. MO OR AT- 1S'J2 ,,; a I M is must be in v;iv afternoon to in ,: o.-.'i .rsjr ivnt week. ! mimkn ts. 1 i-ent a . -". ' p. .' a'lrtrti.ri'i due weekly A ' iGUNP.blMENTS. -l.:5'). Must be X. !J. Joscv. f'li'.' ihverlv Power Cot t l'ri;,i . one Stonewall . nh -battings and belts. i.tiic-- for further infornia 9 1 4t A; 50.000" iicU for -hIc X 15. Josey. G-oiiig North N..r i ! : ilii r. y .ind any one i -i:.y description attention. M. Hoffman. 1,1 ". f : ! : i -r- ;-.ii e-d ft! f') nish 'if li?-'- fjii".?:tsTirs at short i i:. liiiiin-r .-aw lumber j i .-. ! manner of will wiitl-; tin. Also j ;' .!.": i;rans at the N o'iLAM) Xfck Mills and Machine Shops IN .V- Prop's. 11-tf. !'!' A Sale For Sale ! ; . :, ! Mall's safe for sale Weight i 1 . i and iii rood rder, Applv to THE DEMOCRAT. KNGiNE FOR SALE. Oil- f.r - ; v '..it six horse Talbott engine -. in r io i fix. First check for :'. .in. J. P. FtlTRELL, WAITED : A l! KClIASFJi (or the L J. Delier rv i';m-,' of (good water and young or tliai i, .' "lit 227 acres, adjoining lands of . ru.d lUnton Yhite. Halifax Co,, X. C A ; ply to W. U. S HIT A KER, Power of Attorney. :!.-, : w Enfield. N. C. -r. ii t ""Made, ot 9" Hw Orernn. M.... savt: g lr'!' "Mv weight wii 320 ? r .. row it i. 153 lbs., a re- w-. a f i - . ai-i I f.-el so much better that I would not 1 i- I t :t ' a -k whfre I was. I am both surprised and proud 9t t L'r.A'.'f. I r-conrr.r-nd yvtur treatment to all sufferer from Cf- t . V .1 sn;Kfr all inquiries if staxxip i ioclosed for reply." PATIENTS TREATED BY MA-L. CONFIDENTIAL. Hsrm!i, Rid with nn tailnir, inconvenience, or bd effect. y.r jarii uiir: addrtsi, with o cents ID stamps. EL 0. F. 81Y0EI. S ICK2R'S THEATER, CHiKSO. Ill For Sale. ;otD BARGAIN. AiS j o: .-. hr-. Ill 'I I,' :i l C" Ai. 21 -2m. H'v Saw Mill on Dep Creek. iwor all coinplfte. Price .o -It) (I do in pa y incuts?. m. c riuiidtig. !'jwAr.i) Allcott. Scotland Neck, C. N. -;o) v- '. vi 1 sell at oar Ditru Stoke,. (O) S -nTLAND NECK, X. C, ...(C))... Joiiiisoirs CI k Ml Toi (O) Hii ' r r z u nntee that one bot'le will cure Jli:' S a ! FKVKR, HIMOUS FEVER, MAl..K!L FEVEK, TVJ'IIOID, S W A Ml' AND HEMUKKSi AG1C FKVEl-l; N'r.URALGI A an. I LA-GRIPPE, A In the li--.gr do so we WILL refund C Z- Wtfteljeab & Co. FrT? Prune Svr-Jt) and Senna is the best o: :' 'iii iaxatiyeB. 7 '.4 lyr. Brilliant? EVERYWHERE. Perfect5 aXIi EN- I WHEREVER lED. 'i"si Poi'llah Glasses in The i'rn:i States- ti .- daily vrorn Md are warmly th- s ditl Representative Men Tin r' : r,l' :' Nnt S' . . i'. ': V I (i.jintrv. i.,.inv of them being of i l The li-t embraces Bank- M. le'i.cts. Ea.vyer;;, Governors, - Eii-einn Ministers Mtrhinica, ;;..'r. men eminent in all professions .-.i;i.;iArjs mzmMHQ . uvr; . i;tji , THE , GENUINE '.'.' : Gll.s ts :rj aCC U 7 a t d V : : - : i ; '!'-.' 'tt. T- Whitehead & Co. paragraphs" OF PASSING EVENTS- Uev. Thm. Dixon has a site at Uead aad a summer Lome there. purchased will iaila Chairman Simmons ha- i9u(X a call for a special meeting or the Democratic State Executive Com mittee at Raleigh next Tuesday, 6th The Gastonian Ko.zette said: 'em who's Exum V 'Ax Answer. The mo6t unpopular man iu Wayne county. Governor Holt lam We,.k apiK,int ed Judoe James C. Mi:Iiae tt, ti e vacancv on the Supreme Court bench of North Carolino, caused hv the the Jeotb of Justice J. J. Davis. Hon Adlai E. Stevenson, demo cratic candidate for