ADVERTISING IS TO BUSINESS -WHAT STEAM IS TO- Machinery, IF YOU ARE A HUSTLER vrt ni M S. Business. Democrat. -o- T;iat (;i:i:at Pi:opki.uo Power. Write up a nice advertisement about v , business and insert it in THE DEMOCRAT, .,-id vnii 1 T '! "see a change in business all Ul'l. PROFESSIONAL. D u. w. o. Mcdowell, Oilit-e North corner New Hotel, Main Street, SCOTLAND, X. C. Alwavs at his office when not nrofessionallv engaged elsewhere 9 20 lv D II. FRANK WHITEHEAD, Oilice North corner New Hotel, Main Street, Scotland, X. C. TjCSAlways found at his office when no; professionally engaged elsewhere. 7 G lv D II. A. C. LIVERMOX, 4 Offick Over J. D. Ray.'s store. Olfice hours from t) to i o'clock; 2 to : o'clock, p. m. 2 12 ly SCOTLAND NECK, X. C. D II. J. II. DANIEL, -Drxx, N. C. Makes the disease of cancer a Specialty. 0 10 ly D AVID BELL, Attorney at Law, KN FIELD, X. C. 1 'radices in all the Courts of Hali fax and adjoining comities and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Claims collected in all parts of the State. 3 8 lv w. A. DUXX, A T T O II X E Y-A T-L A W. Scotland Xkck, X. C. Practices wherever his services are required. 2 li ly w, H. K ITCH IX, Attorney and Counselor at LaW, Mri)iL.vxi Xrx'K, X. C. SOttice : Corner Main mid Elev enth Streets 1 fi ly I. J. Mercer & son., G2G East Main Street., lUCilMOXD VA. LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANTS. o (lives personal and prompt attention to all consignments of Lumler, Shin gles. Laths. tc. 4 17 'JO ly NEW Jewelry After six years experience, I feel thor oughly competent to do all work that is expected of a WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. WATCHMAKER vi JEAVELER, Kepairing & Timing Fine Watches A SPECIALTY. 1 also carry a full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AXD FANCY GOODS. Spectacles and Itl Eye Glasses Properly l Fitted to the Eye. Zt C. WISH) THE BEST OX EARTH. SEYVIXG MACHINES CLEANED AXD REPAIRED. SATI FACTION G I'AJtANTEKD. ir. jr. jouxsrox, X'-st !n,r to X. Ji. Jom-ij. 10 0 Gm J. H. LAWRENCE, Dealer in GRAIN, MILL FEED, I LAY, CLO- yi:r and grass seeds. Improved Farm Im plements A SPECIALTY. Agent for Clark's Cutaway Harrow and the Deering Slower, A Model of Perfection. SCOTLAND LECK, X. (7. 1 6 ly Store if,; wki Im Machine E. E. HILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. IX. A REPUBLIC IN POEM ONLY. The Story of Brazil Since Bom Pe dro's Overthrow. Clinton Democrat. By a Xew Yorker, long resident in Brazil, who lately returned from Rio de Janeiro, the following etatement was made. Some of the most striking facts, having a direct and vital relation to the condition of affairs in Brazil, have been strangely omitted from ev ery newspaper account thus far pub lished of the causes leading to the re volt against the republic. In order that thev mav be understood, a brief reference to some of the incidents con nected with the deposition of Dom Pe dro is necessary. In January, 1892, I had an interview with Manuel Beo dore de Fonsica at the little village of Ijuca in the mountains, about eight miles back of Rio, and a favorite resort of the wealthy residents of the capitol during the yellow fever season. He talked to me freely of the stirring scenes in which he had acted so con spicuous a part, and declared that it was the saddest day of his life when he was forced to choose letween his affec tion for his imperial master aiid his fi delity to the army. Dom Pedro had raised him to the rank of general for his skilful conduct mid Btiperb during during the Paraguayan war. Gratitude for that distinction and respect for the character of the Emperor drew him in one direction, white a hearty sympathy with the republican view of Ins asso ciates urged him in the opposite one. The force of circumstances and the in evitable drift of events decided the Is sue for him. The Empire fell and Fonsica assumed the direction of af- There were two main causes opera ting to bring about the revolution. The rich planters had become alienated from the throne by Dom Pedro's de cree abolishing slavery, and as the sons of many of these men were officers