A s i) AM PA Is ACE A WATER i V 1 s' ( )S f" ' X- ( 'f 1 i 1 1 A r ; ' ! i l i .- vcr- ' rur': a '''' ' ' ji '::' l! v : "'il ' 1 -TIIK KD'.Fi 'iMHK r-"' HI UoL ; HUnOROLM. " - : , . . t i- . ' , i a; ne 1 ' : ;' a ' , , , . i - ih '' I "K - - . p. ; t, . i f::; i ' h i k t 1 1 ' ii ,n i. t" ; v ' rthe pL.no. Veven pr)'-.i-f.r-:' thi.r satishod that there is id raising beats. 7' J" S..tXays. r- Pvl-e Pi-Lora rat th- bar. hav you r,r.v'"tl'ir.:-i - "ay v- :' M ',:t"-:' " d.-atli -'houM r.'-t ' ; '"'";i y""';' la-Uor r "I nr;i - !M' i:'!'C ": Ul ion o! t ao. a tm- : an L . r e. I !:"'-f?.f.-. M ' ro '- : ".r:'-r. ' ' " he ' n f' year-, i.u i 'ur- ' ' ;i from 1 Sat a- !-:-, a:a; -' ' ; v 'I can't V" NeLtv f"!' -h lha.Nhmor.t.'' ' '...nro 'a ; ...... I..,' ArAt von a f-ori o Widr.ers.o! Klchrri-:i-J:'" His Prey -N; Em a son of a Car.!, a, of SaA "Lake City, and you don't wa;.t to fom .'round ti:' r..-xcz'. yvULtf leAiuw. ToveA ' ,---- e-Mr-. Ib-own "Tll me. N -l':--. wa yc-:r hu-t-a.v.1 Ji.ti-.-h uiai.nrra. vh'-i". h'.- i.roM..b- to you?"' Mi. v,, ,.,,-.! ! -"Not n"arlv h viwl. n he was aft'.-r th'j bills r.n- ov.r w.;a ilinjf rec.-i.tion caa-j in." iA,. Muj...r M-Tavi-h-"Mr. Fitch, I v:u.t you to ki.o-.v ih.; Huj.-il of V.vu- horcis t r-roa.l. farmer iako on tl.cir f'r.t! j T $4. of for a -ao f ) g'-1'":.'- F. 15. a After score!,, -r..I vinrgard .,,,n N. r. bobs u fcorcnCiV orr. l -: monarch hA U H'" Iriv-n from the fie M by the b.ts o! ' 1 T H E PLANTER'S PRSDE s ut.-.I ur 'i t cr.. : i ' ta-a . .' ! iTjr-t S' - ;.ia- -a : a- t . rc a-:- - (if ! ! N . N .v Y- . !.;: -i?r.l ia It will be to His sni Year A cl- ?.r. ire- r n 1 i'J U K.'" I I (MIX A. WIFIJAMS. ilea i Agcncv for F. S.. I ! K i r A N I !-.." S :. , . : a i ' . a : , . . i i i- : r !t r (, i:EUAL MKUCllANhlM. AND COTTON BUYER .i 3 'J- tf. RiGHMQ&B ::i r r;Locoioti76 1 Mecls Works. ci'.lvs ( f llraLta..1' Mi'. Fitch (o! Illinois) " l'ruiiii to iucct you, sir hr.--'.I t! i't .'V-r lai'l :tr. .-Caii.-r frt..r?bvr Mr. I-:ra!y)-tlit- way. Daraicy, I mm- that yo;r baisk iK-coaat U t.vui-.b-a-.vn V th tua-j of a hnr.-Ir.-l a;-l Jlfiy "iol'.ars. Dmal.-y-'- All ri,;:!, ohl v.v.v.x if y"i f.tkI :t !- .f'-.vn t-i my oHij with a j-tat.-ni. nt of the whuio bn-irv-., FT give yo a a ch-ck f-r th aaion.,,.' - l'ailca.-lphia a--at ( .-:'.!. -ly) -'A-I ..1-m 1 ia!" ti!-.- ;;. ! .r la-t ovaia; J t.aw y a i-i ' .. " : - , -, ; .1 a y " u." Li-ri:. nil'' ; . i i'Ar'.o' !,:.-.- uiaay w ! hi r --" I .inter. Scarcely a l.:y iscs-nrvcr u cekw1tfout a b:.rbccuc telas -iven in one neighborhor. !, or aa oraer. It iiso vtl! ur.aerstonl, law for a1j icent r.eiSh!)orhoo'tuhoM ttie.'S festival, n the saiiu lay. i Why, eo ll igrant a (icrehctio;i ( woubl produce euci il war to the i inlfe and knife to the hilt. 