r. BE MOCK AT -L JJ. '"firiLIARD, Editor and Propiretor. "p k ' 1 ' F 5 s 1 N A L- pR.W. " - ' fflCB 'frlL corner New Hote kin Street. gcoi u vi Neck, N. C. always r.t his oflice when not fessionally engaged elsewhere. 9 26 If- . . r I I V E R M A N. lrv.. -v. v . - - W ijTiCE" 0 an anc en1-h Streets 2 12 lr. Scotland Neck.IN. C. AS N. HILL, r ATTORNEY AT LAW, Halifax , N . C, pra-tifcs in Halifax and adjoining Wrs' and the Federal and Supreme D AVID HELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Enfield, N. C. practice :n all the Courts of Halifax .aJ:oi'iin counties and in ine Su mc and Frleral Courts. Claims col ecte'l in all parts of the State. 3 S ty. iTTOKNET At LAW, Scotland Ni;ck, N, C, Practices wherever his services are ftquireu. febl3 ly. r U. K ITCH IN, Attohney ana Counselor at Law, Scotland Neck, N. O. HP Office: Corner Main and Tenth !:r:ats. 1 5 ly. K.u. Burton, Jr. E. L, Travis, BURTON Sc TRAVIS. AITOHNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW HALIFAX, N. C. 141v. h.h.iav, wclJon. k. ransom, weldon. DAY, & RANSOM. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Weldon, N. C. 3 Sly. I..!. MERCER & SON- Na.lo oKth V;h St, (bet. Main& CarySts. RICHMOND, VA. dumber Commission Xercrjant, Hives personal and prompt attention o all consignments of Lumber, Shingles, xfcs, Etc' 4-17-901 y. I05IAU KYLAND. Ryland & Lee, d: No. 10 3ovenor St- guaranteed. SaSS .ONINGKK. io! j n the Soath for r;V Year. Eighty J"e!y mad. Low Q "rice Votey. ivorjte. Sim JVake. Sweet A LARGE STOCK OF Second-Hand Pianos and Organs ALWAYS ON HAND AND BARGAINS SOLD. keml u9 yonr order, limit us in price and we will meet your wishes. 1 e sell for cash, or on installments. Catalogues and Prices furnished 0Q application. C 2 Cm. 'PWIN CITY STENCIL WORKS. STENCILS, SEAL PRESSES AND GENERAL FNHRiuiNr KUBUER STAMPS, BRASS CHECK'S &C i.iauuiaciurea to Urder S T? TITDVPn . In the Roper. Storage Building on Nivison 721 Cm; Norfolk, Va. SUBCRIBE TO THE STATE CHRONICLE, aV XX JU Zj 1 l H j, U. DAILY AND WEEKLY. Latest Telegraphic news from all narU e . ; ;. v J uu,tcu i resB and Special Wire.) Hm the largest daily circulation in the Mate. Has more State correspondents than any other daily in the State. m m . . xweive Montns. $6n) oix months 3,00 Weekly, $1.25 per year, in clubs of rive or over 1.00 T. K. JERNINGAN, Editor, K. T. Litciiford, Manager. ENGINES, SAW, -MILLS. Threshing Machines- Best Machinery at Lowest Prices. A- B. FARQUIIAR CO., YORK. PA 5 20 13t. UC MUwd hli Opportuoltjr! DOX'T Mtsa l'ouri, Ktader. Tut injority oglecHhir op portunities, and from that causa live in povarty aad dls in pbtcurity 1 Harrowing despair is the lot of many, aa they lookback on loat, forever loat. opportunity. Ltfelipaat. Ins I Kaacb out. Ue up and doing. I mprove jronr opporta city, and aecura prosperity, prominence, paace. Itnl said by a phtloaophor. that "the Goddess of Fortune offer, a golden opportunity to each person at some period of life; embrace the chance, and f he pours out her riches ; fail to do eo and aha departs, nevtr to return." How aball you find the COLDEK opportunity Investigate every chance that appear! worthy, and of fair proraiie; that it what all auc cesaful man do. Here is an opportunity, each at it not often within tbereachol laboring penple. Improved, it will give, at least, a prand atart in life. The golden opportunity for many it here. Money Co be made rapidly and honorably by any induttrioua person of either ac. All apei Von cart O.c. the wor'r. and live at home, wherever you are. Even be gitiiiert are ea'ily earning flora S to par dav. You cau do aa well if you will work, not too iiard, but iudut.ri ousiy ; and you can increase yonr income aa you ro on. Yoa can give ipate time orlv, or all your time to the work. Easy to learn. Capital not required. We atart you. AU it com paratively new nn 1 rcUy wonderful. AVe instruct and si.oiv yon how, fre'. i'ftilure nnknown among onr wvrk crs. No room to exyinin hero. Wri; and learn all free, by return mail. L'nitiia to rilay. AdJreae at once. II. UeUUtt & Co., Hum. 890, PurtLstud. Malaa. 