V, - WHITE & PAUL l. TWO SIDES. IT DEFENDS UPON WHICH SIDE YOU LOOK FIR8T. GOOD SENSE. 9 Sanford Northern Settler. Oar readers are nearly all famil iar with the story of the two Kaighf who were travelling and in ap-rnac!-iag each other thej sw a shield. The first knight siid to the esonrt, ''Se the gulden shield hn ing apoi that tree 1" "Naj," aid tbe aecoori. ''The shield is Dot sjold bat iron." From this they began to dupate, a-ul fiDally caase to blowa and en gaged io deadly combat At length each chanced to deal tha other a fatal stroke, nod they fell. In fftllicg each saw tbe other' aide of the shield; and, lo. behod. o eid of the shield was iron and the other side was gold. In aorre respects the North and outh a.i like the two foolish km2hti Tbey miaonderstand each other; ami eacli sees only his side of the shield ; and, to a certain ex tent, hotu are right ana both are wron. Koch oae thinks the other laboring under a delusion and that the statement he makes is not coriect. Every man who cornea South foi tho first time is aurprlstd; things are eo entirely different from what he has inibnined. The pistol that he expected to carry cooslaotly, to protect his life, rests peacefnlly at the bottom of hie trnnk. Kindoe-s, hospitality and good wishes meet him everywhere. He flnda that the Soolherc people are impulsive warm hearted and generous and that ''Southern hospitality" ia not irirlv a name. To the Southern man who goes North there is a like surprise in fi "itiri2 things very different from what his imagination has pictured them. A Northern man who was here re cently for bis health stated that he had very much disliked to come Scutb, and had been very eorry that ha was obliged to come, as he ex pected to be treated as almost an outlaw, or ostracisea. But he found thiogs to different, that he was as sorry to leave tdis place and return North as be had been before when tie founc. that he most come here. The war is over; no matter what demagogue politicians of all the partiea would have you believe. It is said ; "War ia a game that, were their subjects wiae, kings would not play at." So we say that raising discuf-3ions and strife between the North and South is a game That, were their subjects wise , politicians would not play at I be war is over. Come SoqtL n'.iri ee for yoniself. Don't ti ini y-.-i kp.iiw it all when you are onl i:UiTi4 on one side of the shield. It the North and South could put know nd understand each other there would be a grand era of peace and prosperity. Money !ot Ijocked Up, At age 25 the usual $1,000 life insurance policy in the 20 payment endowment plan costs $48. In case.of death you get only 91,000. The rule is your money is lock ed up for "20 years, and then you are guaranteed only the rcseve or legal value by any company. The twenty paymeut guaranty ot the Union Central Life Insurance Co., costs at age twenty-five, annually for twenty years only $45 for $2,000; and besides giv ing a pa'd-np policy for $3C0 the 3rd year when you haye paid out only $135, and if not taken the $2,000 policy remains in force foar years and two hnndrtd and five dnys thereafter, it you desire it; still the 5th year the policy contract guarantees, you in cash on your policy $144 and still you may keep it up and will. If you die that year, receive your $9,000 less the $144 jou have already had. Tbua the 5th aud each year thereafter our guaranty policy pnts the reserve, cr full legal valu?, at your