'lArouhJ , LoCOmOtlYO ElllIieS, i.rl,l-tin robbery of engorgement, i ... ti ,r. t.c aP(1 fi. a. VUiCa L -Boilers anc) jieal achine. AlthcM'ioa.-'--- ;rOTa), h . VlUC IS! A. will and hilaritv are ir.aulel an) - . , .... 1. ...,.)' 1. tliev are never marrea ny ,,cs-. Ti ev Kive and ,. ;t-i the iriendhest lreeuoru , bun i liUAUH Viuuwnun vy.j . ) be unto the farmer with i very ; : I. , ' ! ' ;M! . ! 2rnsy crop, or who h urui-.et. j ;:c!it:d in te-rt of his eropwr-: " i i a i -ralions. ',' X(.t onh is j:reV, beaiiit derived ' !'r.,: the inlere'.ai ce of thought and ; y - tiie discussion of ways and u'eans to ' I j.rodiiL'"- best re-iiit i ; i a.rie'ii.j ;. l"'i- :A' r t"-.r y. , - - !, . ooil s.i i..: : AVui:l ;f - - . thy i 1 ! V k V')';r -' ' ' i ;it .if ::t ! ! v. a. 7H SOLACE. H i L L B R OTHERS, WHdLKSALi-: ih:alki;s ix m i;vs and iuy- hats anh r. nd 568 Broadway. NEW YOFK. Hi: Y a ! , i K Y . e !.), r,t- r. IN i i:f.v l , .Nnllns, Nt t 1 ! . i s. v s r. T. WHITEHEAD $c CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Main vr., .SCOTLAND NKCIv, S'. C. DEALERS W P ( A" i; D R f ti S a,a; good! )tt.ed'. ' rirlB Haxall Cuslaw Go, HAXALL MILLS. lUFIlMOND. VA. "I5Y't!.Ff-IS.AXir M80PGS, TOIL FT A N I 1 fini; CIC.AU AND C'cbacco. .! 1 . !.. ILl J'S. I li ', 1! A Si I) W A Li".. 1 i N ' A K I , CKot ivi.LY am GKOCKIxTlS o (i Sole ::.':, Is for LYhVs Ceh r.-.te-! L-.-be- F':! ' --. c Co.'s Ir.lal.ts. ( 'l;ildrc::s a!;d Ms-e- '.,.. a:'.d F i v : a"e I.. : h ' Co. ! I I I - A full line of Mi r !.:', and ui":'i, er;h!, y.ea, All orders by mail o! w ire ; I om: ; , ;v ; ;t 1 . Id ,r- ' ' N. 15. JuM Y cv - d ill-; K -ANA iKF II )FH. J '1 UK KcAMiKi; IUHN1.. 1 WIL?:i NGT01 & .'.ELDCA Pi ?; J oiilr an! AUentivt- Ser an!. kii:t- -fa I'.mh: I'd; i.rni.r. Ce. .,!-!-.$. d sa.e.j-..;- H.MA. L- L KITCHIN. lh-i n.tor. !KV!NV !N" ' I Fab ut Medici::, s, Tai- s a; el Lrccc-. i ai:l o;;.; c; r.ut. i)j. , cry L-:p- and La-a; -.;?:t-ire-, r.ru'.: ... , : 1 Fi Id Set!. i ! , . -i - tare L-a.u ( 'ourArv or Cdy 1 Ci.' S'lee ,!KV FLLY- a v: -wYy an-I Silverware. po-e y.ei. j.aiht i,i.jU'.'-: Jlls A a -c.aa. r " Ab- iaint! I eoald n't paint no. i;i 't at at: nee tea I .e i '.!.- ! - 1 on i e-tt- At;.o Vu-,.,,1:-.-.---Oh. no. indeodt" tuoh-h F-C'ht-ori;. Mrs. l-.i-iu.-sne - Well, then, I -up- j r.noller and 1 iad tx cl.vss fo-etlrr i for in'jtua! protce ion aio nueres.s. i And tii!