. . . . . . I - 1 mi ,-tii' n ; ' A i 1 ue usoa .j'''ifC' sa . v. v i ' y . o Ulink-ai , ' y i rvv i -7 is appreciated by President Harrison to a degree never approached b. any j other man who filled that exal'eV o!l'gC We never vet hove seen the -The UeLlO Y .!! xi: -', lb' HER S KGTiCE- Mr. J. Powe'l told us Saturday I. iS- AL'Jit i- !arg -r w!, AN I -i. V n. o :. ' . ;i : . ENFIELD IN ASflES! A DOZEN I)USINEs IHHsi-.s I"tlii Ilinxt ouil v ; :'; - 1 ' 5'v r: i PERSONALS- i. : : j' . ail 1. n nl s ii i-.it. bo iii -iiy ahem ;dd to i n - i the current week. 1 I : reason for .xeluding editors from j ckai . lie say- t, c an haVe 1 HE i j. do w ifo-:t it. i:;"!i;r.T). i:x r e, ' l ADVEKTIsEVKXT-. t vl insertion. -10 cents a ' otlige to make room for some fellow ; ! who has harangued a crowd three or i . Tri!SIHt 'VI? W kit! r..nr tlrrO-.a o-hMa t, ,Hlit,.r lKn.,l-. j . ! eel without ceasing lor Lis party. D..NIKE- Mil. I,-. t jr VT i: that firm-r- d orresp. ire b-hind :,-:d fan:. i -- oriung i i ill' rri w - A -- i --, g w i -: : v . v an a; r Mr E: I 1 :.f HOKE ITEMS- liiog Edmombon t Josey's ,, Pree'-r Onin (.'radios and The editors haebeen the men who hive done the greatest amount of" work and it is but ri-H.t that their at K lmondson & j want to Live Long and be Happy, the Y.I Ki'.I'.Vl'KI' OLD BOYSCHiAU v .1. K. HANCOCK. Crenn Parlor for Eadi-s and (ren- , , on Tuesday and Fiplav nights K. M u cock 's Milk shakes and always ready. S ;IM' Purchasers for 7-",()'l0 I1CW r. j huriK-.l. I. A. MAItliV. Y riffs. The spirit of rnir.ufacturing ia up the South in earnest. Atlanta it soon stiit a sewing nischine faC ry v.Lieh will employ 100 opera- The Mate press is the best agent t day for the development of our r .purees. It is doing a vast deal t v.ards it, asd the day will come v, i. n :t will be appreciated. p is stated that peihaps more tlian : writers have attempted to fill .j,,-.!: liillins' shoes, but without 5 : ,'t o3. I i i 3 peer as a writer of his ... euiiur sU will be hard to find. 15 u tist Orphanage at Thomas v.ili' ha? more than a hundred chil dren. It has been organizeel about ln;:r years and there baa been only o..e dettb there since its organiza i L ! 1 . (', roon-.boro proposes to build a e; iA,u factory on tbe instalment p mi, payable in weekly instalments uf f.fiy cents. This is certainly an ci-y and a sure way to raise stock. J. t Scdlan NlcIc see the chance ::: 1 d ) like ise. i services sh)uld be recognized." The Yi'!.Lii. J' '- -V'"- recently wrote that all editors use tobacco and put their feet on the table. MissMatnie Hatchet, editor of the Oro(.s' Frit'n'l, of coursa taking i; that using tobacco is what gives editors eo much energy, makes apology for the dullness of her paper ; and after quoting what the Nines says about tobacco and editor? putting their feet on the table, she says the dullness of her paper is not attributable to a want of "natural ability, but to cramped energies and limited opportunities." The Demo chat's observation i3, that it doesn't help an editor to use tobacco, "lolther does it look well for any edi.ur to put bi3 feet on the table, nor is the Orphans' Friend a dull paper. TOWN AN D COUNTY . Our OtM-lion Sn!sfi-ileri. In the wi'.t .r it's cold and it's frec.y, And we make our lire out of wood; In the summer it's warm and it's breezy, And they say spring chickens are good. To accommodate readers and neighbors In winter we barter for wood; And in summer we take for our labors tfpiing chickens it's well understood. Our contracts for both have been entered, Our wood his come in pretty well The chiles have Wen raked and we've saved them Their value bet few men can tell. But the ether pait. now, of the contract Is not so fully lii'ed out; And supp'ies of chickens, in fact, At Tin; Democrat's house have played out. i p!a: t d pease in their cotton li-.M-,. .