I t J I f XII K DEMOCRAT. -vr cent- in-j ? Tho Advertiser C a Circulates m !5 STATES. . RATES LOW. it )r r I t 1 1 o n . til rt irr "I mr. N( . :;s Y E HILLIARD. Editor and Proprietor. t) v. W F. M'-7 W ':; F!' THK ' '.'' 't'l.I WFI.i Ai:E. SCOTLAND NKCK. N ( ' -.Til IRS1 )A V, 1 1'L V L':. iSM. rTTPnil T7 BivnRn 1)VKUTIE.jENTS. 1 m r- .-fe-.i i.iS.f- Lt bl dbral Xii TrTr tT ' El S'B 1 jl EAT VARIETY! laments that appeal to all. 0ni5, Watches. .Silker "iirclcfficlri. Clocks, IWu y,ca VH'o'ce, ancg QoocDs, TA3-H. BELL.Jeu, TAUBOHO. N. C, cities, Wk.!iin;-Hin:s, Si-kc's i'Ki i-.iiuxi Fine Watchks, &c. i-: i! i am ' 'uaranteed, -" i ver ;! years cxpcrior.ee. Prices : -it , ; awarded on selection by express. - i v. '('.;. UHADLKY'S, TAUFiOUO.N.C., j, the place to have your JOB PRINTING NEATLY EXECUTED IN Frizes Reasonable aiiT All work liven Prompt Attention. -:, ; ' - i':-! -1 i o n G u a r a n t e c d . 7 IS Gm. OX THE VERY BEST (X THE VERY BEST Mm anfl Carriages t ::o.m tiif TAHIiOKO l'AHlUA(iE WORKS. 1 ? :v? -VtftJi. 1 ! and CARRIAGES 1 ' i I E IONS, vC, Ma'e order , and al! kinds of the i i: v r.i.s r REPAIRING 1 : o:i short notice. Str KoAl t'AIlTS FROM II', i :. s ! ! ! -Ha ii Ci'(;;ii:s ii le the chil n swvetly as ''Skk-.Saw,' anil ry ride is a DKLKMITKl'L KXCl'ReioX i t' k of Harness always on hand, b ":' i '.M PRICES for all work and i'i iuLt "ii ( I uaraiiteed every time. ": ii i - promptly li!! n for all work, and i. i ';. .'T the liiiest finish. Whitley & Keech, " TARBUltO, N. C. RESTAURANT. A I.s FUR NFS II ED PROMPTLY AT ALL HOURS By R TIFFIN TKAKPj M--:;; :ri-et Next Door T&rboro House, T Alt BOR( . N, C. ' ' !'. l -'i meats a'.d ooi'ioik oy-teia . i.-.l m season. 18 ly. (iliO. S. LLOYD, M.D., SPECIALIST IN DISEASES OF KVK, E.'K, NOSE and THROAT . oni. e, BRYAN HOTEL, TJUnoKO, A. c. Ill ! 'n: ;ust cemjdeted a It months ii.e Pi iladelphi 1 Polyclinic and Eye Ibisj-ital, ! .db.-r my scr tj div peojilc yf Eii'--omfie and ad- (5 oin. WE CAN AND DO u -iut e Ackir's Blood Elixir i r it h:i.- ;. fell,' drm-ui-U aied to the iioide ut '' i eoimiry thut it is su;eil-Ji" tu all oth " i'1'i r iralioi!". !'! A-j'jl diseases. It is h t. -.tivc cure lor svi hi ii.e ooisounts. 'c cure lor 1 .u rs, r.i u;iu jus anu riuijues. iiuu-- t! e wii:; c sy-u-m and thoroughly d 1, U,. (,;! -1 ii utl-iii. Sold by V. : :oji...-:sd t'c Co. A liKAi.l 11V .R'"l'!i. A '';.!.:- liioci Elixir has gained a firm i o !.!.. AiiiUic;!! jK-cpk and is ac- 'a :. d.'.--l to f- '.'. t.'.'i'ioi' 10 all other 1 1 i' 11 1 t ! '! t i v ( - euro i"r all is. ' !i.; medical i loo:".-.. and on--crib' i: and s. Id by E. 'i. Whitehead 1 J. Little Prices Will Alien Drorngoble, in Detroit ',,! y,-., j : Grandma Grutl'siid a curious thin i 'Boys may whi-tle but irirls must smn- "' f inai trie very trim" l heard her say To Kit, no lono! than yerday. "Boys may whistle.' Of course they may, If they pucker their lips the proper way. But for the life of me I can't see Why Kut3 can't whistle as well a? me. '"Bays may whistle but j.i;ds must sin:-," Now I call that a cuiiius thin". If boys can whht'e why can't girls, tor ? It's the easiest thins hi the woiFI to do, First you do that, then you do this Just like you were fl Kin up for a kiss. It's a very poor girl, that's all I say, Who can't make out to do that way. "Boys miy whistle," but girls may not; A whistle's a sor.g with the noi-:e knock ed cut, Strayed oil' somewhere down in the throat, Everything lost but the changeful note. So if boys can whi.