SALE OF LAND FOll TAXES. I will ecU at the Cocrt House door ut Halifax on Monday the 4th day of May, 1891. the following parcels of Jand to eatisfy taxes due on sars'j for the year 1891. SCOTLAND NECK TOWNSHIP. Name Clark J. W. Johnson Gro. A. White John A. WhitJEoro V. K. Narno Wm. Deyrie & Co. W. C. Harrell Lucy James R. II. Stamper "" Narrm T. C. Dicken Peter Price Tax Cost Total 2.67 30 2.77 3 20 70 3 90 4.02 70 4.72 4 63 70 5.38 Taxes Cost Total 1U 10 1.24 90 70 1,G0 1.28 70 1.98 1.44 70 2.14 Tax Cost Total 1.62 70 2.32 67 70 1.34 No. Acres Description l. town lot 25 50 117 PALMYRA TOWNSHIP. No. Acres Description 1 town lot in Palmyra 30 Pineywoods 30 Pineywoods 42 Pocosin ROSENEATII TOWNSHIP. No. Acres Description 40 20 Pineywoods B. I. ALLSBROOK. Sheriff. ENFIELD TOWNSHIP Name No. Acres Decsription Taxes Total amt. with cost "Wm. Goodwin in Judge town 25 9G Cicero Thornton Lot in Enfield 2.57 3.16 Thomas Whitaker 5 on Gum swamp 34 1.04 Heirs of Thcs Williams' 25 part of Home stead 86 1.5G Fred Wilkins 3 in Stab town 26 9C Geo. MeDanicl Lot in Enfield 67 1.27 R. C. Melikio 4 Gibbs place 3.47 4 10 Mrs. John Moore 6 O'Harra place 40 1.10 Nelson Pender 6 in Judge town 40 1.10 U. F. Pcttitt 300 on Beach swamp 9.20 9.90 W. J. Reid 33 Aron tract 2 76 3.46 Waller Sneal 58 on Horse pen branch 3 30 4.00 M, P.Sj kes 101 Jarrell swamp 1 52 2.22 8. Taylor 65 on Pocosin 3 54 4 24 Mrs. 11. W. llepkinstill Lot in ifinfield 6.16 6 67 Wm. Hill 2h near Enfield 26 96 Mies Jane C. Holt 140 on Burt Coat 3.74 4.44 W. II. Howard 108 on Deep Creek 2.10 2.86 li. F Hudson Lot in Enfield 2.26 2 86 Wrn. Ingram 1 Deet lot 3.54 4.20 Miss Rosa Keeter 33 Home place 90 160 Ben Lowe 40 80 1.50 YAvxs Lowe 4 Gum swamp 1.32 2.02 W. O. Barnes 7 Part of Pope tract 34 104 Miss M, P. iiillups 137$ Homo stead 4.74 5.44 lsham Bobbitt 1 near Enfield 2.42 3.12 Miss Mary Boon 175 near Rocky Swamp 3 .58 4.28 G. W. Buifalow 220 Beaver dam swamp 25.01 25.74 K. B. Burnett Lot in Enfield l.lfi Nelson iiurgroyn 5 Part Nevill tract 41 Miss A. Boykin Lot m Enfield 4.00 YV. Y. i.aruel's Heirs 400 Jacket swamp 8.00 m i i I ' . i. inn m . i i . i i . WHITE, PAULL CO. Cot. Main i 10;h str. SC0TUI10 SECX. C, -'" GENERAL IViERCHAMDiSiL, Complete Stock of SPRING- and SUMMER DNOHUNti DRY GOODS AN Finest line of Gents Furnishing Goods ever brought toths Market. KF&ffiWl FITH "NT SHOES. EAKL & WI LSON COLLARS AND CUFFS. You should see our line of -NECK-WEAR - spring 1391 Newest Styles of DRESS GOODS and Novelties of the Season 1 p W m I. illo WJK) IS JIKAIXJKAHTEKS FOKTHIS !'.I;T OK .Til ! KA i; m N EVERY THING- v OUR LINE OF HATS IS COUPLET. FLNE CLOTHING READY MADE OR MADE TO ORDER. A Urge and well assorted stock always on band. Call and examine Goods and prices. Mar7-ly. A GKAND DISPLAY, a gi:i:at stock, A XI) J L' ST W HAT VO t W A X I . Mrs. W. W. Faucett W. M. Froelich F. M. Garrett 2,76 l.U 4. GO 8.70 2.70 G.03 9.10 EDMUND ALEXANDER, DECATUR MORGAN, L. P. IIORNTIIAL Washington, N. C,. Norfolk, a., i la .ol rn, . u . SHIP YOUR PRODUCE TO ALEXANDER, MORGAN & CO. Cotton Factors and G-eneral Commisson Merchants. NORFOLK, VA AND RECEIVE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES, FULL WEIGHT and MEASURE Cotton, Grain, Peanuts and Potatoes. 