THE DEMOCRAT. E. E. HILLIARD ----- Editor PuMirdicd Every Thursday. Tm7nI)AY ftEVKCII L'O, 18U0. Entei:i:i at Tin: Post-okfick KCdM) ('las.; Mattlr. i ea:icx: i im;i:s t ii v TLc v, Salem Winston , has ;ui; to pry 2,000 to Lave Mr?. Muru Wrht write up the town for the New Tork World ! The Salcn ar.d Winston papers li:iu: been writing up tie place "ever since tbe war,'' whenever that -fas, and Low rnanj 2 bills even have been given them fur their work? For the space of a few thousand ting in the New Voik the town will throw away $2,000 and get no return fr it. When such an article appears in a b; advertising journal everybody knows tbbt it is a paid advertisement ; and any body wiili one eye and half sense will know tbbt said co-respondent will make it as gliltering as pen and papti tan do, and the consequence is , ery few people believe tbe state ments, and the town does not cet the interest even on the money in vested. And it onht not. Such tenscless and tup3tri otie coarse is not worthy of a ecnt'.-j worth of compensation. That, 2 0C0 invested in Sa!ca and Winston newspapers would adver tise the town every week for a whole year. And in fact it ought to le paid over to the newspapers of tLe town as old debts for a lyeitlsing anyway; for we venture to ssy it, without knowing li'jy thing ixore than to read its papers ever' day, that tiic papers of the town have done inure towards building up Y ins'.on thriii any other influence with ten times tbe amount of money tbey have carried.Tbey may waste their money on ihclVurhl, but if the home papers bush, Winston will stop blowing. i fij; isi.Aiit mi, I.. Tin: Democrat has r.ll the while been opposed to this bill, and when evtr we have spoken of it at nil we hae given it as hard a lick as we cmiKl. The South is rot on her knees begging for money to educate her pcip!o from tbe public trcasur', tuia we do net belieyc that such a treasure will ever pass in the nation al council. !d man Blair iust .is well '-call otf; his dogs t:r.d iuit the hunt ," for his chciUut is getting so stale v already that :t leeeived no recognition in Congress worth mention. The Nors folk Virgiaun -.ivis Some sound i views oa tbe measure m a few words. ! It says : The J'irj)Hl'U( considers the bill vvrnrg in principle, unconstitutional, subversive to the rights of the State?, ar.i1 R lever to place the school sy9" 1 cm id" the South in the contrcl of Federal politicians. It believe0, that every Soot hern State i amply jibic to support, its echools without the assistant e of Federal aid; they have done so in the past, when the future of each was shadowed with a glooic. and the mailed hand of seo tional Pepnb'.ican Federal authority endeavored, to crush the will of their people for 'Mome rule," and they can do so now, when their future is wonderfully bright, and an era of splendid prosperity is upon them. The bill is the inspiration of a man who is a bitter partizar. an extreme but cr of the South , a villifier of its people. He lias witnessed the States of the South overthrown, the al llat sought to deprive them of gcod government and render them subject to misrule and negro Homin ion, and finding that the efforts of force failed, he comes with this glittering temptation of gold, under the seductive plea of improving the educational interests of the States. It is a canning scheme, plausible nod tempting, but it is hoped that it will not succeed. (No'.vs Observer.) The