. , '"-iiii' m in d-'i-jsS' SCIESCE AIH) ART. yFTjr Fnl'. Commercial Coarse. ,ir.e iuTelcgrapny. Instruction !'r.-''-;";,'"r ;i!nlArt. Cornet ISand. f.r IV-Mity and Health. I'M':" j',ot i n .":i-rcl for College Classes, ;"'J" there is a ric?. preparatory Derailment. !,'... .jr-is.ns. Preparatory Medical . fit- No eharjrc for medical atten-ii';-'r:!i . r':iI,.N. t or particulars, address ni" ' 4 SCHOOL, Winston. N. C. THE DEMOCRAT- IHUKSDAY AUGUST llth, 1892. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE, Advertisements of all kinds must be in .,:0'j,v by Tuesday afternoon to in j,!'re publication for the current week. IH'nr, Advertisements. 1 cent a jronl 'for each insertion. Charges tr local advertising due weekly .nrffliT HHKnniJI'K'WTfMTC nEID'S SHOES at $1.39. Must be .-oJu at once. N. 13. Josey. " VOTICE. We are prepared to furnish sea! in small r large quantities at short notice. Will buy timber and saw lumber for hu'i'ling purposes. Do all manner of machine work and will work tin. Also se'.l bvt I'ianos anfl organs at the low!-t prices .SCOTLAND NECK MlLLS and Machine Shops j, L. K itch in & Co. Prop's. 8-11-tf. Tatapsco Superlative Flour, Mason's Fnut Jars and Hats, Dried J3ef and Beef tongue cheap at J. D. Ray's. 8 4 Take Notice- I will rvmain in Scotland Neck only two weeks longer. Those wishing Photo graphs ma le had better call at once. Yours respectfully, II. F. Badger. ASafe For Sale ! due good Hall's safe for sale. Weisrht pounds, and in good order, Apply to TlIE DKMOCRAT. Mrs. L . Campbell Arevlt', Vtis.. says TfcpaccMnraiiyinK statement r.t mv wi-iiht and measure Before. After. T.ra- Weight 330 lb, SSS lb, 15 lb ments will ehcnv the results Of .W.iit.. 41 in. 81 In. 11 In, flvemoEtfcs' treatment. (Hipt.. 63 in. u to. 13 In. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. BvmlfM, .'. 1 with no trlo?I InconTeclence, or bad tStctt, Per rirt: -: rs Mr.M. with 6 cent, in itamp,, II. a . f. SMCER. M'VtCKCB'S IKE Al8. cmuto ILL cuii.... 43 in. 83 In. 10 in. For Sale. A (.000 BARGAIN. One 25 horse power Blacdy Boiler and Engine. Pnee $150.00. All complete. Also one new Saw Mill on Deep Creek. 25 h.-irse power all complete. Price $9'" '.uu cash or AiCTO 00 in payments. Apply to M. C. Fleming. Edward Aj,lcott. Scotland Neck, N. U -TO BE S (O) We will sell at oor Drug Store, (O) SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, la's Gtiili & Fever Tonic under a "uarantee that one bottle will cure CHILLS and FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, MALARIAL FEVER, TYPHOID, SW A.MP AM) HEMORRHAGIC ELVER; NEURALGIA and LA-GRIPPE, And f-idi'ifr to do so we WILL refund tL e tu-.r.ey. 6. C. Wljiteljeab cx Co. ISP Prune Syrup and Senna is the best of all it uit laxatiyes. 7 14 lyr. Pure! Brilliant l Perfect! L'SEL EVERYWHERE, AND EN LoRKI) WHEREVER USED. The M "Si Popular Glasses in The United States. They :tre daily worn and are warmly Pfaisej by the solid Representative Men ?J this country, manv of them being of National fame. The lbt embraces Bank et Merchants. Lawyers, Governors, '-enat-jrs, Foreingn Ministers, Mechanics, irev rs. men eminent in all professions aQd tra.as PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND THEM- . S')V. WVT . TUV. . crTITTE BUY It, e perfect Glisc ars accurately For au;usled to all ey e t;y, J3. T- Whitehead & Co. 3 ly. Scotland Neck, N. C. t(rfdU ,y . T- Whlt-fchesd & Co PROMINENT PEOPLE. AND PASSING EVENTS. Mr. Cha?. E. Johnson ia the cew president of RsUigh'a