n DEMO CM AT - 1 K ;r. RILLLD. L-litor and Propiretor. 'EXCELSIOR" IS OCR MOTTO. VOL. VII! SCOTLAND NECK, M. CTHUKSDAY. JANTAHY 14. 1S!)2. NO. 11. i H : I f f f i i i 5 I -if Me i V L!.L, 1 OFFICE North comer Nvw Hotel M ain street. Scotland Nkck. N. C. "t"? Alw:v nt Lis .Tiee when rml i.Hes.-uor.?uiy er.i.vfil el-.cv belt. r v i f Ori fc::- Cor. : i - i . an ar.,1 Tmi ii : ! tt-t- "m i 1 a n i N kck . N . C. f Vio.M as n. ii!L:, Ji AT I'OKNKY AT LAW, !j!il.x , N . C, J'rn.-M.'i'S in !l".!ifa and adjoining p.-niTitii-.-. fie Federal and Supreme Coin -. ly. A VII) i'KLL, A L OKNKY A 1' LAW, i,Nni:M, N. C. .rt'fi -; in :di "he (.'curt?, of Mali fax a ; s.inj: .i'uitifs an 1 nt t- Su- p i ti t : ii'l : In tel U: aW ! tk! Courts. C!a - 'ol- tt t- game storj ; nut, taking inte; con :rts of the .Sn.e. Z ly. deration the fact tbnt we traveled I .N.N. A T 1 ( li N E Y A I LA W, Scotland Neck, N. C, Practi-'t-s wherever his set ices are .v-i-.htM. feH:ily. W . " K1TCHIN, At to in kv and Coi'nselou.it Law, Scot lain! Nt ck. N. C. rsc Ot1':o-: Corner Main and Tenth sir ts. II. O. r.CHT)N, Jk l r lv. L L, Tkayis, B JRTON & TRAVIS. A'noUNEY.S ANI CoCNSEL'HS AT LAW, M2L1FAX, N. C. 14 lv. W.JI.PAY, We'.uUl. K , RANSOM, Weldon. DAY, k KANSOjI. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, S ELtON, C. 3 s ly. TOWN II O H F RT S ON ' S bo2 3op 'Restaurant. d'L. AT ALL HOCKS c -r; ; i SrcTLAN!) r,!t : i v. N. C K J. M H RC E R- i S S;. -.iv-r. Mam o. Cary Sts r-.L,- C. A-TtlTiij''iO!; vTC"Crtar;t, i j ittfliti- 7 U 1 v to I. at J . ! ts Vf. m -; ?; for , i.et I'liiiir'-j! ' ;?. n. . ,,....,- cv. . :m.. mixu ' x'iuif-j '.:i''u'rt- a -.' - ,,' - . - v s: Ui- :-t- ta atK-i:.!!t of m-r -.' f;f h : - i i. ,:L ' : i. ,. ' si . t !. ' Nrl '.c i olii'- r.i.-' HlU'!: i?, i ' .. re t'i-' lu-K! ri'HiHrk- . ".' or ',. ". i i f. .-ii' I tliio ! l--t-?l til" ioi - tnuiflus. It oii.N A. i KLaii. ,11'. O! ' ! r J3 A Valuable Tlook on Nerv lise;ie, wni tree in cny ad.ir X ! h atul poor patient i ,.n ai ol I i'ijrf;- tliis nufdUii o fire .-f th:irf;e atuaivir Ttook or. Nervous ; si-.;i tree in cny adurefs, vytttWti? ; KOENIC PfiED. CO., Chicago, I!!. Sot:! Ly DmjrKi-iis ai i rer Cottle. 0 for S3, I.:u-se Sio, J.t5. Hot tie tor S19. I :i .ries'on, S C . iiv C. F. Ilcdric!;. C : 1 1 i ' 1 j .rre -'t. G Illy. c 0 g ' 5 SEASES 9 t Cx SCROFUIA. UI.CEF.S. ?"LT :l htp PKEl'M, FCZEMft, Mfry f '"; ;rv i 'ulj-.:'t KfJ R.PT!0K. I:c- p c:-1:5 h-ir.g efi:aci.,U! In tor'ro ' f- 'e A z.iten .'!.".d rcstr-rir.g the tot dilution, vhn imp3tr3l 5if.ni ni.y csuee. ds v j';-'.i'y i;j in g,:.it,i-it.c-inq a tins, if tfi-t-ctnt-s aro (oilcno-J. $ A V V tt . r - It. . . . ".'.:)?o !;H'i co. !r.' . . c . -c-" 'tt-'j.'S.'i-tit-s . ,c?. ,:us.y y 1 1 lieciK, vr 0pt$g f)i0K0Di lfesSi r.:meti solely on account ? 'U-,---'v h ' KhPI i : '-se-sn T the rcquia ,ir. msj 3 CSwi' FffriirBifT?t i - t 1 !! I v.-t iOvf ViV--H tt 6 rf . tf ON THE WHEEL 3ICYfLIfc C AND TRfMPING IN EUHCPc LIFE AS IT IS NO. I. ;V ritten for The Dkmockat ) I: H iny purpose in this series of o ticle to di scrihe a bicycle tour fo-o-ii H-tgicm, (lrrTjHnv, Swi'z r not, France at d England, art! !. i I ' he xperu nee and ohservi- : (", ! it trfiti p tiiorg Europe 8n jts-.:ii.t rv. '1 be tlcusarels of A- rjjfti- i.;t tourif-ts who annually visit iit-to.-j'j Europe gain ro Insight into ! :ts ;tt lite and national character I -1 i l r- bicatine they dn not come it :. ti;t with the people? in lb-ir LoQ.f-9, and only form the a qiaint 'nic f 'hose who skillfully practice tre art of relieving American travel ers of their superfluous gold. Had our journey cost $2000 ray pen would r.evt r he eii.plov ed in relating its history, because thousands could tell i'tuu iui.vs iiy lut-ans ot a ioihi ex ? nditure of 'J0O, saw every thing that a first-class trareler can pos sibly witce9s and in addition lnnu tBerab'e f-igbts which cannot come and er his observation, I era led to the cor ck'sicn that tlie