v.. J . V F. E. MILLIARD. Editor and Propiretor. "EXCELSIOR' IS OUR MOTTO. VOL. VIII. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. THURSDAY. NOV EM HER 'M. 1S!U. NO. I. DEMOCRAT t- t-yr O, i j: o I- E S s I o N A E. I) it. t . . IU i i .'-'I . . . . i 1 I l ' I ;'!" ! ' Sco'ii ani Nr.( ir, 2n.C Qun be found at bis office i, NV.v 1 1 ' t -1 when not proles- illy i-nf.u'' nero . .;c0 W ELL, t )'vVlCF. North come: Mu:ii Mret. N'cw Hotel S( oTi. ' ni Nlck, N. I '' AUvays. a 9 20 If. l Lis o filet; wLvm not rjfcM it'll Ite v here. rR. A. C. E I V E R M A N, -rv t:i 7 711 nr 7 Tk errors Ofi icr- ('or. Main and Tenth Streets -! 12 Iv. Scoti.anj Nkcic. N. C. 'iMIOV.AS X. MILL. L AT TOi; Nr.Y AT LAW, 1 1 ail I'm K , IS . C, i'ri.'ti'-cs in I!;;;irt ami adjoining (.;. i;. and the FoiE-ral and Supreme C:;;rts. 8 1 y. 3 v A Vti) I; EEL, JL7 AT i OIJNKY AT LWV, I 'l art IT' a -si' a !iii in a!' th" Coorts i-. Iiahf;i. ; r.iun'. ii'.-i and ; i .ie So I n. in!' r- I it. i -! 1 Fcdci ni '.airts. fia n coi ttf. Si 8 1 v. ; i l I'M ! -: r.e I: N i A T I. A W, ;!. m N:. k, N, C, w !,er".'i las set' ices are iVLH ly. 11. Ki L'.TilN, ro;;xKY Cor:srxo:i at Law, Stotiund No ek, X. C Corner Lain and Tenth (Hi:, i E. 1 , Tl! WIS. ; :N!:v.s .i !-'oi'xi:i.' :Ks at La'.v, ; HLiFaX. H C. ' We 1 don. ;A V, k UANSOj.l. A VTOUXKYS A r LAW, vr ki.dox, i. c. ) N E O L5 V. iL T SON'S 1 1 ' ! I All ,,.(!! i .S oi i:s o p-i i itj.is. t v r, Ninth an-! M ;ti.i Mie S-' -T? N ! N KOK, - -!an 1 v. V. i . H . Ji l y I 1 W No. E-S.-ut:i !::. Si.t.b.t. M.i:n A C try Sis. RICHMOND, VA rumbe Coirirnissiorj eant, r-T-.-t.-iiAl prompt attention l. a - .! . . -1-17 IK! iy. .". r - .. o--v-is rr -.c: :ivi? : . 3 f I S S I ' & a j nCFULA. ULCERS. SALT LLid, rC2iIMA, every 4 ; f r r- . r -! -1 CKfri rfl'JPT:CN, !:e issV.r'krt'f-o cvrsiiHitiGP, j :r: i '". w cry cauie. :ts Y r.r?.:'.C!nc a cure, if t; i t-' z M ' it' JT1'1 1 CO., Ailar.:a. G?. $ i , ; t A 9 i a : 1 x o i tl T i ' II E H : (I .: ! to v. M o h'.S (d i t:;7 t!;e ihick mid. mi on : r I -;j ! I .- 1 aL.vnvs' en hand. vain f. cull. . 7.:.-.-!.' 17. . r, r. r-f! . ilm-A Mm COURAGE AND AMBITION Ef I vi us I ut er ladpc 1 Er tadp 1 weak an' frai'. I win strive tu he er frog Do I neber shed my ta i An, befo' I'd be tr clam, A'E-rs shet up outer sight, I wnd bust my hell ersunder Do I perished n de 'iht. Yes, I ruder be er iUi i squire!, Tu 1 1 y er while an fall, Dan be er lazy tarepin Tu do nothin else but crawl. An' ef 1 wusn't biger Dan er little yaller ant I wud exercise er courage E'ul iu de elephant; Fer 1 hold dat it is noble An1 erccrdin' tu God's plan, Dat man in ebry station Shud prove hissef er man, Dat de only tru nobility Is by home labor wrougt, An' tr crown dat'.s wuf de wearin' Is by mortal neber bought. An' I cant help hat-3 er croaker, Wid his wtak and watery eyes Alltrs turned toward de groun', Neber raised toward de skie; Who goes erbout complaird:i' An' bemanin' ob his fite lecau;e he i er niny fnstid ob sumpin g'cat; Who neber makes an effort Tu reach er noble bight, 15 ut hid jr. his ebry lalent In Ins bmom outer siht, An' bows mi weak submission, Like tr cii'igin' yaller houn" An' lick j tie Inn' uplilted 'i'u .