SCHOOLS Jl-LE NT EDUCATION LOW RATES .'viS SCHOOL. fV -,1,;. i- a Military Boarding rt iii:ii:i,-l' h""!s in bniteei 11 II..ii:l:v!-citi..n, Firu .f , M-ld Winter.-, C.oFt Avt . :' ! Mii'lv, or nn-n- fe?V' ... - , I r l.':t-tV!,s ol " '". 'J, l.-rui'hv. Fvr Ki-tris- ' ', uddrs " a C PAVIS, Supt., v i Feinalf? semi nary V ' r-- !il. N. C , r. cv. Si: ft. Ixir, 1 ss'.i. . .surpassed for health . .;bi!,ty. The corps of . ; ,f :tny in the iand, . ? ..tii such schools as the . ii the Sanveur School pat insiV) ln-t t'if; of v- men Art School, Piano and Organ is a rwieh Conservatory, i iitd under New York Vocal Mus:c won both i - ;i iinu'iit nl Medals at .I reinale Institute, and ,'j -t ;: i three years under the I'm .lessors. , Anm'ai. Session of 40 WKFKS-. ! f:k', L-'hts, washing, full Lits t our--. v. including Latin and - $170.C0 1 "I i a v. -.v ::i Mimc - - 220.00 "l , . ) ::i advance - - 210.00 - . , i v ' rr. alojue. ; ' 1. 1'. UMli;;OOD, Pres. THE DEMOCRAT. T ' 1 1 J Ii Si J A YA U ( 1 bj s T T. l ' - PUBLISHER'S MJTICE. Advertisements of all kinds must be in this office by Tuesday afternoon to in sure publication for the current week. Local., A ia'eiitiskmkxts. P cents a lino for each insertion. HOME I T E MS. Ifyouwantto keep yCnr fruit, buy our jars of Edmonds.on & Josey, they iave the bo?t. Edmondson ,t Josey are still scldng she Piedmont Farm Wagon. Ice Cream Freezers, Oram Cradles and Mower sharpeners at Edmondson & Josey's. Wint-r cabbage plant- and Celery plants for sale in any quantity and num ber by J. V. Savage. ' VINE HILL ACADEMY, SCOT LA XD NECK, N. C. r V'OL toil HOY AND YOUNG MEN. fatent de-ks, experienced teachers, -3 ?. t:oru!i ih course of study in iijh, the Sciences, and the Xui:i"ii ujodcrate. Board in family f Principal, including washing, rr. I'd el c, 40 per term of five ;or;tLs. ;e;t session begins AUG. 12, 1880. Send fur catalogue. W. C. ALLEN, ij 13 tf. Principal. 'ERSITY OF DRTI I CAROLINA. CHAPEL HILL, N. C TLe next session begins Sept. 5, Thorough instruction is offer : -eraturc, Science Philosoplij Tuition 3(( per session. .; -. :... iv.c Address 1HX. KEMP I'. BATTLE, Pur.SIDEKT. I 11 3::: HORNER SCHOOL, XH'OUD. N. e. I Lave placed in my hands fur ?ale a valuable house and I n on Main Street the Luilling now oc capied by R. W. Harris as a bar rjonu The lot is 50 feet front on Main Street by 140 feet deep. I is centrally located and can be bought at a bargain. Ifyouwantto purchase apply at once to E E. MILLIARD, Real Estate Aent. TOWN AND COUNTY i ! A l':iil ii IVoimifj. ! Ol.rr. c-l .iiiv w a pure &- irurniii oew That spark ks on the ra-s, Now .-.he is lik': sortie p-dsoned wine lhAt"s th; k with powdered gli-. "nff sh'- was !"vi d wi:h hcly love. Eov iea tnan by ioJ, Xuw he i- corned With ri?htefni ;rnn, o - A 1 1 :i beneath a rod. Once she was fair as early dawn Whose clouds rly from the lifht. Now she is !ike some wintry storm That ends in drizzly niht. "nee she was sweet a -, meadows are Just after Summer rain; Hut now her life is Dead Sea fruit. Her ev'ry thought is pari. Once her bright smile entranced h-.r friends And vanished all her foes, Now she is waft;d by the winds Despised where'er she goes. 5 he fiend that tore her fr-mi her thn. no, AnJ diank her blood (A life, Now sneers at her when she goes by And bmghs when jeers are rife. Poor thing, sho lives a joyless lift-: Oh! would that she couM claim Nirvana as her spirit's goal, Nor suffer fur her shame. K:.m..vai. F Convicts. ' a yrstcr-: T:litinc: 'ly mornin; the convict frce that hi v;.