THE DEMOCRAT- HiERSDAY MA OH 10th, lS'Jl. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. !; i Jiivi 'u Knitting IU ttllt'i 1UT pOIll!'!. M . I1DKFM AN A BRO. i v in c i ui: ;i"'ui'-i and !' I I if r.R'-.. T t'.c r Mi'." 7 .1 f' . . A "p t" J K.N IS. Co" ?'' v rvpri ii '.s : , cwrt'rr'Ut.-. d t M Ca..'. W. II. KiUhio. t . )vi' -l.l i-'s name at u dv. not -ziv c- I hl r t ti -st iMjhhc itii-n. Dl.VIM r", : :: : r : i . T - I .. i: i- tt I'rt e-!'Oto people bliil j . . 5 ; ; t i r ;:()d enUtu-ih-stic over the r,L".v rui'oad. There much rnor tr.tvt 1 muJ freight i'':r tht- road than v. h (M,.,( t-d K'for it wiitit into i.n'i ;vi;Hi. Tne Imlt-y nay.- tbitt tuj-;i:e--i a - roasi'il air; :uiv. Dt l , t i o founder of tbt- ti. t : ar ii n !-.r fr: i dr Uukanl-, :,itTI :! a s-; , vlll'. 1 I"" !.'- . IK' '-a) s ; -:.r , : i: M-.-v'.- of sixti-t n . - U'.i! ii ; ' ""' I l''. r I'Ui'j' ''i i' , I', ! v br :.U up the worst Lt ;m ?-f. -tc its d Vt I. ;!;! I t. i-.d!! j). ll-K kR-llf r, the Mhti'lanl j (M liiti hie ot vt'.v York, has his ! , . - i i:sr i;'i i'. .'. :iriv .t poilCf v -iri ( i ,.i jf is said to tie I ... , , ,, . . ! l!:-v.s of d.dlars, nd l- r! lift i p M"!-0!. hly ii i1 ft' !h'!: rot 'K'sir- such exi-f-j r! r,e' lv o e ! 1 .Nfi;i ;9fd through r.t t and .vt: (1f ;;".'5. i hi - cXi.'i! ss -;'.o. i 1 - ! L ) ' i ' I ' -'t .. ;-. a : !o lit j ieC'.-jr r:tx - ' ! d. !hv .-ti.oii-u ': il I ; iM nd P 3 ! r. v -nr.-r 11. V . . . .! :Vi W ,0 h;is jilt : ' : t f f ! ' j . r t '.S: !f. ii 's-fit'C' it-;"', is Ot-e " - : ow pi.rcii'.sti. lie idiindtd !.v Hv - ih Chroui'Jv, utid has since 1 r :l';'!.;i'l ri For KM ot" New Vol. !';;::,!( Iv Mr. Ki"li;:rd tl. Ed-::i'- ti, nnd !i's liirii- to are for the t r.c :r .;j( M.etit id" S'ttitlicr; inouss tries an 1 nt,-ririses than P.nj n'.hor jf-f-cr. It '.1 ie f.jnlint.u'tl y a stroig sr. ' f i::i (H t;! rtMtorial ex - fT with U'd" fii' I ': i::le nt S. stiii roat'T l!'!"o, irr S' it 'UTi' 'lf 'o,(,-if"f. ,iid wi'l do nrfii'd. for 1 ie -a ?j 1 t o ,-i i i!--! espondent to r,." Ilk ii-:.Mi-i )'. itch -if 4th, ft : I : ' 4V.-,-t of 'he N'. rtu Carolina m-'ii. t-i-rs a " plessed that the State v i;r;u e f t' eir St t have ar ri! proir?r.r:!e to have the ! i;r l.' eor'Vfjfition to assemble lI Jii! h ! tt. ad ante S'ut ;fjjrer ' I , iilios ii , to l!e ti-.t I'lifd ( lif.Vi iiiluii Kl LIlllHj0 ' I S. ijf' (if the Iclioers ?'V';rvd callll)" I a - oira'o t onvt'utioit iu Augu -t, and t siies. the Aliruife tt in the 31 i V v f.lollV t er vX' 'li' (- -i td v t , i '' ; ; ' ' ; :.. I i'1-.pi tf: .' " I i f ti I v DO I ..;..: ..i ;; n.j i'i ' -.i:-;. Sir t-i f l S - r. at i! A .1 jfHClically h j iuilov. li' in Ior;.: Uaroiinu. NEWSY 'GRAPHS. I1KKK AM) ELsKw HERE WISH AND OTHERWISE. Jcst IN A a supply of nice card boa, d, sjmtablc for business cards. We cut and print any size der-ired at short notire and at:.w rrice- '1 r.i- Washington (i'jzrtte says that Ke : '.'-Kn'i I'-t'iirci i:i that pi ice i-cent-i leased his audience and opened .1 . s ..- jii the Indian 'ju..-'i j!'