Ca-e cf Machinery. VV 111 fjdccted. No man can reasons! H rxp-d T'! sucked ss a f' t t ori!e- , te i3 n man cf thonrM rn -.,M.o-i' to devise the be.t tr'. 'rr''''1''' ahie arrangements and -,!! tn f' mMiauortent, not, o;;y for prod';cioy bui fr caring for tb - tools nod: machinery he U3e. It U f trne ' max m a workrcn-, as a tfr-; i eral think, will not use poor .;oi-, as he knows it in had policy.. Hp kaowB that witu poor toois h? is re quired to nsc more physical fc'rfnylh in doirj r. certain piec'j ! 'i", and nv.y tiwes cai.not fceoinpliah an thing p-cause hi rDHchincry. but the amount of work that wear out uiiu break the edos. machinery, Is in bad stute of repair. It is not alwta thor-e that ('.o tbo grbtet amount of work tbut wear oat and break th; niost machinery, bat the opposite of thibj for ibooe who are ia the bJtbitof damaging ami staving up of tools, and lad to repair them at the time, are lhotc thnt gererally do the leaf.t labor. Machinery and all tools should be reuaiced at one:: when broken. I believe that fully one'thini of the mowers, reap- cr.i, u.ndere, s-uaratorf, etc., that art sold are discarded as useless be fore tney are one-bull worn out, because they have not had proper cire. When not in use. all machin ery tit h awed Oil a farm suou'lfl be . 1 . .? r,,.r - nf.rt f i r-u or :? e covetoi oyer with a mix ture of v, hire leuc and tallow, to prevent ri-.btin, aud in all cases should be rr-paired hpfotc puU'ng away. The mower may need sever al section; put ther on. The plow may need a clevis or point; get them at the line, o not wait till the hour you need to use them, and lose valu able time in running after the parts v? aided, s:r.:d abuse the poor down, trodden implement dealer, should s hf. nnt. of them, bee in the rush for the repairs hud been so aortaou.-, not tbiafetog for a iro. mt-nt he hs.s a thousand things to taluk of, and has possibly overlooked the te article yon wanted. Again, a bucket of mixed paint is a good thing to have on hand (and any kind will do a Ions a it is red) to touch anything that una become sou tie.' home fnrruers say that Vao, rfv nbot afford to build a ho 3e to sUn machinery, but tbey tj;eta to atrurd the luxury of baying new tools to tak the place of the ones rotted o- runted out, when If they lutd c i leifp sued to store tiiera t'ney wii'iid iv; a great deal ot the?r hard earned wealth. I have seen plows in Junaary resting quietly ii ibe cor nor f a fieia, just where rr -fid; a reaper ia February ju... r-'h-re il-e last crop was cut oft'; c ti.. V:i: on the limb of i ir i.,--vr ., but- the lah. briar wa? vu-.i a ipri' tooth harrow wh?re the last a t d puUeri.z;d; a cider tail! in the t-ad-er, jf:t where Better Cure CONGEAL. A Fair Skin, FREE FItOM PIMPLES, THE GREftT eROCS ROSr; . 5 OF FLECTRICITV. , I J U . .r :-xs T i P, W i, i I7KITR A DR- AL3E.BT F. SHELL 4 CO.. ! i.;!cn. Senl fa t Jim;- kaxTill.Tfa. ;C vV' RASH, O; ot'.'T (iefrrt, originating in iRSPURE BLOOD Is Secured by Using Sarsapariiia Has Cured Others, Will Cure You 4. BOILS, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY '.V.w vjH, j'!MiU.,ii n).x A :. NV.? : dfiUr li'- :U LiR !C. .. ri.i.-! ;- rl wun'v ciint..B ! -lt:; AKTTSTS & VirOTOfHiAPHEKS, f.NXA KO E M K N TB IN OKAYON, I'ATKL, "1LS. ,Vr. FllOU fA FOli f ill. L -T . K i AliS REALIZED FtK HKK INLl KI) f 3 E ij I THE VERY HIGHEST INTEREST RATE MUCHfsTHE LOWEST TEATix T7ATE OF ANY COMPANY () ...