-tle and do it well, Why cannot girl, will somebody tell: Why can't they do what a boy can dor That is the thing I would like to know. I went to father and asked him why i u Is couldn't whistle as well as I. And he said '-the reason that giil.s must Is occau.se a girl's a ,v ;.-; !tr tu'n;;." And grandma laughed till I knew she'd ache When I said thought it all a mistake. 'Never mind, l ttle man," I heard her "The' will make i whistle enough some day.'' Sciiiilunar B"jirlel. oi'ihe C'leric- The use of the LL. D. is the most droll and incongruous, but the use of the I). I). Is the most discreditable- The wild profusion with wliicb the pages of the clergylisfc of every sect in America are spotted all oVer with the symbols described by the late Dr. Cox as 'semilunar fardels,' is due not only to the amiablencss or the business enterprise of the coilesfes. but to the em ill vanity of v. at George I bt uns lpatbeti' 1- Iv characteriiic as thee erical s Here is a curious parados : that the I one set of men to whom this sort of I distiiutHon in forbidden, under the command, 'Be ye not called liabbi,' should be the oniv set of men in ! America to seek it. and make much i of it, and ostentatiously parade it. i i i i.j tt i i i i' ivv t er wiiii Miiiiiiu Mi, i j i . on his tiL sign, on his briefs, or at the head ofhi3 note paper, would soon find his life made a burden by the wags of the profession. It is only the Christian minister who, be ing tapped on the one cheek with his accolade, promptly turns the other also. It is well understood that ministers as a class do very mueh like this kind of thing; aR( faithfull doing to others as they would that these do to them, are punctilious in bandying compliment ary titles among themselves, such as j are disused by the good taste and self-respect of more secular men. Rev. Dr. Leonard Woolsey Bacon in the June Forum, To St;tr si Itiillwy Horse. I was attracted yesterday by a considerable gr.thcring of people in a down-town .t:ejt, occasioned by a balky Inrsc which even the police-. man h;niclf could not persuade to j 'move on All kind of plans were ! tried. First, about a dozen men j shoved the wagon behind ; but even j then, by firmly planting his fore feet, 'he determined beast managed to progression, aithoug! thought the breeching would burst An old piece of cloth was then care fully tied over his eyes, and, after a short pause, he was gently requested to proceed, but he stood still, and the crowd jeered. Next a rather con sequential person came forward, and, standing on tiptoe, so that he could reach the horse's ear, whispered into his ear something which he evidently thought would hae an instantan- eous ond miraculous effect : but thc animal was deaf to this siren , and the consequential person dunk olf. oursucd by the sarcasms or a bcot- Kio!.- Tbo driver was now in .a ...... - rage, which vented itself in blows and imprecations. But just as he was passing from this condition into one of stony despair , a quiet young fellow waved him aside, unharn sscd r horse, too! dm out the sh:. A after lee ag him across street and back, rcharncssed him and handed the reins to the driycr , who naw drove off without the least trm-hle The expedient was simole but ritVctive, and it suggests what is, I believe, the true philosophy of the balkv hoiee. The effort should