' ;ooi Anvi;uTiiNi Mr.mt'M. FIKST-rLASS JOB OFFICE T Tin: DCMOCHAT ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, ('ASIMX-AI)VAXCE. I ATTA lit !.- L KILLIABL'. K. nor bud Proprietor LXCELMOK" I5UK MOTTO. VOI- IX SCOTLAND NECK. N. C, 1 11 U KS1) A Y. M AY 2;".. 18W. TTh W TM7TM A MM J. B. WHITE & CO General Froduce COMMISSION MERCHANTS 2 ? Noi F"I K, Va p K u F h r I U a L. Ml vv. () McDo a EI,' , or r. r Ntiv Hot- I . - - M-in street mjoiland Nkck. N. C A 1 w . ht Ins iflke hen no' pr,,fvNM-.r,sll. ensjayeit els- - "-ere. '.1 -2C 1 D H. A. C LI VE KM AN, mmm Ot, r'C i: (- J. I) II " OAkice ii tjks i) to 1 'I'o'oi'k; . oY.lo-k, i- 'f 2 to 2 12 I Sctl-"'l N-k, N. C' 'JH O.MAS N. HILL, A.roilNKT A'l LAW, Halifax , N . C, Practices in Halifax and adjoiniu counties, aid the Federal and Suprem. Courts- 3 8 ly- . y VII I! ELL, ATTwUNKY A V LaV. all the Courts of Halifa ! i i lioin;jr-r counties an I in Su prcn.e and Federal Courts. Clai i le;tyd i". li parts of the State. col 3 8 ly. W. A. niiNW, AT 1'OH.N K 1 A 5 L A V . SCOTLAND ' I.CK, N, C, Pra-tic's i nedir. rcvi-r his service ai feb!3 ly. V. h. kituhin, a 7"r ir.Ksy and Oounnki..ok at Lav. t--crt i-i uti NjoU, N. C m.- Office: Corner M-in and Teni.f S:r t. 1 5 ly. l.J. ME11CER& G16 frt Main bt- gumber Commission IjHteycljanl '!Vts nersona! pro iipi attentioi of ill eonsi-'n-nents of ! ,ti:iiit'- Shingles Lv.is. Rrc. 1 17 " lv Ater slx .venrs expeiienct, I leel t'rr ri ; !v co iii)ftat to do all vork Mi it is espJted of a WAT(3ll MAKKR & JEWELER. WATwH MAKBB & JEWELER. R'pilrin? and Timing Fine Watches A SPECIALTY. Jt also cfry h f ill hue (i v atcbe Clocks Ht.d h"v ; iry. Music tl iastt ti'iint nd Fanc.v Cto.kLs Specticl. -a; aud Ey v u 1 a. s.hhs p r pe i ly trffd to te 3 m 'am w, lllE liKST UN EAR HI. SfiWlNTG MAOUIN.s CLEANED vo llPa'AtiiKD. VV, I. Johns to a. Next door to X W. lo-ey. 1 'i tin' Korfolk & Caro'ina R. R. CONDEN'SKD SHIIEUUlE N KW Jewelry Store niuumu Dft d i ; 19 '. 1 .!iy ex. un. " ulv ex Hut .S'ijih U.o.itx. N'.rth l.nuiii Tr io-. Trains. Stations. N . io; N 2.J V 7:? N'o. I ()-.. P. M. A. M. M. A. . 2M 0 : L? Norf-lk Vr. jo K5 2 4 ; ) I Pi mers Po; h 5 3 0 .1 ) 2 38 K 7 Drivers 5 ll 9gt J 28 i0 22 S-.tf lk 4 o7 s 51 40 1 "S (Jati S 4 8 31 4 10 1110 Tunis 4-5 8 15 4 21 1137 Ahokey 35 9 33 T 02 1153 Aulander 3 31 7 5 5 1!) 12 32 ILbs.ui 2 54 7 19 5 57 12 Ar. Tarb -ro 2 35 6 55 Ar. Lv. 5 57 1 25 ocky Mount 2 08 6 3o P Si. 1. M. P. M. A. M No 23 carries pttilman p-irlor car Nor fed., to Kocky M unt and connects with A C L Tram 23 fur all pdr-tF south. No 103 c-.nnfft at II .bgood ior all eat rn Carolina points, al o at Rock Mount witr ACL train 27 tor all points south. No 78 carries pu'lmtn pirlor car Itockv M unt to Norfolk an I c omects lor all poi its ii-irih. For all nif .rmati n schedules call on or address G.M. SERPELL, J. R. KENLY, Gen'J Manager. bup't Trains. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent Vhtn the lark is singing ca-ols from its Tiewlc-H place on high, s the sua-hine bangs ifc banriers crim- on timed o'er the sky: A'hen tha hum of busy insect) answer back the linnet's 6ong, A'hen the rnist have veiled the morning and the lovely days grow lonj; Vben the leaves are all a-tremble 'neat) the passioa of the breeie, And the grain fields change their shad ows like the b;l!oWH of tr.e sea; A'hile each cricktt chirps its challenge from its re'un m tb gra&g, And the blossomed boughs are nod-lioj to the pdgruus t they pass; .hummer's comel Vbn the dragon Hiea are darting lik wingad jewels through th air, "Vhen the birds are singing swaetly to companions everywhere; VVhen the mountains blend their grand eur into softly moulded lines, And the rocks puep out in gladness from their drapefy of vida When the f-tre-mi laujh very softly to th willow as they pass, Where the ilower? cluster gayly in thvir many-tinted mass, vVhile the velvet mos U spreading there carpeting of green. And a fringe of buh?8 ftlrriiSh perfect framing of the scene, Summer's come! When the forest's cooling shadows tempt to rest at sultry noon, While the r iraiuff t?f ih !stf!ets tempt to tdumber with their tune; When the clouds are fleecy whiteness. and tho at nophere is bland, lud th season spreads it gladness and its plenty o'er tie iandj hen thelkeM orinks the sunshine while its mirrored gold i still .s it waits vo i lasp the xtreamleta danc irif; t;vly dowu the hill, hile God's beauties, nkj sott blessings, permeate tne esrth aud air, A 'id unspoken bnedicti us meet our viT ion everywhere, Summer's come! Vht-ntha air is parfume-ladan through the watches of the night; When the moon4ht on the meaiew is a glorified (Might, Vs it fili iea th lKe an 1 river, as it sof tens rugger! scenes, With its lights and shadows shifting firouch a million leafy creens;j Every pool a shining wonder, every ttte !f t ili ed nrt, Kvery hill and va ley making of its ma vd-work t part; Every day a dream of beauty." every nieht a new surprise; Every hour a tempting picture for our woiider-haunied eyosj When all these are spread before us each a ge;o without alloy When the soul responds in gladness and the oarth is drunk with joy, While the heart intones its anthem joLiing nature in her praise. And perfection rieeis fiericctton in m thousand wondrous wayH, Siiaimtr'f come. -Chicago Inter-Oceav. MARBLE STAIRCASE A NEW WONDER. Tbe following description of "a fuarble staircase at .Natural Bridge, Va reoenUy appeared la the Rlcb mood Dipatcb t Tnc marble staircase called Isa. o:dla Btaitway" Was opened here to dav witb epproprUte cefemotlea Dd in tbe mid9t cf public festivities. P is etircise lead into a ca? anc the design t is tbe onlv natural on-l-ryround stairway in tbe world. The i.'fi,toe-i bave h?en tboro gh'y I'lurru. ated ind afford abundant op portanity for Ptctlying tbe beautiful nd wondprfal inferiors. The en trance i. about five ruinate' walk fr m tbe bottom of tbe Natural THE EXERCISES. Top oprerrifinus of the day wre o-uo wit.fi religions exercises, aftpr which a procession of over iOO st'ho.rl children, followed by the sto .dents of V aehinstfm and L e and th- Military Institute and the pub in oifn& ftQipr-.d. The arcb W i - i 50') t -1 in length aW reHch- f !.