'-fk Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. SssnHera Sines I'vs B Gene ?" READ AND SEE. Mrs. E. B. HigS-S of Greenville, is j here on a visit to her mother. . . i 3i -t . l . t. I. !'. ..t.i.red i in New York so far Jack the Kis-er U j far the enmkte,!. He ru-l.es cut from j j j'tv . ! pretty jrirl and i p'-ne U f.-rc rhe can i call a policeman. ASSomnrEUif pure a night in town last week. Mr?. A. L. Harper of Battleboro, THE DEMOCRAT. TiiURSDAY,XOVEMBER 23, '93. lOLlSHEll'S NOTICE ,lverti-ements of all kinds must be . .i : . ,a,.& l.v Tuesday aiternoon in nil.- - -j - . - puulicauou week for the to current w A L A LVERTISKMENTS. 1 i (. ... (..if.li insertion. u ; . i i' i . v . .... w-w- ,,,,) 4 for 1" cent a rx-"J advertising due Lhi. Rules Adopted By the N. C. Press Association April 27, 1893. The um of not lew than five cents line willhe charged for "cards of .intirm of resnect and "' U other than those which the ed- gold, hut will Boon cast them off, ant l'"1' ' . ii .....tint- r,f 1 x ii v.;i;, resolutions of resriect poetry" ; also for obituary LOCAL NEWS. Cotton is lower now than it was four weeks ago. A beautiful white frost greeted the eye of the early riser on Monday morn ing. Eggs are very scarce now. We sup pose the hens have decided to wait for a rise in price. Santa Clans has begun to get in his supply of pretty things for Christmas, and the youngsters are glad. Hunters are very plentiful now, but we suppose that the game is not plen tiful enough to keep them employed. The trees have donned their coats o ltir r himself shall give as a matter of Notices of church and society and ., other entertainments from which revenue is to le derived will be charg ed Yr at the rate of five cents a line. present their bare limbs to the biting winds of winter. Several bales of cotton caught fire at the depot last Thursday morning or.fi removed some time and skill to vHo-nih them. The loss was small ""'"n " Thanksgiving exercises will be held in fl.o r-lmrehes of the town next Ilk UJV. " " TUnrcrUv Tt's ft trood time to remem- plete line of lst cook and heat- in our observance of ves. cheap at .. L. Joscy s. the clay. Wheat is lower now and flour conse- SrECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS N. B. Josey. ti .maiiisi '("it-U.il'' h Urcc h to show that the blood need.- Mr. Paul Tillery, of Tilllerv, spent I nljfvjnr a Wanims; which, if n- heeded may result not m more hoiis. something very much wor.-e. here on a visit to her si.-ter Mrs. G. C. "Weeks. Mr. W. C. Allen ha- feen in Halifax or some days this week, attending Court. Mr. A. McDowell, has leen attend- mg court in uauia m;' oc m..-week. Miss Susie Shields has been visiting Miss Annie Hufham, in Tarboro, some time. if n v f'jddwell naid a visit to A iUl. V- x Mr. II. II. Ka.-berry 01 iagecomr last Saturday. Dr. J. II. Daniel of Dunn, was here several days last week on professional business. He paid us a pleasant visit. Mrs. M. Hoffman, with her little son Gussie, returned from John's Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, last week, where she had been for the treatment of Gus sie's deformed foot. hut m Avert the danger in time by the u-e of Ajer'a Sarsaparilla. Cured other-, will cure you. The Best l'later. Damin a piece of ilanrel with ChamH-naiu s 1 uin Balm and bind on the .-et of p; ni. t is letter than any plater. When the lungs are Hire such an application on the chest and another on the back, tatween the shoulder bhuU, will often prevent pneumonia.. 1 nerv 1 .o go. xl for a lame back or a pain in the side. A sore throat can ncarly alv.avs le cured in one night by ajt T.lvinrr u tlannal bandage dannnc-il with Tain Balm. '0 cent bottles for sale by E. T. Whitehead Co's Drug Stoie. The President will make no more appointments until congress convenes. But Coxstiti-- VJ p Ji.