.-( &. M .la E. E HILLLUII), fi liter and Pronator KXCEL.D'rP' IS H K M1T r r lnr VOL. V I I SCOTLAND NKCK, r. C-, Til FRrsDAY. FKBKIW KV .1 IS'M. V. I I Pit O F K SS I O N A L . K.U. liUKTMN, Jit. K.UTKAVIS, BURTON & TRAVIS. AT iOKNnVh ANI)'0'"NSKI.' KS AT Law, RETROSPECTION. KftLIFaX.N.C. 8M1 v. A vo x7;-: A Dani:xs, C. C. Da.niki.s. ;,,l-io N. l Wikoi), N. U Ava.-k & IkiiHsfc Daniels, AT'lOUNEYs AT bAW, Wilson. N. C. ... p.. ; ... iriu.-ted to us will l.t Fr tw V:.- - 1 ' n t U N hi V A I L A W , -v i i j. an u N m. N. C. p,.-. h r-.-v. r hi- m:i vices an T U. i-li 'bill IN, f A vl"!j':vk (.'..' A'l La .. . Koto hi ! cU. k. .- ()?.-;.;; Corner an-i Ten' Sr (.' . i r iv 1 ..AVilJ i'KLL, ?' t a o A'l ' MINKY A I LAW, F.vri'i.i, N. C. he (heir's of ILi'li-a' ' ws :". 1 Hi .i ,?u- I T . . i s i l . : i i t.--. Clu i; CO, DAY, .'lU.Ki'VM Sl RANi'OM, A - Xvii-: :-' V A i' LAW, V-'rLP.o:-:, N. C. 'r !-oM AS X. Is ILL, i. r - i. T T A W , , ; I Uu.'i. I - ' U-'M'As , lNT . C, in !L,!-r:ix aivl a-ijhnnv :o;;t-.!--. ti:vr ic:l--ral and Sit,' .-r.a ('..urss. :': 8 b'- E'6: C. M. J ) i.I N O N Ori'It". '.'jl". 1: i .ir:-ts r, i i 1 v . .-.'." i ..ami X i t i ; , X. C o i X III! !! I! KTSUN'S 'ui't'.N A 'i' A LL iiOL KS. Vn : Xi: t- M,i:n Ntri-.-t, S: . TL Xi Xi.C - - X. C. . ;vv ;;...r ! V, ih ..:: .4 ii-i-fi f-v'-yri.AM) t::K, X. c Aiv,-:.v... ,4, Ji:.-, il'.f v - Iiu I 1 '.. Only rrir blr-woaia, ('rinjblin to dry d-.-or: Or:iy a v-iore half torn ir.to. And ivlly thrown away. OnJ a h'-rt That's t-rr-AtiSj? T!i!it is, if h--.rtd coal-i breajc; Only u, niaj! adrift !r Kf, A !I tor a wfaua cc ke. Only a f-T Kwh tohons, lYizeJ by a, si -k foe!. Naught but the asnes that tXrew tkm ground VHi':n IwoSj hot Cane prowaooll ITt tin first man by thouivindj Thi? Juje of a h-iart!ti llirtv Nut, tf;: fu-it tira that j.rioicss lova AVas trt.-Rted 3iK0 corum.on dirt. Gu!y in jfrst, yoa kcov it Now, thotjsjh it riuber late RathT t'-o Ute to turn your b! Ant! : r :k enrbor ft j. Yen ro i;ot a ncr. bfce t!ico?jlfl, i.eurt tiiat vSU vr-"r ami twirl. Ami f h t;lo'.v f.t the wonl axiJ gb.ac Of every niriir.f,' pir!. Finished forever ;nd done, Vv'rk:d by tmaslierourf smile! Fuilt' wir. tnadiy a wiil-o'-tiie-.Lir, lTaply if but for a while: OnJy a hsart that's bro'roc TLaL i., if hfai t- -aa brfik; C:Jy n ir.an cdr.i't for lif. Ar. J aii f jr a woiiiaa s talre. Anonyraotia. Careless Brokers. It is amuciii;? to watch Low LroVeT and bunk-jrH who ?:it their bonds and stwlrs i:. tljt ir l)oxe3 in the vaults of the Kt-w Ycrk Srock Lichauje overnight clo.o them. Some pull :ivay at the han dle of tho hx:k a.s though they would pull it oft in thf.ir an.xiety to make auii that the box locked, which action is Lrgi-l' the result of nervouijnes.'-:; others take it very easy, give the handle one or tvo turns and go oIT a-itisded. One gen tleman r.-.tvl to another down in the vaults the other day: "A queer thing happened some five ycara ago. I noticed that the door of a certain box was on ip crack and it.- key Btickin;j in ir. i im-ia:-diate5y 'iOtified Mr. Cole, who is in charge there, and who at once closed it. 4'I then went to the gentleman who had forgotten to lock up. 'Oh, it's nil right,' ho paid; 'I intended to go back.' But J. notic.vl that he was all in a trem ble, and that ho went over to the vaults in a jiffy. Tie staid there an hour counting over hia seem i ties. There must havo be. n a million dollars' worth in that l-o::, for I noticed loans; of ones and tw;" Iruiidi-'Hi ihou.sand dollars apiece, lie didn't even take the trouble to thank me wh'.-n f wt ;;t over and r.otiflcd liim of im caiel-.v:-n-!:-ii." Epoch. FOILED HIS SLAYERS, AeTTEP.3 OLDER THAN SOLOMON. I a RSVAP.kBLE IJ'T" SCNTtNCC. jB,,:, llnrt (! I cr.dfn-, ml n i Ills rather'- Ulrth Io- I ,.. t M,r,U.rer ti..- .u e.t .., r.rj. The Sinithsoiiiiin institution ha3 r-; One oT !h -c - - - a t ie.i . n:ivinL u i.i uir uj.