- -ire poo!. W heal has the rust. Seed peise are m great demand and .-ell for 10 cents a iuart. Wi rro.Mj;. Tin: Dem'k-kat cxter to t';e l-itors wtio may be in town ih -vyeek at'.'.-ndirig the lapti. .S indnyScim i Convei ti n. a cordial wtl ,nie. v.i-: : ' : i j. a 1 1; a ft- w -' IP to our ,'mes, t onr u ve have fvr them to t-nj-iy It is prosposcd to raise a monu inent for the humorist, Thilip II. Welch, who died in New York some ninths ago. He is said to have Lu.ea one of the brightest of Ameri c..:i humorists, although he was little known, having suppressed bis" name. So brin on your hens or your pullets It makes little difference just now; lit' leant some ihiikuu, ire tdl you Tney must come, or we'll have a row. The Iornike Beacon, published at Plymouth by tbe lieacon Publishing Fay your subscription. Our list is still lengthning. We return thanks to Mr. F. L. Bell for a nice basket of beans and cucumbers this week. Master Leslie Allsbrook sent us a fine bucket Gf fruit vesT-TJay morning, which Co., is the latest candidate for jour-1 wo enjoyed and for which wo return i; li.tie support. 3Ir. Thomas IIu i thanks. is business manager, and the i:.l-. ..d number promises well. We ii bueeess. Ti e Goveruor of 'Tissouri is 4ia A. prominent merchant in the town saw the circulation of The Democrat and said he thought The Democrat is on a buota. And so it is. U, .;'l (. f !iis own head.'" He has Impurities of the blood often cause crreai annovance at this season: Hood's s:ned t!i -Newberry bill which pro-1 Sarapa,il!a pUrijies the blood, and cures hlhits music, cards, dice, billiard au such affections. . 1 to what A .-;.- i:t' i'!V!tati n is driven t any and all who may fee! so inclined tJ .step into our sanctum and chat a httl.: with the editor, and lengthen his s :b.-'cri;,t: n Ii t one name each. A LIVE MAN. An er-hine ny.-; He that whoopi In up h:s b'l.-incs.s v the newsj) ipers, shall gather a beaut fui harvest of golden shiokels. He that readeth the advei tiseient and heedeth, shall have an abundance of the world'. goods for a little money. He that choo eth not t ) subscribe to a paper, shall wonder at the intellect of his neighbor, lie that udverti-.eth libeially, g tut'a the cream of the trade. Old fogies get si- i.n uied milk boiled down hard. The Nashville Arijonaut savs very truthfully.' 'The business man who does not real ize the imperil incc of sustaining a paper ly li'oerally advei thing in its columns simp! y blind to his own interests. A ittod paper is worth m every family ten limes its eo.-t. The farmer may think he knows more about farming than the editor, but the intelligent editor can fur-ni-h him through his paper a vast amount of iafoi ination drawn from the experience of the mo:-t sueces.-ful fanners of the land, which he can get nowhere else, and wh.eh he cannot afford to do without." 'Better than eve1.:." A friend of The Democrat was in our oilice this week and says that every one says Tin: Democrat is better than ever. We need some few things to make our paper what it might be. Anions other things we need postal card news every week from the different townships of the coun ty and surrounding counties. We will furnish the cards to any one, or we will deduct the amount from his yearly sub scription for any one who will send ih the news. i on see we are willing to pay for what we get, just as we wish our patrons to do. The Rocky Mount Phoenix says that Mr. Orren Bullock one morning la.