; r- il 1 1 T E E. HLLLIARD, Editor and Propiretor. "EXCELS10K" IS OUR MOTTO. Nt4-rtptta Mr yrmr. VOL. vni. SCOTLAND NECK,.N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27,1892. NO. 52. Tn)MM(n)cnR a hp Q O o C2 U A I L j ROAD, j RAILROAD. X X K 2 Q O CLEAR THE TRACK! "We Are OUR OAR IS LOADED WITH A FULL LINE OF STAPLE - AND - FANCY - DRY - GOODS, A NICE CLEAN STOCK. T)OOTS, JJOOTS, s noEs, I10ES, O ATS XJL ATS, AND CLOTHING Ladies' Fau9t Hand-Made Sboea and every Pair WARRANTED. Most Complete line of HARDWARE and CULT Eli Y in town. .-. The Best Obelisk Flour .. AT LOW PRICES, WITH A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AS CHEAP AS THE u Agents for noted Carpet Manufactures- 1 1 AN AN'S MEN'S HAND-MADE SHOES. : : All Prices Low. : : s PECIAL INDUCEMENTS PECIaL INDUCEMENTS ffO PROMPT PAYING CUSTOMERS A Edmondson & Josey. 10 13 tf Mam St., PROFESSIONAL. D r. w. o. Mcdowell, OFFICE North corner New Hote Main Street. Scotland Neck, N. C. LIT Always at his office when not professionally engaged elsewhere. 9 26 tf. D R. A. C. L 1 V E R M A N, Office- Cor. Main and Tenth Streets 2 12 ly. Scotland Nkck, N. C. rpiOMAS N. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Halifax , N . C, Practices in Halifax and adjoining commies and the Federal and Supreme Courts. 3 Sly. J J AVID HELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Enfield, N. C. Practices in all the Courts of Halifax a i 1 n iioiu'TiL' counties and in e Su-yv- me an l Federal Courts. Ula.u.i- col ic 1 in all parts of the State. 3 S ly. a. DUNN, A T T O R N E Y A I LA W, Scotland Neck, N, C, I'Mctices wherever his services are j i:rtd. febl3 ly. 11. KITOIIIN, A.r;ou.NKY und Counselok at Law, Scotland Neck, N. C. Office: Corner Main and Tenth 1 5 ly. R- . Hl KTON, JK. E. L, Travis, BURTON & TRAVIS. A I'i'oi'.NKys AND COUNSELORS AT LAW HALIFAX, H. C. ' 1 ly. h.iiav, weldon. r. ransom, weldon. "AY, & RANSOM. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Weldon, N. C. s lv. U. MERCER& SON. N ;. ! i Sn.jth 0th St, (bet. Main A Cary Sts. RICHMOND, VA. umber Commission IMercrjant, ojv.-, personal and prompt a T C(ias,snintnts of Lumber, S attention Shingles, -"lis, ttc. 4-17-90 ly. KAILg ROAD RAILj ROAD "1 3 On It. UMDER-WEAR NDER-WEAIi VAPS, (NOT SECOND-HAND. TO CASHPURCHASERQ TO CASH PURCHASEltO. BARGAIN IS ALWAYS READXT L Scotland Neck, N- O. T WIN CITY STENCIL WORKS. STENCILS, SEAL PRESSES AND GENERAL ENGRAVING. RUBBER STAMPS, BRASS CHECH'S, &C, Manufactured to Order, S. B. TURNER & CO., In the Roper Storage Building on Nivison St. P. O. Box 124. 7 21 Gao. Norfolk, Va. STOPPED, FREE VDr. KLINE'S ORKAT cure for AVmV J fiction, Ftts, FpiUjiv, etc. Inrst aay - Fit paticott. thev paying expresi cbr.rret oa box wttn Bn .JM r( Circa. ocnu imni". ' " . , 11 20 ly. CURE5 ALL 5KIN- AND I BLDDD DI5EA5E5' " FuytUrlans eadurM P. P. F. ipl.ndlJ iniln f-oo, nd rretcrib 1 with grrat utltsctlon for th mm of 1 f,.rni and itacr.t of Primmrv. BfTrtary tna Bvphliu, bypnlallo Kc.umatiim, Soroluloui LiImii ud Soros, GUndular Swelling!, Rhumlm, Mlrl. Chronic Ulort tht bT retlstad all trwtmant, QUi n CURES ioodFoisok! Skin PlHaiet, Kcina, Chronic Female toraplainu, Mer- i.i ti .-. r. H.ad. tc. etc. i f i.' . tonic, and an aicellenl appti: Ladle. wkM .y.tem. ar. polled and ,n .ir. condition. dTi. to m.nrtreal Irreyiarttt... ar'' r CURES 1 1 MALARIA ESS? i TdA'SS. Kt. inn rnpwiuni t.tpptvtaW TTins.. ProTirletori. DniKgists, Llppman'i Block, 8AVABBAH OAj For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Cp 4 28 Cm. Scotland Neck, N. C IT 1 1 a S o) Vo) So) IS irmaiMPii Till navn m afio-TT- EH. IR. Ira P P Fr 4! is A CONSPIRACY. TREA80N TO THE STATE. THE ORGANIC LAW VIOLATED WITH IMPUNITY. (State Chronicle.) A8IIEVILLE, N. C, Oct. 6, 92. Dear Sir :I have your recent favor enquiring about my conneo tion witb the order known as Gid eon's Band, and in answer would say : S. Otho Wilson initiated me in the order of GIdeonitea at Goldtt boro in August, 1891, on my return from State Alliance which &iet at Morehead. He kept the obligation I took and 1 do not know its exact terms, but will assure you it was a regular "raw head and bloody bones" affair. I was ahamed of it as soon as I found out what it was, and have had nothing to dowith it since. If I had known before hand what it was I wonld not have joined it. But Wilson told me it was a good thing and would aid the AI liance cause, and being an earnest Alliancemau I joined. As soon as I thought about it after Laving learned what it was, I saw it was a dangerous thing, and no honest man could have anything to do with it. fom Long told me the other day I was the cause of the Third party being a failure up here. I reckon he had reference to my failure to work and fight in Gideon's army. The plan of the Gideon's Baud, as I remember it Is about this.