8-WILL ADVANCE 5 VALUE OF ANY SHIPMENT OF COTTON GRAIN, OR PEANUTS. CHARGING 0 PER CENT. INTEREST, FOR PARTIES WISH. ING TO HOLD. OWNERS CAN RECEIVE IN CASH ON DAY OF SHIPPING, FROM A NY LOCAL BANK OR PAPER DEALER, ONE TO TWO THIRDS VALUE OF SHIPMENTS, BY ATTACHING BILL OF LADING TO CHECK OR DRAFT READER, Don't Be the LAST PERSON in the world TO FIND OUT WHERE THE BEST GOODS ARE SDU) CHEAPi-T. !c. Rosewood and Walnut Burial cases always oa haod. 100 McUamel land '2 00 230 Home tract 5.33 420 on Jacket swamp 8.40 per li. (J. DUiNN, Deputy. B. I. ALLSBROOK, SbfT. CONOCONARY TOWNSHIP. iNarae jNo. Acres Description Taxes Cosfc Amt. ON US. Reference Norfolk National Bank. 2-12-4 m J. B . Spier 190 Mrs. M, Spier 250 John Adkms 299 Ponton Hines 2G0 W. T. Parker 5 Ethro lgf fc Brooks IsT Fi!z?-atrick 116 W. II. Gary 4 Hollard King 100 Mrs. M . F. Pope 553 J. A. Pope 4Si E.G. BIGGS, P. S, Williams land 4 70 70 5.40 Residence 5.1G 70 5 86 Residence 4 22 70 4.02 Jolly 5 20 70 5.90 Residence 2.16 70 2,86 Near Tiilery 67 70 1 37 Koseberry 9,40 70 10.10 Lot 00x100 67 70 1.37 Ke&ictence 4 54 TO 5.24 Residence 17.40 70 18 11 ie?iauDce 8.93 70 9 58 B. I. ALLSBROOK, Sbff. PC a t tax a a for C. T. LAWEKNCE. J. B. EDWARDS. EiNGHAM, MOSELEY & CO., WHOLESALE LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALERS IN RAIL ROAD CROSS TIES. US Water Street, NORFOLK, VA. We arc sellers of all classes of LUMBER, also R. R. Cross Ties, White Oak Staves. We solicit consignments and Correspondence. We get tbe Highest Piices, and naako Prompt Returns In CASH. If you want to knew anything about LUMBER, STAVES, or CROSS TIES , Write to ns. References : The Citizens Bank, Norfolk, Va., and The Editor of this Paper. r r 8-7-90-1 y. We have this day associated ourselves to gether for the purpose of doing a GENERAL MERCANTILE BUSINESS And shall endeavor to carry at all times a fall and complete line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, and ongress Adjourned! INT) THE FOLLOWIMG Ki'Sd.l TIO.NS V I'AIV. I'XANUMOI SI.V .Unil'l r 1st- That we tender oar sincere congratulations to I'.DMt )XJ )s ) a JOSEV of Scotland Nee':, N. C. for keeping the u-.o-t conipl-tc lino ,f ALL GOODS that can be foand in the whole country. 2nd Tnat wc heartily endorse their prices. 3rd That ve recommend tbctn to the public ;jenera!ly, :h mcn-iiHiits h i intend to continually add to and improve their stock (b elo-so humh thereby enabling them at all times to give best value for the lh-.. , !iat cm be procure! anywhere. 4tll That they desrrve 'reat credit lor having the neney fur ou c f the best Tailoring hoasca ia America, wuicb their guarantee, 8;uuo!