(rT,., , i i--e:i a wor:-: :.r some frne N. .).,-. , . ; '. i abroad wr-; icinoved, -ni earned t : ! a sec:;on on the C F. A Y. V. rilroa i. ' About 140 hive been employed for sev , i s e t f n COMPARATIVE WORTH or BAKING POWDERS.' 1 'c-.r- 'Tf it to.Ttsir.s .,i rrn:!j GRANTS . - t m y-v. - fTfj - - : rd 3FOi:Hs, ri BSvAWAlSSS KEI!IKAl's ESXtZJiSsSSS Amazon , v-.-n r - . EisESFm iV-iM. r.srsa riONEEK rri-co ro:.t eral mo: an 1 have d one an i amour t of w rk ! Tf, - ' r ;nt of ii the r ; iv- i. I!'. Ii'- '... .1. i...-;. ,r . ;m:iK':ie pvq i- o;i i uitc i., n n (cor.tai'-.s too little tucy won't have i th. I I r iiev ! f v tr 'it. 1 f t!.o '.vie h.m br;c i' dor.'t i cor.t v.r enough rt'iiin mittr ; if ! the t r. Briefs. Cliarlotte is said to manufacture more paper for the country than per haps any other place of equal size. The Wr.rrenton (!i-.otte has enters ed upon its eighteenth year under the same management. Few papers in the State have done as well. It is said that America publishes more papers than all the rest of tbe world combined, and better papers than those of any othci land. Messrs. Josephus Daniels and W. E. Christian were elected delegates at the Press Convention in Lenoir last week to attend the National Press Convention at August. ! it. V.- is t 6 TO 1 f r:i tu' ,ph r.' The saloon keepers, of Cincinnati, not belonging to the saloon keepers' Association entered into resolu tions to keep open their saloons last Sunday in defiance of the city au thorities. From accounts ahead they found it lively. Pr. A. E. Jcnss , of Cincinnati, was recently murdered at the re of 75 year?. He was a member of the Governor's staff and perhaps better known than any other man in Cin cinnati, lie was murdered for his mor.C". I'ay your su!j.imj'ijn If you have anything to selloro buy better let people know it by advertising One of -ur printers is still sick which makes things necessarily irregular with our work. A peculiarity of Hood's SarsapanMa is thatwl iie it purifies the blood, it imparts new '. igur o every inaction of the body. Z.? If you owe us anything and have any farm produce to sell, we shall be glad to take anything of the kind in pay ment of your bills'. On our 3rd page to day w 11 be found a striking and instructive illustration of the comparative worth of the various kinds ot baking powders now in the market. JfST" We are informed by Mr. J. II. Savage that a sow near Ilobgoods gave birth to Cf pigs at four farrows, the last farrow numbering IS. They are promis ing pig? and bid fair to do well. The Concord 7i'mc gives the following cure for toeth-ache: Put a little dry quinine on the parts of the gum affected and the nam will be allayed in a few Detroit in I 'cor.d--. The New Heme vrnaf says: liThe ambition to bring up boys without the necessity fur work leads them to acquire a ta.-,te for dress, style, luxuries, and amusements, which can not form any solid foundation for or geiit'eman ly character." LrMP.Kit on tiif. yard. Lumber and brick are being put on the yard for the cotten factory. Hut for the great rains throughout almost the entire summer, the TYiicrsinc'e Hall. One of the richest and rarest treats fr.r i-,..ti. -.