in the army, that body only waited a good pretext to turn against him. Such a pretext was furnished when he issued his fatal order directing the troops to retire into the interior. A council was immediately assembled, at which "it was resolved to disobey the order, and frolh that act of disobedience It was all easy and a natural step to the deposi tion of the Emperor. The other craisti Was the popular ha tred for Jesuits. Donna Isabel, Dom Pedro's daughter, had excited contempt and indignation by submitting to i pen alty Imposed upon her by an Italian priest to whom she had confessed seme venal sin. He required her to scrub Upon the floors of the church, known as the Campanula. The proba bility of her suceridil, if the Empire lasted, stimulated the spirit of rebellion and was a potent factor in precipitating the final ctastvophv Tlie i!ephb!iOf so-called, which succeeded, was a repub lic in name only. It was established bv men who not onlv lacked any true conception of what constitutes a repul lican government, but who were defi cient in the wisdom, patriotism. and in tegrity necessary to establish one. It brought into popular parlance the max im, everyboch' for himself. That max im has been the guiding principle of the leaders in Brazilian affairs ever since the departure of Dom Pedro. The republic is in reality a dictatorship, since the most important laws and or dinances have no higher sanction than the decree of the President. One of the first act3 of Fonsica as head of the Provisional Government had the effect of arousing animosity which, in conjunction with other causes, at last culminated in the Mello rebellion. He troubled the normal strength of the army and increased the pay of its officers. The bond of sympathy letveen Ad miral Mello and the malcontents in the following circumstance ; Dom Tedro had alienated the navy by the appoint ment of Admiral Lardace, Radical, as his minister of marines. When Custo dio Mello visited Chili the year before in command of the wooden vessel Al mirante Darrasse, he invited Don Aug ustine, the grandson of the Emperor, to accompany him as his guest. They were SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, entertained in great style by the Civi lians and Mello returned these civili ties by giving several balls and dinners aboard his ship. The expenses thus incurred for the sake of his distinguish ed guests amounted to $2,500. This ex penditure the minister of marines refus ed to sanction, and Mello was obliged to foot the bill out of his own pocket. The minister, by his action, incensed the whole navy. Quintono Boscayuva, editor of the Upais, the leading paper of Rio, bitterly attacked Sardou, de claring that the uarfoii was disgraced by his refusal to honor a bill incurred under such circumstances. His criti cisms had a great effect on the public mind and Mello was reimbursed by means of a popular subscription. Bos cayuva thus became the hero of the naval party in Rio, and when Peixotto opposed Fonsica, who had honored Bos cayuva in making him minister of for eign affairs, he thereby arrayed that party against his administration. In estimating the strength of the present Government and the chances of its holding out the fact is also to be con sidered in the bombardment of the three provinces of Rio Grand do Sul, Ceara, and Rio the damage done re flects scant credit on either guns or gunners. A Good "Word for Adam. L u m berta ti Robe so n ia ?? .- And the Lord said, -'Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee lliOU should;:-, not eatV" The man said, "The womaii whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me ot the tree and I did eat." This ,'it has leen held for centuries, XM Adam's great sin, for which he was driven out of ths swrden of Eden, and his desceil dents, even to the present generation, compelled to work for a living. In addition to bearing the consequen ces id his error Adatn lins been denoun ced through all the succeeding centu ries for his cowardice and lack of gal lantry in trying to throw the blame upon thrj woliiaH tt'ho had ben given to be with him, "God's first, best