Ashcville Cilizons says: Three ye-irs ngo tic country was shocked fvitli the particulats of a terrible murder near Raleigh. Yalter Bing han). a ileaf ajutc, killed his cousin, m iilisa Tiiriiuton, and at once leit the country. The story was blood curdling, and if the perpetrator had j been caught at the time he would no douut have been hun. But ho suc cessfully eluded the officers and al though traced to Cuta aid South Amjrh-a was Lever captured. At th'. tinae a 100 reward wa3 oflered for his arrest. A Pinion detective man think9 he IiL.". finally located Binham in Ant warp, tiermany, ani Is so ceitain that he is on the right track that he has oir.Tcd to go across the water at his own expense, if the government will reimburse biro if the man is found to be the one wanted. A letter to that elfect was written to the Attorney General, but he re p'ied that he Lad no authority in the matter. The reward has been with drawn, and unless tbo .Slate cares to t tko sonii! pifin in the matter it will iet m it is. if: atm Tiii:u:Ti:isrATi:si. (Stalesville Landmaik.) Mr. E. B. Webster and wife re turned last week from a visit to bis old Lome in Mailboro county, S. C. Ibis is the county in which lives Mr. X, J. Drake, who last year won prizes of $1000 lor tbe best product from one acre in corn. It will be re membered that be raised 25 ibnshels and -lit lbs. on one acre, thus beating tbe United States. Mr. Webster's father and Mr. Drake are neighbors and Mr. Webster brought home with bun a sample of tbe prize corn. The winner of the prize lost heavily on his acre, counting corn at tbe usual price, for not only was the expense of cultivating tbe acre very great but be bad to feed many visitors during the summer and fall who came from a distance to look at tbe corn, and he lost much time besides showing people around: but the prizes left him a icat profit on the acre and now he is selling out the corn for seed at the rate of 20 er bushel. Dis.irroi. e;i i;oni;NTi:iS. A COI.OKKD MAN' ADVISES HIS ""KIl'NDS TO STAY IX. N'KTH CUIOLIXA. (Wilmington St ir.) John Buchanan, a colored man. who went out to Louisiana with a party of exodnsters from Wilming ton, in a letter to Mr. Ucorge Doyle. Huuchaiian's employer while here, says: -'Times is not as good as we were told, and wages are low here. Please (ell Albert James that I got disappointed in my nij ; lcll all the boys the fame that they may not come out lure looking for better times. We aie paying ten cents a pound for meat, sixty cents a gallon for syrup, livo cents a pound lor llour, ten cents a quait for keros ene, one dollar a I ushel for meal. A pair of hrogan shoes that we pay one dollar for at home, costs here 2.rL" The Old Homestead for March has its usual interesting contribu tions and editorial articles. It is growing in popularity with every issue. Price l a year. Davis Bros, Savannah, G. Tin: Soi'THerx Cr ltivator for March has been received. It is well worth the money and a place in every farmer's home in the South. Send 10 cents for sample copy. Price l a year. Atlanta, Ca. O H I I ! 