if s i 71 kg Jill o 'EXCKLIOfi" IS OUR MOiTO. v. i: HILLIAHD- Ko;tor and Pr printer "ul r I ;iot r ,,, SCOTLAND NECK. C,THUKSI)A V. APRIL lei. 1891. Jk m 3 ELJ VOL. VII 11 u a p I i ! I i 1 Ii y (j F K S S I O X A L. K. C. C. C H III ST I AN. D Scotland 1f.ok, . C- Can be f,uad t Ms office in Kew Hotel when not profes sionally ec.-ifiwherc 2 i:i if. it IL V. O. MCDOWELL, OFFICE North comer New Hotel, Main Street. Scotland Neck, N. C. Always at his fflce when not professionally enged elsewhere. 9 20 tf. -rR. A. C. L J V ERMAS, OFI-K'K- Cor. Main and Tenth Streets 2 VI lv. Sc(riLANi) Nr:cK,'N. C Tjmpomas N. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Halifax, N. C, Pr-rtKcs in Halifax and adj dning r'.unti.-; ar-1 the Inderal and .Supreme Courts: :i 8 y- "jFjAVID liELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Enfikld, N. C. Practices in all the Courts of Halifax jivd adioinin" counties and in we Su ,t ...,;, ,,! Federal Courts. Ula:n.s col iertcd in all parts of the State. 3 S ly. A. DUNN, A T T O K N E Y A T L A W, Scotland Neck, N, C, PnctW-s wherever his services are required. feb!3 ly. -y&r 11. K ITCH IN, vv . Attounev and Counselor at Law, Scotland Neck, N. O. JT" Oiucc: Corner Main and Tenth Street?. 1 5 ly- II. O. Hrivrox, Jit. L L, Travis, BURTON & TRAVIS. Attounkvs and Counselors at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. 8 14 ly. WMT.DAY, B.RANSOM Weldon. wcldon. DAY, k 1! AN SOU. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Y LLDON, N. C. '.i S i v. J O II N it O H E RT SON'S Shoe Sliop & Restaurant. ISatij-faciinn jriiaranu-ed to patrons. Corner Ninth and Muni Streets, SCOTLAND NECK, - - s N. C. ian (j lv. I. J. ME 11C Eli- ;101") Basin I5ard, RICHMOND, YA. f umber Commission ercljant, Gives personal and prompt attention to all consignments of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Etc 4-17-00 ly. STEEL & ALEXANDER. I PETERSBURG VA Iron Founders and Machinist, 7,1 ANUF ACTCRERSOF Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Bo;ik for Sav,t Mills and Mill W o UK All k i n d s o F M a cm : e r y MADE AND REPAIRED. I? Alt iiiuairies and orders will receive prompt attention. 5-15-ly. !-, 4..!. .5 - ?:i" rS kl, ffn s I r.: -... V;ja' 4-. fea? Tto B:t lLcuc,vhcId Medicine. i .';. l":,-.; ;.Ico''. Frosa a.?;., no remedy c:-. v.-i;.'i I'd' tame C82 :. r.L0?D balm. . V."t1.' Citv, .A., writes. , fv'iicr I cvt r i:5ed. - : " ''.' r-'-VV.', Ar;.wt io, iS83, . - ; , - . .' L-n ' . , ; - : .'-ri,y YJW '. : ; i. . I t l.ad riv:v I 'l-.r-.- rT w-jaaenv" i ; . -' i . . lv. I'n-ririi'.'. u" l u flzitk -i:S i':a 1'o.iiHi-iej. 1! rltfl i!isir, .lii. erV;'". 2 S'sinil prcrfs rarilli-iHsrslcii) free - tKifa iflE&'SAb G., EUFf AtQ, K9 Y, ! ; ;j " ' I 5 5 7; er3 tony an J 2i ai, Kffccli I am the way, the truth and the Life.'' John 14, 5. Oh Lord, our eyes are dim Tith bitter tears, The mist of earthly woe obscures our sight, Tea thousand unseen ills awake our fear.-; Shine on the darkenss of this deepest night, Show us the Way. Spirit of Truth, stretch forth Thy guiding hind, Lead us in safety, help us with Thy rod And statf, till on the mountaiu height we stand, And tiew th' eternal city of our God. Lead Thou the way. Father ot life, to thee our souls belong, P.re&tht on our hearts the spirit of Thy grace, That m Thy. likeness, with the whiter-ob-ed throng, We may appear, and stand before Thy face, In Christ, our Way. Virginia Gkeenf. The poets sing, in dainty rhymes, O; summer days and sunny climes, Of beauteous maidens, passin? fair, With witching eyes and waving hair, Till near the end. you're apt to see rTis but an "ad" for P. F. P.; that in, Pierce's Favorite Prescripts ion, the infaliihlts and guaranteed remt dy for all kinds of female weak ness , which curea the ailments of fecole, "runsdown" and debilitated vioraen, and restores them to youtu tulness