m V s V . SCOTLAND NKi'K. N. THIKS1A Y. IKTOHKH l. lSsU. BEMOGBAT i . VII. NO ,,i , ' - . : . N A '. . v . :..: AN. 1 . ? : ', v. 1 , V";.e3 .iber hoy were l-uni":.; tar bar-yi'iJ'-: ".:.- :o:r.t.: No" H-.e. ; barra$ vic-wn the street: V. . Ar J I'to stavcJ ant learned my Tcrses 5 wh::t I I.car.l :he;r wd'ow whistles, Nr CK. N. C. i A ;ui I've taii ar. i saii ray chapter with IT A', way s l. t-ffice whoa not j !'re i x bolh ra-T ret- , . f ....Tip on 'V-Cil cliebcrc. ! ''til. tlwrc alwajs is a peppermint or t pcuiy in her p JCnet ; ? -o j . . 1 . i . l k M v N. rff : K- o. or. -"..-m i-i-i .. -.; , v.-' . l M NiX'ic.'N. C. " - i r I ' M . . ! S V ! I'LL. ! T ATTOKNKY AT LAW, Halifax , X . C, P:ict;ecs in !lah:ax arvl a.lj nnin;4 .-..I- a:v.i the Fcicral an J Supreme r ts. ;; i v. 1) AVil) UEl.L, ATTUUNKY AT LA NY, KSMKI.IN X. C. Pr-vt;rv in all the Cul ts of Halifax an l in 'i c Mi :i:i:avi K hia! (.' -mis. l'lain: ,!- m all p;trt of the State. .? S ly. w J a. LH'N.N", A I" i O 11 N K Y AT L A W, Si UTI.AND N !"( K, N, C, Pin.'tiees wherever his services an .Y'i'iirc'l. f.-hi: ly. i w r 11. KITCULN, A i i,i:;si:Y and Cot Nsr.i.oi: at Law, Sctithuul Neck, N. ('. y OHice: Corner Main and Tenth Streets. 1 r II. o. IU kmn, Jj:. K. h, TKAVIS, BURTON & TRAVIS. A i i '.m:vs AXii t.'ofNsi:i)K at Law, HUiFAX, N. C. 1 1 1 V. v . f i . i -v , veid'.n. i; kaxso.m, weldon. I.'AV, & U VNS03I. ATTUUNEYS AT LAW, Wi: i.don, N. C. :? S ly. j on n u o u r. n t s on ' s Ol'KX AT A hh llOUlhS Si' i fa1! i n jrnaraii'v'.'O.i to patrons. (. ur.Ki Nimli and Mam Street.-;, M i) Tl. AND VilUh, - - N. C. jan h ly. 1. .). M V. 1! C K lt N . ! " So'th :Mh St, (bet. Main A Cary Sts. lil'JILMOND, YA. Turnbep Commission )jl?!'cant. in ls p. roTia! asid i-rompt at tc-ntmn ! t !!! ''u:u'!7'.';i!y j rv-r i V $ j "v o 5 Hi j wr wt,'4 I I 0 I j Boianio Blood 1 f 01 t r-.,, scpofula. LLCtRs. ?lt I uovels and rtory papers the class ol JptVJ'' I heading referred to is unfitting our a -j-.i-a c-ci i-t0--.ir.-5 Lp the i Ikjvs" minds for all that is good, r. ''ii'i'' "?r"ciue!"' its Par(- ail elevating. Unless ome a:c:: i-rat t-irg tropcrtiet i thiug 15 done to check the spread ot ci--.z-i-js a-i i..t.o:v. isnch Iiteruture, the eJiectn of which SENT FREE 1 ''."'A - : &re noticf-ab!e to the marked degree EwOrL; BU M :-). i';-'::. C. r clit lien- in Ilnrliam imrttiH lu. i. D. M - A I ) I N 'j I L T ' 1; T ' i; h : T-J 1. i r: 1 : a. 1 fx.. 4 7 - : 1 . V ' f ' 9 -I ... -4T . . - Ir " - . Off I jjf M '-. ' ; v-- 2 i'stis "e r 'l,-V.r;: i sf iCt t ti- v:y frvm '. . : st K . '. v i.'. t. c '. r r i' r it' i -j trr tt--. 1 HR flPJI Vf -'.:J - h:ut U i .It., "jilt"! T':' v'. - l '1 "!.. i.r.irj.. A -, -. r t 'V i-- r';..2. Ih Bov's Grinds 3'!lr. A 15 i'wy -.iroppirc r: the txtt- l::.'S A:-1 -tt :.: 1t? shrrai-J. ro. r c:v."