SCHOOLS. Till; DEMOCRAT. TOWN AND roUNTV. J'i -i 5' o v '1' J; ; Pax-:-.:.- Mi! !.. 4 :r c -fro-pond-. Arte- fa; "..'n.- art ' . -- ;.. Petur. ' Mi. . v. ! ha ' ' v-t r.-p Drntli of iSonrna II in - h i -! 1 PERSONALS- UCATiON i ' mL:Is! 'AY A I C a H :; -. ;g' t'r ! A ! vet .:. t - -e a . !- t mi: -i - ... i.i - i ' .1- .i..ii,i.V J ' - 1 1" i i , , -i S ! 1. it j ill i- one of tin- ts-r i'!i;ii((! Si -1 H it- ill the " . .' . 1 ! . , : , I. . ! ... . : i - -. M.ii;. ' i.e.:,. f U), -, "n i V- .: o .... .,,. , ' ' ' '). Or; re ' ' '' M dv, O! j !. - -n 1m- in.-h.--t ,.t - . ;;v ( ..IV.-- or f..r He-i:;,. , . : i .':.!;; v. r.jr . ula'-s address CvL. A. C. DAVIS, Supt., l''ifr,i!i;;c. II, .J. Oljio 1 -ore publication for the current wctk .no m ir. t -. t i i in .r ir'e.T- ! h , .... 1 . , : i-ocai. aivkk-ii,kments !" cents a i " -ijIcm i r r . , 1 .. p V. - - i vi oTLAXDNKCK pipuhm scnoog. . i Ty.Mf'.KJt 2ND, i-r.. -. :r :-.l,,.r-, j-cr - : vi!i oe mri'i'- cxoejiL in i :-ru.t;-.i i'lnf-ss. t'i !,ri ' bt.'ii'.-.u'l with the 1'iin- 'nfr r'iculr.-; .ij-r-ly to v K I T A O. ALSi'.!l!)(lK. I'r.ncipal. 1 X -ck, N. r. s s :;t. !" AU lUiiUii) UUiiiUlU i ;:s St.i-i . i i n, 1 '::?cun.assi-j : r lienit! -i- c.-s ity. The rorjr-; oi' " ;i-il of ;my in tf"' iant. . ;Vii s".;cli f-xiiou!; as th- f nv.i.i i.lh.r Sun vt-ur Schoi t I':n !:.::. 1 n-1 ;t 'it j .-. . t lY-.ptv !':.! ;n Ait )uu,, r ." I' I'i.Ti-i nw rcr:in i.; a . i siis'Tva'orv. lor t-P.cii ;n Sr-r! HOME I T C a' 3 . " '1 IS !l i-:W W.'.il IOjt 'I''5 ':a.-Ti:i:.s f.,r ?!.. 1 E51SSIT. I have placcl in my han-ls fur mQ a valuable house ana lot oi, Mam Street the tuilJ'mg now oc cu4)icl by l. W. Ilsrris as a bar rjom. The lot is CO feet front on Main Street by l li feet deep. It i centrally lofitct ai 1 can Lo hou xa t.r a bnr .in. if you vr-:;t to purCi;Hc- apj;-..' at O: co to i". IC. IIILLi ARI), lioal Kstute Agent. : !A':!i 'if?, b.-f.-rc th.- coiiiins mo'n. I h'y r:i-1 ''-;. the- proMiiiit: sea A i.'! ! .'i-.-'.-J as -.tran'trs j.ass unknew:-. I i-;:. rftirt ;t'. : , . -t v.-at I'i.-y !.:,t :-. . - ! ii" h.--.vt.3. ?he t-.-e-i her LtaJ in ore Ki4h i r.f :; r;: r-ut to the su mtnvr hou-:e A'l th'-ro -hc hi'l a woman"- err. They t;; t a,ai-. in eaily May I' m the hloor: i-ig r:uja 'ow lan-h Si,e tose'l h' i hr-a-I ihe oi'i, o! i way Aii'I gr,ve i; hiiii her jcettv har.i- ) Frank'" Ai" ai 1, love y:-i I ive '"; a. I I ,ave to ;'. Irief. The editor of the Salisbury fV'ifrj, ;r'n. Ifas h'CCn at his post , ir. F.'. n - i w-1 ! a !;.- -,ro'.h-r ..'. '. I ' inn ! -. i.' t ; .e Wi. -n . : ; ' an-; i.r. i: ::; j KroAcr I'arvU i a'r an i t he new eVerr-H-v j : ' . T "i r i t V . ' t '"i ! ' . ! ' 'j r r t " a vv a i !"? -': a : f' r : . ' i ' : . t . v a :-r .I'iV a: i, "i::v l.fe j With'. i. yen "-ar, I ca'i n'-t i .-e Ili'-v ;iki aam the ccn.init day As rr.:.ti!i ce!- after : iai": Next :.-:..nth two loving hearts weie twined Kesiile the blessed altnr rail. Ti i r. hi- A ( a i er i il att'. n: ! :' to the the f'-rna:- aa ie'nv jn tn I ; r. h t ' : r - c ' i a o 1 o f j St ite. '1 he u-v-her-; ar ; :.r;h:'..l an i hav v.ivi : : ; eviah'e r r ' ' r:- I : i '-. r :' h " oh 'i . rah r'.i- r::c '.: o; I ihi nt anh h-::. -i'vf - a " 'Inncj I'tr 1 1 : riii)il i ! 'Ir. a- : - 1 - . ' . :. :'v 1- 'Ve ' 1 : j; ! ' t h ":n i' . :. .r r, a ! h:-r V"i: I'- yi . . r: I'.' 1 ar- t".v a-:.' .'.'- : . h : ' 1 !'.