s r: '.'ALU. V.iD. : utor an-J Propiretor. vol.vhi EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. THURSDAY. JANLAKY 21. I8I?. No. 11' DEMOCRAT i i i i i A I. 1 A I ' t'l- 'Mi' .1.. I !i I l 1 V I t ! " .(. ot; v 1 1 V '-lit.': (1 t IP i v r n m w r ? p r? l ft STT "it 1 i 5 ? vv ' ' Ji-rS OK! i: J r. Mr, in and Tenth .St n.ets Scti.an: Nkck.'N. C. i -, f'MM i'AS N HILL, t AT I iliXKV AT LAW N . C, !T1 lih ITct .Tii lllHlii I iml :u!.i t :. e it r;u ;; s iv oi ly. i u .'i ; . Sv.'i ! I. A S ; vi Ki A W, - ln.- i-rv;c.s are i A. i '.i I . KITC115N, A i i-ouNiLV aud Ct-i'vi.T.OK at I. aw, I Sco: !ui,d :ck, X. C ! ;;v- (c'icc: Cv.'.-.i-.-r Main at:d Tenth Str t-. i , I !'. u. li'KT n, 'h. h. ij, Travis, B JRTON OS TRAVIS. 'tXNEVi AM) C(rMoFI)RS AT I-AVV, ;liLii"iX, h. C. W.lf.I.v - ' !:. KAN.v'", v.Veldoil. 1 1 1! .!- O'.'.H , LTTOIi-NLVS AT XT fldo: c. J oil N il O b K- T S ON ' s lii'i'.N A! A M i - ! - pro;!:,; L(i::;;-.-i .1 !:, "s' i H3v ,r j iM'-i; !UtH 1 - i."oTc !V"V:-X!f4 ' r . - :i -1 I. -ii c.HIU ' tt; ;!' -!ta.'xo. .! i.vh -i- K; u-itua : '.ii'rVtiKj' "'" "v j iticage, Ei.. ! s ::t S3 per iiott-s-. .-. c. uoJiiv-- t.- :). i5, v ii,',;' i :i-ic. 4 2 :" 4 u q v m v L'LA, y: r;s5, sf.LT f I 1 r-c- . ; If. ;r if . '. 1 ho, : s i o iu 0TCiOr.H?! j fell sarro.nd and op-ii out I kj ? i.i i on an inner oourt wbiou is used s s :.;.::; --ic.:-?;t',:: ?lsit ; barnyard. i'iiis old variety o! AS : yrc:.:tt-.uure doutifs originnted MZr.,tfS Pi,;Ur!a-lh MUI ,,B A WtiCn l cz&ii$ nsU Ivi'' feissg , Vcrc I n constant ianier of Vvin-' .-aw, . . n(!u tl fiU .c-ked bv robber?, because thert- I ( N '-i' i 1 i JU vv il IjLl.. B f yCLI G AND TRAIV.fwg IN EUP.CFE. AS IT No ii. ( ii ten fr Tiik Uk.muckaT ) Aa,h', Vi-- eut.-r ol avtivit, dur ng the M iddl: Ae, is a very in f.r,.; in .. ..n,i "tncietit city. The oi l Ht!i' lr-ii with it rK t agonal eTuje w:i. built by Charlemagne, whost-'ioii(j- re-t in a golden sarcojibagus in the church ffaiiry. Two devout monks conducted us through tbe hrdlowe.i hills and with toilll d vo c exhibited t tie sacred relic. The h iir ot John the Haptist, the rib j of S iir.'i St. ph.-n, the , rave clothes o! !' ,irl In.. IitJj .f !,...... ichaiti ctv ii s t : t u 1 1: the rcost importaot I :rl!( l.-S flf Oil' H.HCrpd k I I r t i r . ri Ihnf - - - - - w . ii l LI ll l ire repealed cucstaritly to valvar (0s. The shrine of the four great r.-!ics which contain the Virgin's !"dn-, the swn.idlmi clo'hes of the i; f:iiit (J'.ri-t, the hlwody clo' li in A'hk'h lh;- b )(! y of J.,iu the Ufiptlt f.-rspt, -n(t the ltneo cloth with u hiea the Sovwjr was girded to the f r..cT oj cjied once every seven ifitrs, 'in. this day is the most ira l '.irtunt, in trie annals of modern A:chi. n. Thon.sjnds of pilgrims atlu.T froai f.-.r and . i io upon this ottt(.:t!:y oocasioo, reverently g-.z: uVua tL,e Miirveloas and sacred relies u1'1 Sf of-L- Mipretcely happv. The monk' voice would treairde and tiis eyes n-oi-.tjij as he wointed out some relic of i-p-iul uoport auce, Pro'ong- , ' ed sigds und sad yrirds exprosse i tiis profouud reverence and we made hill War demonstrations in oroer to express oar appreciation and be in harmony w.th our surrounding. C hurlemui e died iu 8 1 and I n hiM! disinterred in the vear 1000. wis foiiiid Mtling upright in a wliile m;rble chair which has aince been u-ed at the coronation of thiriy aeven kins. vVe viaitt-tl the old hall where these coronation exercises took j pi ce and walked up the old rickety I staircases u ; e d i-) these thirty seven i , " J The religious devotion of the pre t nt ri:iainta jits of Aachen ia Ki(iietbiai vv' iidfri'iil. The churches wtrehlled to overt'o'.vini: and the I vorLipers whocohi m,t g--iu en , li ;;::ce hioo oU'.id-e tne doors :u- i ng ' tht intiru .e;.