1.1 ECO I.I VI. 1 A T :T Two new patents were granted to North Carolina inventors last week. Cotton chopper to V. J. Leand , Feacbland, N. C ; Tobacco hanger to A. L. Ellison, Thotraavillc, N. C. C. A. Snow fc Cv Washington, 1), (J., can pive purticrjlars . A Lady's Perfect Companion. Our new book by Dr. John II. Dye, one o! New York's most skill ! ul physi cians, shows pam is not necessary in childbirth, but results from ca'ises easily undcrs-t)od anp overcome. It clearly proves any woman may become a mother without suffering any pain what ever. It also tells how to overcome and prevent morning sickness and the many other ei!s attending pregnancy. It is highly endorsed by physicians everywhere a.s the wife's true private companion. Cut this out: it will save you grei.t puin, and p-Sii'j!y your life. Send tir-c--i:t sta-np for lesciii.t;vo circulars, tes tnnoni als, and conlidei lift I Itt-r sent in ye-ilid envelope. Address Fraxic Tin mas & Co., Publishers, iialtimore, Md. '2 iai In the Spr'ng Months. Nature should by assisted when the system is chaining from the full habit of the winter mouths to t-ie lighter diet of the warm season. Not'aics docs this as well as S. .. S. It stimulates the sluggish blood and rids the sA'stem of heaviness aa'l the feeling of languor. If there is poison in the blood, ;t generally shows itself in the spiing, and this is the season to help nature to drive it out and be cured. S. S. S. I'eautilies the skin and makes the complexion rosy and health. S. S. S. Gives elasticity to the btcp and buoyant spit its. S. S. S. Makes the feeble and delicate strong and robust, S. S. S. Is a tonic to the whole body and increases vitality. S. S. S. Is a siuiple vegetable medicine, harmless to the most delicate, 3"et so pow erful as to cleanse the ssteni of all im purities. Treatise on Ulood and Skin Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, ia. 3Ianv Persons Are lirokm tatn from overwork or honst-hoM c"3 lirown's Iron liittcrs rel-uiM? the syste:n. nids digestion, revaoves cx cesj! of Nile, an l cures malaria. Get the genuine. The circulation of the blood-quick ened and enriched bears life and energy to every portion of the body ; appetite return",- tbe tour of rest brings with it sound repose. This can be secured by taking Pr. ,1. II McLean's Sarsaparilla. Tor sale by K. T. Whitehead Co. If you ere all run down have no strength, no energy, and fetd vtry tired ail the time take Dr. J. II. McLean's Sarsaparilla. It will im part strength and vitality to jojr system. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. If you are suffering with weak or inflamed eyes, or granulated eyelids, you can be cured by using Dr. J. II. McLean's JStrcugtheuiug Eye Salve. For sale by K. T. Whitehead &. Co. NEWS. VARIOUS THINGS IN VAumrs PLACES. j : Mr. Frank , 1 Washington Projrci.- Porter was drowned in Pantego ; , Creek near Pantego on Tuesday ' " , 1 last, tie aim auoiuer geiuiemuu weie on a ll at loaded with brick ; and the lUt sunk and Porter was; t lrrnvft.'il w 1 1 i ! rhf ntJ'.cr man , " n il' reached the shore safe, J 1 is body t has been recovered. j i Wilson j-h-nuc:: Golds boro is ' said to be moving to build a hand some monument to tbe late T. Dorteh, of that place, recently deceased. He was one of the ablest and most favorably known lawyers of the State. Oxford Ledger. The people of Wilson all say amen, Mr. Dortcli digniiieu the profession of law and lived an ae tive useful life. We would like to see his memory preserved in so substantial a way. Ox fold Day : We learn with the Per. T lorn as l!easuie that Hume, Professor of English in oui Stae Fniversitr. has accepted the invitat'on to drlivcr tbe annual ad.Iioss l.