.- , -- m V . TJ: UT. be m j u'-.xl.'V Al'tel uOU.I to in- ,;,. 'or tli"; 'Mir rent wee'-. v i -!-,'.!KTS. 1 l"'"t 1 i t i' .1'.. ,.,-.'; .:rrti.-:i nj ilue weekly ,r.y.,L A N N 0 U K C Ji M K N T S , .,. . rk of Miilinevy and F-n-'' ' ' . , ..-t lor the next fr.ii ty days :' . rV t(, in (Vina: ii.io my new store t'i: 'i ' ., AuTU-t. 3 J P. i'UTRELL. "i" i .:) 5-IVS:8-Car load of ' t i ar p., ad -!' Corn, which we d. i i i T.M A X ,v iillO. Tl i g : J'' 5 for Sale by j ' " I 1 i ' A . Wd-.m. N. C. z- 0 2d 5t , . r ; :,. at ' :" 'he Midineiy ti i . i . ' . -i ilii- :' .i to II' flVlhKU.. 7 ; lies t il.'.'.'.K Must ! K -old it! "!:!'' 1 1 X. I'. dose v. j-"v.- -v int ;i bi?o;n ju-t jro to the j I j. . . and oil can tret anything you ' ,it t -' uniii Aujrust Rc-mem-jt.r: - a.;! i i-t hut oil: month. I. 1'. VviVlAA.. Don't Read This. j i L i i - r -t' Milch Cows for sale w rh v-u:i:: calves. Apply to I). EDMONDSOX. For Sale- . oi iar?e, fine oxen recently i-n a toit cow half Jersey, r calf. W. II. I'.ONI). A v. Administrators Notice' 1 i -x i 'jiialitied as administrator of ;,,. .- .! ilobt. J. Wright deceased, I la-n-f-t' ;."t:fy all per-ons haviijj claims ai:,i-.-t -aid decedent to pre-ent them to r nr. at I v., K. II Smith, Jr . on ? -il.-t day wf .Juno Ib'.ld for pay A 1 i 1 1 sons indebted f the estate ;1 nrtke aviiitiit. This Jure 2 rh, J. S. WuKillT, t; !'':. Adinr. of Kobt. J. Wright. REMARK. Pure! Brilliant! Perfect! rl';t F. I'.UV U HKItK, AXI EX !;KM.l WIIKKKVFU L'SK!. ThK MT l'oi'Ul.AR (5 Ij ASSES IX TlIE I ns i !:; S i atks. In-',' arc dn'v nrn mid arc warmly pr i : - ! the s d: i (.,:, i ttiv- Men t! i - nr.:rv, oia!:v i theni beintr of Naii'-ti'ii :'.a::v. The iit embraces Bank-t-:s M -i '.aiits, .vvcrs, (Jovemors, S : ; f1 :v"inrr.i 1 1 i i t q r a M tch Ji""i ICS . I'rt':jciies. men eminent in all professions ai: d : ! PHYSICIANS RECO.KIMEHD THEFfl. Kl'V.iNK. r.UTa'HE, GENUINE Ti, .-.' pei u'.-t .Iiascs ar accurately : -ij:ssted to all oy. F'jr .-.a:- ir. , K T- Whitehead & Co. 3 21 lv. ScotUnd Neck, N. C The Clpi!1 Ifl WOrtS, : 1 i. n:; and 113 Iiank St., Norfolk, Va tock of finished- Moiiuments AND Grave Stones Heady for Immediate delivery. x-V lit- t pr cts a;:d d, .-l;i!s before A !' i'i y nri v nvt yoo do'l -rp. " 13 lv. -- (I; i - i . e twe :.! v-f1: ,-hth Session will ojicn, id.'.' I.'.ni v-. ill. t-yr, the third Monday " ,N ' duly ,;d wiil continue ' i.i d 1'roin S t 'i 10 a i i :.') session, n i r oiLjU'r- "f A. J. 3IO(JRL 6 .V: :): atS 5fei A . A K l-.S ' S " -:-,?. st.liv it J5r :n i am: is ii'i l-IU-s. ! n -v:l. ih 4feln-ays;iitriij.ul. S.'.cioh'.' free. Ad In -ss"A N A K tSIS,'- jj..jr 4).i. jfurJi. City. II liTTT r ,M mil i 3 NiiWSY 'GRAIMIS. m:ik and ml-kvvhkhk AM) OTliKUWl.SF. Tin: Militai'.v cuooi, .San. I..t. Ii- .-.!!- j in 'lent: Alhm the Miln- .m, he M aitetioii to thu opeiii:," oi the .-ci Septenler. AT who want to send boys to a firt cins-: .chool will do well i... apply v, lom for a c&tloue. Co.mixo iNToNoiH k. Tin- Manufa. vrers' Record has a noic.- ,,f ,.,.w ,mjj b -::g put in by the Xo-th Cr r.li,,a Lom-b.-r com, any at Tiller. . Tht u.id w.'h its capacity i noticed about as it was d scribed m The 1e ockat recently. Cotton 15i.oms. A c 1-red ,riI: nau.nl Cord hitehtad broujrhi in the ursi c it -n n;o m io t!.is cdfice last S:tcid:,y fry n M-. W. T Whih-.