THE DEMOCRAT. E- E. HI1LIARD - - - - Editor Published Every Thursday. THURSDAY i-EBKUAllV G, 1830. T:nti:i:ki at the Pokt-i fice AT SroTLAJiD 'kc;k, '. C, AS Second Class Matter. rm; ( oim v lAM inn; o.M; vihk's ni:coicD. Xii t;i:l'oit tiii; i i:jM: On la?t Monday the teachers from all parts of the county asaemhlcd at Halifax to spend the wet-k in the County Institute. County Superin tendent W. A. Daniels, in presenting Prof. C. D. Mclvcr. siiid that he hoped the w ork of the In&tituto would meet with the general favor the county. He referred to Prof. Mclver as one of the forcnist educators of the State. There were preso.U at the nr.tliing ubont 40 teachers and several more came in during the first hoar, and also others later in the day. Prof. Mclvcr opened his remark? by explaining why the Institute is held and hov it came about. Moro than twelve years ajo the State established what ths onllod a Normal school at Chapel Hill for the free instruction of teachers for six weeks in June and .Inly. Many teachers in the State were not able to pay tiavcllio expenses and board. Then the Statu made four other Normal schools at different points in the State; end still many teachers wire unable to attend. Then nain the State appropria tion was increased and eight Normal schools were established at dilfereul points in Ihc State; and still many of the teachers conld not attend. The last lei-slature,trying to meet the demands of the teachers of the State. made provision for an Institute to be held in each county ; and also wade it obligatory on every teacher of public schools to attend it in order to procure acertriicate to teach in the public schools for one year. Prof. Mclver said that the la3t legislature discussed the educational interest of the Slate three times as u uch as any previous legislature in the Stale had done. Teachers are not all the need nwakeniug the real awakening must be among the parents of children. The ignorance of the State was re ferred to and shown to be alarming. Concerning public a;d to educa' tion Prof. Mclver said, " There is no objection to public education that the troth cannot meet." He said not half ot the te&chers of the State take a newspaper. 'ibe speaker grew eloquent iu re ferring to tie great resources of North Carolina, and said when our people are properly educated wc shall cease to pray for Northern capital and Northern brains to come into our State to develop its re sources. The painful but truthful charge was made that the people of North Carolina are not a reading people. One hundred years after the battle of Guilford Court House Judge Shcnck publishes a modest volume and endeavors to prove that North Carolina's sons were not cowards; but loses money by the venture of j pubhshiug only a few hundred i topics. Twenty-five years after the battle of Ciettysburg Capt. Bond publishes n 25 cent pamphlet, for he knows co other will sell , trying to show in tha face of all the hiitory thus for re corded of them that North Carolina's sons werp heroes oa that bloody field. No one tries to publish an ex haustive history of North Carolina, because it would not le bought and it1 ad by his own people. In referring to poverty as an ex cuse for net educating, Prof. Mclver said that thi is one of tbe strongest arguments in favor of educating the We have received a nicely gotten up ttatemcDt oflfce Hank of ftocky Mocnt, for tl.S year ending Decem ber 31st, 188:), it having been doing bnsiat ss one ye ir up to that date. It makes a showing fiat reflects great credit on the olliccrs. and they have a cause to be proud of their work. There is not a bank in tbe country that h on a more solid basis than this , and cur peoyle are justly proud of it. i'f.uiivhyiler. T'Ar. Democrat has time and asjam urged the establishment of a bank in Scotland Neck. The ibove item concerning the Pocky Mount ban!; is another evidence that Tiik Di:.MCt kai s arguments in the matter are sound. If Rocky Mount 18 so much rerouted by the presence of a bank , and if such