( tie O.onon river ti the plni'i- m v THE DISC-VERY. A yesr &j,o some bojs discovered i round wfdl up'n the tuountai w bin i ebort di tttnc of tbn Natt;. r i i Bridge, in Virginia. T"e,ma e) their wv i'o t deep cavern, fr m wDicb uey returied with dificultj and reported that tbev found a series of room with srehed cc:l!cs, hung witb beautiful stalactite and con- ncted, until tbey reached a large body of water et tbe bottom. Mere careful exploration by tbe use of ropes bCowl'iI a general descent to the level of tbe stream. A reward was offered to the person who should find an outifct an tbe bos under took tbe tank. Tbe oct who was within the cave tt laot fired a pistol that was heard on tue outside, and after a while with ligbted newspa pers sent a outI of smoke through tis crevice. A ebort tunnel w drivtn aDd the paasage wai oporn tody ani Larted tbe "Isabel! Staircase' The opening of tbe oof ( let started a strong current of air from tbe large c&rerna that baa dried and whitened tbe arcbee until tbe nrre first given the Marble Stair case wa3 not inappropriate. A LABTRINtlt, Tbe passage la winding and at one point a perfect labyrinth, bu always ascending, is between 40 and 500 feet in length ander a beau tiful series of arcnee shaped live tbe interior of a borse-sboe magnet from TO to SO fet i height. At tbe middle nay thefc is ft elde room itb waterfall of stalactites about 20 feet in length hanging over Ue cavern below. Upon nearly all of tbe walla are crystallization, and tli? Whole aff-ct wbeo lighted is brilliant beyond description. It is almost impossible to believe that this is a natural passage created hy vrater and gases through a flenare of limestone rockj to perfect are ul'e rtined ceilings, ao polished are tbe walls, and ati adapted to tiee) tbeti the beholder can hardly escape; the impression that it was cut with design. Other caverns there are, t ut oeroaps nowhrc else In tbe world has there bee?' discovered a itone stnirwat leading from lower level through n mountain and opsL- ia to tbe sky. ABOUT DUMB AMinALS. Geo. T Angel. To tnose who believe tbe Biblt a a I)!Vine revelation no argument niobt to be needed. "God made i.tip cattle." ''God reuieuibercd tbe i-ttlle.'' 4He caosed grass to grow for the rattle " "The cattle oa a t uousand oills are bis." If the caitl? on a tbou-aod hills re God's cattle entrusted to our '.-up, if He crea for the live of lite -,tU'j and we depenl ou Ui m?rcy f r our lives here and ouf welfare urrpafter, then no other reaaua is opeded for protecting; God's catue I frofij unuecoessary cruelty. If on the other band there were no God, no future Itffl if tbe tbou smds cf millions la past ages who nave founded tiieir hops of heaven m the Cnristlan Bible were all mis taken if tbe wise power tht en-at-e i pert governs the universe has or dained that there shall be oo punish m nt hereafter, for crimes committ-' j here, cr.d r- compensatiso; for innocent suffering that holy moth--s and saints who have giveD their lvs to save others simply chare wiib pirates and murderers a com mon annihilation what then! I answer, oven then we are so linked to tbe lower orders of creation that w caont make them suffer witboat suffering ourselves. Their meats, through cruelty, be come poisonouiL We cannot inflict suffering even jpon tbe fiab of tbe sea without en dangering human health. When we destroy the birds we it-j j ire agriculture. When we do crael acts we do an I .jury to our own souls. When we permit others to