1 1 1- A I ii'l.-MiA V .! V.N. !!.. lSjl PUBLISHER'S NOTICE A'U.'iti-ciii! iits of all kinds must be :n :i ' l.v l iii-sili,', afternoon to in-o;r- -ii.!i-:iiio!i ioi tlr current week. .(; i. A iiVKKTl -::ksts. I cent a WOI'. ! '' I- f il in - ( 1 ' ' !' Alii'OUKCJiSIEKTS. i VI KI'( h IVIli HALIFAX (.LEANING. njy nth itih' ii a i nt.i'oni'KL tith.'i AM) ItlCAXS AlJOl'l lilt COCKl llni K AM LL.iEW tlLUL. J largo : il .V EK.W A P.E. Ca xari'irr.' ! i i i :;i !KA i v Co PARAGRAPHS. AUOUT l'ASSJN(i KVKNIS AS TIIKV A I'l'KAU To THE EDITnl TJIK'-I til! 1H OWN CLASSES AND '-, n.trrs h h -ys lb' tl: J r u religious Miw-p-pr in Ala' V i Hi: i t. JT. IT- A (il Th'.; Y iirxitlon M- hiij'V si.y thut the youngc-l (irua.tiuT in lh- L'ait- 'i St is Mvl r Fioi Wild er. Ho e rries a regulir line of gatr:plss nr cl frivols forS. A.Ogrur t,ih:,c o inatiUfaeturcr of Wiusio- , C N. 'I"; j New V;k Iter tl'l leans fro; li-t Iv-.ri.p'-im correspondo? t that !. Kirk, of lierlir, leoorotriend-i by po mj! iiitn of soda (or the unppo. l is a;d to I p cspaole of e tl" - 1 i g r. aiifi'-it symptoms of i.nprovetcent in twenty-four hours. The Fisb, Ovittr, (it.-.o 1. 1 ii - r r i :4 1 As-oi i-ition to be held H' N-vv j;rn-? X 0., F.ib-utrr 22-27 !- '', iir--iJj'-M to he v-ry fine. If, is f.;-' ' t fi r l i th '. 'tate an I has bt tr. so pro;oij;.ci (1 by the press i'n. rally an 1 by bun Ir1 .is of others. It is worth while Id a! tend it to fte re . ay T.p i-u;r.t tii.' ?; : : d NKWV 'GRAPHS. in;L'r: and kikvhkre v ! SK AM) OI II'JiiWI.-K. Movkd to town Mr. Ja:. Ccf en has ni'.vf ! 'i!-; ;inii;y fioin Ins j-t'.rt i.ear the livei au'i wrl :ivl- iii t'wn. Jji si Have Kvkrv Isi'E A s';i:i'.-r i i ario'hcr slate sends subvenpt i ti f,r Wi; an i says. '1 j-j.t"t want to mi-s a sii'ii; i-c.'ie " Thinks Tin: 1 km k t h'oi.ii). W hac one u h-cr ih r in S "ith .'aroli- n who evi lehily thinks I HE IKMckat "i i as h-:: rnls two vears suhsrr !' i on t i in advance. He has pabi to January I l'Jghtun which he accept-J an-1 M a i-Ijl. j few weeks he was prciii'. ted tu head d?rk over 4 tln rs who are reul ir gra dutts in nhtr niC. Mr Ji id has a certificate of 1 i pr ik ien v given him by this Colbg-, l C Drresponcleiice . FRtJM WILLIAMSTOX. TJie lirini I'ulr. "H' K ;: K B'AKi "Y A.'-: v ; 1. A I .'Oil t. i - nt v i ! '. The ikr 1 of A jr.cuSt jr hs a. :i)()X'rr P,K A t ih- re-i c of tne tri'le" fther i tiken to rntke n ex 5 p i' f t4!? r th. A merr;t 'i word of .raie. I' is always our i leas ire to noie the frtandm . and prosperity of our cTunty young men. Mr. . W. Iie;d. the on of cur t w..s- ! tr.an Mr. K. fi. Keid, left here about i laorths ao for Haltimore, to atten 1 t'.e 1 Maryland College of Pharmacy. S on I after hi-, ai rival lie was i llered a position i.i ihe well known drug hou e of Jno. II. j n-ar William, ton. N. C. Jan.Cth. by K.t. it J. D .weM. Mr. J. II. Mi7. II and Jis Maule Howen. M aitha col jred. drjpp-d dead, f heart disease, tn her room FROM III SOU OOD. of N't rih Caro m it Epfi'. in. a- i hat p .- I- i the Wt r!d' Fair Y v.-u u Corn- j n.:;Uc lo :r r v oat His j . 