SOUNDSENSE. CO-OPKRATION IS OUR ONLY SLOGAN (Manufacturers' (iazctte ) A town populated- with all mer chants , all ministers, all lawyers or all machinists would be a sorry place to live in. It is the public-spirited cooperation of the wealth and talent, the brain and skill, the youth and age, the enterprise nnd the conserva tism, that makes the thrifty, enter prising town. A cornering army cannot be all captains and majors. The rank and file most be there too. A village cannot be mad up of wind and blueter, fuss and featrxerp, pro ruises and speeches. The workers nnd the men of means, the thought ful and the dashing operator., the builder and the banker, must co operate and complete the edifice. Every man owes a debt to the home of his adoption. All blessings are not measurable by the money standard. The richest man cannot buy an hour of happiness, a day of nansluoe or a draft of pure air. All these comforts are within the reach of the humble laborer as well. The citizens of every community should strive to abandon petty jealousies, selfish ambitions, exclusive set-?, un irritable designs and silly gossip. These all hinder the growth of the place, dwarf its progress, chill its enthusiasm and discourage its enter prise. The rich should welcome the men of moderate mean?, the sage should welcome tho schoolboy, the merchant should welcome the sales man ana the manufacturer should welcome the sober and industrious employes. The strength and power and cflici' ency of any organization arc in pro portion to the harmonious working of its elements , to the energy and spirit of cooperation among its mem bers. A unite! family commands respect. A society cooperating to wards one laudable object insures 8ucce3.". The one man rule is not healthy nor attractive to newcomerp. An autocracy is not congenial to re publican soil. The humblest mem ber of a community has his mission nnd influence. lie may do certain work better than the millionaire, the lawyer or the professor. The spoke, the hub and the nut are as important to the wagon as the wheel, tho body or the shaft. All must be combined to make the useful vehicle. We do not remember a prosperous village where one man owns all the land and is trvin" to make all the money. The smartest man cannot make money all by himself. He must have neighbor?, customers, co woikers. The business world is a great scheme of cooperation. One man grows the wool, another weaves it into cloth, and yet a third dis tributes the goods. The enterpris ing town of today is the one which can boast of tho greatest diversity of interests. It is the one where '-live and let live" is the ruling motto; where each man i3 working out his own problems, yet assisting his neighbors in matters of general in terest. The modern organization of the board of trade is preeminently a co operative work. Citizens are banded together for the public weal. Im provements are planned and execut ed under tho impulse of public spirit. Men cannot live to themselves alone. "What benefits their neighbors bene fits themselycs. Every new industry added to the place ad Js greater value to properly, business and citizenship . It b a life of selfish, animal exist ence to draw ocself idIo a shell tf i."xoluivcncsp, declaring that having cnoj-h for one's self there is no sympathy for one's neighbor. A worlof encouragement, an act of neighborly kindness, a friendly lift to those who need it, are matters cf little cost, but arc cooperative helpp. that promote enterprise and growth , ccoatc busy towns, develop centres of trade and reflect credit on public Hpirilcd citizens. IliUhcr Inconsistent. , 'Paps." cried a little seven-year-old , -T want some money to get" -Don't go any further," he inter rupted, throwing-down a coin. The child came slowly up to him. after pocketing the money, and b3rely touched his cheek with a kiss. 