gift to man." We are glad, therefore that tvn after f;000 years of unmerited condemnation which the memory of our great progenitor has had to lear, there has arisen one person who dares to speak for him. And it is all the more fortunate that that person is a woman a member of the sex whom Adam's words, by a wrong Interpreta tion, were held to have maligned. This person is Mrs. Caroline F. Corbin, a distinguished authoress. In hef latest book she says of Adam's plea : "This is not thej expression of cowardice, but of the innocent and native lelief that anything which this lovely being, fresh frt?m GOd's liaJid, proposed, iiilist be right, and right or wrong must be done. It is a trait which has come down in unbroken continuity of inheritance to the latest born or Adam's sons.'' The thought is a new one, says the Troy Times, but there is not a man alive and capable of appreciating Mrs. Corbin's argument, who will not in dorse it. Where is there a man today, barring a few crusty old bachelors, who would not have done the same thing under like circumstances? The wom an wns beautiful? the apple was good, and Adam was an unsophisticated, in genious young man, unaccustomed to the little social arts and deceptions that the daughters of Mother Eve have learned from her example. We insist that :Adam is vindicated. Were that Mark Twain's tears over his grave were a deserved tribute. Now let the build ing of his monument proceed. And let it be recorded thereon that "he was a kind, loving and obedient husband." Beware of ointments for Catarrh that contain mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy siciaes, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Bure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Ca tarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonial free. P"Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. Gratified the Editcr. Charlotte X' im. The old subscril-er had jut laid a bushel of fall apples on the editors desk, and the editor was asking him alout crops, stock, and the farm, and then he came around to the paper. "How do your neighbors like the Vindicator?" he asked. "Fust rate, ez fer esJve heard." responded the visitor sincerely. "Did you read my editorial in the Hast issue on the tariff?" inouired the editor with pride. "Xo, I haven't got to that, yit." How alout the one on the silver question?" "Hain't read that un neither." The editor looked disappointed. "Did vou read the one on the rela tion of plenty to poverty, from a s ciallastic point of view?" "I seen the headin', that's all." "You don't seem to be particularly interested in the important issues of the day," ventured the editor, more in pity than in anger. "Oh, yes I do," protested the visitor ; "I read that remedy you give fer hog cholery, and it's the lest thing I ever tried," and the editor felt better. A Dumb Girl Made to Speak. FAkin Times. Waycross Ga. Last week Miss Xellie Billiard was dumb. Xow she talks fluent! v. The cause of her being speechless was cleft polate, a misfortune from birth. Her voice is clear and her words are Uttered distinctly. This change lias been wrought by means of an artificiaal palate obstructor, made of vulcanite and rubber. It was made byi dentist of this city. Formerly Mls.1 Ibilhml experienced great difficul ty in swallow ing. The" (leftist leu men of her misfortune, and after making an examination decided to try an ex periment. Fw sfcvemJ weeks he has Avorked on the artificial palate" obstruct or. Last week it was completed. Miss Bullord came on a visit to her relative Col. It. C. C'ahii'Jfi fM( l& wa pre sented with the palate obstructor as a free gift. It was adjusted in her month aiid ioT the rsfc time in her life she uttered a word. Like a little child, she began to talk from the sim ple words lii foinmon ue until to-day she converses freely with her friends Miss Bullard is 17 years of age,' and is pretty.