be not to overcome his lixed idea of standing still, but to supplant that notion by diverting his attention to something else. Boston iW . i rfOS, DIXON . i LXLj V . Jiscoi;iisi-:s on the CRFELTIKS OP NATITIE. ltieioiiomn-Ma contribution to the illuatratcd ChrUti lVorhl, from ti:e l'Cn f that SifteJ Nortl Carol!. man , ihotaas Dixon , Jr. : j Mature smiles , threaten?, curses . j and commands, but never weeps.! She. rises in a thousand forms of! beauty aud sublimity and rectuos! men's homage, hut never sloops to syinnalhiz? with a sinning. sturc bling child. She knows no sympa- , tl.V. She has r.o ear for nrnvr r licart to pity, no arm to save. She acts with fearful uniformity through laws as etern as fate, as. inexorable as death, as merciless as hell. The terror-stricken sailor climbs into the ringing of his doomed ship and cries in vain for mercy to the wind that shriekff in demoniac glee through the cordage about him. The wind does not care, the wave3 do not hear. The victim who trembles in the 2rasp of an eartb'juake uced ret pray to mother earth, her ordy re sponse is an open grave that yawns to be Oiled, while from the depths of her bowels conies the roar as of a hungry, maddened lion. The storm king in remorseless fur3' pauses, not for a cry, or groan, or tear, or prayer. The pestilence at whose subtle touch thousands fall, laughs at man's ea lamlty. A single frost miht stay the bloody work and bind again the b!c;S-d seals that held in manacles the monster's har-di. The frost does not come. No! Mothers' hearts lie dill! More lives mU3t yet be drained! And for many a morning still the rumbling of that dreaded cart mut be heard as at early dawn its driver cries, "Bring out vour dead ! Bring out your dea 1 !" Na ture does not care. Over all the bloody fields of our Civil War, Na ture never shed a ti ar. Ti e gras grow-, only the ri - r for V.k blood that as shed. Nr- -tc on! smiled lhc brighter from t;;. nutriment of 6la"b raIe food. The sunlight steals through the window of the sick room and lights u I:iilS cn l!1 tutlg-oe:,p wit;. Jlls I:ul d fcJ11 ? antl Pias on !tte burnished cotlin l:d of the dead with mst as merrv a twinkle, lhe - j - sun does not care. The water slowly rises along that fatal dam on the Suth Fork, higher,: higher, higher , adding every inch ton on ton of pressure against man's weak masonry. Not one jot or tittle of her rights did Nature suspend. K very pound of hydraulic pressure to which she was entitled she remorse - L-ssly demanded, until at last with millions ol tons gathered in her arms she leaped upon the puny structure , crushed it like a toy, an 1 with the roar of a Niagara plunged down the mouu'.ain gorge on her wild mission of death ! Shriek aed groan rend the air ! She does not heed, but lcr-t any should escape, lights np the aw-, ful scene with conflagration piled up on the seething flood. No, Nature did not care ! We hear of men sometimes wor shiping Nature. Can Nature euv satisiy crj or i:,c numan sc-m icr sympathy and help? Want;::) : A God of pilv 1 1 call tt;0 run yj- the Gods ol the past. , , t!:ro.h thc Jn:,35llfi temples of Greece and call the roil from Zeus I j down and hear no response. I walk through the temples of the. proud mistress of the ancient world and cali the roll from Jupiter down and l ear r.o response. I find grace and beauty, and dignity, and power, and majesty, an 1 patriotism, but no pity. In vain I