THE DEMOCRAT. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. A dvertisfrntnts jf ail kinds nv.jst be m ,n to m- ' ". . i k in e !' i ' 1 ati'-:! for th current week, LoC iij A IiVKRTI -KJI KNi I Ctlit S ''1 !r each ins n:'-n. r inr SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. " "'Imonds'm A. ' deliver 'J ay j ,,r jukL' free of cxpres- . j ii-ciip- j S,., Itlg ti..:is I (;'ii l Of illl s a pajx-r n N. B.J sky's Sweeping Reduction. n ,,,.t.1r,,rn-,l hats w:li h-soi l at cost f ,r the next ten days. J. 1'. I'l l HIA.U 4 iifimmea h;a? il! be sld 2;", p. r I) -n't mi liHt lor th'r "i portu-d: y to pet a nice ; iltle money at d. I'. FutreJl'.s ' j i:icry. PARAGRAPHS. i AIlOL'T PASSING EVENTS. AS Tlir. AriTAK TO TI1K KDITOIi TJUCOfOJJ iSS OWN' OLASSKS AND Ctih:k i'i:oiTt:7.s. Ki niton Wilson have each ,r! a homb.ide rtcor.tlv. in eruh casf il was one ncro wi'iDan killing another. Winstonmris claim that Winston !3 ili t coining 1.)-ti of the Statennd there is no iloubt l!;at it, i-3 a hustlin" city. The Sentinel bays there is no Hook and li i iiler Company in tie town tt'.Ki asks for the organization of a company. The Tfirhoro people have organs 5(1 their lobar co ware li'uc cotnpanv. TiieV liaye elected ( lli ; : John V. Hhaekleford, prerilcn': Abe L. feilhroner, secretar; ; S. S. Nash jir.d C W . .1 L'tfrcy?-', munagers. Alex Jleiihroner is soiiritin; The Soi.tln rner says it will e the best arranged ware house in the Slate. Oar neighbor, the lioanoke News, says th;-t f iglit y-seven trains pass WcMm ii:.ily. and t'nat Weldon's death rule is the lowest in the State with possibly ouc exception. And now if our neighbor ibes not e.::ept;o:i Tut: Di'mocuat is it for S otland Neck. rohvj. - claim Mr. ,!. L. Ramsv, formerly editor of the Progressive Farmer and re cently editor of the Salisbury Watch tr.5w. n nou nee s ! list he will return In the edi orshij) of the Progressive r.-.ri::"r. lie v.'iil also retain his cn:i:)Cv.ti:!! v;it!; the editorial depart ment of Ti:e Vatchiuan. Four criminals were electrocuted at Sin Sirf Tuesday of last week, Tne papers say it was a success this time. T ic horrors of th Kemmler cis.' c:.u-ed the managers of thf execution to be more particular, it may b a success but we hardly think the ether States of the Unto will electrocute any one next ear or the , ear itr. The Washiest in G-tZ'dm says thai proceedings have b(en commenced to obtain a riglit of way for th(' l-rop.oied railroad from the Scotland Neck railroad to WnshiKtori, N. (J. Commissioners have been appointed to assess the vnlue of the land con cerning tte price of which tin owners and railroad men couM not agree According to the Guz'.t'.e view (t the mntler arrangements will wo; soon b made fur beginning tht Cotton farmers of this region besin to think tuut m-.iking cotton does not pay. And there is htlle to encourage - them, while their cotton is 6ti!l n the nr.'."?, in the following from th Wilmington Slur, 12-1.: 'Mr. C. C. Lewi-, cf Bealeti?, Duval con nt r, Texa, writes to hi? brother, Mr. Adoiphus Lewis, in tln. city, that he jjinn d hh first rottou on the l h of July the first ginnen ip. 1 1 :w.s lli a 3 car, and th-.t as' year the Iks cotton was ginned . the 5 h of July. Mr. Lvws Went t. T.-x is f.-!i:n New II mover comt n''it tii.r.- years roj' an 1 ha fo.n 1 farmi-ig p'oikabk- i i the Lou. kSltr Slate.'7 '5 ib,- outii. 1 " e riav, t;iiil i,. cen iciuestc'i to ;oio -.wn will be a 1 1 t 1 1 i - ' i:i Scil'.TT'.d k next :ru-,i;iV Inn, of t'.e o! i!.e o il S-.):...! k M.uint d Kili -in -n. o. uke -f.'ps f(,r prepar.t.