narration of our wanderirga may prove interest ing and instructive to the readers of I )i MOCK AT. On the 24th of last Jane, Geo. D. Hlack, a Vurg college proTessorj Ltston L. Flint, a college senior and the writ r, a recent recipient of a -dieep hkir, mailed out of 2sew York fiarbor on board the steamship NoordUnd, aud twelve days later arriv.dat At.lwerp. We sent our y(K)d appprel to Liverpool the port of our homeward departure; and clad ourselves in the ras which were destined to be our inseparable corx (;un:onj for the suco-eding three months. T e wardrobe of eah comprised a Licjcle suit, a dilapidat ed cut), a pair of shoe", two pair of icycle ftockinp, two flmnel shirto, to sets of underwear and a half U,7.'.n hnndkerchit f-t. Seeral gaide j cooks aud a (it 1 1 ilass, wtncu were j c-omtLcn property, c -mpleted our joi-lits. Since the majority of the t ! a ove enumeratfd articles were i !.. co arii v tmt-'oved in rendering f rt -. nta' the uadle which c.mH-1!jo! the residue was compara- i ivii, enjall and carried oa the front jo; the nji.c'.ne uitlout the slightest j !::..on euiettcc. O .r intention to rouHi U wis not of the uon ite ca&h to but because we were convinced that this was the perience did not alter, but raiher slrecgthened. our previous convic lions. Oar acquaintance w itn the Krerich aud German languages wa- ... , . i . ' : i .1.1. .... i . . a..... . . . iiiicsc ui iu ciiiuit; u to uiuiiuuiii I c.r.ite the necessary dtrsae?, alti (ugh il 'ir Loaguaye invariably violated iritnary gririimat:cal rules and id- ! co'Tcct pro n u oc i at in Dot infie- que 1 y gt us into trouble. Imagine ojr hutXiiiiatiori at beiu presented Wi. itii entilf when wc bad reked for a Itandkerchiel; or at haviug a ourjg laiiy clerk bntiii us an irticle, tile J ' i nane of which uudesty cousiram ""J from mentioning, when we wer. anxious for letter paper. The r pe tition of this blunder never occurred : o-jr linguistic accomplishmenis wer. cmploved ia other fields, but sign lunguaue was invariably used whei. writing pBper was desired. Antweip is ?.n unique old otv with leautiful streets and patks he is roted for her talented eon-, whose taemories are lotnin mora ted I by many statues of raarb:e aon j brorze, and whose genius was t.ll ! kindred. None of her sons have ever gained tlistinttion in war or statesmanship; the eminence of all has been attained through painting, alone. There is certainly no o'hrr city that can boast ot this remark. b!c peculiarity. Belgians are j-tsOy proud of their invaluable treasures and realize tha.t all mandkind mu?t come here to behold the richest aero? of nori hern genius, even the street children are acquainted witn tue choicest productions of the masters &nd take pride in showing you their locations in the galleries. The old cathedral tower rises 4C3 feet above the pavement an J we decided to reach the summi in spite of stone walls, monkisti decrees -od papal prohibitions which declare that v- -tor3 should not approach within lift y le ji- of hi top. One memter of the party braced hitncelf a'ji ast t:ie wall and the other two rcou"ted nrmn li L L !. nf 1 1 cpa nrr1 lv, I I. IJ li ll r succeeded In reaching the top ard then those Iwd aiiled the third mr up and we all jumped down on the other side of the sacred wall which had so recently separated as and the coveted territory . Our satisfac tion was now complete because wc bad asserted our republican inde pendence and broken a rulr, bat we soon experienced e fright which counterbalanced the recent pleasure. Noises on the oatside of the wall ind cited the presence of ambitious monks around In quest of the inso lent intruders who ha i defiled these sacred precincts. But after several minutes of concealment and medita, tion upon our gloomy fate if we had been discovered while committing thesp unpatdonable depredaiiocp, we repealed the wall in circus falbion and discovered that the supposed fuonsler was only a freckled faced weakly