- i Sj 1 whi-e ha :;.:.:m n , i : 1 - i A 1 . I. :-ro- t-f lbw : a h r i'.cr , Mr. N 1". ; j Mr. .T. II. I i- r v, 1 .r-. ' ;-o :. :.rc :: a v : t. :-! ;e l' 'i '. iy t :. 1 et 'a! wt x v : J, t - i ;;' . a c . n :" the I 'ay ynur .n.'j'Ttj-fi:H. late Ihl 'laihoro lias rteently been scourged with t:':vt ral bur 'Hi ir- n-n. U- was Freaki"'' ;cf i ''" "ui"'"v'i ' i me an :enre 'j; couii -ei . la the Mav rs i t ; . man wh !iad n a: town authorities by hi':ki-ij r.r. I yel'in? .around on the p're-jts, re:..-'-. tra'-"l with the Mayor to be i'.ht 0". hi"i. He auh "Hose, naV.' it lirhtr.-, era-, M..1 1 1 1VS.I I i ' 17 i ) i i. t- the manf.oomcrA of the samepaner,! ' "rr!' nl ?,'ro0K has nnProed the r nr. i wa.-h out u.t tl road cros-iu" of Deeo for filty years. Iicri'-are few pr.r- .. , t cc' , 1 ' reek n. ar town. 'I'lnl (IflCfU ilT A f 1. I,ilf.inrtr.n I l ihel cases in any business in the State. T;n; I)K:ou:.vr fee's on O'HjrageJ at the in! elli-nee. Stieiv to us, patrons, and we'll Le here awliie l)i!T, rothiujr else prevent- The.Durhata CI;'.-; lias mado its appearance and :i neat one it i?. It is the out-growth cf the daily Pl"n . - I r New York The G! ,'. will bo one of the Mvest Muse won both i -i1 i? the state, and the fact : n-ai M-dals at that Mr. Edward A. Oldham is its la ! thr. ve;tr.s under the ft'llt,-r 13 sufhoicnt gnorantee for the l'ro!"vss.-rs. : c i; at ion. It is metropolitau in vni-a!. k-i-n ur !'., :.;-.j.jrirauc0 ani takes rank WKKK-'. : ,,' . . .. , .. ur-t eJass ilailv. :it. i:i -hiicr I. a' in a;: ' ; Tie Grj-h' ni's Frt'.-i.d is 11 yean ft enters Us 15th volume tin- B i 5 t.. L o 11 C fa. fl or; r... 2 Halifax P st uTin Mrs. II. P. Davis i:ot her cornndssion as postmistress at Halifax this week. She eai s to work . 2?:)'.' Vt der ihlteri:'g pro?peets. It is one hap-this week. This is a colore I " ' o tl.o l.rifvbtAct nf r.- Toi,.nni, woman S II 'XVedi 11 ' MiS. I'ailiai!!. a t,Ti;' 1). -v.,u ;;a-i thinks Mr, (.'. F. hant'ori. tor the tinet toin:ito.;s we have 'e- n t.hi s season. The liver ;tnd kidneys U'O-t b. keyit i:, ocd eo-id i '-on. Hood's Sarapan!la is a the ' eir A?cocia-: e- -d m Vine Zlill A iim ii'j ! This., ih -pf-ctfvpy. V. V. I'AKKI K. Treas. '' 1 f '.d llali.'ax ( 'o. P- .!. !!.:!. ..f IV.'tnvr. " , bt.-fp !:'.ie.4 rela! .ve ;a 11 ah -.' v; ! .ti:.-. 1 Nirk. Ih. .h i: I' ' ..r. 1, '( Crt.v.r:. "... f..u. 'r ' Mr. V. A. i' - "r u ' Mi" W h.e . .. -i a: i i n:-y f: .: W..y . . . .... ' v- : - Mr. i: :!-ue ::',-. : i : tv in.e d -asr 1 .-. t, en'- r - -at th- opr Me. '...y la :.:.. Mrn. V. ( Ahen r'it.r::e l f:.rt l'-r.t-o 1 :s t wrck. v1h i0 she !.-.. -p.-ut s j rr c ! : : r j; ! r f 1 - Mi ed to ca'l ".tteiHion la.-t i-'i" ' v.rtisc n.ei. t .f Ihl i ' . A, Mr. W i.i.- h !u. is and h.s t:i' t: er. 1-lK-i' dla-t M'.tvlay c M,,, V , I.ava beet, r:. :. tva!;- i k"h'' ;s iV':!'"' :'! rt ! . a. , . at.., i - a -i en v : ".t :. ih ad-: ! :ri. j- t.,. .ci-i-ii ni-T 1 "f "i..f. V.'. ". brook"- Alh.n th- -h-ol has i': a -a.d ;:: " tan i'ri'nary S di"0 ! ) j". i cent, in one es-ion, and the prct- I yjr J. . 11:- I!.-r a.!cniv.ment en .v.- he .s.-:i in an- i.:l,t M-:. lav t!ic d .-.p-.-Tted w;th a Mu...... I h'-r eo'-.n.n, and her t-.i.'.-.c.- as a i ) h.-v an ! at in ;-mt wil:;-; t 'n.--' are ,s sst i hroU'1 h tei 'n u li !.: nl ; : t of (Ir.- .11 ... V icat remedy fur" th 'eaeher foi hihlren wai :a-..i ; t . pubhe .se oigan.-,. j., patron'if" her as iu i' e ptd. ih.'- Miter .-tr.died into the .