-TTT-- : : : 7yr , q s i ADVERTISING I.x TO BUSINESS -W HAT STEAM IS TC ) Machinery. That G;:ht Iocemino Rowek - 1 ! Y" i. i t 1 Write up a nice advertisement abort E. E- HIL.LIARD, Editor and Proprietor. Villi"- ,y. iu-ert It Hi THE DEMOCRAT, !U)rl you'll "'see a change in buine-s all ai-'iun't.'' 0 PROFESSIONAL. K. V. O. McDOWKLL, VOL. IX. IS IT WOffl LIVING? BEV. TEOMAS DIZON ILLUS TRATES BY JAY GOULD'S LIFE. SCOTLAND NECK N. C THURSDAY AUGUST 10. 1693. Office North corner New Hotel, Main Street, Scon AM Nk . k. X. C 'Alwavs at his office when not ... omr-isa'd elsewhere. oe-ss.o ........ ...e.-- y . D R. FKANK WHITEHEAD, Plain Words about a Kan Whose Thoughts Centered :n Self Contrast With the Men Who Toiled for Humanity. ( were mar-h.s d .uau.-t "U ,,,1 ,u ,f,ro de-norne ?i im-iraes of ; flint we can n-e for our-e!e. " .1... n..' :!! 'ri.'.s , ,... r,,., time ! N Icn ...,.n, ,- at, . -" - "'" ' T.,,a1ift.,f ,!,e,,,.., i- ,! 1-ijr fbfe- I- -uMW,,! 'k ., rt .!,.. .i,.,.-..t i . ,".n-i.. I :;. the million.. There have aiwn men j in Frame. After 1.:- return fn,u who 1,0-ed enormous wealth, m.d j lament at Elba he iA- , w-u to tl, dark hour. who have u-ed that wealth for the pur-1 orphan. ,1-1. remain! m,.,,-. , ; ! 1 I... , L,,!,! Is 1 , 1 !.". M ,H,seof healing the estranire n.ent- oi , 1 lie -ins ciou, - j r ' i 1 SUBSCRIPTION I'KlCfc ii w NO. 38. is Life Worth Living? 1UKt '! WUh jour A'.Mt ' I r : That lieporvk nrHn HiC j C il llFllIli) C Liver. If no Icri ULIMU W .I.LUL )tnce North corner New Hotel, Main Street, Scotland Neck, N. C. fi? Always founrl at hi- oflice when not iMofet-ionally engaged el.-ewhete. 7 G lv 0 U. A. C. IT VE KM AN, emvt '--: Tl ?11 '"r? "t fX- Cai-e CiiAULKr-, Va., July Kev. Thomn- Dixon, Jr., preached at Cobb's isi.ui'.i today liie iifiii .-eiiuoa of n.c series on -'Money." The subject today, Whs Jay (;tuld,H Life Worth Living?" The text chosen w;ih Matthew xvi, " : 'For what shall a man be profited if lie -hall Kain the whole world and forfeit his life?" they had dh-d him. A 1 ( what .4 it tl,:lt the hatC- arc 'h hf- t- . - ! .. 1 ...... . . , . ., ; l l ... t , i.r. . ,u ,i Tf.tr M an-! ;. i ! ; . .ii ... , klllU. All till.- Iii'jrm n:o- ifu n' : ' " work of Mr. Gould, hut nothing could j They -overcd Id- hand- dh ki-M-. .... r i.: I Tltov t.M.k the riuu- from their ri:pr- have oeen lariner ii'nn nt- -'i . i . , I i. 1.:. -hhI nam. tear-!io:!e. and hecanu "j fara-weknovv. Hn hie -.v, the me j aim pm o -x f h,,, ,K,i n,a of the ,uccce-iul nu-.ne- ,nan, een- j tel. on in, v-ai cin.-n., - ; h,r,er than i th-v crowiie 1 an anul hmi. -ianni:i; u.r r si.ii ; from hi- hack d.r. or the Italian terloo :,nd tran-portatn-i and bani.-h-. 1,1 , i i f , if,.!,, thai hrokc -tone- on tin- payment mcnt and the rockv l.dand of m. I - ; na". The old jruard uent down in hIo.,i j front of hi- palace tert-l up" e'f. And the love of coun try and hiunaiiity in its hrouder ?