DEMOCMAT." ' li i 1 ii i iL Ml M M A 7. el KI.LLIARP. K 'iter ani Propiretcr. "EXCELSIOR" isorit MOITU. rVf-r IjHlnn !.. n ;rr i - r SCOTLAND NECK, X t.. TIIUPSDA Y. XOVEMI5EH 12. 1S!)I. Of, VIM I i ; i ! i '. .A I N A E ; ; : .m . i i t ( r .'.'; a. .unlay :.'.E p o: All ;. ;. cif-'JSTIA ', S c o t i- A n : Nk (. k , N . C tVJ Can bo :oui d tit Las oflicc- ii N-:v il;'e' v-.-a not prof.;: v- . O. H-I( V. EEE, Oil'JCt' Xunh New Hotel street. 8; OTL.', N'JJ Nl'4'K, N. C. Aiwus at ins edHeo v,hin not I rui'ej,siu!ial!y engaged clierlitre. o 2-r. tf. tve a :. e i v i: a m a Oi ;-iri:- Cor. Main and Tenth streets -J 12 ly. h'CnTLA.Mi NiX'K, N. C. piO?! AS N. HIE!., JL A I" roiiNKV AT LAW, ILdiE-.x, n. c. 1'irc-' in !!;!. f't : a ! j i:iiri : roiiiii.'i-s. an 1 thu i " E rn.1 and Mipieu-.e c ,;m s. 3 l y. A i : EEE E, u AT iOHNKY AT LAW, Em iki.o, N. C. T ri.r.,( t s ri Uk- Cou; ts of Halifax a:i! .Tij-'iiiii! counties and in . e Su ,,Hi!:; ';,! !'. i'-ia! (.'(.sr.-ts. ('la .! - col- A T V O U X i: Y A t LA Vv, S- MTI. AND Nkck, N, C, vv'i.C'I i V.T :lH K M'(k'f:i are (eo L 5 1 v . ;e-4 : n'-I i ' IE KIl'CiUN, ATT:::t:y and Coltn'skloi; at Law, Scoiliir.d Ntck, N. C. ST Office: Corner TJain an I Tenth Sr'.'-t.s. 1 ly. IE O. Hi RT -n, 'k. E. E, T::avi, BURTON z TRAVIS. A i ! '!;LVri ANI- CoT 'Nc..L' -HS AT LvW, HiLiFfiX, N. C. 1 1 ly. V.;i. :-.V.. i !:.XS'M, V.'tl-i..-:;. i; A V, KAXcOM, A 1 TOL'NI :V A I LA W, Wi-.inoiv. N. C. .3 r O a .N U O : F. -i T :S O N ' :'i 'i-'.'-V.y V A l.i. ! ! 'H'u to jut! ons. A i : i A li . i. .F. Ai Ji It (J E U - S'lClJMOND, VA. per -vi pro:?.pt ntt"ion sn.ents of E:;;;:!)er. t-hinj;';---1-1 7 :" I 1 v , p. q -a A H I't 'A;;' r"'l!Iv $ i K ?i 'tj'iJi rT j DS5l Tl-l ll"3 c".or:Jifi?)Lrtr.s. ss:.t :;:tie m. ccznr',", c -. . s O see A 0 C:-':CXi'V. t f.: f -,. 'c: -- -.' h- . Ur.:j , , c-t:ts je;- ; es :n ' ;f '"J - one, if A ... tttt--;' '.rrn A or,.?-1? --r !t .... " H'or..." L; IAA: "0.. "A . !a. Ca. e- r , -- t- l i: a A V T CUE H Hi ; moved up town to his id 1 str.n 1 on Main Street near tuc Htick mid. ,1- a. f) i x , A'': ?'.i 4 :J.J 1 s':;': ! ;;Ar,fS o:i h;i:,d " ' ; i . ! t . call. El M !. J i !W As-Y HljBBEK i I it ! lf ,ULlf iV-,t.JVVri itr ODE TO COLD WATER. O, fair is th vngii Eymph, !resh from the fountain, h-h-f ping in crystal well, Eeaj i'-g iu shady dells, Or i-;s!jiri cl-:-tr from the depth of the Sky-r:iit-: l, re's ted, earth's holiest DauLT'itti : X-jI the hot kiss of wine L half so divine 4s the sip of thy Ep, inspiring Cold Waui: As cha.-.te the snows on the skys Ii'.rcii:ir. Alpine top Now ppaikhnsj in dews, Now Hearing the hues Of the, born of the ray and the rain- ir; p, In hea'.lh and in s-i'jkness, all season?, all weather, Men may qu ill' t'nee, and laugh, and te happy togetht-r. O see, ho'r all Nature claps hand end rt-j ices! AVh::t greenness and gladnes0. For trownnfjss and badness! What name and mi'th iro;n infinite voices ! Herds lowing, cocks cr.iwing, ton thou sand I. it Is sinjring. Sweet kiut inui mg rills, And spl.-isJi'. ; of mills. A lid fc-annng cascades, gems and j ewe's u- Hi'.. "i tr' The winds, all te leaves from their tick hi umbers waking. With whispers and kisses, And breathing of blisses, From the blooms a'l porfumes on the Vnxorn air shaking; Xevr 1 oa .ty returning to grass, tree, and flower, So soon as ti e thirsty earth drinks in the; shower. The great gift of (?od, and the joy of creation As needful as air, Like it everywhere. As essei.t'.al, potential, its blest opera tion The inne-r.ent source of health and hil ii jty ; Tiie fiiend of long life, The foe of all strife. -The pledge of good fellowship: fiiendship, and cinuiy . Is VtTat-r, p ile Yv'ater it makes the heart gladder Than wine '.he tierce balker, '1 ts merciless mocker. That b"te- like a serpent, and stings like the ad Iv i : For d v d -bos :i n rl. and hollow brief hn.i ter. Have ur.sHi ; of teeth and wailings hcie-ift r. He Knv7 The Glass It Belonged To. (Chicago Tribune.) The old profcss( r is a little nears i-iiihud mid the boys thought 'hey Tv.iuEl fool him. They got Tve of cloth .,rj.i x-n tficm up in Ok? shaj.