THE DEMOCRAT- ;).VV MAY 5 h, lb'Jl. -.USHER'S KOTICE- -,t of all kinds must be in .''ny afternoon to in .11 f ii- tli'.' current week. ;i;i;i'I-KMK.N'TS. 1 cent a .,' " ircrtisi ivj ruc weekly IAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. i; ,v-' and Children's .l.Mo.V! -ON is. .JoSKV'.S. Straw J'rettv Line of Dtofh tin of wool Albatross. Cotton ! 'b illion, Persian i!ks, Ke'lf'.i'I Cords, India -mines, Vci'.Ktte Linens, din, Iiidia I. nun n, Victoria r ( jiiitrhams. Calicoes nceived at ElMONDSON .'- Ilaivl-tnande Sh'ies, always i 1 every pair fully guaranteed. EiMO'HSON it JoSEY. AND LOT FOR SALE lion-e nnd lot on Main Street . ;i tbt; Wilson Allsbrook place. iv.'fiO ff'''t. with all A good two-story convenient outhouses. i! .V' 1 !' A r..r. ;.MN IN IT. . t., . ditor of Tin: Democrat, ,( r, hv wsrn all persons against r !(.!, Whitehead, colored, as he ( !'l It iiiployment indebted to me. i2. Js. L. SlIIKLDS M : SEE HERE. r in fine from 15 to 2 per cent, by HI' YING Fruit .. Trees i-i i cth-r Nursery Stock from the O Id "North State Nursery. J. Y. SAVAGE, A'jt. 'Will canvass Halifax and adjoining ..litii-- this season. 4 14 3m. lookTListen ! ! !'. I'adzer, the people's favorite in ::!iirc business, has opened his Neck, in rear of White & -s.-iv, and is preoaied to furnish ' : 1 f j icturc known to the art, on terms. Pictures made in ; vi !l as clear weather. Old !!'.- I'opit-d, enlarged or reduced. ;.ct! ii giia-anteed. Will remain a! vtks, and solicits your patron- 1 l 4 tf Pure i Brilliant I Perfect l !"-KI EVF.JlYWIIKitE, AND EN l.oiK! WlIKilEYEll USED. Tiik f'di-ri.AK (Masses in The I M'lKi) States. ! !!" a-e inily worn and are warmly -r , : !,y lite solid Representative Men tl:i - f. i;:irv, many of them beinsr of 'a; :.-tme. The li-t embraces Uank-t-r , M if:!,.!!its. Lawyer-, (iovernors, n-..;.i -r-. Fore in cm Ministers. Mechanics, u 'i, men eminent in all professions FHYSICI5KS RECOMMEKD THEM- L'i') - HUT f THE GENUINE T c peffoet C.lasses are accuiately adjusted to all e3-e-. i :y - a' e h v, T- Whitehead & Co. J! ly. Jri-otlsni Neck, N. C. P'T.,1 x FACE CREAM. Tl. I.-a.lin 1 ' ' '' ' i l il Sillftilll-. AliSdlilti'lv - i i j . . -r:"----r fan- l.-:iuitiT. A lirst ,n; . i! fii!.- uith nl! I -; ' 1 i 1 1 tlrnr- - - - 12t I): 1 i n ! (- ( w r ' 7L' S.'n.l for t : w i s showi?' from ; r pq J.i t .,"!) per. ct!nt red uc !:I-i!1V tmn troni reg ular prices 3 fej 5 j on Magrolias, pjLjCape J auiT)ines, ! rji ?pruces. Arbor Vital, Hedge F.r list of Green Plants, see "Home Respectfully, : AMES M. LAMB. I O-Cs. ,' Administrator's Notice- this day qualified as adminis up n th.t-. estate o1 William C. PuJ L or H -difax - i;:ily, notice is In re 1 n to ail creditor- of mv intestate en? then claim-, duly autheruicat on or htd""T' the lorn day of I ):. or thi notice -.viii be ph-ad -f th.-ir r ccvory. Perror-s in ' 'hi' elH': will nk-ase make im ''ukn.'iit. This April -2nd. '02. DR. GEO, E. MATTHEWS, A OMR. rat fr-U ?4 x?m. w I & Co Eucklen's Arnica Salve, i i.o Best Salve in the world for lriiis(s, Sores, Ulcers, i- iini Kever tSores, Tetter, ('hipped is. Chilblains Corn?., and all v ' i I'ruptio!:.-. positi'tlv cure I', or no pay required. It is yuar :uiU:c ' ive j)crf-i't. jiislalio:i or ni'Ji.ey lefunded. Price 50c per box. For Sale by E. T. Whitehead Co . 4. TizS NEWSY 'GRAPHS. HEIiE AND KLSKWHKUE WISE AND OTHERWISE. Cholera among chickens. O u r Ringwood correspondent writes that chickens are djing 0r cholera rapidly. New HuiLDiNO.