DEMOCRAT --LL -iJ LI U yf K. E- HILLIARD, Editor and Pr cpiretor. "EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. VQ1..V!!' SCOTLAND NECK. N. C. THURSDAY. APRIL 7. 1892. U O L' E S S I O N A L, ,v. (). McDOWELL 0fflCE North cor ner Xew Hotel street. Y:iii SC xT.ANl Neck, IS. C. always at, his office when not -vuiiially engaged elsevherc. 20 If. jK. A.U. L IV EH MAN, Office- Cor. Main and Tenth Streets 2 lily. Scotland Nkck.-N. C. rjMlOMAS N. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Halifax, N . C, Practices in Halifax and adjoining counties, and the Federal and Supreme Courts. 3 8 ly. D AVID HELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ENFIELD, N. C. Practices in all the Courts of Halifax a;..i adjoining counties and in o.e Su T.r.tne'and Federal Courts. Claai.s col li., -ted in all parts of the State. 3 8 ly. y a. DUNN, i . A I T O R N E Y A T LAW, Scotland Nkck, N, C, Practices wherever his services are -c.iuired. febl3 1y. 7 11. KITOULN, A'i -iouNtY iw Counselor at Law, Scotland Neck, N. C. ir Office: Corner Main and Tenth t. 1 5 ly. . . Hukton, Jk. E. L, Travis, BURTON & TRAVIS. avi'ouxeys and Counsel-vus at Law, HALIFAX, H. C. 5 1 1 ly. .H.AV. Weidon. K. liANSOM, Wcldoi). DAY, & RANSOM. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, W ELDON, H. C. :: 8 ly. 1.J.MEUCUU& SOM- No. ') Snath 11 ;i Si, bvt. Main & Cary RICHMOND, VA. dumber Commission ercrjant, Jives personal and prompt attention to :u! consignments of Lumber. Shingles, Lulus, Etc." 4-17-00 lv. SavcToHlv L A JfAIPSAL REMEDY FOR, Cpilvi'.tic Fits, Fnlliiig1 Sickness, Hyster ica, St. Vitus Baace, Nervousness, Hypochondria, Melancholia, In-c-brity, Sleeplessness, Diz ziness, Brain and Spi nal Weakness. This medicine has direct action upon the nerve centers, allaying all irritabili ti ?, increasing the llov and power of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless and leaves no unpleasant effects. i a s 3 ii j Er 1 F and La tlli A Valuable Rook en Nervous 1 diseases sent free to any address, na ponr r-atients can aino ohtain is meuitrme n ee 01 ciiare. l!;:s 11-medyhas been prepared by the Reverend Pastor KcniR, of Fort Wayne, Ind., siiice 1ST6, and is aow iirepared. under his direction by the KOFN1G MED. CO., Chicago, III. So!? by DrufTRists at SI per Bottle. 6 for S3. Lars Size, $1.75. G Bottles for 9. In Charleston, S. C , by C. F. TIedrich. 0 r Km and C.eore St. G 1 1-1 v. JAS. H. BELL JEWELER AND RAILROAD -WATCH INSPECTOR v. -5 so 2 I5 $ H s f "a s S is 53 S 3 cj - w T3 o o o o OS 3 rvi cu 3 Pipes, Canes, Rubber Stamps, Seals, 1 PRESSES, &C, CHEAT. Quality of Goods guaranteed. v"ork guaranteed, llepairins promptly done. Try us. Bible De pository Ilibies and Testaments at cost. O-S-lv 1 ARB ORG, N, C. MiflW f5'...Etr' r V K ' HI hi 1. u ui-rtv i' i-ii 1: E. B. Keep back the words thou fain would'tt speak Against the erring one; Revengeful thoughts and scornful word3 Will never cure the evil done. Remember, we ourselves oft err. And oft from duty's path depart; Against the weak and erring one O, harden not your heart! Think over all t'ae trials borne. The struggles and unrest; Be not too hasty to condemn. Have pity that is best. Another's faults oft seem so great, When placed beside our own. "Let him who i3 without a sin Be first to cast a stone," Uplift the fallen and the weak, Bid them look up and live; Tell them of him who on the Cross, Died so that they might live. 0 lead them, gently by the hand. Till darkened roads are passed; Then Jesus, who forgives thy sms, AVill lead you, too, at last. Christian "Herald. CITY OR COUNTRY. WHICH IS THE BETTER FOR A MORTAL TO PASS HIS DAYS IN? It is no advantage to