-eiore the Franklin Liter ary Society of Homer School, (O : foxd . Cj The selection of this scholarly gentleman is a deserving eomph ruent to his eminent services in the cause of education, and his accept ance oi this pleasant duty confers honor upon both himself and tbe school. Durham Sun: You have only to tickle Duiham's soil and it will yield. Last Thursday Mr. Thos. J. Wbitaker. in plowing up bis garden, found a sweet potato as large as his arm. though hot so long, per fectly scuud. He had it in a cus tard for dinner. PERSONALS- Miss 3Iary Cotton is te-iching at Hills X Koads. Kev. A, D. Hnntcr and Mr. liountree. of Greenville, came up last Monday and spent tire day with Dr, Ilulbaui. Miss Holliday of the Whitakers section has been visiting Miss rat tie Dunn. Mr. J. B. Brewer, has been ia the town for a few days. His jolly good cheer excites the nsihles of those who enjoy -a little nonsense now and then." lie is selling hats for one of the largest and most reliable hat houses in Baltimore. Mrs. W. K. Bond who has been visiting friends in Raleigh, return ed home last week. Her friends are glad to welcome her back. Mr. (tiilla of New York has moved down to Judge Clark's river faun and will opcu up a business in trucking. Mr. C. II. Whitaker of Enfield section was m town Tuesday. Mr. Eli Hopkins of Gooso Nest was in town to-day. Catarrh Can't be Cared with LOCAL APPLICATION, as they cannot reach the scut f the disease. Catarrh i-i a blood or c tit;:ti'nal dis-e.i!-e, an: in order to : it " on have to take internal ren.x-d'.i . ilfli's Catarrh (;ire is taken ir:t; rn 1" ! and acts direct- ly on the blood ami iimcus surface, Hail's ; ".-atarin iuie ;s i cm medicine It was prescribed by T the best pri'" scians in this cour.iry f . r years, and is a regr.lar prescrip' i.n;. it is composed of the best tonics l,)::w!'., combined with the best blood ptni:i is, acting directly on the mucus siumce. The perfect com bination of the t. o ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in cur ing catarrh. Send for testimonials freo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop., Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. TLe blcod must be pure for the body, to be in perfect condition, Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood and imparts the rich bloom of health and vigor to the whole body. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints Sweeney, King-bone, Cnug-hs. Ktc - Save .-,0 hr n nf on j 7 . , - . v. Whitehead & Co., Druggists, Pcotimd Neck, N. C. 8 15 ly. J FITS.-A11 Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. No Fits after first day's use. Marvellous cures Treatise and &2.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Itch, Mange, and Scratches on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold bv E. T. Whitehead A Co.. Dm.. gists, Scotland Neck, N. C. 1 2 Cm. MONEYJTO LOAN. On improved farm lands in sums of $300 and upwards. Loans repay able' in email annual instalments through a period of 5 years, thus en abling the borrower to pay off his indebtedness without exhausting his crop in any year. Apply to R. O. BURTON,' Ji;., Attorney, 9 -0 Cm. Halifax, N. (J Be Sure ' If vrrj have maJe up jour m;r..l to tmy Hood's Sarsapa rill d not t in!u 1 1- take any oth r. lll's Sarsaparilla i a iTuU.-.r tledicit.