-i week walked to the river, which is not far from his heme, ar.-.I found that the water was in a perfect woriv with eel--, and that the7 were coming up stream, but the most rcinarkrb'e part of it is, that there was a eonti ions run of Hu m for foi ty-eielt hours. Mr. Bullock sa s that the entire liver from side to side was in a continuous wei k for the whole time. This sounds like a very big 'Mi.sh st o'y," ai d will do doubt be discredited by sr-.u.', but Mr. I'ul'ork is a gentleman of undent. t : 1 veracity, and we can vouch for the truth of it. unon his statement. wi.at wai town a-c . nd'.-l---the n j i i J i ; : . j li":i . The fire ori.-i 1-y ' - b.ir on w the ( ,i.,re of t:.-i:.k;...w-:). We Mir. 2 -I in Mr. ri - .;ne oi L . i.. W. :t- M: an i t '. I e H. M '-. W .. n- Mr. ! . I .: Mr-, i; : I'.:e? lv, II. B 0,-r bu- si!. N H vir 1 .' M.,:i lv f-r i V .. 1 : a rt l'r M. t -.ik .ere j t Mr. i n ; ' oi i .e :.! e of the 1 ojscs. ! : ! I - an I.v-1 1 .-tore iro-i vamej ov .or. i uri!- ai g"M;ds at i .t'.'oo. 1 n-'i irii- 1 .-t '.,'") an i ; i) mi 1 .i, i - e . tfo Mr. -1H :n I -' AiTl-.ee hr, - me .' c I w rk bv wb : have hv n u:.!"-.:t the heav v ruoi -, v. i ?2.00o K. I'. I: 00, N ni .re thin any oe else. j. i: i:i n ! rR l.i'l 2 store houses w.xth suran'-e il'i'K S H F RI I E I"A RiC Lost 2 store houo-s woith ab with some insurance on thei Pope P;st some goods i;i thee -tor.;s will no insurance. M K. .! . V.'. WH I I LEV Lost one hou-e with some good--, surai-ce -M,1' ''. CAREV A I K t Nr i .N" Lost blacksmith shon wortfi iu.-urance. I'Ri.ASri'.rii V. E. I'A'lK'ER Lo-t a small ' t ..rehouse and g ods worth .-rTdij. N j im urance. Also a small beef stand was burned. MR. I. El VI Lost heavily in his goods, though his stjre was not burnt l. Ine tire was stayed before it touched his store. He moyed the gn ater part of his large sti.'h across the .-trect, however; and in moving the goods were damaged considerably. The loss could not be accurately estirn ated. ,vi8. mf.vk i:s.i:itrn',Mop!;r and wood Lost slightly by teaiing down -sheds and awning from their stores, bit tliey sustained no further loss. The tct.il loss above what w;s covered by insurance was roughly estimated at $12,000 to f-T.-,00tJ. The sales and papers in the burned. buildings were all preserved in good condition. 1 ! i ; - viai nat vv i i .-n.ber- ' i'i z b ' N- one , w i e V d t-f!" rts and c v.-u aid hi- i ou' of l.w gran I -1 p: ioc:p!" o e in ili-tn ss n a 't n l i.-i ne d ookl!' ion i Apph iVacn. s and j cars r hi xnr i r eprli i on t I; : r i . ! . i :t -h..oi i i ! -i.';. it. zr. i ri an - Mr. f. r il an. - j-ju 1 f n .nuts;:; Mr. K. 11. Mil th Sr.. I'. r Kah i H w !ur.' he ruectirg M the hosrd d the I -is cic A- 1 mi. r-.rd. M. n r : y o . 1 of Dtn e.or V ppALi::.'.,! 4 fys ii o , - ' i Absolutely Pure. T 1 T - 1 . i M w a- n lov. wre jU 1 ! ; - eo K . t him. hint r.ianv There is cousiderabie i.kne-s among women and children ii many s. -lion-ar-oi::d. Mr-. N.;!h'. formerly Mr-. K e Hamel. was kiilrd by l -htning i , e'lne.-oay . h'l-band t o :en the k : . . u ; Heat! ri-n, anin ; her i s i ' 1 e of the t the She bad ju t ca ome m on; of t-.c ri.iiaih y as .-tai i'v. She sCtten:. Mr. If. Med uo Vine v aid In .-pr.irow. tier n p.thv r, I'.TU oisliod i in tlie s. Ht , alv'i-s 1 nere :ii e van r.rt d without I he D: Mr. Clin. lVn day from Florida of (f- H - fru Ho styt 1 : rd. hf I A 1 1 is a good f'tuntry cave lank.-. No:tli C r retir'ie 1 Tu 1 le ;: s Klorid.i t) it he s-linll not -oina he -,i Bi, Col. I-'. M. I'.t'her v. .i ; in town Monday night. He is deputy c d- thousr4iids aiound his plao..