-ghv fiorviot's ui.ii i nn- i 11 j !r i hi? Mi Ki liiiilit w-j Ktopped VV it J a prosjifcr.usfl German farau-r. (ier- sr1 ii o C-.n l. i ; sit; & ;a are peculiar stru tures; tun iivmg ajiariments, ttablos arc bo i peiiings except one largf. I s r!i.:r di or through which caller-, i duck-- t d eattlc rnusl all enter. Tnt I i ; t ntHblo and hou m snak' ! it very convenient, for the women; ; the) can pitch hay or clean out t: e stables and thi n, w'tli very little iaconveJiiei.ee-, puss into the Louse , end vvi'.wli tlishes c-r :n;)i;e up beds. A German woicar. has m'..ltitdii,fju i duties to pel'or.t': she n expected to - . j - j ln; or twelve ctiil'tren, ooic, , I . 1 i !;(.(.; tee h'?u- i, ... ri U! .,-,!.. m rmrip,,. ; flitr plant : nd reap : he crop.s, ;;: ( i ;, j. rcarvc?o,iS 5i,-,w weii i.- t ' c.i ,VL, T'-.q chdi'ten arc a:vs.- clean, tse house, nam and iselu be .valence oi the constant attention i devoted liborers. i Few pro, le own convcynnces a.. i ' . l!,e-e tew possess rouh uupamted cart : t..; ptsqoe are gri r', travel -is , but the favtjrit i ustruments of lo.;o- T-ii!io;! are the i;oda ex t rem it'. - -s. , . ,. . , j tute neceSsHi y to icacu c I-1 1 a l n in l i: wuikitii:: t i -: i M ,1 " - ...... :irsf f " !Ml ti ! tne lv.igiish mile, t ut "(Mie ho'ii'Lv it ol." is eijUal to aho-it ihree Kniish mile: Women who are ari ttrii.t us arrows carry ic- I..MJH' bar-t:;-ns on their bead , ai d i,t.:;s end sickle in female hatds rt-:.de.- p-lo-s a:id hinders supei fluous. l-'a: . ci- c-narvgiite in little vill i-s ni;!, do not live upon the land t&ev t, vh: h is generally in ! ...v i r ! r.i:- ,i, o-iiehes and scattered i ( i ,.i o '. , rif i c . v - -1, t i if te rr 1 1 nr w . The i " ' lti.ere. Chests of human tkull, ciiu ate is anad ipttd the growth ; . jUs (jf n,.g nhd &e)(j!c,iral modalcs ,,i Ioiiinn ro.-u but wheat, rye, oats,lt shln roru oci epv every available .,.;d -arlC) are r-.ise l a at)an-Iance. ! decorative portion ed the little sanet- i'Vi'N.- arc ( t'Uib. Mifite graiitis: ja j noi c-.:rrii.u on OfCU.ij CillOot lie ftllilll t, the roads are rued with fruit trees . hi, h tt e peasants rent fp.'in '.he state. Tueroadi are per-! feet and Government employees con-' 1 repair I!. err Many of i!.e towns ar &urrojnd.d b,' half rui. el w.-dls hc'i ;:i them pictiireq ie appe lrame'. M Ic ;cow9, hkf t'..e Koicc", i(rfo m tiv. ts luucii work as tl eir Aoi-ri,'. siitiT', After drawing !ieav 1 -df agons from fcunrlse uutil dusk th ; are espeetfd totive as much milk a1 if they had Uin under shale tret all day. Ct-iree, brea I and bu'ter cons' i tute a t3'pi. al breavfa-.l; meat, potatoes and one vegetable are the only articles eaten at dinner; bread and milk or tMjp and beer mike a good square supper. Most of .hem eat four meals a day bet they do not consume as tnocb during the d iy a we