-Mr. W. II Kitchin is erection a new building on the corner of Main and Eleventh streets just in front ' iiouman's store. It will be cut into store rooms and offices. up Markied At the home of Mr. W. I Robertson, Wednesday, April 27th' by Rev. R. T. Vann, Mr. J. O. Whit' Meld of Norfolk to Miss Sallie lirown. The attendants were: Miss Sue Lewis with Cary White, Miss Nannie White with D. A. Madry. The bridal party went to Enfield where a dinner was given them by Mr. J li. Dunn, and the Pride and groom took the train to Norfolk, their, future home. The Value of Convenience. Few persons have any idea of the real value of convenience. No one can tell it sooner than a newspaper man when his machin ery breaks or runs down. The Dem k'kat had occasion to have machinery repaired twice this year, and Mr. E. E. Ilines was called upon each time and promptly made the repairs, so that the paper was not delayed an hour. Mr. Hines' work has given perfect satiss faction, and we commend him to any one who needs the services of a machinist. A tuo in NoiiTAJiPTON. The Roan oke iVVi'-s says, in "Northampton Notes," "There is no liquor sold in North ampton county at present but the Glean er says application for retail license has been made by Mr, G. P, Hurgwyn to the oard of County Commissioners and it will be considered at the regular meeting in May. It says Capt. R. B. Peebles will appear for applicant and Senator Ransom and others in opposition. It will excite considerable interest in the county doubtless." Inuian Relics at the Great Falls. -A Weldon correspondent to the Rich mond Disjjatch April 30, says: "The excavators at the Great Falls canal unearthed a large number of Indian cu riosities yesterday, consisting of pottery, needles, arrows, bones, and numerous ether evidences of a once Indian camp on the banks of the Roanoke river. A large skull with receding forehead, in a remarkable state of preservation, was taken out; also, leg and arm bones. The needles were exhibited by Major Emry here yesterday. They are made of bones, and are thought by many to have been made from the tusk of the wild boar. Ordained to the Ministry. Rev. Q. C. Davis was ordained to the Baptist ministry in Rocky Mount Thursday night of last week, The presbytery consisted of Revs. J. D. Ilufhare, R. T. Vann, J. W. Powell, J. F. Love and J. E. White. Rev. J. W. Powell was chair man of the examining presbytery, and Rev. J. D. Hi'fham, conducted the examination and Rev. R. T. Vann preached the sermon, Rev. J. W. Powell ofl'ered the prayer and presented the Bible and Rey. J. D. Hufham delivered the chaige. Dr. R. M. Johnson accom panied Mr. Vann to Rocky Mount. Collision or Steamers on the Roanoke. Mr. G. Lamb who came up from Willamston yesterday morning brought news of a collision of two steamers on the Roanoke Tuesday night. The steamer "Hamilton'' was going down the river and the "Plymouth," coming up. At a sharp bend in the river rive miles below W illiamston, one of the steamers failed to blow and they col iided. The Hamilton was iron ard the Plymouth wooden. The latter was dis abled and lost pait of the cargo. TVie steamers are run by two brothers Capts. Sam and Quint Williams. The Merry-go round. Mess. Hooker liros. & Greene have put up their steam Merry-go-round below the depot and will be ready for work this eventing. The Greenyile Iiejlector of yes erday said: Yesterday IIooKer Bros, & Greene moved their machine to Scotland Neck and for a week or two will afford amuse ment to the people of that town. Mon day was their last day here, and the proceeds of that day were, diyided with the Greenville base ball club. Last week they lan it a day each for the churches. The Reflector commends these young men to the people of Scots, land Neck, who will find them to be gentlemen, clever in their dealings and liberal with their machine. Tijr IBoarl. On last Friday night the citizens of the town met in Pittman Hall to nominate candidates for the town officers for the ensuing year. Dr. J. R. Pope was made chairman of the meeting and E. E. llilliard was sec retary. Mr. W. A. Dutin