H r n Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. 4 rr THE DEMOCRAT- I Ji;U-UAY, ,)UsK 33, 1X93. PUBLISHER'S DOT ICE- Advertisement ot all kinds must be m I t .1 (it!ce n'uesday afternoon to in- 1. 1 x'A I. ADVKKTISEMENT8. 1 Cent ,,t or each inertioD Charges tor local advertisxnq due weekly Rul a 'riopt-d byth N ' Pr88 As sociation April 27, 893. Ti e sum d'fcot ep than (itf C"'- t line will he c arn-e-J Iff '-card? of ,j.T,k." "re.'laf iOH of respect aii V iuar poetry"': alo for bituar n other than those whirh the editor h riell hfcll tive as a matter of new forces of church and soitv and all o'her f nt" rtiniint fiora which revenue is to be rier'Tt-d will he charged for at rte f fne nta a iine. wa SFCIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. FauhanK.-. (Topco Bath S p at J. U Rav''. Nice lot of black eyed pc."i at D. Rav'- L G- GBaDY, H A LI AX, N. 0. VtcHes and rlooks repaired and inti-if c'oril . lr- Store. Hrvt da- t (i -At-K. Vw t ti; e von igr rn .lies, and tw hors. ; hn.ke, sell ctteap MlOOS & JOHNSOX. .21 t.l ;!' I. A fii'l 'ine of Silverware CmiRtinr oTN 'Tt tties -tnd ever thins Necessary t dfro-ttte a tfth'ft. K. T Whitkhkad & IV. P r a nice fin coas'in ' anvwhTe froni 's to $5 0 to E. T Whitehead Co'. 'ur npftiM V-iiegr at i. P Ray'-. H z 1' t of Straw Hat at J- 0. Ra's Itch on human and horsas and all & itnn's i iired in 30 minutes hv Wonl f M'.i S;vii;ary Lotion Tni nerer fail. S d !? F.- T. Whitehead Co Drusf, S-otla d Ne-k N. (J. li 4 92 1 v. tw Hat-.! Stnw Hits!! Straw Hat-:! Full line of straw hats nrt recpive! R. C- Josky & Co. 1 2e ! Ioel Ice ! I will supplv the town With ice thi m at a 1 w p iofl. With a ood n-e ''HIM at Sill-.' ho'el. I am prep-red to til1 a'l -.nler prompt! v I solicit the pa -r juji f fo gpun'ij. S. P. wTALLTNOS. N. B. Josey Of A "traw Hit at coat thi wek. 'V' N r5 .lo.eji Pr- ctnr Knntr Flour i the be-t. (Su'c-Hvors to Hall, Saanders & Co.) COTTON FACrORS 01TTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 5. Bonn ok t Dock, NORFOLK, V. Ci'i i'ry produces r every descintion Refareaoi: MARINE B INK. 3 2 Sin ChiSTAL LENSES TRAOC MAN' Quality First and Alvayi. K. JKfNT. tienerd Merchant, hs ex l .-ive i'e -f t e C-'l br ibed Ola-J-s in CMtli i ' reck. (7 rotn the fn -trr i fv !' it .t vl Mr. only cin- tea! pi tut -n thrf outh, Atln?j, tit 2 2 3m. J. . KITJUIN" t t;o. :1 iii itr rented tie C 't'ad N -ck M r. c'i nf M II . wdl give pro opr. atteni' n t lii r C rn. vV'.et, J'ln i 1 , i ii (imn'ni (!ofton. ' i - 1 c. J ?. A pril 5, 1 Notice C7 J T le School Commitee of Dutrict No (Sc-iiii Neck Towo-'ip) will meet ii uy ilHe on 'he 8 t lav of July. All c.!it f ir p wi'ions as te chers wiU ti ii tdeir ap dications then . and patrons of it ch will please a -p-ar ti?n an i cnult wih the pot n:re as to best lime open the pe.od w. a n UN N ! Fitty cents is a Mnall doctor bill, bni tv'at i-4 ali it wi 1 cot you to cure an ofliii rv cunb of r'.eu.nati m it you u Ch-Tnhef lain' Pain Bltn Trv it ato ?'u '.vi'i be surprised at tie prompt re 1 ef it aff'.rd-i T t Urn app rancn will q'H-t tl- pin. 5 rent butiles f.r sa'- h R T Wtdte-ieid & Co. ..'FQFrora 15 toaftlba iwr mnnth hv harmlesfi berba a mAfliAfl that rlr. Tint in-1 1 jure the health or interfere with one' business oi pleasure. It builds up ana improves the senera) ueJthtcle: -fcthes&in and beautifies the complexion. No wrinklt,.; cr labbineuS follow this treatment. i dorsfcd physicians and leading society ladies. PATIENTS 7' --ftTEO BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. ttwalcH. r f. 