do in only three meals. II ead, naoter, cotT.;e or soup for dinner are extras and must be paid for accord ingly . White bread is more of a delicacy with these people than cake is with us. I have seen many a peasant eat a chunk of dry, hard , nlajk, rye bread and a slice of fat meat and consider it:, king's dinner. Our breakfast and dinner wore in variably eaten at comfortable liiil inns which were allloted with such t;tles as the ''Green Mm," the 'Dun Co v," the Yellow Gander" or the "Blind L'ig;" fiat tniny sap pers were devoured on the t-teps of ancient cathedrals or ridr.ed eastlep, alon the grassy roadsides or perch ed on boxes in back alleys. A person registering al one of ttuse little inns must write oat his j e ii gree, past history and future j ross pect, and if tney do n-t ootaln sulli.'ient information in i .li wr, to satisfy their desire?, they q-? z y u until they do. The register i n-t left in the dll;e but brought, to your room by the chaub 'nuaid Hit oat reference to yur eonvenietice or what you may be doing at the time. The ancient city of Cologne, nes tled on the beiutifui ba-iks of the historic Rnine , h is attractive charms. Tne old cathedral with its twin towers , which &.-e nearly flfe hundred feet in height and re semble lace work, is not only the pride of the inhtf bilants but a spe Ciojeu ol Gothic architecture of world wide reputation. The roof is supported by massive stone pil lars , tuc rich ijtaiae i gUsi windows cast somber hues t'.irough tha silfnt halls and over higidy ornamented altars before winch Urn , halt, a d bimd kneel during all hoars of ti e day. The elone pavemei.t is woru away by the constant, '.real of wor shiper?; the priests occupy the moit delicately carved si ills .v'iosj con struotion cost years of led'oas toil. If the labor expended oi fit be carved-wood chairs ai;d altars had beeu pai.l wages which similar work command to da, thee articles would have cost vast mims of money, bat their material cost was never very great, since the laborers vere aid wi h treasures which moth nd ru?t do not corrupt. Kver) porti i, of the building has an imposing and impressive pp.-iuraneo exv,pt the iiairs tci i-pied by t! e worships er??, wh;-. !i are the roual est atticlt-s in agmabli ; tr.is distinction was doubi less inter (led io coatrat Oi vine grandeur and hum -in tumility. The beadle intercepted us while descending the stairs e.q l informed us that it was customarv for Araer- 1." "Mnfcilll ITIV' If'.. . h 111,1 It 1,1 - A. . . !. 1. J . 1. I . . Ill . 1 i u a , v" e natco in ort aK i"iMiiiiien J .1 t. 1-1 1 precedents out since ne una tender- j ed a no assistance a donation would i noi, e uiveu. xi." uuormaiiot , caused idm To ftssuwe a p-itf.hstlc j cttitnde whicli was snd leniy trans- f:,riIifii iRn !t i I.I-I i ko docilitv bv i i ! n.-nesra-c of Flint' Mhbdie i ,;rc iiiul v"e l9e( hy "uv UloupvT th-? rno? ks don!,! les - , . , , . An;.eh were in posses !. f t it ir pacrcd haunts for o,: r i ri . raphani Am riesn i.orse ,u;di?.i ainl nroken K'glisl: oaths of th badle ! j in ti n-o in ".in ." o.iuvh nan- during ti e next few minute. Th ' . . 