lliK DEMOCRAT. J7H:KSJAY U'JTOl'.KH 8, lS'JL PUBLISHER'S KOTICE. ' v -erti--mi : . t s of all kinds must be in , i, Jii. c 1'V Tuesday afternoon to in it j publication for th-i current week, j . , i!. A !!VK UTI S KM KX'IS. I Cent a ,1,1: ! i i" :t 1 1 iiiM'i 'lion. (',; 1 -s i'r lid '('.'..'( 7 diie WCCkbi :f-CI AL ANNO UN CEMENTS . I T H A FrfASTto the eye, to visit i U.y i:ug: .Jcwth v Slor: of .Lis l. j!. !' T;,; t.t,n, where you mil lind irrc--.to.-t vaiicty ; troo'i.' in his line i t .Mr. i'.eii trjoys a liberal patron , tc!!iii;- m et Eastern Carolii a. He liaii litity ears e.Mierierce ns e ''Mil i.'ikei aid guarartecs lis work, j''.,i!ity of his goods. Head his ho n ' .us p.ap-r. "iliHiL HA SKETS. ill ttyles, ilf.-m and prices at Kdrnondson Sc Josey's. ill UUKI: (IU()!).-'; .Men'.-, "lii'ii coats, boots and rubber hoi.--, ladits uml Misses i ossarers. Edmcniton .V Jofctv. i NDERWEAR: .Yen's nitii.-io and undershirts, ladie, Mt.-es and cl ild.ens. Vests; Mmoudson Sr. Josey. Tar -bell's cream cheese, mackerel :m i whitelUh at h'luiuivJon A: Josey: i i H Vi 'i f IIK: Chan, her sir s, single bed steads, sntVs keiugti? , dr.;t leaf ? tuner tables, filter Ubl'.s crillirs Alc.Vc. A:c. Most rornr.Ju ji0 cvtr ,hoivn at Edruondson .t Ji.?cys. Examine K luiond-on Josey's ftock in i kani their prices before purchasing PARAGRAPHS. ABOUT PASSING EVENTS. AS THEY AITKAIl TO THE EDITOIi TIlROLdJl J1I5 OWN GLASSES AND CTilEL I-HOPI.kV Mr.J. M. Kin, of Wilmington, N. U , vras lust week grr-taJ a potcr.t on a veneer box, or ha-ket. NEWSY 'GRAPHS. HEBE AND ELSEWHERE WISE AND OTHERWISE. MAintiED At Hobgood Oct. 1st. Mr. Joseph Surnrr.erlin, of Scotland Nrck and Mis Mandy A. Lynch, of Martin county, Dr. K. Lerrgctt t!i:ut'ng. ZriTTiiK Democrat next week will srive an illustrated aiticlc on the remains of Columbus, showp g the bones of the ,reat t'ic. verer and where tVj lie in Havana. I Oar e-teerccJ coo, temporary the '.he Kin-ton Fret Pres makes a mis- j Wi'v latk.-Tiik dem. cry a liUl take in giving Tut Dkw.rxt cred- ! ,ate t0 the ,lCnifc readcrs lh" week- T'-e printer-, took it into tncir craniums t 'o ti the circu- just before press hour, and we were willing for tlirm to go. the "deii'r only kept us company at ihe printirg hour. -e articles winch must bo had. A beiiutilul line t.d l)ress Goods at w. Edwards: Prices to Law re: 1 co 1.:.' every one. Tnc cheapest and . pettiest line o! ci 'thiiij; ( ver cilertx' in this (on. A l I suit forlO .V.. Chilli $.'.t0 s.it I.AWiU;N' L ElWAIUlS. louts and Shoes for men and c' il hen. J'li -'.-- guarantee d. I.avi:knci: it Kdvali;s. Trunks and 'ali-;es. Piices too low. I.AYVLENVK it El WAUD.S. A fill' line of cHaks for Ladies arid Mie.i ami ih-j ciieape-t ever seen m this t A s.i. Of) cloak f;r -'j..''. A $5.00 Law hk c 1 ; it Fi.waiidp. i'.i barg-iins in (Jook Stoyes all s:.:.s lAWKENn-: it Lj'AI!S. The jire-'t'esi li ii of crockery cvsr !c: here at 1 -aw hem'k it Kdwauhs. Ki.hber Mod1 an Sho.-s I.awhkn'i i: Si EnwAf;i;s, rl.i 1 1! 1 L (i I (JLOT 11 IN ( i ! CLOTH i NG! ;i' j'li.-ts to Miit the times, and low pric ! c ;t i!. N. Ii. Josey. t'ho'i'H IXtJl CLCTllING! CLOTH IX (11! l'.i i;i a. id .-iiit yoti, and at prices to please evviy one, N. 1. Joey. !'-.