-.J-.ol ; , , , 1 .1 .,. !,..,' enO.N l,r' ' ' ' ' O. V lie i- Want ;-"i. -A posiiiin as I'nm.ary, either i;i some school or mivate farnily. Arldress 'J in: Dlmocuat. We ssirrender all of our editorial ' pa ee this week to Mr. Hrawn"" on the 'rAs'un m lesti m and Mr. hhnmons on i;;s new iaea of protection, I.w ii A i ioN ni tiik Wn.r'dN Ca nal The investigation of the Wehion canal is still going on. It is hoped and expected that it will he opened and buss ioess w i 1 tri rht .-n. a; ivcs pren- i dus in .'rn! and enjoyed an hour's vy ii-t ;, rr t., the recititions or 5'ie u: i--t- I . , I... ....... !.,,(' ! u L..Y-H ii-ih- I ilL il.l-Lr. i I it .-ii i vx... .Cl'A o faithful r.r.d conscient cral satislaciion. tr. and Mr. V. V. Shudd-. thonxh li ivin- j had much 1 -' than I'rol'. iMi-oRTAN' i l I HVs-tci ss. The Alien, is a teacher of i are tact :.n 1 reaei- jdiys'ians of the coui.iy will meet in ucsr. Mr. .r.n-r.-s4. Vhi'nkor w!., !.:. hee-i p'i'elie'r;;; I 'w '- Hen hrs-i.- j villi for Vi-y i-f.t -s r It; -ni.l'i- rv Halifax on the lt M, in lav in September . Scotland Xr ,k may we'l be prou I o' j , un r(j , ( ,, , x v,i;k , . , , , , sehi'ols, and i iere is no 'ea-a.n wnyj as a coun'y board of hi.ahh to e.ect a .,V(. Kt..,n. not ; a seho.. i;i the vea'i 1 he will prf:Ctv '.!.-. 1 -.7 in !:-!:.. tioners of medioMie a.e rcpured 1 , Already in thoroughness t;e -V. , Mrs. L. M. Ct.ltiM, tr!... ha- 1 :. ' , ,. , ., , p , has no su;cn..r, ano with conn::!" ! et -r before the lt dav of Jatiuary, f-)lt a;i, th(. I;ro;,tI. ..j,,,,,,,,,, .., .,c a vi.t to her t ;.rv;.Ts n,-ar . :n- M .-turned bom VS t urvJer th-3 inaa:i':iement of the sharn- : worthy white lady. i Superintendent of Health for the county, injure that will numb-.- with any s'h ul ,,... i . , .. ..... ... , i-.i- ..r.i...i:..i:......... t t ncer tne i.aie regi.-.irao on iaw, leraii- ui u.i: hi.m m i . ic ed jtractiti to rcai -te l'l'l nr Oirv t : t 1 iiiV 1 nractitionrs. tact one o! the professional men of th ii; vrwrs-r at i v ov 1:1 c )ur. We town remarhcu yesiei nay cot,an 1 waa r. a .-tu 'n . i.?e lii.l At - are at the time learrin' soin -thia- new -Wk can ;isi!y turn its schools .to a ' college. Uur srhoojs are on- o: our lead-j ' - about mean men. J'hc i-pa-.i o-h of met; .,,,jU..s ami now kt us Mipp-.rt ' ,v ,4 . ,. , f . r1 iP''n ii ; iui w.iii'ii i .i.-i i i '. . t i . 1 1 ie ;u i ! oc i :i . iy , merc'hb!e. 'J"!i-: scikj'jI will soon irtiiiv as .1 cuiic". m ; . . . , . . tJl.i l i' li'- i'.'. ..!, : i 1 I til editor. :ii tiic State. I'liss 1 llo.l, t 1 .. n ! UiUCULL lvmjVB I!S UV IU illl its rf-Cur foreman is happy this week in j Maine who imposes 1. having Kai:e Wal-.ton return t) the ca.,e. i tr1 an e!i.ct:ie iiht in m;;i up m by put- ! uoiiMa't te tt!t iw:tl ti-t:l IM n.Mibe, nr. i.-itin li;- tr.i-t! -r . j'.'j 1 A lien IK SOO. , ip law. Mrs. 1'. .I.Malry. Mr. 1' I IIT ( f .'j'l -is one the I est farmers f ' : , If ' 1 ' " n 1 r I - , . , . t , ! --i oeeu .en xo, foeiui w eeK.,, i ami so maue, lis net:-. ty ..ay nr.u i;.-m. , .v ..a., .o ....e i. ..n. :. :e .;,(.t:on .inij nlwnv, p..rnothini II-. A IJ 11 Al i ! CcorgC asLlDgton did to tell about j !(l:t sayR h(i a!1 right now. We pom-1 lb! hemif tote wi-h the man that ' cars we observed tltat a lady pa ei;:e. . , ' , 0 ; . ; the work of his little hatchet. ?o uv h-e a h( i 'ei aiiearance for the naner ' reads a new-nancr v year or two an 1 '-with three 'itt le urchins r.d so'oe t; en- . Jl 0 1 - " TLAXD XF.CK, A. '.. LOU i'.nYi AN'! YOl N't ML'N !'sks. ex!:ricned teachers .hc ahvays hit as true, an.l may the ! Fri- i,'. still flourish. then sends it hack 'hreh-.