4-.;, .1 ...!.... . . , l. I uii, we bin tun tiuiiinnfj cr u i ae Ilojre of tte Li-r 1 was tan'iit oi! the lower wnvin7 difiance wii,h riotli hands and feet. We retorned tds salutations with similar demonstra lions. T e little chorih f Sa;rA Ursula de trves at'entio-. Legend says tv. , Sa'nt Ur-tila and eleven hun-. drt d nuns were murdered by the Il'ir-.s - rid that the ii,i!in which decor ate Ihe interior of ihis t Lurch con-ti- tlMjte ihe r d lue of the slaughter. 1; r m n t "t vi, ecli t r ihe truth tin- radition but tse bo es are certainly ! uarv aud Miionii thes- tdeact e1 boees. j "' ' "M..J . -u m.iR. i t ; orsnip. O 'r ftcleri! alon t?ie fusem- j ui XtiZ H(,J ni-ti,ric lihine will te described la the rjcst letter, Middim. s l a n : ! y p AB0UTMEM0RY. SOME OF ITS FREAKS IN LORD BaCON. A Nl.MKMs KOI: CI11MINAL lilTTtUNtsS TJ ALL. (Written for The DtMoC'BAT ' Lord Baton I believe it was Lord Bicon is on record as naria given memory a blackeye by the talemenl that it wa, one of the lowest 10 the order of the iotellectual faculties. The distinguished gentleman in question was a philosopher aod of course had ths riht to epeak "ji? one hav.ng authority, and to catil ot the lower classes who didn't come up to bis ideas of respectability. Tnat is philo of hy to &how others the way in which they oaght to walk, and at the same time religiously re frain from walking therein. Why, there was old Diogenes but that has nothing to do with the con troversy between myself and Lord Bacon. The q-iestion is this : Did he have a bad memory and in consequence philosophic ill y condema those who were no, like himself, gifted with forgetfuinesfc? VVe are bound to conclude that such was the case. To be absent minded seems io be an hereditary trait in the Bacon family. Only a few days ago a certain Lord Bicon a remote ancestor of the Englishman paid a visit to my i tl )wer garden in my absence, when I arriyed on the scene he had rooted up and devoured several rose bushef, a pear tree, and wat meditating an attack on a honey-suckle vine. I succeeded, by the aid of a strong argument, G fer t long aod 4 Inches Mpjare, in per.-uadmg him to leave hts repast. I thought he would re member it. But the next morning when I arose, I found that in a fit of ofdivion he had returned. The ap pearance of things might have led one to believe that an eartlquake had married a cyclone aod that the happy couple had repai'ed to my ti wer garden to spend their honey moon. 1 always did think that cycloues but to go back to the great philosopher. To say the least his utterance as to memory is t-:pi-cions. Did he ever tumble out of Ltd be fore breakfast , turn over tho wash stand, empty the bureau drawer-, rurrmageiG the closets and swear tho roof otf, because be couldn't find his slippero? Did he declare that he placed them right by his bed and suggest that burglary, the servants or his long suffering wife, were res sponsible for their disappearauce? And did be spend an h uiria ".vhoop ing things up," only to behold the gorgeous patterns called slippers hy courtesy, adorning his fetf It would be int-resting to know. Doubtless he sometimes left his detk, while he was writing his inductive I'nilosoply, about w hich ever) body talks to much and understands so iittlo, and remarked that ".-some glid ed fool had tmved nis fountain pen." Then a few minutes later he would reach up and discover the missit g article behind his ear and say : "ol ! Um ! 