and beauty once more. Tbe price of th'n royal remedy, Dr. P'utl'Cs Fayorite Prescription, is but $ LOO a bottle, and money refunded m every case if it dosent glye satis faction. Bee guarantee on bottle wiapper. WHAT A HORSE WOULD SAY IF HE COULD SPEAK. Don't hitch cie to an iron post or railing when the mercury i3 be low freezing. I need the skin on my tongue. Don't leave me bitched in toy stall at night with a big cob right wtiere I rnuat lie down. I am tired and can't eeleet & smooth place. Don't compel me to eat more salt than I want hy mixing it with mv oats. 1 kuovv bttter than any other animal bow maeh I need. Don't think because. I go Ireely under the wmp I don't get tired. Yo i would moye- up if under the vhip. Duu't think because I am a horse t hut iron weeds and briars won't hurt my hay. Don't whip me when I get fright enend along the road, or 1 will expee it next time uud may cause trouble Don't trot me up hill, for 1 have to carry you and the buiigy and uiyteif, loo. Try it yourself some time R.iu up hill vuth a bi load. Don't say whoa unless you meat, it. Tt-aou me to stop at the word. U may check me if tee lines break , and save a runaway and smash up. Dou't make mo drink ice cold water, nor put a frosty bit in my Laouln. Warm the bit by holding it a half minute against my body. Don't forget to til my teeth when they get jugged and I canjot chew my food. When 1 get lean it is a -ign my teeth need fiheg. Don't ask me to 'back" with nliuds on. I am afraid to. Dont run me dowu a steep hill, for if anything should give away, 1 might break your neck. Don't put oa my blind bridle so that it irritates my eyes, or so leave my forelock that it will be in my eyes. Don't be so careless of my har ness a3 to find t great sore on me before you attend to it. Doa't lend me to some blocks hea l that has less sense than I have. Don't forget the old book that is a friend to the oppressed that sajs: "A luerciiul Uin is merciful to his oe; sts." Farm Jourul. Whiskey did it. (Goidsboro Argus.) While driving home with a wagon load of guano Saturday evening from this citv, Jesse Turnage, white ten ant on the lands of Mr. J. B. Edgerton in Fork township , fell from his seat on the wagon and the heavily loaded yehicle passed over his body . from the elfecls he died Sanday. He was within half a mile of his home when the fatal accident befell him. The unfortunate man had been drinking and his fail was due to hi3 idIoxi eated condition. Specimen Cjiscs. S. II. Clifford. New Oassel, Wi. w a s troubled with Neuralgia and RhejraatiUi his stomach was dis ordered, his Liver wt;s affect to an 1! arming degree, appetite fell away and he was terriblp reduced in flesh nnd strength. Three bottles of E aectric Bitters cured hior. Edward shtjuherd, llarrisbnrg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eiiiht years (standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and feven boxes of Bncklen's Arnna Salve. and his leu is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O , had five large Fever sores on hia lec', doctors 6aid be was incurable One bottle Jilect ric Bitters and one box Backlen'a Arnica salve cured him entirely. SoldbyE. T. Wb.iteb.eod & Go's Drug Store HAPP'GIRLS. ANEW DEPARTURE. THE O. F. C. GISLS WILL NO LONGER BE DEPENDENT UPON DRESSMAKERS. Greensboro Patriot.) Dr. Dixon has introduced a new school for the Greensboro Female College which promisee much for tte good of that institution in the fu ture. The girls will no longer be obliged to rush frantically around town about commencement, berrying up delinqoent dressmakers and losing their religion on a failure to get a pet toostume ready in time for that occasion of occalons. Your reporter recieved an invitation some time ago to visit this depart, rnent and he was not slow to respond. After climbing two or three flights of stairs we were cshcred