'i:;, ed Cent. In lUmpf or partuilm Ii m n NEWSY GRAPHS. HEBK ANU KLSEvv HERE WISE AND OTHERWISp The wheelmen ot the town took a turn to Palmyra and back lat Saturday af- , ternoon. a n epidemic or rvrse.v tkry. Neww lointrs thHt there in an euid-mic of dsen ery around Rich Sq iare. Sereral per onn have aied of the isease in tnat iectlPrj, Half TIME. Mr. A. E. Pope f sprint, llili remarked a few days ano 'bar he had not worked more than half the time this seanoo, by reason of the HbalthfULness The physician here cay this ha been the healthiest ear, so far, that there ha1 been in a long time. Our ton is usually heait, ut it ha been unuuallv so this year.,, Lightning MBx.There U a four year ld child 'n t n, who calls a man, -too king; a ct ar at night, a lightning mn. w e see trie analogy, aru douoil -R 'he child did, ROWN ClIILDKEN.- We sat the other 'i ght an eiht year old boy and a ten tear old one going to call on tome gi N. Ve were trnk ith the m-u Tebois proe- ress of the age; bpcau-e when we wi re tht ae, we Were afraid to ir,o. HlEU. Mr. W. ti. Coman, of Rich Square, ted 1a5t Fifday, lie was a young man an 1 rll kn Wn here. Hi no'he' and sister-i live in Scotland Neck nd but a few days ato he oade fair for I- ng life. He died of dysenter r, which is epidtnic in that community. Coming to ToWrt. We hr of er:il families who infend coming to too son to ge' the advanttge o the goot schools of the place. Let us mako ro m f r them some how. We want as mmv od oitia ns as can come. We will give a hea.ty welcome to Ice Famine Soniethih? of a famine in the ice line has beeu raging tor A da? or two While it may be no fault of the ice dealers, still it is very inconvenient to those who have become so accustomed to tnat luxury ht. they almost look upon it as a necessity 1 UfE IJME.-' There can oe no wiser precaution azainst disease from nw un til frost than to keep the prenvses well cleaned and we!i l.rtfd. F-7'Ty person ought to k'.ep u barre' of lirh'e ori the premises and occasionally sprinkle it round the damp places about the varl and under the house. 104 years. -Mr, P. E; Smith la-t week surveyed some land for Judge Clark tht hr1 not been Surveyed In 104 years. When he finished ihe ddrvf fie came oui, within 1" feet of the tra l'- Mo al corner. Pre'tv -ood followini; m li -.e which was ra'3 I(t4 yeirs ago NfW InditstrfeS. It Is true that th financial situation is so'iiewhat c?ir ical noi but wa tbjnV: that Some" new enterprises could he commenced for Wetland Neck. The more enterprise there are the les we will feed the string ency of money matters. During the summer is a good t'tne to a!k it up. Who will start? Cigarettk friends. We nofcic d that in the Lizzie Bordfcn trial, the ei dence of two young men was distrusted because thev were the slaves of the pig arotte habit. That shows the way the wind ofpopulr favor is" bl wing. Wf b 1 eve the iiiiie i Coining when tbt to- ! bicc- habit among boys wili be loke noon as disgrapeful. We have as fev of tht clM in town a anywhere in thi "atrf. Chickens killed b, lioht;ino One day last week vvh:le a thunder ''loud wi passirr, iisrhtiitng struck in Mr. E. K His-cll's poultrr yard n.ai n house and kided 8 chicken Mr ii IT-f'tmily were ail out hut enm i before the chickens wero cold. The 1 tnin utruck a post near wnire t' e chickens bad none to ioot, and so;e of the cbicKens were slightly singed. I HE CR Pj. the crops up to ten r.r fifteen days -go looKed very promt i n but the hoav rins caused so much d - I y m work that the neglect vl work and the added di-advantige of the gra- , nv- injured them very much. vvhtle the crops have lost some already, w ith od weather and proper seasons the t ie prospect i still f-ir. But no rtason-rl-- e-tiiiiate can be made this early i the vear. THE UNIVERSITY- The