THE DEMOCRAT, g u b s c r i b e pfty per cent- in- .,qo f-ince Jan. 1st Circulates in ,5 STATES E. E HILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor vol . v TATE DIRECTORY. 1Mr ( ' G. Fowle. of Wake connty, r, ;;.rr.;.r; salary ?3,000. m . unit, oi Alamance Lieutenant-Governor and ; of the Senate. ,m L, Saunders, of vVafcc secretary of Slate; salar3' 1!' 1 V :e V. Sande'lin, of Wayne (i i i W. Bain, of Wake county, Tr;.,Su:i-r; salary 3,O0O. v: ;.,,V M. Finger, of Catawba ;y , : Superintendent of Public pjuui-tioii ; salary 1,500. 1 hK.. r. Davidson, of Huneombc oot::ir". Attorney-General : salary ij d'io ar.d Reporter to Supreme Court ;'nlary 1.000. j D. Glenn, of Guilford cu:.ty, Adjutant General ; salary j ('. 1'irdsonc , of Wake county. Librarian ; salary -750, I j). I ; ouhall , of Camden cocr.ty. CI, iff ckrk to Auditor; salary Govkknoh's Council. .rotary of State , Auditor, Treas jni ar.d Sept. l'ub. Instruction, Sr.vrr. Uoaud of Education. Covernor, Lieutenant-Governor, SecretiiTv of S'ate, Treasurer. Aud jrri iif. l'ub. Instruction, and AUrue y-Goneral. SUPUKME CoVKT. William X. U. Smith, of Wake, Chief Justice. A. S. Merrimon, of Wake, J. d, Davis, of Franklin, y.ini 's K. Shepherd, of Heaufbrt, A. C. A very, of Hurke, Associate Jus lif. Salaries of Chief Justice and A- H'i vte Justices eac'.i 2,500. oi'preiuc Court meets in Raleigh on the first Monday in February and last Monday in September. i:rri;i:sr.xTATiox ix Conouess. v,V; . Zebulon 11. Vance, of ;',;i',C'nd e ; term expires March it.i, IS'. 1 ; Matt. W. Hansom, of .North ampton ; term expires March tth, 1 jluse n I Representiit i ces First District, T. G. Skinner, DeiM. ; Se em 1 District, II. 1 Cheatham, (col.) Hep. ; Third DUtriet, Chas. W. MiClamuny, Dem. ; Fourth District, 15. 11. linnn, D.m ; Filth District. .1. M. lirowor, Rep. ; Sixth District, Alfred Rowland , Deni. ; Seventh Pi.-crict, Jolin S. Henderson. Hep.; V. :;.Mi District, W. II. II. Cowies, De:u.; Ninth District, II. G. E-vart, li-T- Halifax County Directory. G EXl'.KA L. A; SFM 1!LY. v. ,.,,,. P. L. Ivurv. ; W. II. Anthony, T. II.' Taylor. Will A. Daniel, County Supt. JV'do Schools. W . F. Parker, County Treasurer. il. i Allsbiook , Shcrirf. L. Vinson, Register of Deeds. .1. T. Gregory, Clerk Superior C'uiirt. W. II. Whitehead, Coroner, LoAun of Commissioners. Dr. V. H. Wood, Chairman; W. lowers. Sterling Johns in, II. r..j- d. II. Whitukar. W. A. Dunn, County Attorney. E. J. 1m : kioi: Coi"' T Thos. N. Hill, hi ige: K. 1'. Hym in and S. S. Nor man , Associate Justice-. s. M. Gary. Clerk of Inferior (';(!. J. M. Grizz ird. County Solicitor. I i-n: i on Holding Srr-KKion Co; ::T March 4th. May J3ih, Nov. iltii. March and November Couts arc V civil eases only except j r i 1 cases. oMand Neck Town Directory. K. E. llillir.rd, Mayor; C.W.Dunn, 1 ) Contab'e. Town Commissioners W. A. I ; i : a . H. II Smith, Jr., Dr. K. M. '';:. -on, M. Oppenl.eimer. CIIUKCIIES. pal, Hev. Walter Smith, Tl KeC'LOr. U: ptist, Rc7. J. D. Hufham, D. D l';'ntor. i Methodist, Hcv. Mr. Harrison, I'-Vor in i'.'i nitive Iiarti-;t. Elder A. J. .Mo , l'astor. the WLLKLV RHVIKW A i'Ai'iii; km: xoii'i'H CAJloiJN- IA. AT IIOMK AND AtSOAKD EDITED BY EDWARD GILLIAN- A '1 -! iv taki isr iak, fur its bright di io iii.