t i ; :' i t o t . . r : i . f V. I SHASOXAMJ- CRAIMIS. BY "OUR JIM." Ti.e ttiinner a tiling is the tuore it is inclined to spread itself. Smile at some people at.d tlicy will tell oo all the trouble they ever liail. Affem-e (nuke tin? benrt jrow fkn !'. 1 i't prj-seiivi- i;;iases it 'o fc ; U fi f'.lll lli'ioff. 1 tic truly desirable style of con versational ability is tta' which reg ulates itself to the principles of sup ply and demand. You may turn the pockets of love in-dde out anytime, and yoa wjll never find a dollar of the devil's money in them. It is eaid that thirty-three million and tbir'y-three thousand people die every year. School Teacher. to Hoy. "Bobby, you icay define 'profit.' " Bobby (whose father is a druggist) ' Tour hundred per cent." It is suid that the average man oi fifty years has spent 6,000 days or nearly twenty year?, in sleep, and has consumed 17,0K) poonds of br ad and 1G.00O pounds of meat, washed down with 7,000 gallons of liquids. February in 1900 will not contain twenty-nine days, althoug It will be leap year. February, in 1700 only contained, twenty-eight days. Tbt-re is said to be a slight error in the (iregonian calendar, but it will only amount to one in 3,335 years. It is a most remarkable fact in natural history that every race, whether of man ortbeaat, and every thing that has life which grows in or from the ground, is distinguished in variably, by its own peculiar and individual color. "My hair.'' mused Mr. , as he crt fuilykconslgned his two remain ing wisps to their a pointed places, '',-( minds me most painfully of a fool and his money." A BoyOught to Know. (Youth's Companion. ) 1. That a quiet voice, cotirUs-y and Kind acis t.re essential to the part in the world of a gentleman aB of :i gentle woman. 2. That roughne&e, blusterit g, ami even toolhardiness is not kmi- liuvs. The most firm and coura aeons men have usually been the ino-'. eritl. 3. That muscular strength is n' t heah h. 1. That a brain crammed only wuh fets is not necessarily a wise one. .r. Tiiat tbe labor impossible to the hoy of fourteen will be easy to t:i' man of twenty. t). 'Flint the best capital for a boy is not ruonv, but a love of work, simple testes and a heart 1j al to his friends and his God. Boy Character. (Child's Paper.) H is the greatest delusion in the world for a boy to get the idea that his life is ot no consequence, and that the character of it "ill not be noticed. A manly, truthful boy will shine like a star in any community. A .boy may posesa as much of noble character as a man. He may so live the trt.!h that there will be no discount oa his word. And there are such nobK christian boys; ar.d wider and deeper than they are apt to think is their inflaence. They art- the king boys among their M- luws, having an immense iuflucne f r good, loved and respected bis cause of the simple fact of living tbc truth. Iosr boys, do be truthful. Kerp your appointments at the house f (od. Be known for your lideli'y to the interests of the church ar.d S ibt atu school. He true in every friendship. Help others to be and to do good. LEMON ELIXIR. I'lea.i'xnt, Aleaent, HcUalnt. I'm- biliousness ar.d constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Fdixir. For sleeplessness, nervsusoess and palpitation of the heart, take Lemon Klixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, l;tr.e Lemon Elixir. Fur all sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixor. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named dis eases, all of which arise from & torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bowels. Piepared only by Dr. U. Mo.LEY, Atlanta, (ia. ;"0c. and $1.00 per bottle, at druggists. LEMON HOT DROPS "ures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, -Son Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases. Ele gant, reliable. "-" cents at druggists. Prepared only by Dr U. .Vozlev, Atlanta. Ga. f'LD I'APEPS At THIS Do Not Leave the Farm (Southern Cultivator.) when a young man abandons the farm for the factory, or the carpen ter's bonch, or any other business, he runs a grest risk. In some of these occupations he may handle a little more money, and wear b t.r clothes than he nrd- on the frn , .1 in I l.o l-"i r-f. he doe n-.t Hcniuultite anthin.', a-.d he i al wa s depeude u' n oil r lor l.i dtiily tirettd. I'tie mechanic 1- o!tn pat out of a job, the store clerk is often dismissed, the factory hand. ,i a general thing, has no opportu nity for rising above a certain level. The farmer always has a job ami a hoae if be is thrifty, the meal tub is never empty . Men who go to work on farms with a will and a purpose are tjounu to eutw. They will not accumulate money and property very rapidly, but they will do as well as other professors with equal investments. CONSUMPTION CURED. An oia rmvsicun. retired from pract ice, hiving had placed in his hands he an East Ir.da missionary the formuly of a similar vegetable remedy for tha speed v and permament cure ol consumpt ion, Bronchitis. Catarrh, Asthma and Ail throat and Luri AfFetions, also a nos tiive and radical cure for Nervous De bility and all Nervous Uomplaiuts, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf fering fellows' Acuated by this motive and i desire to relieve human suffering I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for perparing and using, Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper W. A, No YES S20 rowers'" Block Rochester. Y. 3-9 My Uood liok. (ood looks are more than skin deep depending upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the Liver be in active you have a Villous Look, if your stomach be disordered you have a Dys peptic Look and if your Kidneys be affected you have a Pinched Look. Secure good health and ycu will have good looks. Electric Bitters is the great alterative and Tonic acts directly on these vital organs. Cures Pimples, Blotches. Boils and j;ives a good complexion. Sold at E. T. Whitehead A Co's Drug store r0c per bottle. ! Oil o vniit building 5 .!iS. is ..! Indigos- UC Mlwd hi Opportunity! DO'T MIh - m oiii-s, Hradcr. 1 tie majiirity neglect their op pirtnnitivs, ant) from tlmt cans live in poverty nd die in obsrnriiTl Harrowing desonir is the lot of many. they lo,k Im. k on lost, foiererloit. nppoi tnniiy. I.ll'eiipau. liiy! Heai-h out. Be up and rioin. Improveyonr opportn Diry, and secure prnsnrritv, f.roiniiieiice. peace. It wai aaid by pliiloai plier, that "the i.oiJe of r'ortnne offen a Clilrn iit.pcn I unity to enc h pe: son at eonie peiiod of life; cmurHre the chance, and tiio pmirs out her riches; fail to do o and ehe depart, vrrer to return." How shall yo find tha coi.dkn opportunity? Iuvestigale every chanre that appeara wot thy. and of