- There is a State Chief, who was at that time, as I understood, S. Otho Wilsonj there Is also a Chief in each Congressional district; and a sub Chief in each county, whose duty is to obey and Lave executed the orders of their immediate Chiefs, tiiey getting their orders Irom the State Chief. A failure to obey is made in the obligation a very seri ous offence. There are three hun dred members of che band in each Congressional district the number in each county I have forgotten. I am thoroughly impressed with the idea that this is a dangerous order if it is being worked in North Carolina. About this I don't know, because, as I saiu, 1 concluded to have nothing to do with it as soon as I learned what it meant, and as I came out strong for the democrats soon after I was initiated by Mr. S. Otho Wilson afterwards I suppose they became afraid of me. At least, Wilson did not send the pa pers he said he would send to me. Youra truly, (Signed) M. L Reed. Hon. F. M. Simmon, Raleigh, N. C . Bell Ceoss, Camden Co., N. C , October 12tb, 1892. Hon. F. M. Simmons, Chairman, Raleigh, N. 0 : Mt Dear Sir. Answering your favor of recent date, in which you ask me to give you for publication what I know abut the existence in North Carolina of an order known as the "Gideon Band," I would suy, at Gatesville, in Gates county, in December, 1891. Mr. S. Otho Wil son, ip the presence of Mr. James B. Brinson, of Pamlico county (District Lecturer for the First Dis trict), 1 being then State lecturer, proposed to me that i should be come a member of the said order. I replied to Mr. Wilson that I could not consent to connect myself witli the Band unless he would first re veal to me the character and pur poses of the order. This be con sented to io upon my promising secrecy. Mr. Wilson then read me the obligation which he wished me to take, and outlined the general objects and purposes of the order. The obligation was a very rigid one, and according to my recollec tion the penalty of. a disclosure of the secrets of the order was death. The plan of organization was as follow?; A National Chief, a State Chief, u District Chief and a county Chief. I he State ( hief received his orders from the Natioaal Chief, the District Chief from the Mate Chief, and the County Chief from the District Chief. The member snip in each Congressional District was 300, and in each county, I think, no more than 30. This thirty were to be especially selected for their efficiency and influence, true and tried men who could be relied upon under all circumstances, in all meetings, etc. It was the duty of these chiefs and members to obey and execnte all orders emanating from tbeir superiors. Mi. Wilson stated that the object of the organization was to aid and promote the Be form movement. The inltation fee was $200. This conversation took place after Mr. Wilson's return from the Indianapolis Alliance Council. After Mr. Wilson had revealed the whole thing to me, I told him I regarded the moveaient, as outlined by him, as being a very dangerous one, and that I thought it would remit in the destruction of Alliance and the defeat of the re form movement then proposed, and I positively refused to have any thing to do with it. Mr, Wilson then burned in my rreseuce the obligation whioh he had read to me, and pretended he was merely con sidering the advisability of organiz ing the order, although I have since learned be had initiated Mr. M. L. Reed, of Buncombe, during the pre vious August, and appointed him chief in the 9th Congressional dis trict. During the conference Mr. Vilnon stated to Mr. Brinson that he had selected him to be chief in the 1st Congressional district. Yours