live in a city where poverry degrades and failure urines despair The field-art- lovelier liun paved streets, and the great forfst of and elms are more poetic than f-teej les and Cuirune;, h. Iq the country is the idea of horrid. There you see the ri-io ai,d setting eun; yoa become acquainte I wit-i Ma- stars and clouds. The cinsteliatiori9 are your friends Tht-re yo. are an segregation jf at .ti.3 ir-st, in tiie city you nre only s:irn ;! ao an'j tion. Robert G. Inqeks ill. THE OTHER SIDE. Tiils is ail very tvtu.trul, Coioci. i;t how did von like it on the old Homestead, where oj h;d to iun Ue hands iw thruug'i th.rt hickory h.'js. milk the cows and chase the tisjjja out of the potato patch? The tieids are beautiful, particularly when ou luwe to Fp'ind teu or tweho hours a day in running a plow through , mini&ture quarry of bowl ders The rain on the roof 18 de Pghtful, lut how about it when ou are under the yrand old trees, fiye or ien miles fro.ii he kiiti)e: s-tove? While ou were !i7iklr: up at the c(nteiittirns did jour neighbor's bull ti-rii.-r ever hite'iupt our as troni!i.ical fludics. I prefer rus in U f b . M ANIIATTA N. About Gambling. (btatesville Landmark ) "Was ruined by Gambling," s the big Headline in a dailv paper uuc dav last week. The story was t St Tit Wu. A. Lo:-e) , u well known BrooklynitP, whttn his f.inda trus ted and the world esteemed, was i;i a prison cell for robbing bis em ployers t..f over $31,000. All of which sugi;eMs the tha. r vation tfiat of ili the bid things in tbi bad world the very worst i gambling. Men who, this p&esion agidc, are as h'inej-t "S the day I Ion-:, have been known to appropriate trcst funds in their hands to gtmdi'e on. They expecte 1 to win, of coursr, and maybe they did win lor awh 1. ; but after a little lime they lost the money they had expected to replace an I the briKid of the thief was put upoo them- Don't do wrr,g at all, bove, bat shove everytbin don't gamble. You cease to be responsible whor you become a g&tnMer and are r.o longer to b trusted. Do Keep Clean. (Exchange.) It has been often said that the scratch of a finger nsil is poisonous; there is, however, no rei?on to sup pose that the danger lurks in the finger nail itself, hot rather in what it conceals. According to the Brit' Wi Medical Journal, tha examination of the dirt undr .-ever.ty-eigbt finger nails, made in the lobortories of Vienna, revealea thirty six kinds of micrococci and eighteen of bacilli. It is therefore the deposit of these germs in the wound made by tbe nail trat works V-e mi-chief. Clean liness is alw ny j)hsic-d sanctifica tion, and very ' - ft e r. , it is physical salv;itior. FITS. AH Fits t I free by Dr Kline's Great Nerye Kest-rer. No Fits aft'rr hr.-t day'p use. Marvellous cures Treatise $2.00 tna.1 battle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St. Philadelphia, Pa THE "NEGRO SCARE" OF 1831. ITS EFFECTS IN BIECKLEN BTJRG AND CABARRUS MEARURE. OF DEFENSE SUDDENLY IMPROVISED TIIE "DOG WOOD GUN" A rOET ''MADE " (Cor. of The Chrlotte Observer.) On Sunday, Aaccust 21, 1831, oc curred, in Southampton county, va , tbe noted "Nat Turner Negro In surrection.' home vague feeheme of a greater "rising" had probably been planned, but the immediate cause of tbe dreadiul outbreak and and massacre was a small "Sunday picnic,'' then allowed, and quite common on tbe large farms of eastern Virginia. !Nat Turner, up to tbis time, bad a good name; was only 31 years old; was au intense Bible student, and was often called "Prophet Nat" When he and his six confederates then resolved to "strike", so swift and irresistilbe was tbe blow, that in 24 hours, 55 men, wome.u and children, were