1 thought to !" But memory wasn't of any const -quencf, oh 1 no; because he d'.du't have it. There was a ll:n; when he was 8gain cons-picous f r his forge l- Il l 1: l: luines.s. lie unn in n:s isetlon shout ten thousand pounds of the iviug moiiCy an t wnen nsiiea IO account for it , lie cuidnt realms her to save Lis life where it was. -ir' lorgtuuines, inai was an II is a great pity that we Lave no data! , ,.i ii i t . , i to letl us ne oi l vvuu most- funds, for we must believe that he ajqireciated the proverr- : '-.Money maKes fie mart 1:0. iiuis q -o- tat ion is taken from Darwin's "Origin 0 opccies, -i Lfjve ft fire attjubini i am f w :is litrrat are ' Incidtntaiiy J it may be rema-ked that it also made turn go to j -il. We are not a'-le to learn from the authorities how far he carried Lis avei.-lou to the ins!i'f,-fi ar.t facult. For instance the j.uhlic never ktiown , prtdisbiy ne'.er will know, whether he forgot to die Lis food while eating, whether Le furgot to go i-.i the Loase whea it rained I whether he oid 1 remt-mber -o & b t his eves wlen te weat to sltej. We can make a per-onsl applies lion of his maxim an i fiLid that Le is ri.iL. 'f we could los memr.rv we might loi-c half the bin- riifs ai d stlI!S t J,e. I I 1 "V J .L-.is&nt it AO-il l e to mi e' cm i.eliiid'tjr on t fit sliCet C rn,r and forget that We had borrowed five dollars fron? lis, a taogJJL &gp, y.cu- Uriy re iu ark i at the titieU' netde't be imevv, wrM ov r. ac livaorri.m Ho. d-:ikbt'u; iul I b; io b,e l.t iif 1 ! i - r-r. - i iction. h n e f el ot the rt i !e pOvktt of our vest t ' p s-,. stamps. lbr" o 'a tick"' nn I h brass luttn. S we people are tfj the opinion It, at this ideal con i tioi. of atli tir can bec m a resiity, by practicing for that end. For tLc criminal , memory i? the Nemesis that follows hirn over t.u earth, on distant seas and under foreign skies; 't is the spectre at even feas, it is the 6keleton in even closet. For all It has the diegs ot bitterness to poison the sweetest cap of happiness. Tu? house wonld not seem gloomy if we did not recall that in the obi limes those walls had fchoed wit! the merry shouts and j oas Uugh ter of lips now silenced bv tLc Great Destroyer. Were it not for the power of memory, the eyes ot the traditional mother would not be filled with bitter tears as she looks at the little half-woru garments and tl-e broken toys, as she watches in vain for the coming of patteriag feet, and thinks of a tiny infant that for a while elambere.i in her arm, gae bank her tender emile and then went away, neyona the orbit of the los Pleiad, beyond the Southern Cr-8j, beyond the farthest star that gleans in Orion's Belt. The black shadow of the prcer.t would charge its sombre hue if from the by -gone j eara no memory came to haunt u.s with the tvle of summer evenings long-ago, hright with the purple glory tf sun set, 8eet with the songs of birds an i laden with the perfume of fl wers. And now memory cornea to the rescue tnd remids me that I have been rather lenytiy. May the read er pardon me and consign Lord 13 icon to the depths of ignominy where he belongs. I would s&y however that I am not writi :g th s article With a view to dis place the Inductive I'uilosophy. 