Stanly's G:ld. Stanley Xeu:s. Only about a month ago gold was discovered on W. S. Ingram' land, and at once Mr. Ingram allowed par ties to commence prospecting for the same. As a result in about ten days the entire neighborhood became great ly excitcl. As many as fifty men le gan search at or.c, and an extraordina rich find has been the result. Last Saturday a nugget weighing ' dwt. was found and a great many others ranging from of a dwt. to ?A) dwt?, and the farm of about 200 acres that could have been bought fo .fJ,"00 has suddenly been increased in value to an extent unknown. Some say .?.",000 lias been offered for it and others -f 12, 000. As to the manner of working the mine, the old-fashioned rocker ia used, but often the gold in clearly de tected without the use of the rocker. Mr. Ingram does not want the mine develoied any farther. It bids fair to rival the Tel; Saunders mine. To Protect the Souvenir Coins. Exchange. The World's fair directors find them selves in possession of some 25,000,000 souvenir half dollars which they have been unable to dispose of at .11 each. They feel that it would be an injustice to the people who have paid their dol lars for souvenirs to issue these at their face value and have decided rather to have them coined over in ordinary halves paying the expenses of so doing at the mint. Notice to this effect will be sent to Washington in a few days. The di rectors are determined that there shall he no glut of the coins on the market, and people who have paid .$1 for them will probably soon find their value above the cost price. Confession of an Editor. JJj-rh'l.tgr. A .'mail boy in Maine, who brought home a mud turtle from a jond a quarter of a rnile awny, noticed that whenever let free, the turtle set off in a 1-ee line direction to the pond. The boy tried to eonfu-e the turtle in every wav he could devi.-c, but the turtle was too smart for him and always started off in the right direction as if he knew where he was going and was bound to get there in the quickest time possible. And now the boy has puzzled the a hole township by demanding to know how that turtle knew in what direction his ancestral pond lay. 5,000 Palmetto Asparagus Plants for sale. J. Y. Savage. ll-lo-4t, SCOTLAND NECK STEAM DYE WORKS. Moruxixo Goods a Specialty. (ret price list. Address Scotland Xeck Steam Dyeing Co., 11-21-ly Scotland Xeck. X. C. 633fi Vf 5T0FPFU. FREE 1 k- u .vrn r.'U r?- i a n Tisane Persons restored, j S Dr.KLINK'SUKEAl NERVE RESTORER '&sbr cV run k K" k ui .st:s (huu ,ure l-FAl l ir.t.z if t'k.n ai :iir:-r:c '.. t't ri-r,.t ,.., Ir.t ami t? I-ial bottle fr.e to tZfn pai.rut. tl'cy payin? fi,r)Mi:vftcii bo whrn -9rM-ei"4. Scn.l'V 1". '.l eir:f" 9ildr- of tilad to l it. Ki.lSJ-. .'-' S . V. i adrii-bla. , Pa. S.inrtia- WAK I U ! A lt.V.4 HtAtOS TJMBEELLAS, Marine Journal. Following is the confession of an ed itor, clipped from one of our marine exchanges. lie says, in making up his yearly statement. "Been asked to drink, 11,326, drank 11,32(5 ; requested to retract, 41G ; re tracted, 110 ; invited to parties fishing for puffs, 3,383; took the hint, 83; didn't take the hint, 3,300 ; threatened to be whipped, 170 ; been whipped, 0 ; didn't come to time, 1 ; been promised whisky, gin, etc., if we would go after them, 5,211) ; been after them, 5,219 ; been asked what is the news, 3,000,000 ; told 23 ; didn't know, 201,902 ; lied about it, 90,800 ; been