f 4 fill-: DEMOCRAT. I'm Advertiser's '"fayomb. HAES LOW. pi 1 'JO " i: . E BILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor WE MUST WORK FOR THE PEOPLE'S WELFARE. n3i"i n Is " SPECIAL OFFER yoli ( ASH ONLY. The New Improved MONARCH BALING PISS ft- us r! '.; .-'V? "iKKCMnrBV-. : 13 W S.Y I WHICH IS THE Haw! Press in 1 lie World FOR Silo-00. - ;' :! Price .1;"0.00, anil at this low ;;.) credit can be given to any one. Iv -In a e hy :'. J. K. i . i . hi1... I WE! ' v i : W. II. KitoVn, Scotland Xcek,N.C. h 1- re, T.n.rv, N. C. I'i'mk'im. 'W!-i;:i.-r . ... t :er- in N. N. C. , S. C. and a; - i i. :i i aoit r.r.KS, .NOKi'i 'LK, Va. c.;, iUv ADLLY'S, TAKBOKO, N. C, Is the place to have your JOB PRINTING NKATLY KXECUTKD I'riv'iS Iveasonablo nnl All work Given Prompt Attention. S a t i s f -.u t i o 1 G u a r a n 1 e c tl . 7 18 Cm. ,11118 REAT VARIETY! An- ::. iacciucnts that aipeal to all. Diamonds. ))atcles. 5i'er N0)aiae, ecneirg, Clocks. Mu sical VT"b'se, f anqj oobs, c'jing-acrjincs. &.c. J AS- H. BEL.L..Tk-er. TARRORO. N. C. v'-. : It-'-. WK!iiNi-:lix:s, Spec's a-i 1 i." MiM.VCi FlXK W.TCilES, Sc. n t v a i uaran'ct'l, : ' )vt-r :50 years experience Prices .F rwar icl on selection ly express. n 'i in; vkky iiKr ox Tin-: vkuy ukst and Caraagfis rr.o.M xni: ".ho 'aukia(;e works. : K of G G I ES and CARRIAGES PIKF.TONS, &C, ! to order , and all kinds of the RKPAIUIXO ' i sho X r.t ' i .:". i;.i Cakts kkom s i .. rr. i ; :: ' u Fr;; li le the chil Mi i , li; :i SWi H 1 jF i:i:-AW and i- a m:L!;uti ul kxc UKEIOX of H i :',( ; ..(,; ; U '' the iinesi s al'.vay? on hand. ' v a'.l .voik and i every ti.i.e. !i i"!- all work, and lini-ii. W niUoy & Keech, TAKUOKO, X. O. CMOS. I'. li.U.I.KY. u 'II' l.l.- !.i HUFFMAN' MM NT. lNLi Pi.AS'i KP. i.wn Pb-xsTiiii, I'i.A ST Kit i'AJtlS. LI MC, &().,! IJhicksrr.ith ! t and Steamboat, fcillly 1 M. T '111 Prices h1 A v Y Under I lie Slur. JiY IIEitHKKT TilOHXK. For the '"Democrat." I nder the beautiful stars alor.e, Lord, 1 feel nearer to Thee, I long to be borne by the gentlo night breeze Over the woodland and lea, L'p to the beautiful portals of heaven, Up to the Sapphirine sea. Under the beautiful stars alone, Hitter thoughts surge in mv brin, I think of the past, ol the buried past. Over and over again Think of the hours 1 have rambled of yore, Solemn indeed's the refrain. L'ider the beautiful .itirs alcne, Lord I'm drawn nearer to thee, I see the sweet faces of those who have gone Over the beautiful sea; Wonder are they in some beautiful stir, Silently beck'ning to me? i-oiK? I, l-invrence. This excellent young nian diei at the residence of his brother, C. A. Lawrence, Luling, Texas.oa the 23rd of August. 1 1 is death was a sorrow ful surprise to his family and friends here. A vigorous constitution, strengthened by steady industry and by a life which was singularly free from the vices and dissipations that destroy so many young men. seemed to justify the expectation of a long and happy life for hin. Jut bis sun went down while it was yet day. A serious ilicess while he was working in the shops of the Southern PaciGcjailroad at Eagle Pass on the Mexican border, aeeuned to terrain-, ate favorably and he went over to visit Ins brother at f .A re lapse followed and after lew days of suffering, alleviated by the best medical skill and the tender ministr ations of thoe who loved him, his spirit passed into the heavenly land. Many heal t? grieve sorely for him dyiiijf so far away and so early; but their grief is tempered by Rweet memories of a beautiful life. He bad the sturdy manliness anil the cheerful, patient industry, the strength and the gentleness, the courage and the unselQshness which enter into the make-up of all nobL characters. Choosing the life of a mechanic he labored at his calling in lvjleigh , X'. C, Columbia, S. C, and finally in Texm. Wherever he went