-covtrrv ui .tm,, , . , , .- w , . . , Tft'.U-l-Arrs.-.r;!, La uiper Eypt. cf a ; ever UTrn lL,. isr -t.s.. r A ThrUlIng Story t Kaily I.lfe iu Sparterf runo " ' i'.1. ,f-lsv.nz , X.iv lu.-tcry rby li. :i i drib MKtwn. MURDERED. A Sqtitiw's Ket-.i-i-', bio .Toarjiey In the last century a Chinr ok Indian woman, known to Father link, a great traveler and initio;) ;ny of that period, while lie was wit.li the Indian:, on what we now call the Pacific coast, was many year.-, afterward met by him in Asia. Through many vicissitudes and strange experience's rho had passed from tribe to tribe and place to place, ahvays moving norijiward, until she reached Behring i trait, and there, having gone out in one of the l.-irg-.j ra:ioes used by tho seafaring Iti.lians ' I' that region, in a great storm they v. driven arros.. tho strait to wreck an 1 death to all save her, and she v. auden d on until bhe met Father II ok in the interior of Asia. She had not sought to return, but following the spirit of adventure bred in her by her strange experiences phe went on to see new lands. Lovihviilo Courn r-Journal. V. ' 1 ' ! !'-" 'i v i a iu toil.-' c 7 : s l.A -T fNVi li:ii- 'I- i ;: ii ,-.o. ; . - . -i- ! . . . a; : r,:.- !...-;. : ..; .r.,r. : t : -vi-o-ii' v. I ..t ; : i' , V..:i; '.- I.'' i :.; - -i.e i.i t's i'-iC.' :;i'':U".j - '. .-. v h ; .- ::) '1 - i- If !i W i:.i;:tH . : f a . i .c-sitc . ih i;a wii ! l K. liWKXS. A t. s. V -T r 1 " " " - - - - ' V" ft ,r.-.d Ul si! - A (Ircon "itity." The ga-3 tender of the ilain street cro.-oiii.g left .a deputy in charge recently. It is civ: Itvaury to hang a lighted lan tern v-n the g-ite at dark, lowering the gale for the pnrpo.se. At dark the new iu:in looked at the gate towering above him. and, una-dug it would take a long ladder to lvueh the top, veal loa neigh- t-- ;;:-(. i.-iu'er s sneo ana uorrowea the the Ji he 1 davi mgesc ladder he could find and hung ightf-d laniern. The next morning ;okt .1 at the la?itern and an idea 'Nat, UJh I hav. " it . "... (" r- . Bettlr! N.--.v Mexico I liier and Hon and llitir Vtive All Took Hand la I'lasmin the Death of Ti ivi lfr. t-arlh-r than any recor U h: theri-. L:.-vr When i: i.-. ;tnd-rstool tl at th-sse tablets is..-, a y.:. t l in wh, f. r T- r i th tu; htvf:; bev: T...J-, -vv.-Lfl - c.-'-t i f ot-Jr h-r-. u A,rh,r;iC s.. t t:?'j-i:i Pv r. - -; .rv- y of su,s'- are letfrs i-assed Ik-t ween the . , t pv V:i, r lim-ir J?i a-.d riv Oamph--T Ilardv, a jewk-r frca Bos- king ox Jer-.-ah-m anl th Pharaoh cf tx-.ip.vj rX,-.f -i .,ti t.f t -- .,.ni- lon.wiien :n iii.. r.p.r-mer.i- at taenorei ckitfol torn? of the e-iperi -uc es he had :? in Vi Tt" i cr u ::t, 1 n vi i it :i lie trav-: tn. -o i.r. (Atu--xdier to.d a Washing-; Thc..e 2ro r told cf i -,taU'.. bak ton rtr-o: i.-r. a-:t tne T--sr l.vj B. C. i t,i,. i'.. a.- n. v . ; . I w uVi ijv in m v t 4. (.i'Vr- ii-i J v. ft jai&ea uv inra i:p.n a pn v.aSj vi ; f murder, which sentence va as fulluws: "Jose Maria Alartin. eland up Jo--. Maiia Martin yuu have b.v-n Indi.-U-d, trit-d r.rl coiiricti-d bv a jurv uf vo-ar countrj'inen of the frim c-f nurutr, and The court n uuw aix-ul i- i FvyPi if; .v-"s ln--fon; tho I'-inh of Da- pYPHiJr.t Lincoln. H was a m n t'f - vi,i- 'l-J lh" fr,!l,i"p 'f Sokmon, ,..11 aLilitv anl lfArnii...f. fctr,.mr m hi when m .m-v; Mexico ten years :tgo. Mr. come notion wui oe lunacil or ihr.-.r ! prtuiicc.-. vi 'h-i,t Hardy m?.de the moiioy that gave him a treme interest. Th a letters were writ- j relentk-s-- i" h' ., (tart i Lie when a packman. He trav- ; ten. s-o i,r. ("yins Adier to-d a Washing tied throo.h oh tHw YTfj.-i.-rii -,tate., bak , ton rtj-o: t-r, aLot tne T--sr l.vj U. C, Ihe mo-,1 exciting time he ba-i. lie sayiJ, j and catt a aTut Lgtt t:n tlie rol-itioas ; of juaicial career wad the -nt-ncc c wa.s in v. Mt xioo. . of Egy)t at that anvh-nt p.h Th5. cf Iaa bv 1dm u;vn a prisoner "One day, when much fatigucl and : conne, was i-vag btb.re Jeru alem hungry, 1 btopped for dinner at what ap j ajjinred by the J;--.