. .".' r i i k.k nk'.v Ilor.h . .Mr. James ; --; ha-i completed hisnet residence ; t. , street on nrth siac of 13th - it) ! will probably rnuvc in boon. .;. i'K!;ai:h at Buaswells. We n i t-jiusttd to announce that M. Curtis, of Aulauder, will lo night (Thursday ) at BraswePs. .m : hk Constitution. VV e are ' - ib-i ri ti'CiS. with the Wetkl '!" ' .i (.mi.iti li'fion almost daily, Re . N i i.ii- dt 1 :ar and a half gets The ' !;. Y and the O'HliOitivH both for '"'- iAi.E 1 be lurrn near town ..- 'he : wens property was last .-;,M at auclion and brought a- : . :,.." '. Notwithstanding the bard : ity aioursd Scotland Neck . d ue. : r.'.-iX'KK Hei-OKE THE MlLI : ..i CHOoI,. .SUPERINTENDENT W, v.. Alien n.tuims Till DEMOCRAT that i .jif ti ci 1 (iiiliam, E-q , of Tarboro, will iect'ire Oufore the Military School on Friday night, March 18th. The public ure invited. Mr. (illiam is a polished speaker, a tinod thinker, highly cultured and withal quite scholarly, and a treat is in store fur those who hoar him. I KIN ITY PAKIS1I UENTEN SERVICES Tuesdays, l.f.O, p. in. Wednesdays, !);30, a. in. 4 -i ', p. ni., at the old chruch. Thursdays, 700, a. in. Holy Communion. .. 7:" p. in., with reading or lectin e. Fridays, 12 o'clock. Tl ',e Litany duily set vice during Holy Wtek, moinin and evening. The olt'er mgs j,t Easter will go- towards paying the i!v!ebtt(lin-s on the church hu.ldinii. Rather too Swift. The Norfolk Viryinian of March ;rd says: "Passenger train No. 100 over the Norfolk and Carolina lailrod. Conductor E. L. Hart and Engineer George F. Burke, made the remarkab.y fine run yesterday from R jcky Mount, N. C, to Pinner's point, a distance of 110, in two hours and forty-seven minutes, including I .- f i .- . ... 1 -",MJ,Mlvu 'T5' veiSH .-peen " ' ' ,iJllls i"-' I1UUI luiiiiniuiuu uu- i mg the run. This is an excellent line , , . . . , , . performance, and is nrobablv one of the ' ......1 : v:..; i A. .SCOTEANH JNECK BoY HkAKD l'lt-.sM. Mr V. W. Kitchin, now of Rox : r-, .did one of the biightest and pur et . u. k men in the State, has recently en .':it! ibuting somu very able aitic i.'. v.- ii- press on politicial questions, ii c.ntiy a strong article to .-'.-ii.e (Jiroiii'Ae in favor of David B. -..d la.-t weeK the Roxboro Courier hii able article by Mr. Kitcbin Tijird Party, which we shall i next week. ' Mid Neck may well feel proud :k He is taking rank as one l .young lawyers of his section; 5 $?-,iisa-;,i& n;; n.,. - ' ' foutity eouituisioners met in regu j vi a y in teting .Monday. The fol i,.vi;iL scoounts Were allowed.- ' ibrton print ins: in R R case $51 50 1: .: ihnstei remo-. ing raft 3 SO .i :-. ,x-Vt f.,r poorhouse 7 38 .; ;. -V i .-r recording orders 5 90 ".' ! i": ,: 1 - ;.a county atiy 50 00 .i : :.