'Humph.'' ejaculated the parent, -from the kiss you give I should judge that you don't appreciate it very much." She caught hold of his hand?, ami looking equarcly into bis eye. solemnly said : -Do you expect to get a ten dollar kiss for fifty cents?" 1890 THE 1 ilappy Iloosier. Wo. Tlmrconp, Postmaster of Ida yille, Ind.. writes : ' Electric Bitters has done more fflr me than all other medicines combined, for that bad Reeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and fctockman , of same place, says : 'Find Electric JJitters to be the best J Kidney nnd Liver medicioe, mane C ' -j mc feel like a new man. J. W. iGardnrr. hardware merchant , same town, Bays : Electric Bitters is just the thi:V for a man who is all run down ana don't care whether he lives or die. he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new Icu?c on lifo. umy w a bottle, at L X. Whitehead & Co.'s drug store. The quality of the bloo i depends much upon goo I or bad -ligcstion and assimilation. Toma.'ce the blood rich in life and t.trength-gmVg con stituents use Dr. .J. II. Md-ean s Sarsaparilla. It will nourish tbc properties of the blood, from wtJch the elemcits of vitality are drawn. For sale by E. T. Whitehead k Co. NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD : AT: ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Is the Besand Cheapest Family Paper in the United States. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. During the year 1890 it will even exceed itself la the variety ot it contents and its erforta to please oubsenbers. .Sew features will bi added to its regular departments, including tirst class -ILLUSTRATIONS.- n.m'f, irritate your luiiiZS with a I ' ' v stubborn cough when a pleasant and effective remedy mdr bo found in Dr. J. II. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm ! For sals by E. T. Whitahcal & Cc. Its well known Specialties auk Practical Farming and Gardening, Progress in Science. Woman's Work, Stories by the best Authors, Literature and Art, Choice Flashes of Wit and Humor, Exclusive News for Veterans. 890 isy N. B. JOSEY&CO., Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND COTTON BUYEKS SCOTLAND RECK, ,1. C 0 E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS OUR STOCK IS IN COMPLETE DRV GOODS, DRV GOODS, BOOTS, BOOTS, t I Main . ro ; I. M v A DEiLt-f ii j h i: i i t. n i Wfclii 11 wo. MJ.- i - - 'UtrT' 'aaa . ! TOIL ET jgfefc.f Vi ' . ' i f nnrt' Sunnlirn SCA.4r J -- 4 j u " .-J a hV ' ' L - i ifVyJUy. s . ' J'j? I Patent Medicines. Tnnj :vt 1 Br io. P..'. -. ' ' NOTIONS, NOTIONS, DRESS GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SHOES, SHOES, Varnishes. Lnmp- a:id Larrp i.xl'- Special lint" Everything HATS, I CAPS, HATS, CAPS, HARDWARE, TINWARE, CROCKERY and GROCERIES. 0 0 Sole agents for Iteid'a Celebrated Ladies Fino shoes, Cowles Bros. & Co.'s Infants, Childrens and Misses Shoes, and Bay State Shoe and Leatbcr Co. -0 0- A full line of Metallic and Wooden coffins always on hand. All orders by mail or wire promptly filled. 