-t-M... , r l . ; ;f..o ,,f i ,:; t town is a vi:L to ILl'l. Oa last Tuesday niht li e cx;r(ise were very thiP. Iieautl'ul clinruses. recitation? and selections. with sweet irntrumenta! solos and duets, al ways greet the v isitors to the Hal!. On last Tuesday night there were some ren litions worthy of special mer.ti in. Mr. T. M. Hifh un, "How CJilroy won hi a spur- ," i':i:rti' by Miss Annie Hufharn, Chorus by Mi-js L:zzic Lawrence, Soio by Mr. Ed. Baker, were more thun ordinarily rendered. W hen you feel dull on Tuesday night or need ood enter t iintnent drop into Temperance Hall and ou'd com? out feelin' better. pub are n !:v ar- Lshed , some f iki ry they t thing l":t hashes nv ; if t i jorr.lttcL t'.ev ?av tlierf is a want en!erpri-)e. If wo put in a ! wj ike- sy we are l athing 1 at a rattb :u y ssy w pnbli"h CZAK DR. PKICI S SNOW FLAKE Jrc-c LEW IV I'tARL (.K- A Co ) HECKER'S (ilLLETS v i ii n uitv A:siti.x,;'rov Mrs. Annie Maria Arrington, re'K ict of the late W, V. Arrington, died at the home of Hon. r. II Ki'chin on LSth nit. cg"e l C, years. Her maiden name was Miss .Vis ton , of a r.ed"d fuiirly and well knon in this State and rther parts oftheSjuth. She was the mother of Mrs. C. C. P. Henderson, of Miss., Mrs W. D. Diifia and Mrs. W. II . Kitchin, of this lace. She leaves 23 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. Sjhe was a consistent member of the Methodist Church , and was a lady of high moral worth and leives her imprint for good on those with whom she lived. Tut: Di:mo ::at tenders sym pathy to the bereaved frierjds and loved ones. Will 0 tiiiroiili on l!se IOil. Capt.J. F. Divine, Superintend ent; J. It. Kenly, Assistant General Manager ; T. M. Emerson, General Passenger Agent; B. R. Dunn, Esq., and Attorney J. T. Barrow all pass ed through Scotland Neck on yester day morning over the new road to Greenville. They make an inspect tion of the road, and we learn that the cars will go through to Green ville on the lOlh. There are many things of interest building would no doubt j.avc been al- j connected with this extension. It -iOad ; if we 0;n j .kt s. are an old fossil. If we original matter, they condemn us for not giving them selections; it i pabihii selections, folks say we- are j lazy for not giving them w h it thev , have not real m some ot'itr pajer ; If we give a man complimentary no tices we are censured for being par tial ; if we do not all hands siy v t area boor. If we insert an a : t ic 1 which pleases the ladies, n.en be come je&Io-js ; if we do not cater to their wishes, the paper is n d fit to he in their houses. If we attend church they say it is only for t ifect : .f we do not, they denounce us as deceit ful an 1 desperately wicked. If we speak well of any fact, folks say we dure not do otherwise ; if we cen sure, they cad us a triat or. If we ip main in oar oflice and attend to bjbiness, folks say we are too proud to mingle with our fellows ; if we go a! io-.H a bit, they say we had better tay at home and get en With our work. If we do not p iy all bills promptly, folks say we are not to b' trusted, if we do pay promptly, the say we stole the money."' And we may avid : If we publish any one on the sick list, folks sa, that we' tell the woilil our town is an unhealthy place; if we do not pub ; lish the sick list, they say the people. Cafiion in i ii i fkfmi-i may be taken sick and die and their' 1 ,,VtUr !,r.av r"r ,;u". t"-1v. REPORTS OF G 0 VTTrtNTM ENT CITEMISTS A-S to PurityainlWhele- itiurii. -. i ! I :. I I ?ak int; f'.iu dor. i t tartar jniwdfr . f n ' . '. '. I-b.