rQ 0 7 VA id BEMOGBAT p" E HILLIARDi Editor and Propiretor. voLHii I K S S I O N A L JT w. o. Mcdowell, D rpi'ifc North corner New Hotel M .1 StoTI.ANU NKCK, N. C. -.S.l'iH Jil his office wdieu not . .-....nullv engaged elsewhere. t jyj. A. C LIVER M A N, office- Cor. Main and Tenth Streets 2 l-j !v. Scotland Neck,N. C. rjMloMAS N. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Halifax, N. C, Practices in Halifax and adjoining counties, and the Federal and Jupreme vi"" D VYID HELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Enfield, N. C. ,.nPi.ircsm all the Courts of Halifax ,r a''ii"inins counties and in .i e Su f'rVme and Federal Courts. Claims col let,.,! in all parts of the State. 3 8 ly. w. l a . IHJNN, A l T O K j ft i a i ift , Scotland Neck, N, C, Pracfces wherever his services are .e iti.red. feb13 tr T f A TIT r u. KIT011IN, ArroKNt-Y :uul Counselor at Law, Scotland Neck, N. C. r,- Office: Corner Main and Tenth Sir t-. 15 ly- . O. IU'KToN, JK. E. L, Tit AVIS, BURTON Sz TRAVIS. Al'IOKNT.Y.S ANI COUNSELORS AT LAW, HALIFAX, Pi. C. 11 Iv. W. H.DAY, Wei'lon. K. RANSOM, Weldon. DAY, k RANSOM. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Weldon, N. C. ,i S ly. I.J. M K HO EH & SON- No. 10 South 'jth St. (htt. MainA Cary Sts. RICHMOND, VA. irmber Commission ercant, iir r.ornal a'rl prompt Attention tohii cuiiviLMinien's of Lumber, Shingles, Lx'hs hV -1-17 ?0 lv. sVirj.sei-u; CvmiiSii't; Cure. X Bnnvsvn.! !., H.a:::i!t..u Co., Ohio, June, ' a- ivr't : ig 3 Nerve ioirc lv, a.'u-r i-'-ij-ik-iaas tia-l triad I.. ?: :ii: i., to relievo me o; V. i'.L'llNMU Kf D. ncrv ju. I'nion VIT.LK. Mo , January, l.fftl. '-nn '.y ssiy that I'astur Koeuig's Nerve I0n:e has act: 1 v..uidrrful; fcinco my boy co;a u,!' ' use it he baa not !iau tho slight st fVMH'.'Un of lUs and is getting stout aoj ac-rly; c.ery uue i.i suirpriso'l at tho rohult., be-y-fl hn.i eight bottles of moJlclaes good. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 8, ';0. Usk! l'art.-r Kot-nig's crvo Toaic for ueiv ou). sr a:."i -.noral debility, aud was creatly Beuef.t-d by Ba;uc, It Lad the desired t-ii'ect, M14S. GEO. E. GliKEN. re A Valuable I?oofc on Nervons Diseases sent free to any address. j and ioor patients can also obtain mL tlsis medicine free of cliarae. This remedy has been nrepared by the Eeverend t-aMor A.-t-um. Fort Wayne, Iud., since and ibnowrri-p tr-d undorhis direction by the KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold by Dniffjrists at S 1 per Cottle. C for 5, Lai-ire Size. S1.73. G Bottles for SO. In Charleston, S. C , bv C. F. TIedrich. tur. Kmn- and George St. 6 11-ly. Tas! h, bell JKWKLEH AND KAIIROAD WATCH INSPECTOR 2 5 : o . y U . w -J ? c- - s J! . a r c ir II H i -1 S i 'i o 3 a pq a : 5 Pipes. ( 'ant's, Rubber Stamps, Seals, -I'ilKStES, &C, CHEAP, i t'luluy of (ioods guaranteed. Work guaranteed. Repairing promptly done. Try us. Bible De pository Bibles and Testaments at cost. -Slv 3 ARB OR O, N. 6. js I. iTsSR L, ui" vouis iii:ai liki: 4i Well, what if you are In trouble, my friend, Or have debts which you cannot repay As soon as you wish? All streams have an en, And each night ii succeeded by day. DonH you know that repining will not help your case? Tobe cheerful's the far better plan; To be steadfast and firm, wearing a smiling face, And hold up your head like a man. 'Midst the turmoil of life we are prone to bewail Our lot, should we make mistake; But jog along easy and never eay fail, And you'll conquer what you under take. There's much to encourage a resolute heart, For your friends all your action3 will scan, And will help and assist you in doiDg your part If you hold up your head like a man. So, whistle and sing, drive dull care away, And you surely will never regret That you tried to be thankful, contented and gay, And fortune may smile on you yet. Your burdens are surely never so great But your Father will lighten the ban Under which your labor in sorrowing strait. If you hold up your head like a man. The Work of North Carolina Women at the World's Fair. The Lady-Managers appointed lo collect specimens of work of the women of North Carolina, for exhibi tion at the Columbian Exposition, to ' e hrhl in Chicago, aesire to