17 12 ly. Should yoiirlttrlo one I"' kon f C-llCHT with Membranous ('" -up, v-1 it v, mid '. .o t it-icui: cuuU ee It.Hliff, iOf;. MjamilLSU-tiil Beldin'slSsjjgJI Remedy a ti'.taU'rs, harm I-1!" r ".v-j-r. aiii! is the onlyanfrgiiiird. In i si; l..s :n'T. r f.-t i it- I. OhUt h4V from y or drol-t -ins. rricf, '"o. A pt: ' poM-.iiT by m.-ii! for loo. 'ME tS. BE10;J! PROPRIETY" . iAHC.A'CA, K,r . 12 18 If" K. 11. LEE. iano and Organ Dealers, Richmond, Va- immp:nse STOCK New and Second HAND 9 IS ; HC!IHR.Hefore the public for SCHUBERT. The best Low-Priced ypsro Niuety two thousana Piano on the market. Contains !n u- . Dest made for the all the modern improvements. Money. BFwADBURY PIANO, Rich and fvi-ni. a r. i powerful in tone. Honestly made. C -nl! ,madf f"rRy!and& V Reasonable .n price. New U -p and moderate price. mode of 8tringiog. l'ipe Organs. Sample ia ware room. VTill pay ex press to Richmond and return if chureh repersen ativc buys aPipe Organ. RYLAND LEE, RICHMOND, VA. SCOTLAND NECK, 3. C. THURSDAY. THE WIDE WORLD! Til INGS Til A T HA PPENED TOO LATE FOR LAST WEEK'S PAPER TO TELL ABOUT. Hon. B. F. Grady, Congreaman from the Third District, has been nominated to succeed himself. Thomas Cook, the pioneer excur sionist of the agr, died at Leicester England, July 18th at the age of Si. George Shiras, of PennsiUania. has been nominated by the President as Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Ex-Goveroor Jams and Hon. Elias Carr will open the democratic campaign in North Carolina by speaking at Whiterille August 1st. Congress has been asked for more than a hundred thousand dollars for the flooded districts along the lower Mississippi. Goldsbororo raises a Cleveland and Carr pole 140 feet night from which floats a banner bearing the portraits of Grover Cleveland and Elias Carr. Prof. J. A Holmes State geologist. has completed the organization of a party to make a toar beyond the Blue Ridge to extend the yeoligical survey that has been commenced in that seotion . The Twin-City Daily of Winston, formerly owner and edited by Mr. I. O. Foy, has been sold for $10,000. A Mr, Bnrbaok of New York was the purchaser and it continne as a democratic paper. Rocky Mount is still poshing ahead. A new company has recent ly xieen organised there under the name of ''Thn New South Develop ment Company." The incorporators are D. F. Davenpoit, Geo. S. Sartin, M. C . Braswell, L. V. Basseti and S. P. Hilliard. The Chilian government has at Uat. agreed to pay $75,000 to the families of the victims of the Val paraiso riot in which the crew of the United States cruiser Baltimore was attacked. Boatswain's Mate Rlggin and Sailor Turnboll were killed and others were injured. The 75,000 indemnity is to be paid in gold. Mrs, R. I. Cotton, one of the lady managers for the World's Fair, has secured the wood for the memorial desk of Virginia Dare, the first white child born on American soil . The wood comes from Roanoke Is land and the carving will be done in farboro and the deisk will be used in the womanTs building at the Expo sition in Chicago. Emmet Dale and wife and three children were killed by lightning in Richmond one night last week while asleep. The lightning came down the ebimney and was conducted to the boy who was sleeping on the floor by an Iron heater near him aul from the boy it was conducted to the father and mother and two chil dren sleeping in the bed. It waa said to be the first case on record where persons in bed were killeti by lightning. Uood Loks Good looks are more than skin deep, depending upon a healthy con dition of all the vital orgrins. If U.e Liver be inactive, you have a Bilious Look and if your stomach be dis ordered yon have a Dyspeptic Look and if your Kidneys be affected yon have a Pinched Look. Secure good health and yon will have good looks. Electric Bitters is the great altera tive and Tonic acts directly on these vital ors. ns. Cures Pimples, Blotch es, Boils and gives a good complex ion. Sold at E. T. Whitehead & Co's Drugstore, 50c. per bottle. The Democrat Freel To every person who sends us a club of five sub scribers we will give THE DEMOCRAT Free. Cash must accompany the list of names. If the subscrip tions are to run a Year the free coty will be