into a room where we were met by Miss Tnaxton woo has charge of the class in gar ment cuttiog and fitting, After bt ing introduced to the class, we were shown through the room where some of the young ladies were draft ing patterns, some cutting out and fitting garments, others still were sewing. The system in use now was introduced by Mr. S. D. Ramsey and is called the National Garment Cutter. Mr, Ramsey is travelling through the South introducing his system in the schools and colleges, and wherever he ha3 been he re ceives most flattering notices. The beauty of this system. Miss Thaxton says, is its simplicity, almost anyone having any knowledge at all of cuts ting and fitting can learn in a few hours Co make any kind of perfectly fitting garment, and make it in the verv latest style. One pupil learn ed (ha whole system peifectly in four hours. The young ladies are very much pleased with their new work and are proud of their aehiev meat3 in this line and Miss Taaxton seems to be very popular with them. She says some of her pupils did not even know how to saw when she first Came, one yoaug lady was pointed out who was just beginning to learn and seemed to be very much ashamed of her ignorance. 'You see'' re marked Miss Thaxton,' I am trying to fit these young ladies out for good wivep," at which remark all the voong ladies shook their heads, indignantly showing plainly they had no idea of ever taking such a coarse, fbe-e young woaien intend to make all tljeir commencement Presses and will make Dr. Dixooa suit of clothes which he will wear on that occasion. In our opinion this is a step In the right direction, the young ladie9 will not only become more independent bat it will enable them to feel that in case they should ever be thrown upon the world they will baye a means of support. Dr. Dixon is delighted with the department, and we wish every female school in the South would have just such a depart ment. HOW'S 1HIS. We offer One Hundred Dollors reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured bv takins Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J.DHENEY &CO., Props., Toledo, O., We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligaticns made by their firm. West & Truex, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, Ohio. VValding, Kinnan & Mar vin, Wholesale Drugfsts, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter&lly, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. 4-16-lm. Regular Publications Best. No one takes op a regular publicat ion without the expeetation of fin ding something of interest. The oiuople act of turning the pages is as ositive an example of expectation as is the opening of a closet if one is in eearch of a coat. Hence an announcement in a regular publica tion ha3 an advantage over any otber form of business solicitation tbat of meeting tha sooght for eye at a time that it is in a mood for such greeting. A. C. Ladd. Iov Try Xli. It will cost yoa nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a Cougb, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Cnest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranted to give relief, or money be paid back. Suffere fioin La Grippe found it just toe thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a tiling it K Trial bottle free at E. T. Whitehead & Go's Drag .Store. Large size 50c. and $ 1.00. THE LATEST FADS. W a tebtroo F rouge U the Latest in venlion for the toilet tafble. The latest i&d among equestriennes ; is to ride one day to the leit &u2e, the next to the right. Amovo the recent novelties in silver gx- xls Is a match box with a compass imbedded In one side. CArLE8TiCK.s for the corners of rooms are row designed in wood. They are two feet high, new and inexpensive. Av idc a from Paris that one or two New York hostesses recently introduced Ls that of serving a dinner