-prart-. 1 to i"- a Tiunec r"s cabin," he Ix-gau. At that time PaLstine ra? ;t federa S each 'Tlie hon.se was miks from anv other , tion of ind"!-':ident citi-' habitation. I !tad about .-f-S'X worth of ; like Jeruw;km. v.-.-s g.vrne stock an 1 ,?'' in i-iopey. When I en tered the h-vo.se I f.jmd the ortcapants id be a man of about Cs ids 2.-year-old son and t-.vo women. Th- aop'-arauce of the old man caused me to mistrv;.-,t him, and I h"artiiy wished I had not vi.vitl the t.vo iiiir.!t-s afto I u-bovd if. phu- eoea-.-o a- ?Uf-n an ,1 wcmen ed to see what I had for s.ik, and the women p-.-.rchased about ' worth of gooiis. Tia o.l man, whose name waa Mojdy, v.-ar parllcalar t-- ask mo wliom I had last seen, and to learn whether oi not I had any friends in the country.. Afterward I found out lie wished to leavn if I would he mhsed if he made away with me. i:-t a stiia:;gi: no use. "Just before I tat du-..-p. to dinner I happ.ae.i to look out (f the window, and I saw his sou w hito the ha; n with t sliotgmi in his hand. His stoaithy man ner put me on my guard, and I took good care that my gun was within reaching distance. I cannot any I enjoyed the meal. I (prickly swallowed a cap of coffee, took a few mouth fuls of bread and slipped what I could i.ito my pocket. Then 1 prepared to leave. " 'But you must f ee the blooded stock I have before you go,' said Moody. 'Probably I can trade one of the animals for a Siiser watch.' "But 1 knew if I ever went Into thai barn 1 would never come out of it alive, so I made some weak excuse and tuarted down the road, keeping a sharp lookout from behind. The old man wa.s much enrage not into t no i rap. and ju-t u-s I stepped oat of view 1 saw him outer the. burn. I deter mi nod io watch, and wenv into a grove a little farther down the road. an. 1 i stood where I coui 1 see. what was going on at the barn. I saw Moody and his son come out. each .armed with a rifle. "They walked into the woods not far fro in where I was hid, evidently mean ing to head me off farther down the ro-t i. I aui certain they meant to lay in ambush for ine and shoot me down as I pa.N-a-d. But I mask up my mind to fu-1 tho:.i, and, instead inter the dread sentence cf the As a f whi h, v a " tire- feet" this word meaning lit-r-dly "king bf a Hty." ?evertkdc;-s. th towns paid a tribute to Pharaoh. .nd it. was ia reiauon to tuts linage tiiat 'V.'i-;u o. j tinng, Jofe Maria Martm.it is a the letters ic una wen- a-l.!re ...-a to the ruler of lhryjit ly tho king of Jerusah m. . .Abd-Tube. In them he U X explain, With f.ue respect, i-oa- ?,- 'lu-np. more irideivTukiit ;.o:.it: m ihail other ji-eiech d on ah P. .r oxata to it treateii , in cue mis- accorumgl y. five he says : j "Behold, this city of Jerrt e.lem neither my father nor my mother has given j tin to lue, but Hi? fad! of a mighty king."' i This refers to the an'-'-.-nt ?'Lt.to;nin I'aiufrd duty fcr tlie jitde o-f a court f jn.vueo to pronounce up-en human lin ing the sentence of death. TbT U M ;t I something horrible about it, and the I i , i ... . . n i- ..,'o -.1 ti,;.: '. uuu iiaiuiuKj leuica ui.'m (;f such a dutv. cue i ero rmancn ot sucn a amy. iiap pily, however, your ease i. relievl .f ail such unpleasantness, and the ourfc takes positive delight in tsentencing yn to death. "Yoa are a young man, Jose Maria iIartm, upoarently of good physical con- Pakstin.