sent a Yearor for anytime the subscriptions run- 'EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. Young Men, Keep Climbing. If the youcg men of the rural districts want to amoont to anything they should keep climbing the lad der step by step, and not make too many changes. Going up two or three steps and then corning back and trying to climb some other lad der is not good policy. Young men, make up your minds deliberate ly which is the best ladder to climb, and then stick to that one. Talking with a young man last Saturdav, be informed me that the two necessary qualifications for success were ''atick-to-a-tlvents.V and "hang on-a-tiveness. n Two somewhat queer words, but with a world of meaning in them. Climb ing tbeladder of success is not the work of a month or of a year; bat it requires as steady persistency in doing everything possible to win the prize. The slothful young man or the one who is hesitating will never reach the goal. That is out of the question. Do not try to do too many thiogp, but stick to one thing until you have mastered the situation. There are "upper shelves" upon the farm as well as in banks or in newspaper offices. The young men who Is contented to live all his life in the celler will have bis ambition gratifi ed. Stccesa generally cornea by toil and severe discipline. Some times, even these qualities do not command success for la.k of some thing necessary to turn them to practical account. Do not get Into old ruts. They may have been good enough for those who liyeil in the pastj but your grandfathers' hats are, aioest, only curio6it.ip. The times have pat them in the background, to be hung op on pens, only to be lookt-d at occasionally There are yet new paths to be trodden on the we'.l-worn farm. And in them may be found both competence and fame. The coming farmer must be filled with new ideas, and yet must be careful what he does and how he does it. The people still continue to eat, and while they do that farming is a necessity and should al-.o be a lucrative and independent way of earniDg a living. (7. K. Scott Agri cultural editor oj N. Y. Witness. A Schoolboy on Corns. vNasheville Advocate.) Corns of two kinds vegetable and animal. Vegetable corn grows in row, animal corn jirows on tot-s. There are several kind of corn ; there is the unicorn, the fuj ricorc the corndodger, the fi ll-orii nod the tor-corn which la the corn vcu feel most. It is said, I believe, that gophers like com; but persons hav ing corns do not like to go far if they can help it. Corns have ker nels and some colonels have corns. Vegetable com grows on ears, bat animal corn grows on tho feet, at the other end of the body. Another kind of corn is the acorn ; these kind grow on oak, but there ia no hoax about the core. Many a man when he has a corn wishes it was an acorn. Folks who have corns sometimes send for a doctor, and if the doctor himself is corned he won't do so well as if he if hu isn.l. The doctors say corns are produced by tight boots and shoes, which is probably the reafon wby, when a roan is tight they say he is corned. If a farmer manages well he can grow a good deal of corn on an acre; bat I know a farmer that has one corn that makes the biggest acher on bis farm. The bigger crop of vegetable corn a man raises the better be likes it. hut the bigger crop of nnimal corn h" raises he d e nt lik' it. Ai othei kind of corn is the corndodger The waj u is made is ver, simple, and is as follows that is if you waat to know : You go along the street and meet a man you know has a corn, and who is a rather rougn character; then you step on the toe that has the corn on it, and ete If you don't have occasion to dodge. In that waj you will find what a corndodger is. p - When you're languid and dull in the spring of the year, When stomach and liver are all oat of gear, When yonr're stupid at morn and feverish at night, And nothing gives relish and noth ing goes right, Don't try sny nostrum, elixir, or Pill, "Golden Medical Discovery'' just fills the bill. The surest and I et of all reme dies for all disoruers of the livr, stomach and blood, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. JULY 2S. 