f .- r r llli. I - LAKH.' RAT. Tlli;UM'Ai r'LRiU.'AUY PUBLISHER'S NOTICE- Adveir-'-me aii kinds must bo in this ..!!'.- by Tuesday afternoon to in sure publication tor the current week. Lot :U. Al.VKKTi-KMKVTS. 10 cents a lint- f..r oacii msrrtom. .v ;, -- O'leertixhtq due wily W ur t . 71' -si VC ! j ni neiirhb. t V i ! SPECIAL AN .: 0 UKCEM ENTS . J Lave arrivul at last with a .NEW STOCK OF JEWELRY. He sure to conic round and look at my stock at my store 1 clow the 1'ostcfficc. M. HEILERONER. HOME RAISED PLANTS AND SEEDS. AUK TIU: 15KST. I can furnish a limited supply of the following choice varieties: Crapes, Moore's Early Lady ,2 yrs. 2'. A soaragus pc-r hundred - $1.5!) Strawberries " il 00, per 10OO 5.00 Dahlias iu variety. $1 .."') per do, tubers Tube roses: Double Pearl, 75c. per doz Mamm'th Cape Jasmine, 15 to 50 c. Lima Beans (Dwarf Hunch) er pkt 10c. lk New Mammoth Cluster Charles Downing potato 25c per lb. 10 31 3m. J. Y. SAVACE. mm.rn.tt nil iiihijh . ' liOOMS FOR RENT. -Two comfort able rooms, suitable for bed-rooms or cfiices, for rent over Jo-ev Brothers store. A pply to editor of Tin: Dk.mo-ck,.t. Briefs. The Wake Forest Student comes to us with its usual freshness and variety of topics. It is an able college journal. "He that til'eth his land shall have plenty of bread ; but lie that followeth alter vain persons shall Lave poverty enough," It is sometimes said a person can do but one tiling at a time. If this weie .strictly true, it would be im possible to teach school. In fact, the teacher must do several things at once, and do them all well. It is largely this ability which makes the born teacher. .vovo-' J-Jd,, a-di-al. uf L The .Ji::Ynd done t he rijht says that the variety t 'ting nt last. in the !i:is It size SIK'Il and form of pi int iv.lz paper i that t be old dc-iiiiia; idiis of 1(. 1 to, Svo, tvc., give liiile indication of the size o" tiie books, it say a book is TiXo. meaning 7 incho long and ." wul- Why lias not this convenience been fallen upon before? Now we can tell the size of anv book. nns en" Tf-i; upon ::. n-w vo.-ime. It i- : ( f t h- largest weekly in tbe s'ate a:; 1 is tilled every time with inl- r esfi; g reading, both of r.w- and ed. tonal comment, Ni;v Aoknt AT I Iono !. Mr. C. ! . Hell from Rocky Mount came down last week to take charge of the office for ! the Atlantic Coast Line at Hobgood. Mr. Rf'bt. Dixon who was at Hobgood has gout to Latta, S. ('. j Ji (A HO OK THANKS. Mr. (. W. Bryan wi.-he.-i to say to the people of the town, both white and colored, that he thanks them heartily for the wiping; asi-tance rendered him m saving his firmly and property from hn burning building last Wednesday night. j Newspaper advertising may be compar el to a vigilant arid watchful salesman, who goes after business early and late, who accost the lawyer in las oilice. the student in 1 is study, the retired man of wealth at the family fireside, who can be in a thousand places at once, and address a million people each day, saying only the right thir.g in the right place and at the right time. Ex. Prof.Mclcer v:U.l hi 'jretted. ly a hxr'j audience iii Tew perauce Hall Friday ?tijht. S'-(tts fr". The JUjhitor says that there are prob abilities of a tobacco warehouse being built at ("reenville this yea.r There will be much more tobacco raised in Pitt this year than ever before. Our neighbor is urjing the people of Greenville to petition the railroad company to build a hand some and substantial brick depot. This is sensible, as are most of the Retiextvr's views. The (.nurasi-in says; Mr. Loftin Hoy kin, one of our most venerable citizens, tells us that so far this winter has not broken" the iecord within the memory of man. lie says that the successful rnal of the winter 180'J is 12!. The winter was much warmer than this. He says that cotton stalks sprouted from the stubbles, grew up, bloomed and made cotton. Why Nor makktiik.m iiekk? We wore passing through a U.ore in town recently and heard a gentleman ask the price of some plow beams. He also ask rd who made them. The storekeeper answered that they wore shipped here frm R cky Mount. What a mistake! ur t i iKt is abundant and yet we ship id.HY i.v.uiis hand madu at tuat lrorn a i z, i i ! i :u: t sx: . heri- is our spirit Rom i k e v : - . jis f " r C.