-trike In n tu de grouu'. Uut I glory in de c-jurage M v eo.ivi ti"ns tu asert, An' i 11 .strive tu ba er man I)j Esc but oiide ob dirt; Fer I no de soul w i lin me Is tr Lbiif part ob Oud, An' w 11 lib in sphers eternal Ve my form has turned tu sod. An as I hve tu honor D.ii (Lid who, in hi-; pi. n, Made me in hii image, I will stiivc tu be er man. O. T. Do.ii;k ( Uxclk Mose",) iJiiuiHuhim A la. "S"- ri- Dauiel V.rebster's Unlicked Hand. I ilariford Titr. .' - ). A sto: y of Daiik-l Webster, told ! i?v him -eir, long 3 eras ago, comes i to the yVics at only second haud ! ! from the lady who heard him tell it. v, ehster as a boy iu the rude village schocd at Salisbury (now 1 j Franklin), X. II , where he lived in Lo hoed, was net fiee from the small pi at; Us and mischiefs in whkh boys of a dozen sears are (o used to bi ) ') t to indulge even in st h il hours It was a whipping punishment ther for almost every thing, and the master, a hard dis ciplinarian, Lad called Daniel up to his ch ilr. "I used to have, I am sorry to say it," said the statesman, ''a a schoolboy, wr dirty hands. On being c tllvl up to be 'feruled,' the customary foim of punishment then, I coveitlv and hastily licked one !i;ii!il, to make it more presentable, and hurnediy wiped it on my sleeve, after getting up from my seat. " 'Hold out your hand,' " was tLe command --anil out went the Land I had tried to lick. '' 'Dau,' exclaimed tie master, in 11 1 A ; a reproving rone, loosing at ir e ! duty little paw, 'if you can show me a dirtier hand than that in a1! tbis school I'll let you i ff.' uImmediatelv.v added Webster, j -'I thrnt out the other hand '1 he j schoo'ma-der was stumjied. But he ' was as good as nis woid, he let me oii." LEiI0N ELIXIR. 1'icixanf, Elcgcnt, Reliable. For bi i"i3ness and consfpntion, take Letnoii L ixir. F.r(e rs, chills and malaria, take L tno:i Elixir. For sleeplessness, nerysusness and palpitation of the heart, take Lemon Elixir. For indizes ion and foul stomach, taLe Lemon E'dxir. Fer all sick End neivous headaches, t ke Lemo.i Eiiir. Ladies, h.r natural an 1 thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elisor. Dr. Modey's Lemon tlixir will not fad ou i,i any of the above named dis eases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidceys or l-.f.wels- Prepared only by Dr. II. MoLEY, At! nit.i, la. 50c. and 1.00 per bottle, a!, druggists. LEMON HOT DROPS "urt-s all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, S re l or 'at. 13ronchitis, Hemorrdaue and all throat and lung diseases. E:e- 11 g 'l 1 laOie. 1 ' O' , ... 