-r?rr rf f. rn.T. (: lit- ili- r 2 VP vi.4 i . - v i f. OS in w.-p r; ss KATES LOW. 1.1 "RP. K'iitor and Pronrietcr. v. u.k y S( ( )T I - A N I ) N IK 'K. N - ( ', Til 1" RSI A Y. A l' ; I'ST '. k ; l 1 P 13 m n I? ,:;: pi KJ fvj J 1 ii n I 1 i ?Z DIRECTORY. i r 'uv,;.', 'f Vakc connty, a Holt, of Alamance , :.'.,.rn.j;t-(,ivcrnor and -' .. S-'IiatC, 1 t-r.a-iders, of Wake V' ;v.::y of ,St,ate ; salary 'V. :-'-in.Jor,in, of Wayne 1 ; .: ; salary 1,000. j y pain, of Wake county, ; 1 . :..!ary ?.y0. ,.-.!, Finder, of Catawba ' v; -rmtendent of Public . salary 1,500. t. a. pav i dson, of Buncombe "' vPruoy-(der.cr-il ; salary !'..,; Fcpnrter to Supreme ..a' v -!,U.;0. 'Fnn, of Guilford ' -tii'.st leneral ; salary , of Wake county, , . !!' Car.'.ilcn connty. .'V Ieuvint Xhe Hoitienteal. i; A ;:-!to;- : r.alarv ! rr.s on's Coi'XdL. :.), AmVitur, Treas on jt. Tab. Instruction, You're proing to b;ave the homstcad,. John, You're twea'.y-one to-day, Anl the old m:n will be sorry, John, To see you avay. You've labored l?t; nnd caily, .1 An, And done the best yon eoitld; 1 ain't agoin' to stop you. .Juhr, 1 wouldn't if I could. Yet something of your fe. lin, .John, 1 sVose I'd oulit -o know, I houjrh many a day has j.-assed away Twas forty year3 ao When hope was hUh witliin me, John, And life lay all before, That I with strong and measured t-troke "Cut loose"and pulled from shore. Tho years, they come and 0, my boy, The years, they come and go; Anil raven locks and tresses brown irow white as driven snow. My life lias known its sorrows, John, Its trial, and troubles sore: Yet (. od witbl ;as blessed me, John, 'In ha ;k t arid in sf.rc." Hi IJat one thinsr b.l v.m- tell y..n. John. BEN R0HT (H)i;.S TO SKA HAS A I)K LKI IITFU L TIME ON THK EXCURSION. ski s osr. or TiK'S:-: DFi.t'sivr. ska mai:s is I'ui.i n;Lv i:i;.mindi-:ii Ahamk; timks i:i:h).k tmj: i a r.r. o;: a tiik FA I.!.. flio l)e.orui ttif iianUingV A. GREAT N Impi ; r I 11 u.l f. To thoso who know how to govern i VK KNuW HKT1 Kit THAN WK other people's chiMren better than j the parents tlicraselvrs (b , wf com- ncer.fl tho bdlowir whic'i :? trtv. the life. j draco had very curly hsr, aiifi it i I ( . Tic u-e f s';.n Lecoa.ir ."tvs.t'!,'. Hi-;. !.ri, wiet W iO ; a responsible because was a great ir ku to u v.- r l ' j liave i j ssv tbnt fatu:vrs ari; a a i:. conibel. Oae -lay , luri:u: thi-s pro-, j c!aM of jeop lr we !...v. t..O:- i i. aururste ' t check Mr. 2 !r lvrcr. It '.(: SPI-.CIA1. ui'W.K i K r.ii mm . n:.: t: . i1' 1 si:.:-.;' 1 ne ' 'MONARCH in' rtv Listonln at Thunder. I have been to Wri-Utsville. I ot up at three o'clock , went oil with one shoe blacked and one sus pender tied to my breeches strap behind and sewed on in front. My cess, she was oryioz ar.d iLJiking a j farming as au occupation w i.o greater disturbance than usual, when i biauii ? If we are ignorant. : her mother si id : " What w.ii the j appear awkward, ar neihbrs say when they hear yuu tvii- of fifty yeari uo, we n.or.c I Wc --, - r -i co i v t r - a .t h c-rr'. ct '- :ri i err.". 'Is ue u. i-t be :if.rt '.v a.-.-l-d. it place too uiT st pr'al a nfiSe Pausing j to blame. The f-irrrur, amid her keepings, sho said in uf the very best brecdir a :u .ar us broken tones : .'