-.v,-'ry Si. Hall, Creagh & Co,, m !. dr . Cotton Factors SAl.KnF I.AM). ". P.nnON GOMMISSION MERGHANTS.,'" ( 'oui in - stoves, cheai furniture is cheaper than ever before at X. B. Josey s Pov' and Men's Hats and Caps in quently cheaper than it has been for all st vies at B. Josey'.s. years. The "staff of life" is now tne ftiA mnrket. For Mi-es anci niwicHo k.Tn..0 Heel Shoes you slioutd see j. u. anclour cotton proaucers can Douglas, Bay State, and Krippendorf, themeclves on that. Thus far tax payers have been doing gener- Thoughtless Conduct. We have several times seen some young men coming from church, light their cigars and puff their smoKe into the faces of the crowd ot ladies and gentlemen about them. This is not courteous to the gentlemen in the crowd and very uncivil to the ladies. We make this statement because we are sure those young men have not thought about it in that light, and too, because we have heard it remarked about by others. Iittman"& Co's warranted shoes, only at X. B. Josey's?. im, Sr. Bro.'s World Renowned' High Art Clothing only at X. B. Josey's. C!'.,flowl Prints OTllv i CCIltS a at X yard B. Josey's verv little of that article. It is allv the way with people to put off pay- in the taxes as long as possible, which thing we see very little reason for Time has been utilized very largely bv the railroad company recently, that 11 T Qoct N P.WS. is, thev have been using a great deal 01 , . -r- ht i,Atl, of tipiv own and other people's . -t , ro i- .u 1 1 . . n- iv, 1 ' - cw goocis amwiis an, 1, a little sey & Cos C.ir load Bacging and Ties just re ceived. E- C. Josey & Co. The gcotiand Neck merchants are i u.oiiA- Flour still has the lead, both already at work opening up their goods in oualitv and low price. Home Raised Oranges. Mr. G. W. Bryan, our depot agent showed us the- other day, an orange which he said his wife raised in a green house. He says that the tree is very small but is three years old, this being firct vpnr of nroduction. It was -lAAtV J JL heavily laden with the delicious fruit, having about one hundred oranges on it. He says the tree was too small for the weight of 100 oranges and they had to pull them all off but 30, which they left to mature. They are all ripe now. Catakrii. Not Locat TIO.NAL. Dr. Bio Lewis, the eminent Bo.-ton physician, in a magazine article says: 'A radical error underlies nearly all medical treatment of catarrh, It is not a diK?ase of the man's nose ; it is i r a disease of the man, showing itseii i Tfu-nl exhibition of a ill UlU nw.-v, --" Constitutional trouble." Therefore, he argues, the use of snuff and other local applications is wrong, and while they seem to give temporary relief, they really do more harm than good. Other leading do more harm than good. Other leading authorities agree with Dr. Lewis. Hence the only prop er method cure for catarrh is by taking n constitutional remedy like ilia, which, reaching part of the body through the blood, does eliminate all impurities and makes the whole man healthier, it removes the cause of the trouble and restores membrance to' proper condi tion. That this is the practical re Cult is proven by thousands of people r 1. V.i- who have been cured oi cauum iaking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ifr. X Toxrnrmd Good Family Medicines Hood's S2rsa?nr!;!a and Hood's PHis. -I regard Hood's S.irRrartI. ar.i H !' rtlls. the very t-?t family r.-dl-lr... aa l we aro never wiif.out Uieuu I Ua e.i-y A Dclicato Woman and bPan taHln lloo-.t's Sararari'.'.a Ore years ago for that tirt d fi-tilng. 