rapid and wholesome growth of the University is i. in itter for State pide and rejoicing. Ii t-vo yeas the student roll has growi f rn 198 to 316. $40,01)0 worth of repair - neing made on toe nuil lings this sum r;wat r works, buttis, etc, are being iup(lied. I he scholarship of the insti. unon is being resogmzed evary where a eq'ial to that ot the leading Universities. ind soon wephall have in North Carolina tMe g eat Southern Uutversity. See d i . ti-e ent. Big lot o" five cent Lorn at J D Ray's. Ladies' Slippers and Low Cut S oe lust go. N B J sey. Pallor l?iiguiunes-, auu the appeal 4uch of ill health bei g no longer fah inable among ladies, Ayer's Saroapa r lla is m re largely resorted to as a ionic alterative, net vine, stoma hie, am builder-up ot the system generall.. Thia is as it should be. Ayer's is ttu best. were wen reu-oi-u. ije will fill pastor Vm. pulpit every u;idy ui til A i gast r.pd ( nduii thrs 'Aedn-soij nigh, gray er iu ti'i-. Jiaj. tMKVS FiH.rr EuH - The WtdiJ.jn coiresponaer. t. thc hubn.ond LM-p-.tcb Jtiiie 2ith Ttir. tirt cotton b'.ooui of the reason handed your correpondtnt by ij. T. L. ury. T ie blooiii is two days earii-i than the ear.i-t eer knowo in thia section be f r." fiw PRESCKlPriONS. Messrs- E. T. v biu heij & Co , our clever druggists, say that lhe have neyer setu a June in wnich ihey nlltd bo lew preset lptiona aa thev have dur.ng tt.is Luonth. This is an indication that the health of the town and cumuiuuity is unusually ood. NiiBilHy-ciivd VI riiug Mr. W. C. Whitaker of Enbetd. rill he in Scotland f'ecli, Mondav i iht July 3rd to hold a neetin Jo- kli to the - rganiztton of Scotland Neck town ship Sundav-chool association. All Sunday BCfiool worJ.era are reomst ed to attend and the general public m viied. Meeting will be held perhaps in Temperance Hall. IL.ii rnry aMHiioa, 'Uncle Tom's Cabin" has certainly 'broke lon.e 'I The copyright on this mo?.t 'amo-is of American noyels, by Mr-. Mow-, has recently expired, wnich free3 its pubLcli -u from the monopoly ot the bigh-piiced publishers, a. id though in anticipation of this tact thev have greatly reUuced its price, uow that it is reallv ''unchained'' the cons, q tences are something surprising. John B. Aldm P .hiisher. of New York, i-sues sev,:ia editions, sel.ing therti only direct (not through agents or book se!' rs) one in ood type, paper c vers, for 5 ceots. ent p st paid, or the same hound m loth for 0 cents with po-tage 7 conts extra; also an exceUent large type edition, on Hne paper, handsomely bound in cloth for the price of 25 cents, postage 10 cents, Sure y a c-py offlncla Toui sCabin" will foun be found in eve y he'tue Wehre it is rot already. Mr. Aldeti sends a Si-pane parnpllt describing manv of hia publica tions tree, or a catalogue f - pages of etioice booko, a veritable "literary go'd mine" for book-lovers, for 2 cnt. Ad dress JoHIif B. ALDKx, Publisher. ,r,7 Rose St., New forfe; x.ird f-'-rale Keiniry VTe incite atteo'ion to the idnrti -ment of this old and fa-uous scno 1 in fln'othor Poltt ur.i It easily ranks among the most progresive afcboots of the State. Its instruction is of the most thorough kind, and its standard for graduation hih. It provides two courses for stu dents-- on including Latio and French. leading to he den'fer) of Ii, A.; the ot er, omitting Latin, leading to the dere of Bachelor of Literature. There are alsy srradu-tte courses in Music and Art- The tech-i s are elected with the very reatisst 6fe eacn teing selected for the special work which she ean best do The following noted schools a?e repre seuted in the Fac iltv: Wake Korest Co -I'.