T 1 1 1: was pleased to see Mr. C. J Demockat Gregory of Oxford, in town Monday. Mr. Gregory i:i uxtonl oy toe tiranviils County Farmer's Alliance. This is the only Al liance manufactory of the kind in the world. The factory employs .M hands with a good working capital stock and turns out a first cl iss tobacco. Oxford w ill soon have a furniture factory. Sitkkiotc Coi kt. Maj- term of Hali fax Superior Court opened Monday. Judge McRae was promptlT on the bench and Solicitor White was promptly in his seat. The grand jury was called as follows: W. II. Mlslirook, Jim Alston, J. E. n.,-,,..l 1 11 I-.,r A V- li,.t,.,r.l.. II. II. Allsbrook, R. R. Bullock, Steward Hardy, Sydney Williuns, W. W. Bntts, J. L. Savage, Jerry Washington, David lies, G. A. Bickcrstafl', William Myrick, W. T. Motley, W. E. Fenncr and K. M. Gii.zard. j Mr. W. W. Butts was made Foreman, .J udge McRae's charge to the errand ! jury was somewhat brief but clear and j eomorehensi ve. ' Among other things of which he made ! special charge was the matter of Halifax jail. He said that it seemed rather a j vexed question, and the grand jury must decide the matter. lie charged them to take the Superm - Undent of the Board of Health with t h e ci . Prisoi Th-s is an important matter vj riot rinf iti Till fr nmiKr. ' ment, but for safe-keeping, and so they ou ihf t o have a place of reasonable con., fort an J safety to health. lie said that our State of civilization has risen above that of our fathers, and that we no w provide for cur unfortunates, such as p: isouers. lunatic, ic. better than they. It is desirable, he said, that the State make larger provisions for tak- i mg c ue ol lunatics, and until tins is done, i . . . i i it uuiiiy a is nuiM proiu'i t . i;is iiiiiM proviue count, riaoie places for them, I'Ssc- I'otaio iii1 J'eii I'rizc In our last issue wc ollered Thk Dim- KK AT for four ami six month as i r ''.: or some early vegetables and trim, On list Friday morning ;ir. J. V. Savage bro iirht to our sa- ctum the first Irish potatoes and the first garden peas accor'l- mg as was prescnOe'l in tne oner. i my were both four months free subscription f Tin: nrii.iei.!-!- n;' i... X r K--. if geti; Tun Df.MOCH.vt eight months free and is credited in advance wph the same. The smallest of the potatoes was 4 iin-he-s in circumference and the largest was 7 inches. The W4y 'i Ciiinc iu Oiiio. A newspaper in Ohio recently brought suit against forty-three men who would not pay their subscriptions, and obtained judgment in each case for the amount of each claim. Of these twenty-eight ma de affidavit that they owned no more than the law allowed, thus preventing attach ment. Then under the deciuon of the Supreme Court, they were arrested lor petit larceny ail 1 bound over in the sum of $300 each. Ail but six gave bond while six went to jail. Th.