-, jsing, ty virtue .,1 n i-culiar r,n-,t.:rnti.,n I TOT Ttin. 32i I f par.1t lOH , Cl,r,tiv . ,HVM.r 5u-rkT to any fa., r artic.. a Boston lady -bo knew what 6n wanted. and whose example is worthy isuiUtion, UU j Ler experience below: To Cet " In one sfrc where I went to buy nood's garsapari:u the clerk tried to induce me buy their own instead of Hood s; betoldroetbeir's would last longer; that I might take it on ten foys' trial; that if I did not like i; I need not i.av anythinp. ttc. But he could n.-t rrevail on me to chanjre. 1 tola mm 1 hiit y.u Hood's Sarsaparilla was. 1 Lad taken it. wai eatisfied with it, and did not want any oilier. Hood's "When I T-rgan taking IToM's Sar?arari''a I was fcelins real mi5erable, puflerins a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and had for some time, like a rwron in con sumption. Hood's Farsaparilla did me so much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, and my friends frequently ppeak of it." Mia Ella A. Goff, CI Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla by ". I. HO'I & CO., Aiwtlicoaries, Lowell, Masa. IOO Doses Ono Dollar i) JAMES M. LAMB, Proprietor. Faykttevjlj.k, N. C. FOR . EAKLY SPIUNG PLA.MLXG "Vc can furnish alAONOLIA GnAXDIFLOKA, CATC Jasamink, AALrAS, Camillas, Si-rices, Vuz&zt Field Grown Rosks, Fine Colection Bulbs, SllKUKEKKY, and full line of ornamental plants fok tiil: (JitKKXHorsE. We have a most carefully selected, and "Well Grown Stock of plnrt-. Send for copy of the Home Florist which contains price Iit,and many useful hints on cultivation ol plants. 1 30 Jo). rrBKVSlS.'Tiffl: ... . .... , T 5SS(i-?;n one wwliiiK. Testimonials from all Saliva parts of the globo. i'ronpf ctus post silSiTvr on unolication fo Prof. I W Bi3 A. Loisotte, 21 l'th Avo. New Yora. '2 G Cm. J. H. LAWRENCE, DEALER IN GRAIN, MILL-FEED. II AY, CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS, IMPROVED FARM IMPLEMENTS A SPECIALTY. Agent for CLARK'S CUTAWAY HARROW and DEERING MOWER. A model of perfection, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. ianG-ly. Ifflill IP frmf;iio. H?r Vllllar portrait of Mr. ,rri Irfa ,on. t,f Halcm. Ohi. rT writes: "Wm at work on a farm for ftO a month : I now have aa ifenry far C C.Allen It Co albnmi and rabli- ations and oftrn make SIS a day." (Signed) W. II. OARKlsoa. William Kline. lUrriai.urp. Fa, write, : ' I have nerer knowa anvihinr to sell like your allium. Yesterday I took ordors enouph to nay Hie over 82.1." W. J. El- I more, Ilansjur, We., writes: "I 2j iaimosteTpry hnmt I risif. Mr Others are dinr quite a well ; -w nave not space 10 p;ive ei- af llrilia .1nrfln,ru from ihfir letters. Kverr cn who Hikes hold of this rrand business piles up (rrnnd profits. Shall we start YOU in this buines, resdtT? Write to as and lean all about it for yourself. We are sturtinp many : we will start yon if yon don't delay until siu'thcr r..ts ah'ft(i of yon in your part of the cowitry. If yon tak.j liul ! you w ill be able to pick up (fold fast. ay-K'al (Mi ;i i..uiit. f a for.v.l mnnufartnrer s sale l!a,000 ten siwliiti' Ihstgrlh Aliomns are to to sold to the I i.i 1.. f. r .vu h. bound in Itovnl Crimson Silk Velvet i'iii-ii. ( li.Minin v decorated inic. HandsomaM albums in the w. i !!. I..irir t ii. (.rcat.-st biixcaini evf r knovt a. AfrnU n.iutcl. l.ib.'Ml fenns. Itig nritif y f, r aei-nts. Apy one can b. . iii n su.v i s.