-airirg bridge 2 CO T : .1;ng account CI 02 "ii.t;i work court house 75 R Rut nay making gate &c 1 '25 J 11 Howeiton, pauper to poorhouse 75 Chas Froelichit Co, lumber 3 37 S Johnson care of pauper 19 00 R A Hardy conveying pr"n. o jail 6 00 R A Hardy " lunatic to Raleigh 15 So R A Hardy serving paupers 60 M E Coudns woik on Hill's bridge 70 CO l 1 Alls.brook supt. fence 1 year 30 00 N Dunn building bridge 46 59 U M Cohen drugs for poorhouse 2'j 28 Emry &, Pierce, goods 11 55 40 J J Daniel 4 jail 3 16 Burton it Travis atty in R R case 200 09 Edwards & Arington, bridge 6o oo it G Reid Jail account Willcox Bros whiskey poorhouse A A Hux for notice W R Shaw work court house Louis Cook work court house J A llarrell court calendar R W Brown one day as com. A A White " R B Brltt W (J Daniel k' m II Clark T L Whitaker one day as clerk oo eo 5o 6o la 10 40 2 10 3 5o 3 So 3 2o 2 65 2 oo 2 oo Supervisors of Faucetts township to have wash in road at Short-horn mill fix ed to cost not exceeding lo. Supervisors of Palmyra township or dered to have bri '.ge built over Steptoe's tniil run at lowe-t pos.-ible cost. Jack Bargens allowed as Confederate old.e !4 oo per mont. Warreu Dick e!!r. Fame as above 4 oo per ruonth- S M (!ry bird his A fee report which w:is iipproved and ordered recorded. t vr;i ordered bv the Board that the iii,d Sortn- ile belonging to Sill Richards .( 11 by C,;unty on May n, 1SS9. in :l-.hi .x : . wnshio for taxes for 1SS, be : ft . .ni an' claim which the conn : , h-jve 1 ad bf any purchase, the . , -. vS penalty having been paid. For Sale- v k.w pairs of Mammoth Bronze Tur . 53..")') a pair, 5.00 for trio. Eeg ,"i at $1 5 i per doz-n. E. P Hyman, --. It Hobnood, N. C. . wl LOAD OF HAY. 1 At bottom . jv jj) A ) OF COAL, f Prices, N. B. Josey. HALIFAX GLEANINGS. WhAl I UK DbMOCliAl 11EPORTF.R t-h h$ A A I) I! LA US A D 0 Ul 1 11 h conn noubf. asd LLSEWUERL. The March term of the Superior Court wa opened here yesterday by Judge Ctore H.H rown, of Washington, N. C. The charge to the grand jurv while it wa- tirief. !. said by cotap-jtent critic-, to nave been c!ear, logical and cvnrie. Judge Brown is one of the late judgeh eler-ted two years ago. Hy his afTble and pleam njanner upon th bench and his quick, impartial ruling, he has made a fine impression upon ttie people of the d-.fierent districts where he has presided. The dockets for the term are quite large, there being in all 15 ca3e?, as fob lows: The civil is-ue docket, 120; the -ummons docket f, whfle the criminal docket is smaller than usual. There are a great many presentments before the grand jury and it is thought they will consume the entire week m passing upon them. ' We notice the following non-resident lawyers present: Mess. J. Ii iiatchelur and It. O. Burton, of Raleigh, and J. M. Mullen, of Petersburg, Va. The fallowing are the grand jury: J B Bncktll. loreman, J li Wood, J M Butts, J L Mediin, Allen Ivey, B E Pope, J J Cnllom, J J Bishop, J L Keeter, Jacob Dickens, J U Sharpe, Keuben rnow, r"red Edmonds H J Hux. J A Hux, J W Hardy, L K Dickeus, D T Cook. Mr. J.M, Gnzzard, Jr., left here last Friday for New York, where he has ac cepted a position as salesman in a retail fboe house. Mr. Grizzard has much ex perience in the mercantile business and with his polite and gentle manners will no doubt give entire satisfaction to his employers. "Rextus.'' March Jsth. it"'. 