-They'll say, 'win lon't that woman spank that child?'' Those who never have had any had i: o ui of Kdi'caTiox. . Lieutenant-Governor, i,:' S'.ate, treasurer. Aud lt . pub. Instruction, and j J.i;.::-:0ral. S---rKi:MK Coi'iiT. N. 11. SuiUh, of Wcke. . ,,-c. A. S. Merrinmn, of !. ,1, ):iviv. of Franklin. .. -Lc::l.e-, of Beaufort, A. . Ibirke, Associate Jns ; ::.) of Chk-f .Jit3tice and ,!n-tices eacli f'2,500. (.'' urt ir:0Cts in P.aleigh -st Monday in February and li-Av in September. ' N TAT ION IX CoN";ra:ss. 7 hub) n It . Vane o , o f : ' -t1 expires March 4th, j u W . Ibinsom, of N :th- . .r;y. cxrire March ith, i i . -,-.s First ! t r-iore yuu ni"K.e yj!:r siart. !'!:ere"s nioie m hii-'r h.;:.ivst. John, Twice o'er than bcin saiait; Tiiougii rog'ies may seem to i! mi ish.John And sterling worth to fail, Chi keep in view the good and true, 'Twill in the end prevail. Don't think too nnn h of money, John, And di and delve and plan, And rake and sernpe in every shape. To hoard up all you can. Thoujrh fools may count, their rich.?,John In dollars, pounds or pence, The best of wealth is youth and heaHh. And ipjod sound common sense. And don't he mean or stir.y, John, Hut lay a little by f what yen earn; yon s-on will learn How fa.-t 'twill multiply, So when old ae comes creeping on, You'll have a goodly store Of wealth to funusli ail your needs And maybe something more- There's shorter cuts to fortunes, John, We see them every day; Hut those who love their self-respect Climb up the good old way. All is not .-ld fiat glitter?." Johr. ?. id nr." s the vul .r stare, ;id thoie we em th ' i .'st, John. Have he least ; -pare. wife wanted to go bn', I told her she would ho a ntiisinoo I cr.t t, tlif en uurtli : or those wto Lave " - station just in time to seiz? on to the hindmost car, but thes train was so full there w:.s no place where I cou'd put my f'jet so I hung straight substantial? o, but iie often lack- :sa 1 vantage '." pel son of inout :u ;r.d Create a ! '.:rr' . ; ; v c r ? . n g -. w ho u u N of (it-rc'-oi I in one and other. en '.rra -r'n HI it. i that ease and polish and considera tion for the comfort of others which makes the society of cultivated peo j Muc-h of our j :d-ment of pc:s..n only very mild-tempered children ; j pie so much more a-reeable. Put ;s based up-n s.r.t ttnpreion. n .,r those 'who, havinn had children we are to blame for that. How many i '-s always to our advantage to crra'c of the adventurous and bellizerent i of us in our home raise our children j favorable i:n; reV.,v;s upoa otl.er. T:.ese first :to!:v-s;-ns, wl t! or kind , have not bo?n conspicuous in I to be s? o'.tt U'li'.r.d for iwentv njiles. I lost I ! afcir successful management of j It is not because our minis are so who h .iv in t.me od j if.fv.uior to lawyer, professor, or any ovp: of 7iv sh.-.ea tbu blocked one of! ttifiin; or course. A aev, car wrs added ut Victorious, a'tcr a sort, in r. series the first station and I slipped into it of parental conflicts, have become a i?ood or bad , arc always created bv 'ir manners ar;d latvu:1?'. Ti:c pel l - I and sat 'b:wn . T'.ten ther be an to pile in, all sorts of folks, they wedd ed in so tight I coal I hardly breath?. They kept getting titzliter. Tney crushed my v aterbur-, my tongue hung out, ray eyes stuck out, my little self-complacent and self-riifhl- eous over it all these may find food for thought in this 111 tic piece of child philosophy. We think we hear a chorus of such people vehemently 1 other class of neop'.e. It ib because! ' 1 ' ' wi: do not practice what we know, j faulty li vav' a" a :v. .. We do nt teach our children U he ' before stra-.