subject o( her mt-jesty, the Queen of England. The uext morn iog after several misunderstandings and attempts to leave the city by eyery exit except the correct ooc, we fount! ourselves on the road to Brussels; but the frequency of rain showers wh:cb interrupted this day's journey did not augur a ptopitious t limate for bicj cling. A sudden gush of rain compelled us to set k shelter in a peasant's cabin , but oae of the young female iumates became frightened at our outlandish appearance nod bol'ed the door io our fats. II ail she been a moment later we would have suc ceeded in our bold at temp to force our entrance; but her dexterity bsd made her master of the fort atd we calniy stood out in the drenching rain. A compassionate oil ladv however, soon admitted us. A pantomime ensued because their tongue was Flemish Dutch and this gibberish was about as intelligible to us as a conglomerate mixture of Hebrew and Hottentot. While the mother prepared the eeniDg coffee the daughters lndustnoosly ewed upon an odlly shaped gsrmillt whose variegated colors indicated that it was intended for a modern Joieph. Tie btove comprised a piece of sheet in.n , rcsmbling an osdmary cook stove, which was cemented between two stone walls in the center of the Tire pUce. Q i ensw -.re dicera'ed with blue 11 avers occupied raiks atove the u-antle piece. A table aid several old t'ulMoned i' hairs cot.ttitued the entire furniture. Carpet, books and pictures were conspicuously abeent, bat Lke all the homes ia the vicinity of the famous Mechlin lace factorie p, the windows were shaded by th-; ti.lv lace curta:r.s . The poverty of ibis house would be extremely di-tabtt -ful to Americans, bat bereft us tue rooms were of the luxuries na , even Lie nccssities of American life, the watchful care of a djvoled mother bad male the barren tui roundiags cheerful and atta.tivr, for this was home. That night we stayed at old Me ohlin. 7'he inhabitants of this citv resiar.edly bear the oppresnve joke of their father?, sins in being char--curized js fools by their eoun tr men because their remote ancestors once mis'cok the full moon which was shining through the ca thedral tower, for a de-truclive con flagration. O.ireupicr, consisting of bread , bologna and cherries, was eaten on the step9 of this sarre old cathedral and witnessed by twenty two howling urchins who amused us by fnhtiDg pitched battle", not like the knights of old, for the pos session of a damsels hand , but in order to select the rightful owner of the wormy cherries and bologna skin which we wnould toss into the arena. This was tue introductory meal to a prolonged series'of trarnp suppere, although few were given such publicity as this one. The nex two days were given to Bru---ells and tb? field of Waterloo. Thecheifof burden in Belgium is the dog, which is worked oo all occasiems and in every manner con ceivable. '1 he eorcpb xions of the wotcen of the better clt-sses are e tnarkar ly fair but peasant women go bareheaded and the sun has no more respect for besnty in Belgium than in America. Most of the p sl ants Hpeak no language in its orig in l put it but u;ea fragmentary coixpilli"n ' GerroMi', Frencb and FieiDi-h Du:ch. B irk httutes with red tile or thatched rtMjfs cuntitute the mo?t lashioDabSe rei?idences e! the humtdtr people. With a few exceptions tbe peculiarities of ' I I ... . . . . . . . r t. nr-r.ti n 1 i Tue native? we3r wocden h es i n gang of voungstera ptttrring e.v.