11U ar (irncErisrs. rrniarpn nr.iv by !r H V f.le , Atlanta. Ga CTC-- " J I i-:jo-'j'- - Itch on human and horse? arel all ; or English, with full dinctioi.s for ; nirniE cured in , 3D mmutes by V. j perparir.g and using Sent by mail by ! ord's Sani ary I otion. This never fa'ls- ! addressing With stamp, naming tMs i Sold by E. T. Whi'.ehead t Co's Druj.lpapcr V. A, Noves iJ'J rowers' Block', store, Scotland Neck, N. C. 10 S ly THE GREAT DANE DOG. NOT A NATURAL RACE, But a Systematic Cross-breed for German Forests. The engraving herewith presents hoar hound. From a scientific standpoint the history of the animal is most enterestins. This dog does not be'ons; to a natural race, hot is practically th result of systematic nature s laws to meet the exigencies was the superabundance of wild-boars in Gertnan lorests. These creatures, although the progenitors of our domestic swine, dif- icr in many points: they are never marvelouIy developed and possess and llexible, and the sense of touch are covered with still bristles, and itself, no mean weapon; but this is not the feature which mikes the wild boar a dangerous foe for man and beast, each jaw is furnished with two long, slurp tusks pointing upward, which are indeed formidable r weapons. The wild-hoar is tierce and active; a swift runner, and a haul fighter ; dealing death-blows to man and beast by swift, upward strokes of his powerful tusks. Hnnteis were ut a disadvantage bicanse no race of dogs existed which possessed the requisite qualities for assisting iu the subjugation of this savage beast. Hence the wild-boar flourished in the Black Forests until the idea of breeding a dog especially for this purpose was conceived. Jn order to accomplish this the mingling of several races of domestic dogs became necessary. The origin and descent of the boar-hound is not definitely known, but the breed is of great antiquity. A combination of the m a still" and greyhound undoubtedly prevails in the makeup of the bieed as it is known today. Another breed takes some part iu the mixture. The admixture of" the mastiff gives the re quited muscular power and dimension of body; while that of the grej hound msures speed. As might he expected from auimals bred iu this mauner, the boar hound is developed in form, color, habits, and disposition according to rise element which may chance to predominate in the individual. The dog is attiactive because of its iramens size, often measuring from thirty to tLiity-two inches at the shoulder. Its color is rarely black and white, moie often brindled patches appear ou a dull giouud, and some times the tawny coat resembles that of the mastiff. The eyes are small and deeply set, yet are not lacking in expression. The erect carriage of the head seen in the best specimens gives the creature as much of the pert style as it cm well carry without loss of the dignity we look .'01 in a dog of such notSe build; nevertheless, the caprice of dog-fanciers iias added to the naturally presuming air of the dog by closely cropping 1 s eais; a practice which robs the dog of its one real beuaty, and spoils the sjmmetiy of its ma-sive head. The loving disposition of the hound is oftem traceable, likewise its seeming cowardice. The pups appear stupid, but like great lights a mong meu come to their brains later in life than ordinary dog.