-? C.khIs! Dress (Joousll In the fabrics at N. 1L Joscv's- 2r0 V-'6 $VA T! 2V0 DOVS Sl'lTSll P-ci'i ' w - riied ab'ut ha. nig to uiake V'ii:r I ; . s" cb thing lb s winUr. We w:'! .. ! you a ; nit at ab jut what mate- N. V.. Jo:-ey. cotnir.euco uii Fi id. 17 Oct. 2nd 1 ut in e:.tne stee'e .f K. I'. Co's., Fine d;,K". at actual cost -X. H. Jo. ey. r;a: i:-.i--i !.idKS -!f yen want Hciuty, Style, i'i i:n!i iind woar. Ask for Krippondoif, iit'!ij in .V C"s sho-.s. Fv.o'v cair war ranted. N. I. Josey. X. r. Josey ts clL-ring (do iks. Jackets. N .v M- Is and ( hil Ire Wraps, at V"i - ttiat will Oil use you to discard your to t ii.l and see hat I liavc ri N(v t.iou Is and Styles. cdi'r you N. H. Josey. V iOD. r!M: 1 I v 1 btovo wood sawed the proper lcnghth for had cfieap at the t.rick W. II. WHITE. " yni want to live in your own ' '"'Uiitv and buill a business aiiie y.,u a good liiv.'i-? if so, b)HXSt)N, (ijn. Manager, ) or y n. 1 i: ri x;. -nccid Agi.t. j '1 Muin Street, Norfolk, Va. . ir-)':d secmd hand sixty saw y. ..ssv CMttun Oin for S.M.':. For : 'i !;. to, ' Fiitrcll it Speed. :ir bf t v 11." ;i ar, ;i i Cdlninn next wtck L::wre!.oe t Ed v arc's ;u and atti active LINK .of 1 ; . hit and bo tmu prices 1-r.Viinw ,t Edwards. ,w ii-p.avj::g H.TS. Call L S'l : - t:, 1 -'. i - 11 the latest and examine ence .t Edwards, K. P. Heed it Tn's . line c le'e. (jail an i ex-.n ine h'.ry j vr warranted. i.-iwrencc it Edwards. Warning i j .ill c-mcernod that the 'v k pasture extendirc ' t-v W. K. Whiti's i- ' ! Ik-, Anmuiw Savaci: '1 - 4. i.J b '--'!! ' f September, wc ' v.-rk .,! 1 Ml: S 1 A K f NO ''vis-; f- 'he public. We ;- 'ouijsoVtr.ct alter, il'v,:: at .Mr-. P. M m -t 0' ii I 1 i-l -T f :e Pendleton. ) I'.i'f.- D till. ) Notice. -.-.01 rs 11 a in 7 rdr-r-d i:i hand- for 1 i'.-i" same iinme- is Uiiinth. W. DFNV L' -Notice. (1 it for the item ahoit a liUle sensa tion in W llliarustoD. The Greenville Rc!rrtur printed the ittm first. A constant reader of The Demo crat, a true democrat and strong ..Mianee mfin, writes ua tlic fullovr 102: AJIow ice to thank ou for your exceedingly well written, thoughtful and conservative edito rial . 'Oil upon the water?.' ', Tae Salisbury daily lleruld is a new candidate for patronage. It comes bright, spicy, newsy and well edited by Meap. J. Ii. Whichard and T. Ii. Eldridjge. We are glad to welcome thij new daily and we trust it mi) receive the patronage the integrity of its editors merit. The Goldsboro Ht'idli'jltt is foor years old. Editor Koscower eats that Ihe i oper enters upon its fifth year with much hopa. He also 3ays that Ida people have nobly supported him, which is a handsome thine; for any community to do. We con gratulate brother Roscower. About the soundest chunk of com ijuon sense we have read this week is the following from th? Durham Sun : 'The men who roll up their sleeve and go to work are the men to build uo a city, or t accomplish eny other important un;n rtakin. Talk in; is all right in its place, but wotk, properly directed, is !l.e all-important tfiiii-z." saj e The Fiihermun & Farmer that a leading commission house of Norfolk has issued the following : The peanut situation, as to the growing crop, can b? briefly summrd up in the follow! g statement; that wi'.h no disaster to happen to it from now, it will be aboat half as large a last year's), w tricb. we will also con sider putting it at three quarters ol an average crop. ThK we believe, warrants