('!ht .-, i ! tt;--! t!i..i. i It ! .1 .-t:U!l ' f-i t t!..t ' I h.iTi" i rur- in -'1 i tho marke t. 1 t'.i.-l it ron.-iv : f lm t lll.M'l M"Kl-N, I-' I hive :i-ialv? ! .v Tv-k t Jt Is coiu'-ofx-d ar j uri' n I i. - ;.. 1 The K si Hiking rr.w.1. r r. ; ! t lh l-niia V..rl l'a Ki p-tl.ui, 1 - ! ' Aini rli .in l:i-tltut . Ni " l"ik, ! ;; S'- N.i -tli'--r siit . 1 f hui'i i i Tf-rpal enl i !in i.t tr. 'in c.ui.j. Jlealtb ail o-.i r the I. N(Tr -The ati've I'ui.r.AM i. Tcvrilrrs, ii- s-h" 'W:i ty ' i.... ..'i A pMi:il :.n f cn.-h -' ! ' " c-a 'h t un .il. i t'" !' . ...'. ! Pri f. s h.--.. r .'.!y j p a-i-s ',. I't.wiJt r kii' - 1 v ; -.i. !i. :0 -v-m'Te th;i!i -tiiu'irv j-'ii I, it i - ! fxr-ii.kfl-1 i--r-..i f t!,,--c J.t, Wht'.e the duirram .-h": 1 : 1 1 ; 4 1 . i ' -! r i ! J 1 ' . . -11 , i-.... v i r . M..r ' ! :rv ! . vrr r,'t i-i.l. I f. .!.-.j t 1 I. ..4ti-, r 1 ;.. , t t"r -it O ., , Ml 1 lit.'- u :-. . f f v I' 4. f I t ..-;-... . f l! i t- -i ' - .: 1 .ii 1 r w r-. t . ! . f . I . ! I i I . t , rf RtrciLL'th thmi i.tli. r ivl. i- i.u.k'-l 4 -a 1!.. 1 . . Ulgthilt 'tin I; IV ull Vlilll.' All .uU pJu".!?, i. J Ii .'W Ul't IUwm '.ii.i.Ui, JC ty Ix ik ollvd d lUgt roUA- 'II 1 ! Di a. ..1. friends not know it. If we ask some ' Dominie. 1 thml said a mini -ter. Suudav. "Nut t ! w the ru'b-i t t. SPECIAL OFFKK 1()K CASH )M . men for money that they owe us. piy. ' 1 e w nd 1 u t r-g t. totvi rv, r-pi,.-, TVov IlllDrOVtHl J , ' , , advise the ladies r.f vour r.mgn-ir:it!-. n t... -ilt X C W A111iuuvu they say we are a rascal , 11 we eion t uy t)a. I.n : ;i 1 i: 1 n n 1 n . N 1 w 1 1' . -i i; ask them they never pay us call us a jrentleraan.'' and I'i'oiii BCiii;voot. Sewing Mai-hine w it h ' t f. at -j! a mi.-lake n i'ii-. 1: MONARCH BALING It jzoes no.v that Dr. Grissom is laiel on the shelf as a political as pirant. It will probably be some time before he is spoken of anain as a Republican candidate for Governor. i :e IVil Terra of 1880 will begin if.rst Monday in AUGUST, s- new Infirmary is now be'mg 'l a:;. ;t will be Gtted up with ?o;:il reference to comfort and con lien ce. Other improvements are n a-lded, with the view of mak r lLc t' luiprcent of the school as rl as possible. 1 ideation, the teachers, the ;' .- ' ;.., the courses of study antl Jer a;-l:anccs, are all that parents ikir.g f..r their sons the b-2st educ ''na' ts Ivnntages, need desire. catalogues, Aptly to J. II. JILXKR, Oxfokd, X. C. or Capt. h l;:i;wKv, Boykins, Va. Oxford, N C. , July, ISS'J. 7 11 4w. ready in course of erection. It is expect cd that ground will soon be broken and work will soon commence. Has every body complied with the order passed by the Town Commission ers recently? Ic will be remembered ihat they passed a special order that all weeds on all lots in the town must be cut by 1st of Aug-u-t. A FiHr. ('."'Mt'AXV in Knfifi.d. We learn thru last week a lire company was organized in En field, and we commend the movement. By such an organization in every town, much loss by fire could fre.juen'ly be prevent 'd. A pie nic was held at near Jlaleigh smne time ;ig , and water for 1 in f o 4 1 itc (iL-f'ti frmn fi llir hr! Fair in