-tr. wl en corop ' 1 , polite at home ; wc ib. not p-e.v.di ... : l ai. a"ot!e. r - S; tr. silos bent in. Oh, it was awful' I envied the one hanging out behind. An old woman weighing about two hundred, but squeezed so tight as to I'-ok not half so heavy , piled down on mo. I sank under the and the larc-hoarted ll ponded with Lor weight old l;Uly I lt there must be souie " more ex sat on me tho ro-t of" the journey. ! oeliciU way'' of unravelling C race's was crush-; curly head and curly temper.' Fcr o not n .! : : them with good books , with proper I ? !:;if :-;-f 'il vv Ll' ;,,v ' ' ,mncm,ni. nl thnv soon tiro of 1 i V- One n ho un-s slani can r:.rC home anl see other places of araur- ' inspire m a re d y crying out : "The child was right! ment boys generally more than The child knew better than it 6 moth- "iris and the company they find is erl" Hut what if the mother had I not verv elevating. We hear a par ! res to dimini-h respect f r r, paiently and angrily, but unsuceess- ruined my child. Who i3 to blame .' r,l(. ii 1,1 i4 : 1 1 j.j.r , fully, applied the " spanking" pro- j Who Lt.d the care of tiie child nr?.'.? j burthen ccs? Wbai if her motkoiiy heart I Then n ho is res ponstble : i a- p.e? Th" public at. it corres-! :lTUl w:t had readied the conclusion ; says : . j P.,yd Iaki:.g ' "Th- hand that rc hs the cradle l. the hand th.it rules t'.e hand." That la-i sensible person a very liih regard for his intellect unl qualifieat ions, wl it oftener e m- 1 dimini-h re -Charhi fe I- ! '-i ': i- V : (.(,. WU Ah! .n to t: e Ch'inpn.iiy hnps slie is right and these sapient critics are wrong. We have read of an old preacher who gave it as bis opinion that a My hat which was straw ed finer than powder, and not haw a. ing a cent I had to go bareheaded in Wrightsville till I found a fig tree, I thought of poor Adam and wept in sympathy. I thought of how he and 1 oy who sat quiet on a stoo, oyer ten minutes ought to be kuocKCU oa. w r , . . : 1 .,1.1 !' - tHred th"'llav ! lon? oicc ieMigi:e-a om um- i' ed et 1 Adam cheloi profe-: ship of t areata' e in t : side : pmhiicat ions, wa ae no. rr e at ham, col.' V 1 . - - ! 1 .. ; i-o;:rti District, Don;. : Fifth District . -. Pep.; Six'h D'vtrie, dowltavd", Dwin. ; Seventh ,,0m 8. lloudersou. Pep,; . : , AT T T IT (V-,.rlr , .HO., , ; . I. . I . --J District, H. G. Ewart, :1 '.,':ntV l)h':e.!rv, t i ..vio L. laary. 1!. Anthony, T. II. A. Daniel, County Supt. .i.i araer, v.'.uui) a 1 -...-1... . 1 Allsbrook , Sheriff. - r --'tst-r of Deeds. p. a-.y;;rv. Clerk Superior .'. W, Whitehca 1, Coror.or. , of ( 'Mm;s.-i )nkus. '.: Wfoil rbairman: W. F. ..'-:1a, r .Tahnsan, II. J. ! u 1 1. ;v AHorney. lh vour :hb-rs. ) ' : Their soi r-a.vs or th cares; U:d -?ravi'-. to do, n.y hoy, To mii! 1 vo".r own if airs. " . cun't raT.-rd to viirk: There's lots of people ready, John, To do such dirty work. And if amid the race for f-trre You win a shining prize, The humble w 0 th of honest men You nev r should depise; For each one has his n d-snai, Johr. hi life's unchanging plan 1'honvrh lowly be bis strta n. John, lie is no less a man. Ie trood. be pure, be noble. John. liehoiu -U. b' ave and f ut -. A -id do i ) others as you wouhl That they sbouhl d to you. And p!a-"0 your trust in Cod. my bov. ' Though bery darts be hurled; Then 3-0:1 er.n !-i' a- atan's rhge, And face a frownm" world." (iood bye! .May heaven guard and bless Your footsteps day by day; The cul house will he lonesome, John, When you are gore away. The cricket's song upon the hearth W ill ha v a sadd.