-ense are irreconcilable utterly with such a principle of action. He lived thus for himself, and he died in himself. In his ,..;n V.i. tfft not a dime to the commu- In view of our discus-ions of the in- nity from which he drew it. It was and death, and hw empire fell uhh-.j Okfic-: Over J. D. 1'ay's store. OlYu-e hours from U to 1 o'clock; 2 to r o'clock, p. m. - 1L y SCOTLAND NECK, N. C JjAVID BELL, Attorney at Law, ENFIELD, N. C. Practices in all the Courts of Hali fax ani adjoining counties and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Claims ,-oilecied in ali parts of the State. O O -i V W, A. DUNN, .t irony e y-a t-la w. Scoti.vno Neck, N. C. 1'rrctiees wherever his services art required. Y ! H. K ITCH IN trinsic value of money and its relations, to men and its desirableness, the ques tion arises, Ib it worth a man's while to 4i ve his life, his genius, in the mere etting of money? This question can host be answered by an analysis of the ifc of one of the most distinguished Vmeric.un who was the incarnation of hi problem. If ever a man personiiied i he modern commercial spirit, it was Mr. Jay Gould. With much of the personal abuse heaped upon him by enemies, men who had axes to .yriud at his mill and could not grind them be cause he was a sharper man than they were with this abuse, I say, 1 have no empathy. Such personal nbnse is worth little either for or against a man. j It is usually given by those who have personal ends to serve, and its value to the student- is less than nothing. NOT A Hi 1'0( KITE. There are some things th;.: -u e said about Mr. Gould that do not call for condemnation. He gave employ ment to a certain mimber of laboit-rs. tw-ionrdh- he was temperate hidus- . , . . ..:.. ;.. r..v tl.i.ir i rrash. The ma'-mtn-ent lemp.e .sn.tn leit to nis ousprm.u oi mini., he hai lnult ot m::'t"r -i mho . night. He was left in poverty, a pn- sole benefit. OED Ills I'OIA' Second is ouch a life worth living one physically? What r-haii it prolii a iaan if he gain the whole world and forfeit Ills Ul . -. i i i - of mi: Ye did. it ! ; ." oc.'.: i .. :i. ;.. i.;. n i... were -1 1 1 1 1 in hom inactive t! whole fV- letn i ".! of onier -tlui Lrt-Hih is i ), dif-stion j-vr, lua l ln!l oi arhinr, fiierry and liojwt'nlr.ef . frone, the tpint j de j re-e , ? i cAW weight c xit alter v it:n, wth poneral despondency f..i 1 i'"" LI" Tx.v2 Liver i' the !u UHi-kei jer of tlio health ; and a harmlcw, fitnple rx-n'.ttly tht ftct like Nature, tloe not con.-tiHto afterward or rcfju;n con -t. mt tnkinkr, Ims not interfcTu with lv.fineA or pleurc dur i:i;r i use, mnVe Sim--lacs Liver Kee?ul:;tor h liujdicul '! ero?i. It.. I (.lure : .' ! '! II d- !! e Vi H .'. U e ' ki : ,.' t ' .;.-)'... 'lit 1 Si.' , I i'-r : . b-. i e -. - i "..Kf: aid . .it- I ! nif 1 ji tdts . f t-n t o. o-.. I ! of the 5 -! ' lb I l "f N .1 H r-t,.r m North Cjro:u-..i . -!, ! Iur K.utn sippbt- t! -u I....', u l!l .l.H(l u ! ! ' -b t!..i UoC! . v i i. i IT M r: ' M !l li . t " , ' l ! ; l')!.! .J. I -e MI -..: '; "'-".V' . asylum-, coilcu-e-. One hi.ivin-i . JC . nii' ion .! ilars . ere .11 id lie did? Take nil lii the Uenuine. , i 1 It v 1. k... . . . . .. T r. !.:.... 1 ' o i li ! Mi HI .11 - (I '.-II:C1 "I. vniwu "-. - . . -- na- tiaau- that stir-: u...n .u.-. , , t.K,!ne . . ..: , w..,,l,,. T,c,-c w,- onethinu the allcvhuion ..f h-mwn -n.ietm,. I , t i r ,!-,., .n-oh-f i Their dream- .rv-ndi.-eo in ot ik a ..I ' that sur ived the cia-h o) t!.e enqiio , . 1 1 i ..I loU Ilil'll, All . ! I'i'l eO " -mit'h ant'lv "ji.c .,!! ' o interim! Jlielicite H-.pott'.l 'un" .11- I -It : - 'be i. II. M1.I A CO. . !i : . ti cn a. i! h. .)