indiscriminately massacred! The "black forces" weie rapidly gather ing, when a single mistake brought the whole bloody movement to a sudden close, and toattnible retri bution . Every leader was soon caught excepting only Nat Turner himselt. In teu days or two weeks hundreds of tbe guilty ami many ol those only suspected were shot! or hung. But for two months tbe whereabouts of tbe. "Prophet" bat fled all trlbits abke to li.'id or captuie him. 1 be news of the hor rible massacre spread with tbe t 1 1 1 1 of many battles. But all this was naught eomoa;ed to the dread ful fact that "Nat Tninei" was still alive, and might ar any moment strike another Dlow in the wide ex tent of his deep laid plot. No human mind can at this ie ruote day form any idea of the ter rible, intense, ever-giowing fear, this feeling produced. It was everywhere and took all conceivs able form. I was then a boy ol only 10 But my father had a store at his beautiful, well known resi dence at Poplar Grove, mCabanus. From all--white and black aliLe the talk was "Bloouy Nat," and "Tie next negro using." In the very height of this excitement, a courier reached Gen Paul Bamnger at Poplar Grove au Sunday moi uing about the 3rd of October (1831) bearing a relay dispatch, forwarded at full speed and on panting horse, containing' the awful tiding that "the negroes had rien on the Great Pee Dee, and were then marching, 5,000 strong, up its right bank no doubt aiming for the rich and prosperous up country !" This sectiou especially Cabairus was theu noted lor its "line military;" and the call was, "Help! helpquick and stioug." Gen. Barriuger bitnr-eli had largely discredited the sensatsoaal rumors ever afloat. But here was a state ment in black aud white he could uot wholly ignore. To inyuiind the most true and faithful man I ever knew was "Uncle Joe," the head wagouei vd'ali Dutch Buffaloe. In a few moments -'Uncle Joe" wa mounted ou "Simon," the swiftest of all the horses and off at full speed loi Uoucord, with orders and suggestions to the proper authori ties; but to them only. How the news got out I could never learn, bat in less than thiee hours the yard was full of soldiers, from Con cord, from Mt. Pleasant, and from all around. But in the very midst ol the excitement, came another courier, on foaming steed, up the long, red iane, shouting: "All a mistake! false alaim! a durned white lie!" But the tire had been lighted. That night many families came in to Concord for safety and protec tion. The military was out, senti nels were stationed, aud it was agreed that in case of alarm the men were to rendezvous at "head quaiters," with auy kind of arms. The woaien were, in case of alarm, to rush to the court nouse. All went well till the hour of mid night, when the sentinel at the Presbyterian grave yard heard the rutle of an old dead buab; he im agined be saw an armed negio and tiied! Then such a scene ! A few dav safter I was in Concord, and heard the description. It cau never be made to speak in cold type, or in any written words. What took place in Concord was related, to agreatei or less extent, all through the South sometimes with very tragic results and most frequently with a spirit of jest and humor singularly comic aLd laughable. Here in Mecklenburg the militia was called . out, several negroes arrested, and cue hanule.