to church, 2 ; changed politics, 32 ; expect to still, 58 ; gave to charity, $5 ; gave for a ter rier dog, $25 ; cash on hand, $4." Turning tho tables on Mr. Depow. Charily and Children. "Some years ago, says a writer in the Detroit Free Press, who might have been imagining and might not, "I was in a small town in Xew York State where Chauneey Depew was bill ed to make a speech that night, and it hapjened I stopped at the same hotel he did. Just after supper the editor of the local paper dropped in to see Mr. Peiew and the distinguished gen tleman proceeded to have some fun with the country journalist. He had, too, and every now and then he round ed up a sentence against the editor by saying : "Oh, you can't believe every thing in the newspapers," the editor, having used newspaper matter verv largely in his argument. "After the speech making was over the editor met Mr. Depew in the hotel office again, and there was a big crowd present. " ' ell, my friend,' inquired the genial Chauneey, 'what did you think of my speech ?' 'The editor hesitated a moment. " 'Are you,' he asked solemnly, 'the genuine Chauneey M. Depew? " 'Certainly, why not?' " Are you the one that all the news papers have been saying was the finest epeaker, the greatest talker, the sharp est stumper and the brightest wit before the public?' pursued the editor. " 'I guess I'm the one,' blushed the gentleman. Why?" "Oh, because you can't believe every thing there is in the newspapers,' and Depew shook hands with the editor and called it square." For biliousness and headache Sim mons Liver Regulator is the best medi cjne the world ever saw. H. II. Jones Macon Ga AT N. B. JOSEyS. 5-25-tf Scientific American Agency for A 1 TS J t3&r- CAVEATS. TRADE MARK3, For information and f roe Handbook -wrUo to MUNN & CO.. 31 lSlioADWAY, Ktff YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patei Is in America. Kvery patent taken ovt by us is iTought before the public by a notice given 1'rca ol charge in the jlficuttfic JUnmnw Largest circulation of any scientific papar In tha world. P.pl6idly tllustraf ... No iiitelligwn man eho- Jir without it. Weekly $3, tf Mar; "'' " f"'vrv,-' reg3 SIP ' S ' ' i:iii -w V THE GREAT PROGRESS OF FLECTRIG1TY. Medical & Surgical Institute for tho Treatment of IsronI rriv:5t, Female, and ali OrAK VTEEH in all cases arransr'l aixi taken. Send foil tnts ir. stamps for book on abi.'rp diseases, and how to -cure '.belli. Call or ad.lress, OR. ALBERT F. SWELL & Ctf., Mention thit proper. KnAlvj'le, TtfiH. 1 12 lv a 5 T lv tut 4 cured it Puine with-,M.. AUaata, Gr. Office IC-iViiitcJjaj f. W. L. DOUGLAS 03 SHOE noTOp. Do you wear them? When next In need try a pair. Cest in the world. $5.00 $4.00 3.50 $2.50 $2.25 2.00 FOR r $2.50 $2.00 FOR LADi5S $2.00 1.75 FOR BOYS l.75 If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, made lu the latest styles, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $1.00 or 53 shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and wear as well. If you wish to economize in yourfootwear, do so by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for it when you buy. W. JU. UUL'ULAS, lirockton, Maas. Sold by 10 12 St N. B. JOSEY, F t 1 1 f I i i U4 Mr JA)1. J WJI IMfiMhil A SLUGGISH LIVER CAUSES Constipation, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Nervousness, AND DISTURBS THE SYSTEM GENERALLY. For all such ailments, and to impart