-e of a most wonderful bug. Then tbty -l soaie real bugs and brooht the whr.! Sot, to the pro- r.-s -or. lie examined first one and then the other and save the popular and scientific names of eacb. together '.viUi si little Ej'k about the ijee!iliar Eies of each , an 1 the roya appeared gratefui in the cslrtco. 1 Lc cams to the clotu bug. He looked at in a puzzled way for a rroiDonl and tbfn rent to tbe cabi- net for lun raiToso'pr, but the boys ',hA removed t. lie e.uie back to ito - ub'e, aiijasted his klassep, at d scrutinize I !h: buj; more cloeely I than b ?bV;. it, a rare spcioacn, professor !" a ked one ot'lhe boys innocently. The professor said he could c't re member taat he hid ever seen its i c i .t: i ' n "Sn!',': asiil be, looking extremely wi;e, "I notice ccrtuin p? ciliarities that convince me that I know the class to which it bclonjzs." 1 But tou wouldn't care to give tie h'.K a nsrue, wiuld you?" asked the -! okesra in. while t he otuera tried to hiok solema. ' W!sy, )es," said the professor, blandly. '-l;or euc'i an examinatit n a- I a:T. able to make without a m -croeope I should class it as a hum- Then the 1 ovs Eoked at each r;th iT and feolemuh filed out without u u - wering the profssors invitation to c li f g'iin when they secured aooth". er rare sprcitren. A U'ondcr Worker. Mr Frank Huffman, a young man of I'urlington. Ofiio, states that he had ben under the care of two prominent phytidans, and ued their treatment un til he was not atde to gt arouiid. They pronounced his cace to Consupjption and incurable. He was persuaded to try Dr. King4s Xdw Dicoverv foa Comsura pti mi C ' Jtis and C Ids and at that time - - . . i ; i... n. . i . I w ;is mil Eur i i across uie Mreet wi'hout restpig. He found before he had u.-ed half ol a dollar bottle, that he was much netlci; he continued to use and i today ei joking good health you havc any Throat L'ws Tr?'ubl8' lf- we gauraatec satisfaction. 1ml bctllr fiee at E. T. Wt itehead X Co's Drugstore. SCARED BY A BEAR ADVEWTURE3 OF A PRINTER IN THE GEORGIA WOODS. II E V. ILL HOLDLY KICK THE PANTS OIF THE NEXT 15 E A It HE MEETS, AND H ALSO .SOKE ON THE ITALIAN. To ,start witb, let me say that I am not a professional tramp. I am only a printer. Hut tbe war tax on whiskey keeps the most ofus type-stickers in a chronic condition of poverty. So that when a yearn ing desire comes over one of as to visit some other town, he is usually sonapelled to travel by hand. When the adventure I am abont to relate befell me, I was on my way from Cn dtanooga to Atlanta. had arranged with a brakemau at I Joyce to occupy a section of an empty fiuit car as lar as Atlanta for a consideration. 'Ihe biakeman drank the consideration in two im moderately large dose.-, and betray ed affairs to the conductor. At Calhoun Ihe conductor came back for a little consideration him self, but his subordinate had gotten away with eveijthiu in sight ex cept the cork. lie was disappoint ed and indignant, and remarked that he didn't like to liae men bobe. bis brake men. When people wanted to ride they onght to see him, Irom which it may te inferred that if that conductor were to quit railroading in Georgia and begin tbe practice of politics la Pennsyl vania, he might attain to high dis tinction as a tarpon fisherman him self. He then delicately inquired if I had any ' stun". I had no ".tullV whereupon he requested me to va cate. 1 a n a Presbyter. an