-r t nr t the old familiar spits v id be So 1 irudy when you'io g 'ae. Miss Eve must have felt after they had eaten the t.ra l core and counted . had nudged Miss with his elbow in i way the seed bad tb- - found the3" v. n - ! ., ...!, . .T 1 On r r. J rr i c 1 I I V 111 ' i v.. -,.. ....... . - i tho mothers. If the mothers are re- laoi :'a - 1.. ir.vi.T.' p-. rfected and pr.-- ; ' !i ; : pure leyo:.d :v ip:et: than for its e: ;oso. res , so b liy I A 111 'a N . ( iit'iti f o r ! a b- i an 1 whob'sam 1 : ma.; , t t..v n n. ifter vears of oxp 't er.ee a, y. evr i;bsC" '" i! opi ', sponsible for the future goirtiop fi,' oiirflv npft to ho . wrdl pdne-1 . , n , . , ,,. . , r I eratcd an-1 injurious articles that are ated, refined, intelligent class of pco- , " , . , i sold under the n time of baking pow pie. Put some argue that farmers i , . , i f i derp, bread preparations etc.. wives do not need to be educated, as 1 . , . , , , . throughout tlic country. in .n oun;; though the woman who was to be a j i aefft exposurr- tnc com". . . r- o- i c : -:se, iri-do .: !f the ' arg. ;ia , ' : ' v i i 1 1 1 1 4oCic prh p.- u siee tii-: urcd, and lo ! : ilion a3 u :ll'-r' tu ";Pr0? ; ,? -tt on ex c iiiCiir.1 on so sirav however, incaiieu t mat- ,? ;h on ex e-.thedra on : i ,T-:-..-i I ei. A ilnilir. i f-CT ; WO iUV, inlKd.iad acaiadiamand Miss Eve accept the old preacher's dictum in crawling in a bunch of cannas. I this far. that a boy who does not oc , p'iinii'i!lv stir no hi? naients surelv sewed sDme Hi? leaves togeiuer wun ----- ' 1 ' i f j,nin r,n -!,..nep. mfithei and hav;- the trahnnu mortal i. nd:- ! no need iducati' I -i r-. : vr,n xvh I . V 1 V ' wives -: ul 1 n .i.i - -i - i.tli.ir .-Pi-?-! "h'lf ...i'h! best tit her for the duties of iif. wouhl fit, others. Educate our Jangh tors C'lurll'v witii ou .son wuy l;a :;e as well e ers o.:U ; tort 4 of to; r dnus of these -feel )y u;i lerst' . le , : -i i'V t: ! have terved to n c a lacks 1 l,v for !i, .: n ral ery v i : - j ; prominently call -attentioti to ! b:: goof wotl the "Poya'." Company, r sui? ; mve : J 1 . I ( ,lpiry n Pi'! 'rat io'iSs saeh a- t. is not t!ie i J pdne needles and rrr'de me an im- promptu hat, and went down to the beach after falling through the trestle and bursting my pants pine needles wouhl not sew them together. 1 trave a plug of tobacco to a porter for a bathing suit aiming to go in the s:a. The suit didn't tit of course, a rented one never did. I dropped a pin on the sand and got down on i my all fours to look for i'. and the ! next thing I knew I had got a poune- needs a little judicious .stirring up , . I in- found in c-ft t not go too , the man tne profession. dry to ele vate our profession as farmers. Ad vance with the times, not adhere to the old-fashioned time? of a hundred himself. Put we mus far in tiiis direction, or the little girl who suggested this editorial might include ns among those ollioi ous and uncharitable people who are always so ready to call for the 'spanking" process. li:v. E. i. P. Pepper, in Christina St'inhml, years ago. Wc live in an a.re of progress. 