-; in fact, they are much more teachable at two and a half or thiee 3 ears of age than at any earlier peiiod, .showing that it is not always "hard teaching old dogs new tricks." When the mastiff is the dominant element they make excellent dogs tor family use, as the mastiff is par excellence the watchdog and guardian of the house. A Diamond in Her Teeth. (Louisyille Courier Journal). There is a female in tins cily who has a very cot!v and elegant diamond ingeniously set in one of her beautiful upper front teeth. When she smiles and she always does the brilliant rays that come from her handsome month aie brighter than the glittering beams that shoot from the electric head light on a sternwheel boat at mid night. A Kean o("l'2! When Grandpa went a wooing. He wore a satin vest A tril of running roses t rubr.ddered or. the breast. The pattern of his trousers, His In en, wbire and fine, Were all the latest asli m In eighteen twentv-t i ie. Grandpa was a lipe-l. okmg yourg fellow then, so the old ladies pay and h - is a rine-'o )ki ig ni l gentleman now For the past score of years he In been firm bed ver ii tti- merits of Or Pierce's (i.lien Mdic-d Discovery 'Ir i-oTiua-pfi mv vnnih." ho frftn iifnl l r says. It is the 01 lv biood-j in diei j and Lvi r inviorator guaiantted to ben i etit or cure, or rnonev piomptlv rtfunded j It cures liver disease, dptpa scrofu-j Ions sores, skin erup! ir ns. ami all dis- j ease. of the bhod. For Lngering coughs I ami consumption (which is lung scrofu'a j in its early stages) it i s an unparalleled j remedy. r.nicsUMPTION CURED. An ota tnysrcian, retired from pract j ice, having had placed in bis hands be j of a similar vegetable remedy for tha an lrtM- io. "".---'v...... ".v. """"' rd rermament cure of consumnt- n, Ibor.chiti-'. Catarrh, Asthuia and ad throat and Lung Arictions. also a pos tiive and radical cure fur Nervous De Kilitrr omi 9 Npri. lis! Cl 1 , tl 1 n 1 ' 1 t aftti having tested its wonderf-il rurative;i powers in trousnds ol cases, h3s felt ltjcase, when used for an- affectkn ol bis di.tv to make ,t known to his suf j -phr0,lt Lungs or t'het, such as Con IV, ing fellows- Acuatedby tt.is motive j s,u (U() n, lullaraait;n of Lurg- or Cbrst an i ? dtsire t) relieve human suffering' 1 ... . , , , 1 will send free of charge, to all who j Bronchi: h, sthrn?, Whooping desire it, this recipe, in German, French 1 Co Ji:h, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant Kochester.A' 2. d-'Jl-iy , r an excellent portrait of a pure brei crossing, a succes-fal hltndintr of of the occasion, and this occasion fat: the necK and forerpiarters are great strenght: the snout is long and smell extremely delicate, they the heavy crest along the baclc i, in Girt llieatl. Every ecergeti; man is snrious to get ahead. Jf his work in the world is ever to aoiount to anything hr; must try and make it more excellent than it ever has beeo made so as to distiDC" all ccmiietitors . There may he aom? kiods of the best quali ty d;-m in solitude and with not much stimuli-', hut mo'l of tbe world's labor is j erformud by men and vvomen who s.tnnd eide by side and whose fT.)its ifTird strong and eqnitahle incentive 1 ach to each. Just as in the race the enc rgv of each