- Some Remarkable Facts. Progressive iu rm Senator Butler, of South Carolina made the following statement in his speecli in the Senate last week : "XoW; let lne state a circumstance which is sometimes a more potential fact than anv argument anvbody can offer. In the little town where I live there are two banks of .fGOjOOO capital each. They had loaned a certain amount to two young gentlemen 01 character aiid position nnd credit, who had rented a large plantation, and they had borrowed the money for the purpose of supplying their laborers, buying plantation supplies, etc. About the month of July, which is, in our country, I might say the crisis of of the cotton crop, thej discovered that they did not have money enough by $ 15u to carry out the plans which they had made, in the making of that crop. They came to me and said if they could not get that -f 1"0 their year's crop would be jeopardized. I went to the president of one of the banks, who I happened to know inti mately, and said to him, 'you may with perfect safety loan these two young men $150 more. I have seen their crop, I have seen the condition of their animals, and it would be ier fectly safe for you to do so.' He said Why, sir, I would loan them $150 without the slightest hesitation, but if Vanderbilt or Astor were to come to my bank to borrow $10 I could not accommodate him, because I have not the currency.' He had literally crawl ed on his stomach in Xew York, and in Charleston, lagging and imploring the loan of a little more currency to accommodate his customers, and could not get a cent." NOVEMBER, 9, 1893. SAM J02TSS C:T SE7A7C2S. The Gecrjia Sranclist Trites Sen sible Stuff as Usal. Durham ihfr. I see the senate i still .j.rizing and delaying. Xw the pairs talk of gold shipments to Europe, and thin;:- do not loot a- lovelv i.- nv two ;i thev did a i week ag and the worst may n.t ) over. I read with interest Mr. Cleveland's letter to Governor Xorthern. It seein that lie has ceased to argue and ha t-e-gun to pray. It s time to dissolve par liament. I see some of the senators have gone home, drunk. Some men can serve their country leiter dead drunk than when they are soler. If I had a pack of hounds that run a fox, like the United States senate chases legislation, I would lose interest in the fox and go dog hunting and p home dotrless. I'd rather have no dog than some kind of dogs. "Why don't they do something? A hundred liens cackling in the barn lot and not an egg laid ! I would eat hens and do without eggs for the balance of the year. Let that august body do something or resign, and let us send someb -1 to 'Wellington who will act, who will re peal or confirm. They can't dicker and piddle and vaporize much longer without disa-ter to the country, and we will make them smoke for their conduct when they j:et home and want endorsement for reelec tion. The Whistling Girl. Xew York Sun. A woman who has made a studv of the win'sj11? 5rl vs that, aside from her assiiiiipHon of a nciilinc prerog ative, she is usually a diiuty and fastid ious bit of ferminity, who loses not one iota" of hr womanly charm when she puckers her pretty mouth and whistles J a merry tune. Rather the roguish twinkle in her eye challenges censure. To a superld.t! olerver she is I night, jolly, and original. Know licr hotter, and she is frank, honest, high spirited, noble hearted, puHrior to the alleged pertinence of her sex, and, should cir cumstances require, sulllciently gener ous to lako wonderful sacrifices for those she loves, for, heing ardent and impulsive, she loves warmly. She may hatO,- too, with corresponding enthusi asm, but not for Jong, for, being tender c.f heart and believing always the best of humanity, this harsher sentiment finds no permanent home with her. Contrary to the general opinion, she is rarely if ever a "tomboy", and if she j occasional! makes use of her ability to attract the attention of some delinquent conductor it is only when she is hurry ing home at dusk and knows that the friendlv darkness will not reveal her secret. As the approaches the corner she sees the coveted car leaving her perhaps to a long and weary wait upon the sidewalk. She glances around to appeal to some possible small boy, but this convenient commodity fails to ap pear, steadily the car is rescuing. Can she be blamed if she for a monent forgets that gentility should weigh lightly in her vocal scale? A',1 it Iwt ulipn !if triuTnili:intlv onfrs tbe 1 ....v. x car, no one would suppose that those demure lips had uttered that shrill and effectual signal. Altogether, although inclined to wilful and rebellious at time.