'In-! form yourselves on the topics of the flay. There is no need of farmers' wives spending all their time in the kitchen. Spend more time with jour When the npoi.tb Paul asked the ; families , mingle marc in society ing liek behind and a big wave was j .,,,.:at:Ml j . p, pv comely for a wc- That is one of the advantages of Un rolling over me and rolling me with j ffian to ,)ray uncovered?" he pro- j rar.e : it gives a - a chance to form it. I swallowed about two gallons j tmbly little imagined what would be j the acquaintance of our neighbors, of brine, it took me a half an hour t ; tliC cfrt ct of his query upon succeed -! We udngle so little in society is one get it up. Somebody tapped me on I ing g0neratiuns of the fair pox , fur I reason why we appear so ignorant. the shoulder and said, I bonnets were not then invented. Spend an hour each day reading -Jf many goirdies like you come j TaIly divines . when they gaze from what is goin on in the outside her3 you'll drink the sea dry." Ttten tlzc iuliit noon the wonderful struct- world. sr. 1 ."( . , a : though they aro swindles in a com mercial sense, are often tolerate I beei'.se they do not particalar'y nf fect the hcaltti of the consumer. P it when :in artich; bke baking powder, that is r-.lied upon for the healthful pr.oiarat ion of almost every ni is so tp'-do as to carry highly injurious if not raukb' pois mous 'denipnts lu'o our daily food, it iJ the do'y f h" a;Ll;c anth-'fit'c0 t - d--" e rjal aaec ( f it. In this fight for pur. fo'-d ma ' the "Poyal"' C-jmpan, it is t tioti-Jtd that lb no ; t tru'-tw- scent; tic nutta : .' aei aie omp': .'-.a- j i v noon its side. I a t'. t!i: c a. f -' H 1 M of this company y, ith the nlum i a1 , ' o.ner impura oni-.ni iov avi i.ic i 1 tliV. every stabmicnt f. .V t-' 1 &1AX;,.:: t - .1 ' 'id' Nib K uun. ; ' 1 1 illi'd X i i' n. 0'ir.nicn'O'- Y;bif'-b )))ni"C '(cine!-';' (N'a "f:Ca! U ;j'fc" '.;:a. JAM itlhrr- V ;i- 1 ' o' ! J o j I Li I a, .. ! a.. i ' - a a t ' on r nrr. an mere rang a merry peau m jwa.a.-. ure3 Aivi bright parterres oi artuiciai bisters and nrotuer3, we, cacn oi j , I I i l ing 1'iughte-r ovr toe waters. 1 ! lowers which Sunday after Sunday us , arc responsible. We reap what ! " J r " ' " , r 1 H (J looked up. The fairest angel of fv rauk. tiHdr appearance in the pews , I we sow ; we harvest not for our i "I'bVi as -oi ae M fy '('" . j f j waia.n that ever the sun sdtono c j are of t,,c 0j-,inum tpat the apostle ! neighbors-then let no one lay the ' u a;' , Vj e f f ' '' io-J;, ' ' ! " i was; standing bv i;r- side. I iorgot .t.i ,.,..iu.r ho. ifl. i r.-xjrnns-hidt.v on bis neihbor for ' J3 i''"s Ck '' ' " i i '1 I i ! . I'l vi "rijin ', .I-lSt: u:arrv h. I I want t . n - - :-r- 1 to !;isa Jier ta die f -r he", :t iti i little wtf lalVriar ; the mat for abmc. V oil, indeed, does his own reward. the cler; yiTiaa know triar the eerucon M tl i ever which jr.' has labored a!': the ; (' .Ij-ytut.'i. Em. a C or.r. ( t.ard. County Solicitor. lioiaasti Sxri'i-Hioit .a ar :b 1th, May Pith. Moy. home , 1 -v unfed to ily v. !.h her. She i wc'cic ;3 fur ti1Q m )St part, wasted in to tho President, from the Mitchell county : mister ben Ilarrtsun prezident washentun d C deer Cussun ben i take mi pen ,h r.tali Noveuibor Courts are ; In han Toe Kite yu a fue lins we is v d eases oMy except jail cases. A xcy. hi-j Vne is the same ! i ::;i;h! Xa Tvn Lirectoiy. ! . Piib.ti'i!, r.lujor; C.W.Dunn The faaatag let i cr i., -a.d to. have been wntten by one. of the faithful , . . . 1 ... .. wiids of ! v.