! lt, ) mort:;r, -i"!ie and ccimi-.U. ,.lon, busing -v,.,M in w.,i 1. ! .1.- ' "-"- ' i ' ;' ; ,,. , o; i n' ' - , a:':; - n' t ( i -; 1 1 1 ; -i me :iye c.'ieen -1 the Jionrs , a Mo t. nci'ai land.-. of tb.e fits .!!: )1 . hi tin- dark o nai ter- e !:.,;!; hi : c:i -; a-d Roanoke Poultry Yards, 4.C LASMI 'KK ( O.. - -Pro-.. Mr. CJould moved was a great fmna: e j K!s-e in which the nerves of men are burned i abided. :he upasfuel. Heplayeilat great games ; ionelna -; a,a . " ' j . on. hose issue hung colossal fortunes. mm even nt n.e a " it,.m,1:t!1; u.e dark qn.ute. ., ..i...;.. ton-! w inner woris 01 unr. . Jit pant tne penanv m .... i ,i. ..a...... wi of liib.Mlv. i We i( ally live n i-mii aw !i!niw M-r" j ! ho-i.i!a!s and home-. , r . : 1.1.. . I.,,-.. ! tui: nos-ios i ' 1 ' 1 i .o -o I M I i . 1 ' . i He 1. veil the hie ota nn.-e,. ,. . .. ; ,r.t,;-cme comm. r.-ial '-eam- a,, t : m .... ....... VI:T1I iitcvonn iivurj. . a.-K- ;. 0,0 ........ , t i his ioitune. and it -re 'o.acc I'eop.c ; ( oM! A' UE OF LAND . j . ii. .(" ! v x ) re 1 .- 1 . i,. Tliev i'! iii U: '.'I'-ir r. I on. ci-eke-e! -ip.- l!f., ' V ..t itc'' A (Us- "' Tl ' . 11. . ..... . 1 . . . I : . . .. I . . . ;!.e !ml'. hand, It"-. A' 1 ; l", . l,..,r. ulcte ..ud I D ' !..'; 11c til i ntiU- - i j . - .-, i i l.o.itht'l lln.i V I I JOHN 0. GA9IAGE - 1 . : . 1 ..... . 1 1 ' e 1 i . 'Mil 1 ii 1 1 not ):; -el:, hut in onisas. ; . - : d! il.eir P.,-: ib: man of c; 1 i u- i at . d f r lit . K IM.ia - M l 1 '.I M . I iioi.oi . ;ii;i:i o ,o -! .1 i 1.-. I . 1 -. 1 . ' i- o 11 n J 1 . . J..o a -.- . n ; - He was com lie! led to eal the coarsest f li- -d.Mp'a-a H' h:"d money enough to gel the. delicacies of the earth., but he sold his body, he sold his appetite, he sold his stomach, he sold his digestion, he sold his muscles, his ees. his head, his arms, his feet- he sold his body for gold. ...I- w 1 i; I I I . iX . ill . ! N ! aw Plaster, lirit-k. a.-k : onac.oc. 00.0. ... ., ...a;.... 1 , .. r l ltiv.dos;.an. and other- neaiu ai.. 1 o ieu . pi ! 1 i . 1 . iu ,..o,..- iin'ibshed cit;:'.en ot i wton icuii , , .1 11 . , 1 Td ., .. . ,! r(.s(.ue and to save. The vo.rid in , b.u-hi i.v m-.ntb- old. ...i .Tl'. read a paper before a ohdosophic dun i " . . iTIu-v !;,v 111 l'v- lhan .no bi. k-n- ! L I H-. 1. I . ... ...... ...,i ... Is Life Worth Living?-lI,",n, '"''1 " - 1 . on .,.(.(1.,p ... -t-m d b all . -mil : v me. irallerv in which every cry of -u.teriug. ' 1 iMMi l!,.i. on the subject- He was a man who possessed million-- of dollars. He lived in a luxuriou land di.-tress from earth'- remo:e-t Sewer Pine We V. ii! 1 i Attorney aild CrmSSlor at LaWs I tri0it. . He cared for his family. He ScuTt-Ai.'o Neck, N. C. 0 tice . Curnev Alain anu ..c - 1 IV enth Streets. I. X Mercer & sou., 32'i East Main Street.. KICHMOXD VA. LUMBER B0XMISS10N MERCHANTS, -o- Gives persomtl and prompt attention t,, Mil consignments of Lumber, Shin--le.-, Laths.fcc. i IT 'JO ly uas not a hypocrite. He gave JflOXKlO :o missions. He did not have any religion to speak of. and ho did not The commonest workingman th .arncs ids p;ul to his task and ate his ; .. n 1 bounds rang in rvvv: ot -.-v man - ear-. -j,l ,.i,i.