(()... Jomuson CI! & Few Tonic Mnder a cuarante" that or e bottlfc will cure CHILLS and FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER. MALARIAL FEVER, TYPHOID, SWAMP AND HEMOKRH AGIO FEVER; NEURALGIA and LA-GRU'PF,, Theee ate adn.didly the great points of vsitu arid from tr . Muire nr- iliTivf I tht i.dvulftid or piolit- or rh injured, iun.l it ! J "act which is eailv undrrtml tb.-t ; we pay the LA KG EST D I V I D E -S DS OF VNY CO IPA.Y. PIIOTOGJI A PII, TINTYPE, A-.-. 17". Ms in Street. ""V',ol.K, Va 7 :'l 1 r, " Arni fading to do so we WILL refund .--J - j ;he money. I 6. C-Wtebeab & Co. ifSf Prune 3rup and Senna Is the hrrt i Anil Auit Iacat.ive. 7 14 . 1 a Si V&1W r. -,:.-KrH to KDMOX -ON & JOSEY.) 8 in of Ki;:-.'tidor; & Jf-y 1 rd.-K.lved m1 t?io br.siress will be continued 1 st'ind, unl.'i the firm nan e ol R. 0. Josey (t Co. General Merchandise, A full line of:. r irVEIiY F'j (;KOf ElUE, DRY G. ODs AKD NOTIOVS. ;0()TS AND SHOES 1'AlS AM TAPS, TliS, CKOHERY, GLASS V0(M) AND W ILL )W-WAKE, HARDWARE, INCLUD- i- rA.NY 'I III -Gs 1 HAT CAN NOT BE FOUND ELSE W IKHEi lUN. Aii'-O iHr, liESL LOOK STOVE AND FA UMISG IMPLEMENTS. W E Ai aKE A Sl'E(3IALTY OF OBELISK FLOUR AND '..:h!ii:ng :d Mfo;7 Flint Jsi tu ;dnt, q?i:rr cr gallon sizs. We give a policy coutract that beautifully com times tht? vir tues of the ideb'and the low price kind of policies isue by other Companies. I he Uulon Central ih in the lad of all Co, in cotntnotiiK tbese virtues, au 1 also putting tue FULL LEGALVALUE iif said (dcMrdiog to the liicrbet sUmUid) at the com mand of tbH insured. Hrad el ewhere an explanation of how much CASM you conld get Iron? tb (Jompany ai?l htill keep jour pone; in force. 11 yom ponc Lad l.'-eii tk,-2. in Cue. UNION ( EN II A L. "Ve Im xvfite nil liind. of im!icie. rdl r.u the Company-'f Afi-nt for full explanation1. E. E. Hilliakxv Agi SIOTLAND NECK, N. G. 1G 2 tf 11 SI T'AClj '' J 4, Uiu A SCCUI.'D 'Hi. h. C !'fd-.Th lOCK i L.... t i .oii(ir lv .v-l V K t ALLY A l ..Mi i E h i. ! N ; i en as. ii i-isi.ics .n-iN's ri shoe?;. LADES' Ih'CIIKSi EI' M D" . I'UfFK F! I : AC FAIL Mn . t i.i. .M! i j Y-U Sll lj f '! I, f NECK v WEAR Our Line o? llMs l Couv i-te. Fr (1 u,K L, . . M , , Order. A Larf a r. i wt li A- .n. t m. i k aI ., ,i Call and examine Gords f.uifl nru t M It Extra Choice German Millet - - - . . v t, ji.iu I'l.U LINIM.L H. M. BARNES & CO., rrAT n i rT An MM Ml V r 1 1 1 1 1 n UUlll 0 I UT I I I n lilUlUllU aiU UUiUJllillJ LUilliUlUUlUii i'lUKiiniiiR') Chickens, Eggs, General Produce Fruits, Etc. Lumber a Specialty. Consignments Solicited and Prompt Attention (-riven to all Business. REFERENCE : ClTY NATIONAL BaKK. GEO. TAIT & S( )iS. SEED MERCHANTS. iNOlil'OI.K VA. '.MO-IM-lvr 6 22 3m 6 Roanoke Dock, NORFOLK, VA. I 3 . S 1 li ! i t i. M JiKA.NCJI r..-;., Condenaed Srhedolf. i. ! ..o .sidr :'i(H of oar frien la !; i'vy Y --r -jih tf nl irrjd a lviii- Jjt-.n, f r I;U4.: l iiVe i-liUiX- Si; i if .cUUi: t' O'lf p iLr.(i, a.$ i vu'.!.iUe i e qu ili''.;' of-ootU vitii p. ces .c- suit t'l.: tiir GIVE US A CALL i v: i FOR SALE, jattMl May -Ml. N' 15, Did) Udy. n., .;, "I- tl! Mil lll V. 1 pounds, 2 pounds and 2 pounds. LAND PLASTER FOR SALE. idPNV v Yr k P-!;. iv 't - --g-.' A dd - i Arme Ro- ky Ml, j Arrivo Yarhiiro Leave TarLt i o Arrive Wilson j Leave Wilson I Arrive Seirna j ArriveFn. ctteviHe J ! .i 'r !'(:!' s t 0 ( i LaV. " V -H'SUW L'-av;- 'ii-i-'-od.