-is so cxyj-itci a-esea. ; consequence oi the taet that nine- ''Come on," she said, taking my j tenti,s 0r i)i3 fair followers engrossed j hand, ''and let me learn you tc swim." j ia the contemplation and mental dis-1 If she had said ' P3n, go hang your secljon 0f the niiliinery monuments Two fundatne-rta! psychological elements to be always sfu'Pod among fnt'v au'h.,:: ; h: the ;,tenL chondral and ar be: i.ies of t lie a; airy. In thH (!: test f.v f.-e L b. pretty cohv.ai-i . ely settled minds of tae i ubi.e- -t..e fi. lao ibav ai m;;; an ,' 1 as iot n;eais, an'i us'-s theui, to -y tup IS i i.: i rrr' 'if. i h ' a r-' rra t..i j icebb vew dout co me but i no yoo : oa alius sed we wus sumer km i font i (lC: : jruycrrandad wm: Erlong with Ole ! mc in tho bro 1 aheu,-.t have tippeikinaoo piers like gra;idady ore ! myself beatihed in beiag A II. Smith, Jr., lr. L i.ippenhcitecr. , i , i -1 i : i l' P, Pev. V. I). Ilufham, I). D. v. air. Ilt;rri3on, jonais rigc aeaa thi kurk . ti C n ... . ., i.. . .r .1.. i a-O -'-W'"- "' -' cii'w.u.v-aiij ui'. -.t-.v-iv. v,. . .- .i - : . o V , nVvc.t-r i -jc - ligence. Character is innately nore UlC olL,f tL:.t. the market is fofi a; .itf-.t: . : a k ; 1 rolled, and tumbled pot m tho wator. so.ca;ie( worshippers are cither ab- . , . r . , - ... LJv-i-lt "-"'' i i , , . so miai i , i imnortar.t to tho successor an m- roi-onous, alum an other a-tu.ter-1 t7'AKh.f,-L, " .- , a lowc.i aoou. a i-uxrci , i.ui 1 , curbed in asscssin." the value oi , ., . , ... i 1 .. , . -i-a-.-, , - . f- n ' tnr.n , 3 4 1 dividual or a race thaa into!. igenre. aLe;l bauiDg ponders wn.ch. i ' Mat 5 . - i i:,t sjt aavthi" jr.IPui she turu n !ti.M, nrtitia ttora arran-remeitts or. .. . . r 1 . , , . i V. , . ' . . ... . 1 l:anie. ;n ier (ieciine. ceriatri: iia t. r Low si:.,:.::..' eraiors-ai iv com- i - - COI1!i;;- makin" rcemorand i of the trimming ; . . , . ., . . , ,, c,,., I oi' : a uwi c'f.jn Tvairi'. .nioo't.ir minds tnan tu " .-no a' i. ir- 'o lr' ' u - 1 Tm. Owi (i.-.r, o:.,-a nf tar .. - . ' I F . f J K 'a. (.:...!.' .. I I' ll! tOVs " ant. e. Pr; atnr artists, ra-o-ic-;-. a v,r; '....a- : a . r a .:, ot ..... a, .-L,-f ::,: t i ta o- ;. i- - - j - M"'1; ' ' ' ''' " ' " ! : r- , .-rtbc '-a i w a fo 1. 1 '" ' :"' L! ; .... . . , i . . lUliU.i 1 . ; ti l- Ll l After about twe r.viaea . ., 4 1,..;- n.i.t'r..i -" l.or,d adornments. fair crea- ..ri:or,j i- tho. consivte! atteii fit whAt ctfect their own bonnets is haV- r.ir iio rivivi.'i b.ko. er wile kat l t ire Ibush Wba.k.d th.-e Ole rebs on ! camo .-.ut sua t !:C:y oh uch a ch.ng 1 ! on l5.e x osums their T!a; powder bad wahot i i i. , - v .,,.'-,. 1. .-i - . i n i. ,, I ., ' . . , j , - i- ..,;.( ., : Carry bosses ovuin bark fin i Uav I ner ( io;n ,.v :v Lo .... . ... ; ... such on extent, nas va,, ita.,,.uv ever Ser.e helpt Toe keep Ole ; -be lookc.l like a drown.e 1 witch . I bic fl )Uf ; sheil a;iU so nr uas it been Mif.,l,.i f.,r tr- vurcror. now Cussen ! vc n yell of de-pair and turned , aav3nood l;y emulative dame-, ami and nea over ilk .vomih;, i.vu v. . jan)8eis wlui a viewoi oucvieing anu ties at a flee, through the woods and ou to Wilmington just like I cam. out of the sea, and in that dress I i less toothy tit t;rod it the carbct age? oi Prlllhtnr a:t:st3. tl ctoricians, and graceful appeared site was 1 tar ro- co: :,:'. writer-- I by th, hundred. Pa' ickiug la i.;on of maly sr.. energetic character, who may per- it v.- a s ) lef: ra iias ben l want yu Toe j;iy mc the. post Oills at baker ville or make me Prcechcr Toe rio (ianarow i kin precch fust rate Sal sez b.owdy i i. Cabbtig: and later craps is gua rue -allC ': -c viiSSv.li 1 sbooi'v. i came home. Pen Ronr. PPMPbES a.:. L Wb ft- IiaS'b." Pimples, .. .tcLs, -pots , sore - and ub. a.d tuuors unhealth uch as cat iff ec: Denote an impure si '.ok.;; iinou by ni.