ill-. D , i ; : pijBLiSHESo N3TiC- A ivit:-'''-.'iits l ail kinds must be in -Hi" ( t i. H- l!. ( c bv To:.; l--y aftci ;:;.;n to;,,.! f-,j th': c-irn-nt week. !. A i . ki: i i !:.': kn t I cent a l ;.-(!!' v. . PARAGRAPHS. AliOUT PASSING EVENTS. i L C I A L A I-c h 0 U N U 1 xtl E K T 5 - ) ,!:cv; :;t:,:ul-. 3 J mche i lor :5 - KNT-. 1. v. i;i:n t: V EiiWAiti'S. :, ; .n ;-t sj 1 J. C.rn- nr:i ! ; i r l.AWIII.N' i: KlAVAl . !- t, ,;..- m c'.o'.lr.i g. l-l t" hill' n- i;;i-. I'.! I C I.AV,';:::M'i. Ai Mr I'iiojs re- f I,v. A ki -s. :,. for sa'e I. A l:! N i. .V Kl WAKI H .jVP-: fill .-iz - :in 1 r' i'-c. I.Av;nr;V' v. , Ki.waims. It n't i i.i ; biivr your B--' Clothing (,1 V l'. -I"-ev. lit has what you want, ;n. i :it .r;-- s t- uit. ! :it-i n.'it t for Thompson's Glove Fit ti; ' t 'om i-. A -k tor tiii-ni. N. !'. .Iosky. I ;i:n -tl'l so' ling Retd's F:ne Sho-s at , ,,..t. N. B. !.-i:v. it ir -ii is f; r ''on in Fun i ur-.. N- 15- JoHKY. B ly f'T children l'.av Slate Sl.o s 'i' 1 -v out war alt ether mikes. For ', hV X. II. JoSKY. Fur I. a 1 V war. K ipj ci'dn; f i J i 1 1-ti,-ti. A t '. Shoi-s a if wha" you want. 1 i s:de by N. Ii. Josk.Y. I nri -.-. ' ; i " t r L-'iie- Misses', and ( ' ire':"- "i"aks under value N. B. Josey. I am T' -i.'y t i b;y your Spanish P a i'i ti.cui a!onr ' dry X. H. Josey. It iy y;n:r IF.vry and Winter Vest, of tlan-i Neck man t.fattiui-. For sale by X. i. .Josey. AS TIIKY A FTE All TO TJJE EDITOK TII:OL'GiI HI.S OWN GLASSES ANI OTilEl; I'EOI'LK'S. P. ii relaU'l that -'L;itle Aunie - - - - i Mi VT- -- Ii i ipi e uu'l j'neurni nia are fjiift prevslfuit in ir.any parts ot I tj e 8te jiP,l in mtiiy cases they are (jui f fatul. From new.-pai er acccjunts of the .furetafe of Ciiristrcas jioods, ret would barilv think that the timtf irr: h ud. or that the p-ople of lb;f uri'l oliar Statts re ''iiarri up." It is "uul that- Setii tor Kinsom is -serjior rneu:ber in tic present Con res", having Hervid coritincoaslj -.u.ce A ) r 1 1 1H72 Senators Jote nt Nevana, and Allison, of Iowa . ave served since 18715 J SI KIVKIYKI) a !ar and aIle'l iir.c SIIA'F.KWAIIF. Cail an..: t : ;) ; u : :i e stu-s an i iu-o. F. '1 . li i liiMKAli A (. I AO ou waril to live in 3'our own .1 . Oi.unt v ati'l l.uiM up a business that will insore yvu a m d liivn li lOilXSOX, Con. Mani-er, ) ur Main Street, i 7 t!;ii. Norfolk, Va Missing, A ).;.:, return. Vumlttt ;oter. Please W. .!. SMITH. For Rent. My !.;:si!m:ce v. Tin: town ' l i v N !, will; or w,' lion t a one k'ise b.r:ii, Fiuits in -wittv. a line garden and the best water i: f' Vrn. i :-P! !.V ' V. SA YAliF, 1.'n, st"w!l-i:nl Xeek, X. C STAGGERS CURED I f those v. h have horses su!i'.:rir g whith HI o I Sti-'Kt rs will bi tnj: them to me I i'.! .Jtuai antee a io'itivo cuio. Xo cure, i.o pay. 1 can 1 e found at U T, Y!.it'. head'r, 7 in fion: Sco In el Neck. !' :?m J). 0. (MOSS. v. AT' v v iV i TXTOV, S Mr-rn.-nt T.nw, I -a- i. r.r. .-. , S :-!1i:iKtn, 1). C: l . ! '. ! L'ci :i Unilie Olio nf rfinr -;r: si. ; f, i;r c,ir. upon a little i-.- .iiei :..:!. .,.) n;is hi en rttUir t'.'d with a pill-in.!i:i!-tr.-.uM.'a:i i a ir..n-i.-alt-t:i'encv. I 1. a vi- ju'iMi -cw ,:t r. ;i,.f 'or hi- i i;i the u'.-of .rj M oiici-... I ( tv x) o .im-ters ha.J Cuil.'-l to kv- l,i:r. jiry -. -uc Mt. ro!i. i', ;n-l I a-n ',,1.5V'' that f.-.r its u- v.a- t-lrM l,;lvo :'',r- 1 I -ave n.