satisfactory results folio v ths first year's operations, why ctinnot Sco'.Iar.d Neck do as well? Jlememhcring , as we have said to our readers 1 rfore, that there is not a bank in Halifax county; and rem inhering tint there is good business done in Littleton, Veldon, Enfkld and Scotland Neck, all good towns la this county ; and then remembering that Scotland Neck is the most progressive town in the counly, there is no reason why we should not have a bank. Indeed there is cvtry encouraging reason why we should hae one. Will not some of onr best business men look iuto the matlei ? A citizen of Rocky Mount told us hoiv much capital is in that bank, and wo will tell any one who will come to us if he has business in ins qucs'ior. i'JIi: T .4 IS I FT. EE v. Avm::-w rr. oMi sent of north ( a: TtLL- WHAT lAMiir.r.s, A A. KE chant, the Perlin tneroharA, or the, Rruwells merchant trjs all the mar-j kets on the globe and bays j his goods where be can buy cheapest ; and then he sells to his patron cr ! cutomers in competition with his! brother merchsir.s. Having bought I his gools cheap along with hisj brother merchant?, be can sell cheap ( Chicago Herald.; to Lis patrons. Not eo with the Kev. Andrew J. Chambers , pastor American merchant. The New York ; of the African M?thodLt Episcopal or PicLmond merchant says, "Well, I Chorea of Durham. N. C. , and the I will go to Liverpool, Manchester, i only regularly elected delegate from Berlin. Paris or Itio Janeiro and j that State to the late Afro American buy a cargo of goods to eell to my; League which met in Cai.-igo, is un customed.'' The United States gov- measured in his denunciation of the d by the republic-' theory an 1 methods of the conten- yspepsia 1 c:.'i !: I a.';- r ... v 'Jkm. Et iSl JLmL'V K A- childion. The poircr a man is the more education he need?. He called the children "the jewels of the land." On tomorrow (Friday.) Prof. Mclver will locture for tbe benefit of parents and tax payers especially. He says that the irole, and not the teachers, must be reached now in order to awaken the State on the subject of education. Tha teachers arc tu p posed to be already ah.e to the worlc. We have not had the pleasure of hearing l'rof. Mclver's lectures to the tea:herf, bat we know him well, and that, together with tLe fine im pression his work ha3 made with the teachers, warrants us iu saying that the Institute is quite a success. l'rof. Mclver will lecture iu Scot land Neck Friday night of this week. It is the custom of republican speakers in and out of Congress to draw comparisons between American laborers and tho Ialorers of the old world. And this is do e to thow that the laborer of thU country is in far better condition than his unfor tunate brother there. If the poor man m Ivirope l,o has to livo by the sweat of his fce is not p.s well off in life as his Liofhcr in America , it is not because of the unjust and inequable laws put on the statute book?, but because of the condition of society in that country and tbe surroundings, such as the denseness of tbe population, the surplus of labor, and the want of demand for labor. To make such comparisons of labor in two countries so unlike, where there is no demand for labor ia the one, and where the demand can not be supplied in the other, without stating these facts, shows an niter disregard of the truth and a purpose to miskad and deceive ; or it demonstrates a supreme and criminal ignorance of the laws of po litical economy and the laws of na tore. Europe and all Asia are crowded almost to their utmost capacity. They ere like bee-hives, they have increased, until the young er generations, mast, like the young er swarms of bees , go out and seek new homes, or perish in the old heme. As conclusive proof of this, behold Pe swarms of the people from foreign lands as they are landelby the hundred thousands jearly in the i citv ci aow l or u. 0:'e -urse laSor is Letter p&id in dollars and cents in the New World where the supply is small and the demand is great, than