command. No company can possibly do more. So why pay more lor $1,0"0 insurance than we charge for 2,000, especially sine we keep the reserve at your command at any time after the 5th year? The 2oth year yon have a $3,000 policv due at death and it can never cost you any more and you may at any time get the reserve as a loan on it or as a cash surrender value. There is not an estimate in our guaran ty policy, all being expressed and guaran teed mjhe face of the policy. Our guar anty policy contract is more liberal than any other insurance policy in the land. (.u ceasora to fcDMON sON A JOSEY.; General Merchandise, INCLUDING: The very best Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions. Boots and Shoes, Parsons hats and caps, Tin, Crockery, Glass, wood and willow ware hardware, including many things that can not be found elsewhere in town. THE OLD UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (Now with about $10,000,000 00 Atei, Not a dollar of wttrn dura X the Law of Oh;o fH-rmit to b pat to fiuctaatiu? n-cuntiea cf auykiud,) UA- FOR i HE LT i EN Y FA REALIZED FOU II EH 1NM;HKD THE 'VERY HIGHEST INTEREST RATE AND VKttY MUCH THE LOWEST DEATxx BATE OF. ANY COMPANY These are adou.ttedly tbe great points of vntue and I torn these source are derived the lmKiends or profit lor tba injured, aDd it la a fact which in easilj understood ibat we pay tbe LARGEST DIVIDENDS OF VNY COMPANY. We giw a holic$ contract that Wauttlully couiiuueK tb- vu tue of tbe bieb and tbe low pru-.. kluda ol policies ined by other Companies. I be Union i antral m In the lead ..f all U m comOiuiDg these virtue, ud alno putting tue C: FULL LEGA LVALUE of paid pol.e? (according to th highest Undiid) at the com mand ol tbe insured. Uend elsewhere an expl9natou or t w much CASl you coald get Irotr tb.i Company and st II heep your uiur. in force, if yoai policy bad ben Ukru id tbe UJ;('. t fj ial. air write ail kiudn of policie Call on the Couipant ' Agent for fall explanations. E. E. HlLLIAKD,' Aoi' Cr. u,a a 1H 2ret.. SCCTUfcD ltl. I C l' GENERAL TwlERChAIMOiSt COMrLKTK SIOCK OF S THING ANDM Mvm VK c Nonors KiDrt lior of (ent Furnutloii f t r ufc l t. ; v WE CAKKY A COM I L E h LINE tr ('HAS LIKISEK'S MEN'S I , n SHOES. LADES' HOCHESIEU MAD-', I'EKFECJ FlIIlM; isf KAKL ii U ILsON t LL v li a mi'hf You NtiuuM r riot I ire of NECK v WEAR Our Line ol llM l Con.n), te. CMottinc Kr. M ;, , i ik... T . . ... Call and examine Goods and nnet S( OTLAND 2JECK, N. C. 16 2 tf Also the best cook stoves To Farmers and Truckers: and farming implements. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY ITOBEL'SK FLOUR ANI TAR BULL CHEESE. Thr.U-;ul fo- the rutrnrv.trp Hpd r tidrni-.n of oor friends in, t, nd enterinR npon tb N Yer writb enlargnd -Wn tH-rs we bm.e to 2ie entire .ti rion to our patroM, and s uH.t e VeU qua! i ; fif oroo N .itr, m '-ce tr sail the w?s. GIV K US A CALL, It. C. JOSEY Ss CO. Scotland Neck, N. (J 1 12 ti PlL.ES! PlLKSll TCHINO FILES. SYrProMS Moisture; intense itching and stinging; mst at nighl; worse b scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors from, which often bleed and ulcer ate becoming very sore Swayne's Oint ient stops the itching and bleeding, heais ulceration, and in most cases re moves the tumors. At druggists or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son Philadelphia. ' 12) 0)1111 D English Spavin Liniment removes all Lumps and Clcmishes from horses: Blood Spavin