by de scent, atd take pleasure in nUect mg that the edds aie about 19 to 1 in favor of that conductor havii g been foieordained ages ago to eter nal trou Je. I started down the track on foot, intending to walk to a water tank and then lie m ambush for another train, upou which I hoped to exe cute a skillful 11 -ink movement and o il ture a ride. A man whom I met volunteered the information that the next tank was uirbout three miles." The man was a simple-looking fellow, ami I am persuaded that he had never had any advantages other than the limited ones to be found in the woods But he had cultivated his opportunities with care, and adding to great natural qualifications, had graduated as an entherssiastic and finished liar. I walked three miles, and I walked ten more on top of thern, and still no water tank. Hy this time the twilight was beginniug to gray a bont the Georgia hills, so I made a bed of a lot of pine needles beneath the noble tee which had shaken them down and soon ell into that dreamless sleep that waits on a mm who is tired and has no con sciences to speak of. There is no bed so sweetly soft as those of pine needles. The balsamic perfume is as refreshing as a well-mixed cocktail the next morning, aud the red bugs that build mounds all over one's anat omy, ard construct plans of the ancient catacombs under one's hide, Are uot tboroaszhly appreciated un til the day following. So I slept until the son poked Ins jolly reu face above tb rim of the east, aud a scared lizzard rau up my right tronser' leg. Then I awoke, rolled over, aud, by the big usu : saw a oear as Dig as a moun tain. At least, I have seen moun tains that didn't look half as big as that bear. Now, I've shot a bear iu my fime. I shot one up in the Blue Ridge mountains when I was only a b:iy and didn't know any better. I was agidted and embarrassed, and shot into hi&i an unnecessary number of times, and so ruined the market value of his hide. Bat I killed him. I think it was thirty six holes my uncle counted when he skinned the carcass. So I am not afraid of bears when I have any show for my white alley. With a Gatlmg gun aud proper infantry support-, I will engage to face any bear, and to give directions to the! man in charge of the gun without a tremor. Bat there I was face to face with a genuine wild bear, and the ouly weapon I had about me was a copy uf The Albany Argus. Even that might fail to pat a bear to sleep. Evidently, fight was out of the question. Plight alone remained to be considered. I can poii'e now, bat right then I was pcared. I look ed up at the pine tree under which I was lyiug. Tbe gigantic trunk was bare of limbs to a height of forty feet. One of our Simian an cestors, of whom we read in the gospel, according to Darwin, might have c'imbed it. Unfortunately, my name is not Simeon. I gave tbe pine tree up as a bad job. Thre was no chauce. I was layiDg at the bead of a slight deptession in the ground, which deepened as it reced ed. On one bank of this little gully, about thirty yards away, stood a sapling which I believed I coald climb, were I near if, before bib bearhip could weigh anchor aud get under sail. I was anxiously measuring the distance with niy eye, when a fly stung the beat's snout and In sleepily brushed it of! with his paw. That settled it. I knew enough of rly nature to be well aware tbat that fly would never leave 1 11 tick ling that snout until the bear woke up aud put an end to his playful and indelicate attentions by par alyzing him. I immediately start ed backward down the gully. Did yon ever crawl backward on your stomach over ground covered with pebbles, pine straw aud blackberry thorns! If so. I know that you sympathize with a cat whose lur is stroked the wrong way. I had covered some twenty