a natu ral, healthy tone to the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels, take AYER'S PILLS Every Dose Effective GRYSTAL LENSES TRAOt MARt. Stulitj First asl AlTayj. K. .TF.XIvIXS. (Jeneral Jrerchant, bas fix-rlnsivfi .ale t these ( elehrateci Glasses ia Scot land Xeck, X. C. From the factory of Kc-llam tt ?ioore, the only complete optical plant in the south, Atlanta, (ia Roanoke Poultry Yards, J. C. LA88ITEII & CO., - - Props., RICH SQUARE, X'. C - -I (--( I- -t H t- -I r- H t- -t H 1- -t- TJlack Mixokcas a Specialty. THOKoroniiKED Xox-sittehs. Laying Capacity 200 to 250 EGGS A YEAR. -. -tl- -th -t-t- - -t I- -h -t t- -- - - -t - -f WE HAVE RAISED $700 WORTH OX OXE ACRE OF LAXI) from four pullets and one cockerel since April 21, 1S92. Ago of pullets when bought five months old, cost $12.50. They lay more eggs than any chickens on record, so stated by all poultry men. We will carry next season 1,000 pullets. We will also have $1,000 worth of eggs. The chickens are black, willow colored legs, clean of feathers, plumage glossy very large wattles, white earlobes. Xo pullets for sale this sea-on. Hen eggs $1.50 for 13. Cash must accompany all orders. Respectfully, 11 5 ly J. C. LASSITER & CO. XOTICE. This is to certify that J. C. Lassitcr it Co.'s Black Minorcas are thorough-bred. We bought eggs and had a good hatch and are satisfied with our purchase. This Sept. 0th, 1803. Stekx it Reteksox. NORFOLK & CAROLINA 0. R. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. ATLANTIC COAST LLNE. WILMINGTON AND WELIN ILULKO.M ANMKASCHfc coexskiTscii KDULE. TRAIN C,4)ISC, .H'T!I. Date.1 Xo. 15. Xo. 23, X. 27. Xo. 11. j August 1, Dailv. Daily. fast mail. - laily cx j iwf3 " Dailv. Sunday, j ' z i Loavc Weldon 12.35 pm 5.7 p m; Arrive R-ky Mt., J r.ul p m i.23p" 2.1pm 7.C0 p m I 7.N) A m U'xxo Vi! .n 2.30 p m i Arrive Sf'm i 3-3" p tn Leave Selma "-3 p m Leave Gold-toro 3.15 pm 7.10 pm S.3tam Leave Warsaw 4.14 p m i 3.() a m Leave Magnolia 4.27 p m S. 4 j m 1. 1 1 a m Arrive Wilmington ".() p m .55 p m J 1.25 a in TKAINS GOING NOUTH. Xo. CO. No. 14, Xo. 7S, Xo. 40. Daily. Daily. Daily. D ex. Sun. Leave Wilmington 2.35 a m IM5 a m 4.2 p in Leave Magnolia l "'l a m K57 a m ''.(2 p in Leave Va7av 11.11 a in -1" P i" Anive Golu-' o-o 2.55 a m 12.U5 a m 7.10 p m Leave Faettoville 15 a in 1.20 p m Arrive Selma 1 135 a m Arrive Wilson 11.35 p m Leave Wilson 3.35 am 12.5s j, m S.U p m Arrive Rocky Mt., 4.03am 1.35 pm 8.30 p in Arrive Tarboro 0.30 a m 2.18 a in Leave Tarboro 12..S a m Arrive Wcldon 5.05 am 2.55 am 10.00 p m We are Still in The Ring The Democrat Trains on Scotland Xeck Branch road leaves Weldon 3.30 p m., Halifax 4.00 p m, arrives Scotland Xeck at 4.48 p m, Greenville 0.2S p m, Kint.n 7.30 p m. lioturninsr leaves Kinston 7.20 a m. (ireenville 8.22 a m. Arriving Halifax at 11.00 a m., Weldon 11.20 a m, daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washington 7.00 a m, arrives at Parme !e 8.40 a m, returning leaves l'armele 7.(5 in., arrives Washington N.45 j m. Daily exceit Sunday. Connects with trains on Albemarle and Raleigh Rail road and Scotland X'eck Branch. Train leaves Trtrboro, via ARemarle it Raleigh road Daily except Sunday, 4.40 j m, Sunday 3.30 p m, arrive Williamston, 7.18 p m.. 4.20 p. m.. I'lyinotith 8.30 m, 5.20 p m. Returning leaves Rlymouth, Daily except Sunday, 0.OO, a. ,n. Williamston 7.30 a m., 0.58 a m. Arrive Tarboro 10.40 a in. 11.20 a m. Trains on Southern Division, Wilson and Fayetteville Branch leave Fayctte ville Branch leave Fayetteville 5.30 p m, arrive Rowland 7.11 a m. Returning leave Rowland 7.35 a m, arrive Fayetteville 0.10 a m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Midland, X". C, Branch leaves Gold.