-s old negro preacher, "Poliporc," disrobed. In the gallaut, spunky little county ot Cabarrus tbe whole thing took an amusing turn from th- singnlar conceit of an alarmed, bu resolute farmer named Siduey Mc- Kinley, and a wag of a boy by the name of Albert Wallace. .Vckinie was sboit of arms and ammunition, except a eood supply of powdei. In his extremity he bethough him to utilize a large hollow dog-woi d near his borne by lo u'.og and mounting it as a cannon. When, in a few days, the welcome news came that Nat Turner had beer caught, bad coufcsed, and was hung; and that the iuunection was now done for, .McKinley wat vain enough to call in some of his "frobeky friend?" with a view of starting another "scare," aud show ing his own skill aud valor. Con trary to all expectation, the old dog wood gun, (though strengthened by many bauds and in many wa.s,) tie w all to flinders, and in all di rections. It nearly knocked down two of the rickety old houses close by when McKinley himself broke aud rau. Young Wallace was theu a student ot the Poplar Tent Acad emy of the famous I.r. John llobin son 'I he thing s'rnck his youthful facy, aud hb desctibd it very iiiaphi:.t!!.y in some doggerel verses known as the "Dog- ood Gun." i heir touch ami scntwneut may be u'atbeied Iroin the.e lour lines: "Imrrorta! will tht-ir memory be, Who fought and bird for Li ler! ; But greater fame hath he acquired, Vho first of ail the 'bog-Vy ood' llrcd." ihis was two much for McKinle. He got angij-, aud foolishly sought a qurrel with Wallace. But this only Nought the poor ooy more in to notice, nnd awakened inteiest in his behalf. A fund was raised to enable him to e mplet bis educa tion and he was afteiwards kuown as the Rev. James Albeit Wallace, D. D., of Alabama, a scholarly writer, whose son idorns the presi dency of "King College," Bristol, Tenn. From thi mi.--called insurrec tion' of Nat. Tui ner and the "big scare'' it created, may be dated the real beginuiug of that reaction against "gradual emancipation,' then full under way, and which culminated in tbe sudden and weeping freedom of 1863-'5. At that time, tbe finest looking "young fellow" Aud, was offered at $300. In 18G0 he would have brought lull $2,000. But where is now this uutold wealth ! Alas! for mere human wisdom! R. B. Let's reason together. Here's a firm, one of the bir. st .;o ;itrv over, ::n- Ti ove ; -t h i grown, by step, through the years to g'e- t nees and it sells patent medicines! Ughl "That's enougli 1" Wait a iittle This firm pays the newspapers good money (expensive work, tbis advertising !) to tell the people that they have faith in what they sell s much faith thai if they cant hem fit or cure they don't want your money. Tueir guarantee- l- io t ij definite and relative, but definite and absolute if the medicine doesn't help your money i on call." Suppose every s ck man and every feeble womui) tried t:.e-e rodi h.e and found them worthies?, who would be tae U3er, ou or i to- v f The aiedicu.ea urn Dr . Pit-ree's "Golden Medical Discover," for biood dise ;-e!. scd his ' l-'a-or.te Preicrip'.i'oi," for mean's pe uiiar ills. If ihev h-lp to.v.wd, he dtb, they cost 1.00 a otile each 1 It ihey don't, U ev co-t rothiioi ! I, u Grippe 4g;aiu. During the epidemic of La Grippe last season Dr. King'! New Dicn ery for Consumption Congh9 and Colds, proved to be the best remedy. Reports from the muy wan uvd it confirm this statement. They were not only quickly relieve, bat tbe disease left no bad after results. We nsk jou to give thia remdy a trial and we gaarantee that yoa will be satisfied with results, or the purchase price will be refunded. It has do equal In La Grippe, or any Throat, Cbest or Lung Trouble. Trial bottles f- . idle head & Co Larpe bottles 50v. j My Neighbors Boy. HE OET8 UP EARLY AND MAKES AN AWFUL NUISANCE OF HIMSELF. I always make it a role to ce along witb my neighbors wilbou. ecg&giDg In any bell'terlo? quarrel or disputes with them, save a wriu in the Detroit JYre Prest . I will put op with a