'f. Thi j C Jinnutt'-e appeaii to the tit n- i f the t St ale to ..it e then a cirii! u;p-'t I ;3 1 rnnn rmnl J Wi A (,i'x six 'h:t r.o--Mr. J Y. :eer.tly shewed Till". w.iCKAT a l old time shot gun whi' h in six feet aii'i one inch long. Ic is an old tune fowling pb-ce, and is a real curiosity. The barrel a'one n foor fe-t, t n inches whole length six fe t a-id one n A Kestivk K vex l sc. A t Mr. John P. Fair 11 Thur.-day niht. of U-t week j sociible was given C( inplimentary io Miss va'lie f'ook. There was 'pii'e a iTompaTiy of young ladies and gentlemtn present and the occasion was spoken if in v.ry corupiimentiry term. During the evening a finesupp -r was served, con s'.sting of uy te s, salads, cakes, custard, and other delicacies. PuitH The i5artist Sur.da v-sehool here List Sunday awarded about sixteen ;ii. "s to scholars for perfect attendance iiuiiig all of last 3'i-ar. Mr. Llod f 11 was uiven a waich as a priz: for bringing in the largest number of new scholars during the year, and Miss Lena Al's rook was awarded a ha: ds ui e (11 watch for pei feet attendance for t1 n y ars. Likes Tin: Plan. A :in t'ier part of the state i' rne fru stiow nn wr old i'itions to Se z :i-.u tor i').;r!c-'vs. l. j ...iou:. is :vu !tt'3 ot some tujo -i 4 i he f!i-!iiufaeturitis m s of Srntu-rn Frsn-e ! t ot thti 0' 'ill !KTv . f-.i lSii;) .p. v, it toot th ' oil u r n Fr n :k o. pi ml uc 1 2 :i!is of o; ' ijke, tl'-.i w; r..- oi' sin- (1 1 i iso I of the fr- 1 frpo of V'.i v. of S'.'i' 2 .M. .i.i1.. ji li,2 0 o IS '- o::i peanut? i. .t! ;e :r-,!u f e gi. t c i::t.;jt': i :i ! -. i r :ii h'5 v V ; . .S . I i' " ' !i:i!f I sce( V i 1 : io , of I Si 3 pea Li-.!", is u -( i i subset iber in remitting for !s!)J, says; 'T thhik your plan an excel lent ore. It will make thing ra.-i.r b"th for edit r and subscriber. The people of Halifax and Sotlmd Neck cert n- lv ouht to stand bv The I'eMocrat If lias been arnostpotin fic'or in the development of the town md coui'ty." We thank our Irimd fr his kind wnr 's and hope we rnav be al le to lib merit l is commenda'ion. Timed f h hof.-k HUitxixd. La-t S'.icd.iy moinit.g a bouse belonging to Mr. J is. Cot.ten i.n liis ii-.er plantation was burned, and a colored m in named lsham lul who !nd l.et.oi bvi ig ;n the hou-e was Nii-p. coj i of finng i;. He and his wife, it ee ns. had s-.tne fa J i ig out ami they : ere both away from the house when ii was s?en on tire. His wib pros e:uitdhim. OHicer C W. Dunn art est e l him Mond.iv, he remained lu the lock u:: .lor.day ri -lit, was trn-d before May or Pi-rrv Tu-sday and was acpi.tttd. r. Cbiude Kitf.hin ap:ear-,d fur him. Kn Ai"oeoiv The Demockvt feeis Constrained to apologue to the Mi iho.'i-t Sunday School of ibis place for omittin t) mention the Christmas tree given by ihefchool on Chii-tm'is nig'ut. While u may seem bit; for the apolog,- even, we :', o- ta-ike U. and rt'gi.