at &raall tables, in lieu of one long one. One of the latest fancies of fashion has decreed carriage lamps in the shapes of various flowers. There is the lily lamp, the rose lamp, the violet lamp, and so on, all very odd and very expensive. The ladies of York, Neb., have a "guess party." The ladies send the gentlemen invitations reading: "Party in our set this evening. Guess where and come there." It is needless to say tli boys get around late, as they fre quently visit a dozen houses before find ing the right one. A new fad in New York is called the hot pine bath. Those who take it lie in a tank and have the tepid extract of the pine poured upon them, and are wonderfully exhilarated by it. "Taken your pine this week?" Ls a common question now in the diilerent down town stores. Columbia college (Mo.) girls have an Engagement and Marriage club. Every time one of them has a gentle mau escort to whom she is not en gaged she pays twenty-five cents into the treasury. When a member becomes engaged she pays in five dollars. When a member gets married the club pre sents her with one hundred dollars. A MUSICAL MELANGE. Dn. TIans von Bulow has decided to jive up public piano recitals. Sarsaate, the violinist, has pocketed ;wenty-five thousand dollars as the net profit of a two months' tour in England. Rubinstein says that fifty per cent. f the Germaus understand mnsic, six een per cent, of the French, and two er cent, of the English. Mips Sandeeson, an American singer, e-ceived the gold medal of the Dane Drog order from the king of Denmark ifter her first appearance in Copen hagen. Mb. John W. Hutchinson, of the f am dy of singers once so well known, re cently held a reception on tte occasion of his seventieth birthday at Lynn, Mass. Among some music lately published is a Spanish dance by an Italian composer, with a French title page engraved and printed in Germany and published in London, with a Boston imprint added. Franchetti, the composer of the opera Asrael, has become insane, and has been placed in a private asylum. He is closely related to the wealthy house of Rothschild, and has been living in Dresden, near which city he is now confined. The late Harvey B. Dodsworth, the well-known New Y"ork bandmaster, furnished the music at presidential in augurations for the last thirty years. During the war, free of charge for his own services, he furnished the armies of the north no less than fifty band masters and five hundred musicians. NAMES NOT MENTIONED. A citizen- of Banta, Ind., has a clock made entirely of wood, which has been an excellent timekeeper for sixty years. The Athens (Ga.) bar is made out of young men. One of the practitioners is under twenty -one, while six are under twenty-five and thirteen are under thirty. A celebrated German restaurateur, in bankruptcy proceedings, has con fessed that for years he has served horse and asses' meat to his customers for venison. There are twenty-three ancient wid ows now drawing pensions from the government because their husbands were soldiers in the revolutionary war. Three of them are 93 years old and the youngest 72. - Some of the Alaskan natives acquire very respectable fortunes in the fishing trade. A Nicholas Bay Indian has been known to pay down one thousand dol lars in hard cash for blankets and trinkets for one potlach. A good-natured colored lady, whose memory was a little hazy, died the other day near Columbus, Mo., of old age. It was her boast that "she was so old she couldn't zactly 'member; but she was between ninety and one hundred and thirty-four." - wtv. -. A young man with small feet was the last person to leave a friend's house after a social entertainment in Lewiston, Me. The only pair of rubbers that he could find proved to be badly matched a No. 6 and a No. UK- Ue wore the small one, and the other still awaits a claimant. PITHY POINTS. When