search, until at last I bear the sweet voice of J. sus of j ! Naznreth as it echoes o'er the hills j of Gabiee and comes ringing down ! th? ages with its divine message "wet with the tears and winged with j the triumphs of the fervor and faith of thousands." -In the world ye I have tribulation, but be ot Cood etieer, l uave overcome rue worm, Not a sparrow falleth to the ground without the Father's knowIeJge. "Fear not , therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. There is rno rning in tee utie n .e at Hef.i . iy and Jose comes. Hear . . i i a I the breken-heartel ;.,ter as .he tell, ! thc sad story and i . h?r tears tarns to him and says. "Lord, if Tnou I hadst been here., my brother had not died. i.cis n-ri Krii f 1 1 r.-, lie stands with hea 1 bowed in sym DL'T7 nTinr JUIUJ l CtJ'lll ...tu L l , , o ni.u ,?v;v.--' "i- while the Jew3 looking on exclaim- Mr. I. II el. ''Behold' how He loved hind ' Standing before the awful calam- ity at Johnstown , I love to think that v"f' "Vr , ,b'? tncKea v:..l- v of ti.e t onem".uh on '! at awful Fri lay niht. a id :hat he j walks wcopi') ami 1 its rni'js to-'ay i :'(vcr Cvcrv unmurked rsv. in car.d i :icaj. b'irr i .'T rubbi-h i"tiit("i' 1 ; .M.ndl jT wl.orv ,o u tt:lr, ! of Svrnpnfiv r,,,; ltv lh, sJe of kvcry brok-nrartcd wanderer over that see IK- of desolation d-.-sus walks, realy to cl.eor ami ble3'. Vith His foot on the broken rpu loner from wl ';ice II .' cro?e, wo l.cir II;m s a v, 11 All hail : Be not afraid !' We shudder at t: t-.o-JRht of TliOn'j nr."M rnr-tr-r ot..? t ture 0?nte, arid that God has Lft lhee forces to v.i k their way in the world, but we love to think thit no throb of pai is now in vain, and that a loung. sympathizing Father will ultimately bring abusing" out ol the direst calamities. E-, en now with our fin'te minds we : ee some gleams of light in thi3 sioht of woe. As we read of the self-sac riiioe and heroism of tii jse hours, we are bound in closer, tenderer sympathies to our fellows we love our rv.c Letter, we believe more in its kiu-hip to (loJ. our own liyes become broader and deeper as faith and love -jrt.'v within. And as a generous public, unsolieit ed, pours its thousands and millions of dollars into the desolate valleyj each dollar baptized in teirs and j sanctified with prayer, we thank God j anew for the blessings of a Christian j civilization. It is hard to SCe throu'-h tears, but If the stricken ones can only look up, Jesus stands near. Ioin; ji0I. "There," said a neighbor, pointing j to a village carpenter, there is I tnan who has done more good, I real- i y beoeve, m t ..is community than any other person who ever lived in it. He cannot talk very much in public, and he does not try. He is not worth 2. CO , an 1 it is very little he can put down on subscrip tion prpers. Bat a new farni'v never ioves i t find ; . ihb. . iome scrv He is the v; i ; t:;:i", ' doe."! Out a. give ;em r. r welcome t o 1 i thcr.: ;oe . on the lookout t ! stranger?, a seat in hi? pew at church. I j.-. j ;? f. vc read y t wm' ch wit.' m s:ek nei'e;!ibor and look after his r,f I lairs !or li'.m. 1 believe he and h:s : Keen tiot'.se mts in wi tiler y be able to mainly that thev i send beuquets to friends and in- v i u IE ds time f,r a pleas- j ant word to ever y child Le moots . ; and you'll always see them climbing into his one-horse wagon when he has' no ether loa 1. He has a genius for helping folks, and it does me good to meet him in the streets.''