- for the a :in ii a 1 '.i ci- rt-:ui .n c. ti'.e old C'i'I!p(!l)V. b v., ..! .-. 1 1 : ;ug.-d that v t'-.e .mvm osv r.ttivi Mr? Ilhcnt cf all in leavening Power. AoSOi NEWSY 'GltAJMIS. HEUEAND ELSEWHERE WISE AND OTHERWISE. Trn: KViTTl.Vf; MILL,. new irls have oten aa-ieu to me torce .n tt;e m.lls ana wc Kim it prooaole tnit a 'tw otheis uvxm gei worn. . . . . -. 1 t T t 1 1 . . . , organs aiiM ua.'iv. ne riin l ;ii ' will leave in a f-w days an 1 all who wish to urchise from him will do well to i aail themselves of th? prssent opportu ! nit v. . ) .: ii u.i v. .. Welt, known heri:. A News ltt- ter from Tarboro to the Norfolk Viripnian . m . . Tl A 1 I siys .Mrs. 1. i . .Aiexar.uer, 7er Margie Blocker, r'-cc-:.tly died in Floiida :-ho was well Uno.vii by a number of person- here who w i!l regret to lenrn of her death. A u ,oi ciianci: Mr. J. P. Futreil has Uken the atney here for the well known and popular bugzy manufacturer, Mr. M. L. Hussey of Tarboro. Mr. F,trell is wel, kn0VTr)i j3 altogether reliable and knows a good thing when he sees it. If you want a good biggy foi a little money apply to Litn. FlifJT FAIK AT (iREENSIiORO. We have received an invitation to attend the Srfcto Fnbt Fair af. iiieensboro August 4'h and 5th. Mr. J. Van Lindley is President of the fair, and we onderstand thit an excursion will be run from Indiana to give persons outside of North Carolina a chance to see our fine fruit. Fruit groweis will be interested in it. A i;oi;t I-iTii.i'-roN. 'Ike ScJkxA Vts itnr is a handsome littlo four-page four c luinn sheet edited by the Faculty of Littleton High School. Wc have also received a catalogue of Li'tleton Ilih Schorl. About sixty students were enrolled lsis-t year and the school bids fair to grow and become a large school Littleton enjoys great advantages and we see no reason why it should not greatly develop. A l'AiSKUii accident. Little Wil liam Kitchin, son of Mr. S. B. Kitchin, was plaving in the yard at Mr. W. II. Kitchius Sunday afternoon. There was a colt in the yard and when the child ap proached the colt it turred and kicked the child a severe blow near the eye. The wound was quite paniful and caused some alarm, but upon examination it was found that it was not serious. The wound shut up the eye completely, but little Wddim is getting on well. Horner siifoor.. We call attention to the advertisement of Horner School of Oxford. It will open next session Sep tember 1st. Profs. Horner and Drewry, the principals, are among the foremost educators in the stati. The hmdsoine new building will be completed by the beginning of the session. Tt is a fine school and we commend it to our readers. Brinc-s Business. It may look foolish to Sjiiu to fveep an advertisement in a newspaper all the time, but you can't make Mess. Lawrence and FvJwards believe it. They have said something in Tnii Democrat every week since they went into business. Their store has been lilled with customers, and they haye nbl foods bv ordpr a Inner Wft v out of ., . ... r i , .i 1 the county. Only a few days ago they) i r , . . . i rcctived an order for oods to a point over a hundred miles away. The advertisements-, in The Democrvt had been read. nu;i r Tier;:. Mr. J. Y. Savage, agent for the est Brook Nursery of Faison's, N. C, will call upon his friends in this section about the middle of August and w ill take orders in time fur the fall delivery. Those who contemplate buying will