fair promise: that ia what all enc re.n iil men do. Here an opportunity, auch as is not often within ihereahrt UlM.rinf punple. Iiriproved. it will t;iva. at lcaat, K and atai t in lata. The ;oi.ivk? opportunity for many ia here. Money to he made rapidly and honorahly by any industrious pervn of oithor ti. All ages. You can do tha work and live at home, wherever you are. Even be-gimi-rs aia er.'ily earnim from lo ftIO per day. Yon rnu do at well if you will work, not too hard, but indostri oinly ; and you ran iro-rease yonr inrome aa you goon. You can pive spare time mi i v. or all your time to the work. Fasy in l..rn. 4'apitAl not i inircd. We start vou. All is com paratively new and rr-itlv wonderful. Va inatrnrt and show von how, fa ce, retim e unknown among our work ers. No rnnrn to explain hera. XVrita and learn ali free, by return mail. Unwise to delay. Address at nnra II. IlallcU tc Co.. Itox Se)0, Portland. Mala. 12 17 ly. JOHK D. COUPER, MANUFACTURER of MONO FNTR. TABLiTS AND ALL KINL8 OF CEMETERY WOUK. ."'. i5 9 m r- O n Vrite for prices before ordering elfiewhere. An inquiry may save vou dollars. DESIGNS FREE. Ill, 113, and 115 Bank St.. NORFOLK, ! . VIRGINIA: 15 It. JAS. H, BELL " .1 EWEi.KK ANIi KAIKOAD WATCH. INSPECTOR C ft-. Pipes, Canes, Rubber Stamps, Seals, i PKESSEB, Ac, OHEAl'. Quality of (Joods guaranteed. Vork guaranteed. Repairing promptly done. Try us. Bible De pository Biblos and Testaments at cost. 0-8-ly 7ARB0nv N. 0. j-, CO ;( SfAlfyiS- I o o S WHEN THE i THEN EVERYBODY KNOW8. J-! a-w) pFirst Class Jab Printing M .mini s I, A -wv... Letter Heads, Notej P Heads, Envelopes, $j Circulars, Posters, M 1 amphlets, Uod- r23 i CAN BE DONE M.H1Y ANDgM av; CHEAPLY ROOSTER CROWS, gers, Inisiness A Cards, &c., AT Tills O' FM'K. " S4 1 QOO .MHV IS1HK TIME TO l :B:R1 BE f;r the NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD I The u,m .mi cbe..e,t F.,,iy J...mi 4n the United States. ONE DOLLAR With the mot iei feet nes ctherms marbinerv. and w ith crrepo;id-nt- in I every serti n of the hi'i 'e ;1 bi-. the J WEEKLY HERALD j is enabled to lav btfre its readers ibej atext iiitellizence and tnot cntertainmc ! news from every city : nd country 1:1 t e ; world. The rrr.uution for freedom and inde- pendece wbieh it has acquired during the many years of its prosperous career wii be maintained. During The Year 1892 SPECIAL FEATURES FOR THE YEAR Onu'isi Ariiclesun Practical Farm ing and Gardening, Prores-; in Science. Woman Work. Si'rihlas and short storws H the host Author. It. r-t'rc md Art Wit ;ii ! Iliirimr. Ntvs koi: Vetkkan, ani inkok- MATKiN ON ALL SL'H.IECTS. The stamn of Puritv and Truth iu Ideas. Stories and News will be strictly maintained. Send all Subscriptions to James Gordon Bennett, NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD, . akw kk t n v. 'rf)o not iail to ONLY ONi: DOLLAR A V YEAR. S for the, Kew York WEEK LI HERALD H. G. JONES, Contractor and Builder, Contracts taken for ALL KINDS of building, Bkick or Wood, or Bacx superintended by tbe day. Estimates, Plans and Si'ccifitfc tions carefully made and furnished at short notice. Prii-e made to suit the timi. Brack' Is of all styles, Fane, Send! work of all descriptions gotten i ( )' short notice at vkky low i-imces 1 have employed a FIRSI-CLAS tinner aod when in naed of anything in that line I would glad tt gi. you prices. h.