-iLicr and wile condensation of the leading journals of the T.. : iV l .lnr,n and "'.Jy'" '-'! acy as She is Taught." i'.er,ct loliar-a-Year paper in Vt"-- Addiess. THE WFKKLY KKVIEW, 4 H if. JleMsville, N. (i. -3 xZj 1 BENR0HT TELLS OF SOME liEMAltKAHLF DOGS. AX UXEXI'KCTED I5.Vr.KEt UE. (For The Democrat.) I perused a piece about a do a ester day whicli reminded me of when I was a farmer and conceived a yearning passion for dugs. I to firratify ti y elf bought a bull-dog fo i abb t, and aked ten of my neigh bors to come over aril hunt with me. We set ( tr about nine o'clock and abut ten we struck a trail. I he wy it happened was this: 1 broke a rail and tell ov. r the fence in some straw an 1 Fcued up a hare. A neighbor .showe I him to the doc; and he tore oil" mad, but we soon overtook him oi a sand Lai -cratchino aficr lie s. I c ns:lertd his youth and to'd Lim to "t.rj round." He sprang in the thickest thickit I ever saw. And then i' seemed pandemonium wa? let loose in there such growling, roaring grunting , I never he?rd. "Come on bos," I said "'He's got a bear." I plunged into the thicket, the boys riht beh'nl me on a run, The next thing I knew I was sprawling in a marl hole and tlu bovs wi re turn ti ling in on top of me. We popped under and up like apples. We got out the way we fell in and ran out of the braniDlei b. cause our pow der was wet "Hoys," I said "what must we do.' 7 "Get that hog." said Joues, as one set up an ear splitting squeal. It took in a half an hour to get to the scene of the rumpus and an hour to loosi the dog, for we had to kill him, b t we accidentally killed the hog about the timo Ave killed the dog. I don't !:tw wIiost it was, but. we cue i iMid eat, iiim li i i ! some con ;1 t there. We c.i iiiieiits. i he deal! of the dog did not discourage nis s ) 1 bought a "rev 1; !i sd. The next day after I got him, I heard him bark ng in a b and went to him, and when I found him he as trembling m . every limb and tail too, and barking at the biggest frog I ever sav. The hv-g Mas sit ting jut across the stream, compla cently ciunchmga craw-fish. As the frog was so big end I loved frog so well, I didn't think much of the dog'rf treeing it. I killed the frog and tarted back but before I got out of the branch I fell m a yellow jacket's nos They swarmed over me, I veiled, tin dog ran up to me, every jacki t p'tched on him. That log fliw from there, and I have never seen nor heard of him since, I got mi a hound an I he sucked several dozen eggs the fust night he spent with m, so my wife kiiLd him the next day, and pickLd his meat to feed trarups with, but it provtd a dead failure. Tt;ey li'ud tb. meat so well the yard was full of tramps as long as it lss'ad. I then got a flee. After I had kept turn awhile, I heard bun ou n'bt about midnight barking like he saw "old scratch himself." I got up and told my wife to get up. I wanted her along to keep me emu any; she was s: s'ow abnit getting up I would not let her dr. ss. but. lit a torch and carr .d her off' i-T ?o.'' We got along well till we got to a ditch. I got over safely, but a grapevine hitched my wife's nose and turned her in the ditch. 1 pulled her out and we went on to the fice. He was barking for every bieath. I bent over, saw what he was barking at, a swarm of min nows. I IoT mv ba'ance, put cut the light and there we were in the inky daiknes-s and th re we had to stay till d iv, fir neither knew the w: y out, A dog caa ?ee in the dark. Hen Rout. It i IIal I'tinii t I :! n I .jI " A rm. (N. Y. Sun.) 'Ti e question is often put t ;T'.'