-vi-r seen it :V-:l to riueo toir. r t. l.riri!.' si.:; - 1 si-ct ' -i-o v.-;i.i Lot I.- v.-ithn::!- it ns.i?:vtiiii-;ita "-'- oars truly, J. '. J '!": TON. Mr. i al- o rre:!ei:r rf V'-ri '.--'i "::u i'.,ik. in-ti.a. N. ('., a::di;o:. S. t;;j 1-T--T.H--i i:isT. l' t :;u So:;;!;. 1 iii. i ion inifJresf. ATLANTIC ELECTRO PC 1SE CO., No 1 ; " : z v V o r A v . , V.' a ?. h ; n gto m n r ;:. 1 Col)! Bros. & Gil, COTTON FACTORS r.n.I "li'.lM!SStN 1 ;MM!S!N 1? KHFIIANT-5, iU KiiC'l aXTS, The pepl of the Sooth aeneralh -cctn s atirli (1 witli Mr. Crip Speaker. Aq'1 why shoul 1 lhy not r lie was a'Vdmly bupported by th Southern Democrats. Wilmington'; Welcome Week wa i very deaaul pirir and profitahh Wilmington aiso, 'I'he Wilminji tonians propose to make it p ruia nent thing and Lave decided upoi the lirst week in Deeeuiber as tl.t ' tmc. At the date last osmed, March 1, ls'Jl thf circulation was $1,101,25. s;!!j (ir 23 03 pier capita while on tin fust day of D erm'ier, 1 8 J I it h increastd tr 1 .577 2(!2,070 or 21. 2 ter capita. Pn-ti 'tenVs Mwsiye The Statistic ehow that d-irinj. lit year ending October I t. 'Ill, th trust es of the Peaboly fund dis tribntid to Noith Carolina a total oi $8,125, of which $2,77) was foi ScbolarHhip3, $,880 was for losti fate?, $,l"35 'or Schools, and -$1 335 was for Col red Normal Schools. -Kx. Idie Hen!trsn Gold Leaf ha closed its tenth volume. Mr. Man' nin lias mud Li3 jiaper int restini all the time and bus done work foi 11 'nderson that can not be estima ted. Ii is among I he leading week lie of the State and we coogratulat- ! hr.i'her Manning on his success anu .'ish for hir.j a ior;g career of u-?(ful ness in Nortti Carolina j ijrnnlism. i - -cv- The K'-'eleN Institute !.t G eenf-bo ro claiius t he doing wonders m our ing msn of t!;e appe'ile for st ooj; drir.k If it does hall what is claim for F, it is a great boon to humanity OjT heart has bled many a time a he si. -Jit, of ?on.e poor besotted sou ree!in through the streets when w kr tw his p or chdJren : t home rer 'H(Jri g a three-fold si.ffeiiog A'aot by reason of Lis xt ravaganc . i-tck of his id m..:-.' as a faith fci fa sr.d tt e sham.- his turse I rir.oi u;)on t!;e family. VYe do hope tlx K elev In?titu'e may 8ave pome. The Poard ot Amicuhure las' unr, at Oslord, etdzd a lot f tb X. C. ollictal Farmer' Allianrt Gii me, manidaci nrel by the D-rhm Fertilzer Co, for being below it uarsntee. At the trial of toe cam i st week , the Durham Co, cUie. hat the !a'e was complete, and tha' hey ha 1 nothing to do with the f e i )l'?.er. 0,i this joint th judgft de oi led in thtir laor, and the aU( r ieys for the Board ot Agriculture -nttred a non-suit r.ud took an ap peal to the Supreme Court. Tin iuestieu of the fertilizers eing be 4iw tin ir guaranteed claim, the pith if the wi oie tia-Pj was not tried . (. -0 E STREET, Norfolk, Va. 0 ! ! siALE OF pKRSJONA PK-JPFRTiT- t "C" t r- The ovemment an I people (ain propose to celebrate " he fjur !i r.drcdtl; anniv teary of h- ti f oovt ry of Ameri-;-, I ' ...g an Xjiosttion st Madrid, w net) will -pen on tl c 12ih of Septtmbtr and .ro'.tir.ue lill the 31st of Dejt inter L S'J 2. A cordial invitation 1ms been extended to th United St&tes to iait in tl:is commemoration. ' a: is Snain was"one of the firet na- t .-hall st-d n! niioiif anctioi! .. 