- ne w postal law makes it larency to take a piper and refuse to pay for P. TARdo ;.. Many IVrsous -n down from overwork or hntisehoM Are care,; Brown's Iron Hitters rebuilds the system, aids digestion, removes ex ec of bile, and cure: m&Ia.-ia. Uel the genuine. ! The Concord .V'..j.i- .UC. i n tho t :i w . v ! f - -1 ! r t i k t r n s , ; ; i n c a i -, ' b -tIo. one o-ix of -aps. tw iw ) a'p. ! ir:Tcinv"-r. c -pr t (;-. ! K '- I'l '-v a ;;UI- g ri. i- it: w -'a'r an'! Ki !. ? c : !- ;;r c g ir t n ! sh-'t. ital-.j'i ' . a i v t i- " v r ; 7 . i . ' i ( r r "i . f-or. -v f r i-tvr"-Ti.ere .- a r v t i i Tiiir'li I ;i 11 n- r ! P: i ,r"T-1 ' ' 1 the i 1 i . : . . v e r te. :. r, If l wo'ie 1 ? t i -ir t .r I It.' ft I o bati- un it t !. : ci. . j i:ed ' t:'r:f j i a I i. er.-j. I OtheM i - ! . ! u e v e '.Villi thi-rh 1 ,i.r A a i : i . l t t .v . s t! inchf s I the seat iog 1- uie io .1- ! . i the el'd ..f a;iro.;ri trie !::.- c-:.i--r. V. i'eopia will never get Christian pol;tt-r.-j- enough to eat tiiem--.-'. es i;i a .-i '.-;''ee way wh n they go to h'.:rch. If the ; tw is open at b-.'h ends ia t: '.rt to nter g to the mi bile of it. or ir' ene j :ir-ii:.-t the wa'l let the filling fu.-i-i at trie wail en i It is very un r 1. of ho: l.s to e s or be craw i:ng ore: bairn-a sq-ieei-.g around of 1! ( sh to get to t J O'ilids mi Li'. of th.. new . Some of the el lurch izoera ho read this pews next will block u; the end Sunday. Watch hem and see if they don't- The ushers should iuove suc'i up with a .siiat p stick." Our ItouU I'ahle. We have received the initial numbr-r of 'Ihf Ol,l lin:i,'!oi , a monthly iijagazine published at Savannah, Id., by Dayis Bros. Ti.is publication is the only one of its characte r in the South. Its object is to encourage literature, music, art. science, and the domestic virtues that make home happy, i din-hand attractive, This number contains the latest serial by H. Rider Hag-ard, a :te iii.-ton fo the liPlepeli'i'. it p ovi-r:.an cently destrjye 1 by lir beautiful jejeiii on the s V II" T van nab, a i entertatu- .:ne, mg sioiy eiganu, i.arm U'.ts, pi:. f'.rr department, choice voca1 and iu-triimeni al nui.- if va! uat pTeminnis for agents, and sdectel and original matter. The engraving. ''The Pates," and those of the Independent Pre-b-terian church ard its cbl historic bell are Works of art. The attractive title page, the handsome typographical appearance of tho maga zine, its character, purposes, and varied literary and musicil features will make it an indispensable necessity in every household. The Juno number wi'l con tain stories, poems, sketches, essays, and .,,,,.