-i the necess:ty. The week t;iU afu-r Chri-lm.d:', there was no i-.sae of the I paper pubiished, and in the husry of get-. with a promise of a diploma wh-n he ar rives at the &ge of 21 years. This enable hi u to till any po-siii n in this line of work. Within a short time he will begin the study of medicine undir the tutorage of Dr. Kemp U. Butthelcr. Dr. Jno. )15ri"tn who was so painru lv bruiftd by a frightful runaway of his hcrse on the 1st day of January, has hem con tint tl to his room ever f-i ice His finndf are glad to see him so much improved io day as to be out on the streets, though he lacks a go:d deal of being well, b- ing obliged to use a crutch to enable him to walk. The new store of Capt. II. J. Carra way is so near completion, that he t x pects to occupy it withiu 0 or 15 days. When painted it will Add much to that part of Main stretf Miss C larlotte Bush of IMtsboro, the guest of Miss Beck Hill here, relumed home Friday. Jan. 1'Jt'j. "KeX.I'S.' A oled iirclurcr ( ominf. Preside! t Geo. T. Winston, of the Uni vtrsity at Chapel Hdl, will lecture to the students of Scotland Neck MdiUry Sch' ol on Friday evening, Jan. 29, 18)2. The public are cordially invited to at'end. Lecture will b gin at half past 8 o'clock. Uii-; is a rare opportunity for the peo ple of Scotland Nick to hear Pre-i lent Winston, who is so well known as an atjie and entertaining lecturer. S.rknfsx i There is more hickn ;ss h re than has j be n knoirii in many jeirs. C-lds tr,d ' log to pneumonia priTaib. Mr. S. S. Norman was quite hc fr -everal days lit week, b .t his many friends are pleased to know he is d ;wlr ..-onvales.cing. Jan. 19th Ci. E. M. j and to ai l ih-tn m fumi-d i- c an tI ltot j jthatwi lbe ill istratire of the Mitt'.- ; ' r i 1 j resources of ever v ki'i '. j ! We co-.'i It.:1 eiptct that N.rtt. ! Ciroli ii ill be able to u tv;:i hrr j Self in h'gh c :nr.t'i'.i.:,i with the rri of ibe wot!d F II O M I? K I NK L FY VILLK. last Sitoic- iStVAff 3M liny. There fell a very heavy snow Saturday u.ghi. Mr. Ei. Wilis has been very t-ick but is ioiproving slowly. Also Mr. R. 11. Htdy has been under skilful treatment of Dr. K. A. Patterson. Hope to see him out soon. Mess. M. L. Lee and I). C. Fuller left to-day with their familea for Petersburg to make that there future home. A good many others speak of leaving, though I hope they will not. Mibb Glen Neweil of Littleton u visit ing the daughters of Mr. R. 11. Hardy. Great success to The D em of k at. Jm. inth. Snow Flake. HARD STOCK AND HARD PKIC MUCH PUSHING GOOD STOCK AND SOFT PKIC THEMSELVES. r. Nr: d Every ee u. try it. lh : wi ill ar d fif: Dm'tl.f l-vlli, i.i. a 1. rt lo t S'ate n the I'm n i- exp.ctrd I ar i - j FROM LEWISTON. KM 11 i-JLl! 1 i:e . t; t') 'H' ' j S 1 .' : L' s f-r.i R'-'-o . v. I i:.siea LidliltCrr- t si sti;d v Pr- and on ! I ting ut the first, two issues after the break, th matter was overlooked. We A HAXTSOME LITTLE SlM SOATTEKED AHoi'sn Scotland N'ei k. In conversation with Crpt, Chas. Schuster, who is in charge of the Gov ernment work on Roano'se river, we learned some items ot interest to the people of this community especially. Capt. S'-hustei savs that his work ha been mostly" between Plymouth and Wei Ion . He has been on this river five years and has expended about $.0)0 appropriated by Congress for this stream. l) jring th'5 time he has removed OJ obstructions, such &s logs, snags, trees and rocks-. Much blasting has been don as well a dredging, and boats drawi g seven feit of water can go as far up the river as Weldon any time of