- e-r.i .t ii mi m r. 5 Un i-3 devouliy ' to be wishf d. whf n :t eonbidered ' that tiie farmers are : id ass uj-.on : whom a:l bel and whom nearly all: , -'CORN-MEAT T ,m- I lirrfih. for the Lhzecoinbe- Ti-.n ..tn- ot.-ra'-V s -t-.'i ! '. .i.e'.e. i J ' '' " F" "Y.-, in.h--d. Wo ?f.uiy an.'. ; iuniur and ins itle : 1.011- uiy Fre.srni.t : :-: Lm- :y5a!ioner T. v- , n s ouicki v nn-1 necurr-teiy ceej en a i.-nc A!r:-. Da., e-r..- (eair-'fly 1 ' Oil. yoi 1 a r l': r.. Low iOw :y . 1 ';-i jni'.-t pnuai-- to cot..- pi ,.fiTy ta- o: jay ; piioe . .vi.i b.- a a v,'n-a'l-'-;."--'V -f ,';.;'.' ," ---i):., Mr-. Wa'.:-. yo-j tii:.-i.t to -.. . 1 ' s Aia all ci.:cr :'! a . .-. . 1 a I i 1 1 i li - ALSO- - . ne a-'!. La -t tliev wave. "it ara-1 .- -.. 1 D n't Do tlio Cows. AND MILL FF.KI).!1' f 7 .Jl.lk- .JS. -i-- -JH. -W A-.i IV.r. Mr. in ,c lOtli Streets SCOTLfteD NECK- C D.-ah-rs ia CEWERAL KlERCHADtSS, HKY (AM)IX HOOTS SIIOKS, IFT ItF.ADY-M ADH Ct.OTi 1 1 XO. CLOTHS t1 ASSIM i-',hi:, F1.AXX1.LS. DOM KS TICS, CLAU'S. Crock rv, Tin!ire. 1 1 an! ware, Confcctioner.es, M- at. Lard, S-i-ar. M. Masse.-. Orcci and lteeicl Coffee. Tea. Salt, Flour. Fish, ie, Ac, Ac, Ac. 5.' ACv.yf ' R a)V 1M V6 I FAT AT 'The lAei'ioke lime a ai ; L Ml ' I Dt'NT e : . 1 v A ! 1 .5 '. . MA r. l.s e T n 1 L iO.C,:i x: A r Wi!. J. '.'7 p r 1.-. W ' j. 7 A r Sr ) ! 11 ' ... 1 ' " Arl A h- o I V If . '. ) . '. . 1 v. W :ir. ; I ' I v. Mn'. ! . ' 1 A r U . ' i a 1 n - . " i ! - . T- vp. w.- it ViirrsiiitpJ fr 1'ivc Y-.u. "-.i" TI E 17 n em mm wl ms. t - - 1 - - I "l : A 1 . ill- vat 1 F.fo 0 1 ; 1 v. v a . ' ' ."' ' ''';! j Kvcry one wiio t.as an vlhit c; !' ; io a:iair: . "ine.v nair.icavr. 1 ..VvS ao havo foaal oat ev -ry j with a cow fcUonhl leatll luoieun.y thiia' id.o-e I'o-'s t!sipaion and li- I tins fact: that every annoyance and ( n-patabl.. eo.aba-t. an.i pnpo. soon to t t.iat excites or frets her t:--kes tl,.rouhiy i:iv.-ti4,,.- the ac-ral vr- )J(;norti,.n f:om both the amount' tion- of o.taire. -on. "('n, j . , , , . there's nothia like a literary .soeb-ty ar.d nchness ol her 3 tehi, an;i in t-a inec-.,,.. o:n. '., cu'te.re. You ought Just so much Likes money from her COOKE, CLARK & Norfolk, Virginia., Successors to Lv,t!icr Sheldon, Doah rs In. to j.an. i !'. -a- r. e t b; PERSONAL AND LIT:..AA:Y. 1.. 'or an ' o-."! a " tope.Sa ; h ran aa 1 ha i'e -n 5' - Mr. Van A!-!y r ?.l i -.- Fa mi v ' ri rit; r. h a- !o -a in bbad fro;a in."a.-..ey. L -A Lon-bei a-:th tv !.-v ia tie-.- tl.. j-. .-o -o of : -'v Avbij- aaa. bet in wvb . 'era: -.e- lab-a- ha- lroagh only :;A.o.i. 1. ; L-- C. Ilar1v, of IIuA-n uAh -rn -.v rit -r, 'v h .