A r DEMO CB AT 7 HLLLIARD, Editor and Propiretor. 'EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. .inbrr $1.00 p-r r rr. SCOTLAND NECK, M. C THHKSDAY. AUGUST 11,1892. NO1 41. FESSIONAL. D 7., MrDUWELL, R. -' trect. ,rth corner New Hote Main F Scotland Neck, N. C. Always ai Lis office when not 1 plan where. rofCS3iunany we, q 26 t A. - t 1 V F, R M A N. WIN CITY STEN'CIL WORKS. s At iti;. 2 12 IV. 4 r. Main and Tenth Streets Scotland Neck,N. G. T STENCILS, SEAL PRESSES AND GENERAL ENGRAVING. RUBBER STAMPS, BRASS CHECK'S, &C-, Manufactured to Order, S. B. TURNER & CO.. In tbe Roper Storage Building on Nivison at. 1 , v. UOX LZi. 7 21 Cm. Norfolk, Va. STJBCRIBE TO THE STATE CHRONICLE. U A LEIG H, N. C. DAILY AND WEEKLY- The Beed lhat the had Barnered in thdr hearts, rrt .1 r fir, 1 t ww. -v tKoic T,ost TVWfmhir. nw frnm .11 .,,c lnelr Dleaa 01 1,le al,,i5: uu u,u,t I like that ancient Saxon phrase which calls The burial ground God's Acre! It U just; It consecrates each crate within its walls, And breathes a benediction o'er the sleeping dust. THE WIDE WORLD. THINGS THAT HAPPENED TOO LATE FOR LAST WEEK'S PAPER TO TELL ABOUT. God's Acre parts Comfort to those who have sown Abbeville has new improvements . . 1. Yea W name im- IQ water worK" in the grave The Hon. William K. Gladstone is recovering from his recent illness and is able to ride ont. United Press and own. rpilC'M - N. ;ii ATTORNEY AT LAW, Halifax, N. C, ,.,,. ,.cS in Halifax and adjoining t i t t i l the Federal and Supreme c ' 3 8 ly. (urts. D V 1 D UELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Enfield, N. C. i 'i-. -mt' comities and in Uie Su- n I'lV'loral Courts. Claims col- rin.ni.'''-'1.. . c., ct 'i c 1 tr parts 01 in; oidiu. u u j. i 1 T ....... I-, . -.f lloliTov cm Mil uii: vuuxm ::: ill a.DLNN, w. ATT()RNE Y A T LAW, Scotland Neck, N, C, :,t- wherever his services are 1'a.', febl31y; gain of the world. (By Sner-ial Wire. I Has the larjrcft daily circulation in the Into its farrows shall wo all be cast, Staty. In the sure faith that we shall rise Has more State correspondents than any other daily in the btate. Twelve Months. $6.00 Six Months $3.00 Three Months $1.50 Weekly, $1.25 per year, in clubs of live nr over 1.00 T. R. JERNING AN, Editor, Then shall the good stand m immortal Miss Alice Mitchell was declared insane and has been sent to the Tennessee Asylum at Bolivar. At the great harvest, when the arch angel's blast In consequence of the cholera In Russia the Ministry of Education Shall winnow, like a fan, the chair and hag or(cre that all schools be Krain Lmaowi until the 1st of Sentetnb?r. va vswv4 - a. II. ?.T. Litctifokd, Ivlanager. SAW, MILLS- ENGINES Threshing Machines- Best Aluclnnery at Loicest Prices. A- . FARUUHAIt CO., YORK. PA 5 20 I3t. bloom News comes from the wheat and In the fair gardens of that second Lorn gcettons of the West and And birth; each bright blossom mingle its Northwest that the crop prospects were never better. Rye, barley and nf-r film p With that of llowers which never oats are good also. bloomed on earth. Congressman Watson says now in the light ot investigation, that r !i. K1TCHIN, Attoknky an. 1 Col'nselor at Law, Scotland Neck, N. C. ice: Corner Main and Tenth 1 5 ly. With thy rude ploughshare, Death turn nn tha c CtK And-m-eadthe furrow for the seed his book was written for campaign we sow. purposes and was not aimed at in- This is the field and Acre of our God, dividuals. This is the place where human har vasts grow! ceful men do" Here is nn opportunity, such is not often U. o. r.rKTt'N, Jh. E- l Travis, BURTON & TBAVIS. il l' iKNEVS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW HALIFAX, H. C f 14 1 y. ,j i ty auy industrioni pervn of oitlior oi. . u- ir 1 1 v Wcldon. R. RANSOM, WeluOn. .jo the woik and live it hvme, whrr-w " 11 ' 1 ' ginnr are eaii'.y earr.'ng from to S DAY, k RANSOM. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Weldon, N. C. 3 My. The Newspaper Press. f2 When 1 tak0 in my hand3 a new9' Ut: Mled his Opportunity! l)OJ!'T Mlu nanor. When I Survey It8 Columns, til. iur, Jiciidcr. Tl.a majority oeg:lect their op- 117 Ol IIS It is said that the democrats will nominate Governor lioies of Iowa for Congress in the Third district, and that they are sure of electing him. A Washington (N. C.) correspon dent writing to the Noriolk Virgin that a man went into the not neip ieenng a r)iuit; m jj Ho fnr thnsfi atrea tOWU, tOOK too mucu "ftu eC, .- ' ' . . , . . 1 I ' KJ I 'l 1 U"W I' 1 " 1 " ' " C I ' - o end sl.o Uparts. neirr to retoro. now siiHii yon uuu - I : nnll flipti It WilS th. COLCEN opportunity Iuve.tisate erery chance that w.;ph did Dot knOW th 9 Prodigy Of W 8S pUt 1U J all and UieU. 11 Vt 1M aroeart worthT. and cf fair promise; that i what all eac- WU1CU U Kl UOU tvnurr tuia J , . i r . t . suspected rnai ne tneu iur wam ui portanitios, and from that cause live in poverty and die in wllPn T f-nnsideT the Variety obJcnrityl Harrowing despair it the lot of many, as they " ue 11 1 ItJUSHiCl tuc iifJ look back on loit, forever lost, opportunity. I.Uelapaea. rr f1 v,p riphneR of its neWS tnir! Iteichout. Be ud and doiuir. Improve your opporta- mailer aDU LJe riCUIlt-.B Ul 11" n"a nity, and secure prosperity, prominence, peace. Itwaa laid I by a philosoplier, that "the fJodde'S of Fortune offera a I J (;&0 COldeD opportunity to each person at some penoo. oi nio; eiabiHce the chance, and slie pours out her riches; fail to do Asked for Aid. GREAT STRAIN. HOW A 1Y U'l !.! Tl.t NO LON'.KW. A boy who t vl bcn bruouM cp la a htirxf where hnfty nd trut'i falr.t-s wrrc l c iT i tpoii, bet w'u-re tlM wa- rut win' orj- Dig!.'. t rro vrir olL nt WLf 0 h.d tsven wilh the firtu a iM)i'ruiivny Lu:t titr.t, he srnt :t t oL. 'l bills. Befwrv tu-- c ' -' of iUt yr 1 1 had in hit lisr h utn f ii-ur.- ie1, or wa Our Dureb Animal. As a PennsjlTaoia frner wac passing through a patch of wood Us', sammer a ben partridge flattered op and rau between his feet. It a socb a strange thiog for so wild a bird to do that the farmer thought the partridge was Mini. So he stooped over to pick h;r op, and I - : t . . t . - then he iound she wasn't blind at all an acme ro.i.-u. u.-, n. for joet as he was aboat to grp I tr 8ni,n in an llice in a wMtora ntj she darted toward the brusu w, n ip WkB tif:-on r t .t .. k.I neap irom woitu u . uc, .iollar w..-k emerge, stopped at the edge of it an.1 looked back. l'resently she ran at the in in again, with her wings clown, clucking constantly and appearing to be in great distress about somethioz. Tbe farmer walked to the edj?e of tbe cop6e. and the partridge flew ahead and alighted on the ground two or threo rods beyond, winging her way bock aain when he saw he was not moring-. She repeated l!it?e tnar u ovres until she itd l.im to a hemlock tree, and there, in a little curve mstle by the roots, he faw a nret full of eggs. At the same time he saw a black snake in the act of swallowiDg ooe of the eggs, arid understood the reason for the partridge's action. He hunted up a club and kilUd the snake, relates Gohl Days. As soon as the partridge saw that tie snake was mofiouless ebe ceased her noise and hid in the bushc. The man went away, and in half an hour crept near enouh to see the psr tridge sitting on the nest as though nothing had happened. ut: ii i mi t Mr rr-jli t r.i: r..J !:c horn can't l f .;..., Mr ,-on.b ! I cr..i-t t i ris ti.rff t a- !, 1 T i a ;H nl r ..". m j rtP p Itut !1 ttr (t ; r a , ! i s it jf K t ,t tut . 