his conduct and hisboiring were the same. Faith in t tie Redeemer was his inspiration and the unerring word of God was his guide. To such an one life is a joy : labor is happiness and self-denial is sweet. Over him the grave lias no victory ; for him death has no sting. The funeral services were largely attended and were conducted by Rev. J. B. Ilardwick, pastor of the Baptist church at Lnling. The clos ing hymn was like a tender farewell salutation from the departed to his sorrowing kindred and friendi : 'God be with yon till we meet again." The deceased was a son of John T. Lawrence,. E?q., of Dawson's. Horn in a Christian home, dedicated to God in his infancy and brought up in'the "nurture and admonition of the Lord" he gave his heart to the Savior in his youth. He died as he had lived in the faith and fellowship of the Baptist church. Could he speak from his blissful abode to those who grieve for him here, he would doubtless take up the words of his blessed Lord: " Weep not or him.' J. I). II. Patronize Your Home Paper. (Burlington News.) To the eye of one interested in the influence of the home paper it can be seen in a number of ways. If the home paper win, nowhere outside of the town, then it would do the town but little good ; but , it goes out all over the surrounding country, and the influence car. be seen and felt. Where the Xeirs' largest lists are, at the cflL-es over the county, there you see the most trade come from, and there see a deeper interest felt in the! i oi'": town. Aim this '. rings US to t,)C point wb vvi.u i luu, ' - . .-- .V. .- mm. i. . r 1 7 Tht the s.ronger and more powerful you iiiuKe ke vour county pap;-r, me more good you do your town and county. Of course the ouly way to make the paper strong is to patron ize it by subscription and advertis ing. PKOPLK EVERY WHEKE Conlina our statcninnt when we say that Jokers hnglish Remedy is in cvervway superior to any and all c-dier preparations f .r the Throat and Lungs. In hoop iiv Couzh and Croup it is magic and re lieves at on :e. We otler you a sampie . bottle fr.. Remember, tins nemeiiy s i snid on a p-i.;,e D jhcad it Co. . i . : iiarantee.E- T. White- SCOTLAND XKCK. NC Til IRSDA Y, THE JRUTH, THINGS THAT EVERY VOTER OUGHT TO KNOW. KEI'UnLICAX IJALI.0T-r.9X FRAUDS. National Democrat. The Republican party is an organ ized fraud upon the billot box. It profits by and persistently and shamelessly defends the suppressiou of majorities. It is only in Southern States , where the presence of & large body of densely ignorant colored people creates in the minds of the Republicans the idea that a mnjor ity of the voters belong to them, that the Republican party demands a full ballot and a fair count. The Republican party dues not want a full ballot and a fair Count in the State of Connecticut. It would loso control of the Sate and Io9e two United States Senators if the principle that the majority rules were to prevail in that State. Cleve land cirried the State by a plurality of 1,201 in 1881 and a plurality of 33G in 18SS. The Democratic eadh date for Governor received more votes than his Republican coupetU toriilRS, 18S1, 18SG and 138S. The3e fa.-ts are tolerably good evidence that a majority of the peo ple of Connecticut are Democrats. But t l:e Democratic candidates of 1831 , 188G and 1888 were not seated, and during thia uninterrupted sue cession of Democratic pluralities Republican Legislatures have been uniformly chosen and these legisla tures have twice elected United States Senators. Joseph R. Hawley and Orville II. Piatt have no right in the United States Senate if majorities ought to rule. It is only b the complete subversion of tlu fundamental principles of popular government that these gentlemen are able to pose as United States Senators. Under the Connecticut constittu tion the man who gets more votts for governor than any