vice-president ie billed to speak at Goldsboro o;.. Tuesday, Sept. 22st. Thousands of North Carolinians will hear him. The Sampson Democrat nays that, "there are on hand red boys in Sampson county whose chances are just as good for becoming president of the United States as those of James B Weaver.0 Some one observes that there is a cer tain class of oflice seekers nowadays whose patience rivals Job's, and that if Job could witness their per sistence he would throw up the eponge and acknowledge himself knocked out of the ring. ' i We have received tho first num ber of the Eastern Tobacco Journal published at Greenville by Mess. G. A. Gough and II. Harding. It will be devoted to the interest of tobacco culture in Eastern Carolina. From almost every section of the state comes news' that the Tuird party is losing ground. Mr. Hardy, f GoI?sboro, who nominated Dr. Exum for Governor has with drawn from the party and acknowl edged his error. The Cholera is ragioe' fearfully across the water and quarantine pre cautions are beiog taken to prwet-'t it from eomir.g upon our shores. Quarantine regulation will be maintained against incomiug vessels at Soutbport in this State. Alexander, the first President of the Alliance, is a farmer and a good Democrat; Elias Carr, the second Pressdent, is a firmer and a good Democrat; Marion Bntler the third President, is not a farmer and uot a Democrat. Sampson Democrat. The Leaksville Gazette says that iu HoduDgham county the Third party has nominated a man for reg ister of deeds who can neither read nor write. The Charlotte Observer observes that it will make very little difference anyway, a3 the Third party candidate for renter of deeds will never be called upon to perform any of the doties of the office Our "dicky bird "informs u Dr. Exum called on a prominent physician in Goldsboro last Satur day, and applied for h certificate that he was physically unable to canvass theSta-e, The physician is said to have replied that ho sould conscien tiously with his profession given him a certificate both as to pnysical and mental incapacity to rarke a canvass. State Chroicle Whatever else may go. the press and its influence is here to stay. It Is for all classes, ages, states of life, or veara. It is something that works every day, and it is perma nent. It is a necessary auxiliary to every public measure. It is the great medium of general communica tion. The Third party must no , hut the Democratic press the people's preee, is here to stav .--Goldsboro Arjus. Ilevrare ot Ointments for Csi oirrli iSml eonlaiii .Mercury. as mercury will surelv destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole sytern .vhen entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the "ood you can possibly derive from them. Ilail's Catairh Cure, Manufactured by F. J. Cheney lk Co., Toledo. ., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, act ing directly upou the blood and muclous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It is taken internally, and made in Tole do, Ohio, by F. -J. Cheney & Co. Tes. monials free. igySo!d by Druggists, price 75c. per I bottle. : There will be a errand Demo cratic Rally and Barbecue at Roscncath Friday, September I 9th. Hon F. A. Woodard, dem ocratic nominee for Crongess from this district, will he there. There will be other prominent speakers from a distance. It never taueel to cure oy.