do cruel acts we permit them to do what is likely to iojare not only themselves but the community in which tbey live. On the other haod when we make tie lives of the lower animals hap pier we make oar own lives happie-; when 'e teach others to make the lives of the lower animals happier we teaih them what will not only benefit the lower animals hue the human race. If thrr were no other ressori, the d ty of gratitude shoeld be enough t secure tbem kind treatment. Whnt services tbev render us 1 Miebelet say tbat if only tbe bird wpre dtroyed, the wonder- insects would de-' In ,.u.t.tinn and ih wholfeitne. town lotsthe, 'i&odeni mil y human race would perish. into W bat happiness tbey bring our live ! What could we do without them? And how little thev ask in rntorn! 'Toe cattle on a thousand hills are hi." , itrntttli aud llnnlth. If too are not feeling strong and healthv, try Electric Bitters. If uLa Grippe,' haa left you weak and wearv, nee Electric Bittera. This remedy actdirectlv on Liver Stoms ach and Kidoeyf, gently aiding those organs to peiforo? their funct ons If you are affiled with Sick Headarh, you will find speedv and permanent relief by raising Electrie Bitters. One trial wi 1 convince vcu that this ie Vm remedr yon need Large bottles oaly 50c at E. T. Whitehead & Co'a Drag Store, THEiPRESS AND THE STATE. 1 HEATTS OF DEVELOPMENT. At tbe late press convention tbe following able emay was reid by Mr. VT. F. Bnroank, ed.tor of the tVimton Sentinel i "Manj years ago thpfe v a coon try peopled only by savage, l! coutamed tbe raot ferri oo; it uad ft variety of dknat including moat genial; its moantius were rI iaut size; it bad valleys ..f exceed in loveliue; its sct-ory W4 the grandest npou tbe lace of tbe earth. Iti its forests v?efs fbe fnost orna mental a well a tbe tnoaf Useful or woods; among its rocks tbe tnot preciom of ui ine rain j ibete was gold iud silver, coal aod iron, granite and even preciotls HtGoea uBut of what value was all tbi orofusfl wealth of nature while tbe couutry was peojitrid pd'j by sav. ag8f Since the dawn of creation it bad yielded nothing of perm as ornt value; tbe winter huows and tbe summer nos saw little change. Compared with the present rises of men these fertile fields were a deserts, for all tbeir products were aa flowers that are born to biuh unseiC. "Well, this land peak ol re mained to be advertised, and iia first advertiser was Christopher Co lambtia. In. 1t natuial reonie tbe America of hia day Wit America of our day, but, heboid bow changed! Tho art of piloting bd been mvt-nted a little wiule bs fore the discore'y ot this new world, bnt tbe pre, as that v:ord is now Bigulficaiit, was not yet born. "It was scie thrt-e and a hif f-ntnriea before tbe gold o Cahfor tiirt, tbe silver of Nevada, the cop per of AiontaiM, became known to tbe W( rid, and men em g'ated to tbe far West , as tbey did to t'ie slioren of tbn connti v when James towu raa founded, aud i-4 i r VvTalter Italei'.b sent bis nr&t cotoc;; to what is now the Old Noitb State. "it is within the memory of ns all for it was during tlv decade that preceded tbe taking of tbe last ceu?u8 tnat various part-! of tbe United States bad 8n enormously rapid development so rapid aud in m bnet