1 i . . . ticp-a'c m the Worlds Ov.-um an Kx;.os:t on at Chicago it would be vory -pi rtj riate or th;8 goemment ti give thi invitation it3 fnendl) promo ion. P evident' Message. at u Itoim- on .5 h day o! H;u iry. is'.tj, the lo!lowinrt si?i tl ptiipoity. : in ii'" ' stock, i;rn, fod-r.-s J l-o-;-, ih-anuts. andti33 cl. its 1) aiming ULe:jsiI.s. i"tf' VVAl MS CASH W- B- WHITE 12 i o ;t 1 i Notics. Notice. Fy virtue, of p. uer vested in me by a in-.t is-irr'; exec lit -d to ine on the 12th day d' Ii.-.-. lsti i, i,v Y l Sen boro.ish, and wde Martha, wh-cdi is dulv recorded in 1, llali'ax e(i:intv in F.ook pae 1 shull sc li fi.rtash at public ac- ti - . i. i.est i bier at Sjeing Hill oa . ie i ttiuav t -l inuary ls'.2 at 1 o'c! rn, a bt ;;rd sto-e hoa-e situa ted .i S;..iii- lid:. Halifax county, N. C. in i'h- l l.-Rf.ea' jaopcT'v dcyeiit'e 1 n: s; i 1 ., oi irjaj ' XV F X!;-. 'i hi .he h, k) Mortjia-e In lt! I'iiper. Mr. P, F. Smuh ra ;ently s!io;ved us a copy of the J'-amk e A-h-ocite, published at Ila'if.a.v, m the year IStSt) It was td it-id by Edne li. Freeman. It shows as mu:h- enters pi i-c- and push as almost any ordinary weekly of to day, and although it has been more than sixty ears since it was ptinted, very much the same things en gaged the thoughts of it.s editor as en gage the thoughts of td: tors to-day. One striding fe iture we not cc ia an advir-ti-ement is tkat the adyeitiser takes a column and mentions his articles for sale alphabetically. NEWSY 'GRAPHS. HKlti: AND I-LEA IIKiU: wis;: a no otherwise. Invitation. The Superintendent of the Mditary School invites the public to be present at inspection and drdl next Friday evening, Dec. 19, at three j'c'ock. p. r:i. Siahs ANl Stkites The national fla now ii )ats ab ,ve the tower of th Scot'ati-1 Xeck Military Scho 1. it iiKs a beautiful appearance. (iiil) Hl'NTIN; Mr J. T. Sherman jf Xe Yoik, who !n been huntr g ben it veial -Jaye, 1 It ) esterday. He sty? he aad a pood ti ne and found game a plentx a d is highly pleased wiih this commu uity. I'CST I'l-FKE JitTiNJtD. The po-t f!i e at llliatiston with i's content- as destroyed by fire Tuesday night. Three other builings were lost. It wa 'he work of n mcendary. Hta5Ve hope our correspondents will ex case us for not printing several rotntnuni citions last week. They came too lati someoftiiem just before we went to to press and borne after we had printed the paper. Chukcii Ui.own down. Our Cenoh( oorre-pondenfs 1 tt -r co me too late last Aeek for pu' 1 rtticn. It is not too litt aowcvtr to say that among the news Items sent waa a st itement that Jone?" mapel M. E. church was blown down n the gale that pass d cvtr that com munity list week. Also Mr. Thoma tloward's cart shelter wa blown down -vhde Mr. Howard was u ider it and Iu was painfully hurt. CONCEKT FjH THE OhI'IIANAOE V cai.ceit for the benefit of the Thomp son ( )t phanage wdl De given in Tetnper ince Hall to nionow night bv Neelr ind Kate Whitiker, the little daughter! if Mr. Oudley hitakr. These litth ;irls have bven to the oiphanage and will 1 mbtless fiive an interesting concert. Ti -kets are on sale Lt Ynite A PaullS store. Admission Vo cents, children 15 tent?. The Pemockat in Luck. It is gen erally recognized that every newspaper net ds a lighting editor. The Ol.'MoCKAT has, bien in possession of such a person age for about year Mithout knowing it How many anxi )us hour and needless starts at a vigorous rap upon our office loor woull we have mis ed had wi .viiown we had a fighting editor in out oie-,s loom! A inai that tan tan toothache 2 davs and spend a t; o 1 deal o! - he time w ith the jd1 Is and sav nothing a bout it u itil after the denti-,t has made a lole in his jiw as big as a pound peai by pulling out the obstreperous tooth, dl do to dt pen i upr in my cmeigercy We .