-jiepsia auu jih. complaint. Take Simmons Lier Regulator. NEWSY 'GRAPHS. iniitr; and vt.skwhekk "A" I S E A N ! i r ;T ER W I E Mm-cm-I; .:!: - r'-rt- a: -' .t;e. i 'tl : - r -t ' t : p i r. t . h-v J. 1 d t, At Dawson's R-r-. W. S. Belaid and R. T. Vann are holding .neetiujt at Dawson's Him week. G it and Rally. There will i a jriand deiuccrati.- rlly at Bi-co Peatman's Store in Edgecombe count, S-totday Sept- :rd. Sandtilm. Bed lioefield an I Daugh tou will .-peat-. It wdl be a big day and every body is ir.vit-JO. The Stkeets. The town authorities hive bad the strteu worked well at d the people .i the t. wn are glad. Mr. J. T. Brinkley presented TjiE DEMOCKAT with a 40 po ind melyii a ft w davs n-io that was vet y fin- a id much enjoyed. Meeting at Crowell5. Revs. R. T. Yann and W. S. Ballard closed a very successful me:ti:-.g :tt Crowells last week A doxen pits r:s were baptized and the church wa s gi eatly revived. Fike IN HokoooI) A fire n Hcbgoo i last wjk distroyed a More o-xujied by two Jews. The by Idmg was ttie proper y of Mr. W. A. Duon a..d was j.artially covered by insuiance. Tht; Merry-j.'0-round leii Monday 1for Clinton where it will furnish amusement for the small f Iks and lirge ones two. The managers are clever gentlemen and will be obliging to the public. PlC-Nic There will be a basket pic nic and dance at Mr. D. A. Madry's Sep tember 2nd. The managers are: R. J Madrv, D. A. Madry, M. C. Flemmlng, Misses Nellie White. Ida Allsbrook, and Nannie Bell. C. II. Bell, floor manager. Democratic Speaking. Elsewhere we print appointments lor uemociatic speakers as sent us by Dr. 1. E. Green, chairman of the county Democratic Ex ecutive Committe, and Dr. J. A. Collins, chairman of the Democratic Executive Uoainiittee for this Congressional district. Bold Intruder. Ono night last week Mr. E. N. Nelson's front door happened to be left unlocked. About 11 o'clock some one in the house was arous ed by a noise It was found that some robber had gone througo the pallor into another ro m and had packed ? valise full of clothes, and was leaving ihe house. The robber uropped the valise on toe front porch and i frightened him so he lied without lakiog it up and before any one could see him. Th-i thief hsd The front door Uev but dropped ic with the valise Death of Col- J. W Johnston. Mr. F. S. Johnston, chief clerk in the posts office here was called home near Weldon last Friday by the sudden death of his lather, Col. J. W. Johnston. Col. John ston retired Thursday niihA as'usual and was found dead in hi3 bed next morning. It was thought that he di-.id of apoplex ity. Col. Johnston was a well known lar mer in the county and his many friends will regret to learn of his death. The Deomcrat loses a pers nal friend and extends sympathy to the bereaved fimi- iy. New Church Ukoanized. At Cher ry's school house in Edgecombe county last Suaday night with a presbytery con sisting of Revs. D J Hufham of Trhoro, J R. Pace of Bethel and Q. C- Davis of Elm City, aBaptist chuich was organized with eight members. Rev. Mr. Pace, agisted by Dr. Huf. ham held a meeting there last week and baptized a number of persons. Visitors from Tarboro, Scotland Neck and other churches were present at the organization of the church. Arrange ments have been made to build a house of worship at once. A Small Engine The Hoanoke News of last week says; "Engineei George Smith of the Scotland Neck