explained the object of the meeting and made some very ap propriate remarks concerning the selects i.m of proper men to fill the offices. Mr. Cdande Kitchin put in nomination for Mayor Mr J. A. Pei ry, and he was nom inated by acclamation. Mr. M. Hoffman moyed the vote on nominations for com missioners be taken by ballot, and tbe four gentlemen receiving the highest num ber of votes be declared the nominees. The following persons were put in nomination: R. C. Josey, by Dr. John sn; Claude Kitchin by J. Stern; G. S White, by Cla-ide Kitchin; J C. Pittman, by J. E. Condry; K. II. Smith, by CI iiido Ki'chin; E W. ll wuan, by A. McDowell, N'onb Bij-gs, by W. A. Dunn; 11. I. Allsbrook, by M. liofl'man; F. P Shields, by N K. Joey; W.A Dunn, oy v. !i. Kitctii:; R. M. Johnson, by X. Ii Josey, M. Ila'Jman, by Dr. Livcrnian. - Mess H'dl'man. Johnson, White, Dunn and Shields asked that their names be withdrawn. Mess. R. .Vk Johnson and V, McDowell acted as tellers. The persons receiving the highest num ber of votes were Mess. Claude Kitchin, J. C. Pittman. E. W. Ilyman and R. H. vnith, and they were declared the regu lar nominees. ine raceim" aujotnncu. The election was held Monday and the ticket nominated wa3 elected with no opposition. Court I'omponrd. Judge Brown has written Sheriff Alls. 1 1 ..... orooK mat in compliance with a written request of all the lawyers in the county, HalifaxSuperior court will not convene Monday lfcth, but will open Thursday 10th, at 11, a. m. Suitors and witnesses need not attend until Thursday 10th. The Way U'omfn Work In Har nett (ounlj, The editor of The Democrat is proud of the people of hi native countr, Har nett. The following from the Dunn Times, might well be studied by many men of Harnett and other counties.- "Harnett county can boast cf the most industrious woman so lar on record. Some four years ago Mr". Lucy McLeod, of Neili's Creek township, went to work and hewed out the sills and posts and did most of the work on building herself a comfortable little house. This winter i .i .ii ,i .. .. uc aa uyiie a.i me necessary aliening on her farm which was some SOO or 1000 yards besides (-he has split a number of rails ana repaired the old fence. She is one who believes in bringing about the necessary reforms without joining the Alliance or any other party, and if lots of our people would profit by her example it will be useless for a Third party." llilt M tl i: THE ROANOKE UNION OK THE TAR RIVER BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, TO HE HELD IN SCOTLAND NECK, FRIDAY MAY 27, 1S32 FRIDAY. 11, a. m. Introductory sermon Rev Q. C. Davis. 3, p. m Relation of the Old Testa ment to the New Revs. J. D. Hufham, J. F. Tuttle, J. R. Pace, and Q C. DavR SATURDAY. 9, a. m. Prayer and Prcise service. 9:30, a. m. What should be the Atti tude of Individual Christians towards the Questions of Moral Reform now agitating the Public Mind?. Revs. J. W. Powell, John E. White. Mess. W. E. Daniel and W. A. Dunn. 3, p. m. Tbe Union Meeting as an Agency for Developing the Churches. Revs. A. D. Hunter, G. J. Dowcll, and W. S. Ballard. Services every night, to be announced as the meeting progresses. Special pro gramme will be arranged for Sunday. s rnkHOLii:K.t' iiios: a B.. The annual meeting of the stockholders in the Scotland Neck knitting mills, was held here last Monday. Upon the calling of the roll it was found that 269 shares out of 370 were represented, either in the person of the stockholders or by proxies. Mr. D Edmondson was made chairman of the meeting and Mr. A. McDowell secre tary. President N. B. Josey read his annual report, which was adopted. His report was quite encouraging. A considerable quantity of machinery, $12,000 worth in all has been purchased since the last annual meeting and