yards in this painful style, when tho rly again jabbed his probocts into that ot the bear, whereupon bruin awoke from his deep dream of peace and fetched a mighty blow at his tor mentor. Simultaneously witb this move on the beat's part, I broke cover and put for my sapling. I am conscious ouly of touching tbe ground once in the remaining ten or 11EOKE CoVElt. twelve yards. My ouly reason for not going faster was the reason of the soldier who was rapidly making his way to the rear during a hot engagement in the late war. "Hi. there?" shouted au astonished superior whom he sped past. "W hat the devil are you running that way for? ' 'Cos I a'n't eot wings, you darned fool !' yelled back the scar ed conscript, as lie dived into the tall timber. But I am not sure tbat I could have bettered my time if I had had wing. When I got nearly to the top of ray sapling and looked down to see my infuriated pursuer gnash ing his teeth beneath me, he wasn't there at all. He was sitting on his hauuehes right out in the same old place. Presently he moved a Ii I tie closer and sat down again. Just then it flashed over me that a bear can climb a tree when he wants to about as quick as a cat. The cold sweat broke out all over me. I said a brief prayer and look ed up the sapling to see how much higher I could go if the bear started tip. And then I recalled a long forgotten character in one of Sut Lovinggoo l's stories who rode a wild bull over a precipice into a riv er an 1 was last sesa having climb e 1 to the end cf the bull's tail as they cleft the air in their downward flight, teaching vainlv for more tail t climb! I laughed right out, and tbe laugh did me good. I wasn't half as nervous afterward. The bear sat still and so did I. I began to think over all the bear stories I had ever heard. I dimly recalled ! one I osed to bear in Sunday-school about young David how he rent a bear which came nosing around his father's sheep one morning, and I thought how gladly I would rent my bear to any responsible party who would take immediate posses sion aud move m. Just as I reach-.! ed this point in my train of reflection the bear fixed his cold little eye upon me and opened his mounth to its very widest extent. I took a casual survey of his interior works, and immediately moved several fett faither up the tree. In doing go I committed a fatal error, The sapling, though toagb, was !..n'er. center of gravity. Tbe top sagged and beat. My feet ljst their grip, and I hung suspended, $ome lilteen feet from the ground. In vain I straggled to regain my foothold. I wan too far Irom tbe slender trunk. 1 strained every muscle iu the attempt to get my fet around the tree, bat I tl q;d my legs wildly and vaiuly. Once 1 caught a chinnse of the bear. He had risen to his feet, and 1 acttiaMy thought I saw a look of astonish ment creep over his featares as he gazed npon my startling gymuastie evolution in mid-air. It was evi dentij' his firt circus, and he was plainly enjoyiug it. I ceased kick ing and began to hold on for dear life. I knew that it was only a ques tion of time until I dropped like a ripe persimmon Into the beat's mouth. I thought of a great many things while hanging there. I re membered that 1 had a Chattanooga uuion card in my iocket atd it made rnc very mad to think how tickled two or three of those fellows wonld be over the fact that mv un dertaker bad borne All the tiuancial expenses even to a free ceuutery lot, and so paved tbeia an assess ment. Then I reflected bow pied my form would be when Gabriel played the thirteenth trump, pro vided the bear ate and digested me and should afterward b killed himself and distributed around the neighborhood to be eaten ami di gested by ever so many people some of them black, at thai ! 