-ken- :;re hi it ! oahae on a magnificent avenue, tic. j ' . a man of -u:-ure, of thorough '-lu- It was hi opportunity n ni- n- ! oldv his own i'lHiln a", hut i M-'gn land h"'. o a ! h ' f i'1't'- i ick . V i 1 1 ' 11 .1- li - i I , f -. 1 ii u n . 'o u'' I l N ' ;', r ! 1 1 ! e 1 1 a '- ' ' i . , . . di, v tii own I'liiiiiui.'-ui 1 1 ...00 . . .1 - 1 ii. ,vu. ; writer , laaioiiiu 1 :.i u'lw vichrv n canon. . r 1 ;.. , multimillionaire, woo was migiitv as a 1 hooked on the depths of the Meuiiena- , , - . v .1. i LAS-ITF.l: A- GO : tt ' 1 1 !io.'r no ! i nsooiiii 01 ..... ... lie t:s '.-" " i- ' . : 1 ... I ,t. ,;. ;,. , I , I I . I ! I ' !" .I ..III.. ' ' .... 11 ii to ; ' 1 1. i. t ..I ( ' I 1 1 f a . 1 1 1 ;o. industries, and yet how miserable the giving C'. I I ' e .ulte:- t,r. sitocU- Exchiimvc- n i.. -ot. i,-il-foVo-'(!Vi; show that human life wa- no; a power that could be seh o t ia ,o. .u. of KINSEY etend to have any that is. so htr f.u,,,re wlen confronted with the pow 1 :!H WKSTitl.'N MIsSloN AHY. -NEW -o- After six years experience, I feel thor oughly competent to do all work that is expected of a WVTCHMAKEK ani JEWELER. W ATC 1 1 M A K E 1 1 and JEWELER. Keiwirhis & Timing Fine Watches A SI'fX'IALTY. i :ii,0 exevy a full line of WVTCHES, CLOCKS, ,! E A'ELRY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND FANCY GOODS. Spectacles and Ese Glasses Properly Fitted to the Eye. Ztl I h'ive ever heard. He had plain business mottoes by which he lived and in w hich he died. Those mottoes were the standards of success in this age of money getting. They began in self and ended in self, and his charity wan the charity thai began at home and .stayed there. The simple facls. are he lived for himself, he worked for himself, he died T f f T " ., , II.'. ii.. . : . . . fortune a millionaire's fortune esti mated on an auction basis at $75,000, 000. On a gold basis it is certainly worth, as property is generally estimated, prs with which man must hat tie in While he was reading semblage of clubmen a , , , io tn i.f ffi.r ! fore tliis ase nature I lie hau nrougn. - ! , . . , ,h,. canmercia! world j philo plcc siuoems. a .,.q... . the low c.s hi i"- He saw men w ho j teacher was a-,. ,!d.i a 'c e.i ; a -em 1 (h-eat rcfoimers labored and ba'i!.-l for tlie uplifting of the people, fo- the , !a- a v ing of ! the it v. Men iiurc on heir shoulders j I the burden of an outca-' v.or!h They j i his essa v ! f ,. . - r ,a I s.'ivU'g oi the1 nalioi:. io. e Mm ? lag::an;k. - - ni Chimney Pipe. GU AM TILL, I.. I v !: I ' ' Jy. ' i.d pine- .uid l Ce. on I ;t r li .id-. .Ill hi i - !. i i : College cf Apiculture ar.i Mtchr..: , I ! I " - i:.hi:i'.!i v nni.i. pi (iiN 1 1- i in ii r.--h-N H -'''I EM !!LK Tih. Is ' ca l v. ! in Tremont temp Oi! the wulijeci o! mi-siotis. These two men h i. .i.i we. ho. d. '! The that. ojposCci had delied hhn humbled atnl In L-. His word was the imperiat edict ofajwcstex iUA affected thousands of Uvea, and i bu n ri U-ulnfK . .... t : ; , j ,, . i ,,1- ( '!!'!! oj Cttlt UO', 'the prK-ess. A little microbe, so small j bad given his ine to mng m -n,, ; I . - .1 .1 I'lVl.P III, 1 :r..h,..- frliu-. must be used 1 and made inai a !iiauii,iin s-" i visited, too mi-oner. They clothed the j -1 . i . i ... ....... on :ci hcv ie" 1 Hi" oUi.g! miiii.