-i j A i ' W iimuijrtun i 2. IS I- Ui J :-2.:'. " p (t'l irrl'i i i . i ,at tipjde r tVfjut.d, au-i then v . n the :.;t)u'i Hi-rive fur niinii I ;.i rurt- lut-is ;aicti it lor not ivih-j; the repairs p.rati, for the owni-rs cLim the pieees which broke had liiWsi ia thtDj, noi for one mo u'irut Hcknowledgiug that it was ihtir own reiiliceoee that produced thefltiws. And I wish ag?in to caiptsastae that a greater portion of tuo so-culled defects m machinery u-od by oar roral friends are caused hv the j.areless manner in which th"y are eared for. Partners, care '.:r our itiiidiwicry on your farms :t;:d tt wilt ive jou good service. ioncj l BicUl At age to the usual $1,000 life insurance p-.iiicy in the 20 payment endowment plan :.; s $4S. hi c use ot death you get otdy 81, ;" '1 ho rule i-t your money is !ock .i it lor i0 years, and then you are ; -w. snited only the reseve or legal value hv snv company. i h tvreuty payment guaranty oi the T':d-:!) Ot i'tral Life Insurance Co., costs t a.- twi-i-ty-tive, annually fir twenty yvvs oniv $-13 for 82, C00; and besides giy- ir.t: a pa'd up p-jlicy for $3C0 the old v a: v'.ti. vu i Ui vc paid out only a if iiut takeu the $2,000 policy remains i i uct; our jtars an-1 two hun.lifcd k : t' . d ys thereafter, it you deire it; sti,: th'? r'.li year the policy contrart ! ;s r -.litees. you i.. cash on your policy l and still you may keep it up and will. i vimi t4ie that year, receive your 83,000 e-. ti c you have already had," i ius the 5th and each year thereafter ohi siuar.-uity policy puts the reserve, cr l'ui: !ial Vd'ue. at your command. No coTprnv can possibly do mo-. So why pay more tor $1,0' 0 insurance than we ch :,:e i -v 2,000, especially since we keep ih rtserve at your command at any time R't -r the 5:h year':' 1 he -Joth year you have a $2,000 policv d i a death and it cn nrver cost you any more and you may at any time get the reserve as a loan on it or as a cash surrender value. There is not an estimate in our guaran ty policy, all being expressed and guaian Xrzd m the face of the policy. Our guar a ty policy contract is moie liberal than r ny ether insurance policy in the land. Address G 22 4ro J. W. Perry & Co., J I.M - ; 1 i. '27 .' j t i 1 ' 4 ' fKA l ! "it nKi.i, . l I. NOR I OLE, VA. N(.. li'i. I iv. f Ymm We are Still m The Ring Le.i ve j Lc-ave Maj."if!'n ! Ler', e Wi-j sr.'. j A i i ,v ' Ihi.t-ro 1-r. o Fhv tt7''S!-.- ! Art v - S hi!)! j Arr.'. W i Is, ii j L"M f Vl i ' . j A :v N, .-! v ?!, ! A viivii ! Ai 1 j Li i a: ' b j Ai:i- Wo'do.i J '-'.i m j ,1.-, , ti r p. r; ! M.ll " i 2 I 1 ,: ( i- it i ; :".o 1 '..f- V'.l 'I o I:? r.H ... ii'if i k whwe WBS- 1 B;n both proud c k ,' rcoirmfnd yoor treatment to all .offerer, from - . ..... ,wrr .u n.qoines it .tamp i. indeed for reply.' l ri5?4T3 TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL 1 ri titular, addreu. with 6 cm?. l .."ji - U 0. G. r. SRYCB. K VIMCrS TIItTCt. 116411. lit We arc exhibiting our usual stock of j Dry Goods, boys, and men's cloth- j ing, together with new makes of chil- j dren's, ladies' and men's shoes, inclu- ; ding Reed's and Zeiglers's. Our assortment of dress goods, silks, embroideries, and white goods have j never been so varied and attractive. I We have hundreds of yards of choice j styles of seasonable wash and woolen j fabric. Buying strictly for cash, enables us to give the best values. Thanks ior past favors, and we cor- j dially invite one and all to call and i see our choice selection of Spring ; and Summer styles. i The Democrat Job : Printing . Office l)ady except S oidav. Traits cn .Scotlsud Neck h rua.l leave ,, t- ih arrives .Scotland Nwk at 4.4 p.m., "rferi.ille r-28 p. .n.'