feurbs. Splints, Sweeney, Ring-worm titles. Sprnns, and Swollen Through Coughs, Ete. Save 50 by use of one bottle. Warrauted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by E. T Whitehead & Co., Druggists, Scotland XSeck. JN. C. Q i We are exhibiting our usual stock of Dry Goods, boys, and men's cloth ing, together with new makes of chil dren's, ladies' and men's shoes, inclu ding Reed's and Zeiglers's. Our assortment of dress goods, silks, embroideries, and white goods have never been so varied and attractive. We have hundreds of yards of choice styles of seasonable wash and woolen i fabric. Buying strictly for cash, enables us j to give the best values. Thanks for past favors, and we cor- i dially invite one and all to call and see our choice selection oi Spring i and Summer styles. Because Youkat ell li t rett'U you r-1-.i-, tt.m' r,o rM.ni, t! , x , ,t g: nd r: oufc:L to Be'! at fii.nl ; . fT.. , . , t ,, , . Yoir faruilr :t.rit'i oucht !o iuM ,i ., .w ., , n It win .r it n pr'.rtui t nr i. U,, . Ht fire totlhlilCK !,( !,, t rl f nn, fi i , . , , , , ,, ,,,, llk 1 1 In et tliOM- bti ou r, i, 1 1 i ... 1 1 i , , i , t luck to jtet vbt.t )iu 1 nfn r. 'I'berfV a bttter m tba . u.f. Let u beli )ou Willi oir t o. k m t .ir m a ; t: , i , , write for it nl n leii j t u ' to t n t ( t, t ., . and what to do with ib n. Don't wait until yoo tni a Ure uvn r or-U r ! r us doZ' n btinjH or ot 1 i.oti - il I... k ur 1 1,, j... -ixall rr ex-ren. No u hiu- tu u ,ti tl,. o;.ht i )oir wi.ile to hje tt.e ;! mh) :k, ,, ,s,, , l( . GEO TAM A Mi.v., , M . w. 0-10-91-ljr. Not. . 1 H , i HAVING DOUBLED OUIi CAPACITY, We are prepared to furnish the East Pa cent Barrels JN ANY QUANTITY. OUR PRICE. S20 P2R HUNDRED, siid for cash 10 per-cent off for aM dehTrifs to May 1st, 1893. i WILMlNqTON &WtLD0, RilLHJSU Attl 1UU NOH tJ. tbudtnied hedule- W HfiV.I nolCRELS OF TESIIWONiaS. TALK. In 1891. 75.000; in 1892, 30'',-O-io. Capacity for 189:" and stimated ?ilcs, 50J,"00. Ma le by the Farmers' Manufacturing CoMFanV 'jrvcDLri, Virginia. Ha' April 24. .irnve Kor.ky Mt. THalNS ooi.tj sot' in. No l. Drill - Nil, .'7, !"!! V, .N . i! 1 i! I M in 1.1" " i "!..i.l Arrive larhoro Leave Tartioro Arrive Wilson l.esT-s V.'"l":ut, Arrive Sclma ArriveFavetteillc wreat Briege, Norfolk,1 ounty, Va i1 a m: t r 1 an u'a c I u r in g 1C i n-1 an v : 1 iwd iO!M Pat nt Barrels exclasiveh in the shipment of my crop-, including i-.it 7 ViMi bar el of In-h potatoes, and I want to Hay th-y are thj b.st I crer a-e i. Put rre oown as a permanent c!t -ncr, as 1 will hereafter use V.juq other; i Yours trtily, 3 2oo8 GfcOitGE A. WILSON. Leave liohlKboio 'eave Warsaw J Leave Magnolia j Arrive Wiimingtnn J.1S ,, ! j 1 -J..'. t rn i j. is ... nr I :..' " j r.:?; ; " T :i.l J 1.1 I.i7 " I . l III I 1 1 I'HA NS OOl " No 9 We are Still in The Ring i 1 : Leave vViTiiiii tuii f Leave Magnolm j ; Leave W ?.-. . j All ;e ii-' ft . j j Leave Fayettvilb j A riivc St hua j Arrive Wilson Leave Wi'.sod Anive Lf.c'ky Mt. ) A rrive J drboro ) Leave TsrLnro Arriv W'sTaVn j" No. ;;. Daily. f r No. 1 1, 1 1 -' I .No. S'Ol ),1 , -'.M, u in it. I ii i r.i n r-7 I li.'n I ;." - M.:i.i 11 12..'. . in ) l2.." 1:7 1 1 .'