do well to wait lor him. Be is well up in the business and carries a full line of all kinds of fruit-, II iwers Ac. Haul oh I lie. auditor. A gentleman was sitting quietly on his buggy in Main Street a few days ago reading a newspaper. Taming the paper in his hands it rattled in the wind. His horse took fright and made a heavy set to run away, but a strong grip on the liens held him back and no harm was loi'e. Some one near by expressed sur p;ise at the horse's flight at the news paper, when a gentleman passing as a wag for the nonce remarked, '"Newspa pers with the stuif they generally print are enough to pcare the devil :;iv llel. Mr. J. N. Smith sends us the following statement; and thinks the information may be of interest to others of our readers. He says: 'Several years before the war we had a negro child two or three weeks old that had lock-jaw. We sent for our doctor, but he said he would do nothing for the c iilc-it would die. My wile havirg seen that a poultice of raw beets was good, hid it applied, and to the astonishment of the T)r the child got well. It is living yet. "A few dnv.s ao a woman on my lot stuck a pin in her foot which pained her very much. A raw beet was applied and next day she walked to town. '"A nern man stuck a nail in his fjot which caused him much pain. I had him to apply a raw beet poultice and in twenty-four hours he walked to Enfield. 'Our cook had an attack of diarrhea With taking an opiate, 1 had her to ap ply a raw beet poultice, and she says the poultice gave her relief" Mr. Smith is wed known to our l ca! readers and we publish the above in the hope, with him, that it may be of benebt to others. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Juror for Inl'iirr t'tnrl. The fjllowing li-t of jurors iJufeijor court, begining 3rd Monday in August, should have been published !at week, but in our rotes from the cert house they were over looked. VY. W. Brown, W. S. Johnston, W. II Hull, A. House, W. R. Housr, H. J. Wood, J. T. Applewhite, W, L. M Perkm?, J. II. All.'brook, dr., W. (I. Harper. E. A. Cuthrell.J. K. Csmpbtll, J II. Harri-cn. Joshua Bell, Wm Baktr, H. W. Stoke, B. F. Mo$, W. E. Smith, Levi Cherry, Peter Stunsbary, Jobn Anderson. L. J. Baker. J. R. Gardner, J. A. Al ton, J. W. Piuman, A.L. Sti'mback, M. W. Batts, lias-ell BTL 1. Arrrg'on, L. E. Cr til i. I'xuctly ize of il We tl'p ths following from the Par sons (Kinsa-) h'iprt, wh'ch it credit- to another paper. We Lope ever? one of our delinquent subscribers will read it and see the common .sense in it: "We suppose many people think newspaper men are persistent dunners. By the way of comparison let u? suppose that a firmer raises 1000 bu-hels of wheat a year and sells it to 1000 diftbrent persons ia a'l parts of the conirtry, a great por tion of them saying, T will hand you a dollar in a short time.' The farmer don't want U be small and says all riht. Soon the thousand bushels are gone but he has nothing to show for it, th;n he realizes that he has frittered away his whole crop and that U value to him is in a thousand little driblets. Consequently he is seri ously embarrassed in business because his debtors each owing him one dollar, treat it a3 a small matter and think it would not he'p much. Continue this business year in and year out as the pub lisher does how long would he stand it? A moment's hought will convince any one that a publishnr has cause for per sistent dunning." Jlr. Cuddrir Leller. Mr. J. C. Caddell, travelling cor-. respondent lor