ns in hoping for tettter prices thau we have been havia. We do not expect tbeae hitier prices though, till the first shipments ol d trap and inferior stock are over, nor till the diUribating merchants throughout the country can be brought to realize the crop is a -hort o te. The'i causes may for a time lower pr.Cic, but we do not think they will nmin down long." Th2 Wiimiugton Mosaonjer had a conversation with Rev. Tho?. Dixon the other day and reports as foil we : "We had a long and very r leasant ch;t with Rev. Thomas D'.xor, Jr. when in our city the other day. He is a yety brilliant , a7gre39iv3 young man, not yet tw ectj-seven years old lie has rapidly achieved a very wide reputation. He is impulsive and mikes mistake?, but his heart ia true aid re wsnts lo do good. lie is orer working himself, evidently. His pAleness and thinness indicate this lie ba? physic lly deteriorated since he was here !as. year? and he shoald ;ive himself more rest. He is not made of iron. We heard him lecture Oainhd his slmt. Mr. W. A. Dunn appeared in Pitt court lait week for tht North Carolina Lumber Company against tae railroad comtiany. He gained the suit which involved $1000. Mr Dunn made a line impression on the Pitt people, we learn. How ahout it? The pipers ire tell inir of a man out weft who put a clause in his wdl appropriating $100 to pay for the home paper, to bo snt to hi neighbor. Ili-j neighbor had been bor rowing the testato:'s paper all his life andthediing man did not want any others of his n-bbors bothered so. Pkavini: and other Hay. There has been more than an ordinary quantity of peavine and other hay saved by th fanners this season. A gentleman who owns considerable land said to us recently that people are just beginning to learn how to do things i 1 this country. Far mers need not buy hay. It grows in abundance here. The I'EMtxjRAT We mty be excused for insisting upon a careful reading of this entire issue ol The Democrat. On the lirst and lourth pages will be found som interesting reading- Also on our supplement we present some very inter esting selections. We commend a study of Ex-Senator Norwood's new banking plan, Mr. Cohen's speech it the Evposi. tion and other selections. K e a i k e e Association. A m 0 n g thoso who went fron this place ta the Kehukee Association at Great Swamp church 1 1st week were the following: Mess. W. Ii. White, L. J. Deberry, Lawrence Houe, John L. Whitehead W. U. Liggett, Robert White, Henry Allsbbrook J. L Fleraorn', shenfl li I. AU'brook, Henry White; Mrs. SVm Rufli.i, Mrs. W. P. Robertson, Mrs. House, Mrs. J. T. Daris, Misses Emily Sills, Ftta Allsbrook, Ella House. Doubt less others went whose nanus we did not et. It was a prosperous session of the Association. The meeting closed Mon day afternoon. The crowd on Sunday was estimated variously from three to four or live thousand, A pr:tii.)n was before the Association to meet next year at Deep Creek' church near Scotland Neck, but it went to Cone-toe. How to Start 11 ilalUy Horse. A wrtter in Our Dumb Ariinals says that whenever a horse driven by him has balked he has got out of his carriage, gone to the horse's forefoot, lifted it from the ground and stiuck the shoe a few blows wish a stone. lie has never fail ed to start abalky horse in this very simple way. !ett n tVr I'orjtery. Some days ago