She Wen Her Point- "Alaiy," he sab, aa be biowled al ht-r over the breskfat table. -Marv," ho paid "what kinrt of 11 this?" on1, bLc. '; ; if fin ry"-llonl rifurnf:'i bravclv. 'You do."' tic exclaimed. "Well, I don't 1 I think a little variety ocesMoniliy would he 9 good thin" Da yon realize that this is the third irornirsir this week that we have had oorr.r d-beef hash? "Certainly John." ' And that we bad corned beef for dinner yesterday and cold corned ncef for supper?" "Of course, John. You wanted me. to run the bouse as economically as I could, "Yes, but" "You etid that tie amount of metit consumed in this boose would bankrupt; a bank president." "1 know; bat " "And that. I ought to plan with more regard for the expense." "Certainly, certainly, Mary; but hang it all "I've been following your insruct ions." "'ut I don't like corned beef 1" 'I know it, John," she eaid, in a business-like way. "That's what maken it lost so long, It keeps ex penses down splendidly, and, if vou wsot "1 don't!" he exclaimed. 'l don't ! Let them run up ! You've ot too i?ood a busines head for anything outside of a bouse. boardirg Kept His Word. (Exchange.) There fire some people who seem fated to be imposed upon at every turn, and Nathan Graves was out of these guileless unfortunates, li did ctcia as if nothing would ever tfxeli hni to be cautious. At one l uii: ''oo fortune had come to bim, In the sl ape of a comfortable legacy from a brother, a well-to-do roerchai.t ia the city. ult looks now as it JNatban wr.9 provided for," said itia patient wifi ; but before mx months Lad parsed she ehangf d her mind An enterprising stranger came to the town, and easily persuaded Nathan to embark with him in "prtcnt medicine" enterpri32, for which the newcouier had plenty t f cip;.eiiy but no ready money. Nathan promptly supplied him with this necessurv article, and for about two monlha took great pride In a flittering sign which bore tie rr.mes of ''Sharp and Graves."' At the end i f that, time, however, Sharp suddenly vamsbed, takinsr all the money tie could lay dis nanus on, aad le-iving poor Nathan only the patent medicine, which was literally a drug in the market. To Avoid The Jar. (Selected.) Every one knows that a euddtr. shock or jar, as in leaping and jump ing, is felt less if tho person rises at the moment on bis toes. A naval omcer itnet a iriend were in me vi cinity of a mine while eone blasting was. ui progress. At the moment of tb-.: explosion tea naval officer went through a series of peculiar gymnastics. Ills arms b&ng limp at his sidep, his month was wide open, and he stood on tiptoe. ''What is it? Are you hit by a stone?'' asked the friend a trifle anx iously. "No : just an old memory,'' re plied the officer. '"That was a part of my manual of arms when I was on a man-of war facing Vicksburg." "I don't understand," remarktd his friem, "That i the way we used to stand wheu we fired a mortar," replud the cliicer. "It looked a bit carious at first, to see forty or fity men standing on their toes with their mouths wide open. But we were instructed to ri :t. and as it lessen. ed the concussion caused by finny twenty-five pounds of gunpowder, we fell into it aa into any other regulation r.nd thought co more ol it. It d:d not seem ridiculous then, lor it was a part of the art of war." If y: cri r.ct freli'lg ron? a:.d healthy, try blectric bittern. U i. Grippe', has left you weak and weary, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding tnose organs to perform shcir functions- If you aie afllictfd wit!. Sick Headache, you will find speedy and permanent reliel by taking Electric In ters. One trial wili convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only .10 c. at E. T. Whitehead . Co'a Drug Store. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Sktn Eruptions, and positively cares pileB, or no pay required. It is guar antee to give perfect satisfaction or money lefunded. Price 50c per box. For Sale by E. T. Whitehead Co . English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lump3 and Ulcmishes from horses: Blood Spavin' Surbs, Splints, Sweeney, King-worm tifles, Sprains, and Swollen Through, Coughs, Etc. Save $"0 by use of one bottle. Warrauted the. most wonderjul Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by E. T Whitehead & Co., Druggists, Scotland Neck. N. C. lly, $10,000 GIVEN AWAY. BY THE GKKAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY, THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION. XSe ;&i- ol Ointments lor Ca- mrri: fh.ut nt;iiH Mercnrj. as mercury will .suielv destroy the serse of siiieil and completely derange the whole system when entering it through tho lEucuii-, surfaces. Such aiticks should never he used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage ihry will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. iia.i . v.atarrii Lure, Manufactured bv J. Ltisnev Co.. Tnlo.ln n r..;.,c. - 3 ' 1 1 vviuaiuo Ten thousand dollars will dis tributed this year by The eekly Constitution, published at Atlanta Ga., among its subscribers. This great newspaper has already the largest circulation of any weekly newspapers published in tbe United Sates, and, with one exception, in London, the largest in the world. It is, first and foremost, a newspaper, chronicling every week the fall news of all the world, and devoted espe cially to the development of the South. Its circulation now exceeds 160,000, and it is pushing foi 200, 000. Sample copies will be sent on application. a ten-thousand dollah distiuhu- TION. Fiye thousand dollars will be d vited among its subscribers between aow and July 1st, and 5,000 be tween then and the end of the year The firt division "ill be based on the result of the nominating couven rions ot the two great parties m June, and the other on the result ol i.he presidential election. Ti.e national democratic conven tion meets at Chicago June 21st. The national republican convoo tion meets at Minneapollst June 7th. Both will nominate a candidal for president and vice presidert. $2,500 FOK THE FIRST PRIZE. TwtJtv-five hundred dollars In old will be given by The Constitv tion to the successful answer of tl c quu-itioii : u Who iv ill be the nominees of each party for president and vice presi dent." Any perfcon selecting the four names thus chosf n will be entitled to ti e G rat prize of $2,500 cash, and if, bs chance, more than one answer cor rectly, the LTir.0 will b divited ( - coriugly. 500 fok a second teize . f ive hundred dollars In casn will be divided amor g those who guess correctly only three nut of the fonr names to be thus chosen as party standard hearers, so that the guesser may prophesy wrong as to one of the four namce, and by setting three correct will come in for this prize. $2 000 more 250 Prizes. In cdd'.tion to the anove 3,000 in gold, $2,000 more will be distributed in 250 prize", consisting of twenty five gold watches and twentv-five silver watche, the retail value ot which is $40 and $20, respectively, and 200 copies of Webster's Mam moth Dictionaries, original editiun, fully illustrated and consisting of 1,500 pages. The gold watches will be ghen to every hundretb ballot of the first 3,500 received, the silver watches to the next series of hundredth ballots, and after that every fiftieth ballot will receive one of the 200 Webster's mammoth dictionaries. All ballots must be accompanied by one year's subscription to the The Weelly Constitution, at only $1. and must be written on a separate piece of paper from that containing order for subscription. The winner of the 252 prize above noted will be given a free guess at ;be next 85,000 distribution alter July 1st. This costs you nothing and you may get $2,500 or $500 in gold. You will certainly receive the greatest weekly newspaper published in the South for one year and there will neyer be a year when a gttat newspaper will be more interesting than this one. . Address all communications to The Constitution, Atlanta, Ga. The Democrat Free! (O) CO) DAY CLOCKS $3-85 (O; - Warranted Firstclass InEevery Particular. (O) IF CASH IS SENT WITH ORDER I WILL SEND THE (O) CLOCK (O) By Express, Prepaid. J. H- BELL,, Widvli Inspector, TAR BO RO, y. ( CRIMSON CLOVER. Choice Seed of New crop. GEORGE TAIT & SONS. DO YO U REA D? rT ( IF SO, THIS OFFER IS 2 INTENDED FOR I YOU. S We have made ppecial arrangements with THE Weekly Constitution, The Great Southern Weekly, Published at Atlanta, by which we are enabled to ofler it with our paper for one year for only I.SO. This offer lasts only a short while. Now is your chance to get all the news of all the world and your home paper for the price of one paper. Every clubbing subscription at this rate is entitled to a chance at The Con stitution's $10,000 Free Distribution for 1892, details of which wiil be found elsewhere. This is the most remarkable combina tion offer ever made. Eevery home should receive its local paper first, and after that, it should have the best Gener al Newspaper, bringing every week the news of the world, and overflowing with the choicest special feature?, such as the Weekly Constitution, publihed at Atlanta, Ga., and having a circulation rf 15),000. $1 50 Gets Both Papers- 3-3 tf. Norfolk & Carolina R. R CONDENSED SCHEDULE Dated Jan. 1. 