tLe Biblical Recorder said some pleasant things for Scotland Neck in a letter to his paper two weeks ago. He said: 'Scotland Neck is substantially a new town. The interests which are now in operation, and from which the town is to get its future growth and prosperity, are all comparatively new. It had been only about a year since I last visited the town, and within that time a new hotel had been completed. Th bnilding is of brick, is well situated, put up in the most modern style, and the rooms are of nice size, and splendidly furnished. 1 was not only pleased with what I lound on the table as I entered thedining room, but the room itself is delightful p'enty of light and air, and free from the smoke and fumes of the cook-room. Many hotels which would otherwise be com fortable and popular, are ruined by im proper relation of the cook. room to the dining room. The knitting factory, which is under the management of Bro. A. McDowell, has been running just a year. The re sult? of te enterprise have been most .-atisfactory to those inteiested. We were shown through by Mr. Hollings worth, who is an expert machinist from Philadelphia, and a very intelligent) affable gentleman. Everything is very neat, and seems to work in the most 1 perieci oroer. iinre are auoui one nuu- ... . . . , ureu :iti.s employee in vue laoiury uany. These girls you woul I think from their app were a crowd of school girl?. '1 hey were dressed neatly, were modest looking and lady-like. I was told by a gentleman in the town that no girl whose character and deportment was not above reproach was allowed to have a place in the factory. This is a- it shou'd be. and at once gives the poor girls a chance to pursue an honorable vocation and make a good and independent living for themselves. We say-that men who will so invest flair r-ioney as to giye honest employment to the people around them, and then so manage their enterprises as to dignify libor, and thus protect the industiious poor, are benefactors of their race, and deserve the eood will of the community in which they live. 'Jhe day we were m Scotland Neck the foundation of the new mil'tary academy was laid, which is tJ be presided over by froi. v . u. J lien, who has had a suc cessful school here for several years. That this school will be successful we have no doubt. This town has for years been noted for having an excellent male school. We understood that this buil ding would cost $7,000. This perhaps includes furniture and everything neces sary to put the school going, and would be rented or leased for a consideration to the principal. We spent a portion of our time in tht family of Bro. E. E. Billiard, editor of The Democrat. Be has done a fine work for his town and his county. The Democrat has been at all times z -alous for the inauguration and dcytlopment of every enterprise which has tended t the building up of the town and country around. We found Bro. riufham in good shape. He extended to us, as he always does to any one who works for the Recorder, his mo-t cordial greeting. He dil not stop here, either: he helped us to the t ine of a dozen new subscribers. That is our iea of true hospitility, hely us get subscribers. J. (J c. The worst cases of scrofula. Salt rheum an 1 other diseases of the blood, are cured by Hood's Sariaparilln. Gentlemen I have sufl'ered for years with a kind of Tett-r, or breaking out all over my bo Jr. and at times these small pimples would terminate in boils. While travelling in the South last vear