-hall pi int what we please now end stick cur thumbs in the arm-holes tf our vest and walk in and out when we lease w ith no fear of a 4 thrashing" vithin i easonable distance of our cflice. VYe can aj poi at cur foreman lighting editor pro ton at a moment's no i;e. Notice to Com.esi'ONDents. We iYeqtK-nlly receiye commuidcations with no name to them. We cannot print such ommuricati ms. Doubtless sometime persons who send anonymous articles, oi jv rite over an assumed name, think hard of us for not pointing their articles; but t is an unbending ru'e wi'hus to require the real name of the author of everv ar tn before we print it. Not that wt .vi-h to print the name of the writer but that we may know who the writer i-. the rel name may accompany an article o.i a separate flip of pape. We have a communication ti i- wek relative to a maniage near Hamilton, but we cannot print it b .ause the name of the writer loes n; t appear. Aiso those who wish thir communi cations to be printed toe week they are sent in ist ! ave them resch us on Tues- iay. We want ths ns. but we want it ii ti ne ail we mu-.t koow tho writer- tlarr i !. At Conoho, Friday December 4th, Miss Debbie Ilyman to Mr F. M. Hyruan. At Conoho. Thursday Dec. 3rd Mi.-,s Yiota Jutmstn to Mr lieorge liiown, Jr Xo Wukff i'orrft atul lln'l. -3iila of l4-ll-y lll-Srol4. K lley AUsbrook, the son of Mr. J. H. All-brook, Jr . died at his father's home a few miles from town last Sunday morning. He was 15 years old, strong and vigorous, but was not able to with stand the fatal grasp of that dre.vJ disease patU'i onia. He had skilful medical at-t-i t on by Dr. J. K. Pupe, but death hid claimed ! i n and he hal to go. He w is buried Monday in the Baptist cem e'ery ( f t i 1 ice. The Democrat extends sympathy to the bereaved (am I3-. The hum-dni'jn of a country ilitor' life is such that w hen he pet' a chance to riie titty or a hundred miles on a ra Iroad ear, h feele as much responsibility rst ing upon 1 im to report the nrw he gth ered on such a trip, ar.d takes as much oleasure in writir? urj hi adventure, a- iDes the reporter of a gret melrr.p li'an l:'y w.hen he is sent off to "jurt the facts"' in a Johnstown tl od or a Charles ton eart' iakr. With these felfr-arne fce'irgs of re-pon- ilil ty and pleasure, the edi or ot The Democrat is ur.a-:r cbli.ations to report to hii readers that he took a day or two 'IT 1 1st wick and went to Wke Forest ind back. We wei t through Weldon. as u-ual when we j.o towards Kaleign. Unlj short whi'e was given us there but lorg enough to speak to uncle Jesse Powers, ine railroad employe who says there has ,ot been a shower of rain in Wtldon in Jo year-, day nor ni-iht, without his get ting pai t of it on his blue suit. We get t breath with our friend, UeT. W. Ii. Morton and spent it in solici i:.g him to let us insure his life in eorae good company for