4N IN IItiil-y t"iar;i lyzel. The Raleigh papers Tuesday brought news that Rev C. T. Bailey. D. D., editor of the Biblical Recorder, was paralyzed Sundav in the Third Baptist church in Raleigh. Dr. Bally had preached and arose after the singing of the last hymn to pronounce the benedict but could not .sptak. He was at first all'ected only in the tongue, being able to walk, but after he was taken home the paralysis spread and the worst was feared. His thousands of friends throughout the State will be pained to learn of his aflliction. Hill Ituuk iu tVfblon. The Democrat learns that Mr. V.. Hoffman of this place, will open a bank in Weldon in about sixty days. Besides his own capital the business men of Wel don will take stock iu the bank, and it will start with a strong backing. Mr. Hoffman will continue his large mercantile business here and will still live here. Mr. H. E. Biggs will be cashier of the new bank and there will be gooii business help in the bank fru:n Weldon. V bile wo congratulate both Weldon and Mr. Hoflman on this new enterprise and c.viitvr nience to our Weldon friends, The Democrat is sorry to see Mr. Hoffman dividing his energies. We should have been glad to see him invest his money in new enterprises in Scotland Neck. PERSONALS. Mr. P. A. Lewis of Welden last week visited Mrs. Clauda Kitcain . Mr. J. Wr. i'ugh of Lewiston paid The Democrat a call vesterday. Mrs. V. C. Allen returned Satur day fiom a visit to her mother at Puntego. Mrn. 11. W. Harriss returned from Georgia Monday waere she had been visiting relatives. Mr. Leo Kitcbin and wife, of Petersburg, are visiting Mr. Kitcb ln'a parents here. Mr. W. W. Jonee; who has been on a trip as 8Ale9toan for the koit ting mill?, returned Monday. Miss May Birnes, .of Baltimore, is visiting Mrs. B. Josey. Miss Barnes was in charge of the milline ry hu;nes for Mr. N. B. Josey some three years ago and was very popular, and her friends are glad to see ber again. Mr. J. L. Edward?, who has been living in Providence, Rhode Island, for about two year-1, is on a visit to his lather, Mr. S. W. Edward?. He i-i engaged in a wholesale fru-t busi ness and bis friends, together with their delight at seeing him , will te glad to hear he is doing well in bas- iileS3. Mrs. J. B. Neal, who has been on a viflt to Murfreesboro with her moUer Mrs. M. H. McDowell, and sister Mrs. Day, returned home Monday, accompsnied by ber rxoth- er. i.Mrs. ieai is greaiiy lmproveu i i health, we are glad to say. Tuc Xeics i.y Observer of St:i says: "Mr. Wniter V. Bobbitt, of King wood, Halifax county, is in the city and save us a pleasant call last evening. He informs us that the f craters of his section are determ ined upon raising more gtain and bo:s and lea cotton. Tuey realize the necessity of raiding their own home supplies and wiil act accord .r," After the Grip Hond's Sarsaparilla will restore your strength and hea'.th, and expel every trace of potson from the blood. Correspondence . FROM BKINKLKYVILLK. tiriHiniA'-ridsnt Personal wcntn.m We h1 a gr?at deal of Tain last week but our