November, with the Cen. nQt lwcun inCe the pic nic almost tennial Celebration, where Jefferson Lu who dra;ik of the water have been sick with fever, and several have died. MfsskS. WkENN, WllITKUFBST iV Co We call attention to the new ads vertiscment of these Norfolk gentlemen, and commend their presses to those wish ing to purchase. Their adveitisement appeared last week and would have re ceiven local notice but for the sickness of the editor. There wilt be eight or ten fairs m this State this year. The first will be August Cth at Mount Holly. The list will close with ihe FAyctteville iJ Dayis and Senator Ransom will is a fine roael and ioterseete one of the btct sections of the Sf ate. It is a good day for Greenville when the cars reach it. It is a source of great convenience to Scotland Neck. Travel conies now from both ways instead of from one only. Trade cuht to brighten up and business generally take on new life. With the increased facilities of in gress and egress, and the boom up on which Scotland Ncile has already started , we ought to look for a rous ing business in the near future. FITS. All Fits stopped free bv Dr. W l lr,.it V..rr,. !i..tir(.r . f 1 r I wish to express a deep sense of : after first day's ue. Mar . ui !. i-. 1 . -i 11 ! Treatise and -J.O trial 1 t t T 1 frv- t" f 1 ' gratitude to many friends who have. t-Jul ' - ,, - ., v. " J cases. N-nd to i'r. K in '. .1 A icii t .. sri kindly rernembcrrtl me 111 my re- PhilaJt Ipt is. Pa. cent severe loss, I shall never forget - them and will ever earnestly hope I l'WA KV KK W .UlKi; ,, . . T, -1 . . I ( 'onfirm our st ateninnt w hen we sii v tl,;ti for their prosperity. It is said : -In s Ackurs hn,lish l:,,mviy 1S , ,,-Hvvi.v thankfulness for present mercies no- l superior to any an 1 all other i.icpara.Pms , , . 1 for tin' Throat an 1 Lungs. In W! nop- thing so be comes us as loosing sight , in t,rtM;h an,, rroup its IIiaKIC a:, of past ills." ' heves at on;e. W- ot'.Vr vmi a s:onp!- t i i- i 1 11 bottle freo. lb'tii' inhf r. tliis Keni' -U I am pained to announce tho tleath , , . , .. . . 1 1 sold 011 a j : .v ; 1 v guarai. '.'. I.- 1 . of Willis l'erkias which sad event head Co. occurred at his residence near Asr- : elian Springs, yesterday morning r.i Q ..V.ll- f l...f . , 1 I "v"'"' 1 4.4ji 11 li j ! von mn.-t have :t. to him m the prime of life in robust Thousands ar-- s- arrhmg ibr it F.l'PEl 'S . paiiss. s I ft W -. .'hat;Twf,V) ft l;iH fttil -i TI.M IS Wl.:tt V' n ouyjht t have, 1.1 1 . 1 I! ei ! .V i-f , j'.; . .fv' - t :t ! - 1 1 1 iiki 11 ii4i'. 1 r 1 1 , 1 i . r -J..1 t..i 1 mourning iiecaus" Uie 1 sands open thousands ol do'.ars:. is hard to realize tiiat .e is Meacl. annurlly by our pj..p!. m the Ii ; t.,- He died of feyer after a two weeks lhf'3' '"-v Ali 1 -' -, ; may tiao fv all. r guaranti ' : attack. A noble hearted generous: Klectnc ::tters, if ust.-d .'icnidmg t . .in. gentleman, he will be sadly missed : tl,,I,s an1 t11"- USL- I't-rsiso-d m. wid i.ri , : vou dood I'l-r-stioi' and oust the '!!-, by his friends and family. Alter . Dyspepsia and in-t ill instead Eup-,.-: life's fitful fever may he rest ill peace j We recommend K!ccri.: Hitters lor i . . . t) ' ., : pepsia and ali diseases of Liver, ". .Itily -o. (. E. M. j aihl Kj im.v1. Slid at ;Vc. and !I.m-i 1 W I1M II s ! Ill l.e ' I. H;,!l.l j'fcss i:i ill'' WnrM FOl'v h 11 ;").