-e J.'' i de in -etiiu.-; then: settled down fat the' Mr. 'W;;:'; Smith, s m of Mr. Ih i . V 1 I Ito f iiinrrrr r. 1.1. i -i V - Tif i r Tr., - ' . I 1 - 'i I ' - . i.i... , ' Ihavhis (hule lias proved verv sue : ccssiu!. Several e.itlemr.n in lial Mt d. hn Howel". has ilie j'mcst tros- ! tieet for corn on the road from I er,- in w ',l c''-1dl; i : a..- .iCc.ivi. ., i .. ... . Ti'U out the next ar 1 !.fs see how he ' trip. A ft "hahing and b!ieki:,g d , Sn.illi, lift Tl'ipiornii.. f. Aliarta, ia , whole he tvi!! t ) in'' 1.111. uil..J. ) w..... .....i.t . ... wtll com pare with ih.' o':d ;.j:itef that pushing and doing nuint-roiis ...tlicr th; v-r, r mv " his V't r. ! to vet them ouiet. .-he succeeded in jet 1 in their ei'ts. :ic was the " tm.; taem u :ui-wb( re. Ilii corn wa-- piante't aster the destrttc'i of his cost -,s. crop by hail. I u ni ,,r:L.,l iVei;ng of iVkuu- i, ',. V ..!v Lt1,, i,t ,". tn -n-; 1 lbs ox : n 1 ( t 1 1 1 f rk 1 r- t r r. a n . i i n l t" i n , 1 i - t- i I . . ' . . i 1 ' ; t; -n moderate. Board in family u,vlv'31 ' I A co'ored man named Dick . annady j.po ni nent and t-leasure announces tuto lurae,3 th,:r attention to their Sutcos3 to him. V.'il.L iovk to Ti:.'A-i.--T n; H ::!.-' ,i.l iv. " T1 i ;,!. r n ! We are s-nrry th atiLiic. 1 O - ' U i I 1 COT If - S Hi l! '. i .' . .tn ().(.! Xc'V Y't!;. It has been reported j Ju-.ti.-e Not licit for shooting and threat- j well brown to moj-t of our readers of this ' n?t dovvn any i3nj-er, he saM in a hoar.,e -:r' 1 ' 1 1 ut :;rr U" a U -ar' . v..,, ; . pu. e.J3 o -iU , ..t ;, rnij ,,g Slii, onC thirty- ' eu:ng the house of Mr. Ming near 1 aw- secthn, has been culled to an importart ' whjjperi ' i week lo Kobe -on county where he I - .. I... o . . .I ... i v- i 'i ... I ,i' o i n i.i ::-i-en.tieri . . .iix i .i- j. 1 I ir. t ... 1,1 fifKl ti. ; ; : -on.-, nas oouii'i oei iu coun. out gave . -" " J i ",Ua. have yO'.i z-r. a Kr.:!? will ICPCl tuis lull. U'J says l. is a i " i ... i ! -i- . . . 1..-.,.,. ( . t.. .... i.;. f.,.. I . . . . '. . . . . . , . . . I o.. - j '.s to - lbs mod, : ho-'.- her head ana mc-ve.: f!n0 country ami crops are 'oo !. He , ' i i ... t. . i i . .i t. .. ; ' 1 - I several years, uui v. e mm nope i nt iU'r bps for ''No."" wop.m reraawt m -or. 1 eaionna. . o,n, r in mi u,.. r.t.-e m his sn owmg popular- , ,,., ,,,r,,.i ,1,., !,r... aad no-.rei, wc deeply ... , r fiiiaiC lii-prcsiotlfi v-"M ;e ntnuti. i a.ii,-,,M.., - i j Another sort of nuiiaem' .s!.a:e of ; ' the head by mother. j Mcs?. Henry (Mark atei frank ! estcd twelve years. North'.ina and nil who '.tear him e.n not fail to i.e I , , "V . , i "Are you gwsne to break it then, napard went up Tuesday to vi.-if ' ine uooiesi miu nue:-i iiitn wi,;;nr.rr. a i... pnr , . ahead instructed. , , , , , , wi;epcna ui. t-ov. ! -di'afM rrr I itt T w; . . . ir -ft . " it nlir ,'MV .rp (1 TIlf:i ..... ,, , , . , . , i J.ia.i'. i taai ''".'I .. ... 1 .1 ... " " jy tins nine ti.e otrier two r.a i g o.'ei. :- si ooa be tested on a larre rcale in xvh. was tncl i.i Tiihry la-t week before i lie v. W. iJyid now of S'. Si -bury, and ; auj newspapers, the little fellow could . t., r Ii. i .1 beoi :s A L"( i . 12, W. C. A7.LEN, 1 see on t inter. -st I doe; ii'etty o-tll as the remuneration , I fur recreation fr-m hard work. ) A i-fcri.TruAi, I.i ri UHKH.