the year. 618,000 in Scotland Neck. Capt. Schuster says that during the two years and four months he lias had his headquarters in Scotlard Neck, he has A hu'lyei of general uew.i Since my lat communication to The DeMoCKAT there have been some changes in Lewjston and its vicinity. Mr Ed Lisiter, of the linn of A T Eason t Co., lias withdrawn and gone to Northampton county. Dr. John S. Gntlir and family and Dr. Chas. Smallwood have moved in town. Miss Betty Brown has rented the 'Hall" house and will engage in n mantua-making and millinery business. Mr. R. M. Bridgers and family tavc li -ved to their house on .Jain street, which they purchased several months ago. Mr. A. T. Eason has sold cut to U.e Aibance, so we iearn. Miss Mary E Hodges was buried it the family graveyard last Thursday. She died of consumption, at the re-i ience of ier sdstcr, Mrs. Ellen Jekins, in Hertroid oonty last Wednesday. Business is very dull in our town. Scircity of in mey the cau-e. The young lvbes of Lewiston had a 'Leap Year'1 hall at Mr. Scott (inflinV 'a-t Thursday night. Everybody scemeo to enjoy themselves We have been enjoying a Tarlety of weather for the last several days Cold, warm, rain, snow and so-forth. Jan. loth. Lucie. ipite at t i-. di-, lav of tl e reurc? sn.i ! pro:ess i : i v ry department 4f human i Hot. Il w.ll f.ve cme iJea of the et 1 tcut of this Exposition when it i re j mt inhered that 7 V acres, in ire than a; great p'anlati n, is embrace 1 in the! grodnd, and that lo) acres will bi tor-! cred with the necessary buildings I These build. r.gs w 11 hi lilted with every I conceivable product of nature and North . Carolina can and will re-pond t what! is expected of her. i In order lhat our State may take her I proper placj at this Exn .-i i n, the! Board intends to make col!ec'i::s in the following dt partruent; Agncuhura Foods and food pro ducts, etc. Horticulture i'rmts wine and. garden product-, etc. Live stock Dome-tic and wiid anima's .V'bie- Minning and Metaliuigy Minerals bud ding and monumental stonec. Forestry Timbers and other forestry products. Hne Arts Paintin?, decoration etc Ethnology 1 ndian relics, and specimens illu- trating the progress of labor and invention. Liberal Arts Education, engineering etc Manufacture.-; Fish and Fisheries Fish products and appliances for catching fish. All correspondence to be sent to T. K. Brunt r, Commissioner in charge of exhibits and Secretory of the Committee, at Raleigh, N. C. W. F. Ukf.EV, Chairman. J. F. Payne, A. I.KA.A.K, W. E. Stevens, S. L. Patieksov, C"iniriiffec. "P-o-c-k-e-t-B-o-o-k" GUIDK Y)F fvi rHKlLCK -V,lK!iK r ! I F BK C . -D- H AD FOR I III: l.Ksr MON KY. Edmondson ,& Josey i 11 If Al Lawrence & Edwards' IB) There is no end to the rhanrf f r c w! br.-i CLOTHING. M f V! FROM WKLDOX. i:iv,' oil i a rut 'or !b-.; I:itt;r J i:; 1?. Th; i t i e1 assure all who may feel an interest in the! paj(1 out ln Wages and for supplies eigh teen thousand dollars. This money has been paid out here in Scotland Neck and vicinity and has been a considerable item in the business interest of the town. roL'L. !". I. P. 3.UV. SiVS WILL LIVE FoHEVKF i ; n : i ,- e ii ,s a v a nr. ansa supern t''itd lit of a railroad, say.