- y srd rf Dkm i .c:i AT A th i'. n. -. r 1 1 -1 S 1 1 u rd 1 rf f 1 It 11 T -'. .S i"! Tin. w r; ' . : :'' He hi LOCAL. In .-hopping in Taiboro, hr iirrt diss Dry !oods. White Goods, Embroideries, Ladies' and Gent a' Fine Slices, Gents Hats and Fin iii-dang Goods, China, Win dow Si, a h.-, Curtain Laces, Poles, and Furniture, Call on Pender & Hargrove. JS-rDr. Christian now has an otlice over the Josey Hi-others." store. lb1 ir Prof. Jlclvjy in Te:ncram:e Hull Friday iiiaht. Seats free. i- ! w .11 do w to h red the 1 1 v i ''jr from the I'lirUiai No town can get a fast move sevtni -a !..e over-'-crs fail d to rnaic anv rtn.'rt ot t:ie:r r The H.ar i pa-d a re-olution that eich overseer be notifie I to rt port his road on th; tlrst .Saturdays in August and Febru ary, a cord::;- to la.r, an I tl-at th who fai: to do so will he dealt with ac cording to la which means indictment i i each ci-f. Thk 'xolcs fi'.om Halifax cjLNTV. rorm-ariv a vear tr,e exrau :. r been striking !.cn- and there in aroi:r:a, an'l u ,a-t it has situck county with t":.i"t!2 results. Very few of the colored people have left the county until recently. .Several hun dred have left within the past few weeks. More than live hundred left Enfield last Frida- night, and we learn that there are many still waiting to go. The emi gration agents were very lair with the planters. They stated before opening the cars that they would net carry away any negroes who had made conttacts with the planter if the planters would state who had made such contract.-; neither would they carry away any without paying their taxes. The railioad agent at Wilmington telegraphed the agent at Enlield not to -ell &ny more "block"" tickets. The e'Jiirati n agents wye waited on and told not to return for any more emigrants, PROF. Chl).!u.cIVER. I V, : M W I LL I A M STO . I.-i-trrnn n-h hi in'3s- M irrot-j'.2'kur.t.: Mr. V-'.i H tgs, of ScotUa V .-a 1 71 . 1 V very e . asa: t .:i: z ti: w( ck wi Mr. .1. D. Lug, she a Udv. and her i - t to eur apprtc.ated. La-Grippe has vi-:te 1 severs cit;?.-ns an i put them to snetz fre-pitntly than they des:re. bhad an 1 hernnz are becoming very common; but the uncoasm y.i price cd for erro.-l. Krr'a" y wiv o V - - " T - f- ar. 1 Ztv had sent. R" t. Mr. I.es'.:: ha to I.ittl-.-t.n. Wt are I:-- sr-?i ci': I'm: i nr. v, j of :1: '1 rv toiotf i ; i.i' . v ! fra'er frr il r .MA UK in s. m uc: ni :re f.r "Hx:nv 1 .4 0 p-r p;ir, make them a re-trve the Lalst s of tho.-e who did r.ot ix their sroods and chattel; arc! hicon,"" during la.-t yeor. J' j-ine-s i, not very bii-k. and money not very plentiful; but no one brings anv article here who cannot find salt for it whether it be a bundl" of broom straw. or a bale ot cotton. A gentleman brought a pair of young mules and a wagon into town Monday evening, and olfered them Friday Xio:it. Frof C. 1). Mclyer will lectare in Temperance Hall tOMiiorrow (Fiiday) night He is engaged in holding county Institutes in the different counties of the State and will give a free lecture here on the importance of education. He is one of the foremost educa tors of the State, and this is a rare chance to hear an intellectual treat. Let all come out and hear him. nii: niti :ni:i Once Subdued itnil then in ii work. rots On last Wednesday night about 9$ o'clock Mr. G. W. Hryan gave alarm of fire at his home. .Soon a crowd collected and subdued the threatening llarnes. It seemed that the house caught tire in the roof from a chimney i:i the rear pari of the house. There was little damage done and !y a Mrs. Mary Ivey died near Weld on la.ct Sunday. Eight car loads of iron passed down the road Tuesday for the new bridgt across the Roanoke river on the N. fc C. railroad. The cars jumped the track at Halifax Tuesday and delayed the S. N. fc G. train for an hour. No one was hurt. "We are sorry to leani that Miss Hettie Hill had the mi-fortune to burn her arm seiiously a few days ago. The Hanner says that a man in Halifax county sold some land for a gallon of brand)-. The blood is the source of health. Keep it pure by taking Hood's Sarsaparill, which is peculiar in its curative power. There is a report that the Wilmington A Weldon railroad company will perhaps double the track from Wilmington to Weldon. Much work donk. Mr. Eli Hopkins was in town Saturday, and says that he has never seen so much work done on the farms during the month of January as ha-- been done in his section this sea son. The Wilson Adrancc is jubilant over the prospects for a tobacco warehouse in Wilson. Wilson is a thriving and beau tiful town and lias the country around it to support a!mo-t anything it can start. Makkiaok i.u'KNSi: rou Jam akv. The Register of Deeds issued 12 mar riage license in Janmiry for whites, and 19 for cc.h-i e!. A friend writes, ckat improv-s wit' ( ) iiin.i m i . ' A i'.-t on i' till its citizens get it in their heads ami hearts to encourage manufacturing enterprise. How shall we do it? Why, when a man wants to come hereto locate, don't try to "hsuck"' him to death give him a showing by offering a site for the manufactory, and if needs be, let the government of the town reiieye the en ternri.se of taxation for years. gfr'EP'Our articles by Hon. Henry W . Grady are attracting attention away from home. A gentleman of observation and fine judgement said to us that The DKMocKATis the only county paper in the State that has published them. By the way, some of our exchanges have clipped from these articles and said that the quotation was from Mr. Grady's speech published in this paper. We did not publish the great speech. We publish a series of art;cles lirst given to the New York Ledger. We paid the Ledjer for the privilege of publishing them. A treat Jor those tcho hear Prof. Mclcer on education iu Temperance Hull Frid ty niqht. Seats free. Made x fine speech. At a tourna-1 ment in Aurora recently, Mr. Edmund Alexander was the orator, and the Washington Progress says the following of him: "Mr. Edmund Alexander the orator of the occasion was there, and was introduced by Mr F. H. Hooker in ap propriate remarks. Mr. Alexander made a fine speech of half an hour. Many were the compliments which he received from them who heard it. He gave a complete history of the oi igiu of Tour nament and traced the custom to the present time in a most interesting man ner.'" TlIE PENITENTIARY FARM. The penitentiary farm on the Roanoke river is assuming large proportions. Mr. II. J. Pope, general Supervisor, says that the quarters arc about ready. There are 19'J hands on the farm, 70 on the Halifax side and L2G on the Northampton side. They will work 7o horses, will plant 1 ,000 acres in cotton, SOO acres in corn -100 acres in in clover, 400 acres in oats, and have now 100 acres in yvheat, besides some in rye and clove: already in. Does Experience Count ? kr the pres.. re TIV 1 rrv o !cKM:e ;:j Drake, c 1 . red . cr,;. jii. ,ur; 1 . e -u hont-t pf.-pL." ha-i rttire-.: .vJ : tn pr -. ;-i ?n a-, 1 'dry 3 am cum rx.re v r .v--. was captu-e 1, the r . ; f .r.r. Her.rv - i v M.Gw - : i . z' x, af'cr j t v . t'.erv- j .