-, !' f.itm. Mr. U". K. I)a np.jrt -ai l he had b'o !:. S,( Vol.ti dys e.lllLM, YC o i ' f i x TO Have it Kemembei that ! hk Democrat is onl-a (h ilar h year. That is 2 cents a wt-ek. on need -i p'ipt-r during the campui-n. Can yo : t;et a chesner o:.e O.aii this? Is it worth the money? Try it six ni' iiths for 30 ce ii t s. OKEJCEKS OK (OI !' EI. LOWS. Scot laml Neck L-:i!ge, Xi. od. I. (). (). f. Thursday night eleaed the fdlowu oflicers to serve for the next six months: Ir. J. R. Pope, N. (' ; Ji. L. Hardy, V. (i;J C Hardy. !i. S; C. K. liarkley, t S; C. Sp ,-efl. Treasurer. The Wash-Out The wash-out at Tranter's creek on the new Washington railroad hindered travel and freight trans portation for a few days. The road has bi en repaired and the trains are running regularly again, '"kowded Oct.- Some communica tions by our regular correspondents were cru (led o jt last week by reason of the space wc devottd to the national demo cratic platform. We always regret to leave out any news items, but sometime- we are compelled to do it. V promise to avoid it henceforth. An exchange gets oil" the following: An editor wrote a ball room puff, sav ing "Her dainty feet were encised in Hones that might have been taken for fairy boot-." Hut the blundei iog com positor made it read. "Her duty eet were encased in shoes that iniy;ht have been taken tor ferry-boats " Heavy Yield of Potatoes. Mr. Norlleet Smith planted Iish potatoes on some of liis river land where it was said potatoes could not be raised. He ph-tiled in the hope of fifty barrels to the acr and uiepared barrels accordingly; aoo when he dug his potatoes he got a hun dred barril- to the cre. He -avs what be ha;; s- Id i.im cleared about J0 eeau a bat rei. Wilson Colleoiatk Institute. We have received the twenty-first an nual catalogue of the Wilson Collegiate In-ututu Tor young Ladies. "I he loru-j iece gies a ha.nd.-ome front view of the building and giouud.s. Ninety students were enrolled la-i year. ilh a.n able faculty and a tlo r ough course of iiu-tiuctiu, this school olleis fiit class adv;aitiges to those who des-irt: to sen! their guls aay from home to school. Friend, a Word. Kind patron, you pay for vour pap i and read it. don't you? Yes-, you k.'i'W v ou -io. Well, you have a n. ho. ; nd it may be a newspaper borrower, who says ihat The Democrat is cheap enough at a dollar a year but the cash in advance system this year caused his name to be dropped because he had not paid ahead. Ho did not like it exactly because his name was dropped. Tell him yours was dropped too anu would have remained dropped if you had not paid in advance. He needs the paper and if you can induce him to take it, he'll let yours alone. Cead it was not the other. When the editor was a little boy there Wiis a ."teep, rocny road leading to his nearest chuich. Some persons opened a new road up ihe steep hill and you could travel whichever you liked. One wag remarked, however, that it made no difference which you went you would wish you ha S taken tho other. At Mr. Dixon's lecture Monday night everybody was glad he did not take the other lecture, although they bad no- heard u. : .: re too well po a-c-.. with tii- i oe they heard to have any pit ference for another