-. Tin. y injur ed -om- of his early wheal and are pvu enerally. I learn they are hti. ','; n-'i.. 'ttrntc: .;!.:, I'luuto-t - but in neway inecSivero:i-. .John -L (.a:i'ett. Ks-p, the indefatigable "fue goveinmtnt" per-.-i-t'-nt c nveriationalist arid clever pen-tL-men . i , now enlivening the deiii.ens of Louisburg w d'i his anmiati ig, pres ence. I wish him mticti prospeiity and a fr uition of all hi, expe t itions in every dirt, lion he may take. Ke . Mr. Peele. of'Crowtdl-, preached an ii i resting ser mon in town one fcight not long since. Many would be jda 1 fr him to prca h again m the near future. Voiir editorial 'M'ourage Sull" was timely anl apjuo priai". Much depends upon the young men now going forth upon the arena of hfe, and the future weal or woe of the St:. I e and country depends in a great , but enough. ;.H-.r of the Uh district, and fay that ho thinks .John Nieiods wil lrob.ibly receive the appointment. Mr. I. .1. Aaron, of th M.m:. Olive wa- in tow:, Monday. He pavs that The D vei i:1:' is i tn iroviiiL'. We hopo t'i keep on in. ro. -a-on ( i.i s a good VI1ME A C A 1 ) 1 M .! N A ' A. A. A s( : oo : . j 1 1 pro ing . paper. The 1 )emih i:a v is pleased to ic t . ... Mr. J. 1 rank BrinkU v home tor a few days. He h.n rt'eetiflv taken a position ns traveling sa'osuian for a large 11 s'o:i ?hoo sueceedm ' well. llOU and 1H We learned while reviewing the rr.h s ! manner upon them, that the work done by the young men and '-l never knew one who made ii his bu-i-boysol'the own especially was (juite j uess tiMash the faults of others that was heroic. The colored people in the main ' not guilty of greater ones himself." L. tables, pool tables , bowling alleys and boxing gloves in the saloons. Now i'" ho can orgauize a State Tem p era nee Association, be will have all the prohibition needed in Missouri. We have recently seen au editorial hrieT taken from this paper without any credit, and then copied by au other paper and credited to the first plagiarist. We are the like tbe rest of you, brethren tiiere is a certain arrangement of certain letters that i or dew. Let the city fathers look after The hammers and saws have attracted our attention more recently than usual. Let them keep up the music of work un til we get more houses. It is said that a Shetland pony recently exhibited at Racine, Wis., is the smallest horse in the world, being 2 feet " inches high and 2 feet 3 inches long. Street Work. Main strett near the Episcopal church needs working. The grass is too high and too thick. People going to church get their feet wet in rain ''A Word to Itio uiSe.'' Mr. Fl T. Whit .'head, our riever drug gist, showed us last week an order for Dr. Dttehon's Itch and Mange medicine, the order having been given by a man lo) miles from S'-Hand Neck. He saw the a lyeilisemenr in The Democrat. If you want what you have to sell known to the public, advertise in The Democrat' did very little of the work. While there is no regularly oigauized lire company in Enfield, the work done was prompt and very ellicient. This is the third time in the hist M-y of Enfield that this block has been burned. In March, 1.7, about the same fire oc curred m the same place with greater loss. About five years ago Mi. ('rni3 lost His dwelling by lire and sustained a loss of considerable arnouni. I!c lias since rebuilt a handsome d welling, r.nd will soon rebuild his store. We learn that perhaps a huge part of the present burnt district will be rebuilt. The ci.tei prising men of Enfield arc not to be halted long by the loss of a doTen Vinson, Esq. ha finest cotton, W. II. Jones aud L. D. Johnson have finest gaideiis, J, B. Spruil: has finest corn I've seen. June 22, 1-'J. (I. E. M. Wcsili Women. The more sensitive nature of the female -ex renders women much more su-ccpii-bie than men to tho. e numerous ills which spi ing from lack of harmony in the system. The ncrvuu- system gives way, sick headache is fre.'u nt the ap petite is io.