-int oour.: :? Uj; Ar . I'Tf h-.:r.?i iVr the till 1 thj.h: my hi was sphitinj. W ';c:t :hcre ur her forcheii as calm j I'rf r.s.i t-- her till I was hoarse. tVe Pilous r.ri the Fp:t'e. There r.crer wj a pocket that wa half o hi sn i dec;1; An.; she U'.s the caiv.lie i:i my room burn to the very socket. While t;.e stews and rumors roua 1 atoi till 1 a u sound asleep- A :v.l when l"vo btcn i i swimming after father's said I houhln't. . j ... .t . t. . . i i: - i to the rule. It sounds as sweet as silver the voice that says, "1 wouldn't; The boy that won't go swimming such a day wou'd be a fool!" Sometimes there's sonn thing in her voice as if t-he ave a bleing. And I look at her a moment and I keep as still as a ruouse; And who bhe is by this time there is i o need of guessing. lr there's nothing ii-:o a graudmothi r to have about the house! A GOOD RECORD. .( irecin i'le !!. Hector ) Solictor Woodanl tohl Hjp other Jay that in hie experience of four teen years as ft lawyer lieorgc Dud ley is the firs', man he ever prosecu ted for murder, an1 he convicted hi man. While practicing at the bar he has defended several who were on trial for murder acd Lever had one for whom he appeared tw l c convic ted. 1 1 i 3 work the first week, at this term of court, in prosecuting criminals resulted in thirty-seven convictions. Tnis shows what a vig orous worker he is. It courts in ltt county could be hi Id all the time by Jude Connor and (Solicitor Woodard, criminal dockets here would dwindle down to minute pros portions. Pernicious Literature. (Durham Sun.) Tl! Louisiana lottery was legis lated against as one ol the most, comip'itg evils that helped to de-. bauch our nation; intemperance and salo3ns come in for condemna tion on every band and the it stiain itig hand of tha law is laid upon the most of our major and minor evils, liut theie is one element ol debauchery at woi k that is doin tur to destroy the youth of A- J meriea than all the other evilj corn- ;erature mat is giving every ooy . ... - that. eoTiies under its baneful in- .iuence a kt:i.u appetite for every the boys with all that is good, with their homes and their fccho'jJ, and with every healthful, legitimate purnit and pleasure peculiar to their youth. Under the lorm of c tuntry ov,t will soon be called ! upon f.o cotf mplate rlc ravages it iha - done by seeing the rising and eom'ng gf-nrat ion merged into a c'ass of crimi.nah an 1 cd'-stotl' Irorn -'jeiety. L'y ai! mean-; let u- baw .-IK-edy lei-i ition ag-unt pei:jici ou. ferjar i ,;jdi! Ltyia'ut as well a again4-: thit of an obscene char acter, it 'e Lave ai y desire to jave tie bo vs. J. M-iV.r.a! J. rn-erir 11 :Azr,t Lin :.uu Mtr. c, .4-. :-: his u'ci lira-iycrt- i- lh crJv '.hirz .1 ;-! iut n!rnrnl ? " 4 ' :-' ' - - '' '-- -' c i t 1 Something of the Immortal Navi- ;atcr. REMAINS OF COLUMBUS. wurrr they kist am now fai. O l I. Y THKY A K K t i f A K l F t . J. U. Koso. of Chicago, during a visit h paid to llaviuia. was grant ed the rare privilege of viewing the remains of Christopher Columbus. It is in the cathedral that the re mains lie. As one outers tbo great Komau doorway the eye is struck with the apparent vatuess of the interior. Faraway m the