.' saul a lady whose op nion m "jutters of etiquette h who 1 cmm !.. :eut, whet ! t it is ever to t;;ke a yo nig lady's mi in acting :s her c cort on n ; Mienude aft r nightfiii. Unhos. tatingly and p"iemptor;ly, n I Not after n ghthdi, i or by daylight i, or at any o:her time. An inva id may lean upon a woman's arm . a .grand father, il he be infirm, mav avail himself of a similar supp rt and a Hioadway policeman eeems to have the right to propel th j Ins charges across that thorough t fare by a grasp upon the arm, but these are the only male persons so WF. SCOTLAND XKCK. N. C. TUVUS) ir ivuliarrr. 1 I." . - . i ji au acquaintance. a friend, or one .o awns to a ! still nearer p'ae-t. ia-c the arm! of a young worn n i n walking ith her 01 a pubi c highway is in excusable. You may be sure noth ing will so quickly offend her good taste, although she may lack th social skill to resent and avoid ;t Vnd the ?p2ctac!e in itself is mo t unpleasing. To see a you. g wo men pushed along in front of Ler e?coit, by his clutch upon her arm s neither suitable or picturesque It reverse all pn conceived ideas of gallantry. The fair should lean upon the brave. ViriL trength ought ever to support f minine frailihss. Offer your arm, uung man every time, and ntv.r under any circumstances commit tl e 'a miliarity and olleuce of takin: hf-rs Tribnlew to .tlr. .flm Mclioll. Since the sad and sodden djatl; ofMr.Jjhu Nichollsat Apia, Samoa, May 4th, 18VJ. his relatives have received a number of pa'.hetic and consoling letters relative .o his char:.cter, his manliness as a soldier, and his deportment as a christian. As Mr. Nicholls was from Scot land Neck and well known in this community, by permission of his relatives we publish the following extracts from letters receivtd. A I.I.TTEK TO HIS SISir.U IN LAW. Apia. Samoa, May 20, 8'J. My dear Mad:iic : It is my painful duty, ti inform you of the sudden death of your husband's brother, Mr. Jehu Nicholls, which occurred upon- ihe 4 li int. He was slmging, or un slinciri a hammock in a lumber shed where many of the men have slept , an 1 the supports to some board piled above where he was standing gave way, and the mass camn. down , killing him instantly. His death was painless. He probably (.11 :. no: know v. hat hurt him. No one of the shio's cimpa::y was more rejected, acd his friei.ds were many, lie was a sincere Christian and his life was in aecor ba ice ids belief. The tombstone that marks the spot where his body P.cs, b.'ars with his name, rank in the ser vice, dace and date of birth tnd death, Ihe words, "raithfui tnto dcatii ;" and 1 doubt not hut that th;: crown of life awaits him. I am very sincerely your.? H- W. IIl MTIXtiTOX Capt U. S. Marine Corps. To Mrs. Eugenia C. Nicholls Sa.i Ma re is, TVxa. A i.i.i ir.:; rnoM Commaxukh i.yox. U. S. S. -Nipsic." Fanning Isl., July 15,89. I he 'Alert" has jiut arrived here fiom Honolulu with the enclosed letters one of wl ich came in the opened ttate it now is. In mv official report to Hear Ad miral Ki ubcrly of the death of Corporal Nicholls I took occasion to spek highly of the deceased, ard supposed that his family would eventually receive a copy of what I then wrote. Hut now that the reception of thete letters brings every thing be lore me again, I feel that I canuot do less than add to my official re port a few words of an unetlicial character. I kuw Jehu Ni-holls perhaps be Ur than any olli :cr except Capt. Huntington, ti e Fleet Maiine Ofli ccr, as I was at the of his death and had b(cn for nearly two years-, he executive ellicer of the Flaj ship Pn nton. Corporal Nicholls was a good soldier and a worthy man. Respecting himself, he command ed the respect of others. He was a constant tttndantat d.yine service. It may comfort you also U know tint he did not suffer in his death. It must have been instantaneous, and no one in our camp was bcttPr riitcd to respond to the last call than he. He is bunel in the protcstan; cemetery at Apia :m i has a head ooard of enduring o-k t.