respectfully, (Signed.) J.S.Bell. Mb. Editor : Through the me dium of the press I desire to lay be fore the people of North Carolina two letters recently addressed to me by Mr. Reed, a member of the present House of RepreHeuttive and a prominent member of the Alliance, and Mr. J. S. Bell, a mem ber of the present State Senate, aud recently State Alliance Lecturer. disclosing the existence in this State of an unlawful and dangerous political society, whose chief is S Otho Wilson, the offioial head ol thd People's party in North Carolina The letters show conclusively that this society did exist in tbic State but recently, and if it has ceased to exist, the duty of showing this fact.rests upon the men who it shows introduced it. In exposing this dangerous scheme to the liberties of the people aod the peace and good will of so ciety, these gentlemen but dis charge the plain duty of good citi zenship. The facts which they have disclosed clear the mists from the present anomalous political situa tion in North Carolina, and explain many things connected therewith, otherwise unaccountable because so radically at variance with all the known characteristics of our peo ple. It accounts for the refusal on the part of many of those supposed to be under the influence of this society to hear discussions upon im portant questions affecting vitally their highest interest; It accounts for their refusal to read liteiature uot having the stamp and sanction of the leaders in this movement; it accounts for their bad temper and the absence in tbeir political con duct of that independence and con servatism which has ever been a distinguished characteristic of the North Carolina "breed'' wherever found; it accounts for the automatic and subservient manner in which iu their political evolutions they move and act; it accounts for the remark we frequently hear coming from the simpler but more honest of these people to the effect that they cauuot do what they know aud admit to be their political duty oe caose they are sworn to do other wise; and it accounts for the humiliating fact that a people hitli ertD brave and free have apparently surrendered their independence, fettered their consciences and ceas ed to act as free men. I need not go into an explanation of how these results might logically flow from toe meaus employed, for every intelligent man will readily understand how easily a few men acting together in secret under common orders and to a common end may shape and direct the action of a multituie, each individual act ing for himself. As the existence of this secret so ciety, acting opoo and directing the political conrictioLs of these people accoants for the eccentricitss which have marked their receut condoct, bo that conduct correborate and sapporU the eTidence I now lay before the people of lU active exis tence in oar midst. Ttie presence here of the Band of Gideon recalls all to vividly the "Union Leage, or Heroes of Amer ica," thfit niiht mare of 1863. wfricb in ti e name of charity and In tne form of benetolence became the ecret auxiliary of a cormpt, polit ical party, and brought every home and fireside in the land under the shadow of a band which neither lot laws of God or man cao stay agaiost the inexorable command of its chief. It will be recalled how aoder the fostering eare of that party this ter rible organization gained soca as eendeocy here that It required a counter secret society aud all bat revolution to break its bold upon the liberties of our people. I was thought both of these so cieties and all similar organizations, adajittedly dangerous in a free coon try like oars, had been crushed oat in North Corolina never to return again. The rigorous law against secret po litical associations now epos our statute books were placefl there with the experience of those days freab in the minds of oar people, and ex press tbeir determination never again to tolerate in our midst such a menace to liberty. Both of these societies, the one against which this legislation was aimed, and the one whioh defies it are of foreign inception, and were born of disorders and agitations from which we are happily exempt The "Union League" was of Northern birth, begotten of the troublous times which immediately preceded its