distance was tho high altar. Tho tall im ages became blurred and indistinct masses of masonry when viewed from the entrance. Heneath the vaulted roof lay the rcimi'ns of the great discoverer, and it is with tcel ings of awe and reverence that one approaches the chancel to gae upon the bones of the man who did so much for the new wot Id. Kight men were necessary to bring the molderiug bones to view, as each one possessed a key to certain looks which the others could not open r.ONKS OK t'OI.t: MIU'S. On the gospel side of the altar, or the lelt sitle as viewed from the church entrance, is the tomb .of Clo istopher Columbus. The heavy fastenings were unloos ed as each priest or ollicial step ped to the tomb. The leaden casket was taken out and opened. Only a few hones left of all that wart mortal of the great discoverer. Ah t.h lid was pressed back an inscription could be seen on the inner hide. There appeared the words,uIll trey de Varou du, Christoval Colon" "lllustrious and Kenowned .Man, Chi istopher Columbus.'' Ah is known, Columbus died at Valladolid in 1500. About twenfy fiive years after the lcath of the cATJir.nrtAL ot Havana. immortal navigator, his bones wci removed from Seville, Sjiain, whith er they had already been removes from Valladolid, and transferred across the seas to the eath fhal in San Domingo, Hayti, whence, ori the cession of that island to the Engli-b, they were again exhumed from their resting place ot two cen turies and a half, and in 170" buried for the third time with great pomp in C'u'a in the Cathedra! of Havana 'named lor Col umbo ;.. A f ourisi.- of p. p- p. vtii banr.il all ha-1 l.-tli'iZS arc! T.ftUj:. your he-aVt to ftr-fw-: (m.'Ii'.ioii. I euiatir: 'won art rr,r.ru-i'. If out 'f fcorts and in hal I lU-.'i-.r w.n .o-irsif and th worM, lafetl V. n."i bcoi..': titalthy aid rUion- j I t!0.i. r. II. . VriaUkoxd. I J KAJ'. .-.IU At yo'jr rt"'j-'it J wi'lj h:Ute rfiv .yrx'i y-tt J cor j trsttvi rn!na in it- rt'.t vioieT.l form I w h h.ti'z wrk. N. J. I oo:jolt - ! fi Tiiio'O; 5-Lvti.-ii and t.oV rijrnl.-r j : Im ; ...iT.t'ts -,r, rt-tor-iersO'r J as '.ori ! cro," or.t :'. .fj-.id to u.e ii:r; - hrotktr cr i "v :cn v.'A. a'-j vt-h 1 rr tr-i txt'ir:. it - .'i'.'c to :.o, A o e v 0 w : e t r 0 c - --o w u v 't it:-, r. to;, i 0 0 'j t rr. to li Tr ;-? P. o I'vV KfitrlauU J".tvii:vr;.(, Oi r o - L': .. H I ter W a r:ot:y for tf.krs. co cooi'.ito'iv-o Yen toe, t. j (;oni.t Fcr cti-'Li W rti Aid E"i:.o' t. Ir Atkr.'i Ea. Ilcjs ;vns if Science en the Farm i cuth'j Ccwptn xv.j Mcy frtuer lugh at tb notiow of applying he principle of cneroi trj on the frrt, cillinj; ach n ' plictioa ot cieuc "fooling" nu humbug. Ycl frnier eo tbeir oo iron up au I drift wy bece, hiinj been ducle1 in the public school, the pirit of scientific nd progressive ss;e h possessed tLetu. and they seek elsewhere than upon sn old fashioued frn?, scope fvr the education which they hvo lrdjr gained, And for the widar rductton which Ihey crt. Nor there is no field which orToi more ample scope for an educated ud scienlillc naind than a good farm. The old-fashioned farmer y. 