branch road besides being a good locomotive engineer is a mechanical gen ius. We saw once an infinitesimal engin msde by him which was ra.i by electric ity supplied from the telegraph wire lie now has in his shop here an engine which can be held ud by two fingers, which is powerful enough to run a sew ing machine. He has another also, not so small, which he uses in his work. That Shop Talk, This paper two weeks ago made some statements that it took no pleasure in making. The statements were concerning the advert ing patronage of this paper, The Roanoke Neics makes some ob servations an the matter that are too true to pass over. It says: "The paper is expected to giye all the home news, to write up the marriages the entertainments, the movements ci the people, and keep the world informed of everything concerning the town and it people, and have a we-rd of appreciation its their joys and txpiess kiudlv sympa thy in their sorrows and troubles, but alter that it is expected to ge1 its support fioro elsewhere The home paper is al ways expected to ' blow" every new tr terprised for the bentit of the town abroad but it is expected to do it without assist - ance from the very people who are to he most benefited by it. This state of af fairs often makes the hearts of newspaper men sa 1" En'OLE the Photographer will locate in Scotlard Neck as early iu September as possible. Get the babies ready. Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplished the greatest Cures. Is it not the medicine for you? Constipation is caused by loss of the eristaluc action of the bowels. l!oT restore this action and invigorate I" ihe liver L I 7 TLB T 0 N Hi;li School anl lksines Institute, L W. BAGLEY. . B . Principal, LI P I'Li -ION, NohTii Carolina i (Jollee Preparatory Course, Commercial Course, Ttlegrapnv. renmans!up, Shorthand and Ty pewi itinj. Scotlar; i NV ; Scvtls'.-i -ck j cim na- t.' cw 111 : i. 1: . ry o'". :iy. T -' i I. it. ... in f r 1 1 On J htii 'a Evc: i t I- '4 ' r let. l 1 at the A . , ' r etny bm'r'i'ij V.-- - w 11 s I'ruoin lrili' jiim un-l ' of the Lilir Mi--i - iry of Aul .r Bsf :..t Cii".'l C - J ! -1 .r It t lie are r-.rtii!j; inn-.r l ' t 1 I. P V. riir- Crop We have hai -ome ; jy to btrve th f H i! i s Hue jiart- of Ei!, t i. n.!. and whiU- tin f c - t a be live that t ir- will : t i it- rp-n t ' t e cr- p. -.ti n . . . i 1 1 a ' ; f u 1 1 I ;. v i ' sr . , f. . n crp a e-.fid t --ir. :H n ; ar i cern en jj. T err wi i !" mu'le in K.i c inin n ry than before. ft-1 oil r r- 10 t2i:ii i Us i;iilrrI. Li i i i.noN N. C. A uf, LJth l'.i j. Steam I'yeinu Co , Sco1 land N ( ' , ". t (EM'S:- The Kuii andcravit -.v-ro 1 1 -ccivt-d and I w a tii ore thnii pleased waii it. It is at i.ice y !one as a iy I has ever had. Huoio ou mucli s-jrces; I b 4 t ) 1 eiuaiii Yoiir Ac, Tuos, F. MA;i iHr. l-0-2t. X'liool. Oprii. The Military School opened Thursday of last week. Superlitendei.t A lien sa a that his prospects are pood tor a ull ses sion. The enrolment for the tir.