introduction here, and the "Gideon's Band" is tne offspring of that wild recklessness which char acterizes the Incongruous national! ties which constitute the lower strata of western metropolitan life, and which now and then breaks forth ic Hay Market riots and Mafia batch eries. A man better acquainted than Mr. Wilson with the sentiments of our people would not have introduced here an institution so obnoxious to our most cherished concep Hons and ideas of free, open and honorable political aotion. If he was himself imbued with the wild vagaries and methods of the "Orders" and "Unions' with which be was thrown in contaot on bis visit to the west immediately preceding his overtures to Mr. Bell, his better judg ment should have taught him they were out of joint with the pre-con ceived notions of oar people, and could only result in Injury to the cause he wished to advance. There have been many rumor and whioperings of the existence uere ot this dangerous 'Band,'' but until the letters of Messrs. Bell and Reed there was no tangible eTidence: and I now submit these proofs with full confidence that the conservatism of our people will not be slow to repu diate it, and fittingly rebuke the desperate agitators and demagogues who dared introduce it. F. M. Simmons, Chm'n Dem. State Ex. Com. Republicans Dissatisfied. Speaking of the Republican con vention endorsing tbe Third party noiDiot es in this county, tbe Roanoke Neus says : "In many portions of tbe county tbe Repablicana are dissatisfied with the action of tbe convention aod re fase to be bound by it. Some say they prefer to vote the Democratic ticet, others say they will not vote at all, rather tDan vote with the Third partv." It Mhould Hm In Every llousv. j B. Wilson, b71Clay St., Sharpsburg, Pa., kits be will Dot be without Dr. King's New DiEcovery for Consumption, Coughs and Uolds, that it cured bis wile who was threatened with Pneumonia after an attack of "La Grippe," when ?arious other remedies and several phjsiciaDS had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cookport, Pa., claims Dr. King,s New Discovery hrs done birn more good tban anything he erer used for Lung Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free Trial Bot tles at E. T. Whitehead A CVs Drug Store. Large bottle, 50c and $1.00. Electric Hitler. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no sbeei&l mention. All who bave used Electric Bitters sing the same song of braie. A pure medicine does not exiBt and it is gu aranteed to do all that is claimed Klec taic Bitters will cure all diseases of tbe Liter and Kidneys, will remove Piaples, Boil?, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well s cure all Malarial fever?. For cure of Headache Constipation and Indi gestion try Electric Bitters Entire satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 5o cts. and $1.00 ber bottle at E. T. Whitehead & Co's Drugstore. FITS. All Fits stopped free by Dr Kline's Great Nerye Restorer. Jf o Fits after first day'a use. Marvellous cures Treatise $2.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Areh St. Philadelphia, Pa. A 8ale Challenge. (Sampson Democrat.) Tbe Democratic partj has bad control of all branches of tie Slate goyernmeotof North Carolioa for sixteen years, aad we challenge tbe world to name a Sttte wbr legisla tion has been more conservative sod wis-. The people cannot afford to let the reins of government b placed in other hands. "I AM EXCEEDINGLY AKXIOt'S THAT Tile State or Notkii Cakouia SHOULD MAINTAIN Hea PL ICE IH THE DEMOCRATIC COLUMN, AND I HaVE XeVKR BEEN ABLE TO 811 A HE THE APPKElIKNSiere C THOt: WHO FEAR THAT SUK MAY FAIL US IN THE COMING CLeCTION. I DesiUE TO SEE UEK aTANI) STEADFAST TO Til K Dkmeckatic CAUae on hkk own ACCOUNT, AND IN FUUTHiCHaNCK Ol- TRue Democracy, to Which siik MUST ALWAYS LOOK KoK Tile l'UK-. ervation or her uiohts and in teuetss." Orover Cleveland. How's Your Liver? Ib the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exibt without a healthy Liver. "When tho Liver is torpid the Bow els aro sluggish and con Etipated, the food lies in the stomach undi gested, poisoning tho blood; frequent headacho ensues; a leeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system ia