1892. NOTIFICATION. CLEVELAND AND STEVENSON. THE LEADERS CALLED. At Madison Square Garden !n New York on Wedntsday niht of last week there & grand demo cratic rally when Cleveland and titeveusoo were notiflied of tbeir nomination. Hon. W. L. Wilson of West Vs. notified Mr. Cleveland and Stej hen M. Whitt of California notified Mr. Stevenson. CLEV ELAND' KEFLY. "Mr. Chairman and genlleaitn : The message you deliver from the national Democracy arouse within me emotions which wo jld be well nigh overwelming if I did not recog nise here assembled the representa tives of a great party, who must s'iBre with me the responsibility your mission invites. I find much relief in the reflection that I have been selected merely to tand for the principles and purposes to which my party i pledged, and for the en forcement and supremacy of whicn all who have any right to claim Democratic fellowship must con stantly and persistenly labor. "Our party responsibility is indeed great. We aesamc a momentous obligation to our countrymen when, in return (nr their trust and confi dence, we promise them a rectifica tion of their wrong and a better realuitio;i of the advantas which are due, to them under our tree and beneficent institutions. "Hut if our responsibility n great o'ir party is strong. It is strong in its sympathy with the needs of rne people, in if.s insi-tance upon the -ercise of governm: ntal power strut iy within the corutituth'tial permis sion the people h:ive gra tid, and in its willingness to risk its life and hope upon thu pcople'c intelligence and patriotism. "Never has a great party, intent upon the promotioa or riuV and justice, had better incentive for effort than h now presented to us. "Turning oar eyes to the plain people of the land we see them bur dened as consumers with a tarifl system th .t unjustly nd relentless ly demands from them In the pur cuse of the necessaries and com forts of life an amount scarcely mtl by the wages of hard and steady toil, while lb exactions thus wrung from them build up and Increase the fortunes of those fr whose benefit this injustice is perpetuated. "We see the farmer listening to a delusive story that fills his mind with visions of advance while his pocket is robbed by the stealthy hand of high protection. "Our workmgmen are still told i he tale, oft repeated in spite of its demonstrated fal.ity, that the ex isting protective tariff is a boon to them, and that under its brneficent operation their wages must incr-ff, while as tbey listen scenes are en acted in Ihe very abirtinf-plce of high protection that mock the in pea of the tate and attest the tender mercv the workmgmen receive from those made eelfih and sordid by ul j ist governmental favoritism. "ve oppose earnestly and stub bornly the theory upon which our opponents neek to justify and uphold the existing tariff lawe. We need not btse our attack upon questions of constitutional permission or lg islativa power. We denouuee this theory upon the highest possible grouuds when we contend that nuder present condition its o,iraton is unjust, and that laws enacted in ac cordance with it are inequitable and unfair. "Ours ia not destructible party. We are not at enmity with the riehts of any of our citizens. All are our countrjmen. We are rot recklessly heedless of any American interests, ror will we abandon our regard for then.; bot invoking the love of fair ness and jus'ict which beioDg to true Americanism and upon which our Constitution res e, we insist that no plan of tariff legislation shall be tolerated which has for its object and purpose a fore d coatri oution from the earnings and income of the mass of our citizens to sw. 11 directly the hccurnulations of a favored few; nor will we permit r. pretended solicitude of Americn iabor, or auv other to blind the e 1 1- of the people ; the selfish schemes of those who seek thr-iuh t''e n i ! nnrnusl tar iff la w I L' ui n u n d and unreasonable advantage of hir fellows. "nc be aUo kasuawed ia ar Coven ant with those wtiu? so ; -rt we invue thai duty of opposing to the death aootbr avowed acheinc of our ad veratrles , which, un ler the gone of protect ia the sutTrae, cover but !os