-s 1 p:ices warrant. 5 til That we bespeak fur them much busines?, they nre tvo wi h; awake to be sunk, by being undersold by :my, (((ualiiy of goods nh'aj, t he conpidored.) 3 H 1". FOR fa JJCi-r.' 1 (-3 w i 1 ' T - . . . 1 I . '. - J or Sale BY ALL J. C. WILLIAMS, ! $2 Jl&f I sra pr-poed to fill all orders fori 'So'K o nr.vt'nin... in tho money refunded. " I CCUn VnilD a nnnror. TTrT . ! 4 . .?uunw3 ru" SAMPLES ifliuo CLOTHING, CLOTHING HATS, HATS, HARDWARE, IIAHDWARE, FURNITURE or COFFIN line. Being a practical undertaker myself you can always rely on getting prompt what yoa order. After January 1st, I shall open a full Hue of all kinds of and And Instruction for Self-Measurement. PIEDMONT PANTS COMPANY 2 2b'-2ra. GROCERIES, & C. In fact everything to be found in a FIRST CLASS Store. Call and see us next door to Stern's until we can get into our Kew Store next door to Drug Store. in my house in Scotland Neck, Orders filled at any hour day or night. Address J. C. WILLIAMS, Willi amston, N. C. 7 24 ly. AND g ALE BY jyjOKTG UE. By virtne of the power of sale con forrojt by the mortgage deed of W. E Ss.sniU recorded in Book 78. page 020 of the reL-try of Halifax conn ty, N. C, I will s-id on the premi kh .-it jo!io auction to the highest bidder for cash on 11th, of May 1891 thit tr.njr, of land described and con vryed ifi ?:nd morrgsige deed, situat lii i;i ;h;ih1 Halifax county and in the tov . 'i of Littleton and bounded on north oy puolic road from LittletOD to R ) t's Sijrin, on soutu y lar;is of Mrs. Mary Moore and of L. .1 Pic-i?, on east by of G. W. Cuil iio and on west Oy linds of E. F.-ir-jrs-n-j eojtaining 43 tnd ' r I -1 ; i v, t? 4... ; c - . GEO. V. CULLUM, 1 1'3-ti'. Morigate. Wand M Oily marlel OLD and RELIABLE BUTCHER MOVED TO JACOB HILL'S OLD STAND ON MAIN STREET- CUSTOMERS INVITED TO CALL. Highest Cash paid for beeves. 1 8 tf. LAWRENCE & EDWARDS. 'i3&S SS Wi J.t 5-22-001 y. r. S C u T .j A N 3 if .ij C K Machine Shops Caveats, and Traae-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fee3. Oho flrnrr t5 rrcriC!T I!. S. FATNT OFFICE and we cau patt-iu iu k-as time tLaa tliose reruotc from ac!iir.L;ton. Seud model. drawinL' or r.bnto.. -with dfccrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, frea of charge, our lee rot cine tin patent is eecarea. A Pamphlet. "Hott to Obtain Patent," with names of actual clients in your State, county, or Address, mat. msmciTii, B. e5 Send in your Gins and Planters and have them out in order. We do TURNING 4 17 6m Gr-OrJTOenlieimer 0F ALL KINDS, WOOD TURNING, SCKOLL SAVING and MOULDINGS Gotten out at short NOTICE. WROUGHT IRON WINDOW GUARDS ANE Oonfaderate Money. Want3d for cash (in large amonts only), and ood prices paid, esDecially for the 1SGI issues. Also Scrip and Broken Hank Notes of every description. GEORGE WINDUURST & SON, Dcdhus in War Rehc3. Stamps, &c, 103 Park ave., Baltimore, 31d. 4-lC-ym, JOHN D. COUPER, MABBLE AKD GRANITE MONUMENTS AND GRAVESTONES, 111, 113, and 115 Bank St., NORFOLK, VIRGINIA: 5 15 ly. Itch on human and horses and nil animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool- ui u in ouuiLai y w)iion. mis never faMs Sold by E. T. Whitehead & fort's Dm l siore, ocouand ieck. J4. 