it is in the Oi l World where the supply is great and the demani is snail. And if all things else were eqial in both countries, then the laborer and poor man in the New World would bo twice as well off as the same man would be in the Old World, But although labor in Europe is low counted in dollars and cents, yet when we consider the purchasing power of money in the two countries, we stall fiud that one dollar la Eu rope will buy more family supplies than two dollars will buy in America. So the man ho gets one dollar per day Lere can not buy any more with the one dollar than his brother in Europe can bu with his fifty ceat3. So you see that the man who gets one dollar here gets no higher wazes than his brother who gets only Gfty cents per day in Europe. If one dollar will buy rue as much as yoar ten dollars will buy yon, than my one dollar is worth as much to me as your ten dollars is worth to you. ernmeut controlle an party, says, "No, you mast bay here at home, you mast patronize home industries, you rmst encourage our borne people." The merchant says,l'a!I things else being equal that iS right. 1 believe we all ought to encoirage home industry and home enterprise; but I can buy the goods I deal in in Manchester for just half the money I can buy them for here, and then I can sell them to mv cus tomers for half what I sball be com pelled to charge them if I buy here." The best government in the world answers back, "That is all so, you can buy in other countries for half what you can buy here; but what difference will it make with you to buy a suit of clothes in London for fiye dollars and sell them here for 3even dollars and fifty cents, and to bay the same suit here for ten do lars and ssll them for fifteen dollars! In either case don't yoa get your fifty per cent profit and id not fifty per cent profit on the ten dollars worth more to you than the fifty per cent profit on five dollars? And don't you see your profits on the same quality of goods will be double if you buy your goods here instead of buying in London?" The merchant is quick to sec a charges denials Mr. Chambtr tion, upon which he of liberty of ppcech. is a young man of line addre, whose eloquence has won high praise from the late Henry SV. Grady and other distinguished editor of the South. He speaks with fraedom and has at ready command a wealth of appro priate words. "I was elected." said hi a i lele- gate from the only colored league in North Carolina in order thut I might come here to deny from my place in thpt body that the colored people of tbo South suffer from any anusual and inhuman treatment at the bands of the white people of that section. Every little personal encounter be tween a white man and nero is magnifie 1 an 1 the whole section is anathematized as one sore spot of the republic. It is about time that the self respecting colored people of the South call a halt to the traducers of their white neighbors. But things were all cat and dried before I reached Chicago, TLe edict bd gone forth that Dixie must be damn ed and no negro defender of that Distress After Eating Mi :.. f ,.l ;. r.; i r t: he' .f A-I-l-1"- t i- r - - ft U7 : :i I: ti. r , ar 1 irr . ly ;'; U m:i itM.f. it --r.. '- I- H i rvi.--:-!... d:zc::o3, rentes 1 l t!.u fvn:; a- t!.v 1'-c t'- VLl- va JAMES V1CK, J3EEX3aiArJ. ROCHLSTEb. N.Y. Sick Headache m Stt Little Prices. maligned region could be heard Northern J. H. LAWRENCE, DEALER IN GRAIN, MILL-FEED. HAY, CLOVER AND CRASS SEEDS, M PROVED FARM IMPLEMENTS A SPECIALTY. Agent for CLARK S iuia a i HARROW and DEERING MOWER. A model of perfection. SCOTLAND NECK, A C i an 0-1 3'. amid the tumalt of the mob. "There was no call from theSouth point, he sees at a glance that it is, for the convention. But for my per decidedly to his advantage to buy at j sonal efforts to secure ollicial recogs homo. Put he knows while this is j nition in that body there would so, that it is not to the advantage of! have been not a single league in that his customers. So he says it is not j State, and consequently no delegate nszht. "I ought to be allowed to buy i I organized the league that there where I can buy cheapest and eo ought my neighbors." 