'What do I want to know about cbcmisliyf It's enough if I mauure the gro jnd and plant my aced; u lure will .ake care if ttie rest." Hut tho application of manure is VhemMn ;" and if the farmer or his boy ntulersd suds Iho grouudwork of that science, he known what kind of manure in good for a certain hold and what kind is good for another Held; and his knowledge, may make for him or ae for him many dollars in a dingle year. A knowledge of chemistry will en able him to save the raluable pro -cities of Ida manures for the soil, t ti stead of letting precisely those prop erties be evaporated and wasted , as they are in the caso of mot natural mauuro as now IrcaUd ou the (arms of thia country. Hut the most impirtant function of scift-iio on tho farm , after nil, at tho present lime, in not tho l.nme diato material udvautngu which it may bring to the tanner, but tho means which it will aupply of inter esting to' he )oung, of engaging their active and eager i telligence, and keeping them from place where thrj will be worse off. (JivC a boy a fundamental knowl edge ot the principles of e.homistry, and the proechsea and operation f Llie farm become nl oncn won Jtttful 1 y int'r:Hting to Mm. When lot hio4 loiiiud that tho pari of a plant or vegetable which ll gela from the ground is found In its ah ea after it ia burned , ho will bo m terealed at once in nncerlaiuing what thoae mineral parta ar', and if Ihoy arc up)bed In the Mil in which llie )lant grows. Having found potash In conaidera hie piantillea in the potato vine, phovphatca and aoda In Indian corn, hc)phite of lime in wheat, and ao f)ii, lie will lo interfiled to know whellur the food thai in htidict lo the plafiti rontaini tlieae ideme.nta. In pree.Ucly the Mf.me way, ho will hi inlereted to know rhat 'leru!iit n the food of the animal houM con tain to mttkc them Ihrifly. Once entered npon the path of tha kin! of knowledge, the farm life Ciaacfl to be mere drudgery. It ii invested at every trj wPh new in trreit, and become in a high tleren i life worthy t he lived by an edu cated and thinking nun. Why Ex.-Gov. Wallor Bellevoa Flower Will he Elected. (Hi hmMi'l Ui-paOh ) 1'jX( i'vrnor 'I hornac M W idler who wai in New Haven, Conn., nid that Mr. Flower' election is an a ijared Tm:. He bskOi his confidence upon the feeling of Ihe peopl whom he hat reel while travelling In differ ent parta of New York Mate. lie ays that ttos campaign U hkng con-1 .Keplefiber 2 "h, when he dedivered a duMtd In a very adcdful mnrir nd' ' ' (.h u llt: rUUurJe and al is causing more lrtterest lhan anyj 1 . ,.1 in t.,..r l:re.d iMoriaitsiefiClt'' of Mtfa. Iiil j f;W !ay ago he heard Mik Iirlin. a Itepnhlican politician, that h woql(i hltl 10,00'y to ' f 7,.V)'; tha'. r-i .1.1 11. .ii I lorii( wjyi'i '.in 1 1.1. ... . . ..1.1 th: Hta'.e LEMOH ELlAlR. 