competitor is not successful unless he gets more votes than all his competitors put together. If no candidate gets an absolute majority the Legislature elect. As the Prohibitionists or the Labor Reformers arc apt to put a ticket in the field it is quite the usual thing for the Legislature to elect ; and the Legislature elects the man whom the greater namber of people have rejected, and this is popular government as administered by the Republican party. The Republican party has for years maintained its control of the UniUd States Senate by suppressing majorities in New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island, and these major ities 9i'e not recently emancipated bond servants of a low moral and intellectual level, bat they are just the same sort of people , except in political opinion?, as the Republican minorities, The Weldou Waler Power. (Nashville Argonaut.) The citizens of Weldon held a meeting a few days ago, to which, through a committee of conference appointed by them , S. P. Arrington, Esq., secretary and treasurer of the Roanoke Navigation and Water power Company, made a proposition that if the citizens would subscribe 10,000 and tne town of Weldon would agree not to lax for twenty years mills or factories erected with in the corporate lirr.it? of the town that the company would by Novem ber 1st. begin developing the pro perty and wou'd improve it to 2, C00 horsepower. The proposition was accepted and 7,100 of the money raised at ouce. The whole amount we have no doubt has been raised by this time. This means the utiliza tion of the second best water power in the United States and great pros perity to Weldon aLd contiguous sections. We aie glad to note the progress being made in this import :.:it enterprise, li is but the benn- j cottoo manure - i.mg ot tne gn tc . ;ntPreat of Eastern North ; (jorolina, which in the near tuture win assuuue asnmiajiius (jiujwiuuu;-. PIMPLES OXT'ILFJCE. Denote an impure state of blood and are i i -...i ,.r.r.i Ur i!ian- with susnieion. iiv; uii"n 'T - Joker s Jilood blixir win remove nnpu- rities and leave the complexion smooth and clearr There is nothing that will so thoroughly build up the constitution, .'. -li i.iui'y and streiig'.ueu ii:e r.oiv s.-ivm. Sold and gmranteed by E. T, Whitehi-ad & Go. l'or a safe and certain remedy for fever and ague, use Dr. J. If. Mc Lean's Chilis and Fever Cure ; it is warranted to cure. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co, In 0rn I.eller lo Ihe f rVorlh nnl South (nrellnn. Office South ER it Inter State I m m i . a a t i o x Bur: e a u, Ra!eii:h,N. C. I wish to oall your attention to the fact that the Southern States are putting forth a greater elfort thsn at any time heretofore to induce into her borders desirable mu witb means, who will buy part of our idle lands and aid in efctablishiug fac tories, open up mines and develop our resources. In bringing in capital and people we lessen our burden of taxation, an 1 increase the comforts of life. I have been appointed to a posi tion in the Southern Inter State Im migration Bureau, ami it will not only my duty but a pleasure to aid in the work of developing and up building in everj Southern State. Therefore I am lending my aid iu the move to have in the city of Char lotto in North Carolina a great In dustrial Display, where will be in vited the people of the North to come and see what the various sections of North and South Carolina have to ffer to lho3e seeking investment. This is going to be one of the best opportunities for your people to ad vertise yoar county to the home seeking people who have means to invsst ; and I advise you to mak no delay in collecting grain in the sheaf, and every variety of grass, and send to the Secretary at Char lotte. There will be cst on the shipment. Send one half dozja of each variety of wheat, oats, rye, bar ley