1 showed it to Johnson my btbt friend; also a philosopher m l ask ed him if he di J cot think that it was inspired by geni-is. He said : Hah! Dyspepsia! With such praise as this to ur,e me on, I can not avoid its going into print. GkHIIUT GfcHAIUT. It was Mr. Emerson w no said i.be first wealth is health,' and it was a wiser than the modern pLiloeophir who said that "tie blood is the life" I he 8 stem, like the deck runs down. It needs winding up. '1 he blood gets poor and ecor-s of distas is result. It needs a ton e to en rich it. A certain wise doctor, after years of patient fctudy, discovered a med icine wnich purified the blocd, tune to the s) stem, und made men tired nervou--, brain wattiug men feel l.ke new. He called it his '-Golden Medical Dl covery." It Las teen sold for )ears, sold by the million of bottle, and pcopie found auch satirfnction in it that Dr. Pierce, who dis. overed it, r ow feels warren ted in 6cllmg it under a positive guarantee ol its doing good in all case 8. Perhaps it's the medicice for you. Yours wouldn't be the first case f scn-fjla tjr salt rheutc, tkin disc-ace or lui g disease, it has cured when uothmg tire would. Tne trial's worth making, and costs nothiLg. Money it-funded if it duu't do you ijood llt,!) 21of!-ri. Wm. Timmoj-, Postmaster of Idavtll', lot, writes: ' H:atr:c' liitters has done more fur me thtnj all other medicines combined, for ti.t k,o f.Hn.r im.Ui, fr. u-, and Lfr troiitlc.' .John l.'-hr! farraer ar d dotkman, cf sarxe place -as; 'Kind Ele t.ic Ih'.t-rs to be the test Kidrey a:.d Liv.r n.td:- cin1, ictde rxe feel like new. man. .1. W. (iarOLer, 1 tan J k are rxerchsnt. same town esys : Fleet- i ric litter' lsjast tfp thing tor aj m8n w ho is all run elown tr.d don't 1 caie wl.ttht-r he lives or die.-; he four d ne w strer.fctri, gta.d aj petite t 1, 1.: .11..I i 1 i ana 't u ji.-i like i.e nr'i a new ieie on life. O h o'-'c a bottle al K. T. V hite: eael 0 's Drug Si ore. : F.rKli.h Spai-. Liniment rernives si' Uar-t. Soft rr Croued L'imps snl - i r i ii, i LlcmishfS fmixi h- r-es. Blood pairr Surb. Sn'in's. jVei-rifv, Hinj-worm t'lit-s ci Thiii., biti rwni.en l rir'itt.-ii. . V. t -ii - Lottie VVarmut d 't.e rr,oit vvor.in ni H-Imi:h C',uLe."'rr nown: S,,,J '' F: r' hiteheau A Co.. Drueffifd" Scotland "eck. C. lj l 'y, Hi?hes,t of .J1 in Iravra:nr r r ABSOLUTELY PURE WHAT THERE IS IN IT. WHAT TIIK KEV. Mil. 1 KTKItS iOlNl flV ANALYtM HEKK, WINKS ANl LtCil'on.s. (N. V. Hrra -i Uih ) The Hcv. Madison C. lVtets, of the BlcHtuingda!e' CLtncb, at the Boulevard and Sixty-eighth stiee" gave an interesting lecture rn " Saniules from Sample Rooui" l.i.-t tiigbt. Mr. Peters began by saving tbat .n December ho visited a d mi of the bet Kept liquor st uh m the ... , . , , . . ,. , neigbboihood and iKiugbt pin! samples of their best cm, wbkey. brandy, port wine, sbeiry, Ar. Ibese be b;id trtken to expert chemists tr careful analysis. 'In the samjde of 'pure HoLand gin," said be, "we found nttitra! S ' spirits', rotten ivrn, juniper beities, turpentine and vitriol. We lioip- d the white ol an egg and an oj.