10 25 i'- N. R. JOSEY & CO. mi i II 1 li AT FUTRELL & SPEED'S. Our Stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES AND m a f.!t-ehi3 Cmn.try r T li;W F.i.KV--Solid Gold ind Piatt d JevNf'.ry I): S- :r. Tnr. um.y CoMi i.K Link oy Litioncr:' , t r W :U Tow v 'Prescript "ons quickly and nvvuru!t-i Ki-wi :. Ld 1 17 ly. WHITE, PAU LI JCO.. C .r. Main .1 l :h Stn-.-V. SCOTiaiD "itCK. - C - n GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS. Hot TS. SIIOKv ii A R V. Aim - " A !'K i ' ' I 1 1 I ' , i l- ' I I'ASSIMKRKS. Fi .A.N.N -j;.n. 1 1 '. ' M F. ' Crockery. Tinwarf, 1 1 n ri w arc. ' viretn ami U"a..-tid Cvt i i a. . PI. I n i. , :r. Finest line of DRY (iOODS ai-.J N 1 IONS a:-.-l .KN l"" V !IN1!UN, ,on;. i li F t : I i '1 n:uni!' i I r: DRY GOO 3 Th I X FOKM AT ION ON ALL S U IJJ ECTS. Old and Reliable Firm of nam Ms k Sons, OF BALTIMORE, Invite your attention to their extensive stock of DRY GOODS, The magnitude and variety, of which will be fully appreciated on a personal examination, wincn we solicit, lncyarc Large Importers of Foreign Dry Goods, Their buyer visiting Europe twi-e a year to make purchases direct from manufac turers. Bv so doing, they Retail goods at the price paid by Wholesale Dealers to Importers in New York We deal only in Dnv Goons, and aim to sell only such articles as we believe will prove of goo i value to the purchaser. Samples will he sent when requested, if about the piices wanted, Colors pre ferred, itc, art; plain'y named. The price, in plain figures, is marked on every article sol i by us, Irom which no abatement is made, unless to Whole sale purchasers. Their fUSYerent Departments include the following rlass of goods: Low and JJdium-Piiced Dress Goods. Fine Dress G odJ and Mourning Goods. Plain and ta--v Colored Silks. Dlack Silks, Velvets and Plush. Ladies" and Muses' Wraps, Jackets, Ulsters t-nd Shawls. Laces, Kmbroi iei iaC, Kdgines, Inserting?, Flouncing and P aucy Mucins. Ginghams, Percales, Priuts, Satines, Cheviot?,Cretoncp,iNTotions,Cambrics, Nainsooks, Plaid iluslin. Ladies', Misses' and lioys Hosiery and Underwear. CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, In Gloves, Half Hose. Ties, Sjarf, Sus penders, Merino, Gauze and All-Wool Underwear. Address, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, NEW YORK .HERALD, New York City. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, Do not fail to Snbicribe now for the NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD, "fTcrWILUAM S, UNDERTAKER GENERAL MERCHANDI3I Is still up to our Usual Standard. Trices quoted at our counters to suit the hard times. E'vaxreijcvTosa wnrfcjsftXvXOT wjjrawy-w-s ei&aKC':a.f'-',VJ i. -A our We sell cheaner and for less profit than ever before, and we invite customers to call on us still. We buy onr goods as cheap as any and uone can undersell us. "Know thyself,'' is the Greek proverb, 'Take care of thyself," is modern wiEdom. So bay from U3 and take care of yourself with the money you save by the trade. Thanking oar patrons for their former favors we solicit a continuance of their trade. FUTRELL & SPEED, SCOTLAND NEUK, N. O. All-wool Cashmeres anl Ihnrii tia '... ihs. H;ti shades. Chashmeres in all shades. Ckatn'Mav-, in White G'jxds, with !.;n- : BIG BARGAINS L PL IS 11 AS. 1 L L COLO US. A Large Well Assorted Stock Always on Hand. t&r pricks as low as ill i : i.owis r -a Tuv mt'r (Tands l'roin us and wi- vt! l Sfil ili HA Ki. A S. TRUNKS, VALISES AND GRIPS. FINEST LINK OF CLoTHINC EYVM P. U t ; H T SCOTLAND NLCK. N. (A mar7-ly. 12 12 ly. IT iGO HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS, In immense varieties, including Linen and Cotton Sheetings. Domestic Cotton