-e ta! iv 1" cam Lrne-.vn to th poeket. A m in who w ol : permit it to be done, mnch less, ; WINDOWS, DOORS, I 1 bi-.s"! I" do ' tiie eows ieere from the , 1 oas'nre or kh U ai;l e oat) thcui aboat : l. . . .-. TiRACKKTri, sTAIL KAILS the Uii-n or varus e noi a m. peitu.i T. . i- a S en! he- h'it. a,efal -o.s North thron-h h-r B,u-t'.a-n n.n.r:.2in..ss.. I -Mr.. Faizabeth J. Hereford, a Texas p, ,, tf-s '.vao Pa. i- atly !-:-ne.l a vol- e.n 10 of pin : as en 1 it V i ' ' I ' '. Uaynie'S, is said to b, a liie-ai Joe..-;nlant of Sir Walter Seott. S..;-; 1 1 I to own or have iharie 01 cow.-.. 11 ; written thir- i not only cruel to the defenseless ! This beat- ,.,,cv p.s! b- reiiioui to his own. finan ces, a reason that oujiht to appeal stn.nly enough to l.i t avafco to eenua ! n-tr-r tteat e.'.oa: of his t-reo-'-rtv if iiuii:; n:f . a ii! not. J t.- A 1 " - l':Tii Far m rr. 'My Smoke Hcuse." A man who lives in Albany, and Whose bu: inesa is that of a clerk, .f Mrs. H .reform's .-aid that he lnal lately built a house Tcre hfu- be-en eon.-idered beautiful. j that cost, hhu Ij.UOO. . - "... "' ',.:;.' o!):uvoroure- 1 His friends ex in esse 1 their won der that he could r.llord to build so r-aiMor inaieateu nv i 1 r.iers JSK'.VKLS, WOOD MANTLKB, SLA TL MAN'L LLs, FCILDING HAKD W A U K , T I N SHINiiL-'S. PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW 0 L A SN ("FT CLASS, CLYLOND CiLASS. Y . RX 1 1 1 LS, PL AST hit PAl'LK. SDFLl 1NAI PA PL It, IlUOFlNCi PAPER, WINDOWS, DOOIFS AND , SCREENS. .Sep 23 ly. -F1 O XT T 2 3 S HOSC AWD CATTLE POV:DERS . . ;)i:y COODS an 1 N'oTI'tNS and ;F.NTS rFRNTSlIl N'C COODS. c - . - . ; - s.y."is.. ,- -.-- ' -Jr,"T, DRESS GOODS ! All-wool CV-hniei-cs an 1 Ik-ark ita Cloth., Uai-os, Fancy Plai-ls. Tricots in all t-hoiles Clmshmcres in all hados. Cleinibrav. oa'iions, Pereals, Lverythin-- l,,e W 1 ; - - 1 1 . '-' I Wfe-i1 .d,; 4 S's- -r '; 3 A v y-r' ;. i-.-4 -t;-., -. -: V I a- A :.r V VfS J , I'M- ia bile oiods, with iimnii ; of a Ii 1-an BIG BARGAINS A F L US 1 1 US A L L COLO R S. A Larore Well Assorted Stock Always on Hand. tzir- Pit ICES AS LOW AS TIIE LOWEST 5uv vctir t booths lieiii us and we will Fell on ( lit' A 7 HAIKrA !XS; TRUNKS. VALISES AND GRIPS. F1NFST LINK OF CLO TTi iNG KYF.i. LUoCC.UT TO SCOTLAXD NKCK, N. C. mas 7-1 y. 1 ys k mm 1 e I . ! e A r . !io. Ar Wo... A ,. 1 A r f url.. i.e Fill A : We!. I l.u .' V e.e ' Xo-.f.il '1 i':t in on S. a ! ;. ; ; X n H abfa x n S "0 an He! Ut li'i v.- ' 1.'. 1 O 'J ;i e i Xe ui':;:. 'J O 'I . I ! A , ) . ; v o.iip Tram h a-.. 'I ati-oj... .;. . T-ir.rlf A Kuh r.'i. K. lb D.'...v aa v.o.o.'. p. in .. a:, '.uv '.' ! 7 tr. ail a woii-;cr.own .! in Ibrrab! ! -I .. 