- (and who admires dull perfection?) she is a girl fashioned after a free ideal. Is she to have her v(x-al freedom restrained by a cruel conventionality which forbids her to enliven her own home with pretty, birdlike music, while at the same time it not only tolerates, but often pretends to admire, the vocalist next door who seeks to entertain the entire neighbor hood at eventide by a series of wailing notes and soaring crescendo.-? The whistling girl abruptly unpuekers her rosy lips to show the pretty teeth in a j dazzling smile a she flashes upon you a newer version oi her grandmother's rebuke : Girls that whistle and hens that crow, Make their way wherever they go. SUBSCRIPTION i RICE St c. NO. 50. 1 mattzss c? :rzrs. Vjlininct"M Sl tr- All tho qunra!'! tine in-jo-tor Mnt out l th nt t iru.ird acain.-t the intrMuotit: t.f !w feer into Wilmincton Uxw !:i J called in Littleton Courier: ThrJrtvvWnr' ! Col. W. A. John-'.oti .i ':i!ciil rtf:T ' l 1 , .... v, : ... i , . ... I , o pair and hi- -tore kev was taken. The glar not I .eon apprehended. Raleigh Xri Cirt.Uti;: A- the train com eying a Wild o-t sho w.i nearing Fayot tovillo Sunday, ono of the Sioux Indian foil fnm the train and was killed. The other Indian- made an assault nju the showmen, and af ter a hard struggle won quieted and the leaders confined overnight The Indian are from the W -obud agency. South Dakota, and the dead Indian. Crov Foot, took p.irt in the Cu-ter maacro. lAxingtn DitjKifth: The death of Dr. J. C. Price, which occurred at nis home in Salisbury last wek, re moves the Smith's nio-t briliant orator among the colored race. Hi death i a national calamity. He had Ikimi of- feied the consulship to LiU-ria by President Cleveland, but docliuM it prefeiring to stay at home to Io all 1 could for his race. Peace to his a-l e. Weldon X'hs: At (trace Kpieop;d Church Sunday, Bev. A. J. Yanderbo gart, during his sermon paid a l;a'iti ful tribute to the memory of the late W. W. Hall. He spoke in touching words of his life, character, and genial nature. Many in the congregation, where he was so much lclovod, were moved to tears. The sj.cakor urgM upon all present to follow the example of our departed friend and brother.. Clinton ' niocrnt : A white man with blackened face went to the hou-e of Jas. Pass, in Hall's town-hip. la-t week while Pa wax away, and prc-ent-ing .1 pilo!, demanded of Mrs. Mao all the money in the hou.-e. The fright ened woman complied with the reque-t aiid about fs,, all the money the faini-j ly had, was taken. The villiaii has not yet been apprehended, but it is thought hi identity is known and that he will sjieedily be brought to justice. He ev idently was some one who knew that Pa had money, as the robliery appear to have been delil irately planned. Charlotte X " At Henrietta, in Rutherford county yesterday, a negro named Alf Doggett attempted to as sault a young white girl named Mis.-David-on. She is of the 1-est circle of society, and the news of her -xriencf aroused great indignation. Doggett, in the meantime, had U'cn arrested and taken to Putherfordton. where he j was lodged in jail. Last night, a Ivne!.-! ! ing party, consisting of 00 men, v.a,,i made up at Henrietta, but after they hal .tartei ff, a telegram was ,-ent to the sheriff at Kutherfordton apj.ri.-ing him of their coming. The sheriff took his prisoner from j-iil and carricl iiim j to a i.lace of hiding. When the mob j reached the jail, the prisoner was gone,! and the lynching was iK..-tjK.neL Dog- j gett w ;e f tlW-lt IritU iri. 'irisawlll IIII : .11' ilar crime He ha a bad reputation. ! Lsath cf the Cigarette. . .. - CL-ftrlotf The Gergia Legislattire now in m - 1 ion ha- made a tep in the right direc- j tion when it enacted a law jiiain-t! -tiling cigarette.-, cigarette tobacco, or j pajer. Opponents of the bill will doubt-j less say that it is uncon-titutional. and. from a legal .