--St. L)uis (H'SC-Devihrrnt. A cone ?potid-iit from Lmisburg to the A v:x oj 0j.-i-rc r writes: "A rather singula:' incident oc curred mar here n fer days since. A negro man apparently died and all arrangements were made for his funeral, but about thirty hours after he was th.f light to have died he sud denly rose up without any premon itory 63 mp'.oms and began talking, j At t he time there were several color-j ed people in ti.e loom, and as the j idav -books sa, 'exeunt omnes,' And it i sui 1 that they stayed not j ,,e cahn aml 3er0!ie ir 'ou ca"' upon the order of their going b it ! went some by the door and some ; p,ut when a paper f-toops to pcrson by the window. When a portion ofi nd abuse from personal motives it is them finally came back the negro j an outrage upon those who nave no was still sitting up. He told them that he would die at a certain hour of that afternoon, and sure enough at about that time he did make a die of it." ool ht VIii-?i Waieibio. v:is sit Mr. I. IE Stradlcy, of this vieinity, , returned a few days ago from atrip j to his old home in Buncombe and I brought bat k with him a tool chest w men hss a History, ins iat ner, jamea r.i.i ;i3 n.i j.uiiMnuau j and a s lJier a..d was with the Duke ol ciingion la me srivai war wnicu j involved so. much of Europe and ! whicn cr. :ed with 1 r- i 1 j .. ,n .il.luu. x -.-. ucsi us a; eb.lt'. of L:-ip. e t ' .-eric .peiLoii. -id all ti.. other bat..:, o! tt. . great war, and was brought afterwards by its owner to America. ' He landed at " Charleston and after a short sta irore s u m;i toe nioLniuiei s Oi J oi lh - : Carolina and died at Abbeville three A Ot x.cor- Tim Stradiev, has inherited j thc old ehest with its tools and drove j through town with it Monday morn-, ' ing.Statc-sj ille L"hharK. 1 I'KAK- I THE EDI D i:S. nows hi: it a T !! ! But facts are not corr pbrnent. and it is a f.ict that t!.- press has made more alvances within the pr.-t hall century than an art or tci lice or profession. It has done more for 'he world's progress in all hummity. It is no longer the I urth estate, but is the first. U is nw more potent for good than nthe pu'p'.t or the schools. For, without the pres, the helpless. .Not a book or a sermon could bo printed ; not a Bible or a tract for mission work ; not a paper for th1 far?" or the fireside. It is curious to think how the world got along without it in the ags past. In 1721 dame? Franklin was a printer and his brother Ben was his devd. lite boss oi a newspaper was not then called the editor, he w:.s simply a printer or p ib'.isher. The name editor camo afterwards. aml 13 derived from a Latin word ,0,u're Lu oal- 1 Iruk0 a hvin" u3 f calling was so precarious that the l'"blisher w as generally hungry anJ Wfl3 S,a(l to t:lko subscriptions in sornc-tliing to e it. Some of our country elitors are still driven to the same necessity. Not long ago I saw in the Camilla Clarion a doublo heade.l, hungry announcement that j Brother Underwood would receive j for subscription chickens, eggs, p s- ; sum-, ram, lamb, sheep or mutton, pig, pork or swine, and until fur ther orders would t a'cc green corn, ; blackberries, lye so a.. r.Pe muns. Blessed with the maintenance of thirteen children it is no wonder that he rejoices in the privilege of meandering around with his brethren ouce a year and replenishing corporosity. his When 1 