The .News. The Democrat wi-he-to note who come; and goes. Ii it tail- to make proper mention ot pet on com ing here ot -ntig away it is not intention al. Somt times criticisms are ollVred and p-ihp-. it looks to those cntici-ing like the editor om.dit to ee and krow a grea: many things which he overlook-. v want to know and pi iot the new s, and the coming ami goin of per-ons has cuim to be news; -o if yo.i Know of any person coming to town m -- ing away for a vi-u tell us, for wo might not kn-.-.v;it. Drop i: in our news b ., but be .uro to put your nam - to ) cur news. V c want a-i'hoiity for wiiat we print. f HE AiEEl'INti IX THE HAI TI-: Church: Kev J - H'Um.o . ( Rich mond held a meeting m the Uapu-t church commencing June (!th. He con tinued to preach every right and souks times in the afwuoon until v'th vhe.! h--was called away to other yppoiutments and tho meeting was contr o- ! by the pastor, Kev R. T. Vai.n, until Sutidav nisht. Mr. llntson is a preacher ot great puwu, .x man of dcip p;ty, tr-ists im plicitly in the L.id and the a'.stioii which he preaches; and i .nin lies hi- power. His -tn.u -a - r.-atly blesse '.. Quite a numbe. sie-n ('f : el li"o i i' .sde a nr 'ef- A h ,:i do! ;-. joined the Iviptist part of the! . ; ti :.J ii We' e LapMA'd. j duruijr t'o- tneeti 'j ml t'o rHMniiiiiitr ia tv'und..v nint. Dr. Hof- , , , . i l..r. was pie-ent and r . i . ham. t-e for. .,r : : ..id iji-.i bn ii t e: 'tore aie. other coiivh it- ti.-m toe inev t ng n no join other churches. Will ERior.s HA::. A pa--.-i ovu the Cra!! OKe nv-r a few 'laj r .. n : ';i in ni:. t .in;.- -o. Mi J. S-'z say- that he h ; s 'f c' tt-jn ri;i.;e'J by th- -'. ser, hurt, b ' vy :.trt '-. iio o c't- - t e torm. ;:a. k . o it -ix'. v &cr- ruil. 1'.- e ( ' rn w a-:o-- tre ih -t were i 1 '. he .fu wa- rif)t wide and it touch- d ,o o-t farm on this f.rm. e in river exceot ih- (irnTl-o Mr., .-a 1 Wat .:,. : t .i i-.-o Tj f ,t 1-a-weil'-. Sijnday Mrs. July 5'd. a:o! 7' year. For two months she had been parMal'v parihz'd. v:.e was a nntive of Virgin -a an ! 1 . ! 1 1 i'i this "' n. unity abf;ut twenty She was the aur.t ..." .'-Ii.-.. .i. ', ...'.' of fis t'la-ie. She wa- b it i d I, t-.c li)pti-t cemetery here Mor.diy m- r; i-Dr. J. D. lluihum, -f Trboro cot. ' uctmg the service. 'I n ft in - i l to llr. .1. Y . 'tofl. or. J . A . h:tktr or !irm of R. I. rtoers. & Co., dtJihr j i monument-, Dijihvii, N.C.. wn- m iuw; la.-t week to place a rnor 'mo nt over the grave ol (lie late John W. Woo.l, w ho w.i; lojried in the Hpiicopal ct-metf-ry here la;-t 'Jctotier. The mortmnetit i- n very hand--irr.e one. !t is 11 fi i -t high, d feet (J I'n-h.es at tin i-ase, octairon shaft and unelv polirhcd On the front face is the following inscription; "In raemoriam. JOHN V. WOOD. Horn Sept. 29, A. D.. 1"3 died Oct. 22, A. D., ls'Jl, ae.I 2S years. O! Douiine Deus -peravi in te; car- mi Jesu, nunc libera me. "He that heareth my words and believe th on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death into lif The monument is very handsome and stands a silent witness of U e love of a fond fattier lor his only son. I-t- 4'resim uinr. Ir, was our pleasure to attend an ele gant ic e cream supper last Ftiday night in Palmyra, given by Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Raker, at their residence, to the yowng people o! the town. There were several couples from Scotland Neck. We artived at !J:43 and the -pacious halls, parlor, nod piazza were then alrea filled wit-, crowds of the gay and most appreciative gne.