-',. to the ! T h ;r iav ! I on TAir K - Fl'.ANK J. G re i I. ''Hi N - . . r i '. pre:r.i-es an i j.e w a. Messrs. II tch and n. si'ent s -e- t ro-vn. f Haran- veral lvs :n this v. emit v last week l.oki-.z after the timber thev concluded :t is t" thtir interest W 3 r k It. 11 T- to I :: AN: About 70') nezro' Memphis, Term. M ss Ma'tie Hranch w eft htre i'ridar for in? her si-ter m I rankhn iitt'.e after 10 o'clock the town was again uuiet and every body settled down at home again. About 11 o'clock Mr. Hryan and Dr. McDowell made further examin acon to assure themselves that the fire was certainly extinguished, and they found every thing satisfactory and Dr McDowell went home and Mr. Hryan re tired for the night. About one o'clock some person passing down Main street saw signs of fire i.i the jm I . . . T . . I 1 a numOer ot ; western pari oi uie iowd aim upon mu ly ing in that direction found that the roof of Mr. Bryan's house was again blazing and the family in bed unconscious of toe danger. About that time Mr. Bryan heard the roaring of the flames and rush ed out agiiu to find his house hopelessly enveloped in the Lambent flames. The call of distress rang out clear again over the illumined town and help quickly gathered and succeeded in get ting the family and almost all the furni ture out before the roof all fell ir. The rain and stillness of the night kept Dr. Johnson's lot and stables from burning. The spectacle was truly saddening. A comfortable home in flames aud the father, mother and grandmother, with five small children, in the drizzling rain at the midnight hour. The homes of the neighbors were open to them, however, and they found comfortable quarters and sympathetic friends all around them. The house was one of the oldest in the town, having been built in 1S53. It was fairly well covered by insurance. Mr. Bryan's family next day took rooms in the building in front of the Baptist church where he lived last year, and are now quietly settled down and he will re-build on his lot at an early day. or s-ale. :i Toes lay morning by oelo:. he lial uispo.-eu oi a:i lor the cash. TLis shows there is life in the Old L'ind yet. Our cit'zens carried cane with them on the streets yesterday evening aud last night: Cause, two rabid dogs were killed in the evening ani another yellow dog though mad escaped. This is five mad dogs ki l.d in Wiliiam.-t on during the last few weeks. Mrs. John D. Biggs, who has been so low has nearly recovered, and will soon be oct again. Dr. Harrell has a horse which has run away the third time in as many months. Sunday last he spilled the Dr. who, when he picked himself up, found he was minus a buggy, and himself right badly huit. Cards are out for the marriage of Mr, J. II. Williamson, conductor on the Hamilton and Tarboro railroad, and Miss Lizzie Parker, one of Hamilton's fairest daughters on the 12th tff February ato o'clock p. m. in Baptist church. May they travel life's journey mo it happy to gether, and neither ever I'm! a bad spell of weather. An operation was performed upon Mr. Peele, by three physicians in Dr. llar rell's oilice last Monday. A -tone as large as a door knob was taken from him. Though the operation was very painful, Mr. Peele is now doing well, and is in a fair way to recover. The cars run now on time betwee i this -rant ani Rocky Mount, which i j. relief to the travelling public. Dr. Cartland, of Hirh Point, has made the mills of many "grinders to ceasL',"1 in the la-t few days in this town. Many sore mouths now, will bless his coming when they shall cut a new set of beauti ful ivory. Messrs. J. D. Uiggs and Dennis Sim mons, two of our best and most success ful business men, are spending a few days m Norfolk looking after matters in which they are concerned. Col. D. Worthington, our excellent Solicitor, is spending this week at home with his family. has been visj Va. returned Fri lay. Several of our young Uiis are attends mzihe u-acnerb- ini:iuie m.s wettw. Feb. 4, DvO. K. ' -a- ! an 1 . ; f mm; IF a i ocrr m i be curci bv C -.::. r- hf re r. rcy pre-?