( 1 1 , 1 . t .1 , i i enlll IA I. c lli.liill'tn (ml lir iiirurn I til J ' liant southern writers, noticeably promi - nent among whom are those from Geors gia. The pr ice of the magazine is only fifty cents a year. Sample eophs and premium lists will be sent to any address on application. Davis Bros , publishers and proprii tors. Savannah, (la. PERSONALS' Mr. Thos. Giitiin , cf 1'arboro, was n toAii Monday. Mr, Noah Ilis went to Richmond on biisi'i0:;) last. Tuesday. Wo have heard it ruirured t!in.t Mr. I. Rostchiltl will leave for Murehtwl eit' about the 1st. of June to liccome interested pi some cop. nectioii with the hole,! lucre. : The many friends an 1 admirers of' Miss Mary Lawrence will be "lad to learn of her return home. She ha3 j " - " j slc labt h-Pt':iber. She retlirucd j home Monday of this we-Ic and her i presence will add much to the pkas- e.res of the young peopL. She has had success m teaching both private and public schools and no douht her natrons were sorry to lose her. Mr. J. II. lliiis,, of the popular 1 - 0r jjj r.rS M .,, e "" , an ford j of Clreen- vdie , favored us with a pleasant 1 .... r i i 'p.. , LaU lul!J-,. ' Hig-gs is well known in Scot- i land Neck ami our people are ouch i pleased to note that he is one of the j ieatiin2f merchants of Greenville. He is a good man in a jjood town anions good people and merits the- success he enjoys. Statkof Ohio Cm v r Tor. o. 1 I.! CAS C( rx i v, S. S. Fit A N K J. C; I iCNKY makes oath iat ! he is the senior pat ti-er J. ClIENXV Co.. doin the- firm of F. ' ti sin ess in the ; Citv of Toledo, County and Sra't i! Jre- r said, and that said 'Inn will nv the of ONE HUNDRED !:. LARS for ' ;uui j ach I and everv case of Caianh that cannot be I I cured by the use el Hai i.'s ' v i a k;:h j j Cpki-. FRANK d. ( HEN1IV. j I Sworn to t.o-tore me ana sunscrioea m ! niv pi esence. j f, this Uh A of D( .esnPer, j (- W. (iLEAXiX, Notary Public. t Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly und ac,, (jircc;iv upon the tdoo aii't iujcu; surfaces of the system 1 0s ? '.111 OT-i il- !V". P. J. OH F.N FY fevT -Sol 1 by Pr:: Tried. ) ten'.; o. l,Tl K ill ALL THK 'id ML," .ay many poor men a .-eein over worhe-.L o: ar; women, i-tdlitaie wno i bv . change of season, climate c co'.d 1 read the hundred- of fe. IfVoU! tters T.ta's-1 n 110 ,.i rsaparilia wtucn come :rom ! ... p-j.-.ple whot:: it h':S re-siorr-d to Uvn.tl.. j you would be miiv::- o - fit; merits. As i this is imjiossible. why not try li .-vpsi r.-ars? ia. -, ; i -i v ;n .!: an-i li'i- rca.i. . i-- lu-iieli- It will tore :cM bund system, g'.ve ye.i a ; i ppetite, o-.-r come and tired fel ng ana ma feel, as on: woman expresses it, new creature." .:.;e a IIAPPINFSS AND L'uNTKNTMKNT Cannot go hand in han i if we look on the dark sid cf everv li'tle obstacle. Noth- li so uarcn ::t ; as Dyspep.-ia, and make it - r-Viir'c Tli srii r- I " - " j - i i sia Tables will cure the worst form ef Dyspepsia. Co: an 1 make life ; Soi 1 at 'Jo and head .V. Co. sfipation and In'ligesti in. l hr.ri iness and Tder.sure. 'iO cent-- bv P. T. White- a r i $JJ n ji y frh E Absolutely Pure. i .. pow :-r :;e er vari'-s. A i:;a' f purity, ti entii and w h '.,.,. m- i o-M'--re eeor.om' .