Chamber of Comiier e. Dr. J. M Templeton of Gary, has been nominated by the Prohibition pa,t for Governor. Mrs. Jcrnioan, mother of Mr . T, R. Jernigan, editor of the Stale Chronicle, recently di.d ncr.r Tunis hi the age of td,ihtv. A stray boiler irom an air gun struck Rev. Dr. Nelson at Wrights ville batmday and came very near beiDg a aerious inj uy to his eye. Iloo. Kemp P. Battle has been invited lo deliver an address in the Raleigh Centennnl celebration t,n Raleigh's Firtt Hundred Years." Rev. C. A. G. Thomas, who has been pastor of the Baptist church in Elizihtth City for eeteral jearf, has accepted a call lo the BaptiBt church in Grceoloro. Mr. F. A. Woodardjthe democartic nominee for Congrtas from this, the Second district, has already opened his campaign and will make a vior outh fight. At Red Springs, N. C, tha Insti tute for Bible Mtudy opened on Tues day of laet week and continued, until vt-rUrdny. Large crowds came together and much good resul ted from the meeting. Prof, ("oilier Coob, son of Rev, N. B. Cobb, of Raleigh, has been appointed to the ciiair of Mineralogy in the Unierily of North Carolina, Prof. Cobb is a ;: man and ! lalcuted. lit w s.i lias mae if fiDfi nt WaUc Forenl .-. f c (Mr. Prof. V. J. F. rr-il, of ,t k county, ha- l e n elected as a.'iitan' Professor of Mathematics in A uke Forest College, made vacant by the death of Pro'. E G. Beckwitu. Prof. Ferrell was one of our most highly esteemed class-mates at Wake For est a few years uo, and we are gratified it this deserved compliment and acknowledgement of his ability. Dr. John A. Collins, ot Enfield. is the Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee in the Black District. We take this to be a good selection. He is a Soath Carolinian long resident in Halifax, a man of excellent sense and a very true Democrat. He Is nleo a cspital physician. He will do pood work for the Democracy. Wilmington messenger, lu ihe Fourth district convention at Raleigh last week, Hon. B. II. Bunn was nominated for Congress on the 130ih ballot. Mr. Bnnn is serving his second ttrin in Confess now. The uomloation for a third term ie a high compiimtnt to JUr. Bunn. Mr. E. S. Abel of Johnston county was n Ui'nate 1 for elector. Cnairuit.il .imuions h&s announced his intention so have most of the campiizn specH.r made in the county thi ; er.r. That seems to us tha proper thing to do. It "lll te 1 )!:; the axe at the root of the tree, for the country places are the ones most aaiicud with hallucination, acd this i where the good can be accomplished. Mr. J- sephus Daniels, who has taken a few mouth's rest from edit orial work since he sold the State dhrnnicle. Dresents his new paper, The North Carolinian" published in Rsleijrb, and the public will re ceive it with delight. It is an eight page weekly, and presents a mosi hnndRoma iDoearance. Its make np is what everybody expected it would i i be-first class. Mr. Daniels will maKe the leading weekly in the state and will merit and receive lloeral pat ronage. Deware oi Ointment for Ca tarrh tliat contain Jlercnrjr. as mercury will surelv destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the "ood you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, Manufactured by F. J. Cheney fc Co., Toledo. O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, act in' directly upon the blood and raucious surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It i taken internally, and made in Tole do, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes moniabs free. jT-Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. L 1 T T L E T O N High School and Business Institute, L. W. BAGLEY, A. B., Principal, LITTLETON, ... North Carolina. College Preparatory Course, Commercial Course, Telegraphy, Penmanship, Shorthand and Typewriting Send for catalogue, 8 4 lm NEWSY 'GRAPHS. HERE AND ELSEWHERE WISE AND OTHERWISE. Our job office We are still turn ing out rdce job work. We hare recently received a new lot of stationery and will gladly receive orders for neat letter and bill heads, envelopes, business cards, Ac. Ice-cream supper. The Udie of Dawson's Baptist church will hate an ice-cream supper at the church grovt Friday evening, August, the 12th. The proceeds to go for an organ. Praised Scotland Neck. The Iloa noke Xcws in speakiDg of the Congression al Convention held here two weeks ago says ; "The delegates were loud in their praises of the geuuine and unstioted hospi tality of the Scotland Neck people." Fine tobacco Mr. S. R. Weeks of Edgecombe sent us a tine sample of new tobacco a few days ago. It is hia first curing and seems to be fmt clans. He has & good crop and says it pays him bet ter than any money crop he raises. Mr. W. II. Ltgjctt brought the Bample of Mr. Weeks' tobacco. Slaughtering the dogs. Some one took into his head a few nights ago to reduced the number of the town's canine population. The next morning there were just as many doga in town as the days before, but just twelv of them wer no longer animals they were sunply carcasses. Twelve in one night was a considerable reductiou in the number. Scotland Neck Enterprise Co. This is the name of a new enterprise in town which promises to develop ioto a good business. Mr. Peter E. Smith is president and Mr. H. G, Jones is general manager, Thep are temporarily located on Greenwood street just east of Capt. Kitchin's brick mill. Mr. Smith will repair his shops front ing the brick mill and the Hew company will occupy them. They hte already put in plaining machines and are prepars ing for large work. They will manu facture furniture and will do general wood-working business. The Democrat wishes thm succc. The Merry go round here- Mess. Hooker Brothers & Gieene of Green vide are here aain with their team riding gallery. Since they were here some time ago they have purchased an entirely new machine. They have a 7 hundred dollar organ, and will giye the people of Scotland Neck some very entertaining music and invite the ladies to come and see and hear. They are located at the same place near the depot, and will run in the atternoon and at night. The pro prietors are very clever and polite and will, no doubt, again be very liberal and generous toward the people. They will commence running on Tours day afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. Scolluml Steam Iy Work. Seeing Mr. J. P. Futrell, trie clever proprietor of the Scotland Neck MillU nery Store, wearing a handsome suit of clothes, we asked him why he was dress ed up so well and where he struck such handsome clothes. He answered us that ht. was not wearing new clothes but old ones. "How do yoa keep old clothes so pret ty and so long ?" we enquired. "They were dyed and pressed at the Scotland Neck Steam Dye Wrorks" said Mr. Futrell, "and they are the clothes I have been wearing all the year." "How long did your clothes remain at the dye works?" we asked. "Just twenty-four hoars," he replied. "Does the work suit you !" "Peifecily, sir." "How about