- : . -A. I . , , A.W Mali's Catarrh 1 and ics d'rtc.: v ' -urfacs oft' - v -t u t . 1 FROM II Ail I LT N. A-!! nt -(Y-1:-.'..r--. W. C. Duvrnport near this place receiv ed a vtry painful wound last Wednesday A mule kicked him in the left eye, but the wound is improving. On the same day Dr. J.W.Sherrod, of this place, lo-t his smoke house and w ood house by tire. It caught from an adjoining l it where some children were burning brush. All m the smoke hou.-e was sve l. It took hard work to save his dwelling. Ttie family were away from home. W. S. James, a colored boot-maker here, died Friday right of pneumonia. Miss Lou and Carrie Ilatvcr, of Eliza beth City, also Miss Mamie Davenport, of Durham, N. C, are iMtng E.G. vVard and family of this place. Miss Cora Griflin, of Lewiston, is visiting her .-ister, Mrs. T. B. Slade. Divine services were held m all the churches here Sunday. t : V KM! I N F i .,.,.. i :" - N r 1 4.rn Hu I".! ! - lVa.v V N. t Mo a. N. r- r :. I. a i l a", I i 1 n.d l '.. . .' k : :. . 1 : x I. an 1 1 , , .r '.... 1 J. s tn''rra.. Ire I 1. iv-, ' F. C i 1 r N ! V .v I Ir FITS. Ai! K-.ts K'.me's Great Ni rv after hrst .'.. - -Trea'i-t. and J . Sen '. I Dr. PJuiad-.lr'.ia, l'a. For sale by E. T. No liniment in r. a . Ct i 'r. .re-. t r N hitf h. a :-i lf!tor r A C ri'icite or Moat M.a! L our ( 'h ('.:"-. M o i. 1 - " f 1 1 n k l'o:k more wilclv known than Ir. .) McLean's 'o!c.t:i;c hi I.c.imcn. f u 1 r i' it: 1 y . IL II is a wori.L r c r .al e 1 E. 1". L KoO! C..ri. 1 ',-. N N ! w : Rah i.-h 1 a:. . lVrsons a Ivnnced iu yeari fclj vounjier ami strouir, a wi ll a. I freer freer from the ihlirrnit ios of hy takin,; I r. J. 11. McLean' Sarftaparilln. For sale by !'. 1 . W h.t -h 1 : a I 'o. MONKV To 1-.OAN. .r ( Li improved f a ni i'r I f yuu ft el una h! f. lo v "iir hi r k , and hftr that tire i I'cehn j. t the 1 r. .1.11. McJ Dili's :i'-:tl' ir.il i ; it make joa tirijlit, ;ic;ic :iu 1 vior I mu . j Fur sale by F. T. Whit- . i . .iti f hi n'okli -tor. thr.'U -h .1 ;.. r. . i of , uhl nj the t tut., . r til le'ilt !..( cr", . n :i i 1 1 . A pp'y to R. i. A ' '-''. tin:. hit: li FROM RING WOOD. en i uc caiiiil ted as l",r a I thmk Tin: Dkmo nlincst every i-sue " at Weldon is uic ' Locks." 31 ore about the $li0 premliiiu. Mit. Editor: You had a notice of Mr. J. R. Pettitt'j premium acre in your last issue, but I wish to write more at length, particularly of the cultivation. Mr. Pcttitt received the first premium $io'j in from, ins yieiu uemg i,:j4 ids lint. The second premium was awarded to Mr, Thos. II. Conyers, of Franklinton, $59 in gold, his acre making 1,120 lbs of lint. Mr. Ptttitt's acre was very highly manured for a number of years previous; and last year he gave it 200 loads swamp mud and 100 bushels cotton seed broad cast, turned under with single horse plow, followed by sub-soil plow, done in Cros Oidhjul- Alliance --Fishing creek. IJennie, the 12 year oil son of Mr. D. S. Winfree, died last Wednesday of cerebro-spinal meningitis. The warm winter causes wheat and oats to be far in advance of these crops usually Mr. W. P. Simpson, of Wilson, form erly cashier of the Wilson bank, and one of the best business men of the state, is looking after his property in this section. He says tobacco growing will do away with hard times. Not many of our colored population have emigrated, and as I intimated last week, some have gone to work with com mendable zeal and earnestness. Mr. W. S. Totte'n, the new M. P. pastor of this circuit, preached in town last Sabbath. What