-t. ari l other ailments pemhar to the sex cause great suffering. Hood's Sar sapar ilia is peculiarly adapted for such cases, and has received the most gratify in nrai.se lor the relief it has af- 1 forded thousands of women whoso verv existence before taking it, was only mis ery, it strengthens the nerve Mrs. L. W. H tglcy an 1 Luni'y of Littleton are visiting their relatives. .Mr. N. II. -1. s.'i's fan.ily . They were formerly residents of the town and all tin ir friends are delight' d to see them. Kev, J. B. Swann, of York eoun3, S. C, is at Nahala Pi csby t rlan church for the summer. He comes amongst good people and they will treat him well. Wo welcome him and wish him Eilcceis in his work. t Patent d -k and a ! .or oi . lll.sll, th t'l.is-ie- ' Tuilit !i iio of P:.!.-'i-u light-, fuel A IllOl; t h. al t a; i. i ! A . e . 1 inch; :-' 1 in m - i -' s ; Oi h A W A . i ' ! 1 u. .). cohdli;. I .! 1 I ' I iff A Mlsi Annie SiiEth, u :Vli came down Monday on a -A to the family of Mr. W. A. Dunn. She has visited our town befciv, and people were pleased with 1 er (puainlaiiev and are glad of her turning visit. our houses. Perhaps brick buildings will j sick headficne and occupy the places of these burned which were all wooden. mil our eS !ies lUr pnr Pies Stloll, nnos- i and v italizes the biocu, ami gives re and hca.thy action to every orgm in the body. Co it ! eil e ore, "Dk.M-X'RAT"' FROM II EA.TH.-syn r.E. A HilALiilV (illOW IT I. Acker's Blood Elixir has gained a firm looks a little bigger to us than al n:o; t any others. Tie Sitift Chronicle pives Beaure the matter. If the proper attention has not already been paid to the cleanliness of the. ""remi ses in the town, it ought to be looked s?ard aud Early Home hard hits for j after at owe. Let our santiary precaus hung untrue to the South. We agree j ti-ms be kept up during the hot sea v, Uh our able contemporary. These j sou' and indecd a11 lhe 3 ear rounJ i.'i'Ji who lead their names and in-j John Hannon a colored boy, was n.'ence to the lottery feci themselves ! thrown from Mr. Walter Cray's horse U based, no doubt; but the apt quot. hist Sunday while riding from town to . . ; Mr. dray's home, ation from Icnnyson comes in again: ; r . . . . , . J i loo mucli care can not be exerciseel in ; But the jmgling of the money j - (i siuall 1)0ys on w.li horses, i U ips the hurt that honor feels. ! i Y ieei.vms" ad. We call special I he catalogue of the 11 Diversity j atle.ilion t0 jIr. j . C. Williams' adver of Noit ;v Carolina for tho year past , tist.Uient on the livst page of this issue, .-nows that tbe iustitulou 13 well I He will open his undertaker's business e pupped for work . It enters upon . again, and his many lnends will again have the opportunity ol iavoring turn with their patronage. "Blessed is the man thai sill.th not in the seat of the kicker nor mingleth hiin- u second centurj of life with every I r..rni3e of enlarged usefulness, and ro-perity. The nest session begins t. f ti, I860. For catalogues ad- UXeetiHi i"tlte Coui'edcriite. Mr, -Julian S. Carr, of'Darham, Presi dent of the Stale Confederate Veterans A.ssociation, has issued a call to the Confederate Veterans of tho St ate to meet at their respective county seats on the -P.h of duly O organize sub associa tions for each township, aud a general Association for the county. In pursuance of this call, the C mfid eraOs of Halifax county -will meet at Halifax on the 1th of July. Let every .