be plac ed in communication with experts in ill line of woman's work, both npual and unu uil. They i.ivitr correspondence und sngetions on all subjects pretain ing to the work they have In liana. For the better prosecution of the details of this work, they have ar ranged it into the following Divis ions. The name and address of the Lady-Manager io charge i3 given with each Division, so correspon dence on the variou subjects can be addressed to the lady in charge of that Division, and thus expedite work : Division A. Colonial Display, Curios, ancient and modern. Mrs. George V. Kidder, Wilmington. Division B --Drawing, Paintings, Etching", Crayon Work. Pottery and Home Decorations, Wood-Carving, Sculpture, &v. Mrs. Charles Price, Salisbury. Division C. Needle Work, Taxi dermy, Feather Work, Leather Work, Fish-Scale Work, &c. Miss Stella Divine, Wilmington. Division D. Press Work, Liter atare, Inventors and Inventions, Statistics, &c. Mrs. Robert R. Cot ten, Falkland. The competition at Chicago will be both National and International, and the standard of excellence is necessarily very high. Consequently the Lady-Managers urge upon the women of the State to endeavor on this occasion to excel any former efforts in their lines of work. The Chairman of the Committee, Mrs. Robert R. Cotten, will take pleasure in replying to inquiries on any Bubject not mentiored in the above clasificatiop, which relate to the subject. A Million Friontls. A fr'end in need is a friend in deed, and not less thrn one million people have found at last such a friend in Dr. King's -New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Cold's. If you have never used this Great Cough medicine, one trial will convince jou that it ha wonder t'ul curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Escb hottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refund ed. Trial bottles free at E T. Whitehead & Co. Drag store Large t.otiles 50vJ and 1.00 Deserving Fraise, We desire to say to our citizens that for years we have been selling Dr. King'sjNew Discovery for Con sumption, Dr, King's Nev Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee tuem every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not lollow their ose. These remedies have won their popularity purely on Co , Druggists. SCOTLAND OF THE FUTURE. WHAT MR. RUSK THINKS. SOUTIIEUN FARMERS IN FUTURE. (Atlanta Constitution.) Secretary Rusk, of the depart ment or agriculture, takes a hopeful view of the southern agricultural oatlool:. The secretary says that the south will eventually contain as fine farms as any part of the country. It has a large area of fertile land?, aud the worn-out lands will be re claimed by proper cultivation. Diversified crops will be a necessity forced by the demands of consamers ana the low price of cotton. This will in future keep a. home the money now gent to 'distant sections for products which should be grown south. The sheep, horse, beef-raising and dairy industries are bound to flourish in the course of time. The village system of farming finds scant favor in the eyes of Mr. Rusk. He does not think that it will be successfully tried here. Our farms will be reduced in size, aud the application of electiricity to locomotion and all means of com munication will bring the country farm-houses close together and in touch with cities"and markets. The day will come when every farmer can talk over the telephone to his neighbors, acd communicate with the next town without leaving bis house, As the secretary well says, the only hope of the farmer will be in his brains. He says : "The shaip competitions between sections aud countries which will be iuduced by increased facilities lor trausnortatioii will stir the agriculturist up to his bet efforts. His chances fof fortune making will be great, but he will have to be prepared to fight the battle of com petition for them. He must be sQfflciently well educated in science as far as it is applicable to agricul ture, and- he must be intelligent enough to study his surroundings and to apply his knowledge to the conditions about hini. He will be able to meet his fellow citizen cn au equal footing, and bis brains will command from his class in the industry