a colored man named Kichardson presented to Mess. M. Hoff man it I'ro. an ord?r bearing the name of Mr. Nor licet Smith, but they were a little suspicious and did not pay it The matter passed off and they took little notice of it. A few days later tht same man presented an order from Mr. J. D. Atdvcw and Mess. Hoffman it Bro. piid it. Scon the colored man returned with another for $S. They paid that abo, but at night discovered that Mr. Askcw's name was Fpelled wrong. They investigated and found that it was forged. The man was arrested and tried before Justice Perry, bound in a bond oftflOO. He failed to giva bond and was sent to j til to await his trul at tie st year and put theu on record oar I next t?rra of the Superior court. 11 hi-: in v xii co ilvi v JII IHC AI, feOOKTV. Last Tuesday niHit the county Medi cal Society met in Scotland Neck i.i the o11i:e of Dr. W. O. McDowell. Dr McDowell, President of the Society ooinioi. '.hat he delivered the most; ixt'jrtjst i)nj lecture we ever hpard, and th'.t in Li-iiself he was a whole c--rnedv company. We failed to hoar his lecture this week, and mueh re uret it. Those who heard him and ho;e intelligence author 7.2 them to peak, tell that it was even better called the mceti.ig to order and D: J. R. h n liH lecture on "Backbone," ! Pope acted as Secretary. Tie prcceed A'hioh we t eard. He is beyond doubt ings of the last meeting of the So.'iety th rao't gifted, mauy-sided lecturer1 were omi'.ted. Dr. J. A. Collins, of Er. now before the Arcercan public un! field, rea l an able p-.pr on the prevail less Rob Ing-re.ol! be the exception, j inr, f0vL.r 0f this region, wk:ch 13 called He is the cost pronounced success j tvr,vi0 malarial fever. After the reading in that line of the Sooth. Rcopl-'; 0f the paper there was a general discus hcre say he is f3r ahead of Talma-e filon by the incmb(.r, present. . 1, j 'i ncxt meeting of the Scciety will be SCROFULA IS HAD. iic( j Wddon on first Tuesday in Jan- For all forms and variations of scrofula, 1 Uary, lS9- Dr. 1. E. Green, of Weldon, a hich stands next to contagious Mood was appointed to read a paper on pneu 0 T-on in the problems thac it presents, j ,r0nia, and Dr. J. R. Pope his alternate S. S. S. is a specific. As a remedy for j The merting will be held between the this disease, it stands pro-etnincnt and 1 hours 01 1 1 o ciock, a. m., ana j o ciock incorporablc. Where the ordinary treat NEWS FROM HALIFAX. WHAT Til E DEMOCRAT HEl'ORtfcli fcEEd AND HEARS AROUND THE COURT HOUSE. Mr. Fred Wli e'aad who lives about two m;lcsN rth East of here, while in an altercation with one ol his tenants lu-t week, received qu te a painful wou.d from a pistol t-hot in tv.e hind 0' tt Utter Ihe ball taking If ct in the wrist The party was promt Ur arretted, ard on bail, awai's (ri4l at N .vernber rcuit. We have bcrn informed bv Mr. J. R. Tillery that he I as sold Ihe town of Til lery and li entire prop-rty mrrour dir g the same, to II. H. Fuel r f New Y ork at what he considers a fair valua uon. We did not get the exact tiyures but something n.tar fortj thousand dol lars. We Notice Sf. Mark's Episcopal church here has purchased a pip-j orj;n in place of the ol 1 or.e which adds grea'h to the beauty and solemnity of the ser vice. Thrcugh the untiring energy and Zeal of its rect r and the estrytwe are pleased to see