and other grain in the sheaf; one gallon of threshed grain; and one bundle of each variety of clover and cultivated grass, and also a bundle about size of wheat bundle of all kinds of native or wild grasses. People from the North are irore at tracted by the grain and grass pro ductions than by any other one thing ; therefore I urge upon the people of North and South Carolina to take this matter in hand while the grain and grass crop is so fine, and get up the collections at ouce and forward without delay so as to be sure your county will be represented. It is necessary to have for general distribution printed information con cerning yoiiT section. Such inform ation bLouM embrace in brief the ad vantages of ciimate , soil, manufac tuiing, the social, religious, and school privileges , etc. I have advis ed the editors in each town to get op a special edition of their papers con taining such information, and print from one thousand to ten thousand extra copies for distribution at the Exposition. To do this will be quite an outlay to the editor but not as much as getting out a pamphlet, and , it will certainly be of much more; benefit; for besides the distribution of the ten thousand extra copies, the write up will go in the numbers of the regular edition. I urge upon every business man and subscriber to lend their Gnancial when the edit or shall ask assistance in getting out the special edition. Do not be con tented with helping only one paper if there is more than one in your place. A special edition of every paper printed in your countr should be issued. They can be distributed to great advantage. Although I have no personal in terest in but one or two towno in the South, yet I am willing to show my interest in the material welfare of the two States by pledging to make a coutnbution of two hundred dollars to hi equally divided between the newspapers that issue special edi tions for this occasion. Certainly each business man in the several towns and all those who are directly interested in their respective sec tions will aid to the best of their ability. I call upon all newspaper men to make the canvass st once and I bespeak for them the full co operation and assistance of their patrons and the people I hey will so creatly benefit. Very truly J. T. Patrick. , Chief Department, -.proverr -n. ! Assreiations for Southern States. Kvcn the most vigorous anj ueany nporilft have at times a feehnr o; weariness and lassitude. To dispel this feeling take Or. J. 11. .UcLean s w;.-jrTwiTi:!-. will impart vigor j o-n .-k , i and vitality, For sale by E . T , Whitehead ,r Co. A DUTY TO YOl'RsELF. It is surprisin? that oeopD will uze common, ordinary pill when they con e- j cure a valuable Eni'ish one for th.e same raonev. Dr. Acker's Eniitih odis are a postive euro for sick-headache and all liver trouble?. They are small, sweet ea.-ilv taken and do dot gnpe. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. SEITKM HKU 2C. 1881). IN KU ni. SEES A CIRCUS. IS II A i: I ON IIIM-ELE ll.WINtl OKI" AS A .ORlI.l.A. Very tired. Hare yoj ever ben to a circus! I Hare just got home from oce. Tuesday one adorned my native town, Bath of course 1 went. 1 got there before the sen did , and I live seven miles frou ! that town. I went by railroad but 1 walked. About nooa they came down tie street beating the drums and blowing the horns. O, it was grand. I felt like sinning. hen the band machine cam pat I struck out right behind it. Ttey say the paygent was grand, but I didn't see n thing but the band machine. I went behind it till sweat poured from ev ery pore, but it soon came to the end as all good things do They said the band machine would play all day in the tent , and I sold my eoat and hat to gel money enough to get in to hear the band , I could heve heard it outside; but mubic is not sweet to me unless I cau see where It is com