Goods of r J i kinds. Tabic Damasks, Nankins, Towels. Towel ing by the yard, Ulankets, Quilts, Art Sqnare::, Lice and Muslin Car tam. Table and Piano Covers, Floor .lattin-s, Vroolan Goods for Men's and ioys" Wear, in 3-4 and (-4 wiJths, Fancy and Plain LJlack. We ir.ijbt add to the above, but will only say, that no house in the United States can show a better class ol goods (very few as good), and the extent and variety will enable purchasers to make a satisfactory selection. l7airnlton Gaotcr cx Sons, 23, 2o, 27 F. Baltimore St. AT MY OLD STAND IN SCOT LAND KECK, ON THE 201U DAY OF AUGUST, 1889, I SHALL OPEN IN MY NEW UNDERTAK ING KOOMSA ..xui LINE OF - baskets. 1 wu-- coillns and i-OUR STYLES I Vf O STYLES ol 1 I!cm:trkall" Rescue. Ni:.rr light sTiici-rr. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Tlainfield, UL, rrakoa the stateirent that she e luht colli, which settled on her lungc; she was treated for a month ly her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a ho;.c- less victim of consumption and that no medicine could core her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottlo and to her delight found herself benefited from fmt do9e. She continued it"? use ami after taking ten bottles, found her self sound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free tiial bottles of this (Ireat Discovery at E. T. Whitehead iV; Co.'s drus fetore, large bottles 50c. and $1.00. 3 20 3m. If you are all run down have no strength, no energy, and feel yctv tired all the time take Dr. J. II. McLean's Sarsaparilla. It will im parl strength and vitality to yoar system. For 'oale by E. T. Whitehead & Co II. J. CORDLE. WATCHMAKER AND JEW LEU, Litti.i:ton, N. C. Fits Va r . W r1 Mm-- 1 arn now pettinj; a nice assortment ol Goi,i KjNiiS, eM Watches, Gold Sl'KCTACl.JCS. Aiso SfLYEtlW'.VRK in sets and separate prices. Old Gold and Silver wanted. All kiiids of repairing. . Bfj" Prompt Attention giveu to tnail orders. G 13 ly. Coffins a a Also a full 1 hi - caskets. I sb i u of woo i cofib- ii- caskets , ana i fciu tee them equ to those of otuet , . JLLsctarers both in style and liui a' i and at regular Associated l- .ices- I shsii jitve my entne -iUvniion to the un dertaking bus.L And as 1 thor underi'Lt. i it, with many years of PxAioical Experi ence, an(l iceling sure tnat my frieoris will appreciate the necessity t a Practical Undertaker, I shall spare neither labor nor money for the successful prosecution of the business. My stock will be complete. With thanks to ray friends for their support in the past, I tiust by square dealing to merit their confide eace in the future. C A U N E T 1) E r A R T M E N T . 1 shall continue to work in this department, cither special or resolar repairing. Yonrs truly, J. C. WILLIAMS 5 27 tf. Walter E. Brauer, Wholesale Butcher and Steam Sausage Manufacturer, Stall No. 25, First Market, RICHMOND YA. Lowest cash price consistent with uality of goods. Write for price. :i 6 ly. "hhrbkihb enuEEGir FUll YOUNG LADIES, Norfolk, Ya. Largest, Cheapest and Tlest School in Tidewater Y3. 2."0 students. 20 Teachers. Health record unsurpassed. ONLY $42.50 A QUARTER for Board and Tuition. 