which he presents the respect and consideration which he deserves, and he will giye other classes and other industries due respect in return The farmer of the future will be a business man able not only to compel his soil to do its best in the matter of produc tion but to study the markets and know what will sell the best and what will commaud the highest price. This farmer will keep his accounts like auy other business man so that he may know exactly where his profits are and where have been his losses. These are strong qualifications but they are essential to the farmer who would do his business on a broad plan and who would succeed. As to the question of his education, when you consider that he musi nave knowl edge of all the principles of animal and plant life; that he must under stand the constituent elements of soils and fertilizers, and that he must have some knowledge of meteorology, chemistry and the other sciences closely connected with crop raising, you will eee that the ideal farmer of the future will have to be not only a brainy but a welleiucated man. Let every enfeebled woman know it! There's a medicine that'll cure her , find the proof's positive I Here's the proof If it doesn't do good within reasonable time report the fact to its makers and get your money back without a word hut you won't do it 1 The Remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription and it proved it elf the right remedy in nearly every case of female weakness. Tt is not a miracle. It won't cure everything but it has done more to huild up tired enfeebled and broken-down women than any other medicine known. Where's the woman who's not ready for it ! All that we've to do is to get the news to her. The med icine will do the rest. Wanted Women. First to know it. Second to ose it. Third to be cured by it. The one comes of the other. The seat of sick headache is not in the brain. Regulate the stomacn and you care it. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are theLittle Regulators, Only 25 cents avial. "EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. NECK. .N. C, THURSDAY. APRIL 14. 1892. BE SELF RELIANT. (Southerner. (Published by request.) "No one to 'run him' him" is the pitying remark one hs frequently heard this year in connection with the names of more farmers than can be enumerated. This assertion is made with a tone gesture indicative that some one is doing wrong in not "running" Mr. Smith or Mr. Jones. Sometiraes the remark is made in this wise "i don't know what Mr. Blank will do, be can get no one to "run him." How dependent all this sounds about people engaged in the most independent of all the avocations! How lackine it is in manhood to hear it said in pitying tones of a free and intelligent American citi zen "he has no one to 4run,' him" Alack the day! when the farmer looses all self reliance and mort gages the farm and all thereon to some one to "run'' hiai. Run him? for what? Is not the answer in this word, laziness? How many peoplel in other lioes of business have some one else to "run" them! They are without guardians and know not months ahead to a nicety how the money will come to meet current bills. But they do uot complaining ly sigh that they have no one to advance money, or to sell goods on longtime; but imbued with self re liance and a confidence m the future, they trustingly veuture aud the business from day to day brings in enough to settle with the credi tors before he becomes tooimpoitu nate. Canrot the farmer do as well? Some do. Emirs, truck, vegeta ble, butter, eggs and other pro ducts are made ami fold, litt'e it may be at the time, but which in the end pay ruuuing expenses. Some farmers, we say, have doue this and are doing it, needless, therefore, is it to say that they are doing well and running themselves. Others can do as well. Of course if a man took no thought for the morrow, and bic highest aspiration was "yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little fold ing of the hands to sleep," some oue to "ruu" him wonhl ronnd out and complete his life. But he who would be a man, em ploying his God given taleuts, will uever be content to lead a life of idleness and thoughtlessness so far as