ing out at. I went in and got about half-w3' across the first tent when a flaw of wind blew it down. The greatest contusion reigned. A cage got turned over and a gorilla got turnsd out and the first thing I knew two men had picked me up and jam med me in that gorilla's den. "I aint no gorilla," I yelled, shaking the bars." "Re quiet," said the keeper, nearly cutting my lingers off with his whip." We know you aint no gorilla, but till the gorilla's caught again, yea will have to stay where you are, as you are the best subsUtute I ever saw." And he had the brazen impudence to cry at the top of his voice : "The only genuine, talking , tame gorilla in existence.!! Right this way, ladies and gentle men ! Well they jist packed a round the cage. A dude with a du -dine hanging on hii arm cot very near the den and said, "I saw a tawking gorilla when I was in Pah ree." ' ' What a lie i" 1 snid expect orating into his expectant eyes, which exceeded his most sanguine expectations. He went away. '"Don't exert yourself, Reany," said the keeper. ''How came you to know my name?" I said, my eye3 sticking out in astonishment. The keeper looked scared and said, 4 'Hush, Benn!" That was too much, 1 screamed and yelled and tore my shirt, and hair toos and bit at my self, like a maddog . 4 4 Help ! Murder!'' I screamed, ''I aint no gorilla." The keeper came in the dec with a whip. I guild oa him and bit off one of his ears and soon had the top of his head as bald as a base ball. I rais ed him by main force and stove him so hard against the gate of the den he went through. I followed; the folks run from me sauie as if I had been a bear. The Farmers Alliance hid a meet ing that day and so did the military company, but Dobody went to the Alliance, not even the President, and the captain alone went to the military meeting. For first class attraction put a circus 3gainst every thing. When a circus fails to at tract a man , the doctor with his pills an I bill is a useless expense, even Brown Seq'jard's E'.ixir will fail. Bex Rout. Soil fur IManii in Iol. (fVmerican Agriculturist ) The best soil for plant i in p ts is to be found in well rotted turf, or at least suflioiently rotted to destroy the roots of the grass, then the coarser the better, as the growing plants will consume It as wanted . , . , . 1 UC UIU lUCli'j "HI "I lO will always have a pile of sods in some out-of-the-way place, where it will decay and be eer ready for pot ting purposes. Some of the best ros1 growers ia our c. an try use u-j-thing else ': their young r,-29, an') there ca'n be nothing better ; ethers. v t !. n I ' r, r r. O t o t f 1 . , : ia)-t;3 with btt-ble manure. This j makes a good compost, but, is a coz- ; genial home tor worms ana gruos whlcu are destructive to the plants. For the best results use sou orjly, and make hu occasional application ; of some reliable concentrated )iant a ; food, but use in moderation. v.i t. t L-.. tMiko hi it ,.y t h Art ie pills: one of Dr. J H. McLean's 1 itpr iinil Ividnev Pi.lt-.ts (juiie suilicifciit and tx,ore ngreeablo . For sale by E. T. Whitehead i Co. Stay nl llomr, ltoj. Progress c Karu cr Or.e of t'.c country piper coming to our table snV' i -wrong you; z teen i t;.o tl d--n" f to leave !' Carolina and go to o.! er Mtf. - j once Ltard a ery promt?! sg tu-u ! ay there is nothing for jour..' in-1 in this Mate ; they taut g fonir- Lere cj?. ti&t tor? Ger.ernlh lo be dii:ppoiiitcd in the viiu rx peclatiou of toim'luiti,; better tbt; their own S'.ite arfords. Making a ftur allowance for tbr f natural rect!e-(-nea of o-jth and j just denre lo oe what our jM'a! country i, we tti!l skv lay at home. Travel u jou can a:f.rd, eee td! you can of jour country, learn all it is posdLle to learn of il " eautie, wesllh and wouders, but cling lo your tome ia North Carolina. Re member that you are ft citizen ol one of the lirge-tStatea