-Mr -1 i L S O i. LI-IS, ir . , . . .. fT, j M. Alexander, of Palmyra, has been an- ! , .,' . . .nr. Lauo saysj tie up tue 1 J ' 1 while we rei :ice m Trpiciiml. 1 , , - , . .. pointed, u-sder i he au-ri--es of the Farm-;. , ;. , -4 1 j study of c cct-.ev a f! recreation . . ,,. , , , ,. it v and usefulness a T.-m .on rnr r 10, hoa honti inf PPv . . . . . ! I Oiit ci 10 .o-e 01.11 noiu . ,e 1 I . . i ' . I'll . 1 - '.. 1 1 . v J I . J I .....I'll I , ilia; '.i.'unu) 'i:j'i i lejii" air ji''M. 1 1 , . is pleased with the country and thi- I J " 1 peop'e, and we opine that the favor I ' n I ! p 77 i n t p -1 r. t i t ti i P - - j .... - , .. n i; yoi'nc; ladies. " ' ' -'' ',, nl'l'N-' SKl'Tl.M llKK 2X1) I . v. i:h r.u enlarged corps o Dr. K. Bnrlce Iluytvood has re signed a3 Director of the Asylum ", ' Gov. Fettle has appointed Capt- Kmsni:; ox tmk caks. We learn that We hope he may yet see it bed t o stay ; inttrcsten r,hont hv iaode of dhsntnsing ' 1 'J the hi'.N be- Mr. I). A. Lawrence who recently left j in North Carolina. Uhe cake; and that uuestion was voon ' returning to the nv.-r. We for Te.xr.s. was loboed on l ie cars before h? rercl;ed 1 is destination. Fortunately .rd , i,f.,.r arrai"i)'Tt ( :t. C(.ke in his tead. Also .hit). , , i - - . j . ... , , h.e bad r ui'.-ha -ed his ticket throng welt Stead--- w- . o. Mijros .h?'-fr., ot Martin county , . . -'under' frrrent "man- ; has been rr.i'ointrd ir. lh3 place ,f a : r) ' 1 ' ven;eneed. Knkiki i). The eibttr . :. a I ttle !ly 'Aal. The cake passed away and the ; Ie?rn that ?Ley have lot quite heaw i - iy ..etisive j ,.. y,'. ii. (1 ..pebeart resigned. It: Mr. -Jess:;- Powora, ear itispectDr a ! the (Governor asked Capt. W. S, Har- .A - K. WAllPKN, Principal the Governor as.ced C apt . v . S liar- acl;n r i;i th, capacity of ear inctor for 0ii (,K. ,Q r,,:.I ,;hcrc L;, slort. ris to reign on the ground that he )yn,rs; and he says that dutimr the ?r rocrn,;v burt-ed 1 1 - 1S a -r.a already holds a Stale to'ice clerk of ay;; tiure i,ave not fallen :!. showers of 1 .'' "r''m,.Ii Dureau of I.ahor Stati.ts. r. r,5n day nor n.ght, .a patt of which he j Mr. It. ih Parker is buihlin, a fine .Jackson, of Columbus has also rts !.,.,. , ,. . , , , ... to Ftiii.dd Tuesday r.n i gathoi some news frcm the -tool pe. ph' thete. Idle burnt block n be rebuilt, e wr.-- turned h'l-ires acro'sr, small boy war- troa ready for ai.f thr iJ-.; fro.m t he rf rit fresh ;t. "tant urn . Mr. C A "iriCTi-.n. AT W. !:u- 'iU o p '! Li 'L - a; 1 e 1 :n ;r. i-, a von want to . ,.. , .. .., ,i, A c.oi iin well krown per-onage ' f t hi- t'! 're!; hr-- re( :;f !v'. w .oit h. ha- t1 bricl Whsun. N. th FT 5' C ivp-lJ t AHY ibiiibit secion related to us phte an a?nu-in'." incident the ( th.-r d V . H" st --: or tore ... , what thus! v: ".Vv brotlier hai a seyero to. taac lb?M:rl to assist Ibv. C . i.. I inch a me-'dirg thre. 'I!ny continuvj for Fevoral days end much int. n.-t . 1 7 1 and insisted on my going to Norfolk with ; wa3 maaitestcl ami goo i accun- c . t f-icee l a3 one of the Directors. (Governor I-'o!e, it is sa'.U. ii- i. t ai lie i o-u.iui.iv. t one i ...n.. .. r. ... . , .1 .n . Mill IV llrtll IIU .'I'JUI '..UU ,'.L'I 1. I . i - ' l ' f I I 3 I i'.e -I'Jl ; vesifienee r-n ;:!!) . i'i !' I', e L ivi ir b Wl I ' , , ia;n. Think of such an old sinn r ns he SI toie.o.ioe t.MUUA V.U Il-lll...,I UI'-I.- . - . , , . , , .T , , h(. tft : lt- T il' r.Av-.