I had occasion to try a bottle'of P. P. P. which was recommended to me by a fiined. and to my surprise it helped me so much that I got six bottles more, and aftertakmg the full contents, 1 felt better than I had since the beginning of my trouble, and while I hav? no symptoms of the disease returning 1 am still using the wonderful blood medicine at intervals ana I am tu'lv satisfied ttiat I will be entiiely cuied of a diseae that for Fifteen years has troubled me I cannot express niv grattitude t you for so wonderful a beneficter as your P. P P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Roct and Potassium) I am yours truly. - SACAT PfcfEKS, TravclbrR Salesman. Savanuah, Ca. PERSONALS- Mr. v; W;ilill of WtHon wst in town Sandy- Mr. A. UcDiwH returned last week irom a trip Norti. Mr. M. HciTaiD went to Halifax on business Tuesday. Mrs. Z T. Vincent is vii'ing brr h ise peoj le in Sco.Uod Neck. Mha Kate TUIery wei t to Wel don Tuesday on a vUlt to relatives Miss CUudia Darden has reer, visiting Miss B-ssie SlmlJs tbif week. Misses Penrte and Li U Gray , of T-rbo'm, are iiting relatives i; to n. Miss Ella Knt, of Baltimore, if visiting Misaes Louise and Estelh Cotton. M i 33 Darden of Hamilton is visiting Misses Lnuise and Eatelle Cotton. Mr. S. F. J ihnstoa went op to '.Veldon Tuesday on a usit to his home people. Mr. and Mrs E G. Currtn of Ox ford are visiting the family of &r. J. C Randolph. Mr, Dossey Battle of Torboro has accepted a position on the flatT ol the Wilmington Messenger. Rev. G, L. Finch of La Grange was in town a night last week, li e fr.cnds were glad to see him. Mrs. W V. Janc9 left last week for LittLton where she will spend the summer with her relatives. Miss B.ttie Vaughan and Mrs. Fountain, of Rocky mount are visit ing the family of Mr. B. D. Gray. Sheriff B. I. AlNbrook went to Raleigh last week to carry to the asylum a lunatic named Charles Ponton. Miss Zollie Montague left Tacs day morning to attend the meeting of tbe Women's Christian Temper ance Union id Durham this week. Mrs. J. B. Ed wards left Tuesday afternoon for Greenville , where sbe goes to visit her parents and other relatives and a host of other friends. Dr. J. D. Hufham went to Tar boro Friday and preached in the new Baptist church Sundav. lie baptiz ed one person into tbe fellowship of the church which was the first baptism in the new baptistry. Prof, W. C. Allen has moveil from the old academy buildings into the Superintendent's home on the grouLds of the new military school. Mrs, B. G. Smith has moved into the building vacated by Mr. Allen and has opened a boarding house. ICorrespondence. FROM WILLI AMSTON. 'ersoiial mention Before the jla;,or. Mr. Denni St anions, and wife and Misses Pattie Biggs and Lou Allie Pool are summering it at V.r ginia Beach, Va. Mrs. Ilattie Ward, Mrs. W. T. Crawford and Mrs. Claude M. Keith ara convalescing. Miss Peal Tucker is up and out again. But Henry Crawford is ill confined to his room. Dr. II. M. Shaw of Shawboro, spent Sunday in our town. He thinks of settling here. Miss Rowland Stubbs of Edenton is here visiting her brother, H. W. Stubbs. Eq , and her sister, Mrs. D. D. Simmons. Mr. Frank P. Yates and wife, of Pacoleb, South Carolina, and Miss Kalid Conn of Raleigh, are visiting the family of Rev. Geo. J. Dowell. Two young men in the police cooirt last week for throwing bricks at a persor, who had just returned from church, were fined $2.50 a peice. Dr. L. II. Reul of Rooky Mount, was here on professional business