-t day was o.J This is a good opening lor u school of only one year's rtvord and the prospects are g iod fur building here m ScotPvod Neck a largo male sol) ioi aod one wbic will compare favorably with any t-choul in the state.', The Female Academy opened M -nday with 50 pupils which is the lar-t 0.tn inj; it has ever had. The new buildings have been cumjlct-d and the arrangement is admirable. Thric i-. more than twice a- mneh room for cl i.ss work than the school has ever had b fore. The main study room is admir ably arianged an J adds much to the con venience of the sciiu 1. S. v. ral ne ivr italion r.o;n and an otlice in front make the builciiiii ab..ut all that is needed for a first class school. The Democrat congratulates th. schools an t the town and community ci. these evi ledces of educaiimal pioress. Why suffer from Jyspensia and i:ead.chL when Simmons Liver Kegalator will cure you? There will be a grand Demo cratic Rally and Barbecue at Roscncath Friday, September 9th. Hon. F. A Woodard, dem ocratic nominee for Congress from this district, will be there. There will be other prominent speakers from a distance. Headache Indigestion, Bihi lusness, Dystetsia And all Stomach Doubles Are Cured by P. P. P. Prickly Ash. Poke Root nnd Potassium!. P. P. P. is a sore cuie for Rheumatism, Svphibs, Scro'ula, Wood poison I . tchs Pi ispL'S and ail skin and bloo I diseases. Cancerous sore on iice, years of skin trouble. Glandular s. veiling, suffeiei reuders thanks to P. P. P, for its great cures. Abbotts East Indian Corn Paint cum all Corns, Warts and Bunions. FITS. All Fits 'stopped Iree by Dr. kliue's Gieat Nerve Restorer. ?fo Fits after tirt dayV ue. Marvellous cures Treatise if'2."i trial bottle free to Fit casts. Send to Ur. Kiine, 931 Arch St" Philadelphia. Pi Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Ti.e Heat Salve in the world for tbit-. , Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt llii' i m Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped iLi.ids Chilbiains Corns, and all "ktn Eruptions, and positively cures . iUs, .r no pay requir d. It is guar .uitclogive pi-rrft. ftifaction or .!.),. i t-fur.ds'd. Price 50i- p.r box. I u - J I K T. Whitche-kd cV Co. Auction Sale! (O; On Monday S.-ptember o'h ls02, I shall e"u se to public aiKt'on. in the town of S -othind Neck, the lare sfck of Merchandise. of the late firm of Lawrence & Edwards, in bulk. The riht to reject any or all bids is reserved. 1 his is a rare opportunity to Durchase a FIRST CLS STOCK CF GOODS FOR j w yrprpi is ATtfXJl-V 1L A -L JlJLj iilvi) 14 L Stock may be examined at any time. n" Terms Cash R. M. JOHNSON, '.) 1 tl. Assignee J. C. L A N 1 E IL PROPRIETOR Wilson - Marble - Works, Wjls'-'N, - - South Carolina. S'.-tj- .' B f r ' Bu ii g . Your MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES. 7 21 on. CEMETERY WORK. &C 0 STOPPED FREt T D,.flnra Ti man-mmA K.7Ur'. KLINE'S ORKAT " I.EHVE HESTOREP. .r V. r- ..'tc . ...'. F:t', Epiln tu, tte. i. Tr M : .. i.f if t-k a- .iiramJ. fo FiU ajlrr '---ti ..v - ' I i." 'I -' ! bottle fr-e to it p.-- i-ta. t . i.t:4f ci rraa.-t'peaon box wh-D l3si.ee . :i :,J ni'.. I'.i' iii'l ni'H aJdrtta ef ZTir..l to PR. Kl.ISK '-'.I Arrh St. PhlLad-lpbia. ra. High-t cf ill b IxriTrr.ir-g Power. ABSOLUTELY RJRE : I i sj I FOK IT.M ) Jd'A 1 !(" Mitr :st.i y ixrm'MV. Ca t. 11. Day, ii !i vv !- K lc in, r. il- Ta. . r ai ) the oai. h-iate f r county o:?ic; w 11 !- ih? p p' -upon the political i- ' the en:p '(' : at the follown times a- i vliiTes: Harrison's shp, W.-i 1 : t vn -hip, 1 Monday, September ."tti. King X Roads, l.