-r the so-ny btreets founds like the j approacu Ol a ca-ijr iriimr. r Female apparel wou'.d be lncompa!' ible with American i 'et.s of pro priety, for tbe skirts of both anclCut and youttful fail to materialize below a point midway between the ankle and kuee and the exposed locomotive appsn1ags are either clad in stock ings or are etockinglea, according to tbe whims or financial resources of the owner. The men dress like American men but in eddition they wervr an extra shirt ever their coats, the extremities of ihicb are rermit ted to freely dangle about the leg, a performance which if repeated in America would probably bring tte trangresRor before the police author lties. Belgians well deserve their enviable reputation for cleanliness and prove that poverty and 11th are Dot inseparable companions. Their cottages are exemplary models of cleanlines0, tidiness and perfect order. The frequency of rain storms reus tiered a railroad journey from Brus ells to Liege adyisable, but we re sumel bicycling at the latter city. At coon We halted at a litth hotel whose inmates spoke nothing but Flemish, but a prolonged deaf and dumb conversation procured bread, butter, eggs and raw ham. The bread being a dark hard, sonr foh stante was cot exceedingly palata ble, and raw ham was a novelty we lid not crave. Tbe culinary de partment was entered In disregard of the protests of t he lanlady, and by holding the bazn ove." the fire we su ceeded in imparting to her the craving desire of the abdeirninal reaion, which was that the swine be cooked. She reluctantly obeyed, tbicking no doubt that -uch an op eration would spoil the pfecious morsel. Adj lining this inc was an old Dutch out oven where an elderl) dame was baking bretet All the people huy Ooir bread uf theee es tablishments, forj elthoUgh a con. tinnt8l housewife does Dot consider reaping wheat acd breaking clods as hardships, the baking of bread for her own family is an outrageous imposition, against which ehe will iLBtantly revolt. The women bear the heavy burdens on their heads ard use h circular cushioned pad to protect the head agamt the rough baske t. eJust as we were leaving tbe in nagul accidentally rirof ped this c-sh ion and ebeving chivalrous im pulses I attempted to pick it up for her; nut ehe mistook my polite action for piratical motive?, snatched the precious head gear nod disappeared wi'.h accelerated motions. The roads are thronged witD pee ple wio walk from one village to arolher. We met a brown robed monk et the head of a company of ttoyB who were devoutly chanting byms as they marched, and tteir sincerity was genuine because tbe prayer tooks bad trcattr attractions for their eyes than our American physiognomies aed knee breeches; ai d t'.i is the highest compliment i cssible, because (ucen Victoria cr President Harrison would hardly attract more attention on the con tinent than we did. Americans are unacquainted with good roads, fn Belgium macadam z d roads exist everywhere and re lined with mammoth old shade trees. Wooden crosses to which are uai'cd images of Chri-t stand at the iuter?ec:ion of all road. Men kiss ard raise their bats to each ot er. The ordinary land scape is more attrsctive than the cotnitoa American farai lands, be cause tin countrv is older and the tuitivatton closer. The grain is ground in old indn,ills. We visit- -d uno nf t liPtp H'tmilivfi -R!:iblsb roents which had been in operation i since 1022. Reluctantly we bade farewell to little Belgium. A hard day's wheeling brought us to Sacbf n the hocient capital of C larlemagne's imperial domain, and at this point the text letter will take up the story. Middim. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. MK. WlXSLOW'3 S'OtiHINfi SYKri ha been usud for oyer fifty yeais by millions of mothers for their rhil Ireu wh.le teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, sottens the gums, allavs all pain, cures wind coTc, and H the be.