-e, N C, the Siuveur School of La g ngs.i fthB Notth, the Western Semi nirv of hn, ofie of tt) Brook I . n 3choo. cf Pnys'cai tJ-ilture ali of these id Li erary Departmeni; In Charge of the M -8ie Department is apu.il of thS Roy 1 Conservatory of Bsilio, fiertmov, w u e the v. cal teacher receivea her training m a celebrated P 1 ilad vphi C oi-ervatory. The Art Department will e in -harge ' str accomii!ihed Norih Oaroliai Artist uvho is just dottipieting a very extended cour-e in tbe great Cooper (Jnioti Ail School, of N. Y., and under the bjst mas t rs of the city. The laeaUon of the Seminary is all tha could be de4r:d not suruasse 1 for healthfulness, and the refinement and culture of its social lite. Its grounds are among the u0st beautif.ii in the state New desks, new maps, new aft vuttii and Anatomical Chart- with new futm tuie and new carpet in the sleepm, t nun! have been adiied aumu the pa eai . Pot catalogues as hahdsome as an ve have seen are ready for distribution 'Viu' President Hihtood f. r one. PB0M?T PATMEl-- ong Sv !' in - . AULANDEIt, N. 0.. May 24 th, lS9:. 1 believe in lite insurance, I believe rnat ii is a tale and prudent in vesluieDt r parents and others to make for thse who are to come alter them. I btlive im trie Union Central Lif? lu-urauce Con ony ot Cii'tiunati, Ol io, and I crr a o icy on my owj life n that coinpm. M beloved wile, woo died Apil 9t l S9 also carried a policy in the Lh im entral; nd while no earthly thinz can take her place vith me or any amount o uoney amend for my loss in her deatt. 1 Ireelv give my endorsement to the company in which she wts injured, an wnich promptly paid the cltim. The proofs of nay wi e's deeto were ) -i t to tne Mate agent at tvaieign May s. T'ley were forwarded and reached the home office in Cincinnati, 1 learned, Mav 1 1th, and the check which came to me u. payment of the claim was drawn iday 18. i. receipted fr it May 24th, and can safe- I, say that I have implicit faith in He o 'inpany, and know trom personal ex p.-rienee that it is as prompt in payment t claims as any company in the land. I believe Us policies to be the tnusi liberal, aud its premiums tbe cheapest f any so'i-il OLD Line insurance I have ever investigated.- 1 commend fie Uu on Central and us management to any and all who desire to catrv insurance. Signed) R. A. CoOK Impure blood is the cause of ianumer able malauies. Hence, one of the great est benefactions to humanity was lh. di covery of Ayer's Sarsapanha, whici. more than any other medicine, has saveo America from becoming a natjon ot in-valid. i'KHSON MJS. U dd-b ro to t it tr. rec-peraU. Ml C. T tJa'llr . J ille'i waf ere Tuea 1 a . Mr. R. H. Smith went t B.lfUa Mood. . Mr . C. A. Woitebead varre ap from Greenville Saturday. Mr. J. C. PittUian epeDt toar da here last wrek. Mr. Harry Kttch-D retorecd to Pifiwujouib Moday. Mre Dr. W. R. Wood went to Bileigb Monday. Be? W.J. Smith baa gone to lSf rt0srjDptoo coHoty for a few da) a. Rev. W. J Smith vteot to RaUigh M'n fay f atteutl tbe Episcopal ooDVeotioo. Mr E. F. E- 1?, t'avellieg aKnt fir the New & Ob erre-, was Jd town leal week. Ml -a iallie Bkei of Florida, bi ia i-rfn vUutpg relative oere left MoDday. Miee Marv Herbert Smith baa been io Raleigb ae, ral ja a viaitlog relative! and friende. Mr. O. V. Bryan a Point Saturday no ft Uvea. nt to Rock) vlell to rela Miss Em earn Austin of Tatboro is vis ling tb fam.lv of Mr. B. D. Grat. She ri'iea a rdeycle very gracefully . I). F'rien and Mr. MIlu'.1, of the N irtti Carolina Lutn er (Jo , at Til ler., were in t"o Sunday. Mr. J C Caidell, travelling agent tor ttir B'tdical Recorder, epent Tuedd' iu town. Mr Ta Ir, ujanacpr of the K'n. sioa fenti'ip" uiill", was ia toD Tuesday air. W. W. K:rcniB