1 brse thoughts combined with the attain my arms to make me tire. 1 felt my fingers slipping, slipping, aiJd my hair began to crinkle- 1 Was infernally scared. I will leave fsCv A CASUAL SURVEY OK HIS INTEUIOR WOHKS. it to anybody who has never 63t ups on a petit j iry it he would not, be s:aredat. the pro?peet of dropping out of a tree and confronting a hun gry bear with no other weapons than his tef th and toe naile. I felt that I could bold on no longer. I let go and dropped not into th-3 mouth of the bear but into a lot of dead black berry bushes. Ferocious reader, you have heard of the sharp arrows of remorse. You ma' have felt their sting. If jou ever drank MaeonWhkey you have Well, the s-hatp arrows of remorse are not a patching to the sharp thorns on a de8d blackberry buh It was absolutely agonizing the wi in which these thorns fought cut the tender parts of my system. The jabbed into all the nerve centers and sent thrills of acute pain cha9 in2 eaeli other all over my frame But I didn't dare itovp, for the bear was still Fitting thire, and I knew my only chance now was to feign death. I was j ist at the point of swoon ing awav with fright ani pain, when I beard a sbout and a wild fi ure. waving a tremendously long club, leaped upon the bear. In tbe ex citement of the moment I rose to mv feet. Tho wild looking man h.d seized the bear by tbe ear , and wa hackling a larg. brass collar around his neck, sddresaiog to him at the same time selections from a choice stock of assorted English and Ital ian profanity. Then the truth fl-isl.-. ed over me, acd I came out of those bushes. The bear whieh hail caused me all this aasuih of mind and body was only a tame dancing tear one of three or four which some strolling Italians were exhibiting throagh the country. He bad slip ped his collar daring the night an i ran away from camp. I went over to that dago and offered him millions of prospective wealth and present, ps) ment of a plug of tobacco to allow me to take his pole and hammer that bear to my heart's content. He gr.z?d cpor my bleeding hanis, torn clothing and wild features, and I think he became su?picioa and uneasy. At least he remaiked, Me no speka Inglis," addressed another bort ovatioa in Itallian to the bear, hit him a few clocts over the hea 1 witn his pole, and, picking up the chain, disappeared with Lis captive at a rapid gait. . As tor m?, if I ever agiEn find niysc-lf face to face with a eleepy looking bear in a Georgia woo', may tbe gods grill me if I do not walk np to Lira and kick him throngs his panle. And if tbat part'.cilar i I I : dago and tbat particular bear ever j FITS. All Fit stopped free b. Dr. come through try town when 1 am ! Kline's Great Nerve P-nrer. .to Fits home, Ruiini will have a cb-n-e lolg"'1'?', uf" r?,"6, S ,CUr--' , ' . . . ... t Treatise $2 0-) trial lottle free to 1 11 demand anotner indemnity or ibis J cases. Send to Dr. Kltac, 9 Jl Arch St. government. Job lotts. Philadelphia, Pa. qAT in C; f) J J L I L' p V T -r t T New Movements That Tend For Sonthern Advancement HE1YT GUI! MDCOITO EIPJF.1S. MAXV NLW IML-TUI.L F.NTtKrhl"rS OEti AM,'KH. The M iiufti.!ut rs' , , r , t f iJiltimore. of October 3!, in reTitw irg t ue industrial prore of He South, says : " The business situation through out the Sonth continues to iiproe. and the outlook for the future is ry promising. Speculative operation are not m much faro', bat the work of fol.d business development if commanding increased attention. Shrewd capitilUt', real z"n tbe in tri n sic value of g od mineral and timber propertE", ar making number of purchase-, ad minly for immediate development It West Virginia some lare sales of coil lands have been niBd, and in other State? ore arid limber lands hate change 1 haul? . Te pi oj lo,t in terests in Florida tbow increuf d ,u--livity in the sale of lands a d in the organiz ition of minM g cm:. po nies, seven ne companies i.iu-g been reported during the we- k with capital stock of from j0,CO ) to $1.