0 T t . t tl n T rst f r V . tr r k.. . Iff is. i i ' ' i' t . n Ll-.U"Tlf t til.1 Ik", l. al 1 t ! T, Vr ii )il r', rn r 4 a hrt'f t ct t Wht t' o I' ?'. ! r lUf all .'.!, I r .. icl t 1 t'.'-r.- t r ; !'s :rr m iSf tr.....M lril t-ab ' hi.! hi aur Afr Mi t jg'l uitrt t m J till) i fiM. ,: ! " t rn 1 tut ey amounting to one thousand i"t j .tnt. 'trr '.!, it vnm t nc. ir.n huntlred or tftt thousand dollar 1 v u i I' ?ut. T.'Ult'ff ;f' ! arvj ;. . ! IMU wlitH baby h l i way. 0301 ey that lie deposit in the bank, lufore a tr and a half t-xpirt-d be wss frrufnlh J bo, k..n and dnr, .-..himup iur ! sent to draw Ur-ie suimh of money I l i ' ' ; in i... hron I N .'it ' all t' v 'l .o I itirri to rau , , ,i,.t - "' ,, Bergman in Kansas. . H ere ts an opportunity, sucu as is not oneo I . ,, ri-r within the reach o! laboring people. Improved, it will give. I QUDQan lnieillgeuuc uwcu rt least, a grand start in lite, llieuo many ia her. Money to lis made r f.nr thfi ftt.pftinentfir.e. without the! without the thousand Tbe Oklahoma craze has again 111 aires von are. Even be- SSIO per dav. Yoo can do as well it yen tih ora. noi " niu, ura.i.m- , , can Kiv. spar. tin,, only Urn. to the E. jndoStrV has hrOkCnOUt ID WeStem TCUIieSe , r.ratively new urni r aUy womkua. e instruct and . . . mn f 'i.ul the llCCrOCS iiaVC lOmpetl their Urn. vnnl.uw.fre?. Fmlnre nninowD sraon" our vnrk- .,, in thf t T 1 II ?Ti rh al WSV Ol I tilt-l tuu lllh J t ' . . ; 1, V.. Urn .11 1 i f i o room iu c "'" w . I..I. .MEHCE11& SON- No. 10 .-rovith 9th St, (bet. Main & Uary Sts. RICHMOND, VA, gumbep Commission ercrjant. r.; -L- personal and prompt attention b a-.i . o-i-nmcnts of Lumber, Shingles, I,-: ;.!;,. 4-17-90 TV. UriV adorned by so many hd- own crops, m many places, and 17 12 ly. ShouWTourlittloone l.o-.tn f S-HISKT with Momhramms Croup, whiit vrouM V 1 VLRt IJUiSlCJiia CUlilU Beldin'slJIKemsdy ,t.s.rt,. j,ttro,Krs.-ir--l--'.ai.,l istiiei.r.iysafr.-iiarcl. In -. n t-iws i rf.i. . ;rd.-t NOW from vonrdrust : ' i v ,. s. J !"..'.. p.-v.-.l.T by ro::ifor 10c. T U. CEU PKCMIEl- ". JASAiBA. M.r 12 18 1 v 1 . - -v ,"l I . f IV! mortal monument?, hut I cannot un outers nave um iu,u. i. ZZ derstand a state of society which is iu " i" rSLft I I lain. k without the great booK ot mo nany nrpsn in which are registered by a r 1 AT ,1,-, vot Virvvra legion or writers, wuo uuj-ui - - ..r,a,prfttPrl to the oeoDle. our afflic- niaue bu.w VUk-V. v-'-'-" 1 av tions, onr New York . ... ,r a wiiinnPil ont, everv boy who took perplexities, our ieara suu " "-i-i" - a 1 r noir urii'M the deorets of perfection whtcu we i' are approaching in This continued until the work of the police made some arrests aud ideal of justice upon then boys No. 1 went back to woik. JUSIAH UYLAND. Ryland & Lee, Piano and 0 No. 10 3-ovenor St- rgars Richmond, Va- rfalizinu an R. B. LEE. . , f ... nrth r nn,l0,.t..fl mnnafitir. Things at i-ouiesLVrtu ic - 1 U -A U OCU uuciv-mv. l . . . rf-t, I i-A... r ,--, nnnorfninf r 1 IIP life, tte isolation ot a man wun re- - .hi l.,,r(o c.n tn favnr tlu. strikers cnmaHina nftniiW et ee wu,lt,cl-,-m l" uuuulM u"c .7 1 r-mrhavfl been made to arrest in society and the enlarging UTick Lovejoy and Totter for mur i,ort. in thft familv in order to dcdi- M? 0e)J au" . .. , M.uir to science to U".1"111""" J USllC U1UI3TII W - fif CUinty, I , v T.lf,M,r nlP,llPr of the . ai I I iv ill i ii aiv vv. - - you will pardon me,) In one oi .nose 1 mlnoh rn CA Co mnn- l"'lu morai .