the price for the work?" "It was the cheapest work of the kind I have ever seen anywhere." "Tnis work seems to be attracting at tion," we said. "I have had as many as fifty-inquiries about this suit of clothes," saif1 Mr. Fu trell, "and a drummer from Petersburg told me he was going to send his clothes here to be dyed.'' . "What do you think of the prospects of the company here,' we asked Mr Futrell. "According to the work they are now doing and at the present prices, they will get all they can do." The editor of The Democrat stopped jn to look at Capt. Bond's dye works the other day, and we were glad to see him moving on satisfactorily and much pleas ed with the success of the work thus far. We are glad to see the new enterprise in Scotland Neck and we believe it will develop into a good busiucss. UuiiIk i I'artner. A eentleman has informed The Demo crat that he i ready to go into copart nership with any one who wishes to open up a plate and butterdish factory in iscot- land Neck, This is a good opportunity for startirg the work and tnere is no reason why such an enterprise may not be established here with nmflf tt, the town and to the nersons opening up the work. There is plenty of timber all through this country that ought to be utilized in this way and there is no better place than Scotland Neck for doing it. The name of the gentleman wishing to go into the work may be learned by mak ing inquiries at The DemoCkat office, and The Democrat says let the work begin. El A Ml IS4L.L.. Scotland eeW v a"illrj. Th Scotland Neck base ball club cross ed bats with the Tillery club here Wed nesday of last week. The Scotland Neck nino were Messrs. Claude Kitchm, (cap tain,) Paul Kitchm. Haskett, J. E. Lewis, J. D. Perry, J. H. Futrell, Ar rington Kitthin, S. D Hancock and P W. Purrington. The Tillery nine were Mess. Sam Gregory, Ralph Pittman, E. L. Travis (of Halifax) P. C, Gregory, McMahon (of Halifax.) S. Flemming, White, Wells Tillery, Koss, fof Richmond. Quite a crowd witnessed the game. The score was 18 to 2 in favor of Tillery. Barbecue and 8peaking at Aur9lian Springs Mr. F. H. Taylor write us hat tt'e will be a big barbecue, given by the Cleveland and Carr Club, -t Aurdian Sprir,g, on August 20th n..-t. Hon. Elias Cair, Capt. V . H. K'tcr.m and Capt. Mason will r-e the speaker kr the j occasion, Scotland Neck Democratic Club The Scotland Neck Dcmocrttic Club held regular meeting Saturday afternoon. Many of the members were absent be cause of the business hour, but a large number from the country ere j recent. The meeting was an enthusiastic one, and there was co work done preparato ry to enlarging the influence of the club. Mr. C. H. Cocke reported a eiub orga nized at Rosentath Saturday of 'ST mem bers and others will probtblr join. The club here in Scotland Neck now numbers 190 names. A committee was appointed to assist in organizing clubs in in adjoining township. The committee eonsdsts ot C. H. Cocke, W. II, Kitchin, S. W. Ed war Is, Drew Braswell and Claude Kitcnm. They will organize a club at Hobgood this week. 1'riuliy l'ariitli Cemetery, Whereas ctrtain improprieties have been committed by unknown person, in 'i rinity Pansn Cemetery, the vestry of p3ish at its last moetin appointed the undersigned committee to notify the p b ic of the same, with the earnest request that there be no repetition of the ct. The particulars which haye come under the committee's notice, are as follows: A broken monumeut, stone slabs mors ed from their proper