ere :- one good v. aper in acounb, town t he .pie will get the editor's honest convic tions. When there are two there will be strife and insincerity. What one adtooates ti.e olimr will uopiisi' or condemn, O.ie hotel, ami one paper, ami one school are enough if tbey are good and tl e community hould sustain them with confidence and liberality. What a world of gratuitous comfort the weekly gives us. Just think of the homely fire side news that comes from every precinct through the unpaid pens of of Slim Jim and Grinning Jake and Susan Jane and Daisy. Think of j surface and unaccustomed --court-the arrival of accomplished men and I c's3'. I'k-i other cheap anl patent charming women that are recorded j dressing, requires frequent renewal , with comj liments that gladden the j nl cannot he warranted to wear, hearts'of those concerned, and didn't i As a fdefu ! contrast, I offer an 1 ' 1 'cost a cent. Think of the lovely ! bride and the manly groom ar.d all their angelic attendants, and of the ofiieiating cleryman who get five dollars for tying the knot, but the poor editor got nothing but a chunk of cake. What is a marriage with out publication and half a dozen papers to send to rejected sweet hearts? Think of the lon obituaries of departed friends that the editor has to publish free of charge and be thankful. Think of this , ahd still ! paper, and I have thought it would ! be. a good law if when an Alitor j lampooned a man he should be re- quired to give the man an equal amount of space iu his own columns 1 j i I charges. If the editor should call a man a thief or a scoundrel , the m3n should have space enough In his nest issue to sav,' You are a liar, you ; ol i flopcured hound ; and I can prove j that you itale an empty guanojuek ; and used it for a t able clo:h,you , , um oia ua- jillc.i .... The like of that would keep down . . . - i j a personal rencounter. Just let two : men uac au ea, ei..,iLc i i and they will not be inclined - f . t Tl ... 1... 1.,.. iV3 iTAr 1 , '.nrr r . mot rn fie. .uc i' . i t . v.i3 ,..Mh m-,ui r1, if the C -:t It -e. They e?.. :d ; 1 1 . sml est hi. .ia:r wrata m we ; Court House while the judge and the ! sheriff are rear enough to maintain. j the digiity aud the majesty of the off aei n?i eio -vu a eo..ta;.j.ri. ine judge and the sheriff arc i:ke the r.nlmT ff'nr, ttoit is 1, tsvBfi ! dog3 as they run uo and down the ... ! Iir.e as thoun if the fence wire not j there they would ct e ich oilier up, ' tail and all. Iuiltf r anil Mrn j A rr.o'.ber Lar itur Fy in iuVer.: '. s her eiiit Ircn. c:dl ' i her ti let r rn ja l y i f ten bi-;k !it'n i.e 1 s i ,cft ; h r on a street corner. 1 1 e l id it ! rid ur dcr t!. ever:tv of cv; ar 1 accent. Never lsrc To lesve mf m the ! street ajain i iou; ass; hat: she- sui 1. ' It is a ti.kcn of r- ' i'tct ou owe t every woiikid , and j I never forget that your mother h a' j woujai; !" The rfp:of was Jo'.dii. -hsrbi i Association wit!i mother Mid i.e: ,44 eveelient prattici' in nil esi'ri-isi- i that cannot be abstM wthoi.:t n piry 'to him who lakes the liberty. I tu' feliow who nods a cavalier wilore.e or farewell to hi sifter at lb- win dow , or in the street, will, with the most gidhnnt intentions, forne day. in a fit of abstraction , or when hm ried by business into forget fulness of his company manners, nod : oare!esiy to some other fellow sister, and score a point in favor of the rival whose hand, from