1 ! : ham. The ii-t inehGo- '.York- on lb- arc a wn-Muni;. (raturo. thooh.j-v, ar-h:vo:o.'v, tuv- ; "Wliv,"" said lie, "ihr.t is my smoke tho-,;:;y. edueation. -- t aphysie,, and :hou,, inu-ie, and bio-M-aimieal and auto- 1. , 1 . 1 vi,i -i.-v-f ,dk.-JrhwrA: l e 1; i -.ai'.iv . 1...1. - s-o. ;.-;?-n- -'-...a: biographical book. His fr'ead? won- he is p.injr to put the 1 . 0.r 1:..' is eoatiaaallv buvinvr, for Mawr.r jou tneaii: 'I :ncan that twenty years r.-rr; i No 1I f.sk !: of One. I'-.-i? or IaNS Kb TBS, If I ftv.u'f I'ov. Its nrt- iifvU ui e.ft.p. thai Castle i from, haa-eaa i;-The ban aev lV.eU oei is a f.i tia. irete'y ir.a h witli them j.,rT , ay sn., av j ,, r n! I hnve nut the f.n-: .-.v. in: t inoi-ev saved on en s I v's .-t.r.' v.:i a: a v . a . uaiv of i.Mi ve.-.t? a ,r ctT.t . .-i ri...-v :!. aaarr .aa:; to..li..e. 1 , ...O!, ,.,t.,f t.,!!.-.a F',-,.,,.. eatine; of F-j.j;i:sh F;t',r- eo;!,.;;.a-a; aei, 1; , an !.-..' I. an at. c 5t, into tu - house. S.; I cai; it my str.oke house." cut a.r..ot eth:T llP.A.-ii- t ttti .'ii U.Jl i'!, ;l'VJ. ;'T'f H'il.lOCt. For iz'. ru'wn ia will ,ivk s a i ; kao :a.,x. iioli r -."a:. ;.;. ! . I'AVil; 'SC. lOU'i?, rrorrlotO! i- iLai:. :)i-r. x:v. MPS. JQrj PERSONS Our Favorite Sn wer ' I'.'m XN Vh u!!;nu; ' w. roj ean Fancy Ccvr, I'irgr Dr'.n-.trz, , i;y v - 1 JV'co n')js. Tocxcr, RudXr, U!i,lt. Four Widths of Hijtnn.Ctrs. t-nt on on week's t-i..i. I li.a"! a. ur i.m f!-t ( tl trei.ht ciiAr-o. I.iiy ci.ly vl ;..u.i;. e.t'-n. s..c . a, a . .0 ; . 1 . . : 1 a. . 1 a I a. no . !.'; a. ia. 17 1 iJ JL (inv.T.'.'-iC C'.i'im JL i 1 iL y U I a 1 c sc u 1 ar 1 v he v. it at i s in , Cancer in its early stages, Scrofula, Tetter Erysip las, Ct:rc-r.ic bilie'Us c( !. C!;rieaie Sores, Skin Lrui! iar., Indigestion, Ii a Tonic, !s Nervine, I,: ati Alterative, Is - Lbo 1 Puri-ier. The WASH iti:r-or':u.t in eaacs where taerc are exen.ai ..... o, . ( ' . I '; . v -.-i v.iv ,T... Iiint-M. 1 , o ;i. m.. :o l a. c .in...- AK1ress Ujt ciri;i..is. '1 tt;a...ui.!, j m . Ia. L ! a I 1 1, . : a :i - M yuiuee Street, I'inh.tielij.ai.-, IN. i 1,.-,. A;. ;, I 112 7 ly. !.':-.. ;. v M.eu.t at ::.oo j,. I: I ; a ;:.-!) p. m . S i a : i ! i;; a:kli:xs arnica saia i: ; i.a.m.n-iriia- sn,. l.i. , ';.-! A .ia- 1 U. Ho. '' TIIE BEST SALVE in the world fa j n . : r, a . no. dmy, r.v - Cuts. Foau.-es. Sores. I icn--. Salt J.licuni. I iron on fni.t-.n !o;na a .e Fever Se!cs, Tcttfr. Chr.pi.f ! Ii;ni-. . -aw lor ebat'.n. D:.d v. m ; ' 1! i : t 0 o. I. a. ana Chib.-lnia, C'riis, ai.