-: "1 Was f! it.pled in ii-y feet and amis SO that ! couhi not walk w.thont frutcbt-s without havi.ig a servant to feed !U: I : 1 phy-i. r' ir.s everywhere, but purpose, and lioally went to New wi.t-re my doctors at one time, de i!!ii;u:.i'i' my arm, but found li s - impraeti. ible, on account ..;.d I '.". i receive j during the i . j t ;rn( d t.) Savar.Tiab a complete A - : l.u ca t t'ii .. 1 i ! d i pe ess. 1 b,v.u to take P- P. to siy that after u inv l:.nbs began to io;o tit.; and .v feel bk bet-1 1 (nude matter that the omission was much re- gre'.te '. It is not loo late to.sav, howey er, t'.at the tree was very beautiful, well , (J,ltul..(j j loaded with presents anl the occasion . , ! highly enjoyable, i Pkownkh at Taiik ro --Mr. S or.e wal) Douglass, one of the proprietors tf ; the Pioneer Warehouse at Tarboro, went down to the wharf early Ta-sda5r raorc- '.r.,.rii. i 'i'S to bid adieu to a youn.r lady who svas leaving for Vv ashmgt m . In step ping from one boat to another he lost his footing some way and fell into the river and was drowned. Some of the hands on tue boat reaehed for him. but could not save tiini. It was thought that the fall stunned him ko that he would not have lived. His body l a 1 not been found vVedntsday morning. He was from l on vdle, 'a., u.id had been in Tarboro sn c ihe tobaco busiues-s opt-r.d up there. t'o.ViOtA'I UL AT Ions. Our ne ghbor. Ilicer on a boom Stopped work Great Falls. The Roanoke has been on a boom fcr several days. No harm done txcej t dc 1 lying work on the big giist mill at this place for a hort wl be. Maj. T. L Emry, Scotland Neck will be retained as Capt. j 'Jr energetic town-man n ripi lly p is,h Chuster's headnuarters on ..( count of the i big the work on the Great Falls canal, express and telegraph facilities. Capt. Chuster employs a large force of hands alrao-t all the timo and says that if approptiaii ms are c.i'i.usl by Congress, there will be worn enough to last ) in fifteen 3Tear The Democrat hopes Caot. Schuster will continue his headquarters here in Scotland Ntck. To T.-Hrlieti. A mounts due the teveral puh'i s-cliool districts of Halifax county. 1 1 e iiguiea show the amount each respective i frict ha on hand : and will commence thetrertion of a large grist u ill some time during the year. He says other manufactories will follow at an early day. Maj. Emry contemplates getting thi dog sho w i i this county in- ore ve P. P. IV g : t!-.- n:to w.M not i.-ation, but author iv l h';o for a v ri! Uh G retuiv i I . lief lector, les donned a band-orae new dress (it began the ca-h in' i advance system a year apo,) has erst -red i health i nnini new vol utn and is nrosnrousi ! ' - . , I I I a new man au.j happy. Speaking personally of itse'f over again j ;l ays: 'If the Jlefttctor was to t making -s-o long as ! ,(owt-s i:. would not be here: when a! bill comes in its paid; when Saturdiyl i'. : his name j niiit conies round the pi inters get every i us to refer j penny of their wages, go home happy and I nation o! ih:-s,e j ,ei urn contented to their work Monday! NO ! to i;-. ' Pl'I.N tr i,y. I ' i'PM A X BHDS.. u'e Druggists, tors of p. P. P. Savannah. Ga. Whole. P. v i "i 1 ; s' i iuj to I h- f ! ; t r o. ol j : : -!. i i . ?; o '.v. -ev.