of tteUnion, larger than the proj 1 Empire State of the North; that she ia one of the richest in food product, timber and mineral weiltb ; that the product of her fisheries supplies Pie greater portion of that food consumed and sol 1 in the great city of New York ; that her forests are building the towns of lb; North ; and that her mines contribute to the making ct j some of thi most important raanu : factured articles in the Uul. Her geographical position midway be tween the North and the extreme) South . mves her the finest climate I in the world, stretching fron sea board to mountains, she possesses a greater variety of climate ar.d soil within her latitudinal limits than any State in the Union. Remember, young man, that all these good things are yours; don't wander any from them, and leave your heritage l to strangers, but use th; gifts a kind Creator has placed within your reach, for your own good and gain. I' you love farming and wish to live the most peaceful and independent life, there are thousauds of acres of good untouched land waiting for the plow. If you wish to e iter business or com mercial life, the growing towns and prosperous cities of your own State nffoid every inducement till 1 evi ry rvissonable promise of sucei-1?. If you wi-h to become a "lhinifacturer, the roar of her rolling ttreams , on every hand, says vuine. If ou are a born statesman, give to our mother Slide the best use (if the splendid i?ifts God has bestowed up on you ; she needs her bes. men now; she wdl need them when you can tak-j the helm. Stay at home, young man , and help to make the home ar.d the houu State t'ae best and hap piest on earth. Parents, what have you done, anil what arc you doing, to keep your sons from leaving the State? Have you male home as attractive as it might be, with papers, pictures, books, magazines and music? Or, have you left it bare ami compelled your sons t borrow books and papers or go without? Have you given John a Iamb or a calf and al lowed titm its full increase, or have you slaughtered the same, wtjCn grown a little, for the table? Have you given Henry a coif, aid permit- ! ted him to train, u.e an I sell it as l e wished ; or have you sold it and put the proceeds into your own pocket? Have yoj given him money an 1 sent or taken him to the county and Stat- fairs; or have you told him t wall until he cooMeirn cnojgh to pay his own way? Hare you givei hi n a clear title to a part of vonr large farm, thit is giving to l-.lm l,enrt nnd desire to imnrovft the land, build a hom and s'ay near you ; or hzx you obstinately said. mv farm shall never be divide J while I live? ! l),fflomhr.r f.fVers tb ,t ,.- v,.nv ' ' . . J J, man is the hope of the nation, not you. i our day hai passed, or is - SI uassins : lis is lo tome. Ajain, g ; his is to come. Again. parents, wiiat are you ooiag to Keep j Uie boVfJ of tbe Sotti State, her . - - 7 hope and future trust, at home upju her soil? Faults of lii-t.tio!i ea .s-. Oi-order of the liver, xud the v. :a!c ystei i.econos dti.nged. Dr. .1.11. Mi Lr-au's S ir-n;i irilia crfcts the pri cess of digestion and as-siauilat'Oa and thus mike part; iiloo I. For A: bv E. T. Whitchci 1 .v C j. The most iljliestc-constitution can safely use Dr. J. H. McLean's Tr Wine Lung Pilm.lt is a sure remedy for co!gh-, lo-s tf vo - e, and aU Vjt sa'e hv E. T. W!i:t;h-vl .1 Co. Di; z:r;esr, uauseu. d '-1 uess, d - : r re -,s after t,'i'.i:'.', cjin !e eir-d md t prcver.ted b takir-g Dr J. H. M Pilb-t- 1 Leiti's Liver an K.d. j (little pdls.) lor sale by E. T. Whitehead Co. NO. 17. A 1 1 MIA 1 I o Ini urorillr llir ItH.iii, r, Mr. I!iir i I -ee ni si . in !ir r -oi . t pr 1 . u ... ee U Tit jiuiru .1 t h J i f .1 S i ork';l i,i! ous. t-ih -UUi. n.i e utity . b.e .id-'p -d the c! l the Ieg1-l.l!ur' t utllle i An Art to InrorjxKrtle the K.