farmer haye j?or.c to work with push and energy. Mises Eo-a Hardy and Bettie iNttrnan who have bvn i-H;.''g friends n Little ton, have return' 1 hem-. Mi- Marv Wynn and Miss M5on are a iit si. their sisters. Mrs. Frank Whitehead and Mrs. AL Vinson. Mrs. Sarah Hardy kt-rps very fick Mr. J. W. Pitt-man's rx ran eg' with the cart and threw bim out and hurt him very badly. Success to The Democrat March .Hh. Snow Flake. FROM KING W OOD A i i'.nU Ii 'j. Mr. T. M. Harrison's horse ran away Monday night, demolished his buggy and pamfullv injurtd his ankle. He will be confined with it for some tune. Rev. Mr. Smith ot Weldon preached an interesting sermon Sunday morning and Rev. A. G. Wilcox like wise in the after noon. Viss Proctor, of Yirginia. will open a school in town to-day. A gooo school is much needed here. Mr. George Spivey, of Yirginia, well known in your section, and a very clever old gentleman, has beeu seriously sick at the residence of his 6on, Mr. T. A Spivey, the past week, but is now out again. Maj. W. T. Manning, of Alaska, is visiting friends at Brinkley ville. March 7th. G. E. M. FROM LEWISTON. luirminj -So j uuiio Larks in (he peas JoneJvr thcajed and infirm tierivius loss Personals. The farmers are availing themselves of the favorable weather and are making wtiat headway they can to ward cropping. It is thought a proportionately small quantity of guano will be used in this section the present year. The farmers have concluded that it is the cause of laziness, worn out soils, and consequents ly empty smoke houses and corn cribs, aud empty pockets; so they conclude to deprive the manufacturers of no more than they can possibly help. The larks are destroying the early peas, and the boys are having a tine time shoot ing the winged thieves. In some helds these birds have committed such depre dations that the farmers fear they will not get a btanJ. I he joint boards of magistrates aud county commissioners of this county will meet in Windsor next Mondav to con sider the question of selling the present county poor houe property aud estab lishing a home for the aged and inhrm on the Cashie river about a mile below the town of indsor. The project is approv ed by most of the people oi the county. Dr. E. II. Horton of this place had the inisfortuue a few days ago to have a very valuable young horse injure himself so that he will in future be almost worthless The horse was playing in the lot, and running against the corner of a house broke his hip. Mr. A. Grcenbury has rented a store on Court street and has opened a nice lot of gents' furnishing goods, notions, &c. Mr. Greenbury has been visiting our town foi about two years and is liked very much by the people. Mrs. .Maggie Ballance and her little son Paul, are visiting friends in Washing ton. Our people don't favoi the Third Party movement. March 5th. Lucie. FROM WINDSOR. Alliance news Railroad Interest Con gressional timber Office seekers. Mrs. E. B. Gilliam aged eighty-seven died at her residence last week. The Rev. T. T. Speight preached at the Baptist church yesterday