our cwn benefit. We td i Lim that f he stays in VYeldon much lunger we bought we could make a good 'Spec on urn that way as he recently pitched head oreujost out of an upstairs window and more recc-mlv ha been beaten by some me and "left for detd " He did not say -e might take out the policy on his life, out has decided to move fioin Wtldon for other reasons, howtver. The towna along the Raleigh Gaston railroad look like they did nine years ago. Of course they all have new buildings riere and there but they look about the -ame. At Wake Foret everything looks the same about "'the Hill"; but the campus has been greatly improve 1 since our ac quaintance with it as a student a few y ears ago. The tie budding lends quite tn attractive feature to the grounds. The campus walls are now of stone and the e. -erreens and other shrubbery ,re prettier than they were a few years ag.-. In tne Chapel the roll-call ofthestu lents is much as it was in 183?, the only dillerence being in die number of names to call. There were then about 175 students and now there are about 250. The good and noble eld Dr. Royall still opens the morning service by reading from the Scriptures, and the- boys pay better attention to the reading and are much more quiet at prayers than they were when we w ere one of them (though we alwa)S kept std"). The singing ht prayers is simply grand. Our old chum. Prof, iieckwith, F t us go and sit with bi n on the rostrum, and when those 25 students stood up and sang, we felt a foot taller. Oh, the power of such a Christ- lau lustration: we peepea into tr.e Ecizelian hall and it is very much im proved since Torn Dixon ma le it hideous with his dec'amations and philippics against Ferney Ma shall, or any or.e else who did not agree with Lim. It was a rare treat to sit in the Pi iPmathesian hall and listen t the debates of the young orators. They discuss the same ol 1 ques tions that have been rti caused for a quar ter of a century, but they are new to them and the disu-sions were very in ie et:ng to us. The students are q'dte courteous to is fcors and a better class of young men can not be found in the United States. They are earne.-t and noble young men. T,.e clas- that read essays while we were in tacit! v promised to send us some manu scripts and we shall print at least one if they do. ' Haid times" is a common a greeting in Wake c.unty as m llalifjx, ani wc are as well satisfied here as we sho d I be there. '1 he printers are begging through the window f . r us to 1st up on them this week, so we will stop here to resume when we take another tri p. news n;oM mur.w what the df:fm;i. t o::tek 1 tiv.i and HKAis Ai;'- xo : id: b"i i;r h 1 1 1 . k. li(SI!ZSb! :do;t be A VALUABLE) Mr. A, B. Davis DISCOVERY j I of ?avis Bros , at Areola, Miss., is srreat believer in the i tue of S. S. S. He writes, that he was slliicted with one of the worst cx.-es of blood poison kt.own to the human race, and after going through quite a long treatment, finally resorted tS S S., and he is proud to sa- that he has been entirely cured, and the dis eas3 thoroughly eradicated from his sys tem. He .