-, by which ruh-rs were some-j ttit,itior and robust health. Ordinarily tiling phr.ccn in (nrr-(.n'1":,Ci' (it ;t K11T- ' - - " 1 - - - " 1 posed divine call and without any refer ence to hereditary law. Having been summoned to his thtone by the Deity, Abdi-T;;ha argued thai ho hordd be treated more leniently with regard. tribute. In another of the lctteis he savs : jam might have looked forward to many years cf life, and the court has no d'ylt you have, and have expected to die a green old age; but you are about to be out off in the consequence of your own act. To Maria Martin, it is now the Epriug time; iu a btt.k while Hie grass will be 5-r.ringing up gre-n in tie-sebeau- club ar. . ).r. I ju:: rri;;nvl ir n a r!.t t the --. v.. ." .V.- bid r-n tf.nui. T n'n J.'a. v-t r di- CU.. 1 a- i 'i-t v vi th j rc rr'-itr.e tho r aa'. g. 'i v, e. .4 1. of Wuim-a j re- 1 , r:sl ft-y hi! all lra cry mueh iuu r-tNl. Th j r-- '.-r:. t K4t down i: lr ctadr tl w;.ii.l i r r(ti-. r.-. T, T"wia eiknee for u:i ir.si.nnt, nd umvLiy atiiaul Toice from th lockrr. uad 1 Aid : "I WeUid hke to Hek . (jaitu u. Tx it wa- it a drvssT c;ow '." j The prtidt:it jum-J up ar d Kii !: ( "I just waI U. tJi voti! Th s hJ" all hud en tr.f iao.-t leactlfr.i K-nnrt On was a Lehetrx. velvet tnmm with gi ld I:-v. AjhI a.noth r at ma!' of b.Mis i f y t and pink r ' 1 1 1 - ladies o:-T" nc-d to gather cronnd hT with exj-jp. ured ixpr.Nsion.i. "ii: h.iid Poci'J t of ,dl wac worn by Mr-. Jut thi :i the prosidnt of tin- w tnoi.'j rlub c.iu;ht a smile in the f. i f a newspjip.-r (.iTvj.:id:it v-L w ..s pres ent. She drew herself up with gri.it j dignity and raid: 'Iadie:, I think wo are wajiekrtnj j from t:.e Fubjoct." j The ladies i-ettlod bre;k. foris imi t-f j the sup. ri r ad vantages of th: p. y:u 1: ' club, but " itii a tketing xpr.'-. hm of ' di-vijipointment, that gav. indialion i f ; a fc-iliimrness to "waucer" ktill farther Chic-t'o Hi raid. t " . "e' t:.t l' on I ftr. a t.,! ''it: : Mf .t., k. mm; KKNTl'l KV MULES" 'HOR : . M Ifp. r. -sir,, SAVK onj 'i:i,lvr;' 1 ul Stink ilfll p.'ICtt 'ore buyicg e!s.-wberc-, !!(;; a .u'lmn, 12 11 f. S . U n N- ev, ' 1 ., -.1. 1 ! . "lieiiou!, neither my lather nor my ; :ri mlloM (,n tl,, 1,r,,-,1 .t.mm mother hns appointed me in this place, ' auJ m,UnUnn sides; fawers will be but the call of the jmgotykmg has made blooming, birds singing above your kwly me enter into the house of mv fatlierr." ; j,...Mi That the "mig: :ra' ok en of was i'he eeritet'eo of the court is that 3-0.1 the Deity is proa a by tia- fact that to bo takcu frum this idae- i f b: v.anty that "hs long a sea so long will x him aa auth-oritv is 'ieferred an oracle in scribed upon smother tablet, which say? a ship sans upon the e 'par:ruki and Baby lonia conuuer. Tho ehhf aim of th- throe etk r letters written by Abdi-Taba is to ask the Pha raoh for military ai ! against foreign con querors invading Pale-. line, and especial ly the district of Jerusalem. Th-.-x War like strangers he calls people of Ilabiri in other words, they were Hebrews. It seems hardly probable that the Ik brews as a nation should have invaded jail; that you there be kept safely and se curely eoihine-l in the custody of the sher iff until the lay :-piointed for yt..ur execu tion. Lie very careful, Mr. Sheriff, that lie have no opportunity to escape, and that you have him at the appointed place at the appointed time; that yoa be ro kept, Jose Maria Martin, until Mr. Ch-rk, on what day of the mouth does Friday about two weeks from this time come:" "March 2?, your honor." "Very well tint il Friday, Ik 22d day of March, when you will be taken bv the s:i 01 ifT l atest I e f.e the ChiM'ft Hair. When D ; ty Dimple kiAh-r tirst that eh cf Ion-.: curls -r pp-1 ( f k r iie-iner 5cCn't tr.iilier th' ai up one by one ;L-f-bo xim-.1 to '. and lay them car-fudy away in a long b x witii Jtr ta-ri;-'. ; :i some thing 1.1. thi- on th - 'lee: curl: , out off when h.i" v.i.. .,e, ... . . !. ,' ! , ... - : -I - 1 t . M ; lv - a I '...-. 1 . 1 ' O . V. . ,;. . Ii -vt , , , , V I 1 v 1 I ' I "DoUy't ears ld." iie ga.h t M-'tll lo b a 0 i car- riert tln-'n a way wi t h )i: v, b .1 1 t a next oaf fir -o i-ht! is seen going ii t a o- rt.on hairdr'.