Dot crcsl a deaign thereby lo perpelut its piwpr .f a par'y afraid to trutt its coctinuir.rf to the untr mmellM and lutein r;.t votea of the American people. We are pledge i to reaut thtj iegttUtiou lotend.'d Ui complete thi ci.ici, because we have not forgotten that ilaroalla of theft aod brutal control wLiicfc followed another Kedeial re alalioi) of State suffrage, because f kfio fhat the mansgera of a pitty which did not scruple to rob the people of Presideot would cot heai tate to use the machinery created ky such legislatoin to revive corrupt In strumentalities for partisan parpoe; bsc-n5e an attempt to enforce nrli legtflalion would rekindle aniuoosi lies where peacearid hopcfalncs; now prevail; because such an attempt would replace prosperous aclivtt) with discouragement and dread luroagout a large section of cr country and would menace every, where in the land the rights reserved to the Stales and to the people which underlie the safeguards of American liberty. "I shall not attempt to npe:lf) at t'li-i lime other objects ami ai as of Democratic endeavor which ad 1 in spiration to our mission. True to its history and its creed, nnr pi ty will respond to the "wads of the people within safe lines and guided by enlightened atatesmansbip. To the troubled and impatiei.t whithin ur membership we commend run liuaed, unswerving allegiance to the parly whose principles in all times fft bava beon found ut!i'i'i.t f'r them, and whose aggregate vtiadmo an I patriotism their t-xperteti' e t '-u-bes can always be trusted. uii. a tone of part isnnfddp wli'h befits the occasion, let me say to you. as equal partners In the cam ..in upon which we to-day ci.ttr, that the personal fortunes of thosi to whom )ou have entrusted yonr banners are onlj- important as tt -y Aie related to the fate of the pnn pies they represent and to the party which they lead. "I cannot therefore forbear r minding )ou Hrd all those altseln d to the Democratic part,, or support i.ig t'KJ principles wtnch wc profess, tuat de'eat In the.pendiug campaign, followed by the summation of the legislative schemes out opptnentt contemplate, and accompanied by sjcli other incidents of their power, would present a most discouraging itlook for future Democratic soprt :i)icv, and for the aecompl ishmer i ol the objects we htve at hart. "Moreover, every sincere Democrat ;unet believe that the interests of his country are deeply involved in the victory of our party in th struggle fiat awaits us. Thus patriotic ibcitud exalts the hope of parti svnshlp and should intensify our letertiiin ition to win uccrs. "Tins nuccess can only be achiev ed by S)ftenjatic and intelligent ef fort n the part of ihose enlisted in ourcaus-. Let us teli the people p'.air. ly ar.d honestly what we be l.ev" nrd how we propose lo eerve f.- interests of the entire country, sod then let us, after the mani-er of trje Democracy, rely upon the fioughtfulness and patriotism of our lei low-country men. "It only remains for me to say to you. ia advance of a more formal response to your message, that I obey the command of my party, and cnfilcnce anticipate tint an intelli gent nd earoest presentation of ojr csiJiw will insure a popular endorse ment of the acti n of the body you represent." HTKVEN.HON'- UKl'LY. "Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen f t ip Oo:nmi!Ue. I cannot too eirs nastly express my appre;isti of the ho;. or conferred upon me ' the debate I hsemh!y which m i li e- ikih re;. reseit. To have been sr levied iiy the National Democrat. c Couv.T.lion as its candidate for hih otlae is a distinction of wLich any cd ze i miht well be proad. I would do violence to my own fee!. j.o,, sir, should I fail to express my grat.tude for the coarieous terms in w';i h ou have advised me of the result of the deliberations of the con vention. Distrusting my capacity f.jlly lo mfet the expectations of f ioe who have honored u,e b their oonfi le.ice, 1 accept the nomination so g.-n.-rou-dy tendered. Bhould tue ac'ton of the Chicago convention l receive tue approval of the people I hwrr I jss. !. p.r vrsar. jab. I, lo the l; ..f ior hataMa m. I i-.y, .liaCBarge srh filrltr to the jduUe.