-rJ- e: : - I fake great pleas- jimli- t'T options I suffer-! m rnhit;. Wfoic the man at the helm j d -es not get an y thin ' like a Co.igress- ! man.; or ' b.-man sal.r-, in accord-, mice to the worst done, he gets two and fo-n tunes three meals a dav, weais two galli's-se- Sundays, can alford two pair of j socks a year, and his old lady doivi have I to beg a month when -he wants a fiock i i for bei -elf or the baby."' j P. I WHITE. COLORED.! 1. b"2 n 2oT 53 ! 2 ir,7 ot; L'sjfs! S2 if) '2T3 22 i I 8d is 21; 04 ! 0 221 Gl 309 49 140 78 199 3d ! 7 109 72 2S7 9o 8 142 22 24G.-52! 9 16:5 'o 129 58 1 10 119 75 ! 1 15 ! II 157 14 1910o 12 37 51 13 bH 19 140 07 1 1 02 50 70 ri 15 55 70 97 15 10 lot 33 17 71 too S ! 9o IS loo 75 2 AC 10 III 121 85 20 131 lo 21 73(17 99 52 22 70 75 j steal of High Point as formerly. Our townsman, F. J. Check, who has been dangerously sick with the grip is, we art glad to say, rapi ily recovering, Mrs. J B. 'liiehmar; an esteemed lady died at Tilghman's X Iliads about two miles from Weldon on last Fii liy night, aged about G5 years. She was buried at the cemetery in this place on Sunday list at S o'clock Dr. A. S. Smith conducting the ceteuionia6. A few nights ago a netrro mounted an en. in? at this lice and dipw his pistol oa the engineer who wa- a out hall asleep and commanded Jim not to move. He wanted his 010027 fid not hear the refult. Three other negroes approached an engineer who was at his engine an i asked lum tii? Mine of night lie told them. After going off a few yards and holding a consul ation one of the negroes agai.i approach:: J him, and . j said, ''Capt. that is aprttty watch of yours. Let me see it again. ' The Cap, pulled his pistol and toll l im lie i al a pretty pistol be would sh jv t i:n and thereupon the negro took to a leaving. P. Watson' & Euxtov, Attorneys! at T-nw, I INSTON, N. '., Sep't 14, l-l'!. ) Jas. IT. TVeub, See'y, W'asLintrton, 1 J. C. : Dear Pin-1 have been usins: rne of yo-tr Eiectropcisf-s for ionr years, uikiu a little in valid pon, who has been aflli;-ted w ith r iul moaary trouble and a dropsical tendenry. I have found f?revat relief for him in the use of the Eleetropci.-e, when the doc tor had failed to pive bfm any permanent relief, ttn j I ara Fatisfied that but for its uso vvushonM havo lost him. I have never Pcen it fail to redueo hi3 fever, or to bring pound sweet elep. I would not be witho'.it it for ma:iv times its cost. Yours truly, J. C. JiUXTON. Mr. Pnxton is also President of Firt Na tional Hank, Winston, N. ('., ami ij ouo of the foremost men of the south. For all information address ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISE CO., No. 1405 NevvYorkAv., Washington, D. C, on 222 King St., Charleston S. C. 10 15 ly ililiXiCBIl Liniment I ,." : 'l'".- ' ! 1 ! ! 1,1; i his of vv:.,-'ti v. ! 