-ter, iwit !i M.iK- il 1 1'pst i !di iirtiidt-M. into -.wt. .. , - - - , , . . this compound and saw them shnv- el up into bard, stringy masses. This shows bow nicely a dioj of gin aids digestion. ' In the sample of 'line old b.oid made Kentucky wbiske),'" be con- H.,.w..l l.irn Innn.l .wmtr-.t M.',!!, till Hi u, ,',.a-.. - glycerine, sulphate of zinc, chrtdiiie acid, creosote, unslacked lime and fusel oil. Now, fifteen druchnis ol fusel oil evapoiated in a box will make the toughe. t cat yon can put in that box. insensible in less than an hour. roivoN IN ALL But the port wine," said Mr Peters, ''that iich, fruity dunk which solid respectability is piotid to take alter dinner that was the wor.st ol all. V hyt do you think we found in the test sample tba1. I could bu? Well, there were: neu tial acid, glycerine, Leonce, z nc. mercury, antimony, salts of aitai and ether, muriatic acid and alum. "I have statistics to show that one hundred Mines more imported pott wine is sold thanfau be made' from all the grapes iu Opoito. It is; the same with all other wine-. ; Madeira produces d ,010 barrels of ( wine per year and America alone' elriuLs ,r0,000 barrels of M adeir a w;ne in tout time. In the best lager beer he could get, Mr. Petets said, ther. were discovcted pepper, ginger, vinegar, capsicum, cream of t&itar, acetic, nitric, citnc, tartaric, sulphuiio and prosaic acid.-; ninic, sulphur. c and acetic ethei; sjdnts of nilre, tiie oils of vitriol, turpentine and cassia; caraway teeel, cloves, j ipotne ex j tract, blt'er iilmond-, rrris root,! grains of paradise, Spanish pi ce, 1 nt, lined cberrie.-, oiaug. peel, u-i.-i.'.i'-T seed, white oak bark, tannic acid, fennel ned, n-.i ril n rnnn SPiit C,I III W Of d . iiltiri' ,f,liauiui. T 7 7 nr., .t-,al- J til ' I i h 11 f f-H flf IfOtl hilt 11 ' coppr. l'qnonce, opioir, gentian rf r. tiuassin. (-cuius ililllC'l, 7 1 tobacco, sa'tpetre, log oxL ma Lie elu-t, eggshells, bartsborn, nntga; potash and stula. 1 1 ,:u ' r- -1 1 ,J:- '-On ounce of whiskey," contuiu' d the speaker, a good big drink. i There are PJS of these in a gsllor wh.ch at ten cents a flunk bong- : in 1- 0 L-r w hut costs the sa!o;n- ! ke r 5u.t ,.7(j put Ks i r tiese r,) .0 a: e alb-wed to sla ' op n jbevonel their legal hours an 1 h;.- I their p-"ttv climes wink, d a? I i ! not police s'upiel.ty. It is j I.c c 'jnipncitv . "i'.y p'dic- I me a i do", the j:ijol mei, but t be cajitadis and eomuus ! sioners vvh(, by t! eIat;orafe s s I tern ol blackmail they ui.iintaiu on 41,-.. I.!-.. r w . l lt;e."-t snoo;i-, nc na- j,-.n.i--. IlVi ! thougii they m-t so long ago t ere ii i n i L'T I I. !,..!.. c. . ' , y . . l'""l ' K u o ti n i i '. - v S lil'Cl, kft'p'r i" 'his tf.WU hf tcLI tru 1 oui V a shot t i:ue ygo that be j nt '. , , t ...... ,. ,i no -s J a b t (-k to be j'o tee i fulfil- : "I' a ! fo' t'l lr i ' O keep n : O, e i O , . i, - i , i flirolaV 1' Hil li" (finij au'i o- j wee taxed 'tie -am slliaH illl.i no' tbeie wouhl stil! le tl-e t.e-at sum i i 4J0')0 per year speut for 'po':. A O owaer pn!-ct ion ' ' lie t;e w sp. i' r i v v d -:;r splendid vtrk tit w e k :i --iidig Mr McGl.dv ,ina : the Pesitteii tiry. Now Set :htt,i , s;-p fait tier and puii-h t be n.imrs of t In4 propel t bo!.lrr u !i' ii-: tier tmi'dnigs U t Mti m.s and d Me; et. lV beur.. I I Me ni i:i I I m it, v a cbnicij tneinbt r an ! p.l.ai of .st'iittv loiiiid iipi'u t!o- l -r, 1 war rant Von , , 1 ai,. sai.- that fIlie ol tlo.se r p i t .it !e elti-tiN would leaM' a bin ding t. tin- devil L l Hi s If tu .-f.ii! an atiio v f Ii t ies r C. Ill e iil'il :i:ni,i'V d f .ii It lii l! lie U oli'd III S gll II !?;;. tell pel t nt nn K e 1 1 1 ' .i I d I il I h i - ii tee t -oi 1 i - I?