()). ' :'ar Prie- rl"' '"', t:i'l A ''' ' 1 iio 1 -red it ran be giv n t . :o. V PERSONALS- bottle by 11. T ists. Whitehead & C - In us- by tv.t. W. il. Kit. bin, Si-dim 1 N .1. K. Ti b t v, Ti N.i' LITTLETON IK ill SCHOOL. O R B O Y S. 'N'ON-SKe TAIIIAN.) ()i ' 5 AUGUST 19th, 1839. '-cation proverbially healthy ; new Jac:.iu3 building beautifully situat 3 yards from Mineral SpriDgs ; f: Parngon" siogle desks; 1 jra--; strictly guarded; charges Till: F.1FLF.MKN. The Wilmington Messenger in its special --Encampment Edition" showed great enterprise for WiK mington, and a thrifty push in busi ness generally. In the historical sketch of the Slate Guard, it says of the Scotland Neck Mounted Riflemen the follow ing : This excellent company was or ganized in December, 18,'iJ, and served throughout the civil war, do ing valuable service to the State. P. M. Edmondston was the first commanding oflicer, anel Captain Norfleet Smith, commanded the no ble company at Lee's snrrender. The corrpan3' was re organized in June 1887, and elecle.I W. II. An thony, tte present Brigadier Gen eral of the State suard, a3 their captain. They are now commanded by Captain G. S. White. Lieutenant W. E. Whitemore and private B. E. Pope , served with the Riflemen throughout tho entire wr.r between the States, and are still en thusiastic members. The roster of the company is thirty-seven , rank and file, and the "bo-s" have enjoy ed their encampment at Camp La timer and are always ready for duty and fun, They are a set of gentle manly soldiers." Al'F.Ei.TAN SiMtlxeis. iNir corres pondent writes that crops are looking well where they have been well worked. He speaks in high terms of Mr. W. M. Perkins who recently died at that placo saying that he was a general favorite and was a friend t all. Rev. Mr, Hundly, of Accomac j . 1 A r . . :ll I . AT . All i:l!lor hhftt -in? Kill;-il. j couniy. va, vu. j-ieacn in .11 m- j sionary Baptist church next Sunday n Monday of last week, Col. R. Tin: Dr;Moe-itAT acknowledges the re . r 1 1 t.T4t f .... IV.Ar-, "VT r- " F CCilil Ol 4iiin; UU114.1.-4 "vui .-ii. , . 1,1 ' , , . 1 iTr i,i i Co . I nge was Hing dead on I? Ilis. with the firm of J. W. Dlds .: v Co., Norfolk. EJ shows himself in a pi: fire on the blotter swinging on to a fellow's ear and saying: -'While I have your ear 1 would refer you to J. W. Olds & Co. for solid shoes." Daniels Mills. ()nr correspondent says th?t farmers are getting out wheat ;ind that it is rod. Watermelons are very poor. The crops in the neighbors hood of Brinkleyvilla are poor. This neighborhood, says our correspondent, is hard to beat on three things: A large man, a lying man, and a bragging man. Too much rain for cotton. Capt. W. II. Hand gives our readers a new adveitisement of Fremont Military ln-t.tute this week. He is o;.e of the most persistent advertisers among all the teachers of the State. He keeps his ad vertisement before the public all the time. He is one of the foremost educa tors of the State and has one of the best schools as well. On J. Page, editor of the Tiuiox-Rvjizli-r at Marlon , N. C, was shot and siul- denly killed. He had left Marion at 3 o'clock p. m. for Hound. Knob and returned ct 12, m. in ;:.mpanjr with Judge J. G. Hazel wood who recent ly visited Scotland Neck. At the Coroner's inquest Judge Hazelwood gave the following testi mony : "I came in