-a! than the ordinary i andemnf'i lie 1 in - .i ; i j . 1 1 1 ! : i ; the Uiuitl'ij.le cf low te-t, ri w--g alum or p'v-phMi' p.-wders. 'l :r,.. lliiV.u, B!CIN'. I't'U; Y ' V-H Wad :., N. V. 7 o 1 v. It'.h, Ma:,.-.', or anin.a -s cur-. a:i 1 Ser.iiCIieS 1 ill O iil 'iilti- .il lUii.a:. nuti-s by Wo, 1 I'fii :n v er fill's. ! A Co.. Drug- ford's Sauit ir v I, .t: S-.ld by E. T." W Hi gists, Scotland Nec .v. ion N. ( 11 -2- Cm. IS ( mS! MlTloN I.Ni'l RA HI E Read the f. llowing: N e w i : k . At k . , s ay -: A tice-s of L'l'i-s, a:, i Mr. C. 1 1 . M irr is. With Phy- Was d w : , e, , an 1 sici uis pronoiinc.ol r.c an !i licui'a'oe t o'i- siiii jitive. Be-'an taking Dr. Ki s New D:v ' 'V for ' in- urnpti-.p. run now uii i:iv t!i id brittle, aii 1 able to oversee trie w o I m niv i.iii'i. It is the liie 1- ; i'tin-' ever made." i k-:t" Midllewait, I t cat nr. Ohio, says II i it ti, I n ( n for Dr. Kind's NewDi i'Vi rv for ;li- iti'iiiii ! I woi;'d have - die f L' 'rcoi-i'-s. W ;ii ci e;i up bv - l (he A in now i:i best d' ht. Try i?. Sanq.'.e botti-s free at 1'. T. W hitthea 1 A Co. iiug store. Thousand who bavin trie , i in van to find a remedy that wid truly cue bin. id diseases, think their cases incurable, but such is not the far i. Botanic Blood Balm made i:i A tlanVt, Ci.. will cure blood po'soii wi ii' ad thci t n -fitments, inoludmir Hot Spiings. hmv fai'ed. Give it a tnal ;n i be con :n -eo . From the C'ciitrop.-lis-. Kansas ( itv Mo., December lt. iss;. mere is iiotnmg s o Viiiuan'e so us as, healtfi. but we do not reau.e. this iin'il we are deprived of it. How many of our readers aw.ike in the morning with doll pnins in th- h;n k and he-id, .m-i f , I it a' hard tiisk to perform dad' duties? iui.i. an vui ,i"iir ui .' iUUUJ, mill w e . - ' 1 J li .t ... n,. ,C -...1 i Know ii eiii m-i -i-n ii 1 1" ":i i ili.-y i.riv 1 ! completely 'eradicated by Shallenf e el : ;er's and our .vnu'ioie lor 'i:!ii ell'ective remedy, readers to try it. i. 1 1 is a .- iiiiple and we advise j CANCER j is a form of blood poison which is not understood oy the medical pro:o.--!'n as to its real nature and character, but it is evidently hercdltuiy ia it- nature. It may accidentally develop i: self without any predispo-itioi! r yideiicc of such ' existing poisi n. 'I'l,- knife or caustic salves have here: -lore loon the secalled remedies for it, but all iivne-t pr'.'ietit.ion- ers will teii volt thi ; tn to cure, d only h- atai I e-s Hits. Tliousands c ! case.- of e pilheli jiria f-k in) cancei . an bus cancer it it mar s i seirr e ;.l ed by It forces er itself, nave eeu entiit 1 .; Spei i He. the use of S the poison out thi o i-ili and the pore - of tin sk m Mv fath.r lie mv 1. A, and aiSo pad C3uc r. 1:1 (act oied l-7." a iunio rur on m y ; w i ; it. In i-c. wdiich ! --tedily increased in si.;,-, and alarmed t , w I ii w-'i.i curl.