runner is brought out by that of his competitor so in tbe manifold exer tions of the world the rowers and faculties f men ard women are con stantly sharpening and MrergtLu-u iog ebch other by honorable co'.tesf. A Stui-il MiiHVrcr. Di.roty (10 rn-irried friend) -'Do yoa ill tin i Cnarlie to be the liero yOU oc ct thought him?" ' M abe! ,k A t ll, ' es. He hasn t once complained of rny biscuits, sN .1 . l though I Cin hmoly eat them my self, Judge. A Mate Intrniiiieiit. Js cne w I ih is guaranteed to brirg j - rr.ii sat .fartnrr re;n S or m C3Se O! Allure a reinrn 01 purcnase putt-. . , r 1 : On this safe plan you can buy from our ad- veitised Diugcits 1 butile of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con-umption. It guaranteed to brirg r.iif in every ancj 8greCable to ts.te, perfectly safe. w be d ded r . Trial bottles free ht h. T. Whitehead & Uo'.s Drugstora CARPEDIEM. Why hel lht t ie :nirror l clou Ie I by orr it If thf iun be si I - i n t - Ut Cici di raty prove but a .ccren Frcra the Cr?T bai Wf fia wcu'd be ctlling to str. Keel we mcarn thtt If lion Falls the bud and the blootn. Thus leaving the lily stalk bar? There are moser th:t groT Ard rale li'ies that bl.iw In the clods that are 1 y in there. Need wa weep if the smiU Of a friend can beguile Tbe he?it from it- mo rins ati.at The gale may be swift Yet the cloud show a rift While bravely wo tteer the frad boat. While our purpose be hijh All the arrows we lly, Barbed with a true, honest cirii, Though they fall far btlow The long range ol the bow 'I he etlbrt ill arm us again. M. E. McCm-ke, Ghent Ky. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER A BLUSHING BK1DK OF 80 ANI A GALLANT GKO'JM OK T24. (Saturday Hlade.) Hiram Le'ter, who clairu-i to be tbe oldest man in the world and says he i9 1 24 years of age, and Mr?. Ma ry E. Moselv, a ft, chubby bride of 80 summers, were made man ar.d wife at the Elgewood theatre at At laiit:', G.i., a few nights ago. Ju-Je Landrom performed the ceremony. Soon afier 8 o'c'ock the visitors began to arrive. Nioe o'clock, the time for ths wedding, cauie , and no oreather made sppearar.ee. Eif- teen minutes passed and crowd be-. came nervous . -Judge Landrura was called upon to lliiate, t ut refused. Haif-p&et 9 o'clock and still no preaccer came. In a few minutes the jude came upon the tta?e and requebtid the crowd to keep q jiet. Th3 gallant aroom and winsome bride were eOii;e- what bashful. Tee curtain was Irawn aside and oat watted an old, feebie. pa'Uitd man, who had to have be assistance of a long stick while walk in 2. By fij side rnd holdiDg his arm was a feeble, fat woman, who coul i baidly get along. Side by side the two sat in chairs upon the stage. Tue groom wore a lare felt hat, coarse coat and troasers, and shoes knon as brogans. He wore an old black tie and had a shawl thrown over hi shoulders. In his hand he carried a young apling, with a blue ribbon tied at the top. The bride wore a calico dress ornamented with stripes, a larg1, loud purple ribbon for neck ornament , and a shawl oyer her shoulders. Judge Land