-tandioint. it may Put there should le a law again.-t -ell in all ioisons that cannot neces-arily j sometime. Cigarette are never j usel prolitablv. Thev are all drugged : . 1 and contain opium and other danger-j ous mixture, which, m every create in the victim a thir-t f r ;he stimulant, ar.d thi lead to a eomp! ii physical, in-anity, and prt ma- t tire death. Viewel from any stand-1 point, no law, no matter how re-, ! vere, whicli tend to the complete; annil!iia::o.i oit.iec ga'eue 1 i.njui, , ,. . . . ana a constitutional ngni agam-i n ought n t tol-c successful. Til Tcl.-or KK DKU X tour AiheriiMMnent 1 r !i (!, ' i !;. Tin J ! T. v (e.iu C.lhr . 2.1' i 0 M"Uir-to::j, dy; t ni.i t:ik 'the intlrryiny ci in thr .j on:. Atrl one thi: U rl.iin 11. ojk v1 remain a th p ptio hi .;l It will .rrr til if lUj 2 ,tll tt.rtll II Stnrt the linritntkin;? ei : all lntilf itiimrttt trill til mttppra r. "To t o tVn t frm r I ( . I 'V in .M fl I fl I IM"-I f , - t-i. N't ik r f -t.'r.l 1 " it t' At I; I ., l .r I ' .- 'a ' . " S.f I t-i. . I i t i'i .t 't " I V . V i . i ' ', .' f fluff (j:tt ? tfn (' r n .line. f.U !. 1 T. e . .-I t ... 1 1 1 1 t no i 1 r. i u. 7.1:11 r Ib'W To ("t Kl t U.. V'.U.i 1 'j.lo. J- 1 1 k i n 1 : -1 - 1 - " dimply I'l'b "Sv in ' Mititmriit " No internal Iinllcil.e leqiuosl. I n,)-i te(t ;-, e'em.i. itch, all ei'q.ti t'- ..u the face, h:;nd, 110 t Ac . ! i 1 1 v; 1 1 n -km clear, bi;e and b a!fbs. p. bet!i;igalid c. native ..,,, .ue r f l.y ti't other i !! -l. A -1, oii dniggit for ,.( (,(,; tit i h: ovli; i n rv vj: An)ii am I I I - I 1 1 Kl Ml I V Mis. 'in-oV S -'t b 1 11 Stoji b.o. U-on U-el for oei ear- mil lion- of iioth4M for (lieu chlldioi) bile U-i 1 hilig. W it It I i fe I It soothe the child, often ibe , 1 idbtys u pain eiire- o!i-, nod 1- the le-1 iotnely f"i Hiinboi I pleasant totheta.-'e. So!i b lMU-'i-t in every part ' f ti e '..M Twenty fie cent- a bit lie, lt .iiue is incalculable. lU-uie ai!l i-l. f.t W'i n-low S x t b i ic ,-nq., aii'i I .do ho other kind. Kllt'li-ll Spavil l.ioimeiil JflU'Oe all'l. S"f( or ' '.illoi,-t I. nmp and :ml ("!emi-he from b-! PIih Si km in So i ! ."-nlint-. S .e.-!iev . 1,'iug- vo'tiu line plain 1 len bv Through, 'otivh-. Kt ;.o u-4' of one bottle, V,ni,i"Hl the nio-t woiidiful Ji-iiii-m 'nre e-.ei known. Sol. I Iki I! T. W Intel, . ,,f A Co., I rn ') i-t-Id I lv. .tl.m l e. l N ' J'.rcKbK.N'.- A PNICA A I. VP. The lv-t halve in the woil.l ? t Cut-, I r I i - . Son , Pl-ei-. svilt Pluniii, I'ever Sou-, Tetter, Chapj! Hal.dc, Chilblain- Corn-, and all kin I!mii. tion. and jM.-itie!y cute Pile- "i no pav ielliied. It i- N.i 1 a lit -i to gl'e-K'if-ct ati-faction . or n oiii- ietiii'!l Price a'l cent- j rf-r box . I' r Saie bv P. I . Whitehead A Co. i ll I - ' I'll I I M U1M. I II SVMi loM Moi-tilie ; infen-o Itch- ing and -! inging ; m -t it ni:bf ; woi bv scratching. I f alio '! o roiitiutat tumor- from which ofu-n b!tl ar.'l id ,.,.r;l4. U-eoming erv sore -. nm'- 'v W-v' -lop- the in-h:,,., 1.1, tb illg Ileal- l!ejj!on, HI !!".-( ra-e- , , At dnvgiet .i bv mail for 0 rente. Philadelphia. Dr. - a a . lie It-Ii on bum;. 11 all'! hot -e- mi'i ail mim.ils cuied in minute- bv Wie.i- f " ! ford' Sanitate Potion, Thi- re'.er f.,il-. .-..M by K. T. Whitehead A- Co. Druggi-f x-. N.-d- N. C. Ill '.ej 1 v. - rrr - - : PPJ'S. All tit- -t'.j.peti fo- b Dr. I line'- .N'."e !- cor. No tit 1 aft-r tir-t da '- u-. Marvel"!,, . im-., r,.;iti. trial b- lle fre- to l it '4.-0-. ejil to 1 r. Klne, .' 1 r ii .-t, Philadelphia, P. m:v- Central : 1 I have ju-t oeJ-nl ;t fry ..Id taiid i . i . . . . . i . i . . .. i i ... HUM me li.liro;ri"e 'l vu j' on;- . I rh.ill i.ef p , j Beef; Pork, Fresh Fish And Oy-ter- in -e.i-on. I will pay highe-t a-h pii e for NICE FAT STOCK. Ke-je-N-t fully. 1 8 31 ;Jm r lawnm lit iiuuuiJiiu un. Scotland Ne k. N. C. LADIES MftS.VIOUSTIRB'x 60L0EH CAPSULES' j itlUbliU:usr uum 'imimy oc 10-r.ttt vnh i jtndiJltHmilnrtijMlicliini. UiX' Hol fx Irr-Kuiart. i;cBAa Hucsfaiiy vmxUn tjuji.Miiof is i are remedr, BiraiiU4, iiv r ti. ITk-w t. An ueqalllMfeurt. LAKKSIKK M KI IFIU 0 ML