good deal before 1 wilt descend to tbe vulgarity of a quarrel with any one, scd I don't intend having a row with any one now. bat if my neighbor's boy shoald disap pear suddenly and never be heard of any more, or if he should be foood with his neck broken, 1 will perhaps have been at tke bottom of it all, and no honest jury in the land vill do anything with me for it. The boy is ten years old. His name is Horace Walpole Gladstone Smith, but they call him "Teddy .' He has taken to getting up at five o'clock these fine roomings, and uis parents encourage him In soch idiocy byjhragging around "how smart our little Teddy is." ! Ten minutes after Teddy is up he is racing aloDg in front of my housr, ! drawing stick over the palings of tbe fence ander tny bed room win dow. Tbeo he walks up and down singing "I wtr.t to be an anle."! He know? but one line of it, and he screeches that out over and oyer again ontil well, 3 on kr.ow what 1 wished as I lay in bed, gnsshinj my teeth, with no hope of getting ray mornir g snooze. By-and by-, at about 5:30, he brings out a wagon made out of a wooden box and foor creaking, wab bling, solid wood i.-n wheels, and he races up and .Iowa the wooden pave ment, dragging that noisy toothsome thing after him. Then he ne'-a under my open bedroom windo und be gins screeching to a buy who lives half a block awsv : "Jimmy ! O o-o-h Jim ! Say, Jim Jones, I'm up and yon a 1 l-i n't!" Then be goes through a series of veils, cat-calls, and do-barko, end ing with frightful biaaing of ''Annie Rooney.'' This is followed by auother wildly screeched out taunt to Jimmy Jooes. "S a a-y, Jim ! Beat ye up! I've beat ye up, sleepy head ! O o-o-o-t-, Jim!" You thrust your head out of a window and say coldly : "Stop that noise !" He looks up at yoa placidly and says : "I guess I can make all the noise I want to in my father's own yard, ao I can :'' And he makes more noise than before, while you bounce back to bed feeling pretty sure that the command to "love thy neighbor as thyself did not mean thy neigh bor's boy. A Good Platform. (Southern Cultivator.) This is a year when all torts of presidential tickets will be suggested on all kinds of platforms. We pro pose the following : For President : Industry. For Vice-Presiaent : Economy. Electoral Ticket : 1. Hog, hominy and hay. 2. Grain and grasses. 3. Cotton and the cereals. 4. Home-raised products. 5. Improved labor-saving machinery- 6. Intensive culture. 7. Fields terraced and tilled. 8. Improved stock raised at home. 9. Improved public highways. 10. Sm-iller farms and more thorough tillage. 11. Homes made more attractive. LEMON ELIXIR. Fleasant, Elegentt Heliabit. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness, nerysusoess and palpitation of tbe heart, take Lemon Elixir. for indigestion and foul stomacn, take Lemon Elixir. For all sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elisor. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named dis eases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr. fl. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle, at druggists. LEMON HOT DROPS Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases. Ele gant, reliable. 25 cents at druggists. Prepared onlj by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta. Ga. 4-30-9.1-'- Highest of ill ia Leavening Tower. ABSOUUTELY PURE Queen Victoria Reitricted. NO FERSON AL LETTERS AND GIFT ARE ALLOWED TO BE RECEIVED BY HEX. Queen Victoria, not bng born a Qaeen, probably learned to read just like other persons. Bu' ..un she became afflicted with , She found that l Queen in tiot . ed to have a great nunv pm ;le. that the humblest ut her t.u!j. t Can boast. For instance says a wnt. i u il.