- kea from the Tieiiton. The Admiral, all oth er 'li :nrs and such of the cmsv 9 were not on duty f r the lime bein?, accompanied the rcniins o the grave, where a native who had known and loVei him placed a n -tive cloth ( lapa7 ) and a fan on the eollin after the chaplains service! service ( t was t ie Knglish Misdoaary.) '.vij over, and before the uglor sou uled t-ips on ihe c repletion of thi three voile) s by the Marine Guard. H . W. Lyon, IA Comdr. Coml'g. U. S. S. "Nipsic. " MUST WORK FU T1IK FT.'f I.F. S WF.LF A II F. p . rj- prvnn O i A i IrcJbi . (IS CHOI'S AND nt"SlNES. OTHER NEW l.itiuUrr nml CrojH. I Gol isbcru Art u. Tnere were a good miay of our i pc-ojde and cirrv Lou,-' a r e it ; i:r--farmer frie nd s in the city Saturday, j or spend it for wha: they netd. I and they all report that crops bav j tb y did not save llus-i th::!s i. taken a new hold -nd have gro i, j ?!l they would be lejers by ja and thried wonderfully wi'.hin tin Uhat tEu.h. The , set a good ejans at week. It was really encoti rag-j pie to people every wh re in their ing to look into their cheerful coun- economy. While they are not r:c'. tenances while they recounted ihe they arc coaifurtaM-e 1. vers, and ihi? hopeful tidings o! full barrets fo: is due to their rco: o nizi ng habits the coming Full. j Loarn the lesion well that big tli iig- Tuc lumber tiade of Goldsbo.o j are composed of small oaf'. A!' this Mm nier lia te u immense, and ; naiure is but a of itutns , is still growing. ()jr merchants teli us that the money paiel out by tin saw mills here for raft? from tip the river has greatly swelled their cash trade. And so ii would lie with other lines of manufacture if we had a more varied number of huch enter prises. Goldsboro should have and the day is coming when she will have more factories'. .uli County Tobacco Crop. Aroncut . The bulk of the tobrceo crop in this counly will be cured t iis wek. and the crop lias turned ou: all thai could be cxprcfrd. We thir.k the tobacco has not as much body as it would have had if the seasons liad been more fivr,r.ible. bu: tlie color is simply fplendid and the crop will bring bi rr.01.ev. A numter ot sales b-.Ve alie:dy been made ami very large prices obtained. Ue have heard of a f j tobacco sales made of the presort crop. We j have not selected ihe best sales ball give all we have heard of. J. A Wbitakr, of Gold Rock sol 1 a barn of sand lugs which brought 2: cents r .and. Mr. Jordan , of the name '; ighborho-'.d , eold a barn of sand :' ;gs vhich average I him o I cents, John S. Terry, of Castalii, soli a load of tobacco which ayeraged him iGloO. I) C. High g-t for i load an axerage of sdl. J. II . Frnzier averaged )0. T. A. Sill-, on.; load, aeraged -3,3. A numb.r of small packigts were sol 1 at fancy prices. ( o ion .Tlills, Tobacco, Vc. Wilson Advan e. The New Factory of the Rocky Mount Mills at Rocky Mount is ap proachin"' completion. This new mill contain 10 .000 spindles, will be lighted by electricity and equipped with autom iUc sprinklers and all I lie l.te-t im Tjvements The old mill of tl is company will also be furni-he-J with electric lights and sprinkler.