7 23 tf. TO HEADQUARTERS, (. AT EDMONDSON & JOSEY'S) When in need of anything iu thc mercantile line? Our stock is the most varied or any in town and prices to euit all. Besides keeping a full stock of C!Otlling Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes, Hats. G-roceries &c &c, Our Hardware and harness Department is not wanting. We handle the best brands of Cooking n(i Heating StOV6S Alo agents for the noted PIEDMONT FARM WAGON, WINSIIIP COTTON GIN and CONDENSER, and the LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE. We make a specialty of FINE SHOES and NICE FLOUR , bo when in need of anything to gladden the heart and comfort the home, yoa will find IIEAYY bargains with a LIGHT pocket-book by examining our assortment be'ore confirming your trade. Yery Respectfully. 3 14 1e- EDMONDSON & JOSEY. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY ATI. .vrn: wtLifliriGTor AM' iVELDCN RAILR0A3 e ! Condensed Schedule- I iin I ns ;i NO at(.(l Dec. ith Lfavo (.'i'l-'ii An ive Uocky M'. A 1 1 i vi; I'.irhuro Leve Tarboro m . 1 ." D .i! V ll.l'i p m 12 n a m An. 'J , , No. I! !-i lv. , un-1 . ,-. . 1 " 1' Arrive Wilson Leave Wil1;!! Arrive Si-ima A ri ivcFa ( 1 1 c ii lr- Lcavo (Johlsboro Lcavo Wnrsnw Leave Miijrno'ii Ai I ivc W iin.nizt'iii 2 1 i 1 1 We take great delight in heralding the good news. This GREAT DISCOVERY made bv Mr. M. Hoffman while in New York in search of his immense FALL STOCK. This miraculous discovery embraces Bargains and offers to tho seeker of CHEAP GOODS thc grandest opportunity of the nineteenth century. Rakoain No 1. Dress Goods HENRIETTA 25, HENRIETTA SlllIPED 50- CASHMERE 25 WOOL WORSTED 10-- BLACK and MOURNING GOODS from 25-to $1.25- Our 15c. con; ter it complete. Rig bargain here. Bargain No 2. Dress Trimming PLAIN and STRIPED SURMI PLUSH , SATIN , PASSAMENTERIE , BEAD SETS, &c, &c . Bargain No 3. Clothing MEN'S. YOUTHS', BOYS' and CIIILs DREN'S SUITS from $1-75 to $25.00- Bargain No 4. OVERCOATS and FINE HATS. Barqain No 5. FURNITURE, STOVES, CARPETS OIL CLOTH. Bargain No C. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. Bargain No 7. BOOTS and SHOES 25 per cent, less than any firo in town. Bargain No 8, LADIES' FANCY GOODS. Bargain No 9., ZEIGLER SHOES AT COST. We haven't space to mention the thousand anl one other Bargain i have. We cordial- invite ll to call and ee our prand assortment o rare Bargains and be convinced that this f-tatemeut is true. Thankfo for past patronage, W3 solicit continuance of same , we are. Yours very truly, M. HOFFMAN &BRO. TOlOlr. - ""nTTTAs ""A L " 'sl7 1 T" " '"""'"'" r"' ' J D.'-.Iy. ( i.i.iy. ; c..y. 1 I I I I 1 O :i ia 1 J.l'l : in t ., u I 12.: p in j 1.17 " I 1 J 2 " I I i "..v. 'k l.:?7 " ! 2.1 s 1 1 1. M " ) J 1 .( " I 1 J.I ii " 2.2') V m 2..,:'i a iu J . : i 7 ; , . 2..V - I 1.1 1 j .!. .) m J j .i. l. 1 1 i.i i 10 20 ;i ni I ) I". 2ii ';. n, J ...) ni J l ..I ) J 2. I- Leave V llii.ii'L't m Leave Magnolia Leave Warsaw Arrive tJold-luro J Leave Favett-?ville Arrive Seima J Arrive vvnscn Leave Vil:;on An ive Rocky Mt. Auive Tarboro Leave Tarboro xrriv Weldon 1 ' ' ' Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leavf-s naii'ny at -J.?1 m . land Neck at 15. i r. n. . , Ki v ci tnn G. 1 0 ji. ni. J i "r::::;- l(:ni:- j ; i . c r t . Scotland Neck at 10.20 a. in., dady xcept Sun d;;v. Train leaves Tarf": . . via A iben..M JJr.l'-!, ). ', Ih.d day, I. ')) p. in., Sunday ','. ) v. rn , arrive WilLat;:'-.!.:; .v.c. ;..' . a r ? i v . ' a. r l I ymout a s.uO p m. . ; ) p u:. J vein j ;i n.;r ! ' " v -s I , i:i i ; h. Sunday. G 00 a t:i., Sundav .'iO a ?r:., 'i'li".r:. !! 7.21 t t: Tarboro, N. c, J.;0 a. m.. 11.:; a. ui. Tl.i-; In. in vs ill i r. t i ton until 0 p. in., November 20. Train on Midland N. c. I'ranrh 1 r. - -- i";ddlr-,r'. r. 0 00 a. m.. arrive SmithfieM. .v. c. 7.. 