-ingle one in the county be present. It is expected that a good day is ahead of them then and a treat in store for them. We have been wet since we l ad the flood lolu " V?m "a" l'- '' ;"V' , ,a'; , . , ,. , , ! mio ,vk dgv d to be superior to a.l other on :,l,t of -Vay. I linn, crops arc dams ; !irelia:at;on! n Is a 1f)S,ivt. f.ni-e for an aged considerably, corn one third, and , Blood end Skin i isea-.-s. The medical cotton one fourth. All bottom lands are ' Hale-ruky indorse and pre-enbe it. drowned out. and also sandy lauds. I ( "'nirantecd and sold by E. T. WhUeheal . . , . A to. joiiio sickness in tne neignoorlioou, bui not of a dangerous nature. AVe had a severe thunder storm yesterday which So j:i 8 lile it. An exchange makes the following oh servr. t'.on concerning newspapers anu eda jrs.- " Women avoid newspaper ollices un less they have business. Men come up frequently to disturb the editors aud so have a general idea of how the- look. Some women imagine that the entire newspaper is written by one solemn look ing, bald-headed gentleman, who sits in the mid-t of authorities and con-uks the killed Mrs. It. II. Nevill. No one else hurt. One corner of the houo was torn off. Mr. P. Poweil's little boy was badly scalded ye: ierdaj". Acuicijan Si'K.xi ,.s. T:se firmer say they have excellent wheat crops. Corn, cotton and oats are looking well. Rev. Mr. Pickens, who has been sick some time, has returned to his pastoral work. Tiiere is some sickness in this section. Swirl's Si'ei i Eft' cured me of ugly and very painful boils or using-. 1 had twenly-ihree on my back and neck atone time and a great many en my body. 1 t ok S. S. S., and l.vo bruits cured me. This'was live yars ago, and have had no boils since. W. M. Miei.er, Arlington, Texas. IS CONSUMPTION INCURA BE-? Reading the following: Mr. C. II. Mor ris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down whh Abscess of Lung-, and fiiends and phy.-ieians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. B-.ga.i taking Dr. King's i New Discovery for ( ' msumpi ion, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is t'i - finest i nieditine ever made." j Jes.-c Middlewart, Decatur, Oh;o, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Di-eovery for Consumption I would have tied oi Eung irouioes. a as gr.en u doctors. A m now in Mr. C. J. Cregory for:iitt!y of this place, late of Oxford, :a gone to Sweet Home, Tex-ss , w !.. re he will en''nrre in a h-.rgc hard wan business. He is a fine j'oang man and we w,sh him success. Ho coi.M not part with The 1)kmc r t, bo it visits bim there. PAT APS GO FLOORING MiLLS. EST53L! SHED IN MU- THE - premier nrif'rM W 0 f Oil Ai! i. fZZVf & STOPPFD FREE Si it m 9. IrtH-. 1 L. M Hi ' - I . S - t i-ru.. 1 o 1 1 v . j!ir. ill. E.i i::' a r N !: t : V I-. El-Si Oi( .1 i.i itk -r I n. .f l.t o i XAJGA PATENT BRllLMrsCa. Fioti r OF-- A M Hit I CA. hi .i n i. . r n lo -. lo V. i -r- Ik . ! "i 'i-o.- YEAST.. i''A":: r. i I'l" ! Wll.,r r. ,. .if !' K to K A GREAT IN YEN HON- NT EDLD BY EVERY KUSTN1 SS KAN. !' best i f health. v Try it. Sample bottle:; free at E. T Whitehead A Co.'s I : u jts t re. IS the BES I' ber.vio- GOOD STIxENGTh', UNAPPROACHABLE FLAVOR, wr I d. M. Sco rr. of Okol to Dr. ShaUtidierg -r: i "Your Ami lote for Malaria is certain le tho .Inn, r,.r etoll, .! f..v,-r thnt i PATAPSCO SI PEEL VI I X E PA I 1 1 " I S has eyer been sol 1 in the South. -ANI A Ask yoi.r jrrnecr f.r W. II. Wight, of Rogers, Ark., a j been selling it for .Va-V-prominent farmer and stock grower, says ' it to be the best me hci that Swiil's Spec Lie cure.! h:m of tetter ! dealt in. It is perfectly .