1 'wMftt, Elvj'iJ, I'.rJi'jJi. ! f or hi 'io urn. arcl eor.tijiatton, lajrej i Iernoii K ir.'T. j Yor ietr, nhilte w tr.ti'aris tit. Lrrij'i Kliztr. ' For t!thwv.t. nerrristoeaa '! i j p4lj.it' 1 'A IV. LH, Uks UiV!i r.n, vA fo ! r. rto Ll; 1 sr. For o?i?:i'i o-n tVrii;h. tiV : Jori F iiir. .' -J.' hr t k rr;o-j . 1 T.f . hv-J r, for Ltof; tf.oro-.i or- rtjr viatt-vt., t i.fjio F.uor. Dr. !!'-. j L "o'.-. F'ie.r w' o' t 1 j 1: . 1 o r i or Cjm1 .itr, ttvooi..o, Unit. .rr or ' Atis: U. rA. Vru tvo j 'j ir Vvt'le. LEK0S KCT DE0?5 Csrw tli fvr hv -lt. lioaf-!t, ort i trvai. rjv-tv.n, ii.wuftxajr PANVl ll-AH r;.c.U, l'..c. - M um.kmu im rusu. ,j:ii(w l-ra l iv lO.UUM. i;uni, . l.OM, iVt. Tth.rr4eJl died at lri(hlon last n!j;ht. I'arneir death ISe tviH of a chi;! caaghl Ust wee-. Hf took to his bed on KrtJsy and l:ed l WlU)gham rrraco at 11 .:Sl Ust inlt. t;et lntt u and Irrlae.d weir slattUd this in- 'ruing b ihfl uUeiU unlookid r annouuce.ttienl lhat Charles S. r.ut.ell, the noted Irish leader, died mddenlv yeaterdar ereo;ng at his home lu Brighton, li has been known that Cornell lias not enj vved tho beau Ut allh for eara pas, eutl U Una been noticed, and whlolf eommmed on, thai since the O'Shea dlvrc development be came a matter of public uoioneiy and since his political troubln canto upon him, that tho rent Iriati Mem ber of Parliament had gtowrtv thinner and thai he hail H-rccptlbty nged In appearance. Hut. nobody cspcet-'l to hear of his do all', and no inkling as (o his illucn had reached (he newspapers. Mr. l'arnell arrival at his luuoo at Brighton fiom liclu nd Thursday and complained of aullrfrlng from a chill, Ou the Friday following he waa un able to leave hi Oe.l, and hi ieu lar phyalelau was nmmoued. lie sneined lo havo co nidered l'ari:ll'n illneni li hayo lvm of a ti'rlmii na lure, for ho .tn . rnl I c unoiher plijriu l in with w .ioiii ho held u long consultation ovor tho MtckuoHtt uf ihe Irish leader. ''hia oonaullallon ut phyaiciana wan. renuineil Sunday, when Mr. l'aru 11 wm found lo bo In Ureal p iln and npuarcntlf growing weaker every hour. Ills nick no 1 was pronounced fi be an attack of acute t heumat. rtiu, And every :itten tioti and care was paid lo tho nllft cr. He nnn i-arvfolly iti.d tint iring- ly nursed by ids wife, whi h.udly left lm lied ii-'c Ironi tint inoinrnt ln i liiiMhaitd'' illucii v!V" proiioiiiicd to bo c)f a morouj nat.ui'o. Mr. I'lUmdl, lu apito of the cue and tittcuUon which he received, did not. nooni lo rallv from the i.iciiiJiatlim and jmiiw woaker and wi-uiirr. Several hojra before his ileatli Mr. Par n ell became uucoimeiotis and ' ritma lued until he died In iuLonnc agony. Owing to the rtuddr nesa of the Ilish leader'a illnean, nnd to lb hr Ilefof hh wife and of attend In phy nicianw lhat he wouM recover, no friends or rebttivea d hi famil y or thai of Mrr. rarnell w-rc present, a I I'armdl'i bod.ndo wli in he 0"i-d. Mi. I'nriiell and I ho h ) nioi un w r alono In attending upon him wlmii hv died. In this city pari icidaily, Iho news of Mr. l'arnell'4 lealh ;am-. down like a t hundrr lielf. npon thn eluhn and