- , t IBt the ilmm 1 of ! ill all tt I Philadelphia Enputrrr, t -i i'l run down rd dou cre wi.t:,.r lowed to handle a uewfp.i j i id he lie or iu-; I loui. t . . kind, nor magazine, n 1 a b 1 1. 1 I iiengib, good j p-1 u- :.A tv jjit from any persou except lioni beiihkehe had n new l tc cm life own family, and 1.0 uo-oiUer d tin- roval family or h u--'io'd m h o , ed to speak to l.ei i any ; piece of news o ao, pubiu- i i-.i. ( All the itiloi 111 it o. . u :i i- I peimttu I t ii 1 r i : ' 1 strained throiu'' ie- ' ' : mau whose business u 1- t cut trom the papers each day what be thinks she wouhl like t know. These scraps ho fatens in a mIU sheet with a gold fringe all about it and presents to her unloitunat Majesty. lOM-.... Cl f itt. I'llliilOl! X lit puatu . ' . ' v- ...... ... , , . , , , , j London, the Ured 10 the orl i. Jt fringe is imperative lor all "'"'""-1 1S, ,iri.t ntel t.-remot, , ,.e , , iiicattous to the Qeen. Any ''';c!,rni.'li! roty o-k iia- lull hm, who wifdif.s to seud the ()ueen a ot H ttu- world, und dcvu'ed personal poeu. or a commtiuicatioo !"V i lh- d wdopmei.t ot H e 11. '.s"iiih. IIh circulation ie.w exec I. of any kind (except a personal ' ir,Uf0UOf 8I)(i tt u i(M,f. ter, which tbe poor lady i-u't al ,;()u ,Ul,,e cuik.i wilit).' ner.t . :, lowed to nave at all) must bae ;t j ,!(.,.!ic;tioii. IJi.uit-w iu .ii.. - thee hilk sheets with a gold fiing , wider, all about it. Thee gold tiimmiugs will bo n- tnrnwl t-. l.iio in tim.v :is thev aie expensive, and tbe Queen i kindly and thntty, out lor too (ueen'is presence they aie imperative. The den-ivations of the Queen's life aie pathetically illustrated by an incl-j ' 0 ""t"""'1 ! 'e.,r.4t,o o v, ...... . 1 'tioa icccta at (dncngo June 2il deut which occurred not long ago. , Tlie n.ill(,ul,, republic.!., An American lady sent Her Ma-jtun lLVVH ut Mmneopolist June 7rh. jesty an immense collection of the' will noininsite a cuioiidate flowers of this country, pressed aud j rr prusi ltnt iu I vice prendent. mounted, 'i he Qneen was delight. f2,6(W kouhik m:vr ruiK. ed with the collection and kept j Twentv-flve hutidrcl dollars In it for three months, turning overjgold will be yiveu by Tin; (asi-iin the leaves frequently with great ''on t the uceeaful nn, wr Ue delight. ;iuntion: , , A . , i 4 ll'i't H ill hf tif. Wimtittr-I of' tort At the end of that time, which fur yjr,,t(,(l tH trtlii. was as long as she was allowed by i, ,., couit etiquette to keep it, she had; Any pen-on selecting tne bo.i i . i.n it sent back with a letter sa iug ! thus choe n will be entitled t , e . : . . . ,.r i-iid .. .. .1;. that, beiutr Queen ot Kugland she ' was not allowed to have any gifts, aud that she parted from them with deep regret. Boy Character (Louiburg TimeF.) It i the great"S' '. .h world for a boy to get the :dea that bis life is of no, andjcorrcit v. id come la for thi 1 p-.1 that th character of it will not be noticed. A rnsnly, truthful boy will shine like a star in anv community. A boy may p-8e3 much of noble character as a roan. He may so speak and so live the truth that there will be no discount of bis word. And there are soch noble christian boys, and wider and deeper than they are apt to think is their idAq enca. They are th king boys among their fallows, tiaving an lm mense influence for good, loved aDd respected because of the simple facti"' b,,ndre fl r trnfi. i-V('0 recHtd. ... .I.. 1. 1. .... I. A,. I,,.ft,r,il k'c.n your appointments ,t the house f God. B-i known for vour fidelity to the interest of tbe. criurcn anu -,.,.1 It.trei- in ev.