'AH right says the United States government and the republican party, "yoa may buy just where you please, I will not compel you nor i your neighbors to buy at home, yoa and they too can buy in the cheapest markets on the globe, bit I will make you pay the Federal govern racnt Gfty dollars on every hundred dollars worth of goods you buy abroad and bring to this countr' bc-L fore you shall land them in any port of the United States.' So the mer chant is at the end of his row. The republican party has got him by the horns, and has his customers by the throat. We are all bound to buy here at home from our masters at prices fixed by them, or we are bound to pay the federal govern ment fifty dollars on erery hundred dollars worth of goods for the privi lege, not of buying in London, bat for the privilege of bringing them to this country after we have bought them in Londoj. This is the case when we have got anything to bay. But how is it when we have some thing to sell: row we can cross the rivers, lakes, gulfs and oceans. might be no question as to the legal ity of my taking a seat in the con yention, and thus be afforded an op portanity to be heard in defense of ray neighbors and friends of the Soath. Rev. Mr. Price, of my State, was present as a signer of the call, but it reqaired a vote of that body to entitle him to the privilege of parti cipation in its proceedings. As a fact the convention was composed mostly of Northern delegates. ''It is true that a great number of colored people are leaving North Carolina, but not because ot persecu tion. They have had three crop fail ares in succession and they seek j better agricultural region. If perec cuted why do they not fly from it 'o the free North whore philanthropists cook pigs and place them upon the doorsteps of negroes? Instead they are going to the Mississippi Valley of the South where persecutions are as unjustly charge 1 as in my own State. 4,I do not claim that everything it as felicitous at the South as could be desired ; nor can this be so in any community of Christendom where there is a superabundant population of a lately emancipated race. I was frg-.r.s T" Z "- in' rTrivf rr.Lr : X. v. r- r. " I havr tr. ;? J w:t:i !yfpfs.:.. I tad tu; L:;ie an-:;:?, ax.d I ''! Heart- :1 b,,ur bum of:- r I wot:!,! oir- rVife a r.nntn.-s. lt t.r-, a'.l-pone foelir.g. as ttrnuih I ha.l iiatm anytUnj:. My trou- tie, I think, was a.-avatd l y nsy l-usine. hirh i vt a raicttr, aud from l'U:g more r 1 s thv.l rp in a 3oUT ' tii1: si Stomach Diamonbs. ij)atchc6. Silver- lilla-tock ttrtr tttlt. It did oe an -p TpplriV ("lockfv Hl- lrr.r.KCS arriount cf g'L It gave an : lAJ"' y y u - - thf cravir- I had j revior.sly cxpri--ii til."' GEOiiOE A. r-VGE, W'atertown, Mxi Hood's Sarsaparilla Fold by drn:-pista. f!;x f-r ITrred only by (.". I. HOOD JU', Atine caries, tAjwu, IOO Doses Ono Dollar PAT APS CO F L 0 U R I N CI MILL S ESTABLISHED- -- i ! ! r'. linn a 1 Are V 'A i i. V A .a: a; a. all. T A KH U(. N. (' cAi:Ar'BRIllN,r;C it i .IN' ill-. inH r,i i-ntiNi. Fink NN.i !ati-fatt'.on iuaran'.tn d. gt Over ; ) years t xpcriviico. Pi h Mode rat ?. (jools furwarocil on ?e!cctivn by ivi-ri-. 7 1 lv. AMKKICA. Perfection in Flour. l i A I'M 'I 'J": I. D. HILL L E A I) I N G 11 U r LJ 11 n iv, FOR TICK FABMB3S! TKl'e.K FAHMKKS SI'KCIAI. G U A N O ! TUK HKT KKHTIId.r.U l'"K I'OTATOKS AM' 1'llKJt Tl;lA'K Clinl'S KVKK I nlro.luctd seven ye' -I'll iqw rs a'j;o. tcniv. ly used since oy u a ... alor.p; t.o coast from Ni rlwlk. T a hi pa, b la. ' oith Carolina TrncLers v;l! their interest ty ivuir it a trial A 'lib '- (.'.ltal'.'JUe, and c- 'a. t( r. in -i 1 ! . at l.