a rumor is in the air of course it has no foundation. "Wee Lung is going to try Dr. Koch's lymph on his name. N. '. World. The bill poster knows his place, and there he sticks. Yonkers Statesman. Every one who goes up the Pike's peak railway travels in cog. St. Joseph j News. "I've gone through a great deal," re marked the saw as it emerged from the log. Jester. A greedy man should wear a plaid vest, so as to keep a check on his stom ach. Ledger. The meat of a volume is generally found on the table of contents. Bing hamton Republican. A sailor home from a long cruise couldn't sleep in the house, for it made him feel more at home to "lay out on the yard." "The Decline and Fall of Roam" is the -title of the book which the great American tramp Intends to write. In dianapolis Journal. People wonder when they find how rapidly health is restored by taking P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas sium). Thereat on is simple, as it is a powerful combination of the roots and herbs of the horn ODD BITS HERE ANlJ TMERts, "Old Conelt Railkode" vtjis the 1 superscription on a p-vstal can! which recently passed through the LVtoa post j otlic. A bton-e building at LVeatur, Mich., : is nicknamed "Mummery bixk," 1 cause ail the village t-crt soieties meet there. , B. F. tkabne. of Lynchburg, Vy, has in his pofvseion a curiously carved violin, said to have once beva the prop erty of Thomas JeiTerson. 'tearing of brief names, there is a family in France named B, one ia Bel gium named O. a river in Holland called the Y and a village in Sweden named A. On the top of a dead spruce tree at Brookfield, Ore., are growing au elder and salmonberry bush as complacently as if on terra lirma, two hundred feet below. The ninety-foot tower erected at Kearney, N. J., in 1S43 has been torn down. A man named llakell built it, and on a certain day ascended it with his family expecting the Lord to snatch them into Heaven. A Philadelphia cable-car turning a frtre.ct curve jolted the "bang" oil the forehead of a stylish lady and flung it on the newspaper of a gentleman whe was reading of a scalping incident some where west. A club composed of married men ha. been started in Hannibal, Mo. The s tensible object is to induce married n;ct to spend their evenings at home. The meet very frequently, almost every evening, at a drug store and pass hours talking about the pleasures which mar ried men miss by spending much of their leisure outside of their own house holds. THE UNITED KINGDOM. It is proposed to build an open-air theater at the Crystal palace, London, with a seating capacity for five thou sand people. The consumption of tea in the United Kingdom during 1890 reached the un precedentedly high figure of 5.02 pounds per head. About half of the kerosene consumed in Great Britain comes from the United States, three-eighths from Russia, and one-eighth from Scotland. In England the old four-posted bed stead is the pride of the- nation, but the iron or brass bedstead is fast becoming universal. The English beds are the largest beds in the world. Throughout the whole of British In dia 105,83S,3.r7 males and 111,332,927 fe males, or 217,171,284 persons in all, are totally unable to read or write and are under no instructions of any kind, more than one-tenth of the males and about one-ninth of the females belonging to Bombaj'-. At a recent meeting of the Geological society, London, a model of . the largest gold nugget yet found in western Australia, known as the "Little Hero," weighing 330 ounces 8 pennyweight, found at Shaw's Fall, 200 miles from Roeburne and SO from Nullagine, sit a depth of 8 inches, was exhibited by Mr. Harry Page Woodward, F. G. S. The bank of England was established in 1694, and is older than anjT of the in stitutions of the class in any other of the great nations. It was not the first of the important financial