- ay skin.ngly I .a .ser's Plood Elix ' s abse: ses mios -u-.d leave th-' 'disebaiaes. and ;rr. 'l 1 , ..r.,-:!-' - 'ti-n-ily bail;. , !! '" " : ' ' , T'lE f.iCE. o of bio and ar. ,- with . pieioi -Vill rem. - imp' Hnyifxh a smoot' i.oiliiia; raat wi: t'.i-' a-tit-itw annihilating their fellow-sinners, that preachers occasionally , ia order to dam tack the torrent of vanity, have called attention from the pnipit to the siariilL.o.-. of i Lis inordinate desire 'or b. aerkigiy : aauti he.a dr.-s-e?. I '.e men ities fancy that tl. the la- 3 1 s and gam can a vie : r w " i arj other forms of skin diseases, art j t a:,.i ? ;:,a , ..ra- the prime i symptoms of blood impurity. Take U c. :vTc.l- 10'--! Dr. i . II. .ieiJ':vn s .-..n-.p" . tun. v . . -y ove. them a f iro.zg e in inn v nvn .vv..t.'i ruaiat-id t-y ih T. hbt-hvad ; they liive got to learn how weak and nt a ere it ure is mat.'. --inn have been corehs-j oftiie retinc- aiects of art, bu. ve;e verv car- .... of the power of the city whose gran deur they had founded. When it had lost all of these, Pome had to five way to peoples much lesi in indigent but rno-c mi erg otic, conque-tofth ancient, ref.a-. lettere Litin wo; id b I of sem - ;rb . us Arabs con-' uaothv jxata -of the same Ilisto-;, is full of such. G. '.. in Popu.ar Science aloatidv. " ho:e v, ho ouiiiv -:s der they :. Tr,: ?. . l.'Sl: i-i'ity ar,-"i I . a If iiealta and life are worth :n ' r.n-1 vou are foiling f any- j , . r i:a- ' !I 'T ! 1 1 ' 1 1 ' The .. and ribos tute ,iud. sorts and t tc 1 out, 'one up your -ys- ta by takiua Pr. .1. id -Me r. . iparil' . i a h. VYn.i . .1 A I I 1 "I : . - i.: a:. i rii f .... .r-, i i IF -. i . ) , - . p :-.. - ra- -y fcr-l r " of I 1 -'- a !i i -ut ,n P.:. -i.or i 'iinama -a .: i;. , :.iii for jiuru water, i a in..- i.iarth summer my wvil :-.av.vi,!k .:i and olound t-eot-. id i -i;.! j.rep-ircd to find tho : i! a. i s r the ::n find. a .vldrcss .;. T. MOURE, pecple hac at times a For sale by 11. 1. t itene.iu vv vo. PS bU'K VOlUU IdVlNP? Not if you so through the world a dys- ) tbig feelinj,' take Dr. J. IP McLean's peptic. Acker 3P " r" n: ! s,rH!.iiirill : it will impart vigor postive cure lor mc wuim ivji. - pepd!, Indi-cstion. flatulency and . ons I n(l YitftHtV, .-tipatian. vMinrantced ft'id said by i.. i . y H T Wltitehead .v Co. Wtiitelaad Co. I ' " J 1 i.er-o are times wi:ca a Ia3itu'le will overcame the icot ro Imst. when the svstc-rn craves for . , !. 4.. f, rr iel, f i'f ncr-r. t i i , i.. ,i;..Ai ii.'u- ii' n a ,or.sne,s. nausea. ;u:e w.'wi. vv.v : ..... . j ir. .if . in uir 'ii i n " v - i - ! wcll invoo . t - - ,.;i-niu -in 1 heart v : ll'jft.' o ' l.SL'.l lilt lult .. .. -.. t feeling ot j aver tro tiviv t'i-a -" d i r. Ac r- a eostiver.ess. are promptly and agree- j of health and strength. The bestj U5C ')r.' . ably banished by Dr. J. II. McLean's remedy for purifying the blood i- t Loan-d chills and l ever Liver and KiuneyPillets (little pills.) Dr- J- McLean s rar.sipanim. i.a-.- c,l,. l,v K. T. Whitehotid Co. for sale by K. T. Whitela.-ad v": Co. ... .. . . j - l'..r a sate aa I :er itn reiu-fly for d. IP Mc- Pure , P is warrard.etl to cure. Por -ale by K. 1'. Whitehead 'v C. Kr r r .u. a--

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