-i rdl l in Erup tions, and po-itivdy c-arrs Piles, .r n -j j ,-a . - ciu.t'.n til jt.v i'e.paire j. It u jruarcntevl to :-na j ri.. c aaa-e-m at 5 erfc-.-t satisfaction, cr sr.--.-aey r- lunde-i j i .. ;'l :.n i 7-v 11 1' j. . i. . I'l-e'C -Jr cents p-r TejX. A; ai a i a a; . ; a i 1 1 . a AL!' HV a b W'Iir!i-:V!) 1 Co j .at. viih I r f.m , . .a, 1'- v A FRESH CARGO ; wSi: .V.; ba i. i iv;,- la -: : .ret ly a m: is al-o ver , ,-e. ,-a .'a'. ': V. -. RuA.da's ia Sir b ;-.-ard ArnohFs ir.: ,!ol.a Mor'.ey's i dblic-bt at fr-t. hut eaAiy ac-q-.tainted with; Labonehere's is jiretly bn.LT. P. O'Connor's is rather re-u:rh, bt.t en.sy to r el; Frederick lireen- ..! ..,,,..,,,.,1,1,, 8 ' l y O a .r-.n. e A. been bdl .' !.- WE t A X ND Dv A . !. . i .- id a, I Elixir f -r it has .--ar e'- ; to oe; paopie ei 31 i'. l s sores or cr up Don. Address 12 20 tf. w w 'Jp.rr',-- Scnd for !e;rp'iUt eon! ii :; r proofs. Mils. .JUL FialD-ON, IN '-. ):,. N. C. fc r; V 5 r'. -; ; ; , j ' t Jf ! - k IA fe 1 1 OYSTER SHELL LIME P!M- PALED 'J,;'".",N a ' v 1. IX PR Es.SL Y FOR A,! RICF L'f FJi A L . ra., a FT RP' 'SI--. 1600 bbD Rn-Aiehale Ataert n roie-'-n- ; n , A Mel u u-t be so! 1. 1 300 t::s ;-:va sccma lsnd fljster. ! u a r KlCilMOND, VA. thi. country lieu u i, ;,ri u t- all oth- ulV)Xcr 0;:1 -ayjob Hcd'Chani, it i!vo,u-,iti-.ii-. a r i 1 jail n-a.'u-os. It I- M-asiiaiu!;, D nare: '::',; i'lIS' n ltor o j);riienPir-;y i;w ', it v- -ai.I, write,; a 'eo.: rani a- i'.'.o harsh' - Mr-. O.i-ehar:' f th - rreil-r par; of A. y : i- a.t th.- in ueh-fa vor. il town of Win Fa-:-. 1 h aiAi sh lcai'.s lvrs-'if iniliv iKva-iatia! isius to "ih-iu a pa. .stive eui e lor sv pi ih FLars, L: aati a;, ntt.i Pimples. .. .i .. a... . ......... it i i , .S L.i, I. i-'u ...,! c : bi.il 1 up lie- coi! itutiois 'J'. WtAaav: V C . va OsNi,-'.:.'- .' . -v i- A- v - -' r., -- -,- s" i r ' to.n.naa ImSv-.ci, J;.al ' JL. .- - Is the -.!-:. an.i t:i. .st p'a "'ur soienofic nl IinTliiimcii i.nnvr j.'ih!isl.-(1 n-nl han the .arci-t e-r ui.it i ,n of ;e v jn:n-r . 1 -as rit.n :n 1 lie wor.fi. f-i-.l'v ei.itnii'C il..t. rin-H of V,.ori Kniirat Ci. -." I'.aoi.si ,-.1 -..I'll.:)-. Se.ai for rp' taitn I'r.f.,. n ., v,::r. hour tn. rt t riiil. $1. .ML-N;- i CO., I'l-in.isiT ; ::, V. Kr.iAu;--, -N.Y. rp ' 1 o t J i!e reman, y .. S ad bv F. lj -( AGHiTECTS & 8UILDERQ H Edition of Sger.tific American. W Tin: .T-L S'Ll- KMMb C- .' . . Li C .") . - ! L.'I iN' .1 A- ." Ti.A A 1 X 1 ' ! FA FN LRS la v . a 1 1 a Fa.. I i a . : i -- ia a w - 1 t - a i a -i :l Tina,- raa i-.M 1- i: A prrat T5-r ... i A,,, 1 i i. Mur-.'iivt, Wilson Hi- JOHN T. DAVIS, Siuee-s.a- to d . VA DAL ih:oiL wa-. as most oeoo'.e know, born. ff.ne- sixty years back in the county Mam street, SCO 1 LAND NECK, N. C. v.