houses, how ever. The bank of Venice was created in 1101, that of Genoa in 1407, that of Hamburg in 1G19 and that of Rotterdam in 1G35. In 1S03 the bank of France was established. EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE. Two English chemists have conclud ed from experiments that phosphor esence can be produced by ozonized water. In a minute the lowest sound your ear can catch has been made by 990 vibra tions, while the highest tone reached you after making 2,228,000 vibrations. A new process for burning coal with out smoke has recently been discovered. It consists in sprinkling water contain ing a special preparation of resin over the coal, and the result there is no smoke and the glow is as intense as coke. Experiment has proved that, if a del icate piece of lace be placed between an iron plate and a disk of gunpowder, and the latter be detonated, the lace will be annihilated, but its impression will be clearly stamped on the iron. If a box six feet deep were filled with sea water and allowed to evaporate un der the sun, there would be two inches of salt on the bottom. Taking the aver age depth of the oeean to be three miles, there would be a layer of pure salt 230 feet thick on the bed of the Atlantic. In a criminal lately beheaded in France the beats of the heart were noted during more than six minutes, and experiments were made to demon strate the independence of the ventricu lar and articular contractions; this is the first time such observations were ever made on man. . I NEW YORK BREVITIES. New York stands well financially, her actual surplus being $3,736,502.77. New Yoke burglars, the other day, stole eight hundred sets of false teeth from a store. In a district between Seventeenth and Nineteenth streets, New York, live 100. 000 persons, where there are eight churches and 2S0 saloons. Twenty years ago possibly 5,000 roses a day was the limit of supply for New Y'ork city; now as many as 50.000 a day can often be found there. New York is ahead of all the other cities if individual riches running up into seven or more figures is meant. It is said that New York has over one thonsand millionaires, while London has six hundred, Paris five hundred, Berlin two hundred and Vienna one hundred. A New Y'ork club lecently gave a dinner to all the principal freaks in the dime museums. Living skeletons, fat women, turtle boys, contortionists, magnetic women, Chinese giants, calf headed boys, three armed and four legged born, dined and danced with their hosts until a very late hour. A fret worth knowing is that blood dis eases which all other medicines fail to cure yield slowly but surely to the blood cleansing properties of P. P. (Prickly Aeh, Poke fioot and Potassium, I E3J E5l EJ r km LL ej ijt-tm ir' tcrii-''uj rr. J!.', et.i-rt T. f . . . t r '- MB M" II II I i MM M I IMIII MT MM M 3 a. fcrr:. i n k' 41 uir a.., lie r-,,, in t ; Sor, b .a up iu yim r p. . t ? . tl HI ft CUiiHI i in- i. i-r. i . ' , t ., : r - - r. !I t n.-.ti; j ru'sut ti "i l 1 T , Trie s.. j I rc-f ii ! i mum i.rxwwejgJEKXJt.r.rargaCT LIPMAN BROS., Proprietors, v holes a Liu mtuci'Jisrrt. licoman D.otk, SAVANNAH. &A. For sale by. E. T. wiiiT:iin:i & Co.. Druggists. i-'J-ly- sii: i i. . i it c;. Office of Calhwell (.'ommitsion ' Chicago, Jll., Jan. 21, I'O i. A. P. Gid'taiii'UK, Sai'itnah, (hi. Peak Sik: My son, a man oT C years, was attacked with I,h indie, a 1 1 1 , believing it to be of malarial origin t - U your Johnson's Tu.i: as d ncted v Chills and Fever. '1 he result, was i.c escaped the Fe?er winch follows ll" Severe aching, and wa able t bo m work the second nay. I was t:iki-:i :l i t'-e disease. .Very lone in me lrjant ache, and my hulk-ring was una. I was comp lied to g. homu and to bid. fullv expected to be there a week. Mv sou tohl i ii e of his experience, nnd ur,-. n:e to take Johnson's Chill ai.d To;:ic. I