morning and at night. The missionary meeting at that churh held a meeting before the rele gious services began and collected $12 from the members. Mr. J. M. Mfbrne has been visiting the different Alliances in the county during the last week and making an ad dress on each visit. The interest in the Alliance is diminishing to a considerable extent in this county and the regular meetings are not attended by one fourth as many people as when it firi-t organiz ed in the county- Tne fiisnds of the N. W. it C. R. R. are confident that woik will s,oon begin on the projected road, and in less than ten months the cars of that road will be passing through this ceunty, and at the foot of Main street near the banks of the Cashie river. Mr. O. P. Howcr, financial agent for the cor porators of the road, has been in town Siveral weeks, and travellinghrough the county obtaining the rights of way. He has succeeded in for Jiing deeds for the ruhtofway throughout the line, and they hare been given freely by the own ers of the lands without making any charge f r thc;n. The Congressional fever is at white herd in this county, and at lean four cf Ret tie county's citizens are willing t accept a nomination if it be tendered to them. But your correspondent fears that either one of them if nominated wi1! met t the fat- tnat o .'e'fo ., Mr. -I. M. Mewborr.e in l:o Tik Hon. Wt. II. Kitchin of Halifax county or James B?nd of this county could have been elected in 1S90 and either of them can be elected this tar if the democratic party will in their wisdom place the banner in their bands. But we rdil never carry the district with the candidates that force themselves upon the party, oand who bank upon their cheek, insane greed for office and the assinine stupidity of the people who shove the ballots. To show the great greed for oflice th' rc are at this date more than thirty candidates for the office of nr rirf-M '"'F'lsn than four h.indr,.ldM a- war. several ifth-ra cT- X went :h- "i"-'-. ft i n a :m; . i!. !. It ernes to ap:- t-- arr.-.ur.t ich.. f;: i- -. th- '. rT'-n: '. 1 . -' iriii thfy iS. have t "' '. -'m p. i Thi Ve h'i bo :. as r.t. i m ' 1 1 -". 1 ', vi xhi c -v.v "II ! ..: t !tr - r hr.-.iM.-" !''-,:- ; M-.r- 14. . lit. ,1 ( Pastoi of Pr- - v ! f; Sparta. N . d .. , 1 a- 1 . - ! if n fiver uf H i ir-ij -.-i I . H says; "N- ! v i t tbe b't'O'l, vti:n .'.ate the ltvrr or 'ran '. ' J stomach 'if. e th-s rim-dv I k ..- fj scores and scores wlu have hei-. i.vlpc 1 1 or cure ! t. v t ' Thf l.-izhest praise ha b n vu by j Hood"-. Pilis f..i thi-.r . t :r.t ' artion. 1 i:i I .1 n i i-r- l.t r . uprt in- niii i iii . I'EAK MlS 1 I l.lMill.V-i. 'l'l i the I Jth l- !.. -ru . i, .t.-.i ! ,:,uif.r answvr bv -a i:; t::a' I i. v - n mu't: betiettt-"l b the a-- i Y. . ' r.; i--e I u ;! ttd trviii a wi i- 1 i j.--e-.iitj,. oelafuik ot tr' irp;'.. t.d:wed by rUent:; :'. '. ism ei the nc an : i.wu'.-li r-. I CotlMIie'lCed tne il-i i t' : f. c r ' tr.'t" 1-v in Oit-dj r l--t. an i mv ' -t o ii':, ceased i:no diitt l , ati t I ttdn' mi health and feeling-, havr t.e- ti inn -h i :: provtd bv it-. :je. 