-hi eh has the home- of boin.o- rer-- ' fo.o.-I in P-.rb-.m.Mit hy th. hereof n;!,;.,? ...,ret-. -.! th -ntiro stck of LhaAoy ilail. Mrs. iphaut's re-i- iap W-J i i-ouiinu.' ihc ta-ino ilenea- in Windsi.r ha favo'-ed the itl v:u:.(. place, .'end shall lie -lei ta formation of iriondly relations with -A e my i'rb-:ai and ti.e n; .Flic generally. tl.A ,ueeu. of whom she is a 'great i,tAROAlNS ' s favorite-.-' Her .21.ije.sty,- indeetL has u. ;;. r. i.t. i--!-:r a. a vm. . -a? mr. Of Orange Co. A' a.,' )f Kir--ha ick.ste.irf:. Va 1 (IXtMllisked. IS''..:.) TALI AFKIvRO & CO., Oer.eral Commission and Pr'I;iec Merchan's. No. Ill S, Twelfth S.. R iei.ia.ia.1, n. f 7 s . ; . ; , . i - , . , . . . . -in.. I....... I. ... , eivil to 1,c .-.a'.--i of Lumber. Tob.:.-.-o, Cram. Flour, Hav. Ac, aud to baa Purchase of Sav-M.ll Supplies. -V fed I supply rfi fei IT IS ThE BEST, M.Z . EASIEST TO iJSZ. tti ' Kach !iic rentftlr" lri"! A. ; - a A 6. . " 'X "i feLESt -.-S&rr-"- "r- -""-AlalSyf-S :r- f" llthivrn tinir i'aieof count rj cael city rfnon- a r -----a- ' - ;'j r.JP I ma! f lu J'lna Jin. ci-if1rHe.or: f .r tic e.if! if - -( I u"'! ira.l.-i-ipHif. ' j lir.f. I'ri- J' a . 1 t r. - . . . ... 1 v- ,- , . 0 . . , , -. f : .1 1 . 1 . t The time of Rct-lar . Ie li,; Saturday :A lb o'clock', and F iv 1. 1 !.h Fa-k of t-acdi trv. I. I). I ML!. 1 1 - , 1 N t F. 1 1 T. '. 'e- . ,;. ; f.a' ',, ( r Sn 40 Tars) ext.-! ur--v at;.l liav , . , ,., o - , , r- v. pa ror- Bi :t;'ti ptMit. s-r-l !,Tl!tH';arA. C'.rrc- TRADE MARKS. mh rf.nr irnrk u rf.t rf-Bis-tere In th Pat- Put om.-e. pj..:y to Mess A Co.. euxj prycura .i-.-Mv 1 1. 1 (n. o ; i 1 : . ' . , 1 1 ; . t v-V . '; AH i.r aabcrs are rr on -a ! to . r , . -. . f ' . . O , : I ; C f 1 ' 1 t ' I N A M r - , ! " r ' AT ' i - t - r.v.'iAiaa;v,;ov, 1 p a- a ,7 ,a;. , s,-.vir..-.n.'ii;--npTiri 5..:,v';r; ;, e- vAf?f: ?2-.-r-'" ; C ; 5 i iilJ (Afiir: A X . ' lmnietlite protect -...n". hVud I-jt Uanloo..k. a?.-., r , cr . '--5tV7 -x , r;-4s c X A" i. , J y -?""' ! '.: ' " " - ' !,o, ,;,', , : ;,t e 1 I V cvery ono of Mis. , ()liphant'tj Looks jr y Y '5o E'i-uiX 'rp. C IA) C F T? I V s : - always eti han-i and promptly pr-r , HT AQ' Tr Lt K U I L 11 1 1. S lurnhed on orders. Llti ILH 1 1 . II and 5 17 ly. O E N F. R A L M E R C II A N DISK. Mv stock of MEAT, MEAL, FLOUR. SUGAR, .Mil), TIN WARE, D,:.F r Ia From all ;. rts of the State w la- - iu-n;r;aaAr,a that the fruit Cl'op 1 C'OFFLH ,st!i i.r- -:-t we Fa-e Fad in years. GLASS-WAR la, CROCKHRY Tie. .i- ."exec t aj.i les , are loaded W ARL, HAT'S, CAPS, . , 1 - a ... t L.a 1, tu ' a- a- -.it mo capacity. i ne np c II'NN &. '(.. I'iittBi Solicitor. Gi.SE.lUi.1. OiriCU: til HiiSAUWAr, N. T- J 0 tl N R ) R F, Ji T SON ' S 5boe rjop & Restaurant. OPEN AT A FL IIOL R-. Sali-TaeT n juaran'.eed to patron. -j T.l. " OA. v f i: ' , ' J.D.HILL Ma. a -y S( Oil. A ' " " A . .. 