is the matter with the Alliance here? There seems to be wanting the enthusiasm and hopefulness that charac terized the members when they first espoused the cause. It's a grand organic zation founded on truth. It is needed. Farmers should fraternize. It would be quite a hdp to us if Fish ing creek could be made navigable. We need some means of transportation. We have timber in large quantities, and I know of no section in the state that needs transportation facilities more than this. yr. Kitchin's nine reasons for the truth that is in him are well considered. His la;t reason seems to be a most potent one. G. E. M. Feb. 2, '90. A'o in mii oners' vl t-el i i. The County Commi-si :ners held their regular monthly meeting Monday. The following accounts were allowed: J. IL Allsbrook building bridge ?2..Oo S. M. Hall cotlin for pauper 2.u Lumpkin Ellen burying pauper 2..' K. E. lvlpatnck uouce to overseers 2A T. L, Erary goods for poorhouse 27.2:5 J. IL Ponton poorhouse account A. It. Zollicoll'er drugs poorhouse A. 11. Green conveying lunatic L. Vinson work for com K. G. Reid jail account W. K. Parker account noor!iou e John Ftnner work for court yard .To John Morris 1.(0 A J Jackson taKe irons from prisoner2.00 11 L' : ! t.Cj; O.N ) 4" (U I ftl.H ) :u;o 2').S:5 21.71 1.25 1.05 S.00 2. 10 I .00 G.G0 0.00 1.00 4 00 J. II. Whituker one day com A. B. Pierce Sup. health salary J. J. Daniel goods for jail Wilcox Bros whiskey poorhouse J. N. Brown drugs for jail J. N. Brown drugs foi poorhouse II. J. Pope one day com J. R. Shaw waiting on corns S. Johnson 2 days as com W. E. Bowers " " 41 M. II. Clark 41 11 44 44 L. Vinson 1 1 44 4 4 clerk Four persons were granted license to retail liquor in the county: F. Stern, Scotland Neck, W. T. Shields, Spring Hili, Albert Hill Scotland Neck and A. C. L. hotel at Weldon. JUROKS FOR yAItCII Co CRT. The following jurors were drawn for March Superior Court: First week. W II Shaw, R J Shields, J T Gooch, Edgar Bishop, Bullock Braswt 1, A W Ivey, W T Johnson, C Bradley, Gid P Williams, J W North ington, Jno P Futrell, K E Kiloatrick, T L Keeter, J 1) Butts, J I) Whitehead, B II Bale, Emanuel Da', Thos Goodrich, W II Bradley, A P Mingea, M J Webb W A Wilcox, C R Isles, Jes-c E llux, E L Stephenson, King Alston, J C King, Louis Froelich, A W Threewits, R II Daniel, J W Thorton, FM Johnson. Jesse Rea, B 1) Webb, G W Martin. Second "week. S J dark, Geo W Lewis, I D Ethendge, W T Whitehead, M S Pitt, W R Griffith, W T Herring, Stewart Medford, W B Stamper, R J Alford, J B Brickell, J W Crawley, A Hedgepeth, J R Parker, J It Johnon, S T Arrington, II J Herbert, Ji L Stokes. fill'. DFM.nl'. Ml 1. 1 W A R s !i Km -1 (.kad): i:i. u:'; r;.)i i IWBEI Absolutely Puro This powder never v.arie.i. A mard of purity, strength and l."le: hum io-s-. More econoriiK .il than t he ordinary 1. i:d-, and cmnot he sol 1 m ' n j . 1 1 1 1 - : wnh the multitude ofl w tc-t, sh-rt wc;.'ht Wri'er t stii:!, .Sco'l f i ., ;.i riuiji I ( iiri'ff'i .Si. 1 1 M 1 viii: HILL AC A !)!'. M alum or h cans-. Rovak l'JO Wall St., phMc o'-vh rs. ' - :dj in Haki.no Pmv.T'EU '.. o., . V - 1 ly. S n n !i LT cs ; o :. "'T;:' wet ks, brjriiM JAM A W V 1 thos. v. ia;it;y, WILMINGTON, N. (h yvnoi is. kk or. a i.i k i n IH1ITMAN" ROSIN DALE CEMENT. Tuit on, fr :n 7 1 2 .'- t.i Ro ird in fa i.i'y .! lh V:.s!l i tilJ. .V ". il:f!u ted -sit.ri. Write fir t ' ' 1 ; : 1 1 1 z 1 1 " . W. ( 12 lit tr. . 1 -ir 1 j rr.rrir r t" r 1 .11 1 j 1 . 