-utnei' -t.f Al liance ol Xoitb CiUoliu.i " 1 1 1 ' h ireuoflln wrctlou. ll..utte n.t fully nmusfd to :t u.il ion, let tue enjoin u on o-j that it ! I line we uele up and irg: tie line it l!r ;pcnT. and is our 11.0 iev. We mii: h.tke tf the at X pi ut like let; argv that imh hoi I uj u ith n Us dea -'I grip llure ii a era ml and noble work for v.ich and every one ol us to j er form, I would anl the brethren if their eiamplei N'foie the yout g ate at all times beyond reproach. Ale you uttong at all timet to ia,.-e their character to that high plane of social, moral and intellectual m dependence from which it I eeo.xci unlmpf aehab'.e. Are you, mother in t h ord.i. htrictly guar iiiiL' t'ie interests d your daughter a you ought? Are t hey being brought up to dtiiinm tlr 1" ,lirt 1:1 1 !l; p 'l"f. vit.t one lotiith of their tune, fourth beinj -pint iu x'eep mot tier to l I ineii wnsieM powers iM-ca oneil by the lo-s of s!e, p. anoth. r lo ji t b being spent in reading nov el, while the other fourth h -nt iu helping mama and ent-rtaiiiiug company? Or, on the other hmd, are the girls aeeking to bec une ex pert housekeepers, loading llm science of working, instead of t!i ! novels alluded to? Instead of spending thro hours at tbi p:a-io, do thry -pen 1 one. an I the remain two at li -r o'.d iniHic.it .spinning wheel? I low about the sleeping part? Young men, you should know when to leave, well enough , so as to prevent tins drain upriii the h.-alth of the gir'.n. Ibis is no picture dr.fwu Iimiii an illusory ohjecf . but it is oik- which o.reurs in everv day lifV Mle-ciou the he, id o in. in I i in 1 1 .- and t lo-v w dl tc'l yon "Ala, it is but t true." friends, don't be afraid of t b leilsiiie of oiit euemic.-; the c in t hint Nim ifyou will o ly do your duty, Jirinly but honora'dy. Do ,! think because a biotber cannot a matter in the same light that oii do. that h" is your e o n:-,; nil I la-:, but not lea-t, do not jo u the older bee.u-eyoil think there is some thing within which you cannot lind out on the. oulS'de but Jh.ii it to uphol-1 it principle t. I hen take Col. 1'olk'n paper, rea l i'. u d ho a haiipy man. Ioig live 77.. ', ,. r'-iMC' 'ozf-r aiid its editor. -0. '. H. ill J'ro'ji t-xsi ri' y.iTiiiff. A HyMlcm I'linl "eei li it n;;lrt;j. No ieasonabh; nun, w ho is not an object of charily, would thmk i of goi ng into a grocery store and asking th: propnet or t wrap b in up ten jmhiu Is of sugar or a bush! of meal as a gift. Vet thr-r are i i . . . r : """uicus I'c.-mi -s m .-eiy .-.mm- "iur.it f who s-eem to think lie col- U""1S ;i newspaper arc public I,rP-rt' a,,', the t,lltor :i n': I''mes, r. is to "pull" very l",air"ur""lw Wli'u-V, r ''' hire, publish calls for public, meet-, ings. church liiirs, obltmrv notices I,,,'iimri I'lauws. "mmim-s o. i SP ' i. an ui.e. m,c. oi inifigs for nothing and jay for bouse rent, blank paper and printers' hire for ' pri liee ( wonig u ; nun u.ey do not hesitate to as't the publisher 4 'v- tl"'" d.llars upon do'lais wortk if frc advertising, vv n thev would not think of asktnz ' bdr i groci.1! vmrin in in jkc iuvux a uona j tjon 0r ten cents of t h d good s. This is wrong, and the who s : tern needs changing. Jbecdu nns lora newspjp.-r reprr.-ent the sf,, k ... trad" ut the mom or-'.o rn'-arss of li veIihood-un 1 to a'-k hi-n to .give away his spac, Is an ir ju-ti'-c and imposition upon a gen rous, home loving class of e;tiens t bn editors of our land who ate e ,ti' ;e 1 to more consider a'c trejtment a-.d bolter things at th-i hands ol ti ejr jKopl-?. Hendeisjn Gol 1 Leaf. P: II) n'-e-, li.otcne, -ci v i !. j 4 i y snots, sores an 1 ulcers a..-C-s.:s iml tr i ors .iv h- ( at . - id ot'.er to II n nenitiiy ll chat .. ez 'it, ' I II ' ii n 1 . ! -kin ! 1 .- 1 . r. .: t r t I o T 'I!,' 1 r it V ,:' ir .1. il M E 'ot sale by E. J 1 1 Whitehead v C.

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