In political cirel.. Nobody, j far at at flrt known, waa ? awrri that ho was indirpoaed, and cone qanlly v'hen il hecarne knonn lht. he wats dead, Iiki firnt tdra formed waa that he had eorn Miillr-.d auicblf. An tho day woro on. however, . leaked out fr.m a ntal.erui:ijl of hia jntiruat; friend a thai he had corn plained lo Ike in recently of r.ot f--l ;,t,,: ,, my ilffiii i.on'.fy, lri4 as well at usual, hut it wai no' , 1 I tr, sorryto ay l-iiat in Ireland Ihoujjbl hf anybody thnt lh-re waajr.ndui not -jy ti? hl sairi 5 of anythina daoji'-roua in hi cond itlo?. Tin; ftrnt time Mr. I'smell nppt-ar- ! t-A In public s . f-g, In Ireland i Ion eri'l O'lifl'-n. l.r. pon thai on i tion Mr. I'aifie!! alattd that he wa j tkUt., Ifi ,51-!,-. of tl order of '- ' . I .1 . . 1 , . '. , n. -.11,. i .1,. -i I ! ... i to hi rirfi, lie rarried !.'. , , jt-ft arm in & bf.y f.d n'At Ine 1 to - r;'pj!rer 'hi, he was ato ff.rf J r from rheartttlri. I 'I elegrari. f.'ov Iioh!in aft other tows i-i Ireland tr.d th ,t','A.-A ll'J,"',v n'-it'hu-KnrrH, thvt the 'let?.'; of Mr. J f c e d L cuate i the 2' -''-? er.5i o. j'toi , $ Idl top.'.ofUr. iitlfiliy o v. cotiM toe . ; ,eo to i r. r e r .0 wo.'.i. he d;-i I'i ,V'.f. Mr i't'r.;r5 er,;.-o '; fs: io t tvoe : cootief r Kfct'of,. A rr. frr. 1 wm fcttiiy '.; o the Lewis of M 'Jet-'h heoarr. fc ';ot, atd H waa de i that a riee'.Iejf '! tU t! fo!lotft e , i -1 he ealled .' tU te.f.j, to .oldef wtat het to take is the ru ',f the d'ttt'.'ots .... . . .1 . ... jol!of Mr I'.r'l He h.ed . j oiu l ; ! vo.vp Hun o , Oi- l l O I ! tven la $rvfl t in llr J tv p jbameulsr? pMti it ptlKNJ . ' Ci i,ih,'' tinJ, "U wti: i load, t jc pMgteaa of atotMM, or, i olh j r b. of Ihe novtucj rvr l. e 'Uttvn of tte!a. " M, McCarthy ssk! hi b!uy'l that ' tVeltng of hostihly to Mr tfH', or f toi!ity btec itdit lua! meivbrra td Ih0 liiau paitf It, 't 1 1 ....... it.. . I, uep!,tcly dlasppaf, lu tt ttr and wnlvetaal regfrt whuh r prrmneed among lrlhoirti A ihe death of Mr. Parurll. Intro wr, go," Mr. MvCatttu all, nel and it.yarlf) had a hug friendly ismfrrenee at my hon.(-, ut Clirbea. and we ouitnslty agirtd lo draw palt of the t'na fkin I fio li bae.kera Irt foreign caplUI, n m.Ui to defray etpenaea t,f regia'.rr hi which were Inc. tried hfore tSe st, in the patt "Itcfoielhe dltorce proceed i ne a," al I Mr. MvCittu, in co,n biBu.o, "I was a close fileud f M. I'mnoll whom I ad.nl ted loteuady. Mr, Parnell conqulted mo In ' n i t t (he lamentable mauiffalo and I ur. nil rlloila In riulcaviulng to prcicut htm Itoin laautug It In tho puMu My idea waa that the lattisnce of Iho itinnlfeato would make hl fntlhui leaderahlp of the Iri h paity an utlrr lin possibility. The above is about the auholtnu'e of whal Mr. McCaithy suld, t ui, ti wan evident, thai he nnd mould ut ol hit parly neie deeply aitoelod i-1 Mt r..riioir.