-.ttletott tovTii.b-; Tuesday, September O.h. Bri islfv-'I'f. ,v-d;. . S. ptember 7 Djwv.h', X K-ad.. Th-:T'isv . Se; tn--ber8'.h. Roscncath. Kriu.i , vrpmb- :ib. Euti--ld, S'liurdav, r: 'ht I0:b At Rnxe'v-a'h there will L a larho i dinner fir r.ve thoJ-a'-.rl vi-sr :s m. ; th'j peop e or lla!ifnx, Ed ecomSo a Martin connti r-re invite 1 t be pres-: Distunruished sp-ak.T fro-u u Ji-tarc wi 1 be prese t. A nivi-ion of time wi. be granted pe op! -'s party speakers. II. speak i i g will commence a' '1 o'eb ek. 1. E Gkk.kn, Chm. Dciii. Ex. Com. Halifax county. F. A. Woodard. Democratic candidate fo Congress wdl ;iho be at Kings X Road-, Brink!e ville, Dawson' X Road' and Roseneath. N. A Ro .so Demo cratic candidate for Presidential electo: will be at Enfield on the 10th J. A CoLI INS, Chm. D ro. Ex. Com 2nd Cong Dis. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. M:ts. Winslow's Soothin Sykit has been usod for out fifty eas b mi!iio-;s of mothers f. r their hildrei while teething, win. peifeit success It -oothes ihe child, sottei.s the gurr. adas all pain, cure wind c-dic. !.d i the be-t remedy for Dutrtho-a It wi' relieve- ir.c poor little ..nilen ; iiomnliatly. Sold b) Di liio.'i-ts io i . er v pait of th world. Tve nt -five .-tuts .-. bottle. B sure and ask I'm- 'Mrs Wjislow' Soothing Syrup," and lake no othe. kind 10 221v. I In e I'lii; to ti . iu isiImt. Hood's Sarsapardla hss the mof nu:ii Hood's Sarsapanffa hfs won unequtl' ed Success owe much to newspaper men. j If I have done anything that cc-j vated me above ihe averge mor- tal it has been the ncwsajcr men who have called attention , to it. I might say they have made me and I hope they will continue to treat me kindly. ; Mrs. Frank LeslieOscar Wilde. J . ( Joseph Ruby, f Columbia, Pa., suf fered from birth with scrofula humor, j till he was nerfee-fly cured by Hood's Sars pei i'la Metallic AND ROSEWOOD CASES. ORDERS HY MAIL PROMPTLY FILLED. PRICES LOW- N. H. JOSEY. Scotland Neck, N. C. tir, ti NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA. HaLIFA Cot'NT Y. R. T. IIarkis, Justice's Court vs ElAVAKl) Alcott. Let the defendant and others take notice that tr.c above entitled acton has been commenced against the defendant in said court for the recoverv r-f the sum of y'j't.l't due the j plaintitl by contract for goods sold and delivered during thi year, in which a warrant of attachment has been isucd against the property of the defendant in this count;,-, returnable before J. . Perry, Esq.. J ustice of the Peace for said .oiii ti on the ;lrd day of October 192, when and where ihe defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint ot plaintitl. lhis'z.uu lav of August 18!)2. J. A. PERRY, S 25 lit Justice ol the Peace. -COTI.AND NECK Enterprise Co S( OTLAND NECK, N. C. ARCHITECTS A M) BUILDERS Contracts take , for all kinds of wood ard brick building-, Plans, estimates, and speciticati ns furnish-d; Also Man ufacturers of flooring and fancy ceiling, healed wainscoting, stoi fronts, porch coluo ns, brackets, mou.din of all des- j oription, Scroll Work .-i the lr.tesr fiptgns. Satisfaction guar anteed. Prices low as the lowest- P. E. SMITH, Pl'.KHIfiENT. U. G. JONES, Manager. 8 25 lv SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. I V. K C.vt Rtport. Aug t;, iS?. Photograph: When v -1 V Xotice! and a: & p. I ; .Me ioAi Ii Win Frecr.ian. I.-. M - . x :t. r. . v , .1 hr. KKKD iiKOS. - ( .. ".i,-Cfv.r t . '.-'r- X I'.-c ' - KP('.: I Elirt AND DKALKR 1 v- STAVES, fKHiW (1, I'l KslM Mi N A tK'Ui)! 7 -on NO': H1 K. V Ji0. 