town near midnight with Col. Page. We started to Del lingers, on the way the cars pased us, it was dark. About fifty feet from tlx: railroad crossing I heard an explosion, I saw some one falling it was Col. Page. Some one ran. off. the around. I did not see who did the shooting, I saw ?ome man cross the li'-rht, I do not see well, I could not distinguish his shape or features. I did not hear Col. Page express any fear of being attacked, lie said he was going to leave h?re soon. I did j not see any one in front of us, I am corifi lent the shot came from the rear, the shot preroed to come from six or cm ht. feet in the rear. There were from four to six shots ,'" It appears that Pago h vl become too intimate with another man's wife. A Proclamation BV THE GOVERNOR. Mi I. I'iitm-ui. W bust.- r hundreds l i nr 111 .....'.. Ha., I.n.. Mi- s.. c. "pVenn, itchurfd tS Co I 1 -, AM'-"! ' M I I All' 1 N ' K I ' 1 1 . K . . F -N $100.00 REWARD. Rev. R. E. Peele, of Crowells, : preached in the Baptist church last Sunday night to the delight of his. audience. 1 STATU OF NORTH (tI.IN.. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jordan return- I.'xlfftivi; Dki-aki mi n 1 . ed from Wilson last Monday, where 1 Whereas, edli'ial jnfoimatu.ii has bten they have been spending several received at this departm-nt that, -t n--weeks with relatives. wall Jackson 1st f the county of Jl d.s fax stands charged wit 1 murder of W;: Mr. Sydney P. Owens left Mor.- rtnTil(.rv day for Greenville, where he takes a; A,,,i whereas, t app -.r- that th dace as salesman with the popular Stonewall -Licks.,!, has ib- i the t f firm of Hi 'gs & Munford. We con- so cone ai ; him mL' that the or in. ;-.r gratulate both employers and em- cers of h.u-cannot b,; se, ved upo; Now. t'lerefoi e. I. Dwii.i. 'i. n oye. L lever young men ernruov i 1 3 ' ' ' ( ,ovi -rnor ot trie Stat of .V.iU; i!oi:,:,.i . 1 1 . A 1 :iuouiei eiuva 'ii;; 000.. ,jy irtu.. llf autil(nl y iM ,, j i,v Owens carries tl e wishes of his ss. ,lo js.uc niy jnociamat 1 . r- FREWONT MILITARY INSTITUTE ij IksaFiillCorrsofTKtitn AMI A 7l!'r.M '11 I -1' 1,71 o 1 or T ' I'll V. i.!.. All k i 1 ' - ! HO 1-0 u .j .n' r'.r.f'" EXPENSES MODERATE J v.' 1 .ti - r r ' .' . CAPT. W. H. HAND. Principal, FKLMONT, N- C. - I Iy. friends as well as their regrcl3 at his inr a invar i of 'LNll IIL'NDKKD l",L-l leavin" home. i LA ItS for the apprtheiisjun and ! 1 . cry j 1 of the said Stonewall Jackson l) the Mr. John Comann has been spend- she,r r Halifax county, at the c mrt- I ing several days in town visiting his n0U;;f. ;n Halifax, and I do enjoin all of- mother and sisters. ! ficer of the St ite and al! good e i'i.t-ns to! . assi.-t in bringing said criminal. to j i-tice. Mr. C. T. Currie was in town this l)Q. &i QnT c;ly tf Kaleih Uli; 2,lA week , and says that Kill Quick gets, day 0r -J ul-, m the year of our L r-i one more ram than Scotland Neck , he thousand eiht 'nundred and t-ighty-njne tli-nks i and in the one h'.nlre . and to iler i nV.m ill WANTED c 1 ) sELI. A N nun nun n IN H Ln 1111DJ V n 1 11 I i. Ei NEW BOOK dvsr-epsia aad liver HOW'S THIS: We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward f,ir anv case of Caturii that cannot be cured "bv taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A Co., Props . Toledo, . We, the undersigned, have known F. J Chenev for the last