1 1 built ue up bo miickly and so we:i that 1 Uke rtlUercnt wainan aiid hav alwavs bad Rn-at isilh in It- I five it to my chihlrt-u whenever there seems ar.T rouble with their Idood. and it d-H them pood. Jdy littlftboy liitcs !t s will he cries f . r It. I cannot find v.-ords to teM hf-w l:!ph!r I I rli" 1L Ve uso Ilotnl's lilli in tiio Umtly aud ihcj Act Llko a Charm X take pleasure la racoraraendlr.K thesa raedi ,in all my friends, for 1 believe if people NORFOLK. VA. Cuttrv I'll. it; f "' r) ! -r?;- L. Gr. GRADY, .'.. f H-"..'t , f.-f!rr'l ill T. A. f JMi.rl b"AL ! at1 r.-?rr'i' i. l-ty t.. !th .', rv i-!"-"t.i:i'. li.i"n A ft ) '! TV : f t J. '. d H " ' 1 t'l d l 1 1 ;M'.'. at t It! . I B 11 u 11 i ' tp' u.r. joskv v ( (. TitrUH'" crv.un -hftw. d. .;. Thill : .Li 1th t J . ! 11 1 v-rtrNT ,y3. in th" . t!.t : t r tJ.f ".... i I th . .. N Dm on - a -,: . t! ... f; .. : . ; ".!.? - ; -. t 1 1 ! 1 1 " .: 1 Sot our t:k of M n'. Y'-iith"-Pk.i' ' cl-dldmr Udtir pun lia-.iiK' B. r. J - a an I t'U o! i 1V,' l :!.,v bv t!.r hi :d i'.p- .!.-.'.!lt At ths LADIES, LISTI N! MY Hood's every Hood's -s: Cures would only keep Hood's 5rapartna and Hood' mi,.. ... i.i, ,.4 ... vv do. much su'ivii"j ai!t stir- i" i C .vented." MBS. L. lows En,l'.i3ing Sun. Ln laware. " un(1,il-; PiH: set easily, yet promptly and efficiently, oa tae Uvcr cud bowels, c. GEAHD 0PENI1TG PA AND WITER II LIU IR! 5,000 Palmetto for sale. ll-lMt. Tiiesflay ana WBflncsflay, Oder llili anil lBtli, 1893. . :... ..... t.-L ..f frit! Mii)lit..-n. Tin-in- It. C. JOSF.Y cC v0. One Winship Cotton Gin for sale, t.iieal. li. C, Josey & Co. Read This ! Dress Good ! Dress Goods stvles and in single patterns at Latest 13. Josey's. Epsinsle and Corteceila Silks, Bead ed and Plain Gimps and Silk Velvets at low prices at X. B. Josey's: o: Dozen Ladies' Silk and Leather Belts, all colors and styles at X. B. Josey's. Ladies' and Gents' Kid Gloves, shades at reduced prices at X. B. Josey's for the holiday trade. Those who II. C. Josey & to. deal Jn Christmas goods especially are 1. r.t tr.,,vluovf. for f:lll trade, h.ooiitifvinii' tlipir stores with such I VVJ IV V'L 1 l'li1 " '-" ' fv.ii -i. ' ' cr things as will delight the children, and the grown folks too. It is now time to put farm machinry under cover for the winter. One rea son why some fail so signally is because they do not take the proper care of their property but allow their hoes, plows, rakes &c, to lie around all the winter and -become misplaced before spring opens. Friend, if your name doesn't appear in the paper "when it should, don't get mad with the editor ; for he is busy at .5u imoa rinrir.cr tliR dav and hasn't time to watch the movements of peo ple. When you come or go, let us know. We'll thank you for it. An exchange says that teachers should so arrange their scheme of exer cises that children could learn all then- lessons at school, and not have to bring their books home to study. The argu ment is that the child should prepare his lesson under the guidance of the teacher and not of the parents. There is some reason in the statement, but we are inclined to think that they ought to study at both places. Tax Notice. Last Call. How's Thjs? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not U cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney it Co. Prop., Toledo O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the ht 1" years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially ol.le o earrv out anv obligation made bv their Hi in. West it Truax, Wholesale Drugi.t Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken lntern- n.. .,ti,,r rlire'tlv uoon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system i 7.V oer bottle. Sold by all Drug 1 liVV i v, A Testimonials iree. .in imiticiw -IiK'k '5 i.i:. no ' . . . . . ........ , i w-t - ;., ..li .... n .in iiu.'in u i'. it. m' ".I.'1M 111 .III " 'i ....... KibU.n- in ct r) im.i;ir.:n and e have rocen e ful Hat aud 15 ;ui t Tijw and Noeltie- (juality. T:.rr ..re no tn-ke - out tin- m.i.ji. ami i"'- v ' i 4.1' I."' . rp.. 1 I W.l,.,. 1 . opening next iiu'-i;i mm J. P. FUTRELL, v- v r ,H '-" LT S( ori.ANi r.f k. .. y .. all The Celebrated Anchor Brand Col lars, Cuffs, and Shirts at X. B. Josey s. Call and examine our line of Ladies' and (rents' Underwear X. B. Josey. The handsomest and most complete f iiTnhrellns in town at JIHV "l H"- '" m 13. JOSEY'S. X. BRICK'. 1,000 BRICK W OK Contracts taken for all kinds of brick wok-Ic. Contracts taken to make brick anvwhere in Halifax or adjoining counties m lots of 50,000 or upwards. 20,000 FEET OF LUMBER, S.000 SIILXGLES FOR SA LE. At Court. The editor, pro-tern, was in Halifax attending court Monday and Tuesday of this week. Consequently the get up of the paper may not be so well done l While nt, eourt we were ClO O 00(10 IT - struck with several things that trans pired, and chiefly by the business-like bluntness of the Judge. When Capt. Grizzard asked for one of the jurymen to be excused on account of sickness. Judge Bynum said, "I see, Mr. Griz zard, that you have in Halifax county the sickliest set of men I ever saw to act as jurymen." That was a merited rebuke, no doubt, for sometimes men will plead sickness when they really are not. Some business was done, but it struck us as being a waste of time, and a great deal of it. One Guano case occupied half a day and just as the counsel began their pleas the Judge said the evidence was not sufficient to go to the jury, and therefore he con her time. It is our 1111LIV,VI J v l " we hone it will Jl 1 C L I 1 1 1 1 V ill ' 1 1 ' J. be the last. All persons owing Town Tax, are hereby requested to settle same during the next 10 days, or I shall levy and sell same at once. C. W. Dux.v, Collector. innMW We want one m every n.u u!j3 U town to handle JM THE JACK FKOST FKKKZKli. U1 umiu. gists. FOB SALE!! A a ve a a veil rientitie M.i. bine m 'le -n a I heir r-t a doen turn or oi.pv. A cliiM can n--rat it f. r pri-C! and die-tint . i:i:ay ti:i:i:t, M'.w yi:k u . !( Iltll.'- Pit. It I N-lb .a ' gbt. nd NOTICE. I am now ready to collect the taxes in Talmvra and Koseneath townships, l j ... .-. all tax payers arc requested io coim forward and pay them at' once, I will be at Talmvra Xov. 2Sth ; Hobgood Dec. 1st ; and Itoseneath Dec. 5th to collect taxes. 11-23-dt. B. D. Gkay, Collector. Makes Ice Cream in Thirty Seconds l!'! MCI HI AT F I MiMEDOC STOCK FARM, p- I Medoc, N. C. C .... ..,. E. W. HYMA1T, Dealer in Genera! Merchandise, Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, t of Valii Lai HALIFAX NOTES. Warrex County Superior Court Before W. A. White, Clerk. n TJnrton. Thomas W. Haw- 1 1. - , Vin and llobert O. Burton and Ld- wor.l I, .Travis, late partners as Burton & Travis, et als. Adcdnst J. O. Hentinstall, M. E. Xewsom and t." a n Jiifkson. Executors of John W. Heptinstall, deceased, et als of a iudtrmcnt, render- P(i OTl tlie 7th dav of Xovember 1, I will sell to make room : SJk.cs. I l it-. Hardware, Tmw.Ke W ,1 .-rid Wil !PtrK row AS THE LOWEST ORDERS bOI.ICITEl). D. A. MADRY, 3 10 Iv Scotland Xeck, X. C. EXECUTOirS NOTICE. if. .vino- n nidified, as Executors under iii ;7f she bite Y. II. Shields, de- rei-ed, the undesigned herebv notify all persons holding claims against said W II Shields to present them to its or to our attorney, E. H. Smith, on or be fore the 7th dav of November 1SJ4, for pavment. All persons indebted to the e-tate will please make jjayment. This Xov. 7. 