- 000. GOO. In Alabama a vtrv n por tar.t contract was closed, curing the building cf a railroad fr m tte Warrior coal (kids to de p wahr river navigation at Tuscaloosa, which will open a water transporta tion route for Alabama coal to the Gulf; 'bis contract alio callt for coal mining ami coke making opera tions at Tuscaloosa. At Gilvis'.on he contract has n?cn closed for building a l,000,b(Jd bushel grain c' eutor at a cost cf U)0 00'", and large engagements hive been made for graia shipment frcm New Or leans this winter, while i-t lJjllmore t le grain trade is to active that on t o day s of thi wick ab nj h-.r-t . rs wtre rnide for th - export of L- 5')".l'C0 bjshe's to E irnpe. Ti e eol'on movement continues er happ;-, due iu lurgo part to the per fect weattcr for gathering the cro- , in 1 Sou' her j ports are crowded with vessels loading for Euro, e. In ftn eral industrial matters there is steady yrogrer, and among the new enter pties report d for tun week are $100,003 waterworks company at Helena, Ark.; acid and chemical works at Portsmouth, V.; $250,000 development, mining ani manufact uring company in Florida ; a 50 O00 and a 10,000 manufacturing compa ny in West Virgmit; a 20,000 knitting-mill company in Norfolk , Vu; a .'50.000 compress company, Amciicur, Ga : a rolling mill and a sa-h and door factory at Tybir, 1 cx- ac; a J0 )-barrel Hoar mill , Baltimore; 102,00) development company at Chester, S. C; large lumber mills at Irvine, K. a 500,000 general manufacturing company at New Or- leat s; a l,0u0,000 ordinance com pany, Alexandria, Vj.; a 50,000 au- tornntie-eprinkler company, Column ou, Ga.; a 100,000 developmrnt company. Richmond, W; a 50 ton Ice factory, Mobile. Ala.; and one of same size at Furl S nitb, A'k ; re frigerator works, Hot Spring", Ark.; water woikJ, La Grnge Gi.; tobsi co factory, Greenville , N. C; a ?J5, 000 cotton setdoil and mar ufactur ng company, . Corsicaoa, Tex&4;.a 100.000 electric MLt -jnttnufactur-ing eornpany, Cumberland, Md., etc. ' ' 1 hii fcuxmary show a rt;ady, ao'dd growth all along tbe line, and indicates a very healthy develcp meLt aetivit that promises w.dl for t'-ie rapid increase in tbe progrerB acd prosperity of the South." A llnril I urnrr. ... . . . . . . I tie a:e ot a r.aru corner 'or womm ti turn, and 3.j i. sdd harder. 1 She Eels that she ii fa;t leoin her ycu'.h behind. But there 19 no rea-n why a woman .-.houlO b faded ar.d pa-e at 33 cr even The chief cause of tbe eariv falin of American women is found in tne fact tbat msi.v of them sufEr from some form ot female weakness or disease 1 which robs tbe face cf its bloom, draws J dark circles abont the face of its Llr.oin, j draws dark circics about tbe eyes, brings j early wrinkles and, and j stamns the face and figure wp.h sins of i ill health. Dr. Fierre's Faxorite 're . , . ; 1 : ... r. .11 k.c i . 1 1 . - 1 M 1 1 j 1 1 1 J 1 1 iii tui- all U1C-C UUUJ.C.I Will biing back the lost bU-oro, aad reraoe tbe pains and aibnenta which make wo men grjw cd I before thir ti-ne, Guaran teed to (tire patijfaction in eTery case, i or price l.0O) reiunded. HERE'S A KEW DEVICE. Tl Tit a- : C : Hi' "' i!rr : ! ! 1 (I (" ' i r : C ' ' 1 1 , r, ,'rr,! t,. r t !, tt,ket? .tV'd a we, ry t a .th Ei . d r. I Stilf N'. I h vc ;: t ft a r u ! 'I i' l . " . 0 i ' i -. hc l mt.iT !.v., ! , r. ml tn r hr.c i Prri S C 1 ' , W !" v . ! a rout' pal- c ,tt i-i h ; h;r rno-ith t- ul .-r bi.