-ful ncent. Sells iteif on siplit little or n talkiuc iiwf .ry. Whererer bliown. fvfn- one wants to pur rh.isv. Apeiii Mke thousands of orders with rapidity neror hif.rc ki.M n. (irint profits an ait every worker. Apents are rmikinjr t. rtiiiic. Ladies innko as much as men. You, reader, f-nii do ii s , ;l a uiiy i-u.l infonnation and terms I'ree, lo :ine wti... w i i'i; f .rsiirie, .1 ith part icu :ars n n ! tfriin-for our l-'rtii:iv l",il ;-- , V.oi.ks and l'enodioiils. Af'er you know all, bh.'.ii'i i t iJe ru po no further, w hv no harm is acIi.m i e. ALLKN 4. co., AnaTA, Mai.ii. 9 2ti t.v. V!t3E HILL ACADEMY, Spring Session, term of twenty-one weeks, begin JANUARY 13, 1830. Tuition, from $12.50 to 20.00. Board in family of Principal, Washing, &c. included $40.00 per session. Write for catalogue. W. C. ALLEN, Prin. Scotland Neck, N. C. 12 19 tf. LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF Sfanleg in Africa. iconle are now eagerly ! ' 11 he PeoJ)le are no eagerly looking ; fA. full and authentic accounts of the "J ateStr?fp;?V?nft scoveries and adventurcsXhe V lllte Pas!iathre r'nd" of of Livinc-- I fTAXLEY stone ' the rescuer of Emix Pasha, and the gieaiesi living traveler. i.nriiang new and wonderful experiences, daring ex ploits, terrible privations and heroic brav- ' ery. t ally Illustrated. Agents wanted. PLANET HOOIv HOUSE, Box 5000, St. Louis, Mo. ,or Philadelphia, Pa. 2 27 Gm. NOTICE. By virtue of power in me vested by a deed of trust exocute-i to me on the 23rd day of Mareh, 1SS9, by Ii. F. Pettitt. and which is of record in Book 37, on page 451, is the Register's office for Hali fax county, I shall sell for cash at auction in Scotland Neck on the 5tii day of April, 1S90, to satisfy the debts secured by said trust, the land, therein described, being that land bounded by the lands of J. O. Lewis, J. K. Pope, the Nancy King land, and the Old Barkley land, and contain ing about three hundred acres. March 7th, 1S00. W. A. DUNN, 3 13 It. - Trustee. Sipfle flora Nursery MEMORY - 2 Z Tb-I i lfiA I i - r UK. CIRCUS! A PERMANENT nn E IN FRONT OF E. E. Powell's Store ON MAIN STKEKT, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Perfrntnces daily m SbicIK old A GKAND DFSPT.AT Ol' MECHANICAL A R T S in the Smith shop, Wood shop and Paint shop If you need any black smith or wood work, or your buggy painted, brine: it along. GUNS, PISTOLS, &C REPAIRED. ALL PRICES BELOW ZERO. E. K. HASSELL, 3 13 3m. MANAGER. FREMONT MILITARY INSTITUTE Has a Full Corps of Teachers AND A THOROUGH TOIRSE OF RUDY. Its location i3 fine : patronasre larg:e; growth healthful and 8tady. EXPENSES MODERATE St Write for Cataloirue. CAPT. W. H. HAND, Principal, FREMONT, N. C. VULCAN IRON COMPANY, MANUFACTURE! IS OF BOLTS. Railroad Track Bolts, Trestle Bolts, Brii-c'e and Car Bolt.-, Bolts for Buildings. Bolt Ends, Turn Buckle?, Lig Screw NUTS Square and Hexagon X:t, Cast and Wrought Washers, Bar Iron, Iron Ca-ytins, Plow Cud's, Harrow Teetb. riP A specialty in a'l. "Vulcan rjron Compang, 112SGm. Richmond, Va. THOS. F. BAG LEV, WILMINGTON, N. C. WHOLESALE DF.ALKH IN KOSENDALE CEMENT. CALCINED PLASTEK, LAND PLASTER, PLAbTER PARIS. LIME, &C, Authracde f A I Blacksmith and V J r is, anrl Bituminous Steamboat, febll-ly. Neatness Beautifies For All Kinds Artistic Printing OO TO C. G. B R A D L E Y'S Printing House, TARBORO, N. C, 0 PROMPTNESS AND NEATNESS GUARANTEED. PRICES REASONABLE. All Orders Given Prompt ATTENTION. 7 IS lv. Snpericrto all Substitutes r- j , XmriC r raising and ciakmsf i.iiri'.i, lOnC VY S Maestible iiiscyits, Br-a4, Te rEASTi Johnny ( ke, t orn Brfd. Short (ake. Tot IMm. DBinplinc, Boiled Pnddian and Jiark wlieai. X poand cbh 6 rents. Sold bjr ( onntry "WerchaBl. Irevr Mnufrlurlng Co., 4 IS If. jt VIA 5iS ViW LI riff Ria ui Little Prices. k a t V a k ! Arc !:..:u;-.!