11 i , a 11: ;'e i A To o -! ro" : lih w 1 0 :i n ' i ' 1 or. m ei ! ; es iinsi 10 y i rnv tce. ! i 1 MriDi 11:1a: y iuaoiuy im i do- ii- remove ! t es was rai-ed on an acre and a bait o mpiished the object ; lud the past se 1 .on fv t.'eo. W. P.rani- Fair e, Kent county. M l He r-pptn d S:5 OJ iei lo b 1 extraordinary fif lai W. E. Daniei, Co. Snpt. Shows that aT endemic, and i qt.ii ati.m was re t tning linu-e lottles Uiiecno'is I arn now ) !, ,i i I N v'l ; ) N. t.ii- bi:u -i o o, vv Douglas--, Sa tin:. ah (it. R-adv to Work. M, -t i e I .' . 'ti.: it ; 1 n ! s o t.e an i I a m prepar- i ea d y t d o an y aiel all t in v !';! ti'l- tii it 1 have been r 't.re Bring on vorir work an'l 1 h'lVit prompt attention. Gun tiiiKeri'sg a pCCKi llv. .). V. SAVAGE. STA.G-G-ERS CURED- (")- as a !'e'ti''er t the acre and a half g : u-i nd. 9 Oposwlsot Pow. li.- .r rn Bag FeUd y.-i for Potat.-ts. When the stnill (juar.ti1 y of f.rtiizu and th; c'r. a; n. t -r of the land i- consi r t ii this is l obabl) the best potato crop i v( r crown b' the Uidtid State, if net i in the World. We often wonder why j more i f onr riadersdo not raise pctatoe" I W. S. Powell A C.., Baltimore, Md., who man afa-?t ure the Green Bag Potato Fertilizer, i-sue a special book on the subject of Trucking Crops which they rill be f-lad to send free to any one in this particular line of agricub urp. "hs (1. rm Th O'V. I diseases aro crolucei b v I 1 4KC a suh-11 l,tc ou tr-a' ba puttm minute nvectmr eerms or mic obes. m- ! !"'"" i''to your system that will result I lie tlvil of N'tlitttiiufion. Do you tv.T think when buying a patent mt dtcine that you take chances of being Imposed ir on by mercenary and ucscrupulo us dealers? If you de mand time-tried aud stcod-the-test you take no chime-; if you v o u ir. a y b a for and TO SUIT AM) FIT KVKKY M N . !!U, AN!) ( 111 .i . goous uiF PKi:i rii:si am nhi.i i.im. OFFr.RF.D 1 1 ! I K I '. I I." f- S s 1 VhU CCl c o c CCl ,c 1 ILLLLL I II Ml I I ( ) t) ('() A A A V A A A A A K k k ;-; K K K ! Kh b A Full Lme avl the 'ohbte-t an 1 1 'oe-ipei .t m Tiro. Midi's f) sij,,j.- Sl'IT I UK .MuT lAMIIHi'l s HATS AND CAIS and complete line. ( H 1 b 1)('K loo Ure f.,r m (, A full uierate. We only usk you to coo i .1 i uumie to tic (.(jtiV Inte l iijit I l..g 1 'ie BIGGEST BARGAINS Ever heard of in this Town Remember otir stock is all new No ol 1 jo ls on our shel c week anl soeure some of tVi Bi Drives now ben t i fh'fiie l!im red. Lawrence & Edwards. 1-8 tf KXTRA EARLY 1KAS. 9 10 lyr. Don't allow a ealeirnnn'rt tf.ik to outweigh j-r-odi : ci denn. liefore I ij ifitg your Frocki' P. .is 1 1 i ii-on, im. d t. N. C Itxperiment Sat:on, II lUigb, N (1, anl a a perimt" t StHtion, Ii ackO ur;-, Va.. ft r thi ir r ; ,ri on Extra Eirlv lVaa. When such impartial nothori'ics ns thf-c conooiire Twit's Nonp&rt'il anl Ftlip"e the he-t in fho "iuMr it means sometLing m-ire ihin an o.-din iry it ln riie ment. A day's diffVrreoct! in the i ULkint; of IVus will of;cn make the dtlo-rence bttwepn fin fit and los-. Rjy jt ur seeds arefully. GEORGE TAIT & SONS, Norfolk. Virginia- C. A. N A S H & C 0 M ANUFACl URKUS AND DKLKKs I N Sashes, Doors, Blinds, MANTELS, MOT LIMN 1 i AND Si AIR V.ORK". HARDWARE, PAINTS, ScC., 5, 7 & 9 Atlantic Street, NOKI;OL.K. V.. FOR 9 10 ipn I). ETHEK1LGE, Cunitucn, N. i B t. WHf;ll I . Car, Fortv D. ETHER I DG K & C( ) . sK ( i; 'l:- THE ej idetnic medicine i CO'ttaMnna T: cuJiar to each disease, which inter the .