-,! Ulioli be!.'!' ' ' . tl I- f 1 ! l I 11 , .. . , i lljollt h to enlle.-t " LK.tlON "r.LIXIR. I , r Li lousiif-s-, :i 1 cdii (V t t Lmh. n L i:r. , I . t I !ll Ml , f" r u r! ' cl 11 - :,: ! " Li tliu.'i I 1 1 o , a I pi a" i, ti .. I iV lritt, ti'.f J"" r lii'li,---.' i tin ai, ! f t at- e Lcini-ii L'i r. i - i , , . r i i "Il 1 1 k fci-i Uiv, , ,,,, tl ! I.H'llc-, I. I liHidlrd an I p ,.f, i iror triUll.i i, I n i i- 1 , ;n :i i. 1 1 r . 1 .' ' - ii I i I ' i v. i ! -d I - i.r 'ad '"i i i mi) .,! Hi, s1, ,ir i, s.-st ad ni ;i ', i h i r 1 1 1 si- a - 1 1 1 v t r . -1 - i . i - I i -in 'ii buwi u. ' I'm,i I . d on : V tV I'r M. Mi.iiv A t hi 1 1 ! I , lit. .u .it ui-t i'.i cl M 1 :i I l' I' LEMON HOT DROPS ll II li .f , s ir.i ( i r, r ,irt- l'l.r -ut. I , : 1 1 1 ( ; ill- H i ail l hr.oit on I I u, diM h- 4 nt, n i t hie. ' - c t iit at iJrii'i.ts. I'fjufc ')' l 11 ' , At'ai.ia. .. ! .1 ' An ncynnce.'i. 'A'lNmi M ; r i o r i I.- t u reriK itda r ! li t ik. d 1 1 1 i i- neitles esf li e u:e i-irt of i n (dlne. Li'e would g-t n . u -', i 'ig if it were all hi i ey. 1 ..ut ! ir won'd t.e joorly set that had on il n t hi ( 2 but t r- m U-. W e m t 1 I'fle iu g f, nnit .r , ; e; ; i r atid rmlihli tht lint.H On 'im eiu when we do r. -t fe i i..O,i iic. If j.is worl 1 w r - t.i! si tin - c woil 1 never I e n-ady f,r ni-igr; t on t0 a hih. r ar,.l t-t'r. I'du-tTiig March an i wupwg Apr,! jr. par u, for hit n ng M .y. I!. -, w.uld , , a lf,r ;c, iiUi, j t ,,,.,,. j ,,f j, . t e ( -.1 ,.. I,? 'ill S, e had Ic tit r w L'jj i,ji u I a - tin on toward te warm tnn oli.-e our i fn. r.d U'f 1 okir ii' of l he win low : t li"g i' - us (.oje up. D j : i n g t!ie t pi l.-u.i : L 1 e ial sessori Dr. K ' d j f N.-w Difit.v ffv f i. ( oi. s . o .:. f ; ('-.-, ii i 1 ! ... , Cil I jir-.M (1 : o lii- IV .'. it rri,iy f-por;- f'u;ji ti,.: rniriv r. .., ij.O it c i !i 'ii ti.it t :i i ,,' . I i y w er no, ot I , ip, ii k I v r;.t (d I ut I , . . i i .IU .h-.ti'f' It-fl r.i, tin 1 'i!i r reMi.tfi ' v e a k w i to U I VM O H r rn. d v ; o u .r t:ie r ir, LI. ..r ar. y 'i,i,' le. , i t L-r, n will ti- -f,f,e 1 w ;i L r - tj . t -. . .ri:Lf- j jii'p will r Il l.b I O 'pihl il, L t ' t p Triri.at, C i e- or L ; . I p, 1 !t.e i; i ueod i. C 's D -.-g '.-e , otl!e A : and ?! !lT r 1 1 i i , . I ; '''.(.- . . w : pe s vv : ) :. I- r ; i ' :.f. I ; i -.:,! ' t it i ;'? i .-, t h- pi a ', S. j I '.' 1 I f i.a-:. ry . Ml f p.r i.d ro-JSUilPriON' lURe D An 'i 1 J ':- ' -', rMi'f I l-r.-.-d Km -e. h h ' i t:. f i hi d an .. I - ! -,..! , i; t r f is. a !,.ui!i i -i " 1 r (, 1 a-i.f r t n r-.- ' ! r r. - pr --edva-dr.r ill. Li'lilti, At i ni a , j . s I ( . 3. ( ti nr..! f ! i.i ai l a I Ner ik i i,.- '.4 i .'! i - w , ',.!( I d ' I.I ; c ' -n ti ' f s b j ' 1: i flO? I.IV , ' powers in t.t u ' i d ,.t v t uih i, r t I : , . -a ' t-i l is '-i. f I'll- I : ' ' r : il' 1 i,i t ' i . ' . I . I i. in 1 (If ir- t r 1 ' a :.!, n lr li'ij' f t i' I ::,! f r f i (iiir;- t't ii ' x f If-i-t it 'ii'-1 ?-!- i- I'-tn-i!" Kr. ; ii or K'-v 2 i -t . it ' ft.' ' : . - i e . ' ,r f.r r-i i;c .. Im ii 1 f y ad :: f--n f -L : ret-. i -. tin t, 'ti r A'. . ..Yr - 1 t .' I.Uik iid,iktfr.. J t

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