1893. W. M. Shields, ) J. E. Shields, Executors. W.D. Shields, ) II. Smith, Atty. A. Sugg Jr., Acquitted. I. A Sugg, Jr., who killed newsboy James at Hobgooti last Aiay, u- quitted at the Halifax court last Friday. The jury staid out seventeen minutes, and returned a verdict in w hich they declared that the killing was done in self-defense. Young about thirteen years of age. Sugg is Halifax, X. C, Xov. 21,1893 The second week of Superior Court is still in session, several cases of minor importance were tried no to day, an in teresting case is expected to come up this, p. m. of A. L. Sheppard it Co., vs T. T. Gaskins that may consume the remainder of the week. This case is represented upon both, sides by the best legal talent that can be had. There i a larsre attendance this week and court is expected to continue all the week. L- A By It. AIMIIMSTII VlWS NOTICE. u.,, ;,, rovdified as administrator on i ..., nr, Tu.ili . Snields, de- ceased. I hereby notify all lersons hav ing claims against her estate to present them to me. or my attorney, j. Smith, on or before the 2nd day of Xovember 1S9-4, for payment All per sons indebted to the estate will please make pavment. This Xov. 2, 1S93. J. E. Shields, Admr. Bv K. H. Smith, Atty. H 9 Ct Sick at College. We regret to hear of the serious ill rf Afr. It. (L Allsbrook of this place at Chapel Hill. Lie has been very sick for several days, but at last accounts was improving. The Demo opat hones that Mr. Allsbrook will V, iV-V soon be entirely well and will have no trouble in regaining the place in his classes he had before getting sick. Protracted Meeting. The meeting held by Rev. C. A. Jen kins at the Baptist church, is a very interesting one. Large ciuub aucuu the services and much interest has been manifested. One conversion lias been made and several penitents have mani fested interest in the prayers of Chris tian ieople. Mr. Jenkins has been preaching the pure gospel and not making any exhibition of rhetoric ora tory, and his words are listened to with ! marked attention by nis congregation, Hoods and only Hoods. Hoods Sarsaparilla is carefully pre pared from Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Dock, Pipsissewa, Juniper berries and other well known remedies, by a neculiar combination, proportion and procesf, giving to Hood's Sarsa parilla curative power not possessed by other medicines. It effects remarkable cures when otner preparations fail. Hood's Tills cure biliousness. to build FINE 15EEF. I am now supplying the home mar ket with beef from X. Biggs' stall fed cattle. K. AllSbrook. 11 9 tf has been in for Chamber- Mr. W. M. Terry, who the drmr business ai i-imwi, twelve Years, says : ' Iain's Cough Remedy gives better sat ;..f.,in thnn nnv Ot her cough medi eine I have ever sold." There is good thw Xo other will cure n eold so ouickly : no other is so cer tain a preve dive and cure for croup; no other affords so much relief in enses of whooping cough. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Air castles are very easy but verv hard to inhabit. You feel faint and weak in the stom ach no apatite, lake bimmons Liei Regulator. An army of tramps is said to be com ing South. Mr. Cleveland has appointed Ex- President Harrison's brother to a good place under the government. Many people suffer for years from troublesome and repulsive sores, boils, and eruptions, without ever testing the marvelous curative properties of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The experiment is cer tainly, worth trying. Be sure you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla and no other. Xorth Carolina is rapidly coming into notice as a great mineral produc ing State. bv the clerk of the Superior court of Warren countv, m the above entitled cause. I shallon the ISth of December, 1893, at the warehouse in the town of Littleton, proceed to sell for cash and to the highest bidder, at public auction, the dands whereof the Lite Jonn w . Heptinstall, was seized at the time of his death, and which were devised by his last will and testament, described as follows : The Morecock tract, contain ing 90 acres, situated in Halifax coun ty? and Faucett's township, it being that tract whereon J. J.; .nipe nt-.