-tered to ! he . . . I . . I o f ' ! ti-i.v i A A i l : - iuioim.i.. . v- I . -. 1 1 V 1 I I !' ! hev ,-oiigl t . i - j .-a i Old 1 the stranger.-, out he jm ii um. .. ; -nd lic-i i'n-deed.s rough . ihrough : u".v i , vllii" $IOO C(0.i:(!0. with i i ;. . ; ommo 1 he o I he i' au g . . . . j . , . v ; n uma.i;: ! v - ' ..... i t -o .. I . v I . , a. ! i i ! - 1 : ! I I 1 I It J I LL 'ti:i'S uF TF.A ' .' . , oi,. i i . Lit' i 'iff. A rl i, ml h f,'i ft a ' to see it, came into his great palace and laid its little hand on his lung, itiid lie was compelled to follow. He was a wreck physically at the very time when ... ... .iw.u ut t'hp height oi his mai. siioii.o. v,. life to tnt-n in saeritice. He was a poor . this missionary, ' he great crowd ! and for humanity a ;.! .,, a !. iif ..-ifii ,i u",'i-;,i. .... - . man- more than !f 100,000,000. He was the i vhyAc.,x o.nvers. What shall it profit ins mm THE REST ON EARTH ii ii M&C&! s;kVN( MACHINES CLEAN ri AND REPAIRED. S ATI s FACT i ON G tA RANTKKJ . ir. ii. johxstox, j. H. LAWRENCE, Dealer in (ilLUX. MILL FEED, HAY, CLO VER AND GRASS SEEDS. most thoroughly hated man in America These arc substantially the facts of his life. He died at an early age. He had scarcely turned his fiftieth year. For years before he died he was com. el led :o live a most abstemious life, to eat the simplest food and deny himseif the simplest pleasures. Is the life of such a man worth living? It does not- seem to me that it is, judged First Patriot ically. Breathes there a man with soul so dead Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land? The community is the source of wealth. The essence of weal t h is i n the community which gives it birth, and of ..'.-.oi- which does. i,r -"'a ; : v .... not advance the interests of the com munity which gives it value is a viola .ion of the fundamental principles of true business. A man who grows rich in money should recognize the fact hat the value of his money comes from ihe country in which it is made. If listened with breathless intention to account of hir wor: in t ne we il!'- -tern j cumulate for :-ome one che to u-e mi i ihe aana sollisb way. world. They hung thrilled upon every period. He was a man i maste.fu! j ohvsioiie. of magneti face, behind; i -i which heat a great, loving beast. MA-n:u oi: -f.AV.c . What i-e? Stencrraphy, Typcvrritins ana L;:k- keeping Taught m Business ; Location : Healthy. '1 hi- 'o'dewe I - la ; o i - - ' a di '.' . im ;ild I'd!) ,-!." ! I D, a ' ! t'J. 1 ' " 'II-. da " e -d and lh.rlaud i.ai'Iili'iM t- ..ud I in i f. 'I he tea.-hine fofe fo- tb- ' ' ' f i-t- of ! i f I i i men. I he t ,o i ..in -i- ie.ul to laduat ion la. ',. i ;?o ;ind in Me,-hatiiea! nl Li k"' ...-ii-1 in o amina! -u a man if he gain the whole world, but forfeit his life? TJIK 1IEAKT OK LIFE. ! Heloidof . . .. . ii.. i iti. .. ..oivifn-.d wrong it among me ik imru . i i l lit i . ....v i . t i ,,,toi. Ti I west. Hi realltv. n is not louim o. ...... v.. is not found in ar. analysis of matter, in the abundance of the matter which a man mav accumulate about his j erson is life "d:. OVilig rr. . a, , i.oa.d to o! he for the racer Ye-a To live for hum.::- ' tor (i.nmry? Vr-. To li-. naa-Ig a!- ..