-'. Tiie tw j mills will make a combin ed plant of 11,030 spindles, will use about 0.000 bales of colt in per annum ual give employment to se eral hundred hands. 'More corn snd wheat will be harvested in Wilson county this year than has been in several," said an observant farmer to us a few days since. Everybody p-aises U12 quality ot ihe tob ccti raised .n Vilson county, The receipts f.o.n the .-ale ol tobac- co will bo y felt la uon coui.ty this year. !"ni, l'actorj ami a llanU. Lexington Di-patch. A number of who were in town on Mon l?y, were interviewe d by the Dip"t h in rerard to the condition of crops in the con it v. : n ! all expressed a moit hopeful view oi the situation th: n that which wa held a few weks ago Though most of the river corn is lui.ien, I ign ; .Mc. bourne, wuai sue nai no- o-u places in the bottoms will tr ake ; to do, : he s nt for Alb it, say in. jood crop;- Though the t .tal rain j that she ties re 1 to se- him putiea fill lafct month was greatly in excess j ludy. One : ceou it of t e all 'air, of the average, Ihe creeks and cert in'y valmib'e for its liev.ty, bianches did not rise as high as they j tcaiL as follows: bat the qu en frequi ntly do in Summer, an I con ( told h m was thi.t she loved with siquently a great deal of botlom j her whole b art, and t'aa t ae th -corn escaped seiious injury. pire 1 ;o be his wife.' She was ac Mr. T. S. Dale was in town yester- j cejitcd without hosi'atioii, as any !rv and informed the D'nnh:U i l0 -il l.king sovereign ol 20 my-iit st he 11 fon-i II foo-i his b, sinews relatiov. v, i-li ih: .resent (Dm of T. S. Dale ei. Co., an that a firm w,ih the tian e nan e, wi:I I be formed to bud I h iv w tictnry and enrry on the bu.mess ofmanilfactur ! ing o. I Gr und w: s hrok m Monday fei buildn ' of the Hank f ! Lexington. It is n Main Street, ! adioininir the st -re of M-j. J. H- Slimson. The bnihlirg will ic 20xCO feet, two btories. The lowir story will b.v: a plate glass from with bronze csstiugn Y. AnirsT'J! 1SS1L 1 3-o n o Id I a r in I.SllIr Iliin.'s Wick! v. Ttl n the srtsl. to a; cr.:.: j save tho i foundali litt'e t!.;n:;. Tl.ut's li.. n wI.k'i grei. or'.'i::e . '. havi? bcn b n'r e a iin- i r v m a n s n t : s i . c c :i 1 1.' : H. ilic I'Ai bulii-r, (diu-ia-i. egi, t ",c. which they s-il :o t. a'-: : :. held together by oi'.e great central law. Tue m.'.gnif.cvut builbng is composed of many bricks; the bricks re compete. I of atom of earti . I. you can blend fit many e'emen's md make something grand out ed ti e;n. jou are an cc-iromis:, a ber.e factor. The phdostiph- of ihe mat ter is contained in this bitle rhjine: Little ib of wa'T, L'ttle grains of in:id. Make tke mighty vc an And the wondrous land. PRKSlDKXr C VUlt AND fll 11 ALLIANCK. rUatesvillc LmdmarV-. Khas Carr, Ivq , f;f li Igecomb-.- who was la-1 week at Fay? ttev ill l elected presu'eiit of t e State Alii- I mice , is me of the roost rr pi.tabb.