--ends thanks to the company for their aluablj iscovery, and says that it is a God-end to ihe world, Fori c n anions blood p ion S. S. S. is truly a S'u-t i!ic. Very few cases have ever resisted it curative properties, and no; one suffering from this disease or other j bl od poison should neglect to give it a j fai - trial. Ye wid mail a special treat J inent on contagious blood poison should neglect to give it a fair tiial. VYe will mail a special treatment on contagious blood poison to all who apply for it free THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, Atlanta, (ia. FROM RING WOOD. Deaths Prize tobacco A'cw mineral .springs' Personal mention. Prof W.C. Pullen died quite unex pectedly tt the rc.-idence of his kinsman, Mr. I. II Whitchur. t. near here last Saturdiy night. He left home in the morning 1:1 apparently feood hea'th, on a bu-iness trip to Essex. He was c nver sing with fiiends there as usual at 3 o'clock, th: ugh he was complaining; some He was very sick when he ariived at his destination and was dead before mi inight. He 1 ad been a teacher for many years and was engaged in teaching in Ringwood at the 'i e of Lis death. He was b y ars old, was a true Chri-tiin and friend to the oppressed. lie had no enemies, but many fi lends. Mrs. Paul Garrett was interred in the Episcopal cemetery here last Saturday She Lad been a great sufferer for ma-iy month?. A pure and lovely spirit lias gone to rest. Mr. G. A Williams recited a $50 pr z : for fir.-1 e lass tobacco at the Rocky Mount Exposition list week. Mr. Wil liams has tlitcoveitd a t-piing on his preu.ists whose w&te: is hue. Those who aie acquainted with hydrology and have tried careftf ly the virtues of this water pronounces it a panacea for many of the di-e: ses of hurcaid'y. It may be that soon th:s section Die teacher? Iniii'ute hell hrc :n !' court ho ie i-t wn-trk ty Fr f. t. A A 1 U 1 m in cl jc j on Fc'. lay. I here h about foitf t achr' sn atten 'i' c- lr-.i d.lf r x,i purts of the ecu aty. Hi rca :;, and happy manner of Intorinj: ha mi'' a Ii:i '-np'c-n m upon all w':i heaf-! him. If. -ftir, d to Le t rn t r i f th -u' j-ct an.! th"ro-i Vy ire I m ait the modern arts of in-tuct!n. None was given erly in the week hii F.ilf was a day set aport for a Ief'sne t t- choi 1 oai mute and '.be pLblic general ly and he w iat e 1 that a n aay a postible would atter d. Ou'.cf about fotty com tDt.tct'tnc-t 'ii the cous.ty cn'y fjur er ii were prt seut. It i-. a shame that o l.'.in concern is taken in the pubii 1 srhud 1 1 the ccunty by its comcnltemen. On F.iday and Satur day utght th peof lo of our town were entertained by gnuiae Indian bc'urer of the On-jtnru tribe, upon the customs and hat its of the Indian, their mode of worshiping the Great S, irit aad thtir Cnritiamtv i general. He al.-o spoke of the war ol the Black hills with the Si ix Indiaus, Ger, 1 Custom's last tight on the Uig-hcrn and the Modoc war in 1S73, also the great Oklahoma troubD an 1 many o'h r iottrestit g subjects. He spoke tl e English language Iluently and setmeil to be a man of some education. His lectures were listened to by large audiei ces. Mr. T. M. Lewis had the mitfoitune to get Lis leg badly crushed at Mr. T. T. Gaskiirs saw m:ll one day last wetd, haiiiiggo't.n ;t entangled in the 1 carriage. Dr. Jno. O'Brien was call to attend his suffering and thinks Lis Lg will have to be amputated. The State has had 1 incty-live convicts at work on the Caledonia lands since a week ago, and twenty-tiye more were taken from the train at T i 1 le ry ye.