the foree of early habit and long u-nge, moe involuntarily toward the cap brim at I tie app-'.ar h of any won: in whoM j face is familiar to lorn A no 1 is not a bow. To nod to a woman is oje.i di respect. The mother who carves those two sentences and the import th n of up on the mind of her boy builds so much better than she knows as to merit the gratitude of her sex.' One of t he most ruortily mg xp ri ences of my earlier mimed lib- w.v the visit to our countrydioue of a distinguishf d man, than whom the State Iield none abler if his profes sion. We had invited bo vera I friend-; to meet him and go, j ,M honor passed olf smoothly, The lion roared in a perfectly satis factory manner winning universal admiration. Coffee was served on the veranda , an I the evening bein cool, the great man called T,r h"n h: '. He might ii u'e ask : pe. ii'.h m .. from the woe; :, present to i . 8 1 . .e it, we tlio-.i 'lit, but or't' us must preserve their vocal cords from rust. As the chilliness incicared we adjourned to the library, where a tire had been kin'lb'd. Tl ore, in th assembled preseacc of our choicest neighiiors, the grcd, man wure his j hat until the hour of so par:.! ion 1 The inference, borne out by sub, client discovcrie.H, wu.s inevitable. lie wa a. commoner of the commonalty ;.nd vulgir ingrain. It ought to hue been impossible for him to commit such a breach of good manners in any circumstances. The vanish of ! "t-lCr authentic ircidei.t. A true gentleman, driving through th cuuntry with his wife and children, j popped at a small farm house to in ouire the way. A child on the front seat of the carriage had a iew o! him as he knocked at thc door. ' Papa's talking to a lady,' chirp d the little one. 'I can't see her, but I know, because betook oifhii hat ! Cue door opened, una he i- landing with .1 in his hand." The dadC roilowcd h:m to tl c "teps as he returned to the earriage. Her sleeves were rolled up to her J shoulders ; she wore- a shabby calico ! gown without a collar. Iltr hair tT7 a n oLfmfd I. or orma f r 1 Iinrwli "v 4'-, ' dripped with suds. mo iui tin- il,. . ; directions wore shrilly nasal and ungrammatical. Th man who ap peare l beside hor was a prince bes sldr ?i serf str.-fid with bn noble , , , . , . head bared R3 in u royal presence. 'How cojld vou?' n i ried the quick eyed occipiut of the !-ont i seat. 'She wasn't a bit of a ivit.' ! 'She was a woman, my boy : i'nd i: gentleman is always a gentleman for iiis own sake. I saw n man who calls ni:r.-r If r. senthuian kiss lis bL-trilo;d t L other day, with his lut sot irnmuvu-. b; , , a3 jf jL , nrown j b crowtb ar.d strength i ened ith his strength 1 to. Fjtnc a c.)C,m;f7D of If-iir nd and ' ly that coul I make sue . ,J. ih.-.g p; ' Lie in a Chr i-tian lai.-l, atoi .o ni . ecnth ce.itu: . til ARI AO A INST THE And bIwbvs have a battle .:TRIKL. of Afkr'- ' I rji! Kn?li-h Remedy in the i,t te . 1,j'.' ew:. re iti :i,av .-. ir.e iar ; it'dt one, or a ci i or ci-::'. :t.-.y .at.-:i t-i,;"." u'j-.e ,i a iH".. i !,5'''c an' a !"',v '"" a i throat anl Fun.' tr-.ub h-s All l '. s V ' I v F. : ,re;itI:,0I t A ,aM,p. u jtl-,; frf.(. 3Jli tl(, i',-,,., i'y Oonrv, I . W hio-hwl ; TIME WAS PRECIOUS. t.H! it II i r..',i y Iff ii 1 V (.:i i'i 1 tirr O' 1 i. v -. t. . i t'. '-. -- i. Iv:.t It t !i w ' 11 :h..i:.p I a: t r itt i 'a j- ! -ot ' -' .p t- t-r,..-(..-..I ! : :iii .i .4 Til'-- 1 1U-..:F J 'rot, w lh ri r K'JOt. .1 .11. 