- r ' in Twenty-.!:. rd 'tre. t, where a no'., -i ero:i'e, w r..-.-. k. D"t: v l--. an 1 a. .io ( r o-'-i uly Iler-'." A',1 l;-r. of ( o-.r: 1 . o . . ' ivra:'' iei 01 j may In- o." 1 . " i--' Liine. An l i.i a 1 tii" curls. Tk-n tie- ato-ml iu' yr.xw the bisque pat-- ; . f t r he li is i thJ -ho'k f lh.. that eov ko!:s wi e over t. "(,h. v, s, madam of tht m, 1 third;." Ma-boa ir-i i m .d Ma 1- - v 1 1 ': : ..iaoiii! IMiil' 1 1 iy io r e.ei'rie--. f I ire e.TV- 'ii .) 1 it. an ! n vs. 1 re 1 hex of carl a! ;'i;"r" wiil b; j h-nty 1 ! tv DlUiple go aW. .V iift' r n j hir. pats and admo f - 1: lor an 1 in a O.-.i went m ing th hou-e '.f going tlie way I be oppsite direction, :i the woods so tire women would lat see 70'-. I kept close to tie1 road, and when about half a mile from Moody 'a I saw two trappers walk ing in my direction. "They looked like houot fellows, and I confided my suspicions to them. The first comment one of the men made wa.s. '1 always belie v al thv.t old wrets.-ii was n il u on mm. He 1 io" ereo tito ire and detached tho lantern. The next timo he tends gate he wiil not hi rrow a ladder. Brunswick (Me.) Telegraph. A Tenure C;enier. X. G. Ilollioter, cashier of the Matiynal Baei; of Coiamerce of Hutchinson, en joys the di.stiueticn of being the yotmg est caehkr ,f a rational bank in the United State--.. He is only 21 years old now, and ho is regarded as one of the mot boa 1 headed business men of tne oi i Within two weeks after com ing of age he was made a director in two national banks, which positions he still holds. Hutchinson (Kan.) News. w; i - ) ..vi i N 1 T A J. "Jl ; i oii-. vi t "u c -. t W. B. KITCHIN. IH;viiig the I'lTccdent. "Cousin IkJiel, I want you to be my "Family history establishes quite an other precedent, Henry; my mother was a sister to your father. I think we'll fol low the precedent." Harper's Bazar. In round figures the enlisted men of the regular army number about io.OOO, a?-d the commi.-vdoned officers 2.155. The law, that is to say, fixes the maximum at these figures. Tne actual number, of eour-. is continually changing from deaths, culls! merits, etc. murderer.' As I was not iu search ot adventure I decline:! 00 return to Moody's house, and in the t rappers' presence de manded eoi explanation. StrailAKY V ITXIi ill M RXT. "All i a.-kc-d was. their j;rotcctiou for a mil e or 1 --. i. For a a old silver wat eh they consented to accompany me. and we started. I did not suspect Mood' or his son were within a mile of me, but when 1 sudd e'.'dy walked out from a lit tle clump, of tries a bullet went whizzing ua-t me and k-kod in the trunk of a hickory. Ija:up- I back into a thicket of underbrush and was almost scared to death. 1 :.rot out my revolver, however. ma t pi are "I hey th:. denly tic-re far from mo followed by one of the t: nosiiioLss n- 1 to defend myself, re about live minutes Sad- mi i-.HV.i leoorL, not The shot was in -.medial t ly vaiher, arid then I heard )pers, who head taken up me as soon as the first fired, sav, T think thev are Shot W; none t;r. "My trapper frieuos called me from my hiding pho-o, and lying behind a fallen tree were ike bodies c-f Moody and ins son. The old man wa.s shot through tho temph when he was looking over the log for me, and too -oil's back was brok en, ho having started to run away after his father was killed. Tho bullet passed through hk sioaiach. Ikth men were el v. h -u we leached ik-m. We then o-iari-J to the house, but rinding it urr.-t v 1 ;; -bed i:o. o the barn, and there the e two women m a l.ig cellar un building digging a grave my While th -won .about a under earth. I " v. e ! derived 1 a 111 vear ros I'ocks be:;, and the pi. us op!e of two centuries ago ore of products from the make use of htm d reds the pit and mine. Each rela'.ion ot men to the their feet become closer ;r-Tt--r. fx'' Ti y T?', f,i v o.c: TT3 "... W' . , ..... e ' f t Mrs. Li die DeveP-ux Blake was unani-ion-:'v -boson at tl--- recent Rochester re I : 1 . ! t - t c 1 jiivoiit.;: r m r-u' A f t. A .1 cue .m.' .v York State Wo-.li'.