- f.f TpifthP5"; I'll;, e ! .iii vUl o J bi ituvUOtO lookip into the matter, and thinns 1 Halifax county and he does not bve in town. will prooably soou oe cleared up. Scotland Neek I week that Scotland Nec' -aid to the editor t Mr. Ih h. Pippin it huibbn r a rif .s owes a Teat ' dwelling uer.r S'r. Ih i . Whhukerh ' N rfohv 'th bun to 1 a e a tooth pulled;"" , , , , , ,, , ,, ' Lv i 'i . -ap p j . a . ;o, i , h - t : o 'Vei!, -e reach' I Norh lk an I wd' ed ,,..1, o;,.. .,,,,t; ,:i , DMAFNI SS CANT ilE CURhD v c,:i i i; :;o; A NO A oi e into a de:td t's .dhce. and my br.'thei on ; ,' .o.. v' :i to ATI :Y. h 7. loiCiol mi ! t - .. 1 . ,t: . . ... ... , 1 it. -i it:, i .!:... ... i;, nau.-CJ. .uunaiue.-, u.a- ; t) jm: i i.r.i. n HAT. v. o bow; a... r . .-i. i.lal.i.- i Lig a s'a-d him if h- at-pli-'d anytl in" to pn- ai:itati;hy cou-timti ,,..t: trC'3 after ca'-inir, can be cured find ! ,!.,..! ; or ,, (.-unt.'iment and lionc to ! store near the site for Mi. Car: is' new " ' ' '." ' " " " '. ' " u afne-s is caa.o-d by an ml'.ome l ; . prevented by taking Dr. J. H- Mc- ! , ' "'"'in ,.md wor.,s. ' " I. tore ; .. 1 Z . ' ' !!:V "-h;- Ku-ta- ,:. t t . t i -: i 1 ; O t . i l..ti: s l.ivta ami ivioucy i i.iuo Write for "atalo-uo. F. VV. H. HAND, Principal, rKMONT, K. C. ' (tittle pliLS.; I For Mile by b. T, Widtehead ,c th IMhiPLL F.V LliVVvlIEilM One of the most inteiii j; eit men of; this town sai 1 to the editor tins week; 'I realize the impoit mce of a good pa- gle i . i: .. ... a .... . i ,. i. .. t r . . i .. ... . , oe.ili-i. leoi'-U oe n.vo on l.ei . i .il- uO'. . el : I 1 ' - ' i ' C'" - li, little.; '. A protrai.teu mee'r.2 been m pro- . . . , , ' f , , 1 , :. I -..,.!.,..! Lo.l ... r..t .t v.. 1 TOinl. I f Se'O: 1 i.r 'IMi. t lei t ',. I ' L'i lli.u i:.' ui''j, ".il ufiJ -. 't.i.-.'-j.-... i. ..... ... .... .. ... - f .- ... 1 when ; t e i i . r e ; y ; i t i at t'u M. b. lo: ! .IVJ. ildU l;Uv on.-rteiuu in ni.ii ii i !'-. . . . . , - o ci..t ,i:i,i ,, ,.ot,,.: . . , ....... ....... .uuen n i.-re.-i s.- oeu . .niiiiiii w..i ,-., n. i..,,,.i. ,,i. .... ...... .j!o tf) ,.;iv a ,,0l, v-():i lor j. iii-. l'i.uo- .ickers Knglish Remedy is in everyway i " sui.erior to any and all other preparations j ( l;AT- ' , for the Tiiroal and Lurgs. In Whoop-j Why can't all do the same.-' e do imr Cough ynd Croup it is magic and re- j cur best for the town, will the town he ; u re a; iy two , , . .. i 1 1 i 1 . r i . j ii.'.T'r, . . i ;T- ivi : i i I i'i i r t i . - i weeks u'O h r liie oil ee; i of i'a i r 1 Iar- " ... "', 1 1 :-e- i-. i'i.- re.-nh. a: d j.nh.s- th i i-,on assisted by lit"-. Mr. i adyran ! uiaiiife-,ted and bee. We turnei to the next 'Lai i-t 1 u ..,)n ".1,;,;. ; ,,. .... j. ' , i j, tido- ',e ;,'ol ho-sai 1 he coai'i j.all the i-' in with- -,'..r,- i to its lo ii.ial ..pdiOoii. 1 "ar.; U.. trot 1 ,.! ).er il, ,.t ! : lei! will i ie d " V. t To V cd lit- V I lli'lC C.'iO- sever tl pei-ons have professed religion. ,,A ,,,,,,,, often ar.,-a.iM d by .-t.artb. wl l.niieiu seeois vol tee inue ,it 11- had crop ", and its recent i'.re. .1 a iieves at once. We offer you a sample :;c LADIES. bottle free. Jlemetr.her, this lltmciv is sohi on a po.-uivo guarantee. !v T. White- i y-c ., Siead .V Co. low Ui- nutuai ic tti'.-rt tor our lntercsl? cree with an eehango in the fol- Tir.: : Tir. K'.t in i iOliriie i- (lOi-ii e.e T . tr's mouth. I stood in front with gas tIiiV.;s" )TPi.-.. bag in hand. Mrother opened his m'.uth. V (- will g:v r.'