business is concerned. As the farmer kuocked and cuff ed about by adversity begins to learn the lessons it was sent upon him to teach, let him not fail to take home the lesson taught in going over the history to the man who has been iud. Let him resolve that he will renew his manhood, be self reliant, trusting to himself and a merciful Providence to guide ana run bim and not some other fellow who will charge high for. so doing. Happy will be this land when it can be said of its farmers, Not one has to be run! When that day comes thrift and plenty and con tentment will be our poition and bless us. The desirable state of affairs can be accomplished without calamity howling or politics. Simply by all going to work with brawn aud brain. It is time the Southern gentlemen aud ladies were disappeaiiug and their p'aces taken by Southern mek and Southern women. Wliat i Done it Done, Carlle. It is a hisb, solemn almost awful thought for every indtvidu-1 man th it hi enrthly influence, whi h has had a commencement, will never, t rough all the ages, were he ti e very meanest of all, have bd end ! What is done is done; has already blended itself with the boundless, ever-livin', over-workiotj universe, and will work openly or secretly, thouhout all time. The Democrat Free! To every person who sends us a club of five sub- enri hfiTS Wfi wil 1 p-ivR TH "R DEMOCRAT Free. Cash must accompany tne list of names. If the subscrp tions are to run a Year the free copy will be sent a Year, or for anytime the subsriptions run- NICK WHOPPERS ON A TRIP. SELLING LIGHTNING RODS. Cor. to The Democrat. Mr. Editvr '. 1 JaHt been out r aelliu Ushtnin' rod?, (er wui er try in ter) and is r gwite ter tell yr Tit. I will relate it exactly Uck it woz 11 through : I wuz attired io rags literally speaking I maz tr walkinz mass ol remnants. I bore a bandle of lightnio' rod ectlon and the skelleton of a hambreller. A little carpet bag completed my outfit and added to my ledicrous ap pearance as an rag-muffin or tramp carpet bagger fn as I wended my way alon? the lonesome rod in tTarch av somebody's borne or some where I could get a driok of water fer I wuz ro thirsty It made me hon gry and so hoogry I didn't no where I wnz er gwine ter sleep. As I went on I mattered ter myself, for I had clean fergot what money even looked like: "Hang me if I ever venture op here again, people won't patrr nize er good industery ov eny kind ; I'm a walking failure; I'm a Jonab ter myseif; I'm a financial catastro phe , I'm a money panic- 1 can't get the chance to put up a single lijjht nlo' rod or sell a single wire puzzle to r nigger child. Nobody pater n'zes me. 1 wish wuz back ter Su zan Poders. I'd marry her in a a minute, and thus cheat poverty and fsmine. Why did 1 run er wa from her ? I wuz er fool a lunk head ; but here I Is, Nlcholus LasUr Sutler Whoppers, (that's my hole nnuie,) and so Lougry I kin chew up this bundle av iron rods." 'Bout dis time I stop hort smd lent aginst d fence, an i looked wi-tf'iilly in the direction of a fine maijMon which bad juat come In ter site, and wuz er notin' the tbiu blue smoke that curled upward frum the bu ko'the house. "Dats de kitch it" sez I, "and I kin mos' smell de vicinal. Oh I for a wbifTovde pro visions." Even while I stood thus musin' to myrelf. I failed ter notice er form dart, up side er me, tel he lairt er on one er my eidep, I turned and eays, "Ah, landlord, do you want any lightnin' rods put on joar house over dare!" "We never has eny htorms down here," replied Flip, de gardene1-, for hit wuz 'im instead ov de landlord. "You say von never has ai.y ftorms here ? My colored friend you should be prepared. Perhaps you would like ter Live a lightnin' rod put on de kitchin," and I added ter myelf, 'if I hit de kitcsiin, you'll think lijhtnin' Rtruck 'raongst do food." "Look here mister, we have pleniy o' fellers like you comin' 'round btre and we keeps a gun loaded fer 'em,'' says Flip. "Oh, I'm use ter that," I says, "my body is full er hole?, t doo't mind it. I'm full er lead and bullets. I'm a riglar walklDg shot-tower," and I ad ded, "ef you have auy kindnes in yo' heart you will git me a piece of bread and butler." "Why, are you hungry ?'' "Hongry? why man I'm starvi.t'. Go get me a lookin' glass." "What for ?" 