-boro, daily except Sunday O.OO a m, arrive Smithfield 7.30 a m. Returning leaves Sniithfield 8.1XJ u m, arrive (Joldsboro 0.30 a m. Train on Xashville Branch leaves Rock- Mount at (5.20 p m. arrives X'ashville 7.15 p m., Spring Hope 7.40 pm. Returning leaves Spring Ho e 8.00 u in., X'ashville 8.35 a m. Rocky Mount 0.15 a m., daily, excejt Sunday. Train on Clinton branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily except Sunday at 0.20 p m., and 11.15 a m. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 a m.T and 3.10 p m connecting at Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday at 0.20 p m, and 11.15 a m. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 a m., and 3.10 p m., connecting at War saw with Xos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Trains X"o. 57 Southbound and 14 Xorth will stop only at Rocky Mt, Wilson, Gokisboro and Magnolia. Train X'o. 78 makes close connection at U eldon for all points Xorth dailv. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line, also except Sun- dav, with Xorfolk and all points north via Xorfolk? JOHN F. DIXIXE, 11. KEXLY, Gknekae Si p't Sup't Tkaxs. T. M. EMMERSOX, Gen 'I Passenger Agt. lob : Pnntmii o Office issTiu. i'Ui:.rAKi:i) ru no Dated August 1st, 1803. Daily ex. San. South Bound Trains. Daily ex. Sun. Xoith Bound Trains. Statioxs Xo. 103 Xo. 23 P. M. A. M. Xo. 73 Xo. 102. P. M. A. M. 2 10 9 15 Lv Xorfolk Ar. 0 00 10 5 2 40 0 04 Pinners Point 5 35 0 30 2V$ 10 07 Drivers 5 11 0 84 3 10 22 Suffolk 4 57 8 51 3 40 10 58 Gates 4 23 8 31 4 10 1110 Tunis 4 05 S 15 4 21 11 37 Ahoskev 3 45 0 33 5 02 11 53 Aulander 3 31 7 58 5 20 12 32 Hobgood 2 54 7 10 5 57 12 54 Ar. Tarboro 2 35 0 55 Ar. Lv. 5 57 1 25 Rockv Mount 2 o5 0 30 P. M. P. M. T. M. A. M. To Be SI. )::( WE WILL SELL AT OUR DRUG STORE. )::( SCOTLAXD XECK, X. C, Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic UNDER A GUARANTEE That one bottle will cure Chills and Fever, Malarial Fever, Bilious Feqer, Typhoid Fever, Swamp Fever, Fever and Hemorrhagic Neuralgia and LaGrippe, and failing to so will refund the money. E. T. "WHITEHEAD & CO., tyPrune Syrup and Senna is the best of all fruit laxatives. 7 14 ly Xo 23 curies pullman parlor car Xorfolk to Kockv Mount and connects with A. C. L. Train 23 for all points south. . X'o. 103 connects at Hobgood for all eastern Carolina points, also at Rocky Mount with A. C. L.4 tram 27 for all points south. Xo. 8 carries pullman parlor car Rockv Mount to Xorfolk and connects for all points north. For all information schedules call on or address G. M. SERPELL, J. R. LEXLY Gen'l Manager Sup't Trains T. M. EMERSGX, Gen'l Passenger Agent Caveats, find Trade Murks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Office is Opoorl' U. S. Potent Office, eni we can genre pot n: In losr, tirae than those remote from Wnshin."tc::i- Ser.d mode', drawirg ! phctc. with descrip tion. We adviff. n phcital.c or n.-.t, free of cbarsre. Oar fc? n--t duo till patent i secured, A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," witfc names of actual clients in your StaT.c, co'onty, or lown, sent Irec. Acaiese, ow&co, c. Opposite Paiiirti i .