0. G., ALi. Wuodnie W I-arf. 1 ic - - - - vi :; r.r N i A ! Lime, Plaster, Bricks. ! LATHS, i SEWER - DRAM TIL K, COAE. TAIL tkC. i i -, i i 1 . i i i i : ; - YCiLJR CASE TS NOT HOPELESS AIDS NATURE IN NATURE'S OWN WAV IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. . vo- ' "'' -i.;. ." ,."' A' it, n arp.'i.it:: " ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISE CO. 1405 Ne York An , Waihinqton, D. C. - i IT, 1 i'ttrVOl.'A'i S.IJJ IIV.'.voi. N. C. Victlg V 02on-(Sectanan. . ff) The lorty-third Se-som to-io, Mui-il-n i A tnot ii.oriui1 ' pieparaiory roui-c aod ro'i.pr I e" f s 1 1 1 ' i v , with a Full Colleiatf Course i qua! to that of any Fomalo ().,p r,. j. the South. Excellent facilitb-s for th tudy Mu-x and Art. Stiodir,ir .f srhI-.r-' i .loosuolly bish llc-ithri,) h-ai..i Buildings and groud- lure- and plm-ant 1 t -ituate'L Jloneiate crnr;i;. I or ( j i gue and circn ars, addrrs. SILAS- E- U'AKUhN. Prm,iMi 7 14 2m Wilson, N Scotland Nolv Powder wilenn nnllarriit iiK-tiliifn a u p? SCOTLAND ECK, N. c. Iih mcoihI e-a 11I fii's Hthod hf'jri ThuisJ.o , Ann-f L'.'lb he' first hvn d is wtnk if miioi t.uit. h school ih wed: i.if..an-d lor .1 'i vx-:t 'A -i m ,.. T 'i rus can Ih ha ! !i ajipl I f " "t''Ask t ivt;'c ti r Flour, Molasses, A NHW DI-'.PARTUkl-;. L. POWELL & CO., E. 'til KOANOKI. . Alii: ilILLEKS, M ANUFAL I L'RhRS' AM) I.' I FIN ER.- 1 ! ; I .-- I K ! 1 . 1 ' I E 1 1 Car Lotsoi I:')iira Spccialtv. W. R. WYNNS& CO. -IT' i i.i 1 LU M KER, C1DCKEN-, (JLNI- J A L PRODL'CE, PRL; IS, Klc. f 'j:i-ig.inj'ot i.'Oit(l nii i From; ? Atlt-ntinn (Iiv-n to n!i I '.u"i 10 Roanoke Dock, y.Y KKKNVE " V . 1 1 u . . t : ; M. L ! f-.G t'c. . J. liiO:iii-. .V. 'o TIIK XOTTIMillAM cSc WliENX CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS AND SHIPPERS OF Sgg, Stove itnd Nut B - l - a - c - k - s - m - Lumber anri (Cypress Shingles, etc., Geceral ()Au ,Vj Main Srrett ander Atlantic Hotel, NORFOLK, VA. I rJCoKKL-roMt m k Solicitku. 7 21 lyr. Hi K , .': f 7.: 1 Monuments Grave Stones I Ke f. r :n r-ni te H. G. JOifS, Bir?-!o,- !ui!!, r. ,i i ' MlpennteMoL-d ;V n.f .la i i '. Pri tv. r.i h. k-1 - ..Ic s.u: u.c t . ! - r l . 1.1 v n . v S.-f.dl ! h ..... .s ) j . . . lu.t in -,i ii io i , i t 1 1 h - Inr; I ha Vo t-i:ipto t .! it 1 1 1 s 1 ( ! . A S liniu-r und alien m ;,.,d ,,t m.vlbif.: in Hint liiic I do! . I.. :. i II- si. JONKS. r ' I ! V M i N C J. H. LAWRL'NCE. Ai.r.U i x ; i: . i , .'ii.1., .ii I i . CI.OVKK a e. . v - i . ! ) - h d si i- ' MI'!h! ! I i A I'd Pi : . mi.:, i .s Age-at for CLARK'S CIHAWA.' IIAIIUU i.ni !!.! l.'I !. Mt W KIL A ir.uded perftt tlon. SOTLA.t NECK N, C. c!i-- ( i .r I .mnn'. t. r.'ilTl' i.f .1 .i -, low ii, j ( :ji .A.SriOVtf Cj.poi.tc F .t-nt C.c, V.'av..ru .t 'Di e i") e in o ora t Fr : o ! To verv y.nry. who oi. (Is us a club ut tv, sub-.cribc-r vu will r, c TI! 1' EMOHRAT Free ( ash must accompany )hi list of names. If tlio .sub crp tions ai e to run a Year tho fred opy will bo .sent a Year or for -.i.y ime the .ub. cript: jils run r . , i- .... : . . .',,.!.,,:,' ' ' f- i - ; i , "i . - ' ii. ,-. i ... Il III-. I.- f'. T- v. ... -, ,."' " ' t - -i I-"- ..V. . ..... - , ,-. , , ;. ii ... i- .. . . "Military School, 1 ! . b iiin-r ft ' n t-atoilf. W.C. ALLKN, SJupt. Syrups, and Soap NORFOLK, Vli;0!,. Y ' A - ! f . 1.1 1. Norfolk. Va. 7 1 i.tu. Coal, Pocahantas and i - t - li v G-o-a-l? For.sai .- K. T. Wur U & Co Send for catalxkh-e. 8 4 Ira 11 20 ly.