place on grates-, a broken window pane, the removal from place to place of the iron seats, hunting with dog and gun, brakirg shrubs and flowt rs, and walking on the tender raves. In view of the above facts that the committee would remind the public that while the cemetery is open to vi.sitors at all times, yet it is net a public paik, and it is earnestly hoped that it will not be 'issd as such. It is no place for loafers or boistous gatherings. The committee would also request that all persons wishing Vj have a grave di.g should confer either with the rector or one of the warden. f w J. Smith. Rector. Com.-lR. II SMITH, Stm Warden. ( W. H. Shields, Jun. Warden. FROM RING-WOOD- Sheriff L. O. Willcox died near Little ton Saturday. Another old landmark has departed from among us and we hope alter lifes fitful falls he rests well. He was 77 yea-s old. Mrs. Saunders, aged about 80 died at her sons, George Saunders near hereon Saturday ar.d will be buried today. Mr. W . W. Hargrove and family of Tarboro are .staying in town for the bene fit to be deriyed from Mr. Williams water and general healthfulness of our climate. The clever and couiteous Messrs Geo. and Croney Harrison of Weldon and Frank Garrett of Louisbnrg, were in town this week. Crops tine and prospects for financial prosperity good. Lests get right politi cally and the future will all be well. So says the WTatchman. Aug. 8th. G. E. M. FROM WINDSOR- The reunion of the confederate veters ans were, held in Windsor lst Thursday. There were about one hundred and sev enty live in attendance. At one o'clock they were invited to partake of a very nictf and aumptous dinner which had been prepared and 1 id on table in the courthouse yard, i he veterans passed a i evolution to have a monument, to cost no, kss than one thousand dollars, 'placed in the court house yard in remembrance to those who bad fallen in delence ol thrir native land. A commute was appointed to nolicit funds for that purpose. Dr. W. R. Capenart of Aroca in this county headed the subscription list with the :um of fifty dollars. A game of base ball was played in the evening between the Windsor ird Ross nine and the Ross nine came out ticto nous. A convention of the lhir l party was held in the court house Saturday evening and delegates were appoiated to the State convention to be held at Raleigh on the 16th inst. There were about five hundred people in attendance about half Third party men. They eudorscd Weaver, Field and E. A. Thome as their candi dates, but the sentiment was against nominasing a State ticket. The Rev. T- T- Speight preached at the Baptist church yesterday morning and ni;ht. A very large congregation came out to hear him on both occasions. Aug. 8th. Hugh. Pimmons Liver R emulator has never been known to (ail to cure sick headache, li1 )L Notice! Thn second year of this School will bejio Thursday. August 25th, 1892. A representative of the Military clothing house will be on and at the opening to J Patrons of Military Scnot take the measures for uniforming theaoj havc a slloll tslk w;lh ;,lr. Jacob caijeis. unnorms ior smaii ooys, Kneei pants, will be lumiseed at if 9 per suit. The prices of other & are Kiven in the catalogue. Respectfully, W. C. ALLEN. J. C. LANIER, PROPRIETOR Wilson - Marble - Works, v ilson, - - North Carolina. See Us v Before v Buying v Your IBONUWEflTS, TOMBSTONES, 7 216m. CEMETERY WORK. &C Highest of all ia Leftrcabg Power. 