th prosperity of this church. Ii is one of the oldest in Eastern Carolina. We are under obligations t the. Ed itor of the Democrat for courtesis shown us whd at his towu lt week, We greatly enjayed our visit (0 tho knit- nng factory anl military academy, thest are uuite ornaments t the towri, for wtjich it should be under grateful remem brance to The Democrat and its ener etic editor. We predict a bright futnre for the town and its enligbted community The jul here contains 10 prisoners rive for capital oilences, and two of these belong to Northampton county. They were removed to that county yesterday for trial this week in the Superior court The following items of interest we take from thejailei'i report ta the official Board of Public charities at Raleigh, N. C, giving the number of prisoners con fined in our county jail from Dec. JSth 90, to Sept ISth. 91. embracing eight months 83 blacks and 2 white, 4 of whm were women. 3 for minder, 4 for rape 0 lunatics, 3) for larcerav, 11 lor costs. for house breaking, 5 for f & a There were no deaths durirg this period. This speaks well for the mannncr in which 11 is kept and tho health of the prisoners. Oct 6 1801. "Rextus. 'rparing: tr llic 1 xioIIIon. Mr. A. McDowell, general manage ot the knitting mill, yesterday placed on exhibition ia Mess. E. T. Whitehead t Co's drug store a few samples of tht Oods that will be s;nt up from the Scot land Neck knitting mills to the Exposi tion at Raleigh. The Goods trc very beautiful indeed. Every grade of socks and stockings arc made from the com mon coarse goods to the finest lisle iVead and handsome silk, les, a pair of genuine silk stockings ma le in Scot land NecV ! The goods at the drug store are viry pretty and will atti act attention anywhere. There aie no vest disj laved m the show rnso for want of space bir the di-play at the Exposition will be full aid fine. Our Store vil! Ic cloned .lion day, Octol t laili. yt. IIOFr.ll . & 3IRO. AT "T TAW R T?Vni7 4 A A it.t-i EDWARDS' 1 n PvT 1 7 i Pi teJ i h b m l i Li 1 mm : - ('ommiiuaer'i! Electing:. The County Commissioner's held their regular rnor.thly meeting this week. The fjllowing accounts were adowed T L Whitaker, recording orders J 15 Iiiickell, beef, poorhouse, Ii W Harper, bridge work W Ii Tillery. goods poorhouse J A Johnson, corn " Emery Sz Pierce, goods ' J A Ilarrell, dockets Sup. Court W l Strickland convev'g pauper W D Pittman, building bridge C H 13 Howerton 4' Dr A B Pierce, Supt iUl h R G Reid, Jail account L D Iirowning, Supt poorho :se Dr A R ZollicolFer, drugs John N Iirown, goods for jail ! 7.50 11.16 3.S0 7G.24 21.00 57 90 8.08 11.34 2 50 9.1G 102.50 21. SO 82.15 43.51 11 55 4 15 M M h- P M 'i-i Jw There is no end to the chances lb: good bargains. CLOTHING.. 7 CLOTHING. TO SUIT AND FIT KVHUV MAN, IJOY AND CHD.D. DUK-s t.tiDDS - I II l. PLi:i M I A NICKnT LINK KVHU OKFKRKD HKHK. CCC, o c 0 c cccc I L LL LL LL LLLLLL i) V O O o n 000 A A A A A A A A A A K K K KK K K K K K K K -1 -4 AND THE NomilKST AND 'CUE A V K S T 7CH K V l K S T I N I N T t) vv N T O W N 7 1 Boots and Slioes o o ATS AND CATS A full and complete line. 1) Mil r T11K MOV!' KA-MDhi". FO MHF I 1 1 M .VOST Y OL'lf STOCK ii t o l...-e IT u, t-. 