-ystem. It being a well settled fact that ; any remedy which woull kill the genu j 11 over. o; micro:. e would destroy the life of the ; abjut Dr patient, it has been found that to fea e Ki ll II ltd DGE. n i.tJUA.M ec CO.. cotton F3Cors ail Gommssion Mfimi U'and 21 Con-merre St . N02F0LK, VIRGIN'! -i. M'l.CI A LT IES COT'ION, LPMBER. C'm'IN, AND PE.NI IS. J, 'roi in temporary relief and the subsequent wrecking of your health forever, Think Did you ever hear a compUint , Pierce's Medicines i ierce's ; frrf.. ' 'jjl'leu .Mecical Uiscovcrv, 1- r the liver ! out these gernis is the only safe relief i t;e u ooa ai"1 ine lunfe?' or ur- fierce s from ihvir lavage, ln this way Swift's I Earerite Prescription for weakly women Specific has for 09 years been curing 1 t do just what they are adver- 3Y ALL tised to do? Men wh spi n 1 millions 2 "r- t-rPT hr r 'm;f Inn to T. A. WILLIAM", P.-r-i cn' TPrrr. Nh.ra.-L-, V- CALD'VU.L II H1)Y. ihi. r N fi k; T R C; ipKLANI). P'.d'r t FHrnr"-- U 'A HirE and Dr. DAVID COX, Hertford, N. C. Ii- ,f c Stl' : N . bn V : M. 11 9 lb " n. If the e who have horses suffering whitb o - 1 iT--i Inc. uaio ui luuiiio. I'd n l Staggers will bring them to rne I will guarantee a positive cure. No cure, no pay. i can be found at W. T, Whi head's, 7 miles from Scotland Neck. 10 20 3m I). 0. CROSS. 0 N S A T U II 1 ) A Y J A N U A R Y 23d , we will sell ii Scotland Neck,, at We've oM ock, to th highest bidder, from five to ten mul a one hors3 was -n and two carts. BIGGS & JOHNSON. bhiod and skin iliscases. It forces out the n icrobes throu-h the nores of n,.. 1 of d tllars m advertl-ing a remedy that sk.n and soon sends out th? poison which 1 !' a bct,efae--n 10 uianity, do not thev may have left. In this way the I tlke he-e ch-auces wh.-n there is no' dis'ae is cured, and the general health a Hiag f.rce, a gnat remedy back of . ' k. r, i r.i 5j v... it !. t their advertisements. Dr. Pieice'd rem-I Treatise cn Blood and Skii Diseases edles hrt guaranteed to "ive "wlue mailed free i re'eiVeL' or n0 P:1V,'' and the fuarnal is SWIFT SPECIFIC Co. Atlanta, Ga doing yoa a kiudness. and not -ceking m n i to cd ei tbe Dr. Pierce, when it calls if 1 ttf n .v .if ii i . I yonr attention to ihe r. ia'.i ity of such FOTjrz's HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS 2St v , 1? a in 1 1 v 1 irv -i;i'jaru nieoiciue-. n ani r eru tv. Or you f.:e nil '.vuii; c it is L'lOter., It will cure von. and triv -it l-ix:.! aipet:te. So4 " J t.y. S .. .r--'- I 1 o HRSi .!t ii. ;. (ii.:r. or Lino f rm. i l-e-.:ti'"? !'.. IT5 ar r.-.i ;u (m f. I w-j-r's i ' . n i .M ;irp .n. i r-r ar ! !(. rrtro fe 4. r.r"- !'"." : '.' ' '.o r- iv Fwja Fotu - !''' !.'. - - ' r.-.'.tt o: 1.. i.i tZ(i rr-pntr. iwrt'y r-; t f-; . re. : iK-- v:'f'-r f.rta aild siv-T. KotttT'i I'owtrr w" nr v rr--!ai f'n.ftt rvust DiWAiv to m !.(! llor-'-. ati 1 .il! .- -if H'jtft. FOCTZ'" !'oVI Rn fi.LIVx risriei!os. 60UI t.ere. CaVID T.. FOUTZ. Proprietor. LTIKOB2. MD. 2 tUfc-l t-kJ CrO s- Li CO CO I CO CJ5 O CO CO o o Q u o ui It . J U o 7 hi V- r- i; ic O O r t Q J " r. ui E u! ar Q m o O 6 1: V 7. -O " X - o M - r A n I.E. to i. ii w a t; ' m