-a-t. ; pi:c, of A m- rica. Is unsurpassed for "Oread. Circuit or pardrr A ,.,r f-i ..v t r f..r I'ATA PS-o l I'f Kl.A I 1 i: l'A I ; KOLANIM) C1IOK I. TA'l j PATAPSCO 1A.M1LV l'A U N l i;a. ; i; ; i; i; j.v m P.ALhUTN FAMILY, AlAPLi:n. 1 'A.VII . i'. t. aiim!trill Itt'iz . i o L". lv P. . ! I 1 0. Eervtlung that to be had at a first class Butcher's. Fresh supplies always, J. D-HILL, Mam Street, SCOTLANW Nkck. N. O, "VULCAN IKON COMPANY, 31 A NIT FACT U REUS Of BOLTS. Railroad Track Bolt?;, Trestle Bolts, BitiiXtE anJ Car lioLTs, Bolts for BuiltiN(;9, Bolt Ends, Turn Buckle?, Lag Screws S13TS Square an.1 Hexagon Nuts, Cast and Wrooght Washers, Bar Iron. Iron Casstings, Plow Cuffs, Harrow leeth. jOT A specialty in all. yjulcan Iron Company 11 23 Gm, Richmond, Va. cci tificates, A c. Cbe ))ilcox&C;ibbs uano C C1AK1.FT(N. . '. 1 P". Ira. TU:STAUBA,T MKAI.S 1 TIIMSIIK! IMU'Ml'l 'IA AT A I.I. IK". Bv 4 RUFFIN THAHPi Main Street Next hoor Tar!i"r ll-j i-e. TAi:r. !( ). N. C. i x - r i i . . : a is fui'i ,;r.'-i Moore Lira Company, M M I i II ) ; j ! S i ANCIlt u: P.PAM) V, .j I . I A I 1 1 T 1.U1M! Fur I..-! . WARM .., i t'ie !r ! I: : i, ! i ; 1' ITt! r. VV. H. TAPPFY .v lli'd'-'-cr to TAPPEY STEKL- II A V AND s.W MII.!.. There is no Chinese wall now. i reared in Ohio within four miles of These same fellows who have been ! General Grant's birthplace. Colored selling us all we were able to buy at fifty per cent oyer and abov.e cost people were persecuted there. They couldn't attend church except in a and profits say look here we were j bod? , because of assaults of white selling heretofore and we wanted the : rabble. When a boy I would be dent biggest price we could get but now i to the postotlue by my mother and we are bnying and we mast have had to dodge around corners to what we bay from yoa at the lowest possible figures. Jnut bold oa till escape the attacks of white boys, sons of abolitionists who voted the Salt ZSlieum With its i:ite:ie itehincr. drv. hot skin off n broken into painful cracks, and the little watery pimples, often causes inde scribable sutt'enng. Hood's Sarsaparilla has wonderful power over this disease. It piuities the blood and expels the huiuor, and the skin heals without a scar. Send lor book containing; many states incuts of cures, to C. I. Hood it Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. Pimples, boils and other humors, arc liable to appear Mhea the blood tits heated . The te3t remedy is Dr. J. 11. McLean's Sarsaparilla. k'er sale bj L T. Whitehead t Co. Why tliis UilUTcnci in the porchas it? newer of a dollar here and the same dollar in the Old World? Why should one dollar buy more iu Lon don than it car. buy in New York? Here Is the reason: In London or Asia, if a mruhant wants one hun dred tales of cottcn,oae hundred bar rels of ti ur, one hundred barrels of curd, ;nj hundred barrels of betf or one thousand dollars worth of dry goods, or hardware he can buy any or all these things at homc.abroad.or in any of the markets of the world. He is allowed io buy where he can buy cheapest and on the be -a terms. The Lonlou mciwhaut, the Roman merchant, t.e Venice merchant, the Madrid tner- wc can get a cablegram from Liver-! Republican ticket, and these attacks pool, Manchester or Rio Janeiro ! were made upon me solely because aud Gad out the loweat figures it can j I was a negro What time has done be had for there. But says the ! to modify sentiment in Ohio, time unsophisticated merchant, oar gov- will also do at the South. ernment, won't let you bring it here j "The white people of the Soath unless you pay fifty dollars on every j merii more of commiseration from hundred dollars worth you buy, so j mankind than of curses from the you had as well pay me that fifty per nej;ro , because of the complex and cent ditTerence in the price in the j difficult problems which address countries and that will aid aud ens t themselves to them for adjustment. courage home industries. I . ,ri - J SIX TV DOIXAKS I. CASH ikizi:s. takinz care of your business, it is , .. f, ' . ! Tte Swift Specific Company, only ours that the government j AlIaata. Ga.. the manufacturers ol looking after. Ion tellow3 who tue rleat blood medicine, S. S. S. , raise