-unts tr: a; a i. 'jiviiiiuiiuo, ;cii".-oi o. otircr- i Ware. lefAclriv Ciocfcf. Wm- sical llVb'sc. f anc cooc5s. ScbJing-VJacljincfv -Sc. bv JAS H. BELL. .nT::. tai:i; k. n. c. Spoilt:.'3. WkI'I'IM -Kin..-.. M : and RKPAiKiNt. Kink U'avii... ac Sitifa; t on i u a ran '.ft i, 5" Over :i0 yurs c; iT!.'::;c. I'r vr Nlmierst ?. (.iootls forwarilcd "U select v by cj r.- 7 1 S 1 v. liLCKI .K.VS AKNU'A SAI.V THE P.F.ST SALVE Cuts, IJr.L-vs. S.-r Fcvt .Tt-.. fett-.-r. Chilblain tti. an i :;i I'm- i -. - i 'i I ' all ll tioiiv. an. i ; s;'.i ly i- n ; av r- :-rr . I. i ; pv-rfn'" Mtt !-' "t . i : 'ru . i-n - . . s ! 1 ; : r : ; I' EASIEST TO USE & THE CHEAPEST. est, ptm oner JOHN D. COUPER, MAHIII.i: AND (illANITK MONUMENTS AND CRAVES'! NES. Ill, 11:;, and 11. "i liank St., NORFOLK, - VIRGINIA. 2 1 1 1 y. KXCIIANCJK IIOTKL, Dkfot St;:i:;:t. SCOTLA NT) N KC K. N . C Best l'are tne mariDt v, Hi ( t i Attentive eerva; U :i!:d ver.;;-: th-..t 'i i...t u, svi'i . "i r r I.,. T '. 1 " t ' j. i:. con t ; i V 11 is c. H Ca 5 lr c; .oniniclor ar.-l B:u!!. Contracts taken for ALL KiNI;S ,! building, Bud k or Wood, or sarin superintended by the day. Estimates PIoh-? and SrecGea tioiis carefully made avl furci-'hc 1 at short notico. Price? n'--e to smt tLe Umcs. Brack' of 1! styles, 1'ancy Scroll work of fill deeriij.i:in5 rf't'n up at aor; v " 1 V T ' ' ' I have employ.-!; a ITIiST-f'LA.S tinner and w!.- :t in r."c-d f.f va-ylhi:i in that lir.'.' I '"'-ul 1 l ;il::d to iilve' 10 J.I tf. p o. SCOTLA N O NECK. N. C. Storm Ca!Mvi'tr an 1 W HtIi r casts for 1 -"''J, by E-.-v. hi R. IE iiiiEv i to any addr--. Kc.-ij two r;-nt T'V:I: stsiTui'. Tjik In. J. II. y.i Lean Mi:i. VI on.-. .Mo. mac t 1 W-ot - J saJtrtkitJ, mm m r.- Ew, tr?A IT IS THE BEST. f 1 proved 8f) factory lt yfar. Mativ nnv a:. l -t--, .. '' pi"oS ?o Olvntf1rf,r-t,MV,' r11 -h WW.W';" lorn! ,ul WUU, WiKU agaou-nyu..j ictl from first I.M-r. AERlVnES C ATAf-Ca cz rx. JAMES VXCS, i 0m. PATAPSCO FLOURING '!'!'; f"ul,f,t PATENT VCAGAVBRllir.'raCT AMKRK'A. Perfection in Flour In:: Pi.. ::! !: 1 : .- . Au, r: Is unsnrpao-ccl i3'c. iVic-cuit or pr.r,- A ; ,.':r . r , i' ; i-- -I : i ! . -: i o ( i'A ! A BSt !i ::i ; : -; : .-. i : i A i 1 1 . i' I N I- I W- l : in : i i i I i 1 1 ; ibliiuL1 Ui'i Uilliih'ii!, l! A N I ! ' i ;i. i m F-.r Buii.ln. ' ' t i-. ,y l,.--t i : j; ; j i j ; , WARNER voRi:, CAUllOK.--" -..l :in t !. " A ; ! .' ,'i 1 i !t :i : . ! an t If Si I ' l- I', II ! .1, J . . b:ii l 1 i : i . . ; ) I i:u ',,., . ;, , ;, j )!f i r t-, i; !.'u :. i. ' V. W. H. T A P P F Y , TAPPEY & TET'L N ! I I v - it. n 1 !. ! t f. HA V A NT) (111 n N li:i:'-. s. m i i.!.s, . i. s : ;::.!, : i ; i i :. : 1 !')- s, he, ii r,i,d Br i-- ( 'n- i !- W. II. T M'l'KV. t? bur:r. Va. l 1 v . on U i I i:fi n t"uii;u 1500 I'.AKl'.KIS I"! i; HjK i. a . ; i i : fi n. r-; : ! ! i i 1200 i:.!iKM -- u vi VMi'il.M L!.ii :;i00 R.M'.P LI " IT: l ID r-Y M I !.(', r.-js-t bv . . ...- !l 600 ;.M:j;.V!' 1. .1. M M IM ! ! .-, i: , ;. i: r . i: i i :i i , v dumber Commiscio?! pcT-chr:'if r- UTi i.: 1. i). L E A i) J N ' ill! i . 1 j j i ' ra. ' . " f i-r..i 1 .' Ew-rvthi".'.' r K t x- ' E-t-i jcla- -. lE.ti.-Eei i ieE ; ! 1 J- D- HILT ...nil .- Si .'. A N U i i i . . SEKDbllAN, ROCHESTER. N Y- Hflrkiflfiil - n b m n l2E33