-.r ir.e htp-. 1 aai tr at ---.1,t I I me. i. . .. i iv- im net- na r rvn ma I? ia Icrmi cim-afti UiMo tn ij,. m Dfro'. ratic . Ia!5ia.-s' Indtn lifl 1 in a..lse iifim-c in n irrpor la.l T'liift!.. , uMif iriiiff Mtl th.t 'luHiial. ato.r, I am graliftrd to know tint u hi in mark.) a degree revel r I tur en b.fafinfot of t'e Deei.K-ra'.ij prtv In it. nail -nal cor.vpi.uoo I am pru?J that intelligent diswa.t.,0 f th.. laaurs mvo'rrd intheprntiug conteat for poiiio.-l upfr.ni- will result in victory for lite ay whl"l atu l fur hooeat icrlh1s in gove rntnent, econoftv in at lie r iper.dilure, and r. he! to the pc ple frn.n the bur If n of unj t taxation. "I imiidt unitiln.lfal, Mr. ('.;alr nian, f u.e grave i eapn'.hili t ir a which attaeti to the great oflice for vhicu I hate brt nnatcrd. 1 may ba jitr loued forqading in thia ron n I "i '.he word, id' lh patriot, the honored riioma. A. Hendricks, when oil'.ciall., Infufrua-.l that he had been designated by his party for lbs vice-presidency in ls4. He said; 1 koow thai sometimes il ia on lerstool Uial this paittcular oflice does not involve much responsibility, and as a general role thai is so. Bui 8iun 1 1 iiai-s il cuinsa Ui rrprraent grest rr-po ilihtiaa, and II iaa l e So n the near future. The two pndl.ia iii iiin country being nearly i nly llvided in the H.-nsir the -President may have to d 'K- upon ijueallons of law hy lh exercise of Ihe casting vote. The reepon i bl ii v would then becu vn ; tt-ut. Il tvoold rnl thu ba the responsibility .f representing a (list i, l or t Nuii. It would then be rii.pour il.ty ol representing the wLn.Ie "oui.tr , and the obligation woi.ldteto the Judg-uent of the whole rountr), and Hist voir, whrn tnu asl, nhould be in obedirnve l tin- i-xpi-ctalion an I reUireinents of the people of the United S'strn.' ' Sl.onlil il dase .ny ( luntrj i.'.pn to C :t 1 1 n p to this rITlce, tKp h:gh ipl r ciii ion of its dignity an! of its responsibility as expressed in the uttersrvps and illustrated in the ,utilic life of the eminent tatefrn n wliom I have mentioned wi le a bl.t to m) own pathway. 4 In l!u: contest Upon which ve noiv entr we irake no aipeifT41tstr! ' oas-oonJ-, but appeal rather o" iwj s ber judgment f 1 he jreopie. We elieve tLat ths welfare of tt, toiling Tiillion of our country mrfi is ( t t .jp iu the success of th! I )i:mo ra' le prt. Kecenl i.crin iiim lu a il. l.it urir g Sl ate have -and ) en hn iieo the fact that u hiti protK.tua 'ariif u!l.rda no protection an I tei ds in no way t bttter the rondirion i f those wto earn th-ir bread by daily toll. "Ibdi vh g in the rild f very voter to cat his ballot u.i.wed t'y poer, the Democratic party will S'.eadil? ojipose all legislation whi.h Hireatens twirnpi iil thul right b) the interposition of Ktdt-ral bajou:ts at the tolls. 4In a rcre forn,." frn-.ner hrre tfler, Mr. Chiai man . I will indicate by life: my a-xep' nc of the i mi natiou tendered me by the National Democratic Convention, and iil give expression to my view n ug the importaiil ijj.:itiiin enunci ated lo lt platform." I'rnnoimrffl lloel- Tt ri ShihI. Prom a leltter written b M i . A la K. H urd, of (roton n. , i ioie : "VVss taken with a bad c ! wnich settled on ir v I. couh set in and Anally 'cm mated ir Consumption, r -ur duct -r gsve me up saying I co! I live but i abort tiJjv. I gave myself up t m Sav iou', determined iT I cool I r--t slay with fi v friends on es'th I wm'd rnee. m absent onei atove. My bus' ij I was advised ee Dr. Ktnti's New Discovery for ( '.morL p'.ion. Coughs and (o!d. I gaye. It a trial, took in all eight bottles; It h it i urel me and thank flo 1 I am now a well and hearty woman " Trial bottles tree at il. T. Whit, h ad vV Co's Drugstore, regular tz Lc. and il.W. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Ti.o liest Salve in the world for (.tuts , Braises, Soros, Ulcers, ,Slt Uhfini Fever Sores, Tetter, ( happed Ha.ids. Chilblains Corns, and all ,-kln i;ruj)tiona. and jsitively ceres oiles or no pay required. It is guar 'anteetoive p. rfect. aaUsfaction or money .efur.ded. 1'rice 50c per box For sal! by T- Whitehead l

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