- ib alh, and that nil luiiiu of anlnioTtly the jffeul lilnh e(i,. i had Blink beneath Hie llood of n.n nm Caused by hq sudden an. I utiliinely dealt. lil t M'ki t'lii a IN no iim O'-n. Ihe U chtttoiid )j.p t'i gtve-i I lie fidlowlng of Mr. Ihwurll'j vll l I i n il iik id some ycui.i ao ; Mr. I'nrnidl mado Ihieo njirm h. o on the on -ail. I of hi i vlill to ltd h inoti.l I Vlj ti tr y I'., I M.S ). lie ili. I not tench lhn i .1 y (tiiui (he Not I't ntil I) nflei I I o. In. k I hat mot nlnjr, and ntler njietiditi a l v tointitea at tho l'.ohniiif , whrio he nnd Mr, .loiitt Dillon ( vho ac .hiijp nic I him in hid A m t i i a n lout ) atojipcid, ho was escorted to dm ( np It ol. A resolution waa adopted by Ihe llounri oT Heleftratea e tr ml I tig the pllvilegtf of lhn Ihi ir lo lhn illatln guiRlitid Irish trader, who nil noon hrotr.dil. Into th hill hy a tjneiol eoiiittiil.tre lipjiolaled lo prltotm thai duly, Tl.n vU'ltot Wusi lot.liully wel:ot;u-i Ii v 1 1,0-akwr I, cy , and i f i I a leeraa of lett iiiluii'er1, in vv m !i .Mr. I'ttfm ll l I I an lufoni-tl iii i j. Hon, I b o lloint- K'llo at a I e 3 in 1 1, i,i Ift-aei'l Lhn Jl'iuae, fi-i.i't ii iie.ioi! t; mm-, not ne. M t . 1'ariK ll snidi ''Alt. Hpcalti-r sod ( J ,tf,tb i,n ii (,f Ihe J I Ue of I - b'lies( httv hf tit permit led by youf klndnoaa lo say n v. ot d r two In fply nnd in itlitin fr Ihe BiJfsrilsgQ joit hive, jlv-n n.u hi frtg pfusentrij to )i,r fifioua li'use, I feci it gisal honor, a tfoL lonrlray and klidnes In hc-iu filloed lo rijlti youi Loii-i and lo say u word n .on lh a-i'.j-f t. of I I.e. f rr.J,iu. O if pM.ple if thay dni j toohla'n 1 oifoit n'l happlro tss havi - , 'o look t' the Ur 1 of thr. V r t ., nho.h ha 4 b.en a r,2 tot so many j 'i -jti i 1 o,, ., ! oIi.on and V, lh Kir.t hist, ult..,n j . ... , , , i j V U&ut wh.r.r ha elway wt-Jeoritd 1 ,r h. , i ' ! ' I, 'i kindly. ' ''II pef.hafica iu the. r4af tu'ut M,the; wve of . nv-ation . ir. I '.: i c v tz 1 S f. r tit 1, if iMiiiilr. if.U'i. ' tfii u -'" ?'' I eve hi V. wo'il I h. ttsl l". t er.'l a ' Of to ter.d ' . u u u h a w&j to toahb) it-' to take adfbf.ti of the fii2f.i'i''.l fi e',n ? of )o. r .', -4t.it J . ' A ('Pi . 1 . '; ! 4 u tj th' h itor of I t h f. i j r t . . 1 .1 I uf, t t i of. ' f people a . ; ,0 0 . ? i ; V 0 f i '. I 'tt ,f tU' i'.,':,, r. tOOfcl It tut.U r.'l ,tLos'. IV or V ; Kw.tu tot 'Ln v.:. -o I r.w Wo . J. :lf ovre f-o ot he fii't t r 'J 1 ft if tofe u.bt k, tl''il o 'or 't; of tVt.ii t.e e a . -J o' oof , t o' J ooiotf; V, e j, Of.. t Mi'.o 'j . '! f-r '.'- f ' HaUii f tL., ; )Ouf fc'. d.vA '-or.'.) v.of.fj J !". '.w f. ,'. a O V 1 e t .1 1 if!. ! i. -'pml-, i , 1 J t. b: huhU u Uu l. u .- i ?.. .,- j l K!,o iV ui d.u i tUv i,:t l it . ' Uad Us , . ftw el I u u i . I , m t . t , u ! i . t . t ....-.. ' i ! i ti II I" i ), I Hit I I I j duU ! , I' tveddr . ' t , , j t , 4 J rt lUak. k i l,.f ,1 ,-. I ,, i o i- ttii,' I . , ' ti he ti in ,... . O'-we iw ii i ;i td, , t " ' ' . 