-terday and carried down. Tuey are cutting out di ches and trimrnin off the lauds pre paratory to making a crop next year. We learn they are going to re place the broken places in ihe dams around these lands. Many changes have taken lic at Tillery since we were last there some two weeks ago. Mr. C. P. Tillery Las moved his family to L tlleton and expects to make it his future home. Mr. W. T. Currie ihe chief Superintendent of The N. C. Lumber Co., will on the first of Jan. move into the residence Mr. Tillery oc- curied. Rev. Mr. W L Mel.ichampe of Wtldon who has been conducting ter vices at Ti lery for the past 2 or 3 months has been greatly encouraged in his work there. Lr. Fries, the Pres'dt of 'J he 11. C. LCo., has offered to erect a handsome Protestant Episcopal church there in a very short time. D-c. l.odi. IUxii'3" Surer foundation cannot be hi I than the n al merit wl i ,h is the solid base lor the monumental success of llooo'.s Saraparila. M LED I HARD STO ZK AN'D H :0 P MUCH. PUSHING GOOD STOCK AXD SOFT PRICES PUSH THEMSELVES 0 m'l be Ira I li, t. J3.0 X !i f X ' i t 11 "P-o-c-k-e-t--B-o-o-k" (U'idi: you ro riu: rucK .yhkr-: t;d: idv r, . :, hk had mi: thk n;vr mdnky. Edmondson & Josey. i n 1 r AT Lawrence & Edwards' Ijv There 1, no en i to the chanc.-, f r . d 1 r .. TO CLOTHING. V CLOTHING. SUIT AND FIT EVERV MAX. HOY AND Clip.!.. l.UUUS-lllh rilhlllLSI AM) mcim isi Ol-l'r.Ri:i) IIKKK. I1D-S I V MR CCC C O t! CCO 1 L l.l. I.!. I.L I Ll.LI.L M M 1 ( ( o o o A A A A A V A V A A A A Full Line aid the VblM.'- a 1 I ' suit tid: 1 1 a in T hi MOsT FASiu KK K ;s K K K l K h s s K l K s K K K : s ' ' f A N ,) mimks HATS AND CAPS A fall rneratc. and complete Iuk We onl ? a - k you OUR to co o : , olftf 1 i it T K K 1 I'll! the M f t t ae to he corn if.' J BIGGSST BARGAINS Ever heard of in this Town R-imembcr oar sto:k i all nw So o' week an 1 secure som.1 of t''j Hi Lawi 1 JL Otl lltls..v,'. A Drl vfs n-yw ti Md-r , . ' 'tl.H thl r . nence dwards. i-s tf CO 5 a; 2 5 S i L . 3 0) o ' 7 J C -L 99 . W 4 rH o rH M O o CD r o o GQ in CD r 1 w EXTRA EaRLY pilys. Don't allow a fcalesmnn'rt ttelk in w itweih pr .c;i J iq 1 t. : 1 1 u v I II I I Si I 1 llllhl'ljj l i'lll IIIH foiip N. C Experiment S ation, R ileih, N C perime t Slatioo. Iliacksbur , r t . for t Kx'n Eirlv las. When such imnartul aulhoritn-s a these p'f.nou r,( Tait's No'ifiaredl and E lipso fin; hst in the Cointrv it means somvwnn ; more in-ui -en ordinary ad rn f n t . jx 'in t win -1 1 uiu:p in ui; i; kiii ot 1 v.n make the nilf-rence biMween profit an I Iim. II jy your seeds carefull. d evidence- an I t E r report s no e r 1 m n 9 Id ljr. GEORGE TAIT & SO TS, Norfolk. Virginia- x1 . z '- S X I A Land Sale. & 0; By viitue of power in tne vested by a deed of trut executed to me on the first day Februarv, 18s. bv Bcnjirc in Weath ersbee ami bis wife Gracy, which is dulv recorded in Haliiax county in Book S. 27D, 1 fhail ?e!l for ca-!i to the I i.he-t bidder at auction in Scotland Neck on the Kith day of Januarv, 1S02, the land there in descsibed (ihe interet ot said Berji min anrl (Jiacv thert i'li' beinz that land coneved to sail Henjtmin and John; Webb by B D Webb ani described as; 1 iws BeBi.inini? at a s uirar locust on ! u. ...... r- n - v-j the Mill road, thence alonfc -.i I road N j .'4 E Cl chains X I'M, L 4 b. chni is, 3t US Ml chains, N iU E I 17 chain--, N 10 E 4 .ii cha ns, X 4 1 E 0 3 chain", X 1 A E 3 S ! c.hai is E 2 7') chains to Lve's viendo v swamp, the ce down the meai:-d-iings of said swamp to its junction wnh mill run, thence up mill run to the p'dnt at which the mill crosses it. thence with ! said toad X 2T4 XV . 