-!i !, utd a E'.t f - !f,ry t - 1 f 1 i i 1 1 '. i . r , ld Ufrd th-t7i for f . ;r "rj!'ind hit t:t i!!ctr ht abe ctrrtol t'tcm ej ds here flt. I"i4 te t-, "ecamc s'i.i :s V ; m, ae n.f an tr !iT f ir t. n ilher fib: id i be j . j ieked me to t u 1 I a ! s ! ' PIT liT I tb"Ui; ' c !y for 't briEn ' ns i ! e ''!', one r A", a d " o;j each to take t!i place of t;,.m cotw n fiills &h ch e!.- w !!rr. bo i tie ; oth mi!n r i.r fiad 'iU a .x'.un 1'. iiake a place from w :4u :i f.i bud 1 .it this cbo. k t'u!- -. I b. U ! i,o En; rt'si'-?. f ir t;. . n, t M 0 i ens Mr e f ' t ! . , . 'A-r . u the m 4. 1 tie i 1 t k- Ectc:;di : t 1 ii,drof the sutne in -iter i-t I as the fr&me ii w;.(-h ;ht ttM tu ftrTt fi t. '''A lien V- cauif in to rt for teeth flu n m e 1 tb c i'.t.i i fiails md he r ehei k s win to u i k r, t b n t ivi'n a c:u -it b n r vi r wo i I . V o :l!-d her I't.n f. alo : e ! . 'A ben .be p.,t in the hso-r.itd ,eeth Phe be, 'cue foi! f;d 'in t tho former Milken clocks howid pntiy litnpliH wli.ii she Ntiii'fd. 1 trH us Dundcd at th ut-.rvi 1 m . c'. mc. It was uEi.oil yreat ino i h to be ai.e l a iin.'uii. I Ii it work. I t eii, to !, to t he rrst ori r of o 1 1 ! , of t he footpr i of s of chirp' ' 1 1 A. t .t. i i '! ;f i r . - ,1 ml th" reltt at-T of tw : . uiircd. Uinu.'li tio mil' 1 ii' i odd base i v r t bo f i a r i u i g a mi - I 'm t ! . . u i a' , t n 1 1 1- - ' o" n i l ' or w I 1 I. ! O A loo n ll . H L E d 0 N lh'Xi tl- , Fur bi l-MlMir-s an i fulisli; til b- iii'jli K'ixir. K. i I, r- bibs and 1 1 L E'irion Elix r. For lerplcsmics", nT v-'M-.r .i" 1 tilidt-)!! f tlie ht-irt, tke l.-m on Elixir. h r indir'i"n and f-nil M iinwli, a' e E"-nn Elixir. For n!! p k aed rn rvou brad Jf hrs, tke E -rnoii Iiixir. Eidic, I r natural ani tb'.roujrb i.r auic rfiilatiun, tnk E-ii't, Klixor. Dr. M(.Uy's Eii.uii f.lixii m'i i fatl you in nnv ' f Uic abyxe na:nr 1 . Ji -t'asrs, all otAvrurh an-, (lum a t'irp.d T disi'ised li ' r, l-t iill'irit, hljlfjf or bo'i.ds. P.tpar-d on'v by Dr. II. M..i.- , . Mlanti, 5')c. anifl.O) cr bodb-, it li u '.ri-t-i. LEMON HOT DROPS t'ur." al! C'M, '-!!. 1 1 ai Sire I r r: .it. If-oru h ti-, H-Tjirrii.-- an 1 nil thr ri' an 1 E.r. - a t . - - nt. i e'i 'bit-. 2" Cents t drn;'i-!. I r - -1 - - ' by Dr. II y).et Atlanta. u. 1 (i r ! y , ti it ii -1 nt -ii i. Y itiug Ni (1, Vc", I know I'm n great Ibrt: I suppose , Miss S o lev. that joii think I'm a t a' I bear.- I wretd.? Miis s i.ilax V. "i bu. t our bead brings thi average ojt ali rb'ht. f 1 he Wfcu'n iri'e P I. f. . or - li. icn-.ral . S i- 4 A N'fv l!K -'(,l i-,:i, JtOMHM I C. , ;:d Fr j.i i Cori,(i';i.MS. Ti v I '-i. - .d : f Ul 'l Y. I'.. Hu l ; !. r, rA 'l. o.' , J to v..i:r t.t-ibb jrs, a . I v j A, e a ; . : decl. How I Wai Ccr' d cf S j-C-i 11 d r-o: I)KAK KIK -T'H- r-rt r' t I was a hufbrn-rcr a in :i j .- n y 1, , . der lip for f lt' - u: 1 . -trratfu'-rit of 'At! 1:.: ,',, i- , . 1 t tfiev d j'K- t!i - no j !. I of b i:, fir i b . t : I then er;l t-j a d l t A W ho tre'.lfcd t'r- iri to, .i t to b rn it t v i . ; but r u r:,': ! a - f u i a -concl i le i t tr v 1'. I x ! . d tr. i 1 i X t r s . ' , r . . r. ! il'"r''"1 f 1 . , . 1 . , . 1 lakiii" 'iv bott!r- A t i ' W '. - ' ;. II. I'l ," I , V : r ri, I 1 1 i ' I aSo find it a j .-i prc;r d :n-. E. J, lr'.l' KEANE .Sir.r,'!,. I . . 1 ... -. 1 , . . lil' . . 1 1- ..' r . ,', '. , , ., j th-? dl.c!- ir t ar n. 1 l,y 1 "Wi-rfu! ir.; 1 o,,- . P t'. ,'. 1 '1 If H CljniJilllA'l ilO COTTON S I W B A P" a r i 1 ; r- .. U5 11 'A WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS l w of firlgut. t 1 '! ir-.l J. H. V. H U B n fi n D V. M MV W V. crry '. K tii,yr, : . , a: . r , j for quick d..:i.-T -i-jj-, r-t " - f cf r a jjEr?r?Mrvr"r' rir "OSGOOD" U. S. StPiitlarel A J-r.t on tr'',! t u'i' 1. n r. I Wkr.r.r ATI V i v i . o I j s , I s 0-l-Jm. -I M

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