(;.,iom:s. 10 2 t tf. P (. tK.x .',7. SCOTLAND NKCK. N C, Norfolk & Carolina H. R conFjenseIT so : i e FOl i: Dated .fan. 1. 133!. Daily ex. Sun. South Kuiind Trains. Daily ex -ui Nortli Puti.i' Trains TA'lioNS. No. 10; No. 101 No. 100 No. k P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M 1 4 A 00 3 24 3 30 4 10 4 il 4 41 4 .10 5 37 a 00 'J .it LiV .ort.ik Ar. o n Jo 'J 50 Pinners Point 5 2 !i ." 101 1 Diivers 1 1 1 y I 10 27 11 02 11 2 11 42 11 57 1 2 37 12 5S SulVdk 4 4 1 U (iat- s i 10 s : Tunis t r,l S 1 A hok ey . ..' I 7 5 A wland-r 3 jo 7 A lldin)d 1 (, .', Tai horo 2 Is 0 3 Lv. Ar. G 25 1 25 Rocky Mount 1 50 (i o P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M No. 101 makes connection at Rrck Mount with W. & W. I rain No. -23 tor a'! points South, and No. 7S tram lor ail points North. No. 103 makes connection at Rocky Mount with W. & V. Train No. 27. for I all points South. lrain No. 103 connect? at Ilobjrood with train on Scotland Neck Draneh, W & W. R. R. or Greenville, Plymouth ami Kinston. Ci.M. SEIIPULL, J. R. KKNLY, (jenM Manager. Sup't Trains. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. SIMPLE IN CONSTRUCTION -' -:rrT LIGHT RUNNING ! 4 :V AND DURABLE I . j I i C i ! B.H.C2. SEWING MACHINE CO PRINCIPAL OFFICE FACTORY ' -f. OCR 20 - ST. WASHINGTON AVE. Pll'lArELPMSA, PA. ! era:.'ch houses ill -a CIS'NCINMATI OHiO. 3'".t BY i- L A W R E N C E ct ED W A R D S ! b'n. Scotland Neck, N.C J. H. LAWRENCE DKALKR IN URA1N, MILLsFKKI). HAl, CLOVER AM) GRASS SEKDS, IMPROVED FARM IMPLEMENTS A SPECIALTY. Agent Tor CLARK'S CUTAWAY HARROW and DKKRING MOWER. A model of perfect ion, SOTLAXx NECK A C. WHITE &PAULL. Cr. Mam A l"lh Street'. SCOTLAND SECH- C l' er .. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, pt.M Rrnnk of SPRTN"Cr n lid SUMMER DRY GOODS ANDNOTiONS Finest line of Gents Furnishing Goo.l- brought to this Market. i, vin- p.o.'iiKi 'v.k m v i EVKL.V WI LON C LL A Ks A .N I ( ' ! i You sliould see our line of Ni;CK-W LAH orii link uk HATS coMiM.r.n: FINK tl.OTIIIN'i KkA A Hrc and ell assorted stock slwuyt all and examine Goods .M arT l v. fflP YO Peanuts and other produce - i ALEX A N D E R. COTTON FACIOKS VM GKNKH A L Ci .M M h N Ml lU'HANlr Norfolk, Virginia. (iu wantco hijjlifst marki't prirt-s EDM l"ND ALEXANDER, DErAI'R Washington, N. Norlolk, a 0 10 4 m I l.t. l K WILItll NGTON & WELDON RAILR3SD A N I HKANCIi l-.S. Condensed S'cLetlule i uaiN.s (.'()1N( .-or i u. oatfd No. 15. Daily, Jan 20. lsyj. Leave Weldoii 1 1 p. m. '.. M i in Arrive Rocky Mt. 1 m j l.u " Arrive Tarboro '.lx t m Leave Tarboro j J '." H n; ! Arrive Wilson i 3o p in J.K p n. Leave Wilson I J :2. i" " i Arrive Seima 3. .in ArriveFavtttevillc J j 5.." ; ' Leave (ioldsboro 1 15 n m j 3.15 " j 'jeave Warsaw J 1.14 " Leave Magnolia 17 a in ; 1..'7 '' ' Arrive Wilmington 3 45 a m I 0.( 0 -t I TKA i.vs ooisn i 1 1 No. i;;, D,d. No. ;:i ) Leave ii.iui.gt-'ii I Leave Mag.m'.ia Leave Warsaw Arrive (ioid-boro I .'. .il a m 7 1 1 a in 7 27 a in s 30 a m .'.in 3 37 Leave Fayetteville I Arrive Seltn;i J Arrive Wilson j Leave Wilson Ariive Rocky Mt. Ariive larboro ) Leave TaiboTo I .7rivW.ddo':". " ) 5 1 1 5 'i 0.3 y ri a in 10 5o a ri Daily xcept S m lav . Train- on Scotland N-ck 'm;:i. irrives Sfotland N ok at 5.15 ; - a3 ' i i ci 'urnuiff leaves Kin-t n 7.1'' a m , ' : i t, . i. in., Weldot. 