the mills have in creased ,their capacity very much. Considerable number of shares of new stock has been sold since the last meet ing, and the president recommended a dividend of G per cent, to be declared, The goods are sold throughout the South by a man sent directly from the mills, and are also on sale North, East and West. Mr. A. McDowell, secretary and treas urer of the mills, read his report which was adopted. The report showed about $39,000 stock paid in, with $23,000 worth of goods on hand. His report will be printed and sent to the stockholders. Mess M. Hoffman, N. B. Josey and R. II. Smith were appointed an auditing committee to examine the books of the secretary and treasurer. The auditing committee appointed at the last meeting consisting of Dr. R. .M Johnson, Mess. J. C. Pittman and G. S. White, reported that they found the books correct, and their report was re ceived. The matter of dividends was discussed at lenght by the stockholders and it was finally agreed to declare a dividend of 10 per cent, to go to each stockholder as additional stock. The Board of Directors for tbe ensuing year was elected as folic ws: T. C. Pugh and J. C. Stoneburner, of Balti more, C. W. G randy and J N. Vaughan, ot Norfolk: W. II. Kitchin. R M. John- son, rsoan iiggs, i. i. wosey ii. -r fi - XT t T V Hoffman ond D. Edmondson, of Scotland Neck. The stockholders' meeting adjourned and the Board of Directors met and res elected N. B. Josey President and A McDowell secretary and treasurer. The mills are in good condition, the output is much more than it was a year ago and the prospects are flattering. There are two men on the road now and sales arc better than they have ever been before Resolutions of Respect to the Memory of Dr A. S. Smith. Whereas, We have heard with nnfeign ed sorrow of the death of the Rev. A. S Smith. D. D., who for six years was rec tor of this parish; therefore, be i lie-solved. First, that we, the rector, vestry, and congregation of Trinity Par ish, Scotland Neck, N. C, place upon record our high estimation of our departs ed brothi-r as a man, a friend, a pastor, a christian, and a scholar. St con I 'that we extend to the family of the deceased our deepes sympathy in their bereavement. Third, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family, and also that they be published in The Democrat, The Roanoke News and The Southern Church man. V. J. Smith, Rector, R. li. SMITH, Sr.. Sen. Warden. vY II. SHIELDS, Jun. Warden. For the Vestry. W. R Bond, ) For the P. E. Smith. J- Congregation. G. Lamb, J HALIFAX (I LEANINGS. WhAl JUL VLMOCIUl RETORTLR SLUSAhD HLA LS ABO VI lllh co urn nocsz am LLSEWIlEXt. On laat Friday nigbt about 2 miles from here the boose and its content aDd 2 scdpII children belonging to one Sanj Johnston was entirely con sumed by fire. The mother of the children barely made ! er escape. It seems they had retire i at the usasl hour and lite it. the nieht, J or 3 o'clock, the woman was aroused sud denly by the Brio of a gun wbkh the fire bal reacLe d. When ebe came to her senses she discovered the boose was fulling in, and did not have time to carry tbe children win her. Tbe people in and around town made up an amount by subscription to ?nabh them to replace pome of their furniture Mess. J nes &, Low try, photoro pbers fro BellfieM, arrived here a few days &y;o and erected a tent on the coart houae treen. They are far above tbe average traveling pho tographers, at-d their work has been very satisfactory to the people here, haviog turned out eoice hand-ome pictures that would do credit to u first class city gallery. Oar town is being tibun f antly sup plied with fine rock fish, caught i y the dip net from tbe Roanoke river. There were over a hundreud on the alreta this morning for pale. Miss Bettie