21 lv AND GRATING'S and EXPERIMENTAL MACHINERY AND DRAWINGS GOT TEN OUT for tho same. When in want of Machinery write to us. II. E. HOLMS, PilOP. 6TP. B. Smith's OM Shops, P. O. BOX 111. 202-3m it- WHY ARE SOME PEOPLE ALWAYS LATE? ' They never look ahead nor think. People have been known to wait till planting season, run to the Pro- PHOTO-EN GRAVING Tortraits, srd cuts of colleges, hotels, fr.ctor les, machinery, ice., made to order from Pho tographs. Juices Lo?vScnd stamp for specimen sheets. lstrfp:".it2. Tress Agzzzj, New York City. WANT A WAGON ; We have v.iqr.ns, lmUs, r.'.irreys. Hi !i pnJc ; as 1 1 fit. Strong, durable, styli-.h, as h:-:;:.:i:.!.'y fini- :' as modcrni ' I manufacture can produce. I'uiit on h -r ! y n'n i HO experience. Honesty is our p. .licy ; pr s!iipnu-:i .ur specialty. We want to kn-.v y t -u. Wriie us. C ts j..u notli.nvf. May lead to lu,ii,,-s: hy and by. fen.l f.r out Xitalo's'ue. It is ;-e t, every re.'Jer uf this paper. Uir.g amton Waon Co., iiiniiaint. m, N. V. BUILT FOR BUSINESS." SM? LTt-&i r-ri- .W-T?- i " TO, r. S !) 4-0-Got. .ixi.i.'zif! .tsr W1LR1KGT0N WE LOCK RAILROSD AM) UMA NT 1 1 Ccndenscd Schedule- TKaiNs aoisa sor jii. jr-itrd rjan. 1!), 1S01. o. J.,, Daily, . o. ua; .' fastn-ail .No. !!, Si.ii'J v. .cave Wcltkn Arrive Kockv Mt. va:.', n in 1.5 p !;i i). :) u i: 7.2 1 Vriive Tarhoro !jfave Tarhoro Vrrive AVilsori I '.cave Wilson Lrrive Selrna rrivcFavetteville J I -2.17 i m 7.'") v.t j 7. "' ' h ii. J fA-ave A"ar?aw Leave Magnolia j VrriveWiirninston I :ur -J 4.10 ' f 1.2 1 " 7. t' ' i :i TRAIN'S GOINO .VoiVJ H. 'No. (;i;. KNIGHT'S !ood Cur A stannr.l licti?-he i'1. rrae in successful ti?-e more than o .-ear. A posi tive cv.rc for Iiyspr ; -ir' ., Sct',iv.,i . rv.iM ProFtrrtios, Constip'tv -i rt!--1 &1! di-rcs cf the V.y-od. Sloiraca and I.-'r-r. wicsaU-i ;:r P::t:;n2 - iUs: C:s;.:r'.:t. A botanical compour.d. i:t !-,t m r-'kaf9 and scut by mail r.t one-thud the c;: ti on'.ia ary medicine. LprpepCickas'es. sufficient l-.r ? quarts, Ji.oo ; fcalf-sizc- fackajres, sufr.cleut for 3 pints. 50c.: catnple l-.-ekages, 2 r. A reliable Agent rt-anted, in (his locality. OIC-ET EOTAJflCAL CO., 2E2 S::i;T;, IT.?. for the garden. VICK'S SEEDS never disappoint, is the verdict from the millions who have planted them. If it is Flower or V eeetable Seds. Plants. Piilbs. ornnvthintrin this line f.4 KT. Vft MTKTA this year, but send 10 cents Tor Vick'S Floral Guide, deduct the 10 cents from first order, it casts nothing. 