-.vu v....... . states Military Academy at West asteries. Bat 1 do not understand ates Aimi y f how that man can renounce tbe read uas ealers The Parsons Kansas Weekly Eclipse publishes tbe lollowtrg: 'Alexander IWgman, Hie woold- be murderer of Mr. Frick, spent the first three years of his life in Aroeri- in Kansas and Colorado. He worked in a German printing office for four days in 18SG wbiie tramping hi? way to Kearney county, where there is a colony of Russian Jewp, among whom he remained for two yc-ius, takmg pnrt in tbe murderous county seat fights of that time. From this he went to Garden City, where he worked at tha ca&e until he one day suddenly got off his Btool. left the otlice and picking up a big rock hurled it in through the wiudow, sinking the foreman of the otlice. He entered the room, tumbled every thing on the floor and left town. He Gext turned up al Pueblo, Col., wbere he wa9 imprisoned for stab bing a man. When he sot out he went east. During rait of the time ha was with his compatriots in Kearney county, be acted as local from t t;e b um.. wi'h tt;c firm for a yosr, tn- n it his salarv whs t -o h.-'-iII hi co.i t tin- son to the ik re julrct from bitn. :ind in a mhuiy way wc:;ttoil.e brad of the Arm ni)! asl.nd for -tn increase i in salary. The mvn'ficoi.l increase of one dollar a wiekwis toaccded and more responsibility, because of his larger salary, wui jiut upon turn, lamer sums of in i,e? beinn g ven into Lis care lime an time naln du ring the tluy. f 'i ntem -dopU-d with this boy ut l.ome at this. When he rcrelwd ?3 u wiK, l.e r-m-polled tn give to his fatber eaoh Wit-k one tlollar. Tlie remaining two dl- 1 fur- 1UL v " ' I J nish his clothe-. He carried a lun che n frftm home, s thing which ntm ni'tbeotbrr hoys euiiiioyet hy the firm did, and hu h. 't w-is four d out afterwardr', w-ks -i ciu.' f prent mcrtification t m- When his s-d-rV ws increased to four dollars a A . (u a l'n. en. i r t, tut 1 T, f" n and have thy way. J. K Ua.no- oi II ri i-i ' I' J I'. A Weniorablo Month. N. . H. !!. Jill; , 1,.' bi i -.-. I mi-. t,i-i..ty h nn" iIm- oiot iiH'Hio'i I- i.in m-r n."iiih te-'rut u'.f, h lii"2 t' r tn tn' eff i ai t!u- iijotilb of I lit- I i!!lT' ' . . I ' tot". I L d . i. d upon rt v' r " t ' fh diii btuit.t on tbe ban!."! nhel t r'i'ivr ,1-1 l it' I fur v art .r v it I . I Mm n eqtl'j i t ti i . i.l M. n ! n'.ern! i i . 1. r ' i- w i If li, t-i 1 1 1 11 ir-i 1 in tbe a rii a ! i tn.-.oli' a funnici niiikui llr lal id the a f rt I'i it ita , r1 -1, s t r u i ii m ii i I r id Idior Ii) law- lt"8i os on all hmIci-, loiei.ee, no' . t . l- k 4.1. .1 .lli.rtn.t..l ..tliriS WeiK I ne i;n ihi in-""' i . .. . i. i.....i v.o ri..-i r.,l truf-il 'or'urtr mnietJ in I 11 'T Sill .1 llttll H wevn. . . n.l nut of i In. balance i ! no ..f ii I'r ury b. . A a t in I jii ii ' il review of tti vx. 1 itig -t en it 'f 1 be tr out li r venh i u r. pr;:flf ni r - of itWui.i. r t-i ii ;i ! 