Gregory who hs been teaching echool for some lime at Speight's bridge, came home yester day, hevinj? completed the session for this part of the year" Capt. W, A. Sater, once the man ager of the State farm near here in Northampton Co., and I. F. DickeuK left here yesterday for the Caledonia State farm where they have been of fered positions, Capt. Sater as assis tant superintendent , ond Mr. Dick ens as one of the guards. They art both good men and will uo dout t give entire satisfaction. '1 he business before the Bord o comniseioner8 yesterday was verj slight. Thoy being in session only about half of the day. May 3rd. -'ReXtus " County CoinmiHwloiifi m. County commissioners were u rS2udar session Monday. It was ordered thaf. the Supervi sors of Enfield township confer wit1 the Supervisors of Edgecombe an 1 have necorssary repairs put nv Cofield's bridge. It was ordered that the chairman R. W. Brown and M. H. Clark with W. E Daniel, county atty., meet the Sheriff at Halifax on 2n1 day of Jane 1892, to have settlement. It was ordered by the board tin' no action will be taken against L. D Browning fie Supf . of poorhouee un til it is decided by the court in case of the assault by him on one Mabry Madison Gains exempt from pol: tax and public duty. It was ordered thnt the cierk o" the Superior court have no court calendar printed. The foliowing accounts were allowed: L D Browning poorhouse account $39.00 T L Whitaker recording orders 10.65 J A Harreil docket CSC office o.8o W B Strickland building bridge 15.28 R G Reid feeding jury 18 '2o N Morris pauper to poorhouse 4.oo Willcox Bros whiskey 25 W M Cohen drups for poorhouse 10.25 W B Tiller y goods ., 16.15 Emry & Pierce fcoods poorhouse 44.3' P N Stamback ., ,. 61.95 Chas Froelich a mattress 2.oo S 17 Griffin building bridge 18.-o Jno Fenner work county to KA White prisoner to jail 1.5o J J Daniel goods county 3.4'J S Johnson goods pauper 19.00 Jno W Rort arresting lunatic 2.oo W R Shaw 1 days work 5o Geo W Sheariu work on bridge l.oo Robt ParKer convey lunatic - 1.5o R G Reid jail account 46.55 J T Gregory statiorery &c. 2.75 It W Brown 1 day as commissioner 3.5o A A White R B Britt W C Daniel M II Clark 1 1 ' 1 M 1 3.8o 3 2o 2.65 2.oo T L Whitaker 1 day as clerk. 2.oo DeL-ox, Iexas. July -3, 1891. Mess. LipI'MAN LJkoS., Savannah, (ia (Jevtp I've used nearly four bottles of P. P. P. I was afflicted from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. Your P P. P. has cored difficulty of bresth- mg and smothering, palpitation uf the heart, and relieved me tf all pam; one nostral was closed for ten year3, now can breathe throuzh n n d;ly. I have not slept on either side for two years, in fact, dreade1 to see nipht cotre now Isleen soundly m any position all nieht. T am 59 vcars old. but expect soon to be able tc- to take hold ot the plow han dies; 1 feel proud I was lnchy enough to get P. P. P-, and 1 heartily reecommena it to my friends and the ally. Yours respectfully, A. M. RAMSEY The State of Texas, County of Comanche, j" Before the undersig lel authority on this day, personally appeired A. 21 Ramsey, who after beine dnly sworn savs on oath that the foregoing statement made by him lelativt- to the virtue of P. P. P. medicine is true. A. y. RAMSEY, Sworn to and subscribed before me this, August 4th. 1S91. J. M. Lambert, J. P,, Comanche Co,, Texas. PERSONALS. Mr. H. 8. Hjtran vi- . i friends in Wiu'r.itm N. O- Dr. II M. Jo,non -tt to Hcky Mount Thursday nibt of iat ek with Ut. II. T. ?o be -U the ordina tion of lie. Mr. Davm Mr. 4. I). Hufham, Jr., . f Tarbnro was ia town Iat Fndy. Mr Htrr&ud of Virgins hn tbi week been on a vi;t to Lrr 101, M-j Barrnrd, of lit M if v :chool. Miss I'Attie rescuing returned her bou.e in lie .1,-'in tord after to fcer sKer, Mr. W. Dur.n. If av . C