a time tbat even to the ; progressive modern American it Sr-erned almost incredible. Within a year "bas Amend n eniorprise transformed a pasture into a citj witb pavwd strut te, binks, schools, churches, and electric toads. One city In tbe South ss said to bave tumbled its population five times in ten years while one iu tbe West increased its population some fir thousand per cent. "Now, I submit to you that these things could not have been accorop. lished without the modern pre8, and this miracle of cities built Iu a day had its fonndattoo or main it hasce on that other miracle -be Pro Indeed, sncb is the neeesai- q newspaper in lerloplDg tbe resources of a State or a part of it, that town-bu'lders regard a newspaper as an essential aid, a necessary adjunct, of tbeir enter prise. Tbey establish tbe newspa per shortly after laying offthe town lots and charge its expense account on tbe books of the land and dev' ! opment company. 1 c town-buiia- er, therefore, looks upon the pre;a as prior in point of necessity to tbe b ink, the school-house, the chnich aud tbe other concomitant of a progressive village or town N t jonly thie, bat these t.jwn baildera had previously paid tribute to tbe press, aud m the newspapers of tbe large cities bad presented tbe ad vantages ot tbeir own particnlai lo- ca'.itie;;. j '-liefote tbe town is buiir while inert ain out i" liu thn(tMi!i tnn UUluci iBuvj,ui r I aid in developing tbe reourcs of his section. After tte town is Duut tbe people therein recognize tbe value ot their borne newspaper oy the most liberal patronage; and 1 a ! notice id all such towns iu the Weft : andorth what I would like to see more generally throughout tb South that every profession, every bank, ftlmcst every business and manufacturing enterprise is a pa tron of the advertising columns of the borne newspaper. "What ia the press?" It may be likened to a multiplication of tbe human voice; and if tbe press of North Carolina ia doing its full du ty, there are thousauda of voices every day aud every week proclaim log in wiau.eor in par. t'r rui ':d svivftofaes i f tb O'-l Jf -t . S vr. I llir-vr ifi the i tM. t tr! tie it to be Xhm cbi m-vM.ir ,leTI..p.l log tte reourc o: a ritVfr it! the oarc? of inform!;. o, thei gnid of It readers tteir ec lor and their friend. An invention ocl.M 'p !n Mie brain of an Kdion t wiihint enf value: c aonnta.n f iron or a bd of gold Is of little coorrue'Me ontil it is made knowu to tba wor,-I. Tbeu diei it become valcable, a.id fbrs natnre bas deposited ber fa vors in mncb profusion tbir- il. aian build tbe city, adorn hi b iaif, erect a school bou, oudd aoburcn, and civilisation bas auofhtr firm sappott wbete be places another milestoiie to the p-tb of progrrss. And it is absclutelf ci-rtaiu that lha progress, tbe development of eommnnity, is i ext to impossible without tht beraldtng aud Hum pwting ot tbe pref( Now, what bave we a Nottb Oaio:!a ionrnalists to ii in tbe way of developing tbe resource of our State? We bave mucli tt do, for our State is not Midleientlr known in other sections of tbi Union or abroad. Moreover, it is fcafe to say that if oor uewspa pers do nothing, nothing tfhl be done. To to practical in these reamike. we ahoald never fail