-n to represent eveeuiivo coinmittee of -.:--m Wouum SuiYrav-e u ted iii boxea. sav ": -ot w:de and 15 ' hi' ab.--.ut 50 . ;-' " .-,'b.-v, ; ;e all de- gr.v.s stme at P likelv that th o earrv date, anl so l some adva: i is ed from your place of confinement to seine j days Ilor-moml Arab'-lh- c-um s home 1 w n safe and convenient spot within the count v (that is in our discretion. Mr. tribes, of Israrl wiiich rettled down v. est , sheriff; von are oulv coniiiied to the of the Jordan and made incursions from iiu,jts (.f "the countv), and that y ai thero time to time. In ouo of t:-e letters on )K, mir,.r,ul by the" neck until you are this subj-ct Abdi-Taba says: ' -p..,. .t,vi ti; .;jrt was about to add, "The ilabiii people are conquering the Maria Martin, 'may Cod have cities of the icing" i. 0.. the cities tribu- nK.rcy on volir POn!.' but the court will tary to the Pharaoh "therefore the kmg m,t asnme the re-pomdhihty of asking may turn his face to his subjects and an Pu,yidei!ce to do that which euid troops. If the tro)s arrive this a jury,,f your peers k refused to do. yeai u.e uuuia u .e .viii.,, my w'O -lf. L.OH1 COUt.Ui t iiave ilKTCV OU vour soul. However, if you liave any relig- mav be f-aved, but if no iroons arrive ihe count'! ies of the king, mv lord, wiil exist no k::ger." This tremendous "find" at TeH-el-Amaria includes tablets, l.irgely of Babylooi:;n cuneiform nerie, which is thu. di -covered for the first time to have been in iw at so eaily a peri j i in Egypt and Palestine. Many of the other fak k'.s are dispatcher of about toe tame date from prefects of other cities of Pal estine to trie Pharaoh scn;tions arc m Some of the in- ;own lanruav:e, i ioua iK-lief, or are connected with any rcbgious organization, it iriight bo well ei.ougli for you to fe'-nd for your priest or your minister and get from him well, such consolation as you can; but the court advises you to place no reli ance upon anything of that kind. Mr. Sheriff, remove the prisoner." Santa Fe Letter. ' ( Kn!isli Ti; vel'ij-; Auiuicaientt. There is now traveling on the line a md a capital tune he plays, too. He h;w an iron hook fixed in the woo-k-n arm, and k at taches the cornet to this, loading it in position to the lips. VVith the other . . j hand he linger? the trio of keys. Another. r.evi-x- of I'itrcou- e. the v. ir.-. ! well known railway muti.ian is the pro The rower of pigeons en the wing is - prietor of a mechanical dancing nrrgcr. proverbial. All trained birds of this she-1 It maybe said to be one of the most pop cits hve two (-ualincatiows in a marked ; ular entortaimm -r.ts now before the trav degree. The first is speed, the second j oling public. long and sustained powers of flight. The owner of the figure stands up in wiii;.i no ou- lias so lar oeen aole to ; one anaea 001 a-5t uay translate. It is funny to think that SeJo- ; mon himskf would h.ave looked upon these tablets as remote antiquities. I Wasliiagton Star. i longer wita tic' :!;x'n pate, out wearing a lovely bb .iek wig of rc.-1 '.ail hair that curls up about her t-.-mph-; aii 1 down L- r back just as Dotty Dim-de's own d-i.-.e And that is ju-t what il is. Dott y Dim ple's own severe 1 e-:rk. And t bus ;.r th-demands ( f s n!iue:o ead Lthi-in United. N.-w York Ev.-ai: g .'em. Tlse Aijii-o;Tiiitc-l Stcigi Im .1h. Th- well filled iter : windows of the Indian. Keemed to '-tioi"1 t i 1 to iuinoveri-h i ;o: i ::r;i as were Mo ' -.u.'.. raib-rs. t:- P 1 1 prp: iat-' bevoud liu-it (-1 I have nev. r k f-. v no- ;u;; this disposition to plmk y. i) situation ordy i-oni'- l t- r 1. h more reekh-r..'. At the fain thing mure iudicrou - than tk . . 