-, and adjoining the lands of J. J. Collins. J E. Morecock and tne home place of the late J. Y . Johnston:; tne iuu tract, containing 1 acres, situate! in Halifax countv, and adjoining the lands of J. O. Heptinstall, W. W. Butts and Jim Morrbw ; the Jenkins tract, containing 7 and 9-10 acres, situated in or near the town of Llttteton. c., and adjoining the lands of W.W.Jones, L. W. Bagley and Miss Mary A. Beck ham. . . The Jackson lot, containing of an acre, situated in the town of Littleton, n-d adjoining the lands of E. A. Jack on. T. J. Bobbitt and lying between Furgerson and Moore streets. The Mottev lot, containing one acre, situated in the town of Littleton, and adjoining the lands of J- P. Leach, Frank Heptinstall and E. A. Bobbitt and fronting on Railroad street. The Spruill lot, containing of an acre, situated in the town of Littleton, rmd ndioinimr the lands of W. E. King and J- II. Bobbitt and fronting on Fur gerson and Moore streets. The Young lot, containing H acres, situated in the town of Littleton, and ndioinins the lands of S. Johnston, the colored public school lot, and fronting on Railroad street. The Leggett lot, containing H acres, of Littleton, and adjoinin- the lands of S. J. Stalling', J. J. Myrick and W. E. Spruill, and fronting on Moseley avenue, it being the lot whereon C. G. Moore lives. If the preceding lots and lands are not sufficient to satisfy the said debts of the decedent, then I will sell the lands of Mrs. C B. Heptinstall. Edward T. Clark, 11 10 It Commissioner. ft isiX 2-YEAR-OLD FI LLIES BY j ALL-M AMBKIXO. Il2 YEARLING FILLIES BY OS ALL-MAM BRING, i VlLOUT OF ITIT CLASS MARES. r(rT m?inil MARES IX K i FOAL. OR SUBJECT TO Ml- VICE. ! ALSO 8 GOOD MULES, YOUNG AXD OLD, TO SUIT THE PUR CHASER. H. S. HARRISON, 3Ieloe, Halifax County, N. C. ll lfitf FASV1SLY GROCERIES, TGlJA'GO TOBA o AND AND 41 ft CIGARS. CJi.AR. than any n, .i ,-,11 and 1-e eojn Miee. oilier merchant in S-othuid Nh k. I that I ":" ' M-'" I ALSO CARRY A- Full Line of CoflfBCtionsriBs, Gakes, Fancy Candies, etc. HAHH000 RESTORED "Norvo SnorM. 11 lirnn 111, 11 J and llo Eanh t. NORFOLK, Worn ' J7 ). y, iroi. lent !'. rry in. - J''"V' ','. iitiV-ir r.r.l'r O A.-.nil'MM.. A'.Ur.i-n ....... HEFOUL AN FOR SALE PY E T. VV N ITKHKA D it (r, r o. C. A. Xa-h. A. R N -m VA. i i.i-r-- 1 C. A. In ASH a SON, .MANUKA TURERS AND DEALER- IN - - SASHES, BLINDS. DOORS, MANTELS, MOULDINGS STAIR-WORK, HARDWARE, PAINTS, &6. No--. 7 :v. '. IlOA.VOKi: IMX'K. Norfolk, Va. J om LARGE rrocK: of FINISHED Monuments AND Grave Stones READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. -o o- Wriie for nriees anl de-izns R'fore ordering elsewhere. An inquiry may save you dollars. o 1 1 v TI "Mill" BICYCLE IS TIIZ III THS oM: wv, Notice. SPRING FRAME RIGID FRAME, LARGE FRONT WHEEL, SMALL I RONT WHEEL, CORRUGATED TIRES, SMOOTH TIRES. ROUND SPROCKET, ELLIPTICAL SPROCKET. M A M O M n m-riivi iu-e reoue-teu not to tho. re-r.eterv with their horse-. Clllti uiv. - . Rr.v. W. J. Smith. Stockhoi;lei 3Ieetinsr. The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Xorth Carolina Lumber I V-.v-t Tin t- X' Will held in the town of V, VJiJi Jin' " " Tillerv, at the office of the company, on the 1st day of December next, at eieht o'clock, p. in. Harold H. Fries, President. II I - -I'M J.U.J V A!AI .1 U 'Jo THE 1E OF .IRLS, young lad1 j, hoys AND YOUNG MEN. lou SALE l:V E.T. WHlTKHKADArf ., COMBINATION

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