189 1. Daily ex. Sun. South Iiuund Trains. Stations. No. 103 No. 101 P. M. A. M. Daily ex. Sun North lioun 1 Trains 2 45 3 00 3 24 3 30 4 10 4 27 4 ft 4 50 5 37 G 00 9 3) Lv Norfolk Ar. 9 50 Pinners Point 10 14 Drivers 10 27 Suffolk 11 02 Gates 1120 Tunis 11 42 Ahoekey 1 1 57 Aulander 12 37 HobRuod 12 58 Tarboro No. 100 No. 102 P. M. A. Aw 10 15 9 50 9 22 9 ( 8 8 30 8 11 7 54 7 as 0 55 0 3) 9 10 lyr. Norfo1! Virginia- WHITE & PAULL, Cor. Main & 10th Streets, SCOTLAND NECK, N- Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, COMPLETE STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Finest line of Gents Furnishing Goods ever brought to thii Market. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF CIIAS. "HEISEll'S MEN'S FINE urn FINE SHOES LI)ES' ROCHESTER MADS, PERFECT FITTING EARL & WILSON COLLARS AND CUFFS You Should see ur Line of NECK v WEAR, v Our Line of Hats is Complete. Fine Clothing Heady Made or Made to Order. A Large and well Assorted Stock Always on Hand. Call and examine Goods and prices. Mar7-ly WILMINGTON & WELDON RAILROAD AND kkanches. Condensed Schedule. mtcd April 24 1S92. No. 15. Daily, TKaiNS OOINO SOUTH. again tmnn- LWHWL-rt.noi Li j No. 27, daily. I fastmail daily. iSo. 41, daily, ex Sunday. Lcaye V.'eli tn Arrive Rocky Mt. 12. J J t m 1. : 5. 13 r m 0.30 ' 0. 00 a m 7.07 5 45 5 25 4 41 4 41 4 10 3 52 3 34 3 20 2 41 2 18 Arrive Tarboro "2.18 pm '- Leave Tarboro I 12. 5 a m G p. m. Arrive Wilson j 2. IS p rn 1 7.00 pm 7.40 a ia fTelrvirWiUon ' "t2'Ja 1 Arrive Selma 3.30 " J ArriveFavetteville J J 5.30 " G 25 P. M. 1 25 P. M lv. Ar. 'rtocky Mount 1 50 6 00 P. M. A. M No. 101 tnakas connection at Rockv Mount with V. & WT. Train No. 23 for ail points South, and No. 78 train fur all points North. No. 103 makes connection at Koeky Mount with W. & W. Train No. 27. for all points South. Tram No. 103 connects at Ilobgood with train on Scotland Neck Branch, W & W. R. R. or Greenville, Plymouth an ! Kinston. G.M. SERPELL, J. R. KENLY, Gen'l Manager. Sup't Trains. T M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Leave Goldsboro j Leave Warsaw Leave Magnolia Arri ve W i 1 rnington j1 3.1o 4.14 " J.27 M 0 u J 7.40 p m 8.30 a m I ! 9.3 ) " J 0.41 " J 11.25 " 8.40 " 9.55 TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. GO, Daily. No. 14, daily. No. 7h, dauy. No. 4'. daily, ex Sunday, Leave VV ilmmgton Leave Magnolia j Leave Warsaw Arrive Goldsboro I i2.35 a in 1.54 k 1 9.1o a m 10 57 11.11 " 12.05 " 4.20 p in G.02 " 6.15 " 7.30 " Leave Fayetteville J Arrive Selma J Arrive Wilson ) Leave Wilson Arrive Rocky lt. Arrive Tarboro ) Leave Tarboro "1 1 t9. 10 tk 11.08 " 12.10 p. m ) 3 3 a in f 4 03 ' ' 1 12.58 n m 1.30'" 8.1 1 p m 8.30 " G.30 Arriv Weldon J 5.05 2.18 pm 12. 5.1 a m Daily except Sunday. 55 pm J 10.00 pm ; and'wTilakey Habits ! cured lit home vuU- i ifctfiauui ruin, ikxik f.r rnr- 5 883 hilars sent ritllil. Atlanta, iAn. Oiute 104 V ViiitehHil at. 8 27 ly. fnVMUm Pt H m m m mmm n D m n w i3 U M X 4 NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE for the NEW YORK WEEKL HERALD The Best and Cheapest Family Journal m t ie United States. ONE DOLLAR no mercury, and is kl-on Into.iu ing directly upou the blood and muclous In buying Hall's surfaces of the system. Catarrh Cnri- li . r. t ; . 4 i 1C Juu Set me genuine L7"ptrn,illy' and made in Tole do, Ohio by F. j. Cheney & Co. Tes-. moiuals free ttgr-Sold by Drn bottle. 