. K-o- ! i 7 turhmg If v 'uston i.-l'', a m., if .-er.ville .22 a. m. r r t 1! l I 'Aeldor, li.2i a .n., daily - pt utclav I Trains on Washington MwuKfi U-uve Wasldofti-n 7.o tn hm Junction 8.4') a m . rrturni: R leaves A. k R. .lunrhon 7. .1 p m . j ton 8. -15 p in. Daily except Snndav. ( nnecU v ith 1 1 at uh oh A IRl-igh . R., and cot an I Nck ffrant-b. j Tiitiu i-vivi-M at-ln.T'i. ii. V;. .;a MM-mnrlf .1 llahth J. I:. -.. 'ly 4.4 ) p. ::i., Sunday :.0 t p. t.. . mriv- lUsan -1; n s. , 7.1 t . i ni'.utli ) p m., i.2' p i.i. Heii'iinr i-nvi IJv .;-,i t'i N I Sunday . 0.00 a tn., SuikIhv '.). a m., U lilii.i,,,. 7 a 1 b ci , : ." Tarboro, n. cM 10.40 a: nt., U,j!.t , Trailis t.-ti .SnUihem llivj-ioi., U liw.-n nd Fa ett-. IP- nrh ! n !! t n Til tal-riii. P.... 1 1 It I r. . i f " I l.-m 'lll'l li t III lk.llrlS.."iVl.'l4l).J I !;,;!. . i - . I' ... ...I r9.. I. 1 a -1 1 1. v 11 e t 1 . 4 . rn 1 :i I- f ,i 1 . I'; ' e. ii... ariix "-:.!'! ii v. ( . H. : , i?.0o a ii;. arnvr 'i.,ii-i ,n. c., ,t. trait'. .,r: Hi. u--,,- ((.j.-ki V..i,Mi if'. viiie 7.10 p. n!., prir. i - .. i . . nni.r? b tm., eiri!ie 9. ;r;,, !:.-. t ".i..ii. p. i.,.. .j rau- on chnt 1 p " . . 1.1. . -ia , . ia(( ; , ,. lor it-it - I .tii . , ... IS STILL PREPARED TO DO First Class Job Printing. Letter, Note & Bill Heads, Envelopes, Statements, . Pamphlets, Price Lists, Posters, Dodgers, Wed ding and Visiting Cards, Ball and Supper Tickets; at 0.20 p. n.. and 11 1'; a.-:. Kcurtri- .-1 , . c! tn. t .'. in., co 1. :it:ctsr., at War.-i.w vi idi N- -.. : t , -j.t .-. r: 7 South bound ia'titH U ilson 1. .1 j i I .- ii'-mii - ,, i: N'-. SO. lai.'v exi-tpt .Sundav. 'trf-ir. - No. 27 S.i'Hb, .,u-, 15 No. h w s M..t. . i; t , i : !'istii.i 1 and .ijo..-- 1 1 a '.".i N i 1H :t.ak irii ! : t 1 -. . ',,., ; . ., t ., 1 , ( ,, i . 'dii K.'cf-ito'io. and da:! - . . t : s. 1 v:-i P.- Li,., : .. daily 1 xct pt .-und (y, -Alt'. ,r'- Ik a ( ii Jia .1..1 , . N ji ; orth via Ni ib K j '. II. KKN LY, Sup-tT-, Ktt , ' Such As ;M. HOFFMAN & BRO., And anything else you wrant in the Job Printing Line. ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION . 9-22-tt STARVATION PRICES. v. , ; PijKPA ' i i) ' 1 i;i s . 1 k 1 : . pi. Noli I CAl: ' n i ; tl Cypress Shingles, - - Laths and Lumber, Frou! Our M-li located 111 th hn-'erD p ut of tb.- Sr !. W- 'r pb a -f n to tj'io't pr-r:- 1 ri apiic itlon to o at N oU. V ' alho U IJOLEALh & KFrAIL OKA IA liS IN ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COAL nSi'rompt attention to al! oidr-rH rmrnrer-tl. l TH15 NOTTINGHAM & WRKXN ('.. Gener&l Offic-- 52 Min Street nr. ler At hu.c UoUd, NOLrV'lX x CCOKRESPON'DENCE SoLICITKD. 7 CI 1 v ' PTR FTPT F(r3f)dava. Tn ordr f introduce "ur CK VON" Pt:r. K iVlJlJ in ycur vicinity, a.nd thm create a demand for o ir " " yiu the following bona fide offer : .vnd m a good ph-t ;itbv or t.,i . f 1.puerreotvne of vnurRelf. nr unv ii,.n,(,.r n. . .r ' I, 1 i ill m&Ke ou one of nur finest ' A YON f' " I K I r lif chi'tf .' " ' I u exh.bit it t your friend. and use . ur udln CO n --c nine if. ' t '"' " J 1 '-it tint, out and return it to u witb v'.r phrt-vnp 1 with ur nie ! o U 11 back of photufjraph. nwe can hiu vour oitiait accordii-tO Portraii Society, 74l DeKlb At.. UrooKlN? Y .n, REFRBN03 Ror.De Wit Timge ..tlicommea trcil4Dc,,e