to make noie of a sew onterpnse, to convey through our columns uch information as wiii lead to a hi tter cultivation of the soil and a more thorough exploration aud develop ment of our natural rseotircea. Nor should we lie loth to praisa tbe iid vantages of otlser portions ol onr State than our own, for we are all fellow citiaens of a gieat and beau tiful commonwealth, uti ! the '.vel late of every pait of it is our i fare, too. "In all mat lets et th aurt 1 l-i iieve iu perMtenc.y. A ninii- An p ot water mikes uu impression on a rock, but multitude of dtop vf water vilt wear away a spot in any stone. So, I repeat, we can not I too persistent. V van tu:n tbe attention of people to 6git':i ub ject; that may be only tenipotorary; bat by our owu )ersisteaoe oir r peated efforts can compel eo pie to think about it. Aud this, to my mini, should never he lost s'bt of. Ir will mh ceed ou tbe pr.uciple of tbe a,ivp -t.er that keepinx everlastingly at it brings success.' 'I beseech jou an North Crol niauis to show your reve'f-nee and your admiration for this grand Old State its majestic mountains that mingle with tbe clouds and seem at times to reach toe blue vault of heaven itsflfj its many rivers as they seek tbe sea, sometimes dis playing the capiictous fancy of playful nature and in come placet willing to be batnesied mi tbrt tbeir power may be tiansmitt?d to tbe ueeds of man; its uoole forests containing ia greater variety "ttian any othei State of tbe American Union the masterpieces of tbe veg etable world; its varied aud delight ful climate; its scenery baautdal id tb freshness td spring and slid u.ore beautiful, perhaps, in tl.r golufii autuma tim; . its iiver.-ififd products ot tbe soil -it.- cotto i fi ldt aud ongbt tobacco, its tnickmg in doctry, its fruits, its tisb and ters tbe harvest of tie sen; its minerals and preclons stone busy hives Ot us factor ie. the its school? and colleges and ail tbe other things of wbicn we mav well be proud, and hope to be prouder vet. Let us, then, sound the praises of tbis State witb no uncer tain oand; not in fulsome ways but in truth, in fraukues, ui ail sincerity." Ih Grippe. During the prevalence of the Grippe the past seasons it wa n& noticeable fact that those who de pended opon !)r. King's New Dis covery not onljr had a speedy recov ery, byt escaped all of tbe trouble some after effects of malady. Tbis remedy items to to have a peculiar power in effecting rapid cures not oalr io cases of La Grippe, but k arl Diseases of Throat, Chet aud Lungs, and has cured caecs of Ath- ma and Hay Fever of long t.u '-j ing. Try it aad be con meed. I j wont disappoint. Free Tril Bo-! ties at E. T. Whitehead & CVej Drag Store. Cure Inli!tci (;. i .i. ria, WervousutM. .j :. i:a:a j, ' i? Gcauiae tin. t..-j. ltV - - -- constipation the "Father of Ii -t nwd a Torpid Ut.r, - ' US OF APPETITE. SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. T treat eoiutipatku s ucx'tefullj It ii a mild laxative and n tonic t the digestive orrtn'. B ;L.k;n Bimmons Liver lioultor vou promoto digestion, Lriiii; Uu u reg ular habit of Mid prevent Biliouene&i and Indigestion. 