Mr. Walter Cotn-n whi wis quit si' k f'r several w. k-, hi return"! to (iiir!e!i' , S. C , resume b railroad dn'ics. Mr. J K. Harreil of Yilliauju cam up Friday. .Miss Clark, of Kdgrcoriihe, i vis. ting ber niur, Mrs. W. J. Jniitb. Mr. J. L Hrri, of The Demo crat forci. wis called home U-t e-k by the extrtine iliriess of bis mother. Mr. J. K Bnllard, of Willfatur-, was in town Ust Friday, ills o'd friends arc always jlad to bsni h-re. Mr. E F. Holland who, has be i on a visit to hi f ither, returced l; Petersburg Friday. Mr. W. W. Jones left Frid for an exit nded trip north for th knitting mills. Mr. Robert ! it-,of Berk:ey, Va., has been in this community for several da,s on a visit t') his fnei 1b. Mr. Roht. WiiUums. of Tarooro, Was in town last Friday. Mr E. O. Moore is in Wilson this week. Mr. Tuus. S. Nortleot of Uoxobel has been endorsed for tbe next Leg- ! iure. Keys. 11. T. Vann, W. S. Ballard, and Mrs. R. M. Johnson Ift yester day morning for Atlanta. Gs., where they go in attendance upon the Southern Btplit Convention. Mr. Ilask- It Las btea away sever- aldi)o:iii visit to relatives and friends in'u. M. S F. Dunn went to Richmond yesterday. Rev. J B. Swann who h&n been pretcbirm at Nliala Presbtenan church for about two years, has tv- ignd his work and moved to vSoutll Carolina. The community deeply regret Mr. Sann's leaving. He has bee a faithful worker and has made a boat of friends. lie and his good wife carry the kindest wishes of all the community, regardless of denom ination, and all wish lor tbern suc cessful work in their new field. Kav. J. G. Xelaon, who has been in feeble helth for some time has resigned his circuit, in tfie extreme eastern part of the state, aDd will rest awhde. He and his family are here stop ping with Mr. E. W. Ilyman. The. will llv.- at Hobgood and Mr. Nel- 8 n will do onl . such work as he Wis able to do. We hope for his Union Ridge, N. C, June 29, 1891. Mr. John N. Webb: Dear Sik: 1 durchased one of the Electropoise on the 4th day of May and besan using it on -Vtrs. Hazell, who is eighty-five 85 years old. She has had the rheumatism and asthma lor twenty- five or thirty years. She was relieved from the first appli cation of the poise and has greatly ini- nrnved beyond our most sanguine x- nf.f.tations I reccommend it to the affiictrd. . B.dievinz it to be all that you claim for it, I arn. yours respectfully. You can use thi in any way you may see proper. I would re-pectfully request that ladies ' with children wo.ild please cail in the fjrennnn. as the lieht is stionger and better adapted to babies' pictures. II. F. BADGER. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. Mks. Winsix)v"s SorciiiNO Syrup ha been used for oyer fifty years by rni lions of mothers fur their children while teething, with perfect succefes. It soi the the hild, sot tens the gums, allavs all pin. cures wind colic, and is the be.-t reme iv lor Uiarrnoea. 11 win relieve the poor little sufferer immediatly. Sold by Drusrsists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for '-Mrs. Winslow'sj Snothmz Syrup." and take no other kind 10 22 1y. I am now making the soft finish Aris f:gr.iphs, that wi!l please the most fas- tidi lou-, it ?i.Q') per dozen lor Cabinet S1J it i p?r dozen for cm d size. The other Pn.;t at regular Prices. II. F. B lXiER, Rear of White & Paull'i NOTICE ! I shall sen at the court ti'tu-e ir Hahfas on Monday the CU lav of Jane 1692, 1005 acres of Knd t Palmvra township, listed bv v 1) Burwil to satisfy State and C'.'unt taxes due tor 1891, amounting tt This May 3rd, 1802. B. I. ALLSBROOK, 5 5 ts. Sheriff. 12) J V 11 Ul IOUO CURES ALL 5KIN And BLDDD DI5EA5E5 LIPPKAX ESC3., Prcprlitcn. Druigisu. Upwmo-a bloU, ElVAS S 13., 01. For stth' v K F. W ., a ( hi. 4 2 Cm. s . ; . .t N - N ( . C '.,' workitij; for us. Persons ref.