1Jlu, price 7oc. per H ITT MIS. To every person who sends us a club of five sub scribers we will give THE DEMOCRAT Free. Cash must accompany the list of names. If the subscrp tions are to run a Year the free copy will be sent a Year, or for anytime the subscriptions run- 'mmmmmmmm V"9 PPnd fho marvelous French Remedy CALTH08 fr, bii.I a ltiRal guarantee that CalihuS wiil STOP Dlacharrea Si Emission, Cl liE Spermstorrhem, Varicocele and BBSTOKE Loot Vlor. Use Hand pay if satisfied. ."drees, VON MOHL CO., With the most peifect news Catherine machinery, and with correspondents in every section of the habitable globe, the WEEKLY HERALD is enabled to lay before its readers the latest intelligence and most entertaining news from every city ;nd country in the world. The reputation for freedom And indo. pendece which it has acquired during the many years of its prosperous career will be maintained. During The Year 1892- SPECIAL FEATURES FOK THE YEAR. Orignai Articles on Practical F ru - ir.g ano arcSenitM', Progress it. Science. Woman 5 Work. Serines and short stories By tbe best Authors. Literature an-i Art Wit and Hnmor. News for Veteran?, and intok mation on all sukiects. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch road leave Weldon 4.0 p.m., Halifax 4.22 p.tii arrives Scotland Neck at 5.15 p.m., Greenville G.52 p. in., Kinston S.00 p. m. Re turning leaves Kinston 7.10 a. m., Greenville 8.2o a. m. Arriving Halifax at 11.0' a. ra., vv elaon ll.zo a. m., daily except Sunday. Local freight train leaves Weldon Monday, W ednesday and Friday at 10.15 a. m arriving Scotland Neck 1.05 a m. Greenville 5.30 n. m.. Kinston 7.40 m Uet'nm ing, leaves Kinston Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7.20 a. m., Greenville 9 55 a. III., CCUUDliu i..t. y, ui., clllivc 1Y eiuoii 0.10 p. m. Trains on Washington IJranch leave Washinjrton 7.00 am arrives A. X- R Junction S.40 a m., returning leaves A. .t R. Junction 7.(5 p rn., arrives Washings ton 8.45 p ro. Daily except Snnday. Connects with trains on Albemarle and Raleigh R. R., and Scotland Neck Branch. Irain leaves. J arooro, n. o, via Albemarle Raleigh R. R. Daily excent San- uajr, -i.- p. in., ouii-Jiy o.w p. in., Tuiiv-c n liiiarnsion, N.C., i.J p.m., 4.20 p.m. Plymouth 8.30 p m., 5.20 p m. Returning leaves Plymouth, N . C., Daily except Sunday, G.OO a m., Sunday 9,00 a ra., Wiiliamston 7,30 a ?a., 9.5S a m Arrive xarooro, iN. u., iu.-i;j a. ui., a. in. Trains on Southern Division, Wilson and Fayetteville Branch leave Fayetteville 7.30 a m.. arrive Rowland 12 15 p. m. Returning leave Rowland 12.15 p. m. arrive Fayetteville 5.15 p. m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Midland iN. c. Uranch leaves Goldsboro, n. c. Dailv except Sundav fi HO n m arrive xSmitlifiplH -v. n 7 'At) n i. k .f 1 L'. . . " U.vf a. 111. aiiivi' vjiumuui v.., t.' I cl. ill. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 5.15 p. m., arrives Nash ville 5.55 p. m., Spring Hope 6.30 p. in. Returning haves Spring Hope S OOa m., Nashville 8.35 a. m., Rocky Mount 9.15 a. m., daih-, except Sunday naiu uu tuiiiuu uuuiujc4c a.isavv lor uiineon, uaily, except Sundav ai o.u p. in. auu ii.u a. iu. iveiurning leaves Clinton at 8.20 a, m. and 3 10 r m c nnnec.tirifT at Warsaw with N'ns. 41. 4(1 23 anrl TQ " ' ' F' Southbound Train on Wilson X. Fayetteville Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. Dai!y except Sundaj'-. Trains No. 27 South, and 14 North vil! stop only at Rocky Mount Wison UtliUouut yJ aim iuaguuiia Train No. 78 makes closes connection at Welc'on for all points orth daily. All rail via iicuuiuuu, una uauy excepi junua v v:a ijav also at Jiorkv M.,r.i Wi-.t-..1..- n-ifl. V,-fI'- r.r,W 1 I I,1 1 t ' r - .. .'lOUIll uaujr cavcji, tu'i'iaj, ui luin auu v.anjn..a nuiiroau ir oriols and all points uvi kii y ia .iviniu. t .rr-viv JOHN F. DIVINE, ..iv. "ij.i, (.en(;ral S.,, Sup't Trans. X. M. Emelison Gen!. Passsnger Agent. The stamp ot Furity and Truth in Ideas. Stories and News will be strictly maintained. Send all Subscriptions to James Gordon Bennett KEW!YORK!WEEKLY;HErULD, ' iNE-vv York City. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Do not fail to Subsc-ribe now for the For i" ft ' that vv.-; vc m s nrriage makers ivc tried to invent a 'short-turn'' vehk le Success carne with the invention of '. iijt be a ' 'turn-under. a i) e 13 art h o I o m e 133 ag o a. T; c !mrt-turn device ami the other merits, of which there are many, are described in .in iiiuslratcJ catalogue, which, with address of local aent, will be sent free to any oo. The Bartholomew Co., Cincinnati, O. .3 71 Cm. " ).!. I,!; hi' !' ''';Pi5rPL'tile- soi4 New York WEEKLY HERALD. 1

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