-...'P O. tli. lAiifrrnrrl I. in rf.C fli.-k T1 :M--e!... - n:.l. .. 1..., 1 -..1 ..O. oress Hon. Kemp 1. Battle, l resi-, , . .. . . ., . , ,, . ,, backs, but ins de.ight is in new railroads, opinions wuh the other. This is a miis (Mil , Lnapel Hill, c. I brick blocks, and to build up himself and take. U takes several men to make ai , , . " f. , ! his own tDwn. And he shall be like an newspaper. None of them is necessarily UiL Jucuul l"lKt evergreen tree planted by the river vlng Cit of personal unention : i watCrs." Oil man Whitley, of Stanly of twenty j ear's st,nnii.:g. Oi course in that time he had a great arnouni of treat ment, and - ays the wender ii tl at he lil not scrat di the hosh from his bones. S. sure cure .n evei '.. and K now I ha e c er harra!e-3, and a S .1 1 by llinj- I have! UOLANDO CHOK'K l'A'l 1;NT. r r,. HAPPINESS AND ' NT ENTM E.N PATAPSCO FAMILY PATENT ( KAN'Ci K HXTHA, P.ALDWIN FAMILY. MAPLETON FAMILY 21 1 Couimerte s'.. I Or i: C NiRiriETORS. We have again county, seems to have another 00 j coa.Iueilc,.tl the i;blieation of our series yc:.:s len.-e of life. Everybody has t.( I'd of hitn. He will be present at Inly celebration at li. lie has cut his thin! d a bear in a fair ll.ht. never took a close of medicine, '..ml never was a wituess in court." -i-rtrrgri of tecTh, whipp "Railroads and Railroad Commis Tons." Tho reeond number appears in AVe also have engaged a hu- S. cured iiini yiicc ano permanently. of ball headed. They do not consult thei 1 he Ct-ntmucu use or mercury mixtures . tncyclovedia, or dictionaries or Patent I pois-.-ms the sy.-t .ua cau-.s the bones to; Oilice reports. hen they want to knw I ,lcca-v' an1 hlin 011 Incrcuritl rhe'u"a- ) i-h fttl,.-.r If en ,,-,.:tlsUl. I me u.-e oi .Ol'f, in; nil- ties i it. ui the f..... .:. give-a co-i appetite and d'ge-:ti,n, and bu I s ui the wh .le ' : ! frame, 'nid to Swat sp-.riiic Company. Beware of Ointments f-r Cetarrh that j Diawtr sAtlanth, Ca., for Treatise on contain Mercury, j i;i vid Di-eases. ' Swift S;r.'ii;o (-.mi'anv. ii'ind i i ( h : . . 1 LI . r "v ttungi they ash each otner. it no one can tell they conclude that the public cau'i either, and ihey go right on."' i nnnot O ,1 I -iO." 1 I ' j ing w.il !-iktn hie re: tmrdeu as Dy-pep ix. A sit Tables e.i ! cure tiie v Dy-pep.-ia. 'on.-'p itio.t a; an 1 make die a l.aj i:n Lad A '- L.O d I : on t' Not; "'I 1 V 1 1 : : : M.o 'I lit- fhoPo iioi il Copying I'. .' Ink. rim unfa, tun I in Ch.o (loli i J fOO 111 the , ) ' ' I ioiis of this ag-. 1 i:'-c P. -'ds -i ' to p i f i ' 1 ' o : i a i v 1 ' " u i . e n t , 1 . o v. c large or srnHll, w it!. out the i-e Pres, llru-li, Mo .tur,: - p. 1 Witer. 'I heir cor.-, n ".'.:, t h' ; i rn. "irr.pli"")' a : which they ('O on uigh; . I It i, the hu:: r.es -;. fuicrs -et-ii Neck. 1 si-.f d. i.C W o; . i; I ,:d c. i: !:.')',', i n; -1 a . ' t .:;n ii ee : io: ' fi ' ; : ' V. hit:- 1 Oxforfl Female Ss r.e o;-: i f i:i j.-,u oj...:. . 1--'' this issue morr:t a native North Carolinian to writ for Ti:r Pr.MiH'iiA'r. He comes before our readers this week under the Mercury will surely destroy the sense j Tn ELECTIHC Di l i III: I n:s rerne'lv i and 5-o popnl nr name of "Sam Snokes." Mr. R. Ilymai of smell and completely derange the : Drawer :L Atlanta .., offer a reward , i ..... .. i . i. l. Wlioie system vviien eoienne; iiuou;:i onr poua-,;i m i...-r- vr -i--.il. l the mucus suri .ces. z?'.icn arii'i-.