-." ' r, te in n, 1 1 UIV 4 I iri '4 :il 10'l.-( I llll'Ut , ril I I ll I 1 1 J j other applications, aud finally ti u d to . i burn H out. but the sore returned worse man ever, growing larger an i more an- try. until I determined to try S .v l f t speci'i'.'. I took tii ineiri.-i.iie. and it, soon, mail'.; a coinulitc cute. I know that S curco me, Peoause 1 uiscarJ- j ed all other remedies. This was several J years ago, and 1 have had no sign of a i return of the eanci i Mks. M. T. M. i:f. n. April r!b. 1 Woodbury, Tsxas. Treatise on cancer mailed fi. Till! SWiFT SIMK MFIC CO.. H rawer A Cant a, G:i. ELF CTRIC BITTERS. Thi. remedy is becoming so well known and so pojul ir .as t i neep no special men- tion. .VII WliO 1 havi ,c use d 1 oectne Jiit- Leu o i w i oum'j f") i v ! t 1 1 r ho i-'inui cor.T ill i' prai-e. A purer medicine does i.ot e.i tuaranteeii to do all that E'ectrij ILuers ;. ill cure ?.l t and it is is claimed. diseases of I thu Eivtr and ividney-, will rem -ve Pim er a If- c- ' I , ..a i:(,ij S-iO SnniTi 'it,,- .,: II 1 i i . a n .,i bv lmpur. blood. Will drive -Uaiain ti-'-m tne system ami pre 1 v. nt as wed as eur all Maiarial fevers. ; Fur cure of lle-.idoche, ' 'onsrlpation and ; ludrjestion try KleC.iic Bi'ieis E.itir atislaclion guaraniei-'i, fir money re- funded. Pr:ce tie at K. T. Wh . a:i i I'L 1 .0 ) p J.'.s dt 'l. r bot--torc. PATAPSCO FLOURING HiLLS. ESTABLISHED Pi t77 - .'Pr i' HI : IT w Flour C.i:A.liiiM.fs.G3., OF AMERICA. is tire !-. -; ! - it pos--i GOOD STROOGTH, UNA?? o r- TT X VI a VAT? A -.3i A - k r g; ci r f- .r PATAPSCO p !:;:;! A'l I vf. pa N'T KOLA-N'Iji ( !t F. I. I'A i KM', PATAPSCO FAMILY I'A'j liNT, (jit A.N (i K 'ii;i -VI. h.MKA, llALI.i IN FAMILY, MAI LL lt )N FAMILY'. C T.. Gaiul;: il! Ht-. 'o. 211 Cou.morce St, r, lv '... i.iiMr.i'.r. Md. 17s A flip. u i u IX SC( )TI..I) Xl'A'K" i:dm )N'ds in .n si-:v a tii i: u v i:i;s. T;.( v are ! w -i x ; r; ; a- ! N T J i r. . T!: . 1 . a 1 . ID I). t Sj ivl 1 t I h. y i tn-uidso ft -. I t 1 ' ' - s j r ;k . ! ACKi.M- 'K ( ( u. .'. ' grinds, o( m . i : Ctuhir.v' :$ 1 1 1 v W. P. WHITE at 1!1U). Have just Opened a i. ' ' ' ' ' ' ( : ' (i l- n i -: u a l .m i": iie 1 1 an disk, AM' Invitt Cip'etri'rs l- (.' 11 duy r,t) ns - !.;. ; -i . M llit.br.dd.-:.. s, I.-.,n N )TU NS Kvi i;viii:si. in T::r I HATS, i;n()r uml S!B)1 to si. Full 1 :i" of H ARDW A V . 1 IN A I.E. eiV-GK flKn s EVEMVTII1NG F.h-E 1' BE HAD l Post 2 21 ly. TIMELY WARN IN i ! Wo are bognnni! ; to show SPRING" GOODS : 'w le timo t- irak- s. i-ctions. t)i; ,-'-ab'., s, ;n,:li C III I brucfs the i:io-t td-;l'it ai;l s' i - Pliln-s of be , tit v Pi.r" . etobrii in- lillMMl-TlAS, ALB I m,! im.au sri i lNti, A 1 t K N . Ipm vhl iet v (d PlitiU tui I f pi..,,. ,., so,,,,', ; o'Lhin.-s ..fboau'v- -Arc thos.