'I want ter look at myself aid eee how I look starvin' ter lea'h." 'Well, are you really hungry ?'' '-Hongry as a bear ever waz. Git ine something to eat, I'll put light nin' rods all over you and it won't Cosi ou a cent.7 "Look here Whoppers 1" I started ami stared hard at tie nigger, "how in the name o' colontl Blank did you do my name was Whoppers!" "Because you tell such big lies I know they are all whoppers." Bless jou, olet-s you, jou're insur ed ar d consider 3 ourself eurrouodtd by lightnin' rods. "In return for the food I want you to help me, for there is trouble brew in' on dis plantation. Vilians are at work to harm de ones I love, and I wants help," sid the nigger. "I'm wid you, trot out the food." Ob, have patience. Listen to me. I want oar assistance, you " "Cut it 6bort, I can smell de orceze ov de kitchin and I'm grown l .t." I says. "I will fetch you something to eat a d fiDe 3 on a place to s!eep." "Oh, golly Moses I man think av the food first, af I eat I can sleep on tt-e point of one o' these here lighnt nin' rod, if necessary.'' "Now jou wait here tell I return and I'll bring you some food," .be sai 1, as he run off toward the house. "Now there's a bully friend and Highest of all ia Leavetucg Tower. AESOULfTELY PURE I'll tick to him Ibroojtb thick and thin. Oh, bless the man ih invent ed eating. He 1 one ' the men we can neter forget." Flip on re turned with the food. I wildly clutched the oread and cheee that he bad proffered me, and alrroat choked myself in my eager:-e 10 Wvour it. Ob ! whit a wurpHe to mv emp'y ftotnach ! ' Food! food! fool! I never git tire'd rr fdtin' it. It' de greatcs pleiur of ni !.; "II old up l here, you'll hoke 3 1 ur self to death," yelled Klip.: "Can't help it, It's an awful eet de&tc,'' sayc I, gulping down il e la6l mouth fjll uv bread anil vhi-ee I bad. "N"W then, to find yu a place ler sleep, come with m''eay Flip. I followid lnm in the direction ov de bouse, when shout 20 nrdt of d' mansion, lie jdnted rn ttr Imcc suar boj;-h' 1. I crawled in and n..,k d t. n t. The chambermaid forgot to u clean sheets on the bed," fnid I joy fully, for 1 uz even lad uv trait much. Now tin r, Whopper", keep your e3 ei skiot nnd yo' years open, I wiH need you 'fore day. Good night '' Flip moved away. I was left a'oi.e er myelf without any one wid ir.-, liter some time I was about to d..y. when a footfall attracted my inten tention. a-id I peared out jui-t iw time ter see two dark forms gliding pist me and move toward the man sion, Ti:E PI.OITI KS' WORK AT MID NIfillT I will fini-h this next week, Mr Ed iter, for I m tired and wore clet.n out frum my trip till yit. Yours in Hongrynea. Nicholas Whoitkrk. Slop IVn. N. O. What Women Should Read (Atner. Farmer.) In a sermou to women upon tl.e art of conversation, a writer advis wom-n 6rst of all to know something t j talk abou, and as a means to this nd r-e advises them to read uews piptrs. He says: "I do not mean rend the marri ige notices and the d'.-ath merely. I do not mean read the Hensational items about the latent murder or divorce or theft. You will he far better off if j ou do not read ramy of these things. Read the editorials, read the doings of con grts, of the senate, of the ruatu rt be'ore He 'eglslature of joar own state and of othr states; read the items reUtir g to the affairs of th Old World. Ttese things, whkt re the doinjs f the j r sen', will e n ter into the history to be written in the future, an I I know of no better Tv.iy io keep up with current history, either or your own or other countries, th n by reading the papers. ''But not only ere you to read the secular papers, but you are U read as well the religious newspaper Y u cmnot have a troc knowledge of histor , either current or past, with" out knowing ttie re igiom history of the world. Then there is the macs, zine literature. This cootams n ucb of the history of Current thought." Biograj,h-. , e best poetry and tbe best novels are recommended. LEMON ELIXIR. l'ltaxant, EUgent, JieliaJjie. For biliousness and constipttion, tkt Lemon Elixir. F r feer cliills and ma'aria, ak Leraon Elixir. For sleeplessness, neryMisncss anrt palpitation of the heart, take Lemon Elixir. For indiges'ion and foul stomacn, lake Leiiiou Elixir. For all sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, lor natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixor. Dr. Mozio a Lv.ii.yu Elixir will noi ail you in any of the aDMe mined di--asesi, all of which arise from a torpid r diseased livtr, stomach, kidneyi or owels Pieparedonly by Dr. II. Mozley, tlanta, Ga. 50c and $1.00 ptr bottle, t ilruggD-ts. LEMON HOT DROPS Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases. Ele gant, reliable. 