- ; I pntkvnon iu the Stue. He ds ai m-in of cultivation and I rar :ea' and successful farmer. It is doubt ful if out of its rank 4 the Allianet could have found a better the presidency. He wii will the work so successfully inoug j orated by Capt. S. lb Alexander, The reelee-: ion of Col. L. L. l'o'k :o ' the sccrcta-y.lrt of the order; v. deserved recog . ',' ion of his cap 1 1 , j arid his z 'alous labors in behalf of j the Alliance. To him is due in large measure its prosperous condi- tion in the State. Th'.j North Caro lina Farmers' Alii nice hrs ihus far in its his'.ory proved itsilf a conscrv ative , sensible body. It h is yone oil' at no targ nts nor accepted ar y of the wild , harum-scarum i leas ad vanced for its adoption. It stems to be attending very successfully to its own business 1:1 its own way and we hope it will yet do a gteat deal for the improvement of the condi-. tion of our population. 1 IV,mou ltcli-olici! (her I'orl.v Vcjir .Iip, uj bonder bow iiianv tx'op'c knew j tha vi(.t(,:i;l the Good, ;n it Ins ben suggested the queen of Hug- 1 .1 -l M 1 .!,., .1.,. r.,11 ! lauii sioiu it; .:jiii-o, tit- ii .-.I.-.: .in in love had to di the proposing for her.-ell ?" said an Americarii.t d Kng'.ishmai? the other morning, 4I was much intcrestcil in rea'- ing recently the account of 1 er be trothal. It bail always been x pected that she and her cons n Al beit would eventually make a match of i. When they v er - both about IS vcars old be visited ll:i.- i p,,, ,nt d..d not make much im , p.e-sioii o i the ii"wly crowiieO queen. However, three years lutei tie made up his mind to a 'now or ne er' game, and with his brolhei visjted her at Windsor castle. Like more humble lovers, he was pla.ed u, a rauier nin.,.n,eM,. - preu.c - mei.t by the no . arrival of bis lug- age , and tb s p evented f om ; d nirg with her maje-ty on his lirM even nr as her aue-t. I'or Jive l,vsdid Vic.ra stilly h.m, and , - , , aft r li st t 11 ng lei alviser. Lord have ho- ed to !: i ve h. ea. aad -77, -i i : hey o . Hi m.-ir: ied.- a feb lassitude wi 1 overco ;.e the mo-l ro bust, v. b ri the system i r:.vea for ure fi'ool, to furbish the Urn-tils of health an 1 -,trcngt . Tli he' ,-eirjc i for purifying tue t lo- 1 i-!).-. J. Ii. MeL'un's S r--ip -.nil i. Ful sale by K T. Wi it-h i For a safe ami cert dn r.inei fever an 1 ague, use Dr. J. :J. Lean'j Ch lis ai:l Fever C. re- iy f lor ; it 1 1 Co warranted .o etre. F..r .-ah- by K. T. Wi i'ch-a 1 a li ri :.i: nonskn-k. '1 Itf Ilrir( Itix oiirlriiiM n wa !.:t;3';"; ? : a of ! : 9 a : . . ; : : . r . :rl.,r h.rj: f r 1: ' c i if, :: y ( . n i : oric I C r ; ii I r r l . L.'- i t- l ; 1 v n ! said t:iO fir.Hl .iff- :.; S.'oO 1 i.l U.f g-t". re 1 t t!,f a s 4d:. u ." ii i i '.!.e re"' Ibr. w!.-. ? 1 ' H -cans' ri. i v.i r. rue to, end Lic-i b s I ! IS g'U.ig Oil ' ) v. nuw hi: ed 41: 1 -- on r rig an dd d r ss n. -1. tcr's Itf iu b is 2 a d "n'l til l MOW all What I I 1 1 1.1 l. u. other is hav ncr - 1 ii ii ; ii.n W on li- r , and 3 our I it icr t 1) o t! e other i;:ght ." 1 : 1' all :i! -fit Il X;i5 lo Hi' 'uiili'i. "Yoa ki.ew (l io'-ge W a-!ii 11 g t 11 didn't i.r he ouori ' 1 in .1 eoi.fd. n linl v -y as he V.'ciit d a to a 1u.1t in a Woo 1 ard aveMie ear. ,4Nj, r, I ; ev. r w.Si what eiii ph .1 1 ic Wo! -v: i .1 1 e')u; ;, ! ' "I UP-V h'.U ." .ii.'.: wa i t1 p'-y- ('.' Oi 1 i ill ' Vo j do .'! .Ill lo sav - 'l n i e d .d hear .f 'n.: 1 "I rt ii-n !. c -h'ni: nv untd I ki.o.v v our ol j t." ' th -l's it. S d ii S.I was hard no and w.-u'. to j ton lo borrow a d 1 ur id', ituid.iy ; ni!i t ic" ma i for j 1 bat's c n;iiih, '. I m w dc C irry r n . dare lint I ncvi-r lo ard of George ! Washingio 1, a:u'. his char act. ri i no car tidy int-r.