last week. July 14th. G.J I). FROM RINGWOOD. Crop prospects Other n tcs Cold nights have stuoted cotton and the outlook is for half an average crop L. Vinson has tbe largest cottor, good corn and fine tobacco. J . A. Spivey has the largest, corn I hare seen, and C. A. Williams and Z B. Mitchell largest tobacco. Mr. Junius Hardee, a good farmer and a clever nan, pave a birth- day dinner at his residence on 10 b. Many friends and relatives erj iyed the dinner and wish htm many ba; p returns. Old man Zic Saunder, 80 years old is quite sick. He is being cared for hy the Alliance of Bnnkleyville. The charitible feature nt this noble order is highly commendable, and tbe efforts of l.s members to alLviate suffering are worthy of all prai e. Mr. L. Vinson's youngest child Bernard, Is quite fkk. Itisrainiog and crop prosp c's not improving. Your outside last week had some extraordinary god pieees for hoy anel was heartily e'jj)ed July I3iu. G. E. M. Direct Tax. HALIFAX PEOPLE WHO PAID IT aNDIO WHOM IT WILL L'E RK FUND CP. Clerk firrory his received tbe bl of the direct taies from the Uovemor ard s r. ady to till out iprlscit "n for the rr,c h - rn(.e nxe are refunded onlv to the !nd. ner. the executor or a im rsi tratir Where lha applicant hvl-J the onr nil receipt it should be attach 1 Vt the af L cation; if the or-inil reCtf'pl cannot br found two witr.e"-e mu-t cerldy to the ownership. I er'iS:te mut r !l cf be made before the rlerk. Th tale? were collected m i ; u ider 1 li pa-ed in 10 . Following are th nsr?e cf he owners d the land, and of thosa h pI I the taxes in cases where the owner dii not pay them. The names are g ven alpha betically accordinz to the ditncts i 1 the countr, wl'ich numbered 10. Name of By whom owner. paid. District I. Aaron, W. E. Ain't i 1.2: .!)C .74 10.31 2 C 2. tl J SJ Baker, Henry Lewis, T. est of W. E. Aaron, Pope, E. est. of Jacob Pope, District 2. Bobbitt, Ihos. Dickens, Chrii. Gardner, Mary Hux, J. Sr. est of Kdpatrick, ad. Harper, L. Jones, Reberca, M. M Shearin, Neville, Reddln. 4 JJ 17 72 Ponton. W.H. tract, John Noi it ret, lC.t District 3. Bass, Turner 1.1 10 Powell, J J.W, J.W. Bridgerjex. 1K.J 72 Whitehead, J. AV., I). Draughan, 7.8J Ditrict i. Cheek. F J. 14.11 1.00 1,114.00 3 -53 3 Th Daniel, It. W. Long, N. M. Powell, Wm. B. Spilman, B. W. Timberlake, J. B .ollicttfer, J. B. Ii. W. II- m"in, S.CO 4S 60 District o. Brickell. W. W. 72.38 Barnes, Wm. 2.IJ7 Cullorn, Joel .20 Cullom, Mary W. F. Brown, 2. Dickens, Lunsford l.t;2 Glasgow, S. A J. 2 4o Hux, Berry D. .37 Ives, Samuel 4.21 Lynch, (i. G. 14.1G D 1 strut 0. Aden, Mark A. d J. R. Johnston, 44 SI Clements. W. W. S. Carter, 10.00 Carter, Jesse. .".K Ddlehay, John 2? 42 Elms, Miss Decey .in Harriss, Jas. .04 Hamill, Thus. J. 2.12 House, II. A. R. E Mosely, 20.0:) Harper, Mrs. Elva 5.11 Jenkins, BelHeld J. W. King, d 1.00 Jenkins, Edward S. dead 2.44 Jenkins, B. B. dead, J W. King, d 5 40 Johnson, John R. d 4.00 Jarrell, Vincent d D.'2G Jarred, James 3.3S Jenkins. W. J. heirs, J. W. Harris 13.13 Jenkins, II. T. dead, 15 5 King, J. W. d LSI Miles, Samuel, J. Wilson, 1(5.42 Parks t Clements J.Carter, 15.(54 Pei kins, Nathaniel S ( 0 Perkins. J. M. Nathaniel Perkins, 0.00 Sledge, Eliza and Ann 21-00 Wilson, Joshua .03 Webb, Wm. H. Jos. Butts, 5.41 DlSTRH T 7. Camp, Jas. O. 1G SS District s. Easier, Lucy J. U. Overstreet, 18.70 Overstreet, J. H. heirs, 1.0b' 4.91 Overstreet, J. II. District 10 Stephenson. Archer, 5.04 .82 10.03 2 30 .2 70.00 .35 Kutts, Jesse Suan Bjtts, N. Dunn, G. Butts, Butts, Sr. Eli Butts, Mills Britt, Richard Bustin, Wm. Butts, Susan Bellamy, W. E. Caili.