1 1 i.l i ilt or t o I (. T ,i.i ti Ufi'iU'.l tin ptini.c niii'.or.iu-n, 1 1 uch a knowledge of thin fact to ,k ibe i,w in their own loin i. nt.o Oatirped tbe In clioni of ofirntnent. It w-s thlt di titi i-e of law ul aluioal every point t h ut lia- given tbe Mory of Homette-Jtl so many atar'llng features atid l.d to .o many ffrioua consciences. I ho lesHon is costly, but nmy prote vuluuhlf. It M ttint lawlfHifeaa, ilways t b': l onderr.io d. J c i 1 1 V l rabie n..d (iinnlnmi I" con troversy between i iiiplo) ttr alio tn - paid to him, tbe bo; I.-Mift clothe hiaiself and meet al! bis weekly xi.e m. I :"' mono-, paid by tbe boy U hi- fit her was deposited in the ba-.k io th-,- boy's credit, bat without his knowUdtfe. How m would have lielp.d him i-, d" course, 1 a iiilirtt'ti J it a question, oul i ue " 1 1'-' ..v.., . would have male him umre hopeful l.-t Kq Innwn ttlftt. t Ili8 mOIlCV Wttf) Ll zx n ut ' " j accumulating for him in the bank There was to be an evening enter tainment in the chorcb, which the boy was very anxious to attend, but to which he did not feel that he could go, because his clothes were not suitable, us the entertainment I,ioye. came at tbe end of '.he season. He worked, he planued, and co one knows pven now how many limes he . i agent for some sewing machine com walkcd ,roUi bl9 hollie to his ollice, Ho was always morose ano i , distance away to CALENDAR pany very violent when angered. VESCK -IMMKKSE- HAIMD t , fFTttZZf Lowest dJs&iir Guaranteed. SS m J1 rpfnsr- to hazing there tnis year, and the antnorittes made an example of young Elttng. It is the first case of such suspen sion in m.inj years. all While Congress is halting over the world's Fair oppropriation, tbe Yoik Her old says: "ibe log of the newspapers, think with the brain of all mankind, feel with the heart of all humanity, nrA rrWncrin his own life with the nui n New and Second ocean of human life, as he sees blow ing upon its wave me wmu ui ideas. it i n fatalitv of toclal organism v J ... , Xfw . i 0-..-qq mnnfa nht ftO. I P.S 1Q LJG I taai, ii' ww- t,;r.. th frnvprnmpnt an- ,t. works that are created to ad-P""" - " w w . . . . fl on juu .Oil I'll'SS .u. .v, ao, riao ii.h its nuauj i'. vaDceii,iuti - two or three errors and takes possession ot e . - i r....r,.,1 Ha. WUimo mi. o .v. iustrumeni wuicu was iuigc strov it. that the surrounding world K i i:t.a nn.l oir MpatlPTPfl TO Ibe Ol HKOt- .ui..i. t... lifloal cirnatinn in .1 , ,, ii rl V II 1 Itj LUC I IU1 1 Llttll HsCIIKR.-Before the public for sCHU15J3KT.-ine oem -- w.au. u " " " tfcJ Vireinla is not altogether as badly tl'tv vPir XinPtv two thousand mnoon vuo waiwii. truii), yew jjieany u " in use. Best made for the Honey. 'WAGNER'' made for Ryland & ne. Cheap and moderate price. l'mnn nn the market. Contains nil tin mndnrn imnrovements. ui?. A nPITRY PIANO, Rich and oower ful in tone. Honestly made. Reasonable in price. New mode of stringing. j :r mixed u as in North Carolina, the obscure world ol laiseuoou. iut, hi . . I",.- im to indB- leaders are beginning to bee that . la !m in-Hintinn." in which there must be some good work done ffltuia" . H.P in order to make a strong Deoole so much rejoice, ana were ex- - lJt.A rhrine in one hand fight for democracy UiUlbW) VM"- J n the good i- had done and in the other the evil, perhaps none could j be first tobacco of the season rise s'j pure as tbM Press and none was sold in Winstou August 2nd. would merit a benediction more a telegram uateu mere uu mat ufl) instlv due from the human con - Uavs : "The first science. MiONINGKR. So! 1 ui the South for tlnriy years. Eighty Thousand in use. H it ostly made. Low id Pri.