1 his pioneer catalogue contains three colored plates, Grandest Kovelties ever offered, $200 in cash premiums to those sending club orders. Siooo cash prizes at one ot the iMate Fairs. Grand q8m. chance for all. Made ia different shape from ever before ; 100 pages x io's inches. JAMES V1CK. SEEDSMAN. Rochester, N, Y. SUBSCRIBE TO THE 'o v .!:; l;:;iou!ii., Sick Headache, Const! .il:cn, JSIalaria, Liver Coicpiainta, taka li'.c safe aii'l certain rcmedj, 5 132. K. m. M .5 S i : c ' V. N H ii 1 I NI-UU: 11 i 1 It J i . t Uil j i.eavc Magnolia 1 Leave Varpavr Arrive GoM-loro (jeave r'ayt ttevi'.ie j Kx ive Sclina j Arrive Wilson "j Leave Wilson A : IV." JtOCr. V M'. "1 f ;o. i i, i .No. f d:n!-. f dany. r r r r rfif T?W Till II HJWf JWMH I 1 :.:$." a ii) 1 'a. 1 rn '..' 1 k 11 20 -l j .. j". f MJO'iav, f ! 11.11 i 12.' 7 " i i'.,.'2. in i I., t ni . : Tarl ,ro T llr i , A - ( 1 ". - " rt rn j j " b 'o J -a 3 5 w s 9 sN if HP 3 tlji' ?.?1I,T, Siz (40 little P-eans to the -V. f - - - - i" AK 1HE MOST CONVENIENT. '-it'!-'- site. li-e. pt r liottle. , - "..-j, V ',',t PANi.Iv SIZK. " c 1-;. : f- r i i C' . i-ra r-r.-.anii.ftM ' ''' .v;.::.-v.,r,tf- ;-:i-.:i.A:,-S7.LCUiS MO. 6-2G-30-ly..; 1asiy errffpt Sn-I.iv. Trains on Smt'an'i j'o k I!rr.- t ' ; i - r. - i - WrH'-n 3. in d rn., Halifax I r-.m arrives S-ot3aifl !--ck at i.l- f ..,-!.. (irf-:,v!!'f ;.,-2 j. n., K ;' ,;. ;. ;: tu:;--': ::-av - Kin-ton 7.0!; n. rn., Jr-:-?iv,!-; -.10 o. ia. i rrivi!.,? 1! .la'.i.v at to a. in., Vv'eldor i . a. jn., f!a;!y c x r : f t K : '.';;y. 'J rain leaves Tarf-uio, r., via - ;'- .V ifaU-'.h li. V.. Daily c ' t M.: Jay. 4.O. p. it;., Snr.o'ay ;-!.'.' p. to , aiiive Wir.ia!-tfli- ,-.(., ;.:$'. j,.-:.M i p.'.-.., t-".', mo'S'.li "."' p m.. ;".'' p m. KvH' !-avts I", .N (".. l-'aliy "' ; t 'ui: i-ir. o - a r:i.. i:r!iav a r:.. W;!llurxj-tcn 7.1o a :..".-, a rn . An;', e Taboro, y. c, a. m., 11.20 a. m. Tr;.oi ;:; M :r;;uno , . C tJ: i:.r U K-iV(-.:; G'ldsKrro. N. r. f'fti'.v ( rt-'-t S r or- v 7."0 a. rn.. silt Ive h'rni'lili,-! '. X. f". (. iieluiii:r lea v.-- :iu :'.:: li'! a, t:;. arrivt- fl-. H -horo. v. '., !'.:;; ?, 'I rain ou 2iu:-.vl',c liiki .:'.. lea-.x1. I'.oc'-:y Mi.ont at p. in., arr-.i c . .a.-,h-v;!le 'op. M., .-:..ii;; .'ioi c 4.1', h. it-itumii-g Iat.- prin f I c pc li.i;o a. ia., asl.ville IO.'.'jZ a. iu., Jlocky 11.1", a.n... o'ai'.y, except Suiioay. Traoi on chi.ton branch loav( ; Wairaw f r rlinton, i)aily, except Suri'lay at (j. 00 p. in. and 11 .15 a.m. lieturninz I'-av.-s cli: ton at b. 20 a. in. and .'i.Io p n.. connectJDjr at Waisaw with Nos. 41, 4K and 7S. i'outhbound Tram on Wilson 6. Fayette , lie JJranch i:i No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. !ai!y except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, (io'dsboro and Mania. Train No. 73 makes closes connection at Wek'on fcr all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. JOHN F. DIVINE, T. Ii. KEN LY, (.eneral Sup Sup't Trans, T. M. Emerson, Gen'l Passenger Agent. 1) i . I 9 T) T err Co J A I