-rrt- ; m1 can funiib a borne ai.i ,. I . tune to the liu-uiexH. pirc mtnn, ,,!. tu te profiiti'd v employed Un. A I. mi-a , cies in towns uml cities. R. 1 1 H N -SON A CO.. 2'Hlu.nd Mam M , Ki h ium !. Virginia ! SHAD ! SHAD We have a Seine running at K iwar-V Ferry in Roanoke river, attd ran Mipplv the community with Fresh .-. Shad at low ;.';'. 4 14 tf l. C. Ua'11 IN'i A i'n. fJRRt CURES I rlKr: Rrnnn Pmsnw I - v-"TT i t" 3 V r" .T JLJXJJLlv. jj"Q (LTq, " L1m wtm iTtiMu r Nt4-4 4 mK m tk F.P.F.kS ! . - - w- t. . . i h-k- 4 - THE DEERING L w . w 1 NEW DEERING, DEER I NO 01 ANT- -THE BKST GRASSCUTHNI- J. H- I I). K. Uinep, FY SCOTLAND NKCK II EPA I Engines and I'oi'er1'. and niH-:l.;ri ilant1 f'lrnHfid. Ai"i fe;i th t i mil. Sewin-mndiirf- ' in ic rr" ifc'WLL WORK AT REASONABLE It A II ' Hines & 12 17 lv INDIAN SEEDS. Some seeds arc like the Indian U'-t wIh h .). life latH, they are ilauerotis. Don't get in the habit of jmU ut el h.IHv 0y the iH'rren';ike of germination Nobody w. r i t" 'my a dozen M-ed m ord-r to get one plant hnt tha' iij' ' an m. hii- the wiict M nic that can bapjten to the m- d dm w-r. Suppose tli-- s.-ed. grow, btt:, after the -aon gone ami .i hundred times their fv-v- h h-eri i-nt on I.i'"i arid f-r : ! iz-r fail to make a salable- crop . " I here's the rub.' An honest me chant wd! -e (.n mm-iIm ot good vitality lut he inut have sornerh'iit: te-di- b mety f make ?ai. trig fr- rn iiirn safe That -s r;,eT bin i- a knowledge of se.-d gmw .nj A few II on -e h rn a gm ni 'ils tnan w- do Vr fw indeed know bov to glow rhe-u ;ii well. GEORG-E T AIT & SO v S, 9 io lyr. Norfo'k, Virg-inia- (A 'fci.r rt -.-! ; r - T, r r r fTV - .-' - Vf M I I'.M r ,.lT.-v, nurf rv,.. l.ll . t. r V ' 1 .rr pori:"!i .. e lnv'.'e y- "i QUEEN CHEMICAL anv J'v-t to lu.ur- l' C'1 t -'Ja. ATirrs rff ti r vr,s;r tt.r at an f failure or .liKhtet Jnjury to any porri.tT 0CPIII-Tola4i" wholnsro4u-aB4-Il morr "" " oiM. aa mpl SH tUllL w win praa.ot -ith a IL DEX9S. it? iL'L'n-lL-llJZ. tiZZl. cf uiM w hIki na Mat wiii cif . 2-2" lyr. S. H. Hawes & Co., IAL 3 Richmond. Va. -.Hil A Wk C() i i t i - PLASTER CKMKNT. Ric hmond, V;i x 1 V r? "AN, I .m. - ft-s .vi. v. HE ..r.t l.l (I, Mlllt.ll .!, Id n.i. i m i -' v ,4 4 im , t - r I I In l fl 4A- , f - ' : t . t t ft 4 i , f tiA . . f J 4 . , . . . 1 " ! I 1. 1 . - 1 ! r . 1 ' t .11 rii ui turn .' m - .t .v, i I. i c li-l. f r Ad i t t 111 ..' i r ? t t ) Mtjry ' l n.y l 1' :?;'' . r. f ! ti m ft : 1 1 M fl!it'! ' f M't l' g i km unn; if ; ' y , A. 1 u (IM Ih'rtilt i. - - 4 at.if . f t t S A . . ' t . . k t t i 1 d luftiwi. . . f t . . f !' ( I M I t f am $ i . t . Jo m . loJ r -I t i if 4 H p ' m i A I It .M''. I 4 a, A A f 9 , II W & I'tMtlAtlsl, IA. mf '"'I II. lliltt .V I 9. 17 12 ly. MOWERS! . ,r A - JliNIOR 01 A NT, oNF!i,H.- F. ViV!R MACIIINKs IN I I i WiiULD. ARENOE, y SCOTLAND N VA K. N. C K MAC11INK SHOPS. II KRS OF- rV in 'f-r.-r i' Eit1 ;n at - t d-r. f it 1 1 Kitchin Scotland N(;ok. N. C. Imil4 .i HEW DISCOVERY by ACCIDENT In romt, undine alullon a j.rl M wr.rHm,y irniyl tn t. I.r4 i v r--ai 1 l 'jnr pui '. L. woi1rf -I prrt.'r. or. if, nirkl nrt . ' r r' l r. m l-rti vli drn.D) Ij; mr r t,,-m r, r! w i. ( .1 f rvif''ut ' ' " "'-"a ui-dr lit luu of Uurru't A till-Jl airiuo. tTIS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. i -'1 rr ivijooi w ..:r''i"' I ' w . , " -" -rw ai'l J...UI1 ' TMt.'ar..1 l.Alill !. la !-;.'".) 4 ' FA( 1". . K ana AllMo attS Hi r:.rr.'. ..N who do not rp " ''"" j-if tit, Din iitiren'n A ntl-II 1 1 1 I t. il" "'r l.Hl till IffWJ" ! ' - 1 '-' " ' " " '. ... ril) "I " 1 o lti anl I -an.. . ';'" CO.. 174 ac t r-it. CI h C I U N A T I .O Y-. a !'i'r - will t'f ."" n v ry 1 1. . r-ff a ff I ITT llllr Sliritni" . ... oti.flainaa. r a