-ts. We made an esii mate and think thre were about 30 couples in attendance. A 11 were highly enteitaincd by the rendition of some instrumental sol by Hisses Lucy House and Hattie Weers, and at 11 o'clock a'l were inited to supper, and there wa- ici-cream ;-.n 1 cake and cake and cream, r.nd cream utul cake, and more cream, and anotht r kind of cake and another kind of cieain, &c. A c think all who attended will admit that the supper was one of the most enjoyable occasions of the kind ihiy liavt attended. We left at 11. "() and there was still a tremendous crowd remaining. J. L. H (Lh.r. to The Democrat.) Chi'dren's da v exercises at Bradford's c'lurch were very interesting. Th.; dec- oi ation.s were fn e. Flower- had been brought from homo by the iiiils and evergreens, from the fields. The Mi-i-es Hoiiand and Bu-'in fin nished music, h r the occasion iiss lie.il Holland of G d-isboto presided at the organ. The jcctafio iiore on i.-f i i ti is sions, :...d .vol: will reo ieied to the deli,:ht of :,!!. vl-. E. Iiarnhill, the Suporiniendei.t of the M. 1', S S. deliv ered a t ice .fidre.-a of welcome. Muses Rii-tin, Atiiieisou and l!;u..:i.ll were pleasantly n.cniioned for tlnir beautiful recitations. Mast, r Ro-toe I'artihill deserves kpeeial muitiou amonj; th Bmall foys. A collection for ho eirn misiions was taken up amounting to o.5d. Units. l1!--i ! i lor 4-,i'-. (Cor. io The Democrat.) Fi i a lit. of passion walk out into the op o a'r. You may sneak your mind to the air without hurting anyone or pro claiming your.v.lfa simpleton. For a tit . f idleness count the. lickings of a clock. Do this for one hour and you w ill be elad to d . .1 oil" vour coat and work tne next. For a fit of extravagance and folly go to the .Tork-hous, oi spejk with the rac-'ed and wretched inmates of a jail and you w :il be convinced that Who maketh ti- bed of hah and thorn Must be be content to lu- thereon. For a fit ofiepii in.' FmA nboct for the halt aud the tdino and visit the bed-ridden and afflicted, and they will make you ashamed of your lighter afflictions. For a fit c.f despondency, look on the good things which have been given you in ihe world. He who goes into his gar den o look for cob-webs and spiders will find them; while he who looks for a flower m,iv tei uu. home with one blooms no? in hi.- button m-.e. (i. E M. Hood's Sarsaparilla l-oJnilj -ire all o seaseas caused by impure blood and it builds up the win Ie system. 1ERS iiii. Mala-riiyi-t. Genuine 'ttt-cer. Cores !e r-.a. Chill- ;,-.-'!! N OTIC i I Take no' ice tnat the Board of Com- mi i iu is will meet in Uad'ax on the j s-cond Momlav in July, the same i.-ing ; t!.. 1 1 d v e! Julv, 1S02 to revise the I t.i x 1; t ami v filiation reported to them I In ! b-i ia:.er- as directed by la.! ! !,.- i:.. . ' -It - f J il v 1S'.)2 K. v . idlt) N. Chairman ioai.i c-t ornniissioner. I i : t U s t ie safest remdey , ' , .- it we o : o ; i Can be ,, i.e. ' ' ' " ' "' - r oi sale u) ! Ie ioi u rogi -t . 