-t remedy for Diarihtua. It wiil relieve tLe poor little sull'erer itnmediatly. Sold hy Dfuzgists in everv part of the wcild. Twentv-Hve tents a bottle. Be sure and ask for '-Mrs. Wioslow's Soothmg Syrup' and take no other kind 10 22 1y. Cures In.lisr:t;o:i. I:itiwi!i--. I'ypt;iia. mi. ria, NervoiiM;es. etsa t.ciu-r.i! :rlniity. l'liysi ciaus recomtiit-nd it. Ali dviiltrrs tcli it. I'.enuiue hiirade mar " A " vi apt?. WORLD'S FAIR. THE GREAT PREPARATION. FlVF Til t !vNU I MPlOY. s (Written for Thk Pem cr..t ) Et. 1)emock.t: Thinking poui bly it may be of interest to fcoroe of your readers to get direct new con cerning the World's Fair, I attempt & ftheit article relative to the magni tude at this great enterprise, ao 1 tke vast sums ot money cecessary to its completior, & :. Of all the busy plices on tbii e.r any other continent, Chicago must be tbe busied, and especially around fair headquarters. You can heir tbe s.eady click of the hammer and the busy hum of machinery all day and a great portion of the night, Sunday not excepted. It is an enterprise of such vast proportions that it is im possible for one to imagine the great amount of wrk necetsary to its completieja anti it is useless for u.e to attempt a description tf eyeD what has already been done. I will glye official figures and conclusion may be drawn. There have been about 5000 mm employed daily for a year or more, and imsgine tbe amount of work this army of men can do. It certainly takes heaps of money to make a world's fair. The Chicago director alone have epeut already $2,000,000 I saw a statement recently to the effect that the directors will pay nut fands at the rate of a million dollars a month un il M i 1st, "J3 when the fair will be formally opened. Thus j on see t iere will he an ex pendature of nearly $17,00,000 U r the next year and a htlf. It is estimated that, altogether tie expenses of the fair will be be tween $3',000,000 and $ PJ.000,000. The market value of exhibits in to-to will reach the almost incalcula ble value of 1500,003,000. If the lak front had been selected as was formally anticipated, and for which there was a gre?t fight, all the huildiig would have been crowded together in a f-pace of about 1,500, 000 square feet. After moving tie fair to Jackson Park the whole original idea was greatly enlarged, and now there is a single building tnat covets ao area of oyer a mil lion square feet. When all the big huildinzs are completed there will be Hi scics under roof, and this dors i:ot include any of the buildings of sta'e or the big structures to be con structed by foreign government?. J. E. Hancock Olsl .'sirery Favorite. There was Torn, the Son of the Piper, Jack the tprat and Mfrry King Cole And tbe three wise met! of Oo tbam, Who weDt to the sea in a bowl; The woman who rode on a broom stick, And swept the cobwebbed sky, And tbe boy who eat in the corner Eating his Christmas pie. These were some of the old favor ites but they have been supplanted by tbe '-Pansy" and ''Chatterbox'' stones, little Lord ''Fauntlcroy." and -'Five Little Peppers." The Old fashioned pills have been superseded, and wisely , too, by Pierce's Purgative Pelle., a mild harmless and effective catLar lie. They are pleasaot to take so gentle in their action that the most delicate chilJcan take them yet so effective that they will cure the most edistinate cases of contti pation 6tomach, liver and bowel trouble, They should tie id every nursery, as a gentle laxative Oaly one for a doje. It is said that it is never worth while to make a nidicians remark Ro m'Jlter how defir il bi' row SUMPTION CURED. An ota pnysician, retired from pract ice, having had placed in his hands he an East Inda missionary the forrnuly of a similar vegetable remedy for tha speedv and permament cure of consumpt on, Bronchitis. Catarrh, Asthma and ail throat and Lun ' AfTetions. also a nos tiive and radical cure for Nervous Ue- j bility and all Nerrcus after having tested its wonderful curatite powers in tnousanls of c-ses, has felt it powers in t-nousanas or c-ses, nas ieit it his duty to make it known to his Mif- ('lint ffHriwu- Acnatpd hv thi-j motive and p deire f rebtve human sufferin? I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in (.errnan, French or English, with full directions for perparlrg and usiij. Sent by mail by aujrcs-ii' who i-Liuii', imuiuin iii . j i -: w.tn stimp, natnine tris paper .V. A. Noves- SJd rovfrs PAnrk Kochester.A' Y. MMy It is said that