1 U Itl-ii i.. i i .-r 1 . a:.vl X lit n a ' r i ' ! v- i , !i .! . ': ihl ,-1 ..a 'pt !f i 1 ' II - .iv. 11-,- t, ; I l.ti n ' t ' i ui I r. '-k t' " Jlll!:i.t ' f ! b : l- -Y .i-. l'--i i ;' .1 . i r v:nt !-r , ' ! .ui ' ho T . : . "i i'.n.. f.-: -!. .:-. y.t. I HM-.-t r.i in. i- o: i M 1 ! 1', ! ' !( k.' to '. i- , i h...i! . T , I t. ... f '.No. Hot it I ;i.:i't. ) I I. . i it'll ! all n;!.t it!, v Iff!;, W'.;' li '.'i on i'i'W I', to M 1 t 1 t. . , j I k:i.ov h'.'ll w iil.Ii'. 1 !..(,- ' ' ilk.' r 1"".' hl' t.i p. l ( ' ' ,'!;' I j at; it o r. 1 .-. : ; i t no t.-i f.M.'.br i-rw io t'-vn ;-4 h r ti':.' t: r..-.i. .l!i I.' . i. ;, tb--i- ; i l w it ' I ., I I.- i . I' i :, I !' i ' . f . ' ! I -i 1 ' 1 1 -li.l .i- hi' V. V. i : ; f. , If. !1!X " tl 1 f.o-th io- !..!- - unit i I- .(-' 'ii r a wiv t . , l '.'. i ! - A 4k- i fr, uillKI tin- I Svl. knN oil.; 11. i? i I I I' t. uwt'',i th.' f.'ue tint! I.' : ;i I whit.' i-hil t and till! 1,1- , ! ! 11 1 11 f 1 . -!. 1 v 1. i t .1 v. .-old tallow , ft " O.-v.'tiui', Mi- - S'h:.. ' Ho'.v.H . 1 1 . . , '"I 1 ii'-k ii 1.' t ';,..;,. 11 ' v. :.! :. ' h'JfV j 1 ii ' -i i Kiui - !u J''"" ' V- " li.-l.t ; . ..' ea- a ';i.!r' t-i inh' I .I inii. 1 , W.-l'. I hlll'l't tt.'i.l;' bnt b.-.i," a-;,....'.. ' I ! .'t,',' in' tl.. c s.p.i! . I;.' i'i t a- v. . -'J : Mi.ri V i 1 I, ' I.-lr ;i!,.-.H'i !t,. -on l ; " a i'"-.- i-. , t " Hileh yr fi-t-." tl, 1: !.--!. i:.' ' ,;;' .1 II i-'- -'tor ot 1 r 1 1 n r 1 1 ' I'm r.-ad y." tl,. v. 1 Id li'!-,i.'.-! hand, i;r U1.1t ,'et:l.il ho.n, 1 a o '-r.".v'. ' 'J-.x '-t I, '1 SUlro Wi-i t thliMU'ti ruo'iy in shoi t 1 'i d.-r, , i 1. 1 ki t r 1 1 on t (, r-,,.-, j , . thit' it .ill t.ot 1 lb- o. 1 lb- HOW LAT. X Coni'li- nf Tl.c-ii. I ,,i.ii; t in I-li a ' a . at On.- vitihiK ' - A Hindoo -o. oi, tif-i r. follow i::;; . hit-r.-.tbij: ii.t-o al'O'.t tlii' rt t ' ; " tit - of t;. i-. ;.:i riiiLni,'''r of ,i. . iHir ii.,- 'i,. n j-: . -. i, "An or.i.i.'n -y -ii 'I 1 will tlni-h ,i oi !. 1 sitli.'i,,', 1:. o;,.y IN I -. c-1 tiiO'o-s b.-.:,, ut ti..s -!.o,(..!. -riti dow:. v. it .1. S i.. ,i tl, , : o;i,i- t'lj'i ! I,, r ii, t b"- i:j iO il 1 1 I 1. . ; ri i .'iiii! , th k r,o that a! I',;' t th i - I.' .V r A". 1. ft, f-.t.- ;it.! i ' i ' . dra; ''."a;; I.'.- th-hill- in tl..- .'i i",l V 1.0, i j ; i.;P ' t. is , , - 0 t f 1 I ' I 1 ., , , If : ri ' thin;' 1 -n ! P. ,-,t to o.'.O ,'f.. 'i Wil! r, -torn ti jt n.-vi lank ' - Hani'- r,X. I: th': t',r- t ,al ;iy-. tho body Hvbort , 1 1 -1 f i j , , .t a a k.' l !)' TL'i-r f an al ha f a b. two ho.ru. 'I i'-r il! al i.th'-r if it ii rr.-..-" :, v u t.Mit t o' h' r jo o .1.1 ;. - I'.j,, ... o. O i Kill ! v r ix ti'ivs rir.d i. f-i a' t t !. i !. o . - .;y -a ' ;i fo r h -v ) !,.-v v ; , i h.a-.e -. ;.: r k.li. .id.t-. " "I'v ! : i . v -1 1' oiiO fw, tiUnt u '"! t': U. rLiytim-loni- tb.-ir f- .t. Th i V y H U b'- U mi'; U..; L' l i' I." ri'r-Un I i y T. .1 r Dosmess Is Ousine53 Ra.lroad Fr. d-. -a'i-il-"l so th.-y I. P l. Mfti' N-'-retai I, -kt. voriJB'ed .v: JtiMr. who arr avu a. at -Tt of '4i.. lMfi dollar, worth -f ewa-"- '1 x-l ti.em Ji Ciht. 'I'i...- oaiy fth-T on-; w w h U.u v. bo i.v'. hi- ud brok'.n. rHJ- Vf-' L Kb' What did you 1 u U!i laru''; f- " A-i Co .';.'.;..!. i h(,f..-I hi- -i-u: r,o.o to a vvry hni.d- ::n- Roman . 1 charged him oc ba.adrvd dollars for th'-op'.ratio l. --. S. Oi .v"," aos ninety--; .';! doljatn uh-ud. '' I'Mbi -