4 7 7 A: TKKSONALS Mr, W. J. ScLor. p went N w Yoik Monday. ! Mr. Oarlio M went W hir.2 ton Satui tlv nuht. j Mr. Marion Cohb of Tarboro wai in town last week. Mr. Chai. Skinner ar ('a'edoriia in ton Sunday. Mess. John ami K. Ii. Auaborn went to Washington Munia. Mr. B. C. Pe&rte of Greecville was in town last week. Miia Nentjic Bel! am t.ome frorrj Wabtngtou TuesrfAv Ids Alhbrook relnrr.el frorx Rohersonville Tues 'ay. Mi-- Met Sayaze has ja-t rcturD el from a visit to Dawsoa'.- Mr. L. L. Kitchin etina up from Aydeo ue day this week. Mr. F. S. Johnson went to Halifax last Friday on otlieUl bu-one'. Mr. and Mrs. Jonn H. Keeea of Tarboro nper.t Sunday in town. Mr. A. L. Purriogton of Weldon, pent a day or so in town this week. Miae Minnie YeWingtoa of SjmilL field ie visiting Misa Acnie Madry. Mr. Dred Peacock, or Greensboro, was in town Tuesday of this week. Miss. Nannie Scottis visiting Mips Claude llyra&n in Palmyra this week. Mrs. J. C. Pittman i.nd Mies Minnie White left Mooday for Rich mond. Miss Kate Haskett has returned from KiQston where she has been at school. Mrs. S. M. Brewer, of llsleigb, lett Monday after visiting Mra. N. B. Josey a week. Mr. Jarrett WaUton of Hobgood visited his uncle, Mr. W. ston, this week. n. Wo!- Mrs II. Ii. Clark of Washington is visiting her sisfer-in law, Mrs. K. E. Hancock. Mr. W L. Harrell went to Rocky Mount one night last week to attend the Fife meeting. Mr. ii. o. flyman went to Hen derson Tuesday to visit his sister, Mrs. G. C. Lamb. Miss Kate Fenner came home la?t Saturday from Baltimore where Rlje has been engaged In teaching. Mrs. John L. Bridgers and little daughter, Keba. who have been visit ing Mrs. W. J. Smith, returned home Tuesday, Messrs. Will Eflrly. A. J. Dun ning were in Scotland Neck Monday night to hear Rev. Tho-. Dixon lecture. Mr. S. H. Kitchin and Miss Fan nie Kitchin went to Kinston last week on virdi to Mrs. George Smith. Moss. Perry Gregory, Paul Rnn dolpli aod Wells Tiliery, came down from Tiliery Monday night V) the Dixon lecture. Mrs M. Oppenficioier returned to Oxford Monday .after a few days' visit to her sister, Mrs. G. Hoffman and other friend-. Mr. John T. Brinkley came home last week very sick. He was taken violently sick Mt Bristol Tenn., and suffered a great oeal be 'ore he reach ed home. His trouble was proooon ced rheumatism. Kev. llio5. IJixon w!s ino euost ; of the editor of The Democrat ; while- he was ; Scotland Neck, He ! went to Wilmington and lectured i Tuesday night tw'T wet. tr Ne' ; York from Vilnitngl)r.. ; Mess. J E. and S. D. Hincock i went to Richmond lr-t Thur-day t purc'tiHse a stock of good for Menn i Si. D. and W. T. Ilatito k. whrj wi'c soon open a store one doo" h;,!o J Mr. Wilron AH-f rook. j Prof. T. M. Hufham. president o j Mars Hill Collect'. M e it several days in town last week the gueet ! the editor of The Democrat. Wt are Ud to note ids success in hi work among tne ,ood peo Ie f Western Carolina. Rev. R. T. Vaan left M-m Uv fo Nrt -da Head wher he joes for fl f, -. 