1 53S AESCOJUYELY PURE I'liRSONALS. Mr. Jesse B. Brewer wa in tui week. tm The ediU.r left Tuesday morning for Hollv Springs. ilis- Idi E. Allshrook Is vlsitine friends m Littleton. Mr. 1). A. Madrv hs teen in Li'tleton for some days. Mr. Jno. B. Keecb and wife of T r b ro pi-o t Sunday in town. Mr. Ji o. Morrisett went up to Hi!ifx last Friday. Mr. E. B. Hiso of Gt-enville spent .N'lndsy in town. Sheriff B. I. All-brook "it up f.o Weldon Monday. Mr. Moses Heilbroncr returned from Ocracoke Monday. Mrs. R. H. Shaw is vUltinu in Halifax -nd Weldon this wt-ek, Mr-. C. T. Lawrerce and children I ft Tutfariay for Cedar Rock. Mr Geo. H. Skinner of Halifax was in town iast Saturday. Mr. and Mm. Tims. H. Holling w Tt1' 'poot Sunday in Tirlnrn. Mrs. N. B. Josey and children returned from Wake Fores. Monday. Mr. Charlie Med ford recently spent come time in Kooky Mount Mr. Guv Alston has been on a visit severs! daj to Mr. Paul Kitch in. MHs Lizzie WiU i. x of Rocky Mount is vlsiiins Mia Bettie Joy- ner. Mis. J. E. Condrey went up to Spring Hill Monday and spent t e d if. Miss Estelle Johnon left Monday to visit Mhs Mary Hofham In Tar boro. Mess. C. N. Skinner of Oa!adnia and Paul Randolph of Tillery spent. Sunday in town. Quite a crowd attended the dedi cation of the M. E. Church at Hob g )'d Sanday. Mrs. Wiswall of Washington, N. C, is hero on a visit to her sister. Mrs. J. A . Perry. Mes. R. flyman and L. W. Camp bell of Greenville have been in town this week. Mr. J. E. H incock and wife left Monday to spend Home time at Pan- acei Spring. Mr. K. Allbrook came down from Tillery "-d -pei;L uverl .a s with hi fmilv this week. Miss Mag Sivie left. Monly for Enfield wIit-' 'he will s.ooa com mence teathinv chool. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bell of Roxobel have recently viaitcd their brother Mr. J. Whit Bell of this place. Mr. John Mills of Woke Forest cime down last week on a iMt :o bis sister, Mrs. Claude Kitchin. MUa Bettie Vaghun and Mis Fountain of Rockv Mount nr.: vis iting the family of Mr. Ben Gray. Miss Mary Salsbury who bad been ou a visit to Miss Aji..ie B'gg, returned to her hutuu la Hamilton Friday. Mrs. Minguoi and daughter, Mies Carrie who have been visiting Mrs. C. T. Lawrence left Tuesday to visit in Henderson. Mr. C. B UakeU who lias been ill the employ of the O'islow Lum ber Co. for some time i i.e:e on a visit to hip parents, Mr. T. B. Haskett has recently returned from Williraston where be has finished the building of the stores in that place. Maj. Barraud came io Prtd-jy to be in readiness for the new session of the Military School wliich opens 25tb. Maj. Barrauo looks well and seems eil rested for the work of the coming year. The rt porter was ver , glid t Hijig of Greenville Mori-iny ev-j emng, at the ilepot. He was on bis return home from Asheville where be has been spending some time. Mi?s L.ura BrasAciS of Bras Well'o X Road's returned home lat Thursday frorc Hass-M !;ere she hail been visiting Miss Bettie Pur vis and other friends. She was ac- comoanied on her return by Mi6s! a Bettie Purvis. U. S. Govt Report, Auj. 17, (Photographic Notice! Wht ou tfo u Nrr-!k ii W;l a .d PHv'l r, llAl'll r Win- Freeman. Ki Ma;r. "M , Norfolk. V, 7 ;i lir. KKKI) BROS. cS: CO., (Suceevsors In IVUrs A Kced.j EXPORTERS AM) DEALKK IN STAVES, MiW)Ml, 1'KKMMMo. A II Kt Wool'.. 7 21 o. NORFOLK. v JNO. 0. GAM AGE, Woodsidc Wt-arr, NORFOLK, - - - - VIRGINIA. Lime, Plaster, Bricks, LATHS. SE WER S PIPE, DRAM TILE, COAL,TAR,&C. "Special prici a. i.l utiii.n r I v 1 lot-. 