1 moratp We onlt ask vou to co tii c aid rxamiuc to bo couvincd t 'iat wo ire il' n; r: 1 . , H BIGGEST BARCAIf-JS Ever heard vof in this Town Como this Week and Sccuro some of the Big Drives now B-in'; Offered. i 1 ' r LAWRENCE & EDWARDS. FURNITURE (0) : KaSest : Dealers TAKUORO in II '. i T finmiT?arn n s - Peanuts and other proehi- TO p. In , HI Ui "CI LliOU JMI 1 oitnii.i .'.U UjF on the morning tram may return the fame day. The Democrat commends these mecJ- 1. 1 r 1 -r 1 , j fit.. 1 ,-. 1 i '. j OA j hi-- on ih0 ..,., ;iu..li!i m1 brfore ''''!:,'v count " 1 1 "eii, vece.a-rd 'intr claifii.-. e '"'it tlij-r. duly ' ' ide! t d to ''atj payment. 1 A I K v i'.KLL. 10 s .;t i.ent fails and it dees fail in nine cases ,nt e f ten S. S. S. will e llect a cure. o.i e of the testimonials that the pro-Jir.g to the medical frat-rn ty f the . i 11 i- u county. ttunk mucn benefit wid .Hielorihaveonliie, ai.d ethers which j o thj phyt;id3ns ml thc puh!ic tbev inrludc in their pampldets, des'irib" ljv tue interchange of views. cures that are almnst miraculous. No higher tributes could be paid to thc s-in- How's This jjnjao t ili racy of this medicine than those j 0jj-t.r (jne Hundred D( liars rewaid which are embodied in these unsolicited j for any case of catarrh that cannot oc 'ett-rs. T e Snlfering that has been ! cured by taking Hall's Catarrh that can--.', t. .7 1 1 not be cured bv taking Hall s catarrh saved by S. S. S. in these cases alone,', ,jL world place it at thc head of all blocd F j CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O, medicines. Itch on human and horses and all We, the underHgned have known F. J. Cheney for the la.-t 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business . .1 ' .1 , i.. . . . ' . . 1 1 . i . nnl fi n o n 1 . 1 ! ty Hljk in animals curea in .vi iiiinuies ijr uaiisiiii:uii " ",,,-- iu ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never ta'ls ; carry out any oongations maue oy meir " " - " noorhouse 8 40 Dr J A Collins, exam lunatic 5.00 J J Danie1, goo Is 5 40- Jno Manly, conyey'g. pocper .50 J F Hancock, con. pris. to jail l.OO VV R Shaw, work court yard, etc 'i 75 WiPcox Bros, whiskey poorhouse .50 John Fenner, work cotut houe .75 A II Greene, convey, pris. to jail .'100 C Frcelick & Co, good s for j id 3,50 It was ordered that W A. Dunn be and is hereby authorized t id e rtiz? anel sell the R J. Lewis land on the l.t day of Nov , Snperior Court, which is the 3rd Monday in November, 1801. It was ordered that the ccmnissioners and county attorney, draw up and submit to the boari suitable rule for thc gov ernment cf thc poorhouse. "Don't Care to I'su." It is with the greatest confidence that Hood's Sarsaparilia is recommended f.r loss of appetite, indigestion, f-ick head ache, and t-imilar troubles. This medi cine gently tones the stomach. aist digestion, and makes one "real hungry." Persons in delicate neaiin, aiter eauintr Hood's Sarsapanlla a few days, find themselves longing for rnd eating the plainest food with unexpected relish. liKDROOM SUITS. PARLOR, AND dewing Tables. French Dressers, liureaui. Chairs. Kt'jnion Din ing Tables, Iiarroom and Hotel Chairs, Desks, 'ied Springs. Huir and II'i-,k Muttres'-es, Window Shades, Ourtain Poles, Par'm and Hall Lamps, House Keqrng Goods. Crockery and Chins. Agt. for liutter icks Patterns and DtdiniiKT. We inviU you to cjP. PENDER Si HARGROVE. Takooko, N. C. 0-24-3m. JOHN 15. II YAT1' ALEXANDER, MORC . ( ( COTTON FACTORS , -,ANIi, GKNKKAL COMMISSION M i:L'C! AN I s Norfolk, Virginia. Gturantee highest, ma ket prices, j;i eh ah i j r.i.oi.f ,,n :,. EDMITXI) ALEX NDER, DECATUR MdRG A V, L p. ipJj; '. j n Wahi iton, N. C. N-r' Ik, '- p: ;,, ,, '.) 