3as Mra. Vaun aid ttser little son Harvey went aeversl di ahead of Mr. Vtmii. Mrs. Vuon and Harve will go to Virginia for a few week-i Htd Mr Vann will return to Scotland Neck. State of Ohio, City of toi.kdo, Lucas County, j Fkank J. Cheney makes oath tha he ii the senior partner of the firm of F. J Cheney & Co,, doing buiness in the City of Toledo, County and State aioresni'l. and that ;aid tirm will pay the sum of OXE IITXDRFD DOLLAKS for each and every case of Catarrh thai can not be cured by the use of Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. jworn to before me and subscribed in ui', i reseuce, th:s oth day of December, A., n. isi; A. W. bLEAsON', t Si-.r, '; So.'-iiy 1'ulxic. lia.N t'a-anti Com is tike i interally : act- -tiicctiv on the bl od and mu ci-iu- -urir.c. s of t ; I . . . i t e.- lusol. ia I tree. e system Send for . p i , -: i l-x - - . nti TaHoHa ) j i . (.in. o.i u eu.. "vuu, w. ' JaJT oid Oy I)rugfci s, 75c. it )-HO I 1U. Ih--. Di : Twer iv-T iT 1 Sr-' ' New Y-'-r'i . ; t the tu l ury - -v. ' o ht. H- io ' - s; ' - f .-' ! ; J 'it' '!H. A .- oh: - 'T w vU '. 1 hv e iu;. :: .v extrem- -ar-.cy did n&t lfCtHTi i r. . J. lor of e : - '. 1 e d ' :: z I ' , - e T , - i . h- ted K i .... e f t ' . " W v '. ! : : Tntre had he-.r. :a the cerre;,. h ? i; .-. ndenc- i i' lecture, - j he ttt f rt f-r rt : . n J t- : u gia l he r.i l MjI v a ; ' i i i . r. l- .;. . t h a- u rn t r '.: ei v 1 ' h-: t'.e id' ! Ta i!i: -: I. e !"d 1,11 . it r 1 t Nt Y. rt . rav i:i X rt : thiroj - .'.em I ti.e v tore"- h-l-i -It -oft- 1 - i V Car- 1: i 5-i !. icv i- .- : i -1 : i .- .. I . I i e . a : : i Y never I . en f - i . 1 . I i e . a:.o T - l - exaj.'pratioii. ii e refer re 1 plea.-ai.l ' v to hi- cd.ece a-SoCiat,v who live iu Scotland Net k Jil.d the strong ties f frieinNh d- vhu h . t d him to them, r.iol cotigratu! v' -.- 1 hi .-!! upon having the pleasure of standing to foit :i Scutiaod Neck audietice. tins time thr whole an den- e wen cotu rat u latino the m -elves m ha. the pleasure of silting before the platform king of A m i ic i, who was, h is been, is. an i will i otr i .i.t to be. a North Can--lmun. No leport could do tho speaker and hi m I'eMess eloquence justice. Not ev : a si. i.ographie report could give the t ea ! r the (aiute-l idea i f the grandeur of in. lecture. To know the power of l hi Wonderful oraior you mu-t -ii under tfn-uia-ic speel oT hi- burning woids, his dramatic action, his itoillmg ge-ticula tion, h tiHltmg pathos He i-an .i. tor and an orator in the liig'tet sense for both. We had sat be-ide him in the cla-s roo.n at eod.ge ami hid sen the tires of his pent-up powers sparkle, even "in the tran-lat.on Irom the '!re --: oet.-. W had stood beside him io the dsbate of t o colh-go -tudeiit when the dre :in ot l.' vvi- upeii his yoimg heart, an ; w hen tin ki .dliug influence of his .od-gtw i. powers was tirst eommandmg tne itten lion of his wise n sti uctor s :ii;d oth r wis, men of his native state. We had seen him eo out from col.ege w . Ii to tr the ofi-'.alkid of -ea of life for himself. We had w ate lied his cart er o i trie stac, at the bar, in legislative bads, in the pulp t and on the pi ilfoi oi. We ii td mot: ihin once i.tar l Mi. i '; on (rem tiie y V. .im: but in his lecture h.re Monday n.ht b surpa.-scii anything we had heard Ir- ii; him b( -lore . For one hour ami h-rtv-'ive mimt'--, he ;-ltk r. a'.ei convulsed hi-auoi.