did so, with reuiiit. -i' all tbrouh the night, and was agrceahly surprised to see that no fevi-r ( am. . C;l)tiiMi"i until I hnd doses hit w,--iK and exhausted: but wo 'cr, an 1 AchV-. di-appa?ed. Next iiijrinng 1 had a good apy3titc for in- breakfast, Sill quite well and went to mv bnir i ;. , 1 ever was. Since then 1 baye tru-.l si with like two other cases, Your truly. W. W. CALDWELL, President ami ii.;ui.a.' r. La Grippe corresponds yery iK-ailv witlj our I'.rokcn Bom: Fever or len'f Fever. Johnson's Chill and f-V-ver T .: i: liafpt'Cilio for any malarial troubl--. hence it cures La guppe- For sale hy all Druggists, a'id om cent bottle guaranteed to cure ::i every in stance, or uiouey refunded. 'J-23-ly. Special to The Ladies. i ' n n M kin H !uuii uuiu: F URN I S II ES N E W YORK E X C II A N (i h At the following rates : 1 to i dollars : cents v 10 v 10 20 10 -'0 30 l. 30 40 ., 20 Lorper amts. at I of oijC per cr ii!. 3-19-tf. SELIMT SEVEN-EIGHTS FURCIIERON I will stand my fine OKAY HORSE at tLe folloiymj; places : mmmnjtnmmn'DcmiEraairaraEr.racci r;, Tillery March L'lrd, EnGeld, rdarch 27'.:., Scotland Neck, March And r-t encb place cvtry i.inth d v' ; thereafter. i Scooai NRnir Hanir G, jr. COUGH EXOl'UA rVoTLAM . C, Sol. Alexander, ) Z10 2-x j GrK,ora- $ ! IlQmiOODCANNl.V . i-A CI OJlV, DI T C ii NG. . fl ;E. P. HY m AW, DitcLicg by contract on sjsr'. ' m mmmtiWwwwfrwm!u:n3.!x,:i;w tiw notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. ; LIMUS liAKEK. I 3 5-301. .Scotland Neci:, N. ('. : ' 'WANTED Quotation od u. 1 Log, f. o. t:. Tillery, or cars, for immediate dc-j liverr. Address N. C. LUMBER CO., S-5tf, TILLKKY, T. C . HOMINY!! HOMINY! HOMINY c-r .-.- ; 1 kerp on 1 ir. I :.i .. '.; i ;. btitof HOMINY AM' M i-; A I. Prices Pos lblc. Call at tt-c liK U M 1 1. 1, t. . I b1" rjrU-,I .. v i . 1 j. i sip ! j '. ; - r. t i r s . i li 1 tt-akf iJim ! :'. i !f. W. II. KITCIIIX. l tf. JT. II. LAW iw'..C, 1'I.ai.ki: r. - (.kain, mil:. ri;::s i:.v, (T.OYF.i: AN: lii;A i:lis, IMPII-'Y!!) r v!;'! s:!'i - ' -; s a ni ! i : . A-ei.t f.,r c:..i:;-.' t i ; .-. ay iiai:k i.:.d nr.LKiN ; u r.i:. A inili'l iu '. SOTLAX.) A :-".V A". C ante 1 y. 1 ;xi: i ro:i- x.: jc.:. Tlu fill m'T ih' i. !ii t;i ' i ' , ' led an IXi:u'" !' v..'.! ! A' 'ri d Wh'te, ' t- i, ? ! ' ' if Ch tk nf tb- Si.e:...r ( ' ' 11 'ax CYun'v, "'i ; r - ' ' ol:.itnH RUHiii"t b:- . -': ? I ' Kitified to pi n t !!..:i: '" "-r iltorriev. W. . 1 Mr ;i, !.-' , 'I v verified, by t'u- li.t. d-iv : A : t ' . 1S.CJ., or tbn !"'i;e ;'l 1 d m bar f recover . i' r-:- ! ' ed to the e-t at" :r- r j !--; I V make ir'iUi dl .te ; is .'- u: f.v.' t s Thii the ) , ,,- ..f M '.-; , in. J . A. ' 'i-r.e. S t.X' !!'(.; f (;. s. wii t ail ! . ;m'j ; . MONKV TO LOAN. On i:r. proved firm 1-mi N f i:',00 and i:p !.- t i i; -. i srna'l arinutl u 'a'ni' i t ' ! -i : ' I of ye i s. 1 h i - t r.aldn t .-"'' "'' t .ay t.'X his i elel.t-'-' - ' i '.. 1 iiautm lii- rro( in i- ;r Apply t' i; LUTON , ! !1 Vl . - t VI 11 Cm. II 'b iv, :.' '. I. I). II I . L l i: A I) i n .' i; r r ii i; i: moved up town to l.i f'i:ii "i Main .Street near the l'n;k mi I. lit 7 :Mr;c;' -yA Stay VT'n hup;d - -, hnr.d. (Ji l CiiSto:uers i- . ;t.d t ; I'd I. H. G. JOUES, Contri?';lfir ai. S li'ii!-!-:, Co&trai:tH tal.er. fnr ALL L'INL building Uui' or Wo-,:., ;r 5i: superintended by the day, Ehtiuiatc, l';-Hi u-id S; -r.'.icn tioria carcf-ily - 1 V.:vi-ll ut .short- notice. Price. rusdc to bivA the t;m-. Uracktt-i of!! ! I' . H.-rdl work of all dc.-ciij-'i -u- ; ' u short uoticc s.t v:.::v l-.v: i .;. I have fn:ploy"i a KIIT-L'LArjS tinner and v,hMi in m -d .t - :!.!o in that Hnt: I v A be "lad lo ir you priC-S. Jl. (j. JOXKS. I Ifl Ol .( l". . ' '' Manager, irslothet,l'e 4 r" " ULACK BKIiUIES, WliaUTI-K BEUKIES and TOMATOES. rjOrdcra solicited 5-12-Iie. 1 7 . ' ' t . IW - 'liL '; ::! r. rt.