11. "25 a. m., daily -xc m : imiO i .' L cal fr ii'.t tram 1 avi' ' (11m M"i. Pi .-. W In-- !av an I F 1 1 ! i v !'.!. n. arriving Scotland Neck 1.05 a- in. '0 cenv I! 5.30 p. in., K'inston 7. l'in m. I.Vf m, mg. Laves Kinston Tuesday, Tr. ii'sdav and Sat md i v at 7. 20 in , . .' n i ! ' '.' a. in.. Scotland Neck 2.20 p. to., arrive W.ddnu 5.15 n in. Train leaves Tarboro, tf . via Aitnmarie .V iCa!i -.h R. IL Daily ; t - . lay, 4.4 p. in., Sunday 3.00 p. -n , arrive Villiamsiont n.c. , 7.1 s p.m.. .J p.m., Plymouth .30 p m , 5.20 i m. Retui nmg !eav-s I M vrnont h N I'mh x t Sunday, 0.00 a in., Sunday 9.00 a m., Williainston 7.30 a in.. 0.5- a m., A 1 1 . . Tarboro, N. C, 10.40 a. m., 1 1.20 a. in. Train on Midland N. C. IJranch leaves tioldsboro, .v. Dai'v e ei.t h .!. lav 0.00 a. ni.. arrive Smithricld, n. c 7.3,'! a. in. KcIhiihhl' leaves Smi . Idicld, n. i . S.00 a. in. arrive (ioldsboro, n. "., '.. '. a. rn. Train on Nashville l'ranol, leaves Rocky Mount at 1 5 p. in .. i n - N a -u -ville 5.. 5 p. in., spring Hope 0.3) p. in. R turning bav s Sj.n; J I pi - ., m., Nashville S.35 a. in ., Rocky Mount 0.15 a. m.. daily, except ,..da Train hi t'lii.ton branch Naves War-aw i- r i !;n'..n. Da !r. i' '-j.' S. , iv at 0.00 p. in. and 1 1 . 1 5 a. m. Pciurum h-a ronton at . m. a-d 1 p rn., connecting at Wai.-aw with Nos. 41, I and 7-. 6'outhbound Train on Wil-on ,v FaycM-v;l!c liranh i No. 51. Nori!.b--i .j is No. 50. "Daily except Sunday. Trains No. 27 South, an t 1 t Nf.-h will s-,,; , :i ;,y y, :,- u Goldsboro and Magnuliu. Train No 7 makes closes conncctim at ''.'on b r a 1 1 pom! No i , , v. A I rail via Ricbmfuid, and daily except S'Ji-.da.v :a Day !.':., al-- a' Ko'k; 'do. it daily exctp' Sund iv. with Norfolk ani ".iioj a Radn.nd : i N t: Ik an ! ai: .-i-.t north via Noi folk. I. R. KEN LY, Sup't Trans. W. PKRRY cVCO. Cotton Factors am Commission Merchants NOMFOLK, VA. 'Correspondence and .''.:isignnien!. So'icitfd. ' I'i ':. 12 IH lv 8 27 ly. n.-llcr and U an lnfUit )o ire for 111 ft. Jricol. Jiy Iruifci?tormfnl. .sarnriic-s frrf . Ad-lrc" ! A K EnIS, f tojc iHW, Kew VorH City. 1 PILES vr i M 1'K -ki lim-L and price S. mm p j Oil MO KG A X & C( ) qu-k il pi m pt n" ii r n s. I.. P. ID l i'i 1 v P. i;i N . ' Mi;. N, No da N". hi ! : i i :i : 1 dull v. No. il, i.i 1 . niil.iV. i. 1 in i.. I i a in 7."' 1 in 1.17 i i . ' ' ! ' 1 I " 1 1 1 : i v. N... a m ' I '.'.!. if 1 .''.!" :- 1 1 ."s - ! 1J.P' p. Mi I2..p 'ii I.3I ii. ' ' i . I S ,i 'Il 55 -i f.i !!'. v-' I'm! ! I,, f, 1:-- . at 1 I .'in ii i I : ' 5 ' 1 1 . in., ! i - i 1 1 s, ' o 1 1 1 .25 a. in. i i i i . 1 1 : I , ' JullN Y . i N !., r A -.'tit TO STOPPFD FHEc toft ri S n"!k ''' '" '"y ' !-''"'' ffe-a :,E!Vh KLSIOfl :f ?3fr.,- fr A ' ' ',"' , Aft, If' -' f'fX !'.'.' ' . - i I .'-.. t. W t tt ; a : o. o.- t , i. i' . i : .v - 1 ' t " .! ! '. t- I I ; .1 -. - . i : . i. . r iv hrtl . .. .'Il '. ; !.'.' : ,,:. It r 4 11 2') 1 v. i R' fHlf ;,!,'! ';r;i-!i..M;i.,, I'. Our 0i 0 ii (, j, , . i; . p.o.- (:-, fcr. i A r r-f r ,. ., . .. - r ". f- ... v- I :i i- l . . , ; (; - , j,,.- i ... A Himohl t. ii i -- ! . ii .'-. ) r '.rat of ' .1 . i ... . j,: r. . 1 . . . aA.SNOW&CO, m.v- 1: ii A. 5i.YV.HUBB A hi : 7 i - .V'. i; " for o a! r ! 1 . & ry , re c o: ' f ,r ' " t ' OSGOOD' U. S. Standard WAGON SCALES ''ton iri' f; ). 1 f. Ki.il, xnm.uJ. 3 Ton S35. u.'h. hVh'i: i?r-. a.1 '-ib.-o lb