1 CALt'lNLD I'L v SI F.R. LAND PL WER, PLASTER P RIS. LIME, AC, Authracitc f fk l'dackKmith and W W f L. and Air, I'M . )Ki', . LAb t nVr. I 1 I" I! ..IK il I I M,i HO ..i:i'n 1 ' ' '. lUrtl ! n it il In In ' 1 1 !' . - Bituminou Steauiboat. fehll-1 y. 1 V . . . It does, in every line of business, and 1 -'iarcn-especially in compounding and preparing April 29th, 290 loads horse, hog and m-?dic:nc"'. '1 his i illu-trated iu the! shetl ruanure with small quantity of PERSONALS- IIJD!AJ ROCK -L I M E- 500,000 HA RKKLS Sold in the Carohnas. Best on lie Market. Sold to Scotland Neck Coon 'lanulacturod by K. DILLONS INDIAN Roi IC, Botetourt Co., 'a 10 17 3ra. NOTICE! By v i r ! u' of iom r 1 :i m by two 111 .rta.'f ckccu'.. ! k 15. J. I ):iVS His 1 ifc, 11. c o' m J'.onH 7'i II on i '.c t 1 G ot !i f- r of I cor d , I ! !. L "1. 1M , iii 'he E-g !..-', ;i. ' fax co-j;.t v. I h::! .1 ' aucion in I N dny of 1 ri.a -y , 1 . 1 arid lot 1. ' hi . : '.i.'.r, ( I-(,re .1 . ! 1 ri " r . now ! vjein fuilv di"-cr; l. d W 1 10 i w. CCLHKADLEVS. N q T C g FROM ENFIELD. Treat mo eiio ii ' c r iioiui's s apai ia dirt to prevent homiir-. The iv;' now corn; The exc;v.'i-.i-.n w II -00:1 begin. Cakikv(;i; Plants .siiij'i'F.;). We n ticcd ir,000 cabbage plants shipped Tuesday from RaL-igh to Jud.'e dark's farm on io a m ke river. He whl jilant thne acres i 1 cabbage and quite a quan t'ty of potatoes. Dr. I'ci'E Movkd. Dr. J. R. Pope who recently purchased the J. IL Bal lard property, has repaired the buildings and moved in. Tnic Democrat wel c .nies him aud congratu'ates the town on his coming. Dir.D. AtTi'fdiman's X Roads near "Weldon on last Sunday night, Mr. Nick Andcrton, aged about oU years. He i'i '. of pneumonia, and leaves a family. Prof. Loisctte's Memory System is creating greater interest than ever in all parts 01 the country, and persons wish ing to improve their memory should send for his prospectus free as advertised in another column. :v Cl 1. 71 lO'O The Co. 1 r preparations, as shown by the ha bio- euros h has aecorr.i.lhdied. lie.nl of th.e linn of C. 1. Hood & a thoroughly competent and ex- j May 1, rows run A feet apait, two I furrows deep, 7U0 lbs Pucomoke guano j applied in the drill and covered 2 fur rows j to the row wi'h srrnd! jng of Granger peiivJc-i pharmacist, having devoted hrs 1 Pb. a ,.o lbs ol same guano applied whole to the study and actual r.renara- i in hcse fmrows uiul covered as before tion of medicines. He is also a member of the Massachusetts and Ameuean Phar macfiitrcl Associations, and continues actively devoted to supervising the prep aration of and managing the business con nected with, Hood's Sarsaparilla. The Shuttle LlnrL Ft .)i!ii!)t r ;!'; - r-jA thif Hence the superiority and peculiar merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is built up on the most substantial foundation. In its preparation there is represented all the knowledge which modern research in medical science has developed, combined with long experience brainwork, and ex periment. It is only necessary to give this medicine a fair trial to realize its ,rreat curative value. I. A '! iOS Needing a tonic, or eliiliiu n that want buiid'irjg up, should take BKOWN'S IKON" 1IITTKUS. It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indiges tion, and biliousness. All dealers keep it. making four furrows to the row. May 1, planted seed of Zephyr cotton. Ho work 1 hand 1 day and 2 hours. Plowed o times. The soil ordinary ridge land of eastern Halifax county EX. One of Dr. J. II. "McLean's Little Liver and Kidney Fillet, taken at night before going to bed, will move the bowels ; the effect will astonish jou. BUUKLENS ARNICA SALVE THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. U is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 2t) cents per lox. SALE BY ET. WIlIThiSAD &Co. The flourishing industry of a shuttle fac tory is located at Bellamy's mPL live or six miles from this place. Dr. J. T. Bellamy kindly tok 3-our correspondent out and the proprietor, Mr. (i wathmey.not being in, Mr. Bellamy was put to the further necessity of ahow ing me around. On this