-s: to C,., d d y , -ir." j """ -..i Sal ib'iry V at- b :l:i t. IMU Ib-o vn , j 1 Catawba c riu' . b.c : i t he orll !: Mi-OA-!-, of th t . sto ) 1 :.i or. e .!: l : ( -jr;;c 1 r: port".! of Mr. o nty, i'i 1 v,;i'i forty live fr.. a. having John iiM" he w iug slick t'ltu 1 f. irt y li vi' - s o! corn , easily w;t hi n r.-uch ( h is three foot car.e. H i: this is not. .-,) very extra'. rlis nary. Mr. llrnv.'s i::un aal out stretched arm together wo il l do scl ibo.a ci-e'e of v-y aai jy 12 , and it is q-iiie c-rlaiu tiut -Jo ir- ofsorii inn be eu-iiy raised i 1 mk-1, l lli'. ( i eel, as it ; doll b" ( d 1 . j , .I does not (-(j-ia', we t'liti'c, tin I ir ges: i.dd ever rej.ort-'l in this State, winch was in ado b Mr. Woodfi.i, o Uuncomttc, so ne yearn ago, whe'l he ; irol, lcvA I !, wishe s lo iiie a: e. well aut'.' n! icatt d production to t'i' i -.Jt, olijy ut;Kl j rt.prr ,,r c,,r;1 ere we li.Hi' r i - I i c t I that apjr-x-im ,fe ! M -. Woo llen's ero:, w in i'le by u. embers of the i r i Agricultural .i-tui ih i i som : thn e or foil r y ca 's - g . IV h A IS I 0 l)U 11 . is t.o i je ; '. Ti.t se i x r vr i n i.r lere - i : i as ',iov, i i r td; I n era i i - n '.. T I :i i Me in- ii'm'i i.ii ii' s i , y w re u:i hi -!i man .r- i i.!i'.e lj U.v. r suit o: hw , caref'd .I- )ara" Ion f n 1 t b " u.h cul u o. A id if two or threv icivi u it ler treat m..-.. I can be n .d.' to yh 1 I s much as !'' or .! acres u nd r ihe or bn iry alte: i o-.. given, T(,:il l it nl b'; wie to re i ie .h(, ,m.a ()f lh(. , iii Xji'Tid l! ; , 1 ibor on a fewer mm r r i-rc. .' l If are w.jrlli an leclilljj out ' h ii an I idi are -.ts an 1 ti- 1 oV, to e u;i your ; item br takri r D:. J. H, M L-a . ; . For . As h V.. I . Whit -!te 1 - C. Keen the rr:o: vio-ous a'i 1 hear'.. leopie il at i. 1 1. '' s a i ef 1 ' 1 '1 i li-: ...., r i c-. . ati . . ' '-I I 1 c- ai d . . - : -his tak. Dr. J 11. M n -ars q trill . ; it will impa t vigor ai.U ii: i i , Ker by K T. Wh.Udi-:, J , r. j'J.dhiOioial bUduf;' ecr wCTO", f r f 1 1 2 ttjup-' t 2 3 Mti, Ii II l....r-.- ' ;..! M 1 . "- - . V .rH' . -.O.HI..B " llo-l-l"l'f . n.r.l li.-i... d..l-a. ' ' ,,l,.la liln. i : ; !. A T. I -r.,,.S s.t.-il ' I .'tl.. r- ... '.1 ll'.ar I.' r . TlIK Df,MOrnT Til? Advertiser s FAV0KI1IL RATES LOW. ll rljlllol "t I ll - r rr. i special orvi::: , I AH! . - ill-"- if. S k K t I .... I : I 1 m I 1 'A !!! "M I - '.::! I'.t iln! i i 1 :. W K,; o IV.- t.. I , ...... ; . W. II h ' l. . - !. i. Ii T i 1 v- ' 1 ! I'm : r,-!' . V . ! ; . , .-.' 1 r-: ... 1.1.. '!,- . a . w Iikn.n. w : i 1 r ; I V! ' '.;. in: A Pi . . t i ; . Is ;!... JOB PRJTiTJC .M A I'i. ;. r. 1111' 1 IV. - i K.'-ii'i a't'e all i A li toil li ( i : . i n i'.n 1 ;' A ' e:i'. i Hi. S , t ' -! .el 1 ei ( 1 1 : .1 r i' . 1. 1 1 s bin. ' I J -ti, Ri '!!!:! m. im m. i )).::'f. -(C(V.r: C!cJc, tib l! D.V'V'- e', I'r.Tiri) (-OOOf). i : . : . S , , . .;, r C.- - r ; : V i r , -Miii . 'it t I ! v r i I ... i )N Y;!!. ' i : ; : V I.KSI N d'.l I. 'i . V l - I Mm an l Mm i i:oxi r nr. i'lKli Ll') t K K i w. g: k MI er!- 'd iiCGfHL- .:: CAillti 'il. 1' 1 i. I r d i b- V- .: hr , a-i I ar l:i i is . ; I - ; .-. . u . - v. I.- i ' v r, I i a r ' i . i ' i i i '. i i . K . fi ir : I! T ! I I'lII r.-; : r -h' - i'i i'i 1 i . i i . "-. r s j r , : . r . x ii i, .if t 'i i ; i THUS. l rtl V. 1 1 . ' 1 ' .!;" . .'' 1 i -1 ; w I. - ' " i i i .' ; r. ' i . .-. ' t C O A L n:, i ..I.I -I V I. -Ji fx 1

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