anl w fe f KoXDoru bae Men taun tbe vis ors at Morebead City tula week. Mrs. Dr . (J. C. Christian ot Vie jinii. is on a )k to her ftuer'- amilv. Her rriends are glal u 4reat her. Mr Ira Shrr of Old dparta, Edge combe county, bs been hera on a -isil sevrral days to bis father's tutniiy. Mr. W, H. Dar. of ivlartreesrorot rjeot Saodny end Mouday here visiting the family of Dr. McDowell. It tia been remrked that Jud Walter t lark, ol tup Supreme Uourt will iive the; lectures in tbt law dr, "arttnent at. Wake Fureat. Rev. Mr. Day from Wake Forest praohec io tbe Bptist o-jroh Suo day morning and nibt. He will supply for pastor Vauo until Auguat Mr. James Branch, who bae been suffering with ma eye very much for eeftrl dayp w-ut to Richmond vlunday to see Dr. vViute. Dr. F. W. Whitehead who receo- y graduated in medicine in Bait' mre, ha located in Scotland Neck and ha an office with Dr. W. O. McDowell, Prof. .'eub Kinney, president of b Koti jr Female SemiDrv "t La Grskre, ip nt a day in ton, laet week. He is o;;e of the liveet eda- c-tor io tbe S'.ate. aumnp-f Wonknel And that tired feeling, loss ot appetite nd nervous prostiation are driven sway by Hood's Sarsapsrill i, like nit be fore the morning sun. To realise the benefit of thia great medicine, give it a trial and will join army of enthusiast! admirers of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sure, efficient, easy Hood's Pills. Bhould be m every traveller's grip anu every family medicine chest. 95c. a box If you would be rtd ot chills and fever take Simmons Liver Regulator. Big lot ot rreee cloth at 6c t per yard. J. D. Ray. North Carolina Hates at Viic N B. Josey. For waaefuluess, weakness or lack f energy take Simmons Liver Regulator. UNIVERSITY OE North Carolina. Equipment: Realty of 25 teacbei9, 11 hrjildicga, 7 ecien tific laboratories, library of 30, 000 volume, 316 students. Instruction : 5 gn?rcl corm e; 6 brief cootie; profesnlora al coaises in law, medicine, ec gineenog and cbemietn; op tional courses. Expenses: Taition $60.00 per year. Scholarship and loans for the needy. Address President Winstou, apel Hill, N. C. 6-29 6t SALE OF STEAM SAW MILL. On W ednesday, July 12th, 1893, at mitb'8 Saw Mill, near Knight s Township No 3, E'gecombe conn ry . I will ell at paNic auction tor ;h to tha htgheit biddei, one aw Mill, Engn and Boiler, and other personal propitj oa a witb said mill. Thi sale is made by virtue ot a decree of the superior court of Hal ifax county, iu the case or C. T Lawrence va S. vv. Smith. J no. L. Bbidoebs, $ 39 2t CoajralMioner ,lr. Anna Sutherland Kalamazoo, Mich., had iweUisr la the Deck, or Goitre year, causing 40 Years great ttuTe'tng. When the caught cold eooMaot walk two block without UlnUs. fhe took Hood's Sarsaparilla And Is now free from It alL hbe hat nrfe4 many others to take Hood's Sarsaparilla aa4 tliey have also been cored. It win do you food. Hood 8 Pills cm aii Ltr ir ja4ic Ick ttaadacbe. bittoMaass, sour stomack. aaeeea. BuckSen's Arnieay Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Brolaes, Sorca, Ulcera, Salt paet)i Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped niiTia. Ubiloiams Uorns, and all Sktn Eruptions, and oitive1y curer piles, or no pay required It is uoar. antee to tjive ierfot !iafftction or monfr iefundd. Price 25c per Sox F.ir Sal b E. T. Whitehead Co. Frotaa Friesad to -'ritd Goe the atpry of the excellence of Ho.wl's Sarsaparilla and what it has acomplih ed, and this i the stroni;eit kdvartismg which is done on behalf ef thia me-iici' e We endeavor to tell honestly wht Hood's Sarsapar.lla ia and far more po tent. Its unequalled record of cures is sure to con vince those who have nev.r tried good's Sarsaparilla that it ia an excellent medicine. pile! Tiles!! ichino "ilea. SYMProMS Moi-ture; in?n-e itching id stinging; iunt at nignt; worse by STatchine. If allowed to conti tue tu mors from which often hleed arid nicer a'e becoming verv sore SWaYNE'8 OlNT (CENT stops the itching and hleedint, hea.s ulceration, and id moat cises r. moves the tumors. At dreggipts or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne A Son, PLiladelphia. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Clemishes from horses: Blond Spavin Surbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-worm titles. Sprains, and Swollen Through, Coughs, Ete. Save 50 by use of one bottle. Warrauted the roost wonder lul Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by E. T Whitehead & Co., Druggists, Scotland Neck. N. O. 10 1 y. 111, 113 and 115 ba.ua.3U Norfolk. - - ? Va -LARGE STUCK OF FINISHED MonumentsJ AND grave Stones Ready for Immea.ate delivery. Write for prices and design a before ordering elsewhere. An innuiry mav save you dollars. S 15 1'." TE is all we want with any; Common Sense Man ! We are selling the celebrated Turnip and Cabbage Seed RAISKD BY ROBERT BTJIST, of Poiladelphia. Only 40c Per Pound Post pAid. BTJIST b mself aka coach tcre than this. We also have his fine win ter cabbage at very low prices. Don't bev spurious sed by the paper, but send jour sddrea. for our circu lars and ou can see how you can SAVE HONEY A.ND BAV A GOOD CROP. Address: ALBEMA LE SEED CO., fi 8 6' Fliz ibeth City. XV. f. iiOPPFD. FREE II II V T-.... ImmJ. U U SfDr. KLINB'8 QRBAT mtr Pans a Siifi Lmoaat (Ml larauisaa if tk aa MrU.. -"L1 gwt mm w. Tiaatlaa aad 9t Hal aM.O- a He Coouer Mle WoiB ST a m ) r X. B. JOSKY s. LAND IN' FLORIDA FOR SALE r"ir.e 40 a-re tract ef land m tti cuir. PI . r. n.?e fr. t. Orts-.tu. aili from i-c ethlirif' railroad 1 ine so f J ni' fr-t ft newly grade-t ra lr aJ, An orange r e Clth aKcut :um tree jut be gmitn tc be r B ILLS K L I. FO k Mttst.Y OR TRAD A; FOR A 7 in Halirx -r adi tdn c-'uetie J lS-tf. AT)lv' C 'li.I.iK. Full line Confectioneries. K, W. HymaiV iu:ali:h in GKN'L MKKCHAMDISi DRY (iOtHlS, NtTKNS. mtr. II T" FAMILY Gf?OCcRI?, IIAKDWAHK, lIN ARK. '! ' II t'. I o o G1VF ME A CALL A M !K t GUdllM UKAl KIITMA.V Nice Line of A.gentSy wn :n ha'uil DelleiS THK IACK FROST. FK I I .. I- k. JKjyfA A Scien' die N x Save th-ir roit a doxrn ti v a iar. I' n or alopp. A Cild ( IB ' .r Ato 1 StlUalrt S t.l f , Pricnd Ili-connls. 2d Mli!;I.AV .r, .NK' (UtKf 1 V. MAKES ICE CRFA M ! :lo SKCONDS. 1877 N. B. JOSEY. & cr CD MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK IS COMPLETE IN FVERY DEPARTMENT. CALL aVI KF II - Staple and Fancy Dry (Joixls : Dress Flannels, Serge suitings, 1 1 en riettas. Storm serge, Bedford Cords, etc. 0 O SO 1 LAND N YV K ()!! T KK'S K! I c;i..VES, AND IN NOifONs we Lead The Town. 0 CD Kippendorf, Ditt man k ( o's. L.UHFS FINE ml ffiffHLDREK'S IS HOE. EVKRY I'AIK -VAHKANiMl. () 0 0 0 CD Clothing, veMUl Hats, Shoes, and r-f A full" ,.;:mrsp of a line of :ifsssk 2 kind Coffins 0 KVhUTIHING s,ili a: -ill-;' LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES. CALL AND E E F M YDlUiMELF. N . B. 1 COMP XV AND SKr MV Beautiful Stock OF MILLINERY Aud Ftiuev Goo.Im (') THE Vr:i;v i. 'Ji ST . WVjs in in' r lli'i. Ki , 1.. . . i 4 " . r tvnt J 1 . ' s c I Hi e?.i. o cr o t'SN INCH I II I I ' 1 1 1. Ill .... ' N .0 r:K- A M I in-. I fancy candies. U T. w rhni trade on li "'HI ' trride. ISO 3 0 (V i ! 'J' T I W r' . f Uii j r-4 V ! J : Mil.l.s f'Mi-.y, pk Clothing BE SOLD. 7Q (D 0 CD j Boots Must (fo . alwavs Oi ( j i

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