7 1 1 r YOUR CA5I5 IS NOT HOPELESS X'jpi1 vtlili:' 0 AIDS NATURE IN NATURE'S OWN WAY. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. A Vanf-hUt MAll.EP A' K.-tt .''. mtwn. ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISE CO. 1406 New York Ave., Washington. 0. C. l'i 1 1 V $ STOPPED FHEfc Ifitane Priini Rfitor'!''. 'IJr. KI.IN K S (JUKAT N'ERVE RESTORED f for aU Iiiiaiti Ni.it. n Iitf CJ. iirt I lrAI.I nil il t.h.n 3. flirf-tatl. if. Atr IF it .tirut, tit. r p. ?iif i rb' tft o b"B wh.a r.r(.r1. .nl n.Mi... I. t ami .I'.rv,. lildfli ' Hi ft f(av ' 7t.li. ami $2 lril ltttl. fr ie .rtll.t.d to lr- KI.INP. W'.l '.h -t . Tt I ..1.1'ki. I . 11 20 ly. m ITC lew I f I i a Scotland NeclTMilitarv School, SCOTLAND .YX'A', N. C. ho second yeai of tip m;1ioo Iii';,ms Timi.-. I.iy, A 1-1 .''. b, m:2. he first two day V wnk t- iniMi:Mnr. bo ohool in wdi trc;iai lot --'.i t- xtvlb-o! -v.i ; . T inns can n: l;t l aiji, ing t "irAk or VIit- fo 7 7 2m VINE HILL FSEVIALS AC ADEIV1 Y, sotlani) The next session begins Mondav, Auij. 29th, IN A NEW AND COM M ODIOUS BLT LDI NO. Board, Wnphin-, Tuition in Ivwh . I NIuic from 7.'! ' r session of I went v k S Vm f ' r, 1 and ty t r p i i i ! . I ! in c.tlleulate 8oure Art nnl voi".- mi turon extta. F i - j i r full particular-1. rl tlio tri" i 1, 7 21 lm. MISSES SMITH A M DOW ELL Flour, Molasses, A NF.VV DEI'AkTUKK. E. L. POW KLL& (JO., 24 Roanokk Sii'AKK,, -- NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. .MILLERS, MAM'KAf '1 ERL US' 1 R 1 FIN I.KV Dl-NTLl I H Car Lots of Flour a Specialty. TEKMS STi W. P. W YNNS & (JO. General (.mmis'ion M kkcan Y. 1.1 IK- : LUMBER, CHICKENS. GEh:AL PRODCCE, FRL-. I ETC. Consign at nt s-.i. ; wi i Prouijf A'ttntion Given lo Iii- 10 Roanoke Dock, K KFKRENVES : M. L T. I4vi x i; ... J V. Hunter .t (Jo.. S. -J . 'i'horoas A ' TIIK XOTTlXCillAM k WUKNX CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS AND SHIPPERS OF Egg. Stove and Nut Coal. P cahautas mk! B-l-a-c-k-s-m-i-t-li C-o-a-1, Lumber and Cypress Shingles, etc., General Office 52 Main Street under Atlantic Motel, NORFOLK, VA. CF" CORKE6POKDENCK Solicitkp, 7 21 lyr. Mop Me Worts, in. !Uiin; st.v. Norlolk. - - Va A rS CjUHr L V IT?' Moniiments Grave Stones Wea li f. r Imrrif hite !!- MUf ' f .t , A -i i r v i . . . , , 1 . I H. G. JOWFS. t'tinir-! i r ! I. r, C t ; i t , W , ; .. . i . i . .i I - .. ' n. . ! . , t ii;: . , ,r .!,., ,,. , , ,, . Mi,:t r.n;i' .!'.!,!', , , ' M ' - . i i , ,,,. , i. u- raru'i. t ! - ',- . j . i-1 i ,f i m it i- Pri'-pf n i . t.. ii ? i i. . . Bra.-krt ( .:; . v :. .-, " , ' ( all ! . ; i i(s . hor'. itotiCi hi t t u i t,-, , I liaVf t'li.pitn 1 I 1 . , S t in nor a .1.1 ti n , ' i .,! in thst Li e I ..t . it.l u c you ic . . II. (i. Jon i;s. 1 i tt. i- i i.. SCI 11 I. A Mi M, !.. . J. H LAWRKNCK. i 1. 1-1 i M r !.'. t . i . ' : . I J A CLOVE:. ;, h a -Ei- InS IM.'ic.tVi'ii i i; i i A -1 r.t I n l . i . Agent for ( LA RK Cl'l A n aV 1IARUOA nd i)i:i;i;i.; MOW ER. A t n-i of pi rfr t ion. SOT LAS, sr.rK .V, (. 1G raven!. rl 1 r,-f! V i iit it . !!.' ii.;t,' ; Our Old c ;, r. 1 rnn - m: rTi ..! fr."i n I " nil m. j. !, lit ! . ti-.i . :( , ' ! I1 S I'.l(1 r . 1. dir "f. Our f - r-.f 1- i ' A f-jmpMit. ' il .a : . o:, riktnn .f urt iml i ,. i 'f : i, j ( town, ft in fit . A.: !r--. . c. A.srjowdc. Oppo.ita Patent OtTicr . Vivinr.u 'i. P r fb ij'r n'-- . ' i . il;i"o ' ;i WC. ALI.WN. Supt- ; ;, .V. Syrups, and Soap IC I I.Y f MI. Nortik, Va.

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