-i, saou.a .uk. tie v. i 'iuiu,i T' nt excellent and ably edited I here, y md soe lhie never be used except on prescriptions find bv anaiv: i.ars to a a par in per, the Ik-nderson Gvld Leaf, is OJi' s i e I photographs of the beautiful residences m Mes. R. C. -losev. Dr. W. O. McDow- Mr. Thad IL Manning, who ,, a,. - v,,.,,, h,-.,.,J Also .a line nhcto- i'or y"-ur3 given great and per- g,-anh of the Episcopal church. Let cuts intent labor for the upbuilding of I be made of these buildings with others in journalism and the general welfare j town and they will be of use when we of his ssutc, says that he will leave Sct rcad- -ive thc 1 )wn a Senerjil write Henderson to accept a good position j uf' in uuother State. We are Sorry to ' Don't be deceived by fictitious or rani ! tor ceitificates. au testimonais pnnieu in our pauer concernin" the merit of B. ita.lee 1.1 lose Li:n,but hope he may be fort xaiate enough to sell his splendid , B y (l.-ta.lic Blood 1Jalril) arc truo and newspaper outut lor what it is i word, which is a greit deal. from reputable physicians, as the damage j idoi-o of p-.i-i.sh. or they will do are ten It Id to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by 1 . -L Cheney & Co., Toledo. ., contains n mercury, aud is taken internal!;, and acts directly upon the blood and mucus smfhees of t!it system, l.i buying Bail's Catarrh Cure be sure you get theg- numi , P is taken internally and made in Toledo. Ohio, by E. J. Cneney e. Co. &B$ Sold by Druggists, price 7e. per bottle. ot iv f'-ie who will .c of mercury, n .-i -):i'i'o si.o- We jue.-ume there is hardy a lady to be found i i cur 1 dots not already me. exoec, road land who, it s! t T.to-es -i evi:.-' Maeh- i . .i;ie elav to beC'cne the ownur of one, am: : in tliC markt t , she Renning New lb he desires the Best i ctt the Liohi oecomiog o wi ns to need laent'on. -VUwiio fiivc u-ed Bi'i rs sing tho same Son I ur.r no-'ioon'-: -es n't exi-t guaranteed 1 5 lo r.T that i E let i lie lhtt..:s w'l! euie all th.- Liver and K'dneys. w Ti re: 1,-, P. 1. S-lt Eh :. in 1 :i .as can. J bv in.; v.: e h' di.vc Ma'oiiia fiot.i the --ystem vent as veil j.- c gr: all M-ilai : for cure ri Ilea hi'me, ' an-l Indigesii n t:y EP.efie Enilrc sa;i-!a( ii -n gu ran teed. an r LP. ia trie i V, , of j,.ra-'e. A ! " -; ; , - ! ;.iarv;ari ciaimcu :-.ases ling ' i-l ji'iis tr'-ui - " ver.-i' v of ir g-; ia.i n g -s. t . j mo n. .'the Co -per U- . is i . .. . of P:r.r. - t -I ' r iK' v. Vv j 5-' f: If -1 - ,! ' Art r?.v FITS. --v L i I i is pped tree by Dr. i refunled. 1 b;tth'1, at I -Price - ct-. T. Whr.C'hc. and l.o' per 1 A: C.'s Drug- rcnuins. Wiite Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, tia.. for '-Book of Wonders." if run: tiac;: ach ::s C" V".:: f.r.' 'M era rut, rrr.i 7 i;eoil for nothinj it L t:ev-.-riil Oei-ilitv. Tiv il icon -V .i I III) V '. I TTI.lt s. It m ill cure you. und s:iv..- a -.'m1 upjittite. Sol J h all dec-ie:-. in mt-tlciny. Kline's tireat Nerve Re-toier. No Fits' afttr fir-t d-p. s use. Marvt-lle'-i-i cur-s. T revise an!.i2.i'','i trial bottle fre1 to Hi lejl A reh St., cases. Send to Dr. Kli n. 1' i !iU;t'jcipiU-t. 1 a Siibsci-ibc to the DEMOCRAT- f oe tea- ti-r rrad iat. ,: t .e .-. i a't .; a .; : t ' c i h I' -. '! V er r.f thc o. '.f and Ii v.- !l!-h:o.: i r.f'.er v! at i t -'.. 1 " ! ; t;( !;.: 1 ,al o , E-c , . -: :l' ; C .- . r -e Fren'h ' lie 1 . r 1 m Prole.' r. A t : . V. " . .gh .-.. was. i . l :'i . e i f I r?A JOH ik E ' - :.e i.i in 1 1 . If n-i.l r I .. ... . 1 oe a" 1 . ' 0.1 . If 1. aid one-fnlf m a h. ri'. .' "Ui?" Appl : f .r : ' ::., I . P ii"B . if "1 ,0. i , . - 2't. i'l - lF ' l.K . : n :i,V -!'it ! O. . - f I- .. -- i V I , v'-n ..;,y -c. 1 i