rum stood in front of the feeble couple. Uncle Hirum railed rtf his wool hat. The wor is of the j idio could be heird plainly as he said : "Hiram Lester, will you tike thi woman to be 3 our lawfully wedded wife ?" "Yaas, sir," was t'ic repl?. "AMU - ou at all tunes honor aid trust her f 'Yaas , sir." A faint iitterin in the the houe coul 1 be heird. Tuen the ju d-e turned to tbe bride and said : '.Mary Mosely, will j ou take this man as pmr wed lea hasband , and trast and honor hiai always ?' Asthoigh she was used to such affair?, sYs aid : "Urcph ! hugh 1" A Iauh went through the specta tors PS the two beld fiicd,ind .Lid- e Lir.dram pronounced them husband and wife. Congratulations were a on bestowed anon the 2e l couple by tne rowd. Undo Hiram hel 1 oat Ids shaking , pal-ied hnd, ard accepted ihe cor.;r:itulations. Mrs Letter took tl.em in a sort of d 't car, way. Th ? couple were ass sttd to s back, erd eoi'is ('.iaappeare d in the darlines9. 1 1 curd in I lit; .Ilit. "Jlarams, please gimme a drink of wattr; I'm so thirsty 4,No ; ouare not thirpty. Turr over and o to sleej." (A pause.) 'Ma nmn, won't vou please cimme a d-iuk? I am so thirsty ! 7 4Tf you don't tarn over and go to sleep, I'd get op end ppatk you I" ( A nother pause .) "Muirras, won't )ou please gimme a drink when )ouj.eL up to spai.fc me! Life. FITS. All Fits stopped free bv I)r Kline's Great Nerve Re?torer. (o Fits after tir.-t day"i u.-e. Marvellous cures. Treatise 2.00 tr'al bottle free to Fit cases, iiend to Dr. Kline, 9 Jl Arch ht. Phiadelphia, Pa. "' ' "I , " ' JlXi i 1 ' . ' AN irai'ORTANT QUESTION. i nji.:. be ioM;.'r:.".!n ;:v t ik ma 1 (w.n;:iM, (Yooth'i Compani on ) The L.fty-econd Cingre', tht lower hone of whi:h wa 1 hi-n i:. tlui vrv ft.-firf iinlili'! eim ii n - j 1 l&n, will iMemhle it Washbiit-in on the firftMortday of the CocW month. Many surpriin polit c i changes were effect el ia last ycsi' , election; nd thc.e wdfeten! t-t Inn; about ud alie leislatife fesMot:. O e suj ct which was much Laltd, and not id a partisan way during th? year in which the n. w House (d li'presetit itivs's was t ie. - tcl, ud whi.'h by no nit'ans l's been lost p i b l of sir.ee, is Lk-ly !i. come forward for a more thorough consi leratioa thau p. has et re eclved in Congr.-s. This su' j t is tiie fuilher rcgola - lion ar:d rest-ic.ioa of iamigrtion from fortigu couttrief. S'JiTl State pd ficul co:. v. i.Lo'if not hlor.e i f one pirtv , bsv 1 r. rounced in favor tif lvidv. ; d I 1 U.nress hsvii.g t in od in vu -Several national con 1 tioi.s o portani lodes ol.I'i1- if po! ii have deir.'jr.did .,w w!.i,-h m .'1 i cournge ur desirr! le a..d l.uf'ul 1:: mirati.jn. 1'he r.t w (' igr , chi sen in the rai-Ut of such an u,,it .tit- ai d aware M)' i1 h n ' cmii a cel. it ore widespread "lac, in 1 r-KS .u ably be csptcted to diicu-is 1I1O sub- jeel In a serious an 1 ilipasnioriate way. T.oe laws alrea ly adoptcl, ioten ded to regulate Immigration, hav. resulted in t he exc! .ish-n of a conoid rubL- nu rnber of a't u A pa upr -n. i criminals who have bc.-n broight u, A.I I 'I'l It. mese sunres. 