a great talker never wants enemies ; the nun of t?ene speaks little and bears much, Henry Grady's Advice. Mr. Gr.dy'M prohibit on f-u It u cus nete well known mi 1 wen 'fm itk:i?i! in a man of h femjr ' i ttnetit and forround-.rig. lie wa ' ,: moreover, one of the1 f w probibt- tioni-t who did ut bfsitatt to avow that be' loved drink. ProSaMv no better tatemeut ot b s jo A n was ever made than that which Lr wrote tt bis ouug fneritl .afterward his successo" . Mr. Clark IIowd. In a letter inclosing u biithdaj present, lie wrote; My .son will U almond your ng' wheu you ate alnjut inin, and he will enter the paper when voti are about where I am. I have g.t to looking at you as a sort of per. figuring of what my uon may be, ot looking jver you ami re-j ic tig in your .success, as I shall want you to feel toward him. Let me write' to you what I would be willing for you to write to bun. Ne- ver gi :nb!ei--ol all th v.ceH that enthrall men this is the wor.-t, the .-tronge.-t an 1 mt in-i l:on. Outnide of the morality ol if, it i. the poorest business and the poor est fun. No man is sife that play?. Ht all. I never knew a uhm. u gentleman ami man of l)iint'..-, who did not iegret the time and money be bad wasted iu it. A man wbo plays poker is tiuti'. for every other business em earth. Never drink I love liquor and 1 love the fellowship involved In diiuking. My safety lias been that I never drank at all. It is mm di easier not to drink at all than to drink a little. If I bad to attribute wbat I have (ione in life to dtiy out thing I should attribute It to t he fact that I am a teetotaler, a sure as ou are born, it is the ji'e-a--aute'.-t and the safest wav. Marry early There is nothing that steadies a young fellow like marrying a good girl and raising latnily. By marrying yonng yotu children grow up when they are a pleasure to you. You feed the- (epousilJity of life, ibe sweetness of life aud you avoid bad halrts. If you never drink, never gamb!e and marry early, there is no limit to tbe u.-eful and distinguished life you may bve- l on win oe the pride of your fatbei's heart and the joy of your mother's. I elon't know if there is any hap piness on earth worth having out side of tbe happiness of kuowing that you have done your duty and that vou have tried to do good. You try to build up. There are al ways plenty of others who will lo all the teariug down that la ne.e.--sary. Yon try to live in the sun ditue. Men wbo stay iu the shade always get mildewed Kx. The Drink Habit in its Decline. (Temperance Teacher.) Instead of driuk being the rule now among native Americans, it is the excc'ptiot. It is rarely peen ou our dining t tbles. Church members seldom make a practice ofdruiKing. It is never heard ed at ordinations, and not often at funerals. Thousands of children have grown up without ever taking a glass of beverage. Total absti nence has become respectable, find dtunkeuriess a elisgrace. Ami ye t sensible people seriously tell us that our reformatory methods tnu.-t be given up. because w have made no progress. They ay there is more drinking per capita now than when we began this temperance wor!:. Will they please tell us it tins means mote whisky or more beer? But uppoe it means more alcohol, will they please tell us how much we wembl have been taking at the previou- r;t;nd rat-1 of increased immigration !of e!r tik.-rs. If It bad not been fu temperance woik and teaching! to a Ktife InsruliurHl. Is one whish is gairanteed bring ou a tisfactory rttult", or in case o prije. f fal'.u-e a return of parchss- ; On this iafe plan joj can dverligfd Drueeist a j Dottjc 0f ): j KI02 s .ew uitcovery j j for Consumption. It ts guaranteed I i to bring relief in every case, when j Qsed for any atreci.n of Tbroa-;! j Luaas or Chest , su:h as Lonsurcpt- I ;on Intlirnmation f Lunis, Bron . ... . , .., it'i N ty I. cmiis , AvmU, uU..uS Croop, etc. etc. It is pleasant eod ! 'A,..