-rl?2. Washins'.cn. O- I FREE TO ALL:' Our New Illustrated ' Catalogue of Plasis, f Roses, Bulbs, Visrs- Shrubs, ObnamentaiI X SEES, bM ALL t RCTTS, Grape Vines, Seetj3, etc, will be mailed Free to all applicants. 100 pages. Most com plete Plant Catalogue nbllshed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 20 Boss Houses. 45 Greskoousbs; 30 acres Nubsebies. Address NANZ &. NEUNER, Louisville, Ky. ' v v n n r vriaru . h f t v v,v .v.-e -X- 1 4 pounds, 2 )Ounds, 2 pounds, First Class Job Printing. IX AXY QUANTITY DESIRED. LOWEST PRICES AT WHICH IT WAS EVER OFFERED. ORRESPOND with us for Special Prices on large lots, payable Cash, on Time, or in Shipments of Cotton. SEND US YOUR COTTON AND PEANUTS IF YOU SHIP THEM HERE. Address : 0 22 im J. W. Perry Company, Cotton Factors and Cotton Commission Merchants Xorfolk, Va. E8SV H. M. BARNES & CO., COTTOH FACTOR nmTTm i t H 'JH ' i mi QBKBRAL COMMISSION ilJ MERCHANTS, Chickens, Eggs, General Produce, Fruits. Lumber a Specialty. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED AXD PROMPT ATTENTION GIYEX ALL BUSINESS. TO Refekexce : City National Rank. 6 22 3m 6 Roanoke Dock, XORFOLK, YA. R. C. JOSEY CO., (Succcessors to Edmonds-ox a y.) The firm of Ivlmondson & Josey has dissolved,and the business is now conduct ed at the same old stand, under the firm name of R. C. Josey a Co. -A FULL LINE OF--A FULL LIXE OF- General Merchandise, G-roceries, Dry G-oods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Tin, Crockery. GLASS, WOOD AXD WILLOW-WARE, INCLUDING MAXY THINGS THAT CAN NOT BE FOUND ELSEWHERE IX TOWN. ALSO' Best Cook Stoves -AXD- Farm Implements. We are making a specialty of OBELISK FLOUR and Lightning and Mawn' Fruit Jars in pint, quart and half gallon sizes. Thankful for the patronage and consideration of our friends in the past, and entering upon the New Year with enlarged advan tages, we hope to give entire satisfaction to our patrons, and we guarantee lest quality of goods with 1 12 tf prices to suit the times. Such As Letter, Note & Hill 1 leads, Knvelopes, Statements. Pamphlets, Price I.Ms. Posters, Dodders, Wed ding and Visiting Cards, Ball and Supper Tickets; And anything! else you want in the Job Printing Line. Satisfaction G-uaranteed Every Time. STARVATION PRICES. TI OLD HON CENTRAL LIFE : INSURANCE .' COMPANY, (Xow with about $1 'MrtM!(K.') .Wets, Not a dollar of wlii h -the law of ( hio permit to le put on fluctuating M rui iiic- .f am k ir. i HAS FOR THE LAST TEX YEARS REALIZED nR HER I.NM I.I.h- The very highest interest rate and very much the lowest death rate of OF ANY COMPANY. These are admittedly the grfat points of iitre jmhI from il." - sources are derived the Dividends or profit- for the in-uir 1. .11 d 1! is a fact which is easily understood that we pay the -. law umis or m company in the m. We give a policy oontraet that b-eautifiilly combines ti e virtues of the high and low pri'-- kinds of policies i--tu-d by other Companies. The Union Central i in the le id of all other Companies in Combining the-e irtoe-. and also putting The Full Legal Value of said policy (according to the highest standard; at the command of the insured. BE EX" TAKEN IN THE UNION CENTRAL. WE ALSO WRITE All kinds of Policies. Call on the Company's Agent for full explanations, E. E. HILLIARD, Agent. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. '2 1'' '