- Hurelnd f bar f ami I pet the tube in. a's.V a-e of fL-rOi.e-- '"au--d by t Mar. .v.' .1... , ,,t t ,ne LretLer L ; a t vr e c an i , a r i r : by taking lht: ;ue.s how many p".- in this paragraph ty,m in the'-ra.'-lo 1 y an 1 when you '"IVd! rHLN V .v" Ti'ol' d ami then court "em lor tun: i. t,- feel o e roseirois ra i-e v.,".r w iu i.u lir.."Ur, 7.-- Von ri t Iof6 j on :t.V -OUNI) lrdiAb OPINION. Mt is useless for a local paper to boom ! . "Perrons who patro:d..- papers should ;ian( .p.-tij.- , . , , t- its town unless its adverti-mg columns 1 pay prompt ly, for the pecuniary pros-. ..T- . ' v . , T t , p........ (.nt.. ; E. bi-Pd. ridge, Mundav, Ls.j.. bounty , r ; iCets of t; e m ess hav- ;": bar power i- it in.-... ....en. - , pT i. S - A 1 F; s fr,... ilV ,r. tty..ehv:o.. Tex., say-: -Haye used Uhow the energy al progressiveness of, j;i j rvrai-fl ,..', prosperity. It iiirhtly on the to- th and waited f -r the K;pt. ' .r-at N-rve ! tor- r. No ! ,,- iVctric iv.uers with mo.-t happy results. the m en. Ihjmes men shon;d ; .,T.;n., r ; ,,r. pv, and his . t..p.ct 0f thf- "as. 1 after fir-'t div" u . ?darv. b' i- lb i .. Price, gi .. A'. ' 1. ' " Ni or Ft l.K, v A. ; :-d. riit'iip-ost ;th ! Best 1 -,i 'i'i iewater Va. '2-d sfudent is. Li eat If. VccTi ut.u.'t..i.-.s-.'.. , li?!!(h-use of this medicine. Am sat-. 1P50 A ''AiJTEU for Hoard , . p,p.ters savt.d MsJ life." EVctric iv.uers with mo.-t happy results. My brother also was very low with Ma- ! latin! Fovjr and Janndice, but was cured 7 J. tf. ." - "i 1 ) . i i... XULL v c a ii e ni g I keep i'ie patronage of th-.dr lecal paper --,.eh el-booi, kept;.' by prompt t.,.rr.. tt... Lr,tt.r ,, ,T i ,',, Tieat; .. .;ii, tu t ie:.t;.; ni i t.avrnr natrons, nc nuts nrn to in- .. . . ., .-a'- - s. -.'v; nr. , ull11Llli:ivi'i-' .-...'i. . - The editor o .1.1 r i -.r s t i Oil S t M .-. li. !. Wi;co.xson, of Horse h'ave. I If ! seme hoe lri-h ! , . ,. . , , , " T , ; this year from seeds which Mr. Pierce, i sons I oo-p :ve v oebeves he would have died,' J , . i ' - i h-s -.u,-::'.-;aw, brouL-bi I rem Michigan. ' had net been jor Electric bitters, i ,, , . t ,. , , iT " .. t , . He calls thtm the '"Leauty ot Hebron. : d'bis "reat tetneuy will ward cu as i , , . , r 1M " , f . , ... , He hacs a good lot of them for saie. i-,-i well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and,'1 n ls "LeSM ,n- I iiap r ,n leoce. 1! i m-t ares' ef pas.m, any of it at alh a smithy fly rrop "P"'' ( i haad.dsd.i,, l a. fTiii: Ditto' '.': vv is ii:;-! events are ia mere pl'a-i ig colors-, and : his hand and he r-:i'd tly r?i,e-l lu- hand ; Mr. John Marshall for i f-e l'-"1 ? '" , V vVVov" - ' i the T'con e. 1 aste th;s -'ece ot ro ero. i. otat es which he raised j phl!;,s, A-iy j., o,.,. where all per- d : ns can per c u e :t . Sroi i, vxi) Ni-:e"K. N.C, ..-i oi r ! this school will ; , : IN Sbl'TE cIIIElL i .-e.-sion of twenty weeks: 3LG0D POISON s very liable to f Uov ontaci of t ie for all ii hicy, biver and Stomach Diss I A i i.oatixc; llorsi-:. Ibumg the t.anus or lace wiui v.oui i- mk-aii a- v n orders staitds" Imequ.aled. Price oOc. and freshet in Roanoke liver last week, a son hy. especially in bo; weather or if -, , v T Wiofebeol A- Co. I iloalinz house was lo.lgcd on the Hertie ' .he body i t perspiring foody. The trou- s l . ,u ... . - . . ! , . , , r - I -- . - side of the river ju-t above l'ni s rerry. Lie may supsiuo s-.r a u ac. nai, t ap '1'he house was lbX:!