1 ney. r.o doi.tit, rcn - derrd steamboat Companips ui I em lirati'n agents muivi more; caution. than they would ot-crwise have be iJ in accepting intending pssen ers. j Tu this extent the immigmtiot ; Liws nejw in force have be. u h -.1 !i cia'j but they have not diin'nishi d the tide of immigrah'!i from b-reigr. coantriep. nor hive they prevent i the character of fiat im'irgr.ttior from cooling, on .c wiioic, niori uudcsir.;h!e. Ir ftiril t li 'in l.: n rn-i! n t 'il n i-il . ..v...., .w - , whether with j istice or not we shall not undertake t consider, tl. rvt tin prohibition of the c;;ninr' of in :;yi 1 ual Wni kinsmen under eon'r.rti ti. labor litre has had a tendency to di courage immigration from t i rupar tively Intelligent and proptn-us countries and distritt, whence it might be dcsira'dit ard to attract .t it from undesirable reiiion0 fuch as Sohthein Ita!, SUvoni?, and tie poorest aud mo3t benighted regio.'.e of Uu?3ia. S ich questions as thii it will be the fanction of the new Conre to couhlder. The facts ntcesary to a tul! understanding of the suvj-tt- tre not wanting. S'.ttiti'.'S ehow immi -ration increases rather thit. dtminr hes. The proportion of Kuro-pr-ans and Knglish-speaking n.oph lecreaep, and t hit of the most ig nor ait and debased persons from South ern and Kstvrii Kurojc itureases pci 1 report- to Coaresi .hive al -ea ly brought oji :.H: fc'.s. I'll" fdlurc of existing la j t check t Lf ll iu i ii also pi tin. The new Cocgrcs wol h .ve sever al prt-'jiostd remdi s fr the evil !; 00 e from or emu p. ie r.t t iei-e ii the pi an t rcq lire ".m :t ir. piiry on the p irt of Americao cor uls a;.d corn merci3l agents abro-o! into the 1 bracter an 1 coalition of intending em'oraiM t 1 thi du n . n i In lit nit ril.-.l O'liv dS l-OSf- C Kisulif ceiriiCi ei 0 " o that they are tit prso'is to r.ccomi A c r so to i it z n . j Anothsjr plan ii t i rq ire a te ! J of rta Ung t--:nl writing 1 ; the coi r, j t--.- i f ilrn .rrurr. in l'ie : ;.' rj'l. 1 y irar.t-.' own hnviu:" : ar.d fetri 1 c 1 mother to a iair. oliv mi.u iri,iL. , . 1 ... ! . grants as can read and write the K iheh langnng?. Anotj r plan proposes t!.&t roj immigrant hall be admitted unless he possesses a suflkicnt amount of resources to rer.d s him fiecor aairjt btcomng a publ.c cha-g and '.rT)rd a degree of assurance tha he w.il income an active, jrudio ti y e and law-ihiding me-iiLtr of tLt commnn'.ty. Meat time, the d- mat.d for soaii eort of Tf strn tiun is i1ii.oim uim : moo?. It is etrl6it.lv grour.dd o: good resfcuu; for or.Iy notional 1 itoraLz atiun an 1 lorrcptior. can r salt from uart trieitd and uuiin:iud immigration . 7 i r ! 1 i IV 1 , 1 U '. I . or i ! t Le ujo! s 1 't m . i j ft h n ! Mc. 2 kav. r-'-.n ir 1 , i'fn 1 n ; o:ilv to r f'- ! r-.ot l.rr-. I u .oih- in!' 1 : v ...... .v iii',in,!t 'ir:,;!- 1 ;i . m (m!ivjuc. one ol :he d.m,-..;. ; .;. r p, p n,. p ...u .... ( uI tv.mrnun.eatw: Em! I,,-,.... , . t!l;. u, tUJi, r a;.. ,.it j llllu I hi.-id'.'. ; .i.t acef.r, an. I "i.T;,U v.