corn, wheat, potatoes and cot-, have iust issued a nice riddle book, ton, and have labor to sell, must sell j illustrated with pretty engravings, in which tuev oner sixtv uouars in ot give all these thing3 according to the market prices fixed in all tha great marts of the woild and those prices are fixed by the laws of political economy, the laws of supply and demand ; and yoa are mistaken as to another thing, we can bring all these things you have to sell here from any point on the globe without payiug one dollar. Is that so? Yes, that is so. So yon see our govern ment is the best in the world. W. II. K. FREMONT MILITARY INSTITUTE Has a Full Corps of Teachers BocM TnoRoren AND A cor BSE OF 81TDY. Ttd location is flnp ; ratronace lice.ii niui kinrf : steady growth EXPENSES MODERATE Write for Catalogue. CAPT, W. H. HAND, Principal, FREMONT, N- C. S 1 ly. Sanson's Jl. C Almanac for 1890 wltn business printed on the b.ick. Per 100 copies yo 00 lie-t Irc-h Micats ropi . ur.. o. ov-;c; .- ,;r. Supii'i.-il in st u.s -.a. "T 7 1S1Y. ,y 31 PRicE7---i--'r50 CTS T IS THE BEST lll ... EASIEST TO USE. ' t NS E?!Ir'c & THE CHEAPE5T. r 133 .Villy. I) ! 1 xmis A Ml A ' if j; -1 : ) i (.or r n 'ill 1 lows, Iron and I . r 1 - (';: W. H TFPEY, Lie M .1 u iJ Ki:'.L- i IK VJ)C I. A M 1 1 1. 1 yr ' A rc W A Nil:. .-: .1 ; M,' granoon's Jl. C- Dectorg for 1890- containing 00.000 names VEitv niiAT.iAr.LK to all bu?ines3 men. Trice 5.00. Order of JOHN D. COUPER, MAKHI.K A N ! liKAMIK MONUMENT."; AND II itHM.S U" A W IK'.IMA I.IMK :m .-"! reel v 1 i i . r.A Hf fct " n: n 'K Kosh.ihA i.i: km i.n i ctljt by -i h',-: '.r "K ; r.' IiAItFir:i IIM-I! FN'.! IMiKTl.AND I. NT, , Ki:FI.S SAVF.nJl'S I. AND Al AN'll'i: ' K.N'l . i:aiKi:i';- ; 'p;;ui v, . ' .a - . :. '1 HA !'-. I A I N . n- i i'ink i a i:. i i : . MKK ( I i . I.A'i i -1 1 A I K, v. i;;l i-ii .'UAi, A r.:i('K- John O. (f 11 21 3m. I.F.VI BRANSON. Kaleigti, NT. C. CP. A V T i - ma voiue 111. IT:, fi-.'l prizes to tbe boys and girls America wbo will correctly tbo answers, l tie loiiowiog are the list of prizes: For the first set of correct answers. .10 00 For tbe second set 0 000 Fur tbe third set 8 CO For the fourth set 7 00 For the lifth set G 00 For the sixih et 5 00 For the seventh stt 4 00 ! For the eighth get 3 00 For the ninth set 2 00 ! For the tenth set 1 00 IMseae lies in ambush "for the ) For lhe eleth to the COlh set etch 1 10 a feeble constitution is ill, A nose wium- a LvVi oi iuis riddle book cm obtain it free nv ss and men weak adirjtp.l tn r. it.'.i n t or a. milir5nna atmosphere and sudden chanees of ! sending. ns their addre temperature, and the least robust i uounm -uis ii. areusuallvtheeaSie,t victims. Dr i THE SWIFT frPECU lC t O r it - t 511- :n : Atlanta, Ci? give tone, vitality and strength to the entire body. For sale by E. T. Whitehead A Co, Subscribelto the DEMOCRAT- (flora 1) B NOUF' U.K. 2 i 1 r! of FOR M3, Proprietor. Fayettkville N. U. . EAKLY SPRING I'LANTING-i We can furr.ish Magnolia Guandiflop.a, Cai-e Jasamine, A.alia, Camillas, ' Spruces, risi., r illd Roses, Fine Colection Bulbs, s ii rube rr v, and full line of ornamental r-lants for THE GreENHOU ctre'uUy the Home Florist KXCIIANGK iiOTKI.. Di.r.. : S : :. . : SCOTLAND NIX lv, vim II Wf tart Ol in tin In N. C. I h o t , I'., li A lliuln, E. e nave a mosi 1 TIT' 11 f ' fcj , t . of plant Sfnd fir cot. V OI which contains price I'.st.and many useful hints on cultivation ot plan'.s. 1 30 3m. 15. s". f.-r-' ti e i.&rk'.-Al-r.l: ve c rva'; ts sr. venlence Ws-jI riiiV Le Gnets are treated and t pjcial laiai are them coccfortabit.'. v. ::v co: with curte? t:iken to make V Livtrv s able attached and; fct BROYN'S IRON BITTERS (ure In.".igtiO:i, Liliousnets, Iysffi&. Mata- ra KerroufueM. and General Ix-bility. I'hysi- ; ciari it. All dealer sell it. Gnuia I 0 ;f( lwa4e cia:kaalcreeirllU:csca wrap Pr. I i teams ready at all hours J L CONDRKY, Proprietor. j 'J 'J t V. Attttiz an f i ti ess afi "s&r fti U. u M V EHj A. L,;' V", t.,: t.H'A '-. New - fj G:n.