'Jo a. rn. Ket'innn' !: 8.00 a. rn. arrive Joldsboro, ;. (-., ;.!..'J'l a. in. Train on Nashville I'mucU leaver JJoekv Moui.t at N a v ( s o I 1 1 i 't in.. , of W 1 1 i i villc .'.40 p. in.. Sprint' Ii'i".- 1.1." y. . Kluniinj.' las Sj.ii; ; 1! nr.. Nashville 10. .''" a. in., J!oc!.y M'.uul 11.1." a.m.. d.aiH. except Soi. Train on clinton brarM-'u Itav--; Waisaw fV.r cii:. !'. I'alv. at 0.00 p. rn. and 11 10 a. in. I Jen.1 ruin;: leaven (':;.t,:i .-it v.2o a. n,. r ni.. connecting at Warsaw (Southbound Train on Wilrmi is No. ."0. 'Dai.'v f.xc-cj.t Su:: d iy. Train No. '27 South will .-o-p "o:dy .v Train No 7s makes c!c:-es c -?i ; rail via Richmond, and da;' c-Aeet So Trains masts close con:ioci:r-n tor all All Trains run solid 'tctu ecr. Wdro::,: Palace Sleej;ers attached. J. Ii. KEN LY, Su't Trans. T. M. Kmi-.::-' with N. s. 41. 1 i. 2 J and 7. v ( lie vii I : lira r.e at Wil-o:.. C,:,'1 :: at U' V' f,r ''.ay v.a r.:. y J. ir:tsN-.rth vx N . i::it::o oft:-. 1 1 SI,' SnU. J. L. K I T C II I X , Mac; rr- ',.' V...-L- n. ; Sells th best Mil's, Ilvdtaui: Pianos. Organs, Sc-wm Mac!:;; .es. does all kinds of repair i-i: an 1 turi,:'' Works n Halifax, Ldjr'-eombc an d rut '.ounti25. N. 7 2'I ly la the olrifst and mt pripular prif-it ;ff r1 XDcfaanicat oaper pnbl!-h-.i a:.:! l.ui tl. .art- t etrculatirm of nnj j.-ptr ,t its ciax" .n t vr..r i'l. Kully illuftrHte'1. Il:t class i ' .3 KntraT. c.pT. Jrie- ;i yiy.r. (.nt n.'.n'fi-i t r.a . tl. mmmm Caves,', ar.'i Tr:v:.-:-M;iri.-t ' ..:t,f;-. u-.'l 1 ' T.t h-p-ir.'-J .:,!. t-I f ,.- Moir r tri r(". fl') O'nct : O pniis i - r 1 1 r. ("tr '"" r f a.'.cl w ... !.!-:. r'--::.'.f" !-;! ' :.. -A T ', ! I. - - . i - ; , v ' t; jn. V, f :-!,!- jf r.i ' ';.'. i-r i,. ' .t. i (t r ' i- (.-., ! i J j .,',.;, . ' A PuMf-LfT. '., t -i ii:, I ' . :.'.."!- -i t .; -i:'- ;:i j,.; , v-:-'. JtfC'NX & CO., i'UBI.IBHEKS S;i lir'.aiway. -N.V. ARCHITECTS & BUILDER Edition of Scientific American. O A BTPAt uncrps'i. Each Na r.-.r-.'Ti r, r,.;r.;i-1 lithographic patc of ooar.try r.n-i ' i ces or pubiic buiMiiie. ' i. rr.rro'' i and fo'i plan? and po:S--at.'-r.i r if. t.r'i -t urh aoCintetapiate tn;, i'r " f. u y 25 cts. a copy. ilL.N.N i CO., i'Li:;;.-u-: 40 yar erperierc ard l ave !;:::? over Vft'iXf) application V,r American a:;! r ein patent. fSnrt for l!anlbo'jJt. Corres pondence at rictly conrajer.t :al. TRADE MARKS. In eaje yocr nr. ark is r.nt rok!!',rfed in the Pat ent Office, apply lo Jll'sv i Co., and procura Immediate protection, iifciid for llancl-ik. COPYRKJIITS for books, charu, euapa. ptc., qaickiy procured. Address MU5N Sc CO., Patent Holicltora. GzstRAL Oiiica: iJtU Buiwar, IV. T. JOHN R 0 15ERTSON 'S Soe $Cp & Restaurant OPEN AT ALL HOURS. Satisfaction uarantt-ed to patrons. Corner Ninth and Main Streets. SCOTLAND NECK, - - s N. Cj jan 6 ly. j E i STOPPED FREE 'Dr. KLINE'S GREAT NERVE RESTORER lor aB ri.t a yitn 1,ieascs. Mrnn (cure for Strvt Afftc'Km. Fi!, flrTD, etc. IirAiLinL ii tat-o a directra. Airs aj'er M(r 9 we, Trti aiMl $'i trial fctxt fr to j K DtM-u, th-r iiiwf tirrtM ritarirM ou boi whn i3irtl to Da. KLISE. !S1 Jlrcb St..,hia. Pa. tnlnUu. JSC WARS OriMHATiyO tkAUDS. 11 21 lj. CA.srow&co. Or?. rATiNT Orricr. Washin&toh, D. C DO YOU WAMT A A- .- ".: i: er : . -. ..' BOOK? W .TiTC -TO US. '., N.V. fiU u P K OTO - E N G R A V I N G . i H FA TO ILL i r : LOW PP.. -3. QU1GK TIV. rr or.'-;;'-, '-' f '' t o- t j".: 'rr f. for sh"t ;'..tiu I'rea k. .--;, 4'J Warrt:; rV. SubscribQ to tho DEMOCRAT. Trim r:n vviz 27::i3, 9 C r TOWN AND STATE CC. tKTBA. WW w. . Metropolitan Presi Agenc?, J Warrac St-,