-le, Hardy CailiIe, 'lho;. M. Carli-le, J .tines Dunn, Nat Draper. Wm. Hancock. John Higgs, Temperance Hunter, Thos. E. Hunter it Bellamy 72 f,.15 7.72 2.18 3.08 11.20 2.10 .70 37.20 J. C. Bella mj 110.40 0,75 Lewis, Dand Lewis. W. II . est Dunn Lewis 4 90 Parker, Thos. 2.00 Partin Taos. 4.0' Partin, Rebecca d W. W Wiley, d 1.2(5 Read. Jesse 5 42 Whtedess, Spier d M. Wheel ess, e 5 22 Wilpy, Elisha S.14 Wiley, W. W. 38.08 Ward, Spencer 0.88 District 11. Allsbrook, Richard 7.44 Bellamy. J. T. 30 70 Brown, W. F, 3.20 Draughan, W. 288.O0 Etheredge, D.M. est of W. Draughan 44.24 Stamper, Jas. fc.Sd Wilson, Nancy Uriah Benton, 9.44 District 12. Burgess, John Brinklev, Hiram Brinkley, Jerry Brinklev, Richard Hunter, Benj. Read, McD. T. L. Burgess, B. Hunter. B. Hunter. B. Hunter, 17.' Jo JSl a 7S .-11 L. W, Bachelor. (? 72 J. Read, a.7s .31 4.04 :24.C2 .41 8.'o 3.12 121.80 42 feO.01 .80 7 39 3 00 18 05 06 7 03 1.40 15.-20 4 70 Richardson, Asa Richardson, Jesse Richardson, Abner Thrower, Eldride d District 13. Butt. W. W. Lile, R. S. Wibb, Wm. District 14. TJrquhart, Jas. B. District 15. Bishop, John T. Burgess, T. J. Bas-:. Burgess CarliTe, J. H. Ciriile, J. C. Hunter, B. ' Hardy, John Harrison, Ja. Johnson. E est L. W. Batchtlor T. L. Burg'ss, W. C. Rosser, Im. Pattm, Jones, Frank et C. Jones, Matthews C. est J T. Bishop, Matthev- s, Mary d T. Pullen. Partin, kelson Pulien, Roderick. J. T. Bishop, Quails, Willis est H. Quails, Kosser, W. C, Rosser, J. 11. W. C Ro.ser, Rihardson, Dorcas 1.49 .52 13 47 :.5o 51.20 3 90 .35 544 2 3 2 84 .97 11 51 Sykes, Wm. . C. Roer, Stoke-, Wm. J. H. bheann, Shearin, Lewis S-ieaiin, Nick " WiLjV, Anderson M. District 10. Ivey, Richaid Mo.-eley, R. E. 18 3 47.21 Total, $3,30.55 .H;r.rc ftrflititan. Whfra, it h p'eated A'im.s'y in U !! p-v. den- ttak r m furfrr-n'f -t nr , - . y t. theeforj be it rt- rf; T. wt.U w ' H hnitifcle no n-i in 1 1 the will of Him who vi ih a'l th'rg lir.t. e. tf f FaTiner' A '. i'c rf Cvtlr ! Nc-cV, TrvoaT-i , Iju cf -rt r:" m ; h'4l mf.tilfr cf otr cr-ift, a:. 1 li in a 1 w.fV ,.i '; f.. , ,r nj-rw'' a zi 1 nef,it f t r-n nf r m-mun-tr in MeS he iieJ. fJ? Ii id the r.r-3v a-. 1 'i '.( 1. a- 7f.'r, That f riii m ih fmi'i our fit at lU h t n- 1 , . r J t h I C ti-.! .Nrc. I r't rRAT. W. H M J K trt ) Nci.nin 'MiT'i Cuni I; 1. . k ) C p T i r- : ' ee LtilON tLWia. M-J !.!?, yit-.f-'Ht .'',,i.':l'. Fr I i Muv an i c--:t'.'-1 1 m cMP n! ma ar 1. taVr Lnfn Flir. For j l-s-a" palpiU'i.'U 1 1 tiie F.litir. n t f v a-J cart, take lt;!e: For in jie'ifin aiii fou'. ' a- e L"'",- : K i ttr. For sH d-'K a.;d envou brada-bc, take L -inoti '..xtr. Li.Iic-, br r atural an I th -rnh or itii- rt ; lati.v), take Lemon K it r. Dr. li z'ey s L-tTion fchnr aai'.l fad you in ant of ih? ab-r nirac.1 ! ease, all of wV h insn trorn a t- fp: ! r diseased her, st Jtnach, ki lnry it rowels. Pitpafed rr.'r by Dr. II. Moi ky. t!anta, tii. !)c. nd ?! W per bottle, it druggist.-. LEMON HOT DROPS Cures all C ti'is, C ' l. Ilearenrs, Sore rnroat. Jronchiti, Hetnorrnij:t and all throat and lun diseairs. i.'.t nl. re'l ible. 25 cent" st drnyii-t. Prepared oiAj by Dr. II. yilev Atlanta, tia. 4-;; oi l v. The lonfrst bri.lge in the world m the Lion bridge, Saigan China. Beware cf Oinrmfnts for Catarrh that contain Mer"pry. ns mercury wdl sorely drstrov ti e ntv.Hf f smell and completely derange the whole m when 1 nterng it thriuh the mueious surfaces. Such art rles should never be used except n preo-i-tions from reputable ph vsit'ian, a-i th damage they will d 1 i-i tAn f 1 1 to the Hood you can popibly dii-e from theui. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufacture 1 b F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo. ., contain no mercurv. nnd is taketi wt?rnllv. and act directlv upon the blood an 1 murou surfaces of th 1 -ysteni In toiyirg llriUV Catarrh Cure be sure you et the cenni". It is taken internally, and mad j in Toledo, (kio. bv F. J. Cheney A Co. 6tay"Sold by Druggists, price 75 cents per botle. Ginned i 500 lbs. of Seed Cotton in 45 Minnfes- HorHToN. A 1. a.. May 10. h, 101 H. VV. Hubbard. Athn'n. ia . The 00 saw "'Cotton Bloom Gin" I purcha-hd from you ha pjven entire sat isfiction. It cini rapidly, and cle.ins the seed nicely. 1 hae ginned '500 H. of s?ed cotton in 45 ininute making a lirst class samnle. Yours truly, JOHN M. GREEN. See advertisement cf these celebrated ins in aonther column. Sen I for cir :u lars to II W Hubbard, Atlmta, fJa. HORNER English Classical am! Military. The Fall Term opens September 1, 1801. New huiMmg with modern im provements. Electric light, hot an I rold water baths. e?c. Location cn a bill. Excellent climate. For catnlopnc address, IIORNF-R DREWRV, -9-4ui. N OTICE: NOTICE!! By virtue of power m me vested '( . -deed of trust executed to me on 53 j dav of May, 183, by R. R. O wife, whi ih is dul v recorded j rr ister's of ke for the roun' f U;Ux , Book to A, n page o s)lRvr f(1 cash to the hih.-t bidder in the f)wn ol bcotlar.d Neek. o Tu;pdayi the iih of Au 5ust, 18 A ntvl n-cnckt m.. that land x and near tjie vsvi t()WU wr,ich i hour ,1 r,v tru; an,js o( iV jj Kitchin. J- 1 . Sava', B. D. (irif, W. N. Step lpe . B. I-. Allsbrook, K. AINbrook, ami th B bcotlin 1 Neck Cotton Mills, atid c jntaining ahin one hundred and seven- acres, biTij: that land horn as the Cmpj)Iace and where Mr. Latham now live, lhts June .9;h, HOI. W. A. DPNN. ot. Tr u- f?e. J. W. COOK Bus moved hi shoo shop from Ko Shields' store to Wt-st side of Mam Slrcei just in lror.t of Post- ofh.e. i'His patrons are invited to call on him there 0-2 4-It. LITTLETON HIGH SCHOOL and 'Business institute. COLLEGE PREPARATION, COM MERCIAL COt.'RSE. PENMANSHIP, TEI.Kf.IrM'UV. .CII"RT!IAM A'I' TV i'KW KITING. Price very moderate, imexclle l loci tion. Cj.ns Aug 24, isOl. Adilress for cattalogue L. W. HAfJLl'V, Principle. G 2-2m. Lit tle ion. N. C. WESLEY A N,Se STAUNTON - - - VIRfJINU Oilers St p. 17 h, 1S01. One of th' most th'irouzh ar d attrntt'e Srho'I for Y u2 Lndirs in tt-... v.iuh. Correrva tory Course 111 Mt;i -. Twenty Jive ti-ach-ers and officers. Jsiiuat:,n bfau ifn! Clim't' utarpas-il. Pup l.s from twen ty Sta'e-. Terms I w .nrral ;n iur'- ments t Tjerons at a ii tu e. Fur the i supeiior advantages of thi-; celehratid Virginian Schof 1, w rite fur a catab gut to the Pretdder t V. . Iliurb. I. I. 7-2 St hiiuinioii, Vaa., 7-10-i1n. Oxrord. N. C. IBB 1 r: I A H A I N ! In Summer 000 1 dUST RECEIVED j a w n ' r. s r -, '';uif'i m. QHAI.LILS fFN I s ;i - C MllNAMI Kl.';! KMU i.tii Imp at trd altcij. I " t -KiA-, u r.'i . . r-ilk I'liibrcllai jl . t Ladies Low t-isii -r 8h r ! Fratin-i I i'h 1 t. Di-sh t Imhatii ceiiU. Plain White L-n at I c ut. A Complete SILK MITTS, AND KIDGL.OVES. at a SACRIFiCK. fLACES-LACSS, AT HALF r A a You should KZ3 1 OUR S . LADIES SHOE. TAent for V," he Machine. r ,t ewui. RESPEUTFULLV, N, B. JOSEY. n n n n n n 00