-rv fr.enlship. Help otter to be ard DealnrM 'it n't le Cm ml . , 1 i .. .V. r. ' nv local aDUIICiLlum. nicy nuu' reach the diseased portion of the er. There ii only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional remedie. Deafness is caused by an intltmed con dition of tbe mucous lining of the Eus. tachian Tuoe. When this tube gtU inflamed you hve a rumbling sonnd or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire ly clossd. Deafness i the result and unless the inflammation be taken out and this tube rastored to its i.ormal con dition, hearing will be destroyed f-rever; rone cf,-i o-Jt of ten are ca'i-ed by ca-r-irrh. which is nothing bui an inttane i condition of the muccus surfaces. We will gie One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by ca tarrh) that we cannot cure by taking naU'6 Catrrh cure. Send for circulars fret? F. J. CHENEY 4 Co., Toledo. ) Sold By Druggist at 75c- J . I . - U. S. G&rl Report, Aug. 17, Ilmpp llo.r. j VVm. Tirnmtm, I.-tm(rr f jlUvilir. rui, wfi'.f: ' 1 lotnf fB. Iter bat Jene u.orc f .r r lbt all other otfdictnt coinK-ud, tor lbil bt! fttUnft rUtn, fr,fl K(.1kry an t Litr truoblr." I..b fr er ml stockman of tr.e p'scr. nay : 'Kind Kb t Use Bitter to tbe Kulnel ud Liver a edieire. :,Dttjr me fel 1 , t r imti.- J. ( w. Gardner t,rdwM- u.eribri, same ton nio; I '..'.ro- Idnni Only '0o ho'tl.-. t K p. ' :tc Ci Dru More. $10,000 GIVEN AWAV. nv 1111 .3;r..l s- hickn m m , 111. All.VM .1 1 1 1 t ' 1 I . . . Tcr. thousand doibir will l 1I1-. inbu't d thi year tv hn. Uu km CoNrm tio, putdih; A : 1 ' , i'tn., nu.U iti wuhM-H'r. i Win gr at ttewMpnper 'm.-, i . , the l ire-t circulat em .t ; i-, ! ncWftp-ptr publih" in tin t r.-.d I IV .. . .... 1 . . 1 vx . j; 10 i? 11 iA Tl.Vlll(ll'sAM) liolXAl: lttS. l it 1- TION. r ive-iuoosMou uoiinrit w ol re .1 I vited among its subMcribcrn belwoi n now m..i July lt, ti.d Jf.'i,ilu i. tween then and the er.d uf tbe ..,r. TlS tir-t dlXlSloil liltif hlinel mi. the rest-it ' the noiuiiiHi ing co .vi-n-t lou-t of t'e inn ;:re-tt j. u r 1 1 in June, iini the other on tbe feoj!' o! the presidential ulcetson . . ' ' ' 1 nance, more inan one anw r ! recl Uje tTllt. w, b(J dml. j coriugly. or- !- i .?."300 i-ou A second m;izk . 1 j Five hundred dollar In civ'. be divided amor. y tLonc who gm correctly otdy three out of the in jr 11. ue ti thu choen u 1 ily stnndnrd bearer, sotti?t. the g'. vtr may prophesy wrong ai to one of :: fournam-e, and by getting iion; 2 000 MoiiE "60 Pju.k In addition to the anove J.JOO 01 gold, $2,000 more will he diMri nt- 1 ia "50 priZ'M, coi -istiug of iweiiiv five gold watches and twenty-tlv oil ver watehe, t he retail v;i!. .-. - whie'i is 10 mid 20, repe'!teht and 200 copies of Webftter' Mmn moth Dictionari-, original edition, tullv illu-trated und con-istirj; of 1.5!)0 pagei. The gold w&trhen will le v i eo to h i-rd.'ot of the hr-l t'ie 1 1 v r ' v I1.11 .0 I" nt xt bcrie- ol n.,i.dred;u tii..i-. ; "d after that eierv fl t , cn 1,,1,-t WI,J "ceive one oi 0U b,iei - . . ' All bal.oti mu-t be :o C j . ,. t , one ye.r's ,ub, to v. IV ; c n i rr u t" 1 tm mr I I I t to .t- ta kiiOif ti. J piece of paper from that tor,iui . order for fcubicriotion. The winner of tbe 262 pr;z i;ov. noted will oe given a Irei- .-it jhc next ?6,000 iJ:tributioti hfter Jj!y 1-t. Itds cos you i.o'.biij tod ou ma; "tt 2 5Jor '( i; old. You will certain! rtelvc the greatest weekly new paper put.b .:.ed in the South for one )tr lifid t: if? will never be a v tr when n gr- at aewpaer w ii be more 1 .erecting loan ibH one. Addrc ull coaiiUD'k'iii'-i to T:!K Cn-titi:tiox, Atlaat , (i. relief niy In an ln!alliM' t:mn t'it eile. l'ru-- j i. H, IfrugKWiM'jr moil. Sri.t- tn. AMrA JHfc ls," JXASttMMW.X'orli Utr. fi