25 cents at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Vozlev, Atlanta. Ga. 4-30-01- feet tr-elpt ! .oo p-r r yr. U. 5k Girl Report, Aug. 17, !$&. "The Old Dominion." (iUltimertan Ever ince )nii can remember jou have board the Suic of Viroi eVti the "l! J D.01 ini o . ' 1 you know why it i mi c'K !. 1 1 q . r'tig H p protectorate of ('fo.n-eU te..d..nv of Vglr;U rrid lo rkrowSe fje hU .utLr.lv, d c!red it-tf inJi'pi-r Imt. S'r!r f!rr. wlifn (Vortiw. !! tr.rcatrrrd to ser.d a tie I ar d arn v lo f t dnce U.r rn to u' jccllon lb Vi'tnu-n Tt a meMage to Char !. 1 1., w! o wj$ thro ac exile in Fli.-!er, -nviluig him to return in the tup with tr.c meenger and be Kin,; of Wima. Charbs accepted I lo inJtvi..r and wa on ilip ee i.f d pirlii.g f.ir the New World, when he was c.i!l.l to the throne of Knliud. A m he wai at.fi ly Nt-att d on the throne, out of t-rittilude for tt.c I nhb'y of Wir i !: cued iter o..4t .! orn a to he quatlrrcd tlio-c ol Erg- land, Ireland and Scotland m an independent mtnit r of he Ko.j.ife a tlhtiuct portion of the 'Old Dominion." Coinn ol Virgb m 1 rt issued a h late u the r I jn of ieorc III., which bore on ne ide l:c cont of arms of Englind, I r I H 1 I . ,s .f . land and Virmifi. ONEW0RD. I come to yni wiih a mi. ail MNir that you may need. In England, t'. Continent and many forb:n .oun. tries, mypelf an f w(ire nre w l known. Many Ariirnfnn fsn.ilu ri their return from '.hroot hnru mv articles with theiu, for t L - kr ow thernpf'ttv !!, but yoti rn not be one of ihese . Confidence betwrm ri 'in and nn Is slow of "row lb, and wlon found, its rarity rnakts it valanhlr I -ik your confidence to thi .1 1 r r. n I to endorse that .ontl Icnce. I 1 not think It will be iniHpUe d. I make the best form of cure uti absolute one for liihousrif and beudacne tliut can be found in U. 11 year. I he cute in m small i itt lf, and yet its comfort to you o rett 20 minute ling it limit when relief come Hint it has become the marvel of time. One and a half ijralns of rnrdirir.e, routed with sugar, ii my remedy, in tLe ,:ipe of one email pill, known to t ommert e as !):.. Haydo'.kVNEw LlVF.lt PILL. It is old in the market of H .fo. c, hut is new to North America The price ia as low as an honcet rioilnir.e can be sold at. 2.' cent. Set d a postal card for a sample vial, to try them, before you purchiHc. Eieh vial contain Twenty Pill. Price Twenty-five Cent. For ale hy all druggists. iend a postal card for copy of pamphlet "The Liver aud its myi tery." Ittt.tnisi.es valuable infor mation to all. HAYLOCK t CO., Ci Fulton .St., 1 7 lyr. New York. DO YOU ItEAlTv' ir ( ' v so, T nis of f 1 : it is ) SI ENDED Foil J ITT ( voi: ) W 1 ave male t-ptcial arrarictne nt with THE Weekly Constitution, The (ireat ou!hfm UVrkl), t'uhhdied at Atlanta, b which w rb nihb:d to offer it wirh ,.ur paj -r for one yeah for only l..'o Inn n'!'-r lilt tily a short while. Now ii jour chine's .o g;t U the news of all the world n l your h me paper f r 'h price uf n. paper. Every clubbing tnbcripti-ii l thi. rate is entithd t a rhar.ee at Tmk -nnCTIitN H 1V'" r t !i-trd;u;joii f jr 1 '.)!, dttiils of which wii t V.uiA eNewhere. ThM is the mohl remarkable ornb'nt iion Tvr tvr uuie. K'.-very Jiui;. -hould receive it.n Iocs! pipr ti', and ifier that, tt should have tl.e bft ' nrr a1, Newspaper, brinH K eer wet-k rl.e r.evrs i;f the world, and overflow i'. wi'h '.he choicest fpcciii fca'ur-. Ml h - t'.e VhtKI.Y CoN.STIH."! !;. P ih;ih- '. 31 Atlanta, hi., i-i'Jhvi"( c:rci!tr.:-n f i. jx'X). $150 Gets Both Papers- jrH rill If t ' .oj ArvltiiOMr !-.. . .! -r from -ar or v- r ; : . ' o ..-. trains tia trade ttark c.-t'J tvl l.t. ou wrtir