-n t wit laughter and melted them to ten-, a d when he d se i they hardly knew whether it were better to laugh or to cry We believe eer i.,.ch-b -ne m the audience wi'.s stjei:j;t:- ned and men iinc women past n i :-le i - wnt away saying that t!ie itciur-r ha i m-piied them to no n i : . i . e- . Mi. Di .on has pr'-miMd o cone to iColialld XeC i -i - he.t I I'i can. A lid when iiecou.es i, i i meet another nappy audience 'itcl a much larger one trial! glfcfc-ed !--i: Mo.. ; i - " ' . X-i'th t: n.ii.M i , ' ' i , ' "' Mr. ).:.. i i, an 1 I..- o-, ;dL -o ' ,. ' . anu Hi of rid . lot. CURES ALL 5KIN AND ! - 7,1 nnn niFAF , : JP. T. I'. a t'.f ... . a-,n. L .-. fctl.ii,, ; irn.Ti: 't w:tb grat ip.f Vfar'.: r f r -c.-t mil s' -.-S.r-5-.4-W?l ,- TO -ri thai b'. it a'l lrtrt, Citnfc, i e CURES lOSBPOlSOH! ..i l.ieLstia, tf.cf.ZL,, Csrottc f 1 tT '-t URES ! . 't. nr. j iH J h I -s" AJK i 3 Is ie fi j m i. x- '"f : m" mALARIAii.rins Scot. ist. For i & 6 :: 'fv-'r- i-.iVriy. ?u'i& - e .. ' :M ? V . ii x.r..&.v.i Liock, siVAli 313, ;- .v . .. , t -i ! . i :.'t r-f-f. Afe . Ia-.'. .., .., ... t. w-Hr- i 1'-IM v .. . . nta.- -.. fc. te- r.-v i :z. Wi... 4 in. rtB. II. .. , - .. . c, Vr.H.li .... I" If' i'u.. il Jl .. , '.- ri y to mcir with r'rr.Zi :-rl'.--" VTCC CY MAIL. CCtFIO.STiAu. iie. s. is. f. ssfues. a vtma s kiuu. ckoml iu. Id'" M T . i (k V Ji i j i v sr.MMKi: i AT GOODS MUST (rO TO MAKE ROOM FOR Tali Everything cheap as i t can be sold in this or any I will sell anything- yon want so chc-1 p that y o 1 1 Avill be so g-lacl yon CAME ! of July is coming md inv ( X l JS arc ti-oinir -C'i 1KAP Ti )( - 4th J I). HAY. Near PostolTice. M - Scotland1 NeiT"Milita,ry School, warn Er.sSgaapwcaeaawKM to- s.-cond yeai of thin sodiool In i... fust two (lavs' wrk is linpot he- -chool is well prepanMl lor 1 m t 1 L . -iiiis cau Oe- nan uy appiy nijg i" t"tAKk or wnU lof 7 7 -i;i THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Instruction is filtered in tour u'eneral coiire of studv, six hriel stud - ies, a large number of srecial courses, and in law, inedu:irie and en - lneennu. rYhv facultv includ twenty teachers. j Scholarships and! loan funds are availa ble for needy youni men of talent and character. 'f Uo tT-r c'CciHitt 1:-- i catal' )'uc with full in- : formation, address Presidei t Winstoii ( 'ha;o i !!o, N ' ' ,; 2 1 il w a i; tj'i ENGINES t S! i A 4 1 V 4. 1 V.' ti : .t. - igns I huio1;iv, Atu'ii-f L".Mi, I4'!? t ,iir. . . i r xc-!lt-o! w.uk. l . . . W III till t ll ( till . litll f 1 "" " " .-.t'.ilogu.'. W.C. ALLEN. Supt H. C- JONES, Cunt ra-jtor ami Hu i !! r. Controls t .;!-. -ti for Aid. KlMs if Ouii lo.if, Hun k or W m, .- a.n' .-Hi-. ; intiMidt d by f he lav : .- ! . ;i! 'it t'S, Pi ali tion - r-irefoily made -, .';, i'i Im . - -f i n . - ii ; t I . i ! I ( I Pn. o- fiiadc 'ft hulf t Bnn-k t ' - i t ; ..:s, irk d all di '' I ,,, i'i S "ll i m ' i f i i . p a : i i t - -. i !..' : ,t ... .' i-.tf hori iif.tn-o i' i. I ha V- u.p.ov o :i I 1 i t inner n.d v. lo-n jii need m that lino I - ul I f" yo pric. p 1 f 1 1 I ' " ...'... - ! I. ' I' N I ' d- N '. ! - H. LAWRENCE. hKALr.ii IN K IN. Ki.l.h ! , i'i.OVhi: A Mi i d. " ; ! m;; n.s y KM I t'.i YF.h A SI'K I A 1.1 . .,r,r,i t.,r CLAIlK'.s CI A Y IIAKKO Ml ;V SI) f I. d DKKIM 1 i.. n rlio ! SlOPpni FHEt 1 & tr , K 1.!'. -. Oi'.KAT .9 90 It' - . , , J. .ft . .. . m r I - i -j ;A U' J M wsn- mm r.p-- of ith . I.'Jf, ut I ' io I., ' C.A.Sf.OVV&CO. Oi is 't 'r!t '.'.ec. jhiri;o,n. V ' . re