't i . !:-; vir, cSigned) .!(. J. DAVIS. Loui.sRi, N. C., Ju loth, lsi, WSifSSll arv y1'(i(:is Svfhin:,r Hhtinin: .-m f : mu.i .cers :id Sort's. (ilrtiiiu::i S-ilinj;. t t' tniirtt if M l.arlA, nl I !t"'iic 1 ! tliH' 'lua'e -'"t."1 hD pla:nt8. rcirlMl P-t!-. -I.. Tot.-r. Sf-uidl.oH'i of . -. f . n p'-.TVil tni)'.' m 1 ; ! -:r. -I ,..ttj .i- p'tt. zar, buiMi; up it-.-..."!. -tu rii'ir-iy. iSll P'S :IVOr.,-'. !,' tli!i tn (..- .... , ., . 3 ZJmm BMjiSttissr Lis j-t"ii!ttrlj i; i..:t'...l l.vt r j 1-r r u j t ri .li. . i.!. . i . i i i. . ,r't. 1 1 !! ul P. i I l', :ckiv a 1 h ;'ol H'H't Til l enr:ii.!lT". LIPPMAH BROS., Proprietors, WHOLSSAtK CKUGGISTS. oman Biock. SAVArvir-trt, GA For sale bv. K. T. whitehead Co.. Dr-iTfeifts. 4-9-1 v- HORSES! MULES. We have jiPt receive.! a . r lool of 5ne ttcK, Horses and Mules. PRICKS TO SUIT THE TIMES Call soon or yru miss a h lW(iGS& JOHNSON. ) .-t. Fresh Meats. ;-:-2 I HAVE OPENED A GENERAL Butcher Business AT THE OLD HOTEL ON MAIN STREET, Where 1 am prepared to f'ii:i:-h irv-b !enfs at low tiM.-". ,iic;;i i the patron:tr" '.; t' ,! l C. T. CROSS. 1 'i's :br Oel Bros, k mn I I 1 ' f ' I ' It and- tMMISSP 'N V .(IMMlI-'NA T EKCHAM j 1 ER( 'H A NT. 0 n o FAYETTE STREET- Norfolk, Va. 'j 10 Om. i'l.v-;'":.:;. ..'i.: r. i" e. V. r p j' -n ; . r .i : Kriii i i - r.V, ,r; ' r ! : rmillHli Ml in n .n ma. t ! 4 'A'':. ? '' ' - t K- K. Hne. .UULA U iMUlV, l.fiMI Erjir mt-. , rt. '. j , r ' ' ! ::ui'ivl . v -S ' r ' rr . li' A I.:, a kk a I Hines &; i i ; lf!Dl AiM SEEDS. e M-f'U an i m ;ir ; i.fe la:-, t i:f .n d-i'i- i" i- Doil t o,.( ; f,,. j , , . ,,. ,5,. o' n ilMl !( t;i ..tid. )'- ii "if pi in? out i n.i m . U rt o t j 'tut Ctiu b.tppii tu ! u ! ;i . NIP"M' Hit , .-, ...t ! t s it li u ml r I -h t tn , r . i ' . , i :..!! -ii..! .- s i " 1 bt-n-'s t lie t ii'i All li :. - ijit . i Mil i i.t i i .j i . ; in" U. I.!-! ii.Hi' .".-Uu-.l. ii .. t. "ti'-'v i: ,k, i: ' in - c: I i. .i" "!:.: '! - .i ".;.: J; . i' .,.; , . A t- 1 ' "i - - " i -v i - n . - -t:.,i,.,' , , , I II 1 1 t d k !,.' I ii' t I (i . tlu'lli I, . , ,', CtEOHGE TAIT SONS, I )()s il ! "rtAL oxwoia. AMJ Much pusnrxo. GOOD STOCK AND S(MV PKK'KS i i i THE?.ISIvLVIn Doti't be I. ad by ll; a !. 44 P - o - c - k - e - GliiDi: Yt)li IO I UK PL K V 1 HAD FOR III K Edmondson & 3 1 I A, l r O - - MAM'! i ' ; ashes, Doors. Blinds. MANTELS, Mdi l.lJl.Mi -I v!K !;!, HARDWARE, PAINTS, C, 5, 7 & 9 Atlantic Street, n 1 dm, NORFOLK, V . . .lfl II III - . t0iS.h- . . . I.nv Id,. ;.,,r . -tiE?irr--..'.. t i... ft,', e ? AifeSsSfci"''- . ' v ! 'i I . r i . I S I I ! M I 1 ' ' i 1 1 I'rice cif t) ii "Bl."l :'.-..if, .. IMIIlil. Ii ' - i rout.. V,. . . ! . ' v :' T: i,-!nr .., V!tM' J s...,. , , ,r , . ., , i r. f 1 -1 ,;: I T ,-. 'vi.;i. r: - 'Uv- ' 0'.i EN CHFMtCAt C rL- s..r y,,.ir ),!-,-r ar 1 . .. ,,,,, , ... ibi ; hi ircormiclilrsl Injur) In ,mv imih JJtjlJL prwit wiilii SILK lillK" - cl iiiktoii'lDCl from fm mil. imiIi-i :.' I v Co . 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