de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been tho rnean3 of restoring rnoro people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency Known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. Rv. R. G. Wilder. Princeton, N. J.,y: M I find nothing helps to much to keep tn in working condition a Simmons Liver Regulator.' See that ymi grt the Oenuint with red 2 OB front of wrapper. . PREPARED ONLY BY J. H. E.KI LIN & CO.. I'hlljuielphljk, Bucklen s Arnica Salve. Tho Best Salve in the world for Cuts , Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt liheuni Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cbilhiains Corns, and all Skin Eruption, and positive? cure piles, or no pay required. It i guar antee to lve perfect ftRtinfaclion or money leftir.dod. Price LQr r box. For Sal-, bj E. T. Whitehead Co. English .Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Clemishes from horses. Blood Spuvin' Surbs, Splints, Sweeney, King-worm tides. Sprains, and Swollen Through, Coughs, Ete. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warrauted thn most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold tj E. T Whitehead k Co.. Druggist, Scotland Neck. N. C. lf 1 ' v. PEA.N UT PICKERS -AND- CLEANERS, WILL PICK AND CLEAN 300 BUSHELS OF PE NUTS PEIt DAY. Manufactured by THE CARDWELL MACHINE CO., 9 15 3tn, Richm'rd, Va. Pure l Brilliant l Perfect USED EVERYWHERE, AND EN DORSED WHEREVER USED. The Most Popular Glasses in Tm. United States The? are daily worn and are warmlj praised by the solid Repreenttive Mer or this country, rnanv of them being of National fame. Tbe li't ernbrarn Bank ers, Merchants, Lawyers, Goernor, Senators, FoTeingn Ministers. Mechanics, Preachers, men eminent in all profession and trades, PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND THEM- BUY NONE , RUT THE . GENUINE These perfect Glaive ar accurately adjusted to all even. For sale by, "E- T- Whitehead Sc Co. 3 24 ly. Scotland Neck, N. C. WHISKEY U II AtUaAt,c..oa and Osloa Hablta cured at home with out peJn.Book of par ticular! ent FREE. IB.M.WOOLLEY.M.D. AtUaAt, C. OflicoiO,WiUlliailSt. 10 20 lyr. -w RADC at ARIL" NKv Jewelry Store AfUt vrara eiperenr with th WmI workmen tn tbe Stau, t feel ttteronfh'y cottirtrrt to d all work thai tifetl OF A JEWELER AND WATCH-MAKER. I n aWe a anciaitr f Krnirm .J Timing Fine watche. I at. i tiptcl u carry a full .ina of WatcV. Cbcaa, Jewelry. Ac. If jo need an v thing in my line, call and ete me. ALL I ASK IS A TRIAL. Will cleanjand repair Sewinc Machine. iSatuftcUoa (juarmnteed la lvvervtbin(. Youra Trtjly, W-H Johnston. Next duor to Main Katrane ta lloUl. 10 6 3m Scotland Nek, N. I. 16 Conper MwMe Worts, III, 113 and IU Bank St., Noriolk. Va -LA It;.-; STOCK OK VlN.sHKD- Monuments AND Grave Stones .! f'-r Immediate delivery. Wii-e f r prices and deiTn before orleiun; ilhewliere. An it. iiry mav Kave you dollar, ft 1ft ly. JN0.0. GAMAGE, Woodside Wharf, NORFOLK, .... VIRGINIA. Lime, Plaster, Bricks, LATMS. SEWER 8 1 PIPE, DRAM TILK. iCOAL, TAR, &C. 9,Mcial prices and ratea on car l'td lot. 7 1 lrr v e wa:it ail the la lies to know nt J. I. F urell will rci ve on or abou October 1st, V com; lete line of our latest btylt and designs in Ladies' Shoes Eevery Pair Warrnted- Laiu-H who like and wdl wear uoth - injc but good Ots will be suited Sy teeii g these good at ' rmhove place. EPREED&CO. ft R I in. one million ladies ABE DAILY RECOMMEHDIIG miio PERFECTION lilt) ADJUSTABLE It eipandi avcroaa tk Ball and Jolate. This make it T112BEST FITTING, NICEST LDOIIHO. Ul MOST COMFORTABLE SHOE IK TEE WORLD. PllCCJ.lt, 1M0, tl, 11.99. CONSOLIDATED SHOE CO. Manufacturer., Lynn, - - Maa Shoes made to meatura. Y'..r - V bv N. B. .lOsK.V. 0 L'2 .' i Scot! o!i t N- N.C. aW a A w a For.aa1' r' '". I - Wm- n ml fc Co tfRMra. Abfl IVi-ia, .IV l?Sdl f&pr- at . . hk My vraht mm ) a 1liraaa4 I fal a. aaara kM. tat ! toTU aM I la. . mm k m laa la a 1,000 mt U n aara wW. I raa. I a keo mrmm mmMy. WCU aU aaMa If atasf li larlwa. fc rfiy. PaTIEm TICATCO BY HAIL. COaNOtWTML. .lilni aa. with mm atarrta. taooaTnUaca, ar ka4 iflirtl, fa? avUcaian a44ras wka 1 esate la Maaai, ttiwr. tma mtnn titmi. eiitin au WATBBD BOB 1 El a re sf7 rrT7 laa H

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