-p. ;u :- ::. of - o .. ,ii . Mil- i a in t ' c "O i , . , ; , ,i , , , ,1. i " 1 ' . , - !ae-'betic philosopher )romhiM"'' "n - K.,r ,:i:;,i ogu.'-Niug f.i! is face Hashed with pooro--, e.,.,cli.-' '.....-tiuhe-. write t- the avenue r- suh-in . .- - j- in the lar J,- e o- h oeh.ed .i !;. p'e." . o - " Total i'ot a e it - ' 'oiuit -Indent-. I'.iv -tudent-. For eahd(r'ier. . ; !; ' ' i. ; II l I ' l Y ' ,-! ..I,, ;r p.. .id .f :.:.. I ;: ro vine as he told of the nerd - of the great commonwealths that were growing on j :o-! . Lhc 1- ioi io! l. ! i I n g fron h a i-oint of view Sui.-ida' is !U The things in this world that are worth j the souN oi ali who h - . , . . . T . - . - . . . tl t 11 I thebordenanusoiu'cnauo,.. i . , :,. , , ., ) U- ,,f na-, -. fr-ii, JOS. KINSEY, I'l ineip.d. , ned olll ! ldie- d 1dm with di- . I t hnc- ft... i oi i i'iiI'Si anil : v-; en : "' ' . most in life are sometimes tho-e which have no commercial rating, no commer cial basis of exchange. Our life is rich because of its nun;-; vine n up with thehighe-t faith in I he .)..'! w i lead: lo .-, . b him pnv-a wait' -ds .. d -ru- u. -rely ib.e grsana, ." i .a ; ;'.:,'(; a i o . i . ,-1 j 'J. ' . A .-!! !:l I God. Ho refused invitations to attend dianersi!: Id-laa:-r, and '.a.ra he'-'-cu ; ItCUi'" o ries, because of the friends we 'navel his ad-b - he was .-i e.i .'oniy ing an ' . . i ...a. 1 ; . i -i, i ng 1 m -e oi -, uM . .,- , Afeh; "li I ' -n -H-:at. virjn mi. i. FEMALE ACADEMY, S 'OTI.ANM Ni:'K. N. t '. J. E. White & Co.. - : ! 1 n I j 1 .i;ei:al GF.N'ER L t on hi- ay ' to hi- dntii sir o eateJ t lie v. " made, of the beans we have loved and j Ro-ion eomm n..ir lmvP loved us in return, of the train u. tei ur: kindlv deeds we have been able to do, To him life was full of meaning, a-ai n c ; ...... I.. ,i- e i :. of the faces that we hae oeen aole to ; ! i T 1 I,. M - l i- ! Uo ci and i .-a o -a e i i : , a-.-.' 'h.- , i . . v. a " : 1 1 . ,.,'t in e: -tl' g ,!o!d i a .-! al .. . 1 1 ki'Ui i.t--u::lUiii m . i was eager to return eturn n the ib-. hi. v dh h d. '!( - 1 I l v V ... V f i i hght vii.i. joy. .tisoi..,., ! 1 ,. . ; higher and sweeter elements that arc bless his fell' w n.-n. ana he wa- a- ,.n- cannot 1 isstted in the form of patient a a child to :etm n to toe ta-U ; boi;i, or of coupons. And when we j that G.' bad given him : J have accepted the commercial basis of j Is life worth iiwn-Jwng ha . , life, ignoring the spirit, we have simply vi: nm n noi . Hid tin treasure for -omc other man to Fourth-Eternal! v. I -He . . t e-t i-. huleof eternity. nm-iHa, .VI 1 -triKH.g o,,t i He refu-ed t.. ;,a: ! S 'eehed it el' ;' cr aa" ".t 1 d h-o. the sea. The v --n ,-arried him to the ho: t-nu. an-i be v. a -drowned.. Did tin- nan. the u 'li! . ' r tid i I I VttliMrilt- i i . ;d, ! .; !;. ...;ioko I "T . , . N" o , i o I K . V gi 'ill j : i-.-e.-s I II) , rr-,. ZjXTTZ.ETON HIGH SCHOOL AND I'A -IN- 1 NrTlTI IF. 7 ciVilf. -"verTv pi yses. The bodv only can touch wealth in .o mi., of whom we sneak ever J evidence of the fact that he lived j money, and how small a part of our ai in America rather than in Africa, the Improved Farm Im- j world never knew it. It was left to i O'l cr men to omiu oui nuinuu.oii.., ,v. i build our institutions of learning, to forward great national enterprises and to bless the communities which gave them birth and from which their life- blood in wealth was born. A TEACHER OF ANAKOIV. 