1 .. . and ' men .". :' 'e .-e no 1 Di.i. . pfTIS '.') t:a:i,t hi; T ih n r th- : tii.ie. an;, laansei .' 1 i I ! bo i:aa wuiia arth ! 'U)--rh- -usual! v 1 tho door auu places a This prop .-si tion can be amp! v demon- the carria; strated, and the following is one of the in the space in front of him hi most remarkable records: On Oct. C, i wooden pedc-stal, on which the lillk 1850, Sir John Ross dispatched a pair uf ; wooden nigger of some two feet in stat young jdgeons from Assistance Bay, a ' ure faultl s.dy "-f -o" t everything, b little west of Wcllinwt-'n Sound, and on 1 it a Scotch reel or an hkh brcrkdown. Oct. IV, a pigeon made its apuearance at j The prop'rieior hin-sil the dovecote iu Avi-shire. Scotland, necessary music on a vi whence Sir John had the pair taken out. i has a "full house," ft. The distance direct between the two . into th carriage iu places i:; 2,000 miles. Cornhiil Maga- I tive darkey is to danc. :tr -luces tin iia. He always r the people crowd iirju- -L-.-nib.u i it zine. Bits. Incomes of I'oet.s. Swinl'tirno and Morris .eh maxe 1,000 a year by their works. This, likewise, was tne income Oi iMo. ie, wuo is said io have cleared VO.OoO altogether by his poetry. His "Lalla Iiookh brought him iu ii'S.0o! whirrh was j-rol Water Ioc-t Not Mi.vc with t'.e Wave. There is no is-ce.-sary connection be tween the advance of a wave an 1 the forward movement of the v.o'.tvr con -piling it, as maybe seen by running the lingers along the keys of a piano. An inverted wao travsk al -ng, but th- which they indr-hol thoir pr ta-iks can cari (!;. weatk r v;;s int 1;. July 01:1 1 ro-re 1 t! and we w re brc-:thi vet one man ro-i- seven pairs of tdoiO ; ska - a' nock; anoth. . r l.ad 1 him. -elf wi: bells. .. A large chafing did:, ". m- h-. tiutch (dock, a green rkis d-var ' gobk,ts to match, a bug of k.ri a ciiru ii lier an I a thr'-o -aria: i- s w-r.-I law b(rne off a: Th- ..!kers u.-uah. p-lio:1.. Uijtil the J and then h Babv th... the Uu; e- a-;;"! ' ' : f'kw v ' carry it car ;'".; ' cast it uvhk an'i r.- an--Duke in Cent ir v. 1 1 te C C". 1 ' i I . ' " : O. '.' 1 fi '111. . 1 ' ' '. le : I 1 r lii. Ci .1 r " i - - o - - u r ( - . ! .- - .... 1 ... i - , . . - e f. . .- 1 1 , t , .- ,. . v . .v ! en . ( 1 . ; . - f .r . - i 1 . r - t A HiM.i'ii r ' I! : ! . ' e, I.H'H " ef J- I 1 f .1, ;! J ,I 1 t . , :.I',H lu, 11 Lt Iu. A jSIT., CA.SKOW&CO. uitO M CH1TI3 OOUCJiG COLDU Vonc!oriUl Flesh Protiucor. MntiV buvo paino I on j.o-iml p'-r d.tv b ' its uso. Sc ot s ih o.d -i'iu in rn-' .". necrot rerui dv. J. c e.'-.:u' th timula- il-rr TtrOJ"-' !'! of Hi Hypr.p'e-!. j.lrit'.- 1.0 I N'-rwfjnvi Cod lav. r Ob. ti ! l'e.to'.cT of )oth kVii.tr j.--:- Iv incVeancl. Il in u-e.l ly Pu..:. . .as ail uo-r the v.urlL PALATABLE A3 MSLK. BCOTT I, Wfif., C!tcmlst,M.Y. : r-i llii 1 j a a aloud e ;. d a o ,- x... . r-1 : r." o t. I t.o.s , . 1 1 1 1 i 1 , v.-.-: .; ri O. ai. . b -.f rl e. . 1 Wo. t h- r.-Ba :1 V, -Torn Chi' Mr. S;; 10eOi..h Wiiii'Ch'i '.' I' i ii cv" . T:e- very our: J a jo." r,-m.u !:- M;-. ,n ley's m-.ri" ; --..-law. rbej W.i:t or, d H " ,.,..: ;. 1 e;.r;; "I cor t-V'-v :iio ret-i-1 no l-'- s thnn t wont v slad::-- le-3 in the place. That obi wretch and ids sou had killed (-very stranger who had visk. d that; parr id the country for years. Tnore v.v.s r. cad of excitement wi;:1!! the news -f the gha-uly finds in the den went abroad, aad before I left the country the two wcmm v.a-re strung up to a tieo. kkody's rena-iius and those "f his soil were also hun - op as a warn ing on a tree near the sid 1 ef the road. The old pioneer's in that part of the cer.11- trv can t-di vo.t a much moi se..ry xhoit; M-a-ody'ra uen than I have Chica-o Iieral-1. bly trie highest price ev.-r paol to mm j hevs merelv move up am w n . 0 f o wi,.,-.-l.'A v.