- m W ,. ht ,u!: u , ;. , ti ...t. ,, , t- m.uu-c ot ,tn .;. ,..ui np.!t ;, ic , t, f.iuh: , h:; , .nd -i r tutu it U '.. .; i m::ted b ! t. :n l -.i u . s a 1 . J he i...:iic.! 01- l.r ... .... jt-hildi-u lu d i'!.s, i , , lt . 1 pr.-l Ii imum- th ' Nir-., ', ,.j j mi:i cot.: .ige.:iH ,, ,, , . j- .4 j M't(.e!t- and .1 h j o.-: u 4) .4 , v , ; as a peniiiMt u L ii I l.vriv c..i ni l 7. .i m.isi v o : s I . t "pi :.-. II. Mil ii.llli; I'-i 'll..! nil Ir. 1 : e nul I, I!: 1 1 1 1 . .Mi 1 v .1 1 .1 1 t!. 11 '.v 1 : h 1 1. 1 . Mid i ling il im- . .Ili'i U ! 1 in ! 1 1 i - 1 ; 1 1 i . ; : 1 1 1 it , . I i ! 1 : i a. ' : ,ii s it ('num.!! fj-i 1 ; n il kiu! t!:-.t ,:m- (!iii,-- J; in -edh s lo : 1 1 -uLile i n : 1 ' in ( r ut tei.ding ih" !-;. ;n A 1 ",!! . 1,111 w : I '' ,; i;tt .il J .1 1 I it gc ii li 1 e . J i in' p ' 1 -. i I . 1 ,. ', ,'111 1 ,1 : i 1 1 - v b 1 w 1 1 , 1 'i 1 , j ih.ugeto;: to ehddrei: - u , 1; ;sc t hry be .ow. 'o ; ' to pet sons o! l.i mm .il-. s :-'0!l .!!.! f 'i .its ! j h.i bit as w I ; as ! n . , 1 I i-.-n .; 1 . . (; .. .-, can Ie iLit.Cv ti..iid t . ... imanv iIimmm (. (!i,;.;i.i, tbit n 1 'lid II" Mllpn-M1 ll- .1!:; little mies to emit 1 u t Im 'l.e ! . 1 ' 1 w !.!. . !'!.' ll I" til.lt to l ; 1 1 : ; .i.i riiu;r::iii iim! 1:; '-i.il -'s .n tl.i- 1 ji thf., -1 1 ' j-n : i:ds to i!o it;r.i'.-,;l.i', j iiiiio j ao- j liei. ; li I I ( il it! I ,Vr d.. r vim ;ri- t si I 1 'I f tint I'l. ... . , XU(f,, p, , ,( Kr v ., w A t ri a si I an . I 1. I t r. 1 1 . 1 : t.ivi- nu 1 1 I n 1 1 .. 1 1 . ,, si-'l a Ri 11, iT I ' ., t l. 'if i VI r- a I M. t ';.i " ! n . NS' . .! trite t - g; :i ' ,'ir t . I ', t !m i v i v '' ll.l'l !v I 1 l.i:; ! ! i i . , if 1.' t - at -!u 1 r . Ui I i'.V t !. 1 1 ! I . T ' l- I t i : . ! . .- t Ik j r gr i-1 1 .i pii'ar v 1 on:, Ill ell . E. T. W I. It . ' ( : 'I "' ' . I i D- FOR OVER Hi-TY Y Ii A Ii I S t ' I V.' ' S w 1 ( I 1 ( 1 ( . in o. i ; .1 11 .- '.'.' .: 1.1 : !.i i - ' r 1 ,r h t:.i 1 VI, 1 5 it "ii it'it . j-. r. t '1 ' t 1 1 t il !. a i-i o 1. I,,. 1 p 01. 1 i.r i '. r. ! v ' 1 i ' i 1 I 1 1 " V t r.t po'-1 !;!!. !,''. ill by I O n' 4 -1 - j 1 1 , 1 t lid Tr,. i t . , -.' 11 p- a'. i a k for ' M t s.j',ttj.:ig S'ti.p," !,:il . .1 t . 1 ' o. :t : 1 -. W 1 pisTOPKotICi. f&m Mmi ml Prrfifll) I !. i fcIJi'.'k'J I. rflltu ti.i.t i.j tt.:, ... -!! ' .- J .'.I rnrr-i v.i!w.iu. v.'.u tt, n.-,. L O l -, r f riri- , a .. .. i tL.LB G.i .J..' i, f ..I t I . . ' ' T.: I-'.-'!', h-i- ' . t-.w i..;. I .: i .1. i - X, -1 KOENIC hi ZD. CO.. Chicnro, Koi! by Urtjiisu at ' :-r il r-. . rjr l.rire -Ire. r 1 .7 . O IIotMe f r '. t ' v 1 a -! thsrv. ir.r V A Pjriphift. t,:i.' f .i' r .; t J L., te-l U:. A-;- O.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Pait tr.'., 'Mit-fa f. ' r I ! 1 t I i 1 lin. : I : ii! sliir ... : I 'iv Uj- i, r. 1 T . v 11 , :.: It-,;: ;u 1 -j', in; ". , I v ., , ? r j 'i".,.' m i - i i -. . .. 1 . r 11:. I ;., ! a ' ! ii r 1 h- . : .;!.... I :t- I i J" . 1. K.ill 1 '.,,.. ji 1. :, . h.., . 1 .... III ' .a r . , , j i.i" j . K t si. I ' r - v ; ' ! v. i j Our r.nice iv c-rr.-' c . ?. ' r. . j r-n. At :,: :. ; .: :u