-1 feet a sort of two : poar in nggiavatr-1 U r:n when epp-.r'a--t n o Inside were found tiye boat oars no y offers. The gr-ii purifyina powers I I., Of. ".-leor.iti omit- Ot ool lailu ; i i.v.,il, i 'nrAliiic ViJi rnmini-. ' r.i 1 T oi-ei "s M r x r.: ei r i ' ;V t iorO'l"'!ii V craoi- .,1 i.e ..... . ar i t o un ii v. ii.....!-. . .-ii Lriiiiiiir- v, i .'v. ... ... ...j - ... . Neck, 170 acres, with a four horse crop , . .. Allsbrook informs ns , cate ev.-rv trace of dso:i fron the &$r ft VERY DESluABLE FARM. "Ba to scare v the , v. The den; -t th"ight tl e gas was tak- , iogbrodiei otl'to uncon -ciou-ness. and1 seeiiig bis chance he seized the tooth, and notwithstanding the fact that hi other's veils proved conel a-ively his cor: scioii.--nes, the tooth was soon o. t and tie- ti v was ia spe;.-ible fjr all the fun to the spectators.' The above is a true; 1 ill. We have liven no one awav, and the curious need H . G. JONES. juiibcr arb Contractor Cotitrtcts ir.kcn "',r all k; . ! btti! iio"- both DUi.K and V.".' l o!' r . I 1 h t' . O. t'.;:n::.e utterly fails ;.j oi same supc r : - f 1 ?d by the i wb.-ie ; .: it Py i ' a son of us tir In a -cs 'vi.. i e e :; v t ::-- t . ana w;..-ie ; .e i t ! A.'l' 'n.'Hi i i i M .1-. n! t a f An (' Pents . otatoe': Struck farming: A ! that they are in the possession of Mr. N. j blood, as the cases ;l has acton,, liAed V" y " h - l;e-eir.s ltima'ed. plans ,r io,od dwelli-;-house of six ro uns, with 1 , Pii , da, of Palmyra, li is supposed ; conclusively show. It apo c ure scroru.a. j v rg.-s "s Anti iote, It ear. - louse came from above Wc-bJon. ; salt rhcr.ui ami aitectsons auiin.' 1 blood 1 (,;. ! kitchen ami dining rooms attaceeu. A ,lt )i o -o fooi-l gm house l l ii gin m i uiuioi u. , ( I rem smp'ire or lh-j. o'o I Poise stabbes and all necessary farm ami -pbousaivls who having t-i d in vain to 1 ' . " - l'Y01 o, cure blood' Fauks of drsfoccatise disorders M-OOWtLL I iln rke'b'u'dte'a dVsirabio iccai lor. j diseases, t unk their cases incurable, hut ; ,,r the liver , and Til c wh-de system Principals. p'.r.isous for selling the present occup- sich is not the fact. Eotanie blood Halm ; heconcos deranged. Dr. J. II. Me la :.; case w id thrre be cn..i: ,. n.f.. -it- m ...,1 f o '.J.;.'J..SV .i i'..iT l.J.- i . more than cue cldil aider the firs', dse, ; Matiy Utsot!S ' "1 '. :i e. ..T-.'. b or ho'js-ehoM 5'rowii's Iron Hitters ' -'. ': : nlU .1 ;.--! T1 . I'ClllWSCX i ! e .."'. . :ia ie ti.e :i'iiue. and :ti the n;aj -.riy : veil No n :d to take tbose bit; cathartic atit wi-hes t ) cngttgc in oilier business, j maj,, ,;u Atlanta, ba., will cure blood! Iran's BoriSnarilla nnfects the pi pills: one of Dr. J H. MeLtau'e Terms made known o't application. . r.;.tn u-hen all other trest u.erts. inclu-l- i of d:-ir-rSnn r-nd -.5dr,i'nimn Livr and Kidney PiUets is ouite o,d-.- to K. b. H!LLIAiii, Real E.-titc Agent, Scotland Neck. N C. ing Hot, have failed. J:ve it a j and thus inahc pn re blood. trial and be conduced. I For sale Ly K. T. Whitehead A C siitlloh iit and nct'TO nrceabde . be: -al ; by b. i . Whitehead .- Co oiibecd at VKDV Id T.V I'iICI-. H in : :' - K. G. JONES- : f-Ti.A-.-r, Ni ::, N. C. ! 7 1 'L-n ! ' t i i.o-h-! 'Villi:'. ! j'i 1 i i i i "A. 'A- -jT-- ,i X-'V - - r j Uiiiiiiu .1 u i itou y. j t ;. i , -'.' , ' d t ! h- . ho t o' . ' '." t ;o.;' , I . oj ) . . .1 . 1 H I

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