vears, and be- 1 . . , 4 , ,41 Mr. Jordan, of the Wilmington Str, wds in town this week. He says the S'ov is s' ill shining. He is a jolly newspaper mm an 1 is a good worker. Mr. D. A. Lawrence, son of John T. L-iwrcr.ce of Dawsns, and so well known to bli the people of tti section, left last Tuesday for Luling. Texas.wh-re he will join las brother, Mr. C. A. Lawrence, and where he wll make his borne. While we are sorry to lose Ailie vearofo ir Am-.rican in ie;,en 1- 1 DANE 1"' P.y t'.e C r i!,',:: S. F. '1 1 !.( A I it, Pr: ate Sccretarv. 1 !' the most world- ! !' e-,1 . a!, re-d n 1 o an I - 1 r ! he- " '.I-! 1; im-i p'i 01 1 h' -1 o A inaro ; -f rii":,. y u: -ariiiri? f i everv 'm-- owr.i. smds o b-s s 1 i 1 1 - il . L' ; .' - - ; j -h,-!iv' (J-t h-.w to d . i ' 11 mi p' -1 , l . 1 : t o. r ; ' ( 1 1 " ' -rv. h- ri ' o -. i ' ; f trie- val -ii' - -r- ' ,- i 3 .'a' . : t v i . 1 , ' - ; - 1 - 1 :n :' 1 11 V.ijf . . Ta r l;-ou--, 1 lav u p. 1 1 the '--be, a-ei li.-nv 1 . J .. ' 1 . ' -. v 1 I -t -. -. . N ' . t - . ... . a; .v 1 l DE.-CKI PTD N. Sto-.eiva'l Jas;k.-.-m, r -'ori-;. do vears c i-i, black col ,r, f iv ie s 1 ; rt. we g'i- 1'F or 1 '." face, round a:. .1 full, ' :' s pill e Lu 1 1. f.r d'i-erip'i a:,-i r: n-markable 4 . - '-iO- )'': wor) i .- .-'' r SCAMMELL & CO . I 1 . I -. i : . ' r !';(!' c.i 1 , h m'Ll 1 1 i. - - rs.- NOTICE- heve him p-r;.-.-t!y ho- or -bK- m i.o.u-i- i froa-i amongst us , wo voice the wi-h ne ;s transactions , ilnancmbv hole to j . , . rAvrv'out a:.v obligati- mndo " by their-of ail hi friends in teipea-cniy lor that rijtn. ; F-n-i tin B i r. b.u wor;.- W r "J-":ri;e. 1 ' it .1 c'ue nrid - to the Prin- "Hnn-rer i (he Ilet Sam e. ! 3 - , Miuerers iiuil. As a rub-, a person who has a goeu ar- , .,,,1., r. :,,, Weak. nervous and d L V nAPJ.V.V. " petit ha good hcait.i. . Bt now mauy , remedies Litti;to'n,N.C. Zti?S ctnebowel. Such treatment J:,: WV.wlo f dutV. Nature's antidotes for this cond, j moie h;Uia than Sood. T aoy should use , , KinnaN V Makvin. Whole-' wLom Lc maV meet. Car bestwuLe. ! i iTCiri Moehinist tiou are so hajipily comomed m U9' j j;, !. j;. (liotanic liiuod l'a.m, a remedy f Dru.-g'tsis. Telc-lo. o. i ... , " k 1 1 ll i , 3IdClllIllst. sarsaparilla mat it soon restores good .tl.en,theQ the uizesiive organi, K. IL VN, C-diier, Toledo Nas ! S w'ih him. i:' "rgans, Sowing Machines, and the bencfical etlect ufgood food is on- ;ivcr and bowed s, pm Fy an 1 cleanse tne j (J.rf.(.t,.. u,inn U;t. n Mil an , is, lirmvn-, iron :t.t,er-. ict neniin ana ; .1,n - ' " -d1- -'' I Ol ' I 11.. 1 . . .1. I By virtue of a mortage .etd by Ferdit.n-.d "' i ag l'.i. I oyi, an 1 .'.v 1 la'e I f n r..c.r..fcd m o cf Ha'd't - pr- ...t-:d F V yn; I o i'ii. ids of r cnai 1 i -r an-1 tunning, parted to the whole b-iy. irui nu'ds" Halifax. Edirec'ombe and Put is the best auce, and Hood s .arsaparm.i blood, and restore p .-trength to every pait t nines surface - o! ttie vton I'r ce le-vttl,'. S-'I'l be ;i I Dr u-r.rists. per !)U;e. A '. 1 Ci-trf of Df ds ot we wC. sei'. ' r ctsh on the the wi l Sivage in Hobg-ois, : ( vonty of Halifax, O't Tuesday, C's pr -p-.:: cor: vej't-o. :.-:..-: -.'irg of g r'ri ru? a-urrs. f ir: i t ire, sale, fix; 1 Ii'WEI.L. H A 1 ' ! -v JL , .!..;. -' - I" ' I, ja! 1 I ' . a 4 i i I Subscribe to the DEMOCRAT- c. 7-ir, 1 v. 1 induces hunger, - - r. . F.t; :r ,'K 1:.