10 1m. CoulJ Bros & Gilliim, COTTON FACTORS and C A R R I A O K AND UU C. G Y 4fur .More vill le closed !VIon II. IIOFI'.U .V II 0. Sold bv E. T. vhitehead & Go's Drug- t ;ore, Scotland Neck, N. C. 10 S ly FITS. All Fits stopped free b? Dr. Kline's Groat Nerve Restorer, ifo Fits art3r iir.-t day's u-'-e. Marvellous cures. Treatise "2.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. KMue, 031 Arch St. Philadelphia, Pa. lirm. Wkst t TkUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O WAIil'INCi, KlXNAN & MAR VIN, Wholefa'e Druggists Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally action directlv upon the blood anel mu cious surfaces of the system Te timon- a!s tent Iree. 1 rice oc. per DOilie. Sold by all Druggi -ts. Poisoned By c-efula. Is the sad story of manv lives made mis eraole through no fault of their own. Scrofula is more especially than any other a hereditary disease, and for this simple reason: Arising from impure and insufficient blood, the disease locates itself in the lymphatics, which are com posed of white tissues, there is a period of foetal life when the whole body con sist of white tissues, and therefore the unborn child is susceptible to this dread ful disease, liut (here is a remedy f-r scrofula, whether here'tiry or acquired It is Hood's Sirsaparilla. which by it powerful efiVct on the blocd, expels all trace of the disease and gives to the vital fluid the quality and color of health. If you decide to take Hood's S irsapanh'a do not accept any subt'tute. pOMMI 5SIHN Commission i erchant-j, ii ER'.ll .t-;, C-0 -0 FAYETTE STREET. Norfolk, Va. 9 1 ) Cm. 0 Manufacturer. STKICK ATTENTI.OS TO LK.IIT WOKU, KErAIKING AM) TAINTING. 0-0 j Prices cxtremfly 1 w and work guar-j I auteed. New Du;g;es lron SI-j to ?JV F'GIVE MK A 'I RIAL Tarboro, Nrrlli Carolina 9 -24 .im. (Jotton Factors and Commission Merchants- Norfolk: Alte 1 1 and ' ' Com ti r v ! ( Norfblic- kti for 1.4 t il f ,r,.. ; ) a v a 1 1 - a " - t wi n;. cc N ! 1 '1 i - I 1 . 1 1 1 H 'I ! .. .. .. I: or; ;; Mr. P. O. IV 21.', Nr.rf Co , Drujzgifcls- I B R 1 C K! otot 0 0 -f-o" u ro-i-or.vi-0 ;-o-i-.'.o )' O'CO iT mice: L'.,V c A V m.m ! NORFOLK, VA. L , . 7 ' lit the towu of :-. 1 1 tC';rre pondt n :e and Coni.jiiiiMsl,i j 1 t'i day .f M 1 ,b, .-, ) - ; i i v j, So!i i'?d. U 10-Orn. P ''Ji'" an ' t i 1. t !. ' : ; '. ' i . 1 j oh n r 0 . "gaIZage, j;T;H,:';i -T : I 1 f - I-: 1 in i i ; . t OyCvOiO OioKrHi O'OtOiOO-OiOrO OO ; Vi to;JHk S lUN, AorlOiK, V a., J JJLllVlv: x w a v . . f ! Ij I ATMS. j CEMENT 0t0 1 0 ' ;v tO ;--;0 ; 0 ; 0t0? 0 0 : 0 ''0 0 CO j We are prepared to furnish good hard B BICK EITHKU AT OL'U YARDS OR ON CARS A I IIOR iOOD. Hicks & Hymau, i 9 213oi. Hobgooei N. L t'l h . i rx it I 5 ' V -. j 1 jr 1 r ; , - .-. , ac:-!'. ',1 1 ) : T 1 ' ! ! I'AIr?.! ; t - - - TLASTER. Si..TE?', TAIL . ..... .....ttvi x- di;l i. ...,'. fat I t. K A MJ U 1 1 1 r-1 1 1 ' ' . '. w.--f t Beldin'ssi5E5 Dkain Tu t. Sh-i! I-inp, Lanl Tiavcr. 9 Id Cmo. ' y ...r. t i.u . r l - .. ' r : . rfnv. ... l-f " - - I- - " i 12 is 1 v.

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