1 I. m) 'A i al 11! l n i I I. k I a. I, 1 ii to the it hi . - i , i-Isum- ; IN Ml? I A I ' t I hi r.j., i M , t ho hall of I iio ' 1 ,.u -v r... .... I U I. It Hi li to iho ,S-lie hli ; I . " M . i I Hi Ii I I I ll ii'n l t , I , ... , lbtiott I loci Hut. I ii i I . '. j", h and Mt , .loioi I l.lhoi, .1 1 1 , .,. lit II ed lo in It I lu I , 4I i 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 , i at il I hut I h pt 1 1 1 1. ,' .- ol the t! , , extruded the!" .Into. i!u u , m in It ic h i to ot 1 1 , n ho h w p u ii .i ii i i.i i ,i I ) adopt el MtiaiilM. I 4 O I : ' , M,iti ..l I'nl nii i)i, nii.ti I ,ii i i . ,,i i,i m . . to en in I ,M i i ii 't ,,, 1 1 ,, I , , , ,, Into the N ii ii ; i i h . t,l. i i, .. 1 , u , t I . oV i I ton k I 'It II , l 11111,11 I I .1 I I I said : 1 1 it t ho mi no of I he ,' ,. ,i . ti., I Ihe people ol . n . t, I n i , . , u . .- , i.o , entlioiieu , u o t Ihi, ll .,i ,if Ih, S i-1 1 a I ii , 1 1, i 1 1 ll 1 1 a i i , ' i 1 I , , . i i . a u t oil I a i no e l c j ,u j , , , -. i i, i ,i wi'h the tnll ti i p, .j.l. ,. Ii. 1 it, t an, I in 1 1 r 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 j .-. '. ..I 1 1 1 1 1 l will III II lil l l t I ..II . h .. i I . i I f 1 1' n I , j pi hi o ! A 1 1 ii , , I It tilt l! , I I'l l I . I mi "lli-.ih.il h I . 1 .. in.. ... ,! . -t till Hi i ii ii ' e i Mi, I ' i i ! I v ,i ir...., led lo I he pi I oi.lt id ' i . ! .11 .i.i. ( whi te In I C) Ii I lo I ,iiili .1 I ! , i I .lent e ii ii Hi I riu i ii.u i. : : Ml I 'l echlr id .nil I , ,, i i, f ,t . the Mt'lislc, I lelinu in, I . i f - It thniilia lol Hot hoiiot ii h t ,, J .. y done in ' n li I hi-- raim I l ; t . . . ' by iillorlu; me. (!,; piUit. i I II. i (I i. of I h e ' ii ii I i.i i , , . , I' , i lU; sr n i o.ei t I, i ub I n. !i I o u I d I h ' i a 1 1 e ' ( I . t , i . 1 1 I , w 'I.i.. Ill mi n I o. ii y , li. . I, . , i. . i I i . ! It, :. I he. a ii i I . ii I ' ' n 1 1 1 1 i i . ! I I. iii t ! 1 1 Ol V I I j' I llill I II?" ' 1 1 , ' Oltip! I Hi 1 1 l: ' il l. ' III. ii I i ij.il !! Mi I ' j 1 1 l c i i i.j- 1 1 , ii. , i, o u II II lit Pir,n , ,- ,,!! h, ,t, , fol II It'll I I i. ll. I. I I I I ' I hu I I 'Ml re he I o i I r i I i ' i h n i ? o Of I hi bi I I lllff , 'I 'i r fi. n'.i Ihi' Mi i ' i i ili,.!. I MO.. I I II I! I Ill ; I.' U, ! ft' hopa the lieet. (I, .! I . 1, '.. . 1 II ili nil. ni'ifa wi'h 'I... li i.ii i i H. 1 1 i 4i ai i it ' ion 1. 1 )!..,' I i . i i , t itii hoi .-ii J the i.i , ,,, ThJ j.;h r't u tin i I'ut J ' . 4 wm in. he r j . J 1 . rJ l or t.!.;.,l! i . j J' , hoi un j lor s'op;,'. 1 1 O I j i,rr. 1, ' I. I 1. ' i v ' I. li ' . f 4-1 I do hi - 1 I'd u I- f . j iir! .1. I ,f spe il. i; ' " ! -,r ),. . ', 1 'ifi,, ' I i'i o . ' f - , l0 "- 4 - . t -... , , !. li '.'5 . 0. : ... i..,.o '. ' - .-. ; T :..i-.' - ' -. w t " v .-,..- $.;.. a.-: - - 1 . H a, a '. iVf .0 otiii at. o-.rM-! i3f tv.-4 tr t!l t.Vi a.fl -.if of. :,-: J : J C a.rlL. a" , . a. J- i:;.tts ' .'.,. ; jtt. ?t tat I.. F F l? I' r " r t- iii- f4ff v . . - . 1. 4 ivl i o v jo, T. V Liuiti.-: i C-v Jrtj-1 iy r. lotsty, A i.aiU, Oa. I . . itti tt IHV Ui vt t.J( JU 1 J5, - trtot to t tit if r trty, 1 I& to. liUr U Vitr fotV