1 t.. u a: in T',f- w ' ;. I c , ' Pilox 7(l, AuiiiiM:., .'lame. i hi: i t iA, V m crop is g:io but not so larc as the pvae: ainl ut S.cr fruits. Nowhere in t!.e wutld can limr fruits be grown or in 0 reader aijumUincO, than in Not th CaroFu u, amiyet but lit lie htteaiion is yiiven to them except lot domestic ubc. In some localities fruits have been raised for market and always with success aad proiit. A: 'i oto. cA poors and shoes, i fjmmism 3CFaU anb Da-SC-D CottO'P.! (X-na-r Ninth M,d Mam Street-, i " T J j SCOTLAND NLCK, - - - N . C ! h LK L 1 Iv T A 1 L W FRUITS, CAN D IKS , &C, &C, &.C. : Cacaas iud Tratic-Wark.- ot.taiwd. and all rat- : eikt bii!i.--s caujucted f.-r Moderate Fees. Will beat lowest pii:es all tin; tin O'.n Office is Opposite U.S. Patent Office awtl we 1 aa secure jat ni iu less lirae tbuu n.esa ip- ut Highest prices paid lor all kinds of !uid mod.-'., dnwinir t rtaeo.. w-tti flow-ri Count'rV Produee. tion. We advise, if patM.-aldw or nrt. tree Thankias the public for patronage of ZV,,T ihe loriner lirm, I solicit its continuation names of actuRl clients ia your stale, county, c ml guarantee satisfaction to all. Come town, feut free. Addre-s, wa vXAAA:" Joiis 1. Davis O. A. SNOW & CO. 5 2 3ui, 1 oip. Patent Ofricc, Washington, B. C 1,1 ' TV . ii. 1 la . I A (i S, L O N L S, WOOL. AC, Hi;; est Mailcct L'fi-e: lAi 1 Frompt l.'ctnrr.s. f All O i , A PA PEL 1 i ol X ' d hi ii CA lb .! X IAN, AT TI-)ME AND A F A ill). La , 1 31 Ar. Mr XH'iX -i in,a"t' AX' 'i--l llllii :' -'-; . ''.':':," '" : ..Aid .j'- .' .V - a AAV -,:..o: i'o-iv, V. ; . - , - o. ... . - ..... f..-, ; -tute. EDITED BY EDW3RD GILUL A In ;. lv ;r rro. '.ori'il uao'ta r a a 1 : . news, an. or (rr.'.at II A NEW ! 1 1 7 El A i " r' Faucett ?la A t 1 we'l -' ; o ' M A o . I 1 - MEAL- A 1 AH- ;i a in , r ica.:: jauimos the II.tichoia ' t p I i ; C ! j i 1 " iU ct 1 a ! 11: iv'orui I ' r.cci ?;cy us Sr.c ' riijrit." Tliti Ut-t I (jll:ir-a-Vera- .ac. r" iri A! ir--t Tiir vr r Li l v i: 1: Vi k J i r , nTvT "u he v! k ! t - . - - :L4 b i i;.rTX h.f.ni O th r r'Trrr-r, ;r ; r v. Tr.'-i i-t:'p-" L"tr.' r A 1 - r t f j tle; , Koi fir.'.rurllaai.Mdui. I 11 th R e a b , : 1 A , N . C ( Fai papers tor ut AJJ. t-f.T Fuudre 1.

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