- .r.. .0r0 and can always be depended upoo. Trial bottle free at E. T, White Lead & Co's Drugstore. Paid la Cola A. oh e' 'i. , i : I It ... . Fx - ; j "a little j id l r record of . 1 1 t . i r t: t tut' j (c. 't I cr! m x trif rnb,rtl n A i ,'rtf.y 1. U t.uir dc mot ctn j '.ofr-car which wn othrr w ISP 'HC0- ,ord by l unnrti men n 1 clrrk oa -afirwsjr d.iwn insn. Hrr dttot , of rojrir, w kotur inclUnt. She hd ! ft Lort.c In haste, n it e-rtrtd, n I vs en in pullicc i ptr f lung glir, sstccti .rrrtillr pforo dfd to ballon by ""ins of thtt lndipr nb!t adjioct f the f. n.trine t n!el, ttsiirplu. Sbe d hrdlf licun operations) whea it lippol ftoiu hrr fl igrrsj an frll t the floor. 1'. :de I at Cip fret uf the young oan bcMd? her. II (doke I u up, ut inlrl of riturning u to lt iwaer, he getillr to,.'t h.-r wrut lti is Ir f t hind and ralmly continued he buttoning pro,e. All the- men in the car had teen atchiog the pretty mil. an rue ope bly, tJie-ra from behind t :s-i r nparra. Now h1! the paper dropped; esrrr me h.okeil and Monde-rtil whit the girl wttuld do. Slie di I ii'Uhing. Not a inuscl moved, ami iUv showed no conacioae leas uf what waa omg o t. I'hes veuiag mar, with a look of Irioittph, i tiitbed his planing ta.k, and the. ilrl, it(j a preoccupie 1 air and v thout a glaiict! ) i I,m direction, qieued tur pi k.t.tiimk. t uk out a iitkel. at.d j lce I it In Ins hand. Hli e, xprt-ooo;i edisnget. Tim juior ctrit'j into bin f -t s , and h nurmured Mint was -vil.nt, an tpology. S'ie litt-i i d with a perfect iimuiatioti of mt.o .catc, ucd handerl i ihui anot.'ier nc ki I. B; this tiriio hos fce f-carlet, and he began another low toned but tfirnest protestation. Tue yojng Kdy a g ijl.-d the .or.ductor, and rote to lenre the ear, tyiii nt thu asm time in a voic aoddd-i to all the pa-rtgerr, "No, 1 caunol. I never give more tt an a iiint for hiving tny uloves baitoueii tr wy boots blacked." Squibs. The Jipance hitch a hrs in the itreet by tingitt lore legs together. Tne eg of an o!rie!i weighs iliout four petuntl qual to forty hens' eggs. A trau breathe about ter,tf nmos a minute , or twelve hundred an l.eur. The average weigfit of u adult i one hundred and fifty ,n tlx ounces. The eivcragc weigh of the brain of a man it (touid ; of a womin, 2 pound and 11 minces. One hundred an 1 cv-rjty fit million cells are in t'.e lung , wh-ch would cover a surfnc.' thirtv tiiita greater than the Laaian bolv. The average ol the p'dnc ir infancy ia 120 per minute, in rn-mttoo l So, t ixty years CO. Tiie pulse of fetatles ts more rapid t ) j ri lht of msle. LEMON ELIXIR. I'liUi'lnt, Fl'jrntt H'huKu . For bi'iousncsa and cotistijaii n, tka jetti''!! hiixir. Y'iT leer-, rJ.ills and ma arja, taka Lemon Mixir. KT sietblesnnfi,", nerv-'f-jr a-id palpitation of Cte heart, like ltujn Klmr. Kor indiea'ion arid foul utotnaclj, take l.etiji.n K'ixir. for all fci.k and nrTom h'deh, ike L viiy j i. tr. Lidif-, lr iaturI an 1 l)nrmvi ot- sine reirulatio't, lkr 1.-iii'j!i K.ix r. Dr. Mi -ziey'M lrr.iti l-lixir I n t .'..i :.. ..... ..i fi.u . V . i t j eaHf. a,, of wflWl ,M,e (rom A VjTp r I r lM-ae 1 hvt-r, tl unacti, kiJrjys or bo c I s - Prepared only by r. II. M'l.l.KV, Mlatits, i. o:- r.dlO) rer boi'l-, ' tlru,:! -it. LEMON HOT DROPS I i'ur- all Cju? I", lloarienens, i Sort fnr at. B'ont h'ti, II-rr.orrr ' an 1 all throat an I Pin dista-its. K'e- ' Snt. re'ih!e. I "i cents at dri?i-ts. Prepared only i tj ur. h Voz, Afama. . i 1. ' I '!.-. It i said that to know how to It is to know i litn is a preat art. how to gain instruction frorn every one. j Encxlen s Arnica Salve, , q , c p,,, Salve in the world for .(. Itruisrs. Sore-. I'lCr. Hilt .,, s.- -i- f'i.i,r.t i, . I." .,.., Co ?.r e.o. .... . - , Chilblains ( orns, iSktr. i:ruptioni. an.l poslliv v i and all ely cure piles, or no pay nq-iird. It is guar antee to uive perfe t aatisfaction ur money lefuudr-d. Price 52. per box, K r Sale by K- T- WhiiAad S- Cv

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