-ir-i- T.r.T-.l lv-r.T. --Of 7- ' lated that he had male :i-U;0 by po- etrv. Hi- receive 1 more than 4,000 for ! larly, a wavt rnnrir.'g idop: rain while t! r;nv otten o -the r;T arr Sinii- j -rv.-d ir.'iv r t " - a 1 , :.,i!. :v-ar de'i ni : . . -- - . OU-- U . i .-lie- .:, l what th out I'm su o! 1 A ge-do the n gon-raii. which w deeper : Cv'o: ihousan 1 ve tcrdav. years e.g.. as we is -in le Chi'de IL-aadd," 0.'--00 for "ikm Jaun' him sums varying ir-s for his shorter poems. - kv. , o r.:,C jLi.-;oo Tit-Bits. TL o onward pr ot a it: 1 bv Loot; Out fe-r ttie Ientl Cisteri. in the s S.-l W'i is 0-4 e. V 1 watching som- light sub-stance fh atiro; on the .urface the fas-t i ; rever b 1 that the water is not movimr with the :.aui in abandouol cistern is (."ten a dan- vtlcciff . Ciom-ber' Journal. geru-.is taing, and saouid b j nhe.l, as stagnant water wiiich may remain in it is a common source of disease. If this cannot be done at one it is a good ph.n to tiirow in prop-r dkiufectauts and gradually fill it up with sifted coal ashes. .i"V. li-tu. 1 i.-u.m.i. r.cciivti iri Tin f.-orvi Iyc YV :i t : ; t . A T-rize has been rsive:: iu Fr: :e-' 0 Society for the hucs-us .National ink:-try for a pr; covering tin ci ::t ;ia---l in f'-. in cU'- -vr-i- ' r eV of! i- av sav- vrh.ern virt of North America was aly covere 1 ly great heLk of ice. a mne or more tmci: m tneir . a:el xO a kd : euth as far rs si "Well,' his frkiid. "I haw 1 sud the wiuhl be immoristto hi..t slv: jeeded in inducing Tive Funny Ctas-Ate to accept a contribution." Friend That's nice. V hat was it? Humeri-: I rOuruei about tive bun dled of their "d-cii-ic-d with regret" elms. Hate Field's Washington. with h ! . 1 ,-:.'!. lj!1 . :r i.i'1 giving weight. By ;.e.-..i::g i.n to the wat er, r.hd by r ropcriy the tin settle- down state of uxi k. which ca kcted and di. c e i of. mercial Advertiser. 1 if t:-0 - wa-.i 01 : V, irsatvd i 'UVCM .-: c: nrne I a -itaroe, ! n the I rlilv col- j rk Com- ! nours I:; i r-nlo; -oirat- Mil is o e - - ' ' - - n :s T li- i (.1 lie. It bus he: tf a f. g wes which, in a pes el to thi -TcW Uud'L r tl d'r-s' "1 J hliiiifcsistlh 0 mmm E Liniment for and 101 1 I if ti T mM wa ll tu V. : , . Cf K7) ! mm FOR Forty Years THE Since the Paris muukipai council dis- t T not srnkr T'.il Witty Parrot. parrot) to i -e i- ' put: - - tMj f ' . .W 5 . r.. V. r-.- 1 . !-' J. STfiF'-L 6 15 ly. Vv M. AUSX ADES. n - ; r j. Ji r i . ' h. I :Tl.-.- 1 . A :.SFi;vhS ftfiQ ::lu -O'e i l-i -) Tricd .1 i.o f! . : f r:i i o of - -vcOv . v'o r 'ij.es sent hep, 07; rcc-riot of 10 cents, to cover cost of m nil- line, etc. Address. P. 0.;Box 10G6, Phiia- 1 delphia, Pa, 11 13 3ai. Itch i.'iii ro that chc huu'm and hor-es aird all -t)in.irls cuvid in iiO rnicHes by W'ooi ror l's Sanitarv Lnti-in. This r.sver fails Sold by E. T. Whitehead A Co., Dru -I:,-ai. 6 CZtlmd Neck, N. C. 8 21 ly -i.es a nut ft nut. Spool cracxoi lv want a to crack missed the Shift-: city hosrdt .k th by nurses who c-.-fitO francs, and t oil Wolr t. nave -. . 1 j 1. .an tv trim trie been rt placed! Mr. William Wall :m-o Law to.,J ri ' eelknt judge of a ci;; .u-r-r,t; brand matin: cctnrt-i lor mm ' :1 !. an -v. The- tap i-ivTh'si-rrnatlta '.:ri r. f : . : .11. t T'ji K-e fi --. JI-.., -.. .., j r .-. ;ilj. i.oiK . 1 ;-tr- rjc-J,. rs-As.-7Vi'rt:.v-I-35 1'-. ?I. Vv i oi.Y.M.l). Ji'tf j LZttii'ii jj:jk. O SiCC ivit 'r hi.'. JU",ii C 26-90-1 y. who can no i get p.ac 3 e ppirit of sacrifice a but gone. An-i tJso.o trciib'.c-! -.vp.h ncrvf.i.-t.t-ss r-.-falting from care or (ivc-r-.voi k .. iii Is r-hicveu t y taJwirjj Ji row n' a Iron Hitters. gciiiiId8 has trade mark aa 1 crosstd ; ci Uns oa wmpi-cr. Hav; na inai:'. r Pu.vor arid ri quit ters thera by the hundred 1 roil r.Ysrrr-JA X'tp I!ro-n"b Irtu Sliurr. physicians rcoramen4 '.t. All dealers kp it. il.v pur bottle. Gcn'unc Uas trade-inartf a! cvj-X r:i line-! en vrapi-r. For Sale DY ALL ERUGGKESTS. wa-w-iji r