- il i'i it j ) an L.4 ' ' J H. 1 I J J v in J 1' The Democrat Job : Printing . Office IS STILL PREPARED TO DO First Glass Job Printing. Letter, Note & Bill Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Pamphlets, Price Lists, Fosters, Dodgers, Wed- - ding and Visiting Cards, Ball and Supper Tickets; Such As Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch road leave Weldun 5.15 p iu , Main V arrives Scotland Neck at 5.2 t p.m., Jreenvillc 7.;H p..ui., Kinst-.n turning leaves Kington 7.20 a. rn., (Jrenviile H.'l a. rn. Arrin II ilr a. m., Weldon 11.20 a. rn., daily xcept Sotidav Trains on Washington lirancti ieave WaHhlrgL.ti 7.( a in ntnv.-. Junction 8.40 am., returning leaven A. A It. .Junrhon 1. 4 p m. , ar i iv i - u ton 8.45 p m. Daily except Snndav. C-nn-ctt with tiainn on A IS. v .. -Raleigh K. R , and Scotland Neck Hranrli Tram leaves 1 arboro, ii. c, via Aibmarlc A liah Jt. !.'. .m'I day. 4.4 p. m., Sunday p. n, , arriv Wi!liaii...t..,t s.c, 7.1 . ... Pl mouth 8.30 p m., 5.2(i p m. Retui nin; !i avts Pl m't . th .N i ir,i Sunday, 6.00 a ni., Sundav 9. a m.. Wi 1 ' Tarboro, N. O., 10.40 a. m., 11.2"i a. in Trains on noulhern Division. H ilson nr : rn v i-tt- illc ltrm.''i - - o.3"p rn.. arrive Rowliinl 7.11 a. rn lt t,-riil-t Itav; J' iaUh I 7 -Fa i ttt vilie 9 h h. n. I)h1t exn pt Sui.'io. . Train on MiiliaM. N.c. ltranv.ii -fjv. - li.iiiWMito, .n. Ii 0 h a. m.. arrive Sniitf;c;'', n. c. 7..'! a.m. Im un.ihj; m-mv . - u n ' . n.iA) a. ni. arrive oldsri., s. C, '.)..'" . in. Iram on Nashville Branch ltvc Uorky Mount t .; p. tn ., i,, i . ville 7.1o p. in., Spring Hope 7. 1') p. u. It-tiirnin 1. an prii-r ?! j, rn., Nashville x.Ao a. rn., Rocky Mount 9.15 a. m., dail, i e.t v . Tiin on Clinton branch h aves 'A'arhjn- for lint -n, I ,n! k . .,'-.( at p. m. and 11 15 a. m. Re- jn.inv h ave- :hi,t,i, t a. c m., connecting at Warsaw with Ni 41, V, J-S and 7. jjouthbound Train on Wilson 5. i ) -tttt-vill; ',-"t(t h i- No. is No. 50. Dai!v except Sunday. Trains No. 27 South, ani 14 Scrh wi!! .stop oniv , H... K v M, .. . 'tol'-feboro and .v:ag::oi:a Tram No 78 makes closes c Mectini at V. i,,r a), S, it- rail via Richmond, and daily exr. nt UroJav vis ,)T, -i nt K daily except Sunday, w ith oith via Noifi'lK. I. R. KEN LV, Sop'tTta-.- N-i'..ln and Carolii a lit ..,i.j :,, S . t s . 1 T. ii.-K!KKsf)N Genl. Ia .!l:. I . r i r t i A ,' ii . And anything else you want in the Job Printing Line.' ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO QIVE SATISFACTION M. HOFFMAN &BRO., PRICES. 1 VvK Alt-- VHKVAllhl) TO HJKNISH ! Mh I i; A I'D ) NOUTI1 CAROLINA Wllil Cypress Shingles, -- - Laths and Lumber i Froo: Our Mtl! locnteil in tj- K-ieiu p,irt t tde s plf-irt-n to CQott' prices on application to u .t Nmlidk, alo U IJOLESALK & IlEAir. UKiI! IN ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COAL SPrompt attentioa to all order guarantee.!. THE NOTTINGHAM & WRKNW (..().. General Office 52 Mhio Street nnder Atiat tio HoUl, NORFOLK. HtCorrespondence Solicited. 7 21 1 ' PPPU For30da?a. Io order ti introduce our CK A YDS PuKTC M in your vicinity, and thus create a demand lor our w irk . ou 'ne tellowin? boD fide offer : Snd m a eood ph'.t ranh, or tin laguerreotype of yorself. or any member or your familr. Itin? or .t-J. "'' ui miie jou on oi our nnel K A Y UN POKTR K ITS fre of charni-, f" i U ebilit u l yUI friend nd use v.,ur influence in -torm fnff t tbia out and retura it to u with your photogmph. with wur name ar;d "r-e a back of photograph, to we can .hiu vour portrait acrerJin?!v. l'i'J Fortran Society. 741 DeKalb A Krnrtw i -.Y n S-22-.f. REFERENCES: Rr. DaWitTa.uiage, t)Oaa.,aUcouitno rciiageaciei.

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