side the creek lare enough to be called a iiver are a saw and grist mill and cotton-gin, where we left the bufrzv and took a boat and crossed over; ami nnw Pvervwhere we see r.ile nf nPr- appointed tO a position for I t. - Mr. G. S. White wont to Norfolk Monday on business. Mr. N. IL Josey left Monday morning for Norfolk, Richmond and Baltimore on business, Mr. E .S. Y. Davis has taken a place at the penitentiary farm, He went up last Monday. The many friends of Mrs. J. D. Ilufham will be glad to learn that she is recovering from her long and serious illness. j j Mr. Mosea Oppenlieimer left with j S&tisfoct'oa Cuaran'eL his family last week for Oxford! where they go to make their home. He goes to a thriving town and a he is energetic we bespeak for him soer ess. vumber Commission j.Lercfar.t, TAKI'.i K, N. Is the place to have your JOB PRINTING NEATLY J.XECrTEI) I N SVRtaSTlIC SoMl'C ,Trice3 Iicr.'-onahle r.nd All work Given Fromnt Att-xit ion. ' o By v irl-jo of power r in a e-rt ai;i d I c c Hill tud w irc 1 Kmc .'it h d.i y of I '. b'u ir y . 1 in the other- i.r t j i- l,'c . fi.r II ix com'.' y , R e I h'i!l t!1 for f-i-ii :fi" S'dtl!. . hrn ar y , A ,K in sa prctKiHcs wif- now n L'itO. 1 In t-v. 1 N.-rk o- 0), '. 1 r- I 1 ;- -i, I ii ! ! 7 1 S i;:;i. I. .J. M K K(J K li. I'd.". Bi-in Rv:':. KI'JL'MDNI), VA. .ijjiic of n )jiu-ib!' ir.e 15 r.nu'ii Simmon and dogwood logs of which there are cow on hand J."0 coids. The building is of stone, 3 stories high, SO feet by 30 feet aud was erected by Dr. Bellamy for the purpose of manufacturing cotton. There is abundant water-power of which S4 horse is developed, less than half of which is now used. Mr. G. has about $3,000 invested, runs six saws and gives constant employment to 10 bands, is now making about 1 car load 30 to 40 thousand blocks each week, of wnich there are 10 or 12 sizes. Mr. Hocnt who has been for a short w Ik I2 111 the telegraph oilice! ;;.,.,..;. here with Mr. Hryan, has been i to all -;u theiEaths, Lt railroad m Greenville and has ac- a - ,0 1 ni! .T.ner. r 1 'tt'-T, M.;o:j 1 1 ! cepted Tin; Dr. J. H I Storm V-: j casts for 1-0 ). ! ma:!e 1 to any A friend of Dr. C. C. Christian in 1 two cent p Baltimore writing to a gentleman In Scotland Neck, ssys: aIt was news to me that Dr. Christian had settled in your town. The least 1 could say of him is , that the town of Scotland Neck has added to its population an honorable citizen and an able physician."' by Rf : rL r-r ii. r? c- II: .re r Jr.u. L'o.. i . Lot is, Mo Engli h spavin Li- i-ot-nt Hard. Soft or CLlou-ed r ; :n Lun ,vts al! ,ps and BlemUhes fr- h. r.- s. Bl-jo.d Sna-. ::. Curbs, Sj 1 'i.i s, sw :.ey. R:i.-bone. Stifles, Sprains, al! Swollen '1 hroat. Coughs, Et- S tve J by use of one bottle. Warranted. S -i 1 by E T. Whitehead A: C m., I ru jr 1 s. Scotland 2ieck, N. C. i ' 1 y. Ryan -i --t c ' ...or Wi''V. John R -. I -. fet.da'r.t-. 1 wi':'..- L r-lvo M r' li, 1 - -'. t j ; tin- h 1 ,! e l : I- r :. K. do-.r 01 th- t ,-.v:i : Hii.f . ' I--.ro, 1 of Isn-i - to ate :u C IL-.. a i . -a .01 i tr.e -a. ! died ,;'- 1 ?0: 1 pO-'- Hnd-; f. N. D'l-m, V." 1 1' O ' '.'! s. ( : 1 1 1 L g ': tw.-r.ty acn-i -nor-.- - r k Term- of -ale ':. ''ere in six month-, one-'b.rd b .rids with appr ve-i sec pa;, r:ifi t s bearing i.-.tere troui -lay of - -tie, a:. I t.ti ai! p'.T-.-'.i-i- m icoy is Thh t:.e 3rd div -f f 1 1 1 r i t v .vir.i r Ry Dim 1 ILii. hi; . il 'f ,' i i i" ol !.' i f r i r n. ( '. ! No tiO.K .ni. i n. 1 10 .1 1 1 1 ro re : 1 i on ' i. 1 . it- r - r. it. 1 I. . L-. IV' ' h Iti - .id A. 1 1 1 Mo. N O 'i ; 1 f - 1 - t i- r ' O Oh ' ' . w : i o o ! . it to. O 1 '. ' ' !; : II, a .d :j r I M!t ii."-' a',? Of oi 1 . t t r 1 r ' liovi - th ,i ro. I I i-. 1 -ri.irl 1 i r : r.-d T D."i: r ... R. i ' r 1; ,1 .! v R B. Bhl 1 1