50 hd is to the Le- will ! cmr-ing j-nd contiining fi-i atre C. A. NASH MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IX Sashes, Doors, Blinds. MANTELS MOULDING AND TA I R WORK, HARDWARE, PAINTS, fcC., 5, 7 & 9 Atlantic Street, NORFOLK, VA. 0 10 Goo, D. ETHERILGE, Cunityf.k. N. C. B h. WHIG 11 r, i D. ETHER DGE&CO. :i'T: US K, health by having it 17 1-2 4t W A DL'XX. Trustee Mortgages's Sale- (0) he even more noted for its reason of this water He is th' roughly investigated. Miss Jane E. Wciler and Mrs J. A Spivev, two of our excellent teachers,; By virtue of power in me vested by vi it-'d IDlifax Dt week ar.d were 1 leas-' that mortgage executed to me on the . .... , f , 24 h dav of October lSMi, by C B Eer- ed with the excellent addres, of Prof. , tU h-. wifs , sh, (tI1 fur ca,h auxtion to th highest bid ler in tr;e ti.wn Mr Jno. P. Ty rc-e so 1 ng feeble con- ', of Scotland Neck on the 15th eUv ' f Jan-m- ,.s sn an 1 ilnrdlv able t attend to ! uary. 1-S0.', the lai.d therein .lcrib.d, - : K.iini Li,. iniiLC Mr. Geo. Ihreewits i quite sick, having ben confined to his room several ETII FRIDGE. FED; I (AM & CO.. COiil Factors anil Com ssioa 1 1I1U if r. nnt 1 ' 1 1 1 '.111 1 1 1 I I 1 U ilk I 11 IJ'jj f 19 and 21 Comrade? St. . NORFOLK. VIBGLMA SPECIALTIES COTTON, LL'MBER, t.'OlCN, AND PEAM "IS. Refer bv 1 rrrri's-loT to T. A . V I E L I A M . 'r. J'.k.." nnerre, Ni.rft.llr, Vi. CALDWELL H ARDY. r'ah;e- N-,-'-. X; I. R (' iPKEAXD 1'd-tf F-.-nj'- Hink,'V, ' WHITE and Dr. D WTI) COX, H-rtf -r 1 N. C. J !') r FITS. All Fits stopped free by Dr Rime's Great Xerye Restorer. !fo Fits a'ter first diy'n u-e. Marvellous cures. Treatise $2.00 trial bottle free to Fit scaes. Send to Dr. Kline, Oil Arch St. Philadelphia, Pa weeks. lie has many relatives ia ycur section. Mr. W. N. Boseman ind Mis Marshail were married one day last week. And now to your readers, A bright and blessed Christmas day With echoes of the angels1 so g. And peace that can not pass away And holy gladness, calm ar.d s'rong; And sweet heart-carols glowing free: This is our Christina wish Tor thee. Die. ltth. G. E. y. , . . . . 1. - 1 -ii i' 1 j being that ianu uen ioeu as ioiiows: 1 ne I land et apart to the the said C B Ever ! ett by deed of partition between the heirs ! at law of J II Everett and therein des j cnbtd as follows Beiinnimg on the road j leading frm Sam's Head to BraswelFn ' cross roads at the dower line of Mrs. i Elizibcth Evert tt, thence up said road t i a lare. deep d.tdi, thence down sai 1 j ditch to the branch to th-i pioe marked ! as a li-.e tree, thence in a straizLt line in ! a west-ill? direction to the mill ron to j Bob Feirell's 1-ne thtnee up the branch : to Elizibcth Everett's line, thence along j the lin- to the beginning and containing about one hnnred and seventy acres. EDWARD SHIELDS, 12 17 4t Mortgagee. CO CO o cxz o u r- I ! Li V) U n G U. Q- Vi d Ui ty r. 7 1 "" e: r O f I s r- ' J i ri, . 0 i L- 2 . 1 O w s O y our Tin to . u IV. Wtf v. c vo "VI

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