-e. l-'jriaud & Votey. A new favorite. Sim pic in make. Sweet in -une. Durable and Cheap. Pipe Orgati3. Sample in ware room. Will pay ex-pre-f to Richmond and return if church repersen ative buvs aPipe Organ. A LARGE STOCK OF Second-Hand Pianos and Organs ALWAYS ON HAND AND BARGAINS SOLD. Send us voor order, limit us in price and we will meet your wishes. We sell for cash, or on installments. Catalogues and Prices furnished OQ app,io.t,oo rylAND LEE, - Cm RICHMOND, VA. tobacco ot the season, sold in Winston to-day, was "Translated from the Spanish of raised in Davidson county. It Emillo Casterlar by W. F. Burbank. brought 250 per hundred. It was 1 more than a week earlier tnan any Rothschild's Maxims The cider Baron Rothschild hul the walls of his bank placarded with the following maxims: fcSbun liquors. Dare to go forward. Never be discouraged . Never tell business lies. Be polite to everybody. Employ your time well. Be prompt in everything. Pay your debts promptly. Bear all troubles patiently. Do not reckon upon chances. Make no useless acquaintances. Be brave in tbe struggle of life. Maintain your integrity as a sacred thin. Never appear eomcttjing more than you are. Take time to consider, -nd then decide positively. forofnllr pvarnine into everv oi - C a rf 1- t J - J tail of your business. Then work hard and you will be certain to succeed in life. Little fiiirl I'xper iencf in n Liffhtlioiifce. gave the car-fare, and get money enough for a suit of clothes. The time for the entertainm nt cunt near, aud he found he could not feuye the necessary amount of money. One morning the proprietor fouud on OF JURY CASES, IO l'.K TKIKI) Al AI.I'ST M'M I Al, TKR'I. 1 SO J. OK 1 1 A l-I Y A X sr i'Ki:iMt :ii in . M NTAY, AI 'M HI list; "Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers, was a line of alteratiye non- sense, mat me cuituicu uc w .-j. Nowadays they can practice on the i ex feet, Painless, Powerful Properties of Pierce's Pleasaut Pugative Pellets It will impress a fact which will be useful to know. These Pellets cure sick head ache, bilious attacks, indigestion, con stipation and all stomach, liver and bowel troubles. They are tiny sugar coated pills, easy to take, and, as lax ative, one is sufficient for a dose. No more groans anp gripes from the old drastic remedies! Pierce's Purgative Pellets are as painess as they are perfect in their effects. new tobacco market.'7 ever sold on the FOR DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion, anl Stomach rtlorders. taKe BKOWX'S 1KOV BITTERS. Alt dealers keep It, SI per bottle. Genuine haa SraJe-mark and crossed red lines on wrappe Tn Wtr York last week tbe onarf.Viivts bpld a meeting and nraised the act of Bergmann in try in1 to assassinate H. C. Frick, manager of the Carnegie Mills at Homestead. One of the speakers was bold enough to say: "We don't care a rap for American laws. We must help ourselves. We must not depend upon others. We must abolish property and law, for both are only for the benefit ot the capitalist." Subscribe to iT. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott are keep ers of the Cor. Lighthouse at Sand Beach Mich. an: are 4Iessed wim a daughter, four Tears old. Last April she was taken down with Measles, fol lowed with a dreadful Couh and turning into a Fever. Doctor at home and at Detroit treated her, but m vain, sne grew worse rapidly, until she wa. a mere 11 handful of bones"'. Then she tried Dr. Kind's New Discovery and after the use of wo and a half bottles, was compieieij cured. Thev say Dr King's Nw Dis covery is worth its weight in goi'J, e. you mas get a trial bottle free at E. l . Whitehead & Go's Drugstore. TJTTS All Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerye Restorer. Ko Fits after first day's use. Marvellous cures Treatise $2.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases, bend to Dr. Kline, Ml Arch bf Philadelphia, Pa. nis desk a note written like tniB ; 10 K,ib Hjnian vs. Ai" H,mn.. .'Gucl-b,! Ican.H.tstan.lit! Wte. 1.- ,,;,.,,..,. Au .,..n roftil ttii" I will be dead." The .... t,.,rT lli iiiin. i.r..rt, il man with I 110 '0. IH'urliH A C. , K J J Draper. employ ei , u naim-"v-..v.. . ir.tr.ri.itc nf icp irt-;A Y, A'''.l T '2 Ir-i' all lue wssitititi 3 iui- j 1 .ll.,.n0.l nt nrir for the Iidv'b 2.' '(l" V". w. 'V V" ' ILlii llill.M""uv'' " - 1 ,, i, . , l i father, who w nen - li N. vv. P. as fpiickly is possitile .otigLt 1j;k home, and there found that hi eon had taken chloroform with a view to ending his life. Tbe father now The doctor was O Li 'J vvn-" - placed under bonda of secrecy, and not even the boy's mother knew wl.At was the mutter with him, or that anything special was the matter. wi.r. dm lif.v roul i be tdken from If uu v - j - home hii father to ik him luLo thc couMr for a few days, bclievm that if he could bt uloue with bmi ue could find out why Uu: boy sout death. At last the boy opened his heart, and exclaimed : -Ob, papar, I couldn't trnst myself another min ute. I did wa&t those cbitLei fco much, and I had t. m-Jth moaey . carry round that I felt if another day came before tbe entertainment, I would Burely spend it for that suit ot clothes, and I didn't ant to be a thief!" Comment is unnecessary. Macy :n i,... tvo r.'nmf nn the father; atid Will 1U l.uv he should be blamed. Had the right feeling existed between father and son. bad the father kept the bo)'e confidence, the strain woo'.J nevtr have reached this point; but he be lieved ia making boys self-reliant, in teaching them to decide questions for themselves, and in this case, ILe result waa what we have told. Bo. what of the employ cr who subjected a boy to such a strain? Km r . 7:1 . M Duii o t o. htfirv. ') PnebN'-i vs lark . VUNE-IiA , Al 'il - I '2 " p; Campbell V Lyon V- Harrison. ;. L'.t'h v-i Johnson. -,: Hytnn fs Ilisr'- ,s5 T.llUferro A t . s ttr A i-f. 'Jl iVfiine m VNnri-. I Minn. '2 S loruon v It. A li. K. o. n', PrM.ott vs Ah xanltr. Tlll'ROA V , Al Ml'h'I 2'tlf. jl Wil!imii vs W. W 1 H. I:. Cu. ltr) Kmrv I'pe. 1 1 l Pari ih v It'll "' 1 7 Uu'iter s Thrte. C.es will tike ptttedenre frcm rUy to -Jay until dipo-ed of. S,i: r and it-ne- i.etd not att-t.d 'K.til the day for which th?ir ca'S arr-fi. Ausr-i-t 1, Ctftk yoperif I'.vti. '. vi v prt'- r " r MOTION DOCKET. I sut, on IMvion Clark, Adrur Hoone' i Adtiir. J. T. rr-b!f- a'. Perhle. .. o Clirk, A-imr. Kaiion v I ainon. .) irv v Bran-rh, etal "j p Sf.-nn v Bitchflr, et . "- iTc . -Imr Kcrl?r V K tr I , Kurz.-rvii v CSr'x d::i :,l li. N. it. - I! S A- V. P. ( r m- v '-"V-iir'v ar.d w.fe t K. N. A " n 1 K. N- A W. P. IV v, Kmiy .rd r.'t c'fV. iar,tt v Garret:, t Jo-ephti dunibeck, to the rourt. 1 Iar (.olm.btck, to the r,rt fe, c W lumtt i Covs Oarrtl A Co. m Park- ft als t smith. 00 K.nry and . ife. ' US Entry Co v hromng. A'U'i t 1, "Vr: .:nn:nHV J?l. 1 "K'-'V" " Clerk Superior Court.

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