1 -0'!'!: 1 ' a : realltv. Life in h fud eomp; :u-; eludes not oniv the ben, i-nl the he.-e- j A- r .- .1. R. Wil-o lo 1 buru I'a.. say- !. w I i ' i i . Nca i : - a oA -I.a; i- 1 - 1 eumidations can our body touch ! How j after. Life here is a botmdle- opt or-1 r"-. nA (, .; i i ; . i i , -. p-.me- h-Vg -; i ; G i no, , n ai.d . nd '! n-'-'-1 iti'.g- .Seltnol iM-oilis All.-S- I5nihiii"-rs d--- J-D-i Vi'n Cuiiix- t t inly 'D-ti-ivo ;inl tliuroii-ili. SM i.il iit t t i hi iiv-n to I'hysi'-.-l rultup'. For rin uhirs ;ml luril r j;irti iil.ir ;illiv- th- prm oijiiil. Mi.-s Lena II. Smith. plements A SPECIALTY. Agent for Clark's Cutaway Harrow and the Deoring Mower, A Model of Perfection. SCOTLAND LECK, N. C. 1 0 1 FiTS. All fits stopned free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. No fits mall a part of the 7.VM),000 could Mr. Gould use ! It did not cost much tunitv in which characser is la nd which niust: tell is fasiii -in iiUiillli J.ll v lllll .ii. in i I in ah 1 i hi- wife who wa- monta a 5 lev an a .... i ...i ... i... ..,. i . i i r. ,i,.....i"e ( f 'hri.-i -"I ua-- : to buy in-, clothes, ano wiiai ne a. e m.:s , we ne:u . t when v.uiou- oticr len.e.; ... -.1.: : , U.t t not ( "i Hit. 1111- less than a common worKingman. n j muen as e - , - , i l ea " e a - I v. i I ! i I ' i- .... I . . , would not have cost much for a house mUst be a solemn -cnteic e !i ! ., phh-ian- had do;;" her no the ear! ' , .. , I ' o .- ai a 1 -e ei - to shelter. What can a man get out of U1d ,eart of the man w ho possesses Roliert Iku-ixM-. of C,m-'k- ! elaims Dr. King N'i ii"ii J i.-. ever la.. II !.- money in itself beyond food and cloth- j 00.0XH M0. -Im.-much as ye did it n!.,. ,,.-u a..yibi-g heje-.er i-'-r- I. til' -'""S"'" Oxford. N.C. !i j 77 . ; CA'A ' L7 . .' jhe Lird Annual .n.-i..h o i , " ., ,, U the 'omfo.'t- "f Home v.rii ...1 l-N"IM N-b- EitV MoDEbA 1 L. ...- g L.N I - th. .ulvaiita of a tirrt- la- - . . i... tb:m . ...-....ul.;. r.tte-. l'i..--i'"-d 'o- I.,-f o, aM-!i'!aii' - . ei o ing and shelter when u-ed on himself So far from such a life blessing the and for himself Klines ii-reai eiu hcmuici. o m.- ., after first day's use. Marvelous cures, country, the nation, it directly contub Tr.-itise. tfihOO trial hoc tie free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kine, Arch St, Thiladelphia, P. uted to feed hatred among classes. Such a life dces more to educate in a narehy That which in our lives is really of n- ,t." Whatofall the battle- for -elf j t Tfluiu,.' Xothing i Session Optns August aand. t893 now that t ne hodv hiis been laid in the i 1 like it. Try it. Free trial Lottie- at For catalogue adding the treasure of life is something beyond j the great railroad battle, when . i a t roo ae'o ii-1 ; - grave? True, he met his enemies mj- ' , & J)n:. ,.,re.: the monev thf-t we rati o?:e-b;ui:;o orPvor(M P.o lU'li ,1 1 I M l ' 7 . "SI L. W. IJ'.LEV. I'imc-j'.d. I r ri I " . v r, " :. ..... .1 f .i-liltiC- 11. ture iromui'-io. - Mn:c and ari. pj.h fo. ' .ndogue. I I'. H d'a ' 'D, o t -I

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