- ;in'if,l t M i . I ! ( ' I , u V 1 I NT- m vlr-IsH IRISH .a.d YALLM INK LAI IS unit!.. c..i ! . v ,t i n - ' , .,..f ,.r 1 1 o t i , h 1 1 r . .mil I ii s,-r t P HSSllI l Ilil ML l J I .i in ... . (loo Is. Little b. aiiturs l' pl- iso til ' I IM.: s. shoes; siioi'.s : siioi'.s L)Ii:s' and MISsKs I K L.N I )IKS' and M1SSLS' KX'IKA t'mu.s:' ,,,', MISSES' llKlCli P()YS''t.nd YDLIILV oiiL'i'l CHILDRKN'S Kil, COAT an MKN'S Spuce Ytiil not ad r.ilt ? T....'l V i. n line's or Milll S , I , I ....n,,t ut. 1 ne. on liand. ' ilSiu; iii-i. in " v- v and pocket book . Gents' furr.idiing Go els. Fancy N - l.rcar. llr' can not be surpassed. Constantly hare! a f 1! Pn- of i'i'!:NI I I dlr ;RI.I('LRI US. I n fact evi I V ll.i'ig ' !.- V --pi i i- . ,;i- ,...-, !,io.,f.i.! iim. I; -!.i in' tuii-.ii j'l'ii i-1- i i" without ui due pre3s-.e to buv. :.: ' raci i by general excellence and intrii.-;: value .! our toeeis. Thankful for past patronaf, we eunlrilly inMte sCC ua. Vt r M. HOFFMAN & BRO, LFA I MIL'S or LOW P-lJf L D 27 ly. JFUTRELL I Cll!'Vn' t A I A 'l Pi III SI 1' O Ifl to y s iri - o h in in 'u 0) :r, o c3 m w (D i3 z m CD CD X r-i or 3 s o p (fl l. m $ t 2 O M ci o tn & r I r I I m -.j f -VJrt.y o,-7 V. -' III V 10 ' .h o a o V vi V r Jsfl v-i'v- nh V.. t i ft GROCERIES. 1 We have in stock at all timer, a choice arid .veil -:c-; iected line of staple and tltney groceries ol all i-:i::ds- T T f;f'i!;" WAIli; A N'l 11! K. l.s LUWl.ii w a .. t ?. r. .:. l R A C K -DFAi.i FPv?:.-H. S AL IL! 1 i N M1 )i L PKr.i PU11K. SAP-A' .L AND PL Zi T'JN't . i." F'.s. itdi So. U. F:r.-t Market PP'H'.P 'Nti V A Ui .cr :.o 1 'J! STOPPED FREE - V. 1 -Y Trs-. rr-zt r."-'r z. KLINE'S OitRAT N F. I : V WESTOH E U 1-. far FmH s . r : -t' . ,WT 1 ,.,,,l If Uft'B IjS rit vi.i. if m? :" ',' rHlu.'.K a ; i.n.t lu 1- lv. tji. . la. ! 253 H n W -1 1 It I .1 n, 'M r ' s i t 1 ! '. ' ' c DM Nl : N i.vi'iii, (' t '.' P'i V. T Ml !..sv v i;n h- d A s i ' H ' ! V IN. A I liSl'i ' V s . V .I'l I 1 i l i i. i:e; ml OUice I3nltlin7 M-.ii' - . 'il l C a 1 n mc.c- in e u. I' liV e " f tht'TP, I I ' I V ! elol ' . - o. o. . , sihbd a-o i.ui.. v l i i ' . 11 A M , ( Ai.lt ' '!' "s ri: ; i o ' i i;i. I ::n :' La !;. li Ml). PLBPiLl f l I N C i.v'l id i II boNlr.il. 1( .. 11';;. SCHOOL Minis, 1 I 'LB I'LL. SIMM V. li no nlPm. Oil it il nil have f Xilli: rl!i" tn so,' dodo . !el V Ve "i 1 I r M V III' a 111: si !l. sv I ' '! il t.i:l - 1 1 i r li '..ids :;r ,1, i 1 1 1 ".' :i e Ti . in i.'v .!o'l, to rnl n n 1 1 respect fully & SPKKD, IIP 'i-s. ') ! L Nil M.' K. N.''. o o ' 'i I Ml v H O o r. O v. - iSi' s hi a i:i-:i'i:!.- 'i ii.'vN i!i..A i.W i i I'M L, K ITCH IX A LN" ( ill' PI A N' ) F.S, MA' a; d LP i,.v,P, ii:i -'I p. v. i. 1 Vf - ;( N' P i Ll.ii's, ! v. ' MA' lilN ifiC 4 I !or.-l.' 11' i' . Ii- o - IT" "T ''! rf' ' 'rB I-"'-- ' " " jDitn Mr.ttuf' turl Co., t r '-tfci - ! it ?! i!! 7

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