'Mr ife wu kotrl.' iff'.mtrd KM mj couching, Ki..f oS f;!!. I' Atftrr (our moo ih mr ( Naaranm Lw KcgaUla Ik It lm(l eolirtly teiicvrd, k.r.ing irrrf.fc) od fth." W. It. l.aarn. Ultti, t ihio Takr only the (i nnttr . Which ht on the Wrm K rr 1 JJJJ Tra 4 Siffmtara of j. ii. zrn iv a -TO B SOLO- will sell i oir I)u s l.i , () SCOTLAND .YA.V.W. X ee Jfltofi) nil k Fever Tooic fl); andtr a t;itrant-o lh' C'. boHl" ill t tire CHILLS and i'KVK'I, MILIOl S KKV . MALARIAL FKVKR, TYIMKUd, W Mf A '!) HKMOKint r.r FEVER; N IUJR A Li I nr. ' LA-fJRIPPK, And failing to do s. we WILL rf i d the money. 6- Wbiteljeab & Co. Prune J?tTii; rnJ S-nn Is ;h s Aill fin it ls''ve. 7 U . l THE GRCAT PROGRESS OF rLCCTRICU Medic?! & Surgical Instil fortl:- rrratmcnl of (ronlr. IrlTio, ttMnlr, nrl ' Sarrlrvi TImiwm-. 'l'n il AK -..Tr.K In b'.I arrHti : i i.n.1 tnkrii. 'mil f - . . tan. f.r Ixmk "v(''.v' ft tr.' Inure Hj. iii. 'n;l or m.'ir"i JQ. ALBERT F. SNfLL I Cj v.f vs. - 1 ss;. 1-11-ly. Freeman & White, Artists t Photojkathkks, KNLAROEMKNTS IN CRAYON, PASTKL, OILS. ht. H'.OM PHOTOGRAPH, TIN1YPF, Jt:. 17d Msin Street. N iKoi-K, Va 7 21 li r. j 9 . -i ; Z r. . Ati. i?;r -rr; 4--. 111, IL i and 115 n.. Norloik. v t -LAHUK S I O('K OF KIMMIl I Monuments AND j grave Stones j Ready for Immed.ate dfliverj. ar-ietui elktwhere. An innuiry m? save vou do!lr. S 15 ly.' ,-W-'. -.5 ."w:- h. On t f. . Uf.'w.UrJ-.f")'!' rt m l-t . i Mv ' 't-"- ' - f . T If ANDERSON 15 anb 17 "Roanohe Special att?ntion given to the r o TUB CooDar Mm Works 3l. cotton Factors Goners Mnrk'. 1 nr euiMit I. i-'u"-and Consiinmrt-; "fdiiteii. Forenc: 'f ' ' made on (Joniesoentp. nmmz t s Vt CMfa; tut. 'Mrt4 r M-.. tr itc Kt. t lk) VH-l'-tJl i Wtt. , .... Iff rl ! t A !n f t r t ' Hi - . nJifi ml t dr... u d,t lu.M:nn'i l'l.r I K'.iVti1 Itt. rh. .1 !. x S : t t w f , r. t Itf il Ih fj't I " ,1. t, kC 1 I ff d v ttt r ! i i c e ti f , It i n 1 f.ir :) r-nif ir n nclM 'Sf. It ntl fil. f t 1 1 r b' ST much irlitf t him! '-, V llJ.n d-. I tr Ttf i. l ' ss I. r , f.ter b tt.r t'J i. .(. .j- . . d k!wt rp l."til, ,t ... f! , tjrt't" I I k I . , ' hvt n,t h . i n- ml ?'., I.. ,. . S bol In itr ,; I 1 llf , ,,t V . 1 1. I lf;m r . lnMini'i, Nr t. - til l SO CM ... -. f o ! t , ! A f ilrtir 1 A (' . . r..r.: t M 1 1 Hut. ME3. 1.') L.Lll.-.ii,l h ' NANZ &. KEUKLR, hon.inn f. , If SCOTLAND NKt'k Enterprise Co S' OTLAM) M. K, 1 1 1. r a ; c i I VI If "lit. ! Scroll "Work ! t tie lt-f ; t.,, r.Of!. 1'r r-. a 1 1 - 1 4 . ' f. K. ll I II, I'ii .1. il. JtJNL-, M a n a ' r " . '1 j ! . X'DI J, ; NP K K. J. H. LA WREN CI DrALKII I.N--. i . .il . 1 , i f . i it, I ,. CLOve.K A Nti OLA SKKIhS, IM''K. ., - y I M i ' i A - ' It.'. AgTt for C!.Al;i', CI I A HAHL()V ,,.,t 1 1 V. k L I N Altw hi:. A iumIi 1 of p'-r'i l ion. A Y Nfr7, tt .v:'A i c i . . V. JNOO. ''tAMAG.". V . 1 1 V N'MiK'LK. VilMilMA. l ime, Plaster, I.'ncks, LA'J'Ilb S E W K R Dl AM TiL !'.. (aaL. TAIL C 1 Sclertma Amfrlcan .... . m. agency w p"' c .- v t Tirr : t : '